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Cimi | Saviq, mhr3 could you refresh me the possible scope settings types? | 08:00 |
Cimi | pls? | 08:00 |
Saviq | Cimi, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.10/index/#scopesettings | 08:01 |
Cimi | Saviq, thanks | 08:01 |
Cimi | Saviq, I created a folder and doing a widget factory like for preview widgets | 08:01 |
Cimi | Saviq, already hooked up to the api | 08:02 |
Saviq | Cimi, k | 08:02 |
Cimi | mako is improving so much | 08:33 |
dednick | Cimi, mhr3: what time at brixton? | 08:51 |
dednick | 2? | 08:51 |
dednick | or maybe a bit earlier | 08:52 |
mhr3 | 2 sounds good | 08:52 |
dednick | mhr3: how about 1:30 . gives us plenty time to get sorted and back to Cimi's for our standup. | 08:54 |
mhr3 | ah, right your standup... | 08:54 |
dednick | Saviq: could you review https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/uqmlscene/+merge/229081 please? | 08:57 |
dednick | and Cimi: https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/indicator-polishing please? | 08:57 |
Saviq | dednick, hmm you don't really *need* uqmlscene do you, you don't have the need for MouseTouchAdaptor, do you... you'd only need the fake testroot thing so tryFoo doesn't try to run the test | 09:00 |
dednick | Saviq: yah | 09:01 |
Cimi | dednick, our standup is at 3:30 | 09:02 |
Saviq | dednick, I think we only need to register a singleton with that name, we already have the test util plugin | 09:02 |
dednick | Saviq: how come we're not registering the singleton with the test util plugin in unity8? | 09:03 |
Saviq | dednick, because we already had uqmlscene there ;) | 09:03 |
dednick | or just "because" | 09:03 |
Saviq | dednick, I'll have a think and will comment on the MP | 09:04 |
dednick | Cimi: yeah, but 2pm is kinda late for meeting for lunch anyway! | 09:04 |
Cimi | yeah | 09:04 |
dednick | Saviq: i'll give registering in plugin a try | 09:04 |
Saviq | dednick, yeah, only thing is we don't want to always register it, only when try*, not when test* | 09:05 |
Saviq | dednick, so we might need a separate import path to make this happen | 09:05 |
Saviq | dednick, maybe it's possible to check whether something's defined in the context when initializing the plugin, and if Qt.test.qtestroot isn't there, register the dummy | 09:06 |
dednick | Saviq: it will only done under test though, does it matter if it's done in test*? | 09:06 |
Saviq | dednick, qmltestrunner won't work if you override it | 09:07 |
dednick | Saviq: ah | 09:07 |
dednick | i wonder if it will override one already defined. Or if it will already be defined when initing the plugin. | 09:08 |
dednick | one way to find out! | 09:08 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: there was some talk about the dash background scrolling? | 09:09 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, yeah | 09:10 |
tsdgeos | or did i misread something? | 09:10 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, bug #1350891 | 09:10 |
ubot5 | bug 1350891 in Unity 8 "[Dash] Suru Background should scroll" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1350891 | 09:10 |
mhr3 | Saviq, so.. reverting dash-as-app yet? :P | 09:10 |
Saviq | mhr3, didn't merge it yet :P | 09:10 |
mhr3 | Saviq, ah right, so just dropping the landing then? :) | 09:11 |
Saviq | mhr3, no, why? | 09:11 |
mhr3 | Saviq, no reason, i'm just being annoying :) | 09:12 |
Saviq | mhr3, you failed, then ;P | 09:12 |
mhr3 | bah, will try harder next time | 09:12 |
* dandrader having to use Lubuntu now because of the freeze he's getting when logging into his Unity 7 session :( | 09:15 | |
Saviq | biab | 09:18 |
dednick | Saviq: hm. doesnt seem to matter if you register it or not. | 09:30 |
dednick | i mean "if you do", for test* | 09:30 |
* greyback waves hello | 09:37 | |
MacSlow | hey greyback | 09:38 |
mhr3 | Saviq, bcmwl broken again :/ | 09:38 |
dandrader | greyback, o/ | 09:45 |
Cimi | Saviq, shall we start importing Ubuntu Components 1.1 in new files? | 09:58 |
dandrader | greyback, https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/fix_lp1350917/+merge/229585 | 10:00 |
greyback | dandrader: got it | 10:00 |
dandrader | greyback, now checking if it fixes https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1352571 as well | 10:01 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352571 in Unity 8 "With dash-as-app, showing the dash while an app is loading freezes" [Undecided,In progress] | 10:01 |
Cimi | mhr3, a scope with settings different than boolean? | 10:06 |
mhr3 | Cimi, a real one? doesn't exist atm afaict | 10:07 |
Cimi | ah damn | 10:07 |
mhr3 | Cimi, aren't you mocking it anyway? | 10:11 |
Cimi | mhr3, I will mock in tests | 10:12 |
Cimi | mhr3, for each of them... | 10:12 |
Cimi | wanted to see how it is supposed to work | 10:12 |
mhr3 | Cimi, well you can just edit the settings ini for whichever scope you want and add there all the supported types | 10:13 |
Cimi | mhr3, you show me this afternoon | 10:13 |
Cimi | mhr3, are those real? the boolean settings I have are set to false | 10:28 |
mhr3 | Cimi, what are you testing exactly? | 10:29 |
Cimi | mhr3, music scope settings | 10:30 |
mhr3 | [com.canonical.scopes.grooveshark] | 10:31 |
mhr3 | type=boolean | 10:31 |
mhr3 | defaultValue=true | 10:31 |
mhr3 | displayName=Display results from Grooveshark | 10:31 |
mhr3 | so should be true | 10:31 |
Cimi | mmm | 10:31 |
Cimi | here seems false, might be qml loading shit | 10:31 |
Cimi | like delayed or so | 10:31 |
mhr3 | maybe you already set it to false | 10:31 |
mhr3 | or there's a bug in reading this | 10:31 |
Cimi | mhr3, it's undefined for me | 10:34 |
Cimi | (I think) | 10:35 |
Cimi | mhr3, yeah defaultValue is undefined for me | 10:38 |
Cimi | mhr3, displayName is defined | 10:38 |
mhr3 | Cimi, it's just "value" | 10:39 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, but there seems to be something weird | 10:39 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, if i do | 10:40 |
mhr3 | QML2_IMPORT_PATH=/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/unity8/qml/ ./run.sh musicaggregator | 10:40 |
mhr3 | (in plugin's tools/settings) | 10:40 |
mhr3 | i get | 10:40 |
mhr3 | file:///home/miso/projects/unity-scopes-shell/tools/settings/Settings.qml:62: Error: Cannot assign [undefined] to bool | 10:40 |
greyback | dandrader: you have a comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/fix_lp1350917/+merge/229585 | 10:41 |
pete-woods | mhr3: just having a look now | 10:41 |
Cimi | mhr3, should be defaultValue from the specs | 10:43 |
mhr3 | Cimi, no, you're not looking at your spec | 10:43 |
mhr3 | Cimi, this is your interface - http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity-api/trunk/view/head:/include/unity/shell/scopes/SettingsModelInterface.h | 10:44 |
Cimi | ah ok | 10:44 |
pete-woods | mhr3: yeah, it looks like we've stopped getting the default value somewhere along the way | 10:46 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, fixing, right? :) | 10:47 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, +test ;) | 10:47 |
pete-woods | mhr3: once I know what's wrong | 10:47 |
pete-woods | tbh I thought the tests covered it | 10:48 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: this was actually easier than expected :S https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom/+merge/229594 | 10:54 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: can you give it a quick try to make sure i did not miss something? | 10:54 |
Cimi | mhr3, so what is properties? | 10:58 |
Cimi | there | 10:58 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, ^? | 10:58 |
pete-woods | Cimi, mhr3: it's used for the "list" type | 11:00 |
Cimi | ok | 11:00 |
pete-woods | mhr3: it seems like michi has changed the structure of the variants that comes through from the scopes API | 11:00 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, hm, how come the tests didn't catch that? | 11:00 |
pete-woods | mhr3: they just push in what we had agreed on as the variant format | 11:02 |
dandrader | greyback, updated | 11:02 |
pete-woods | as opposed to loading them through the scope machinery | 11:02 |
greyback | dandrader: ta | 11:02 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, oh it's not a real test? avoids registry? | 11:03 |
dandrader | greyback, as I'm using lubuntu, xchat notifications are not working it seems | 11:03 |
dandrader | thus slow irc response | 11:03 |
greyback | dandrader: no worries | 11:03 |
pete-woods | mhr3: yeah, it avoids starting the registry | 11:03 |
mhr3 | pete-woods, and that's why i prefer real end-to-end tests | 11:03 |
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch | ||
facundobatista | Hola! | 11:19 |
Cimi | when to use accepted() and when triggered in textfield? | 11:21 |
Cimi | dednick, mhr3 1:30 right? | 11:21 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: no top-approve for https://code.launchpad.net/~paulliu/unity8/divider20140729/+merge/228708 ? | 11:22 |
dandrader | greyback, rejected https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtmir/always-forward-focus-requests/+merge/228659 in favor of that bugfix | 11:23 |
dandrader | https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtmir/always-forward-focus-requests/+merge/228659/comments/556946 | 11:23 |
dednick | Cimi: yup | 11:23 |
Cimi | tsdgeos, I suppose we need design review for that | 11:23 |
Cimi | tsdgeos, from screenshot looks rather bad | 11:23 |
greyback | dandrader: that works I guess | 11:23 |
mhr3 | Cimi, ah, shoot, should go | 11:24 |
mhr3 | Cimi, might be a bit late... | 11:24 |
Cimi | mhr3, move your ass | 11:24 |
dandrader | Saviq, hmm, so we really need that fixed to get dash-as-an-app in? https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/dash-as-app/+merge/228534/comments/556829 | 11:32 |
dandrader | will look into it then | 11:32 |
Saviq | dandrader, it should be an easy fix | 11:43 |
* dandrader hopes so | 11:44 | |
Saviq | Cimi, yes, import UC 1.1 and QtQuick 2.2 in new files | 11:44 |
Cimi | Saviq, thx | 11:45 |
dandrader | Saviq, do you recall which qmltest had this failure? | 11:45 |
Saviq | dandrader, testDash | 11:45 |
dandrader | Saviq, thanks | 11:45 |
Saviq | dandrader, I'm adding your fix to silo 7 then | 11:45 |
dandrader | hmm, might be just about updating a mock... | 11:46 |
dandrader | Saviq, and please also remove https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/qtmir/always-forward-focus-requests/+merge/228659/comments/556946 | 11:46 |
Saviq | dandrader, yup, did | 11:46 |
Cimi | Saviq, tsdgeos previewWidgetFactory says is LGPL 3, other files GPL 3 | 11:49 |
Cimi | mistake? | 11:49 |
Saviq | Cimi, wrong, everything should be GPL 3 in unity8 | 11:49 |
Cimi | ok | 11:49 |
Cimi | we need to change header | 11:49 |
pete-woods | Cimi: I have an MR here that fixes the settings https://code.launchpad.net/~pete-woods/unity-scopes-shell/fix-settings-variant-change/+merge/229603 | 11:54 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, 'fraid you did forget about some cases... https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom/+merge/229594/comments/556972 | 11:54 |
dandrader | Saviq, should be fixed now. all qml tests hand for me currently (even with unity8 trunk). so cannot confirm. might because i'm using lubuntu. do they need a unity session to work? | 11:56 |
dandrader | s/hand/hang | 11:56 |
Saviq | dandrader, they might, for upstart and stuff | 11:56 |
dandrader | damn it | 11:56 |
Saviq | dandrader, we'll know soon enough | 11:56 |
Saviq | dandrader, but that's something we should fix FWIW, it shouldn't be needed to run a unity7 session for those at all | 11:57 |
dandrader | Saviq, exactly. if you give me some hints on where to look at. I'm motivated enough to go after it. that's kinda blocking me :/ | 11:58 |
Saviq | dandrader, make -v should show you the exact commands | 11:58 |
Saviq | dandrader, now I think of it, it can't be upstart... qmltests don't rely on anything like that | 11:59 |
dandrader | Saviq, it' | 11:59 |
Saviq | dandrader, they should be self-contained, everything mocked out | 11:59 |
dandrader | it's really hanging. not even closing the uqmlscene window by clicking on its close button works | 11:59 |
dandrader | Saviq, could it be waiting for some absent dbus service? | 11:59 |
* dandrader tries running under gdb | 12:00 | |
Saviq | dandrader, something like that might happen, yeah | 12:00 |
Saviq | dandrader, but whatever service it's waiting on - it shouldn't, should be mocked out, so that needs fixin' | 12:00 |
dandrader | ok | 12:00 |
Saviq | Cimi, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/dash-activity-indicator/+merge/228718 is back on your turf btw | 12:03 |
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Cimi | Saviq, oki | 12:11 |
dandrader | Saviq, the problem is with qmlscene (ie, Qt) itself. qmlscene on any file makes it hang. guess I will have to face it and try getting a working Unity 7 session | 12:12 |
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Saviq | <Saviq> tsdgeos, 'fraid you did forget about some cases... https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/seeLessStuckBottom/+merge/229594/comments/556972 | 13:00 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: i don't understand your comment in paulliu's branch | 13:01 |
tsdgeos | "Yeah, but we only do the if(running) because of the bug above." | 13:01 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, we wouldn't need the if() at all | 13:01 |
tsdgeos | which if running ? | 13:01 |
tsdgeos | there's a "not" in there, no? | 13:02 |
Saviq | well, yeah, sure | 13:02 |
tsdgeos | then what's the difference the diff makes? | 13:02 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, it should be if(!event.isAutoRepeat) | 13:02 |
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Saviq | tsdgeos, not much, just prepares us for when that bug will get fixed ;) | 13:03 |
tsdgeos | well | 13:03 |
tsdgeos | not really | 13:03 |
Saviq | or probably not really, since we'll only get isAutoRepeat | 13:03 |
tsdgeos | i just don't understand why the change | 13:03 |
tsdgeos | if no need, just revert it | 13:03 |
tsdgeos | because it's doing exactly the same | 13:03 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, well, it wouldn't (not as clearly), if the condition was !event.isAutoRepeat | 13:04 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, instead of the !running | 13:04 |
Mirv | Saviq: I'm getting two errors with the new qtdeclarative in unity8, could you check? landing-020. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7960985/ | 13:04 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, but yeah, whatever ;) | 13:04 |
tsdgeos | sure, but the condition is not !event.isAutoRepeat | 13:04 |
tsdgeos | is !running | 13:04 |
Saviq | Mirv, you don't have bluetooth enabled | 13:04 |
Mirv | Saviq: correct, but that seems to be the default (maybe?) since I tweaked the automated gatekeeper job to run these and got the same errors | 13:05 |
Saviq | Mirv, nope, suggests something changed | 13:05 |
Saviq | Mirv, but not in qt, if anywhere it's the bluetooth backends that changed behaviour | 13:06 |
Saviq | Mirv, but smoke is fine on the last image http://ci.ubuntu.com/smokeng/utopic/touch/mako/172:20140805.1:20140728.1/9490/unity8/1488110/ | 13:07 |
Mirv | Saviq: ok. still weird why I get them but they are not seen on the dashboard even with the latest image. | 13:07 |
Saviq | Mirv, not sure, just flashed two of my devices and have BT here, although I didn't wipe | 13:07 |
Mirv | Saviq: well, if you have a moment your device is free, please run with landing-020 dist-upgraded and report back. I'd like to get some kind of confirmation it's not a regression. | 13:08 |
Saviq | Mirv, just running silo 7 tests, will do 20 after that's done then | 13:08 |
Mirv | although it'd be quite a weird Qt regression. | 13:08 |
Saviq | +1 | 13:08 |
Mirv | Saviq: thanks. just leave me a message and I'll check in the morning. meanwhile I'm rerunning again on the jenkins job, and I try to get the app results done (starts to look good overall) | 13:09 |
Saviq | Mirv, you only need me to do unity8, not all of them? | 13:10 |
Saviq | Mirv, then unless you're EOD'ing now, you'll have my info back today still ;) | 13:10 |
Mirv | Saviq: unity8 is enough. | 13:11 |
Mirv | the gatekeeper job will take 5h and I'll want to see those results too before publishing decision | 13:11 |
MacSlow | is anyone able to log into s-jenkins:8080 atm? | 13:12 |
MacSlow | I keep getting java-exception failures "Exception: org.openid4java.message.MessageException: 0x100: Required parameter missing: openid.mode Stacktrace: ..." | 13:12 |
Mirv | MacSlow: success here, just logged in to test | 13:13 |
MacSlow | Mirv, hm... ok | 13:13 |
MacSlow | Mirv, odd... s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080 did work... s-jenkins:8080 did not | 13:16 |
Saviq | MacSlow, that's expected, you're not supposed to use plain s-jenkins for a long time now... | 13:18 |
Saviq | MacSlow, so maybe you reached some other service? | 13:18 |
Saviq | MacSlow, or the service requires the full domain now.. | 13:19 |
MacSlow | Saviq, guess my browser history (auto-complete) played some tricks on me | 13:19 |
Saviq | MacSlow, in any case, drop *-jenkins: from your history, yeah | 13:19 |
MacSlow | some easy lp-karma up for grabs: https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/fix-1346394/+merge/227606 https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/fix-1335787/+merge/227334 | 13:28 |
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Saviq | MacSlow, the first one does not cater for http:// icons for example, should we (like we do everywhere else) require explicit image://theme/ if someone wants to use a theme-sourced icon? | 13:34 |
Saviq | MacSlow, the second one... you can just force http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qml-qtquick-text.html#textFormat-prop to Text.PlainText... and then, shouldn't we require the users to send us non-html-escaped content? | 13:36 |
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Mirv | Saviq: ok, I actually already got what I needed from gatekeeper (gallery passing), so it's all up to unity8 passing with landing-020 | 13:49 |
Saviq | Mirv, starting now | 13:56 |
MacSlow | Saviq, regarding the symbolic icons... we use these already for the main icon... so jumping ship like you suggest now would require more patching... regarding the text-filter, having the notification strip this for me (as a app-developer) is something I would welcome instead to have to do that myself in app-code... we also do this in notify-osd alreadywell I | 13:57 |
Saviq | MacSlow, I'm not really sure that's helping the developer... if we wanted to help him, we should give them a library that will do the cleanup, not clean it up "up there" | 13:59 |
Saviq | MacSlow, re images, I'm not saying we should do this now, but that should be our goal IMO | 14:00 |
MacSlow | Saviq, regarding the symbolic icons... if we would require the app to send in the prepended "image://theme/" that would make it probably impossible to as icons to ComboButton-entries via the action-label. | 14:00 |
Saviq | MacSlow, that's a special case, where we should require this to be a themed icon in which case we prepend image://theme/ unconditionally | 14:01 |
MacSlow | Saviq, were should we find a home for the text-filter? I'm happy to add it there. | 14:01 |
Saviq | MacSlow, in general where images can be either local, themed or remote, we should require absolute uris | 14:01 |
Saviq | MacSlow, I don't think we need one, there's libraries for html-unescaping for every language out there... | 14:02 |
MacSlow | Saviq, also for all those <b>, <i> etc? | 14:02 |
Saviq | MacSlow, ah well, difference here is fdo spec allows formatting does it? | 14:03 |
MacSlow | Saviq, yup | 14:03 |
Saviq | MacSlow, ok in that case we probably need to live with it, but we can get Qt to do most of the things for us | 14:04 |
Saviq | MacSlow, by forcing PlainText on the Label | 14:04 |
MacSlow | Saviq, the filter as in the branch does filter html, pango-tags and some other stuff... all which we found (ran into) during the notify-osd days | 14:04 |
Saviq | MacSlow, yeah, we're in new days now ;) | 14:04 |
MacSlow | Saviq, I know... but then we'll also have developers coming over from the old days... probably expecting similar behaviour :) | 14:05 |
Saviq | MacSlow, I don't think we should bring stuff like that over, this is the new World Order, in which we punish devs for doing bad things to us :P | 14:05 |
MacSlow | Saviq, I need to put that quote up somewhere! :) | 14:06 |
Saviq | MacSlow, in this particular case I think we should just strip anything allowed in fdo (Qt will do most of that for us) | 14:06 |
MacSlow | Saviq, I'll need to read up on both sides to see what I've to leave in and what get's automatically stripped by Qt's PlainText-flag | 14:07 |
Saviq | MacSlow, you might also pass it through something like https://qt-project.org/forums/viewthread/43640 | 14:09 |
Wellark | Saviq, dednick: let's land silo 1 | 14:09 |
Wellark | https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity8/modeminfo/+merge/225159 | 14:10 |
Saviq | Wellark, 'fraid it'll have to wait for silo 7 | 14:10 |
Saviq | Wellark, we're already in the process of landing it | 14:10 |
Wellark | Saviq: ack | 14:11 |
dednick | Saviq: er, what's silo 1? | 14:11 |
dednick | Wellark's work? | 14:11 |
Saviq | dednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~unity-api-team/unity8/modeminfo/+merge/225159 | 14:11 |
Wellark | dednick: yes | 14:11 |
Saviq | Wellark, I'll try and land it today still | 14:11 |
Wellark | now, charles has tested it on mako and I tested it on a dual sim device | 14:11 |
Saviq | (I mean silo 1) | 14:11 |
dednick | Saviq: ok | 14:11 |
Wellark | Saviq: ok, thanks | 14:11 |
Wellark | dednick: could you top approve? | 14:11 |
Saviq | dednick, we just need a top-ack on the MP ;) | 14:11 |
dednick | Saviq: haven't actually tested it yet :) | 14:12 |
Saviq | yeah, so that'd be a requirement for landing it probably ;) | 14:12 |
Wellark | me and charles did the testing, but additional testing is welcome | 14:12 |
dednick | hm. guess that means i need another sim card... | 14:12 |
Wellark | dednick: no you don't | 14:16 |
Wellark | the whole idea is that you don't need to have a sim on the other slot | 14:16 |
Wellark | that case the indicator will just display "no sim" | 14:16 |
dednick | Wellark: to get the modem items in the indicator | 14:16 |
Wellark | dednick: there will be modem items even though you don't have a sim | 14:17 |
Wellark | you will see it | 14:17 |
Wellark | just try it :) | 14:17 |
Mirv | Saviq: arr. I just noticed that the gatekeeper errors are different. they are the network thing which is also broken on #172. so I believe the bluetooth thing was only on my device and I got others to pass, and you'll probably get the network ones (broken via ofono or sth). so probably it's good. | 14:24 |
Mirv | I only now noticed the new #172 errors. | 14:24 |
dednick | Wellark: is there not supposed to be "No SIM", or an icon displayed at top of indicator? | 14:25 |
dednick | Wellark: i mean on the panel | 14:25 |
Wellark | dednick: nope | 14:27 |
dednick | Wellark: because at the moment, other than not having the cellular strength icon, i have no idea that I'm not connected to a network | 14:27 |
Wellark | dednick: would be kinda wasteful as the user is well aware that he has no sim | 14:27 |
dednick | Wellark: is that spec'ed in design? | 14:28 |
Wellark | dednick: can you post a screenshot? | 14:28 |
dednick | Wellark: because i'm sure i saw designs with a no sim icon | 14:28 |
Wellark | dednick: it's inside the indicator | 14:29 |
Wellark | what are you seeing? | 14:29 |
mhall119 | mhr3: we don't have any docs on developer.u.c describing the different scope customization parameters and how to use them, is that something you have documented somewhere already that I can just copy/paste onto the site? | 14:29 |
Wellark | dednick: an ofono landing seems to have destabilized indicator-network. you might be seeing problems related to that | 14:31 |
Wellark | I'm investigating | 14:31 |
mhr3 | mhall119, like this? http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.10/index/#deployment | 14:32 |
Saviq | Mirv, yeah, network's fine here, probably got the fix from mterry already | 14:32 |
mterry | I fixed networking? | 14:32 |
* mterry pats me on the back | 14:32 | |
dednick | Wellark: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/85539674/test.png | 14:32 |
mhall119 | mhr3: ah, I was looking at the 14.04 docs | 14:33 |
mhall119 | I need to update links to point to the 14.10 ones | 14:33 |
mhall119 | mhr3: how about customization of the cards themselves? | 14:34 |
mhr3 | mhall119, btw formatting of the "code" boxes is broken - they loose newlines, is that something you could fix? | 14:34 |
mhall119 | mhr3: got an example? | 14:36 |
Wellark | dednick: you have one sim card inserted? | 14:36 |
dednick | Wellark: i have no sims | 14:36 |
Wellark | dednick: how does it look like inside the indicator menu? | 14:37 |
dednick | it has the no sim modem info item | 14:37 |
dednick | Wellark: ^ | 14:37 |
Wellark | dednick: ok. then it's functioning correctly. what are your concernes? | 14:38 |
dednick | Wellark: did you get a design request for the change to not display "No SIM" in the panel as spec'ed on the wiki? | 14:38 |
mhr3 | mhall119, http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/scopes/sdk-14.10/index/#settings_definitions vs http://developer.ubuntu.com/api/devel/ubuntu-14.10/cplusplus/unity-scopes/#settings_definitions | 14:38 |
Mirv | Saviq: so your run finished without errors? | 14:38 |
Saviq | Mirv, not *just* yet, should be done in a mo | 14:41 |
paulliu | Just back. | 14:41 |
Saviq | paulliu, welcome back, travel ok? | 14:41 |
Saviq | kgunn, got dash-as-app around? any videos on your device? | 14:41 |
paulliu | Saviq: yeah. safe. Delay a bit due to bad weather. Or I should be able to participate the stand-up. | 14:41 |
Cimi | Saviq, how about putting scope settings and previews in a loader? | 14:42 |
Mirv | Saviq: okie | 14:42 |
Mirv | Saviq: I ready my finger on the publish button | 14:42 |
Cimi | Saviq, they both want to stay on the same anchors | 14:42 |
mhall119 | mhr3: ah, yes, so the line is technically there, but it's an empty <div> which is being squashed by CSS, I can fix that | 14:43 |
Saviq | paulliu, we just finished :) | 14:43 |
Saviq | Cimi, yeah, well... we should just put them all in a stack, really... | 14:44 |
mhall119 | mhr3: can you file a bug against lp:api-website for that? | 14:44 |
mhall119 | so I don't forget it | 14:44 |
Saviq | Cimi, put them in Loaders, or make them invisible, whatever you want, we'll have to do stack soon anyway | 14:44 |
Cimi | Saviq, I'll do invisible then for now | 14:45 |
kgunn | Saviq: lemme update...i had y'days | 14:45 |
Cimi | it requires less code (no bindings from listview to loader idem) | 14:45 |
mhr3 | mhall119, no such project? | 14:45 |
Saviq | kgunn, davmor2 reported his Videos carousel doesn't show stills, mine does, so trying for a third opinion here | 14:46 |
kgunn | yep... | 14:46 |
kgunn | Saviq: i'm gonna update on the image i had y'day's devel proposed... | 14:46 |
kgunn | if that matters | 14:46 |
Saviq | kgunn, shouldn't, just dist-upgrade from silo 7 | 14:47 |
kgunn | yep | 14:47 |
davmor2 | Saviq: so to update, If I do a search it displays the thumbnailed image, I then clear the search and the thumbnails in the carousel are still blank | 14:47 |
Saviq | davmor2, awesomely interesting... and that persists across reboots? | 14:48 |
davmor2 | Saviq: that's what I'm trying now | 14:49 |
mhall119 | mhr3: ubuntu-api-website, sorry | 14:50 |
davmor2 | Saviq: certainly looks that way :( as I say if I click on the show all arrow I see thumbnails for all of the videos just the carousel that keeps not showing them | 14:50 |
Saviq | davmor2, crazies :| | 14:51 |
cwayne1 | Cimi: hey any ETA on when emblem support may land | 14:53 |
Saviq | cwayne1, soon | 14:54 |
Saviq | cwayne1, day, two | 14:54 |
mhr3 | mhall119, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-api-website/+bug/1352928 | 14:54 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352928 in Ubuntu API Website "Code boxes squash empty lines" [Undecided,New] | 14:54 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: you're aware of https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1352929 , right? | 14:54 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352929 in Unity 8 "testDashContent crashes if run in a loop" [Undecided,New] | 14:54 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, I've heard of it, yes ;) | 14:55 |
Saviq | davmor2, can you put one/some of your videos somewhere for me to dload? | 14:55 |
davmor2 | Saviq: http://people.canonical.com/~davmor2/Blaenavon%20-%20Into%20The%20Night%20.mp4 | 14:56 |
Saviq | davmor2, that's mako, btw, is it? | 14:57 |
kgunn | Saviq: yep ...i see what davmor2 sees, no video thmnails | 14:57 |
Saviq | Mirv, +1, all passed | 14:57 |
davmor2 | kgunn: and if you click the see all arrow do you see thumbnails then on the spaced out screen | 14:57 |
Saviq | kgunn, crazies, can you flash fresh and see if that's really dash-as-app's fault? | 14:57 |
kgunn | Saviq: sure | 14:57 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: ook, just wanted to make sure ;) | 14:58 |
mhall119 | thanks mhr3 | 14:59 |
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Saviq | kgunn, davmor2, reproduced on mako, not dash-as-app's fault | 14:59 |
Saviq | I think I know what's happening, too | 15:00 |
kgunn | Saviq: cool | 15:00 |
Saviq | we need to be setting sourceSize, and apparently the video thumbnailer craps out now when it's not there | 15:00 |
=== dandrader is now known as dandrader|lunch | ||
Mirv | Saviq: !! thanks for joining the testing | 15:02 |
Saviq | kgunn, davmor2, I'm +1 on silo 7 then, davmor2 can you please file a bug for unity8 about the missing thumbs? | 15:05 |
davmor2 | Saviq: will do | 15:05 |
kgunn | Saviq: i'm +1 on it as well | 15:06 |
kgunn | i did testing y'day before the swipe freeze fix, everything else looked good, incl unity8 desktop | 15:07 |
Saviq | davmor2, so it's in your hands now ;) | 15:08 |
davmor2 | +1 | 15:10 |
davmor2 | https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity8/+bug/1352940 | 15:10 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1352940 in Unity 8 "Thumbnails nolonger appear in carousel for videos scope" [Undecided,New] | 15:10 |
Saviq | greyback, ACK on https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/fix_lp1350917/+merge/229585 ? | 15:22 |
tsdgeos | mterry: ping | 15:23 |
mterry | tsdgeos, hello! | 15:24 |
greyback | Saviq: yep | 15:24 |
tsdgeos | mterry: how do i set a password on the phone so i get the locker and not the greeter? | 15:24 |
Saviq | davmor2, can we ask you for "Yes" for QA signoff on silo 7 (line 25) plesae? | 15:24 |
mterry | tsdgeos, in system settings, go to the security tab | 15:25 |
davmor2 | Saviq: ah yes one second | 15:25 |
tsdgeos | mterry: i only get like stats, search and diagnostics in there | 15:26 |
mterry | tsdgeos, you don't have a "Lock security" option? | 15:26 |
tsdgeos | mterry: nope | 15:26 |
tsdgeos | shall i reflash the phone? | 15:26 |
mterry | tsdgeos, yeah... you might have an old versikon | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | i'm on r159 | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | not that old i think | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | but let's just flash to be sure | 15:27 |
mterry | tsdgeos, I would expect that version to have it | 15:27 |
davmor2 | sil2100: can you yes qa sign off on line 25 for me please I seem to not have write access, that or give me write access please :) | 15:27 |
tsdgeos | mterry: maybe is because i have "devel mode" on? | 15:27 |
mterry | tsdgeos, shouldn't be | 15:28 |
mterry | tsdgeos, well try reflashing | 15:28 |
tsdgeos | mterry: yep | 15:28 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, 159? quite old | 15:28 |
mterry | I don't actually remember the version where we hit | 15:28 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, it's like a week old | 15:29 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: yep | 15:29 |
tsdgeos | well | 15:29 |
tsdgeos | phone said 30 july | 15:29 |
Saviq | http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/161.changes | 15:29 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, that's a week indeed ;) | 15:30 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, mterry, 161 got settings updates | 15:30 |
tsdgeos | i see | 15:30 |
tsdgeos | so old then | 15:30 |
tsdgeos | i'll review something else meanwhile | 15:30 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, let's make sure tomorrow morning that dash overview is ready, ok? | 15:31 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, there were the things I reported that I don't know if all got done | 15:31 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: do you have a silo i can merge against? | 15:31 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, I've a silo, but no branch :| | 15:32 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: maybe not, do you remember which? | 15:32 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: well, i just merge all the branches of the silo | 15:32 |
Saviq | bug #1348531 | 15:32 |
ubot5 | bug 1348531 in Ubuntu CI Services "Silo branches should be public" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1348531 | 15:32 |
Saviq | grr | 15:32 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, http://people.canonical.com/~platform/citrain_dashboard/#?q=landing-007 then | 15:32 |
tsdgeos | let's see | 15:32 |
tsdgeos | only two branches | 15:33 |
tsdgeos | no that bad :d | 15:33 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/unity8/dash_overview/+merge/228649/comments/554150 | 15:35 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, we're missing the bottom edge hint I believe (unless you did it in the mean time?) | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: ah no, i did not, had no graphics for it | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | sorry i missed that :/ | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | there's conflicts | 15:36 |
tsdgeos | let me merge them first | 15:36 |
MacSlow | Saviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/fix-1335787/+merge/227334 | 15:37 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, ok, so I'll go through that list tomorrow and see that stuff's fine still | 15:37 |
MacSlow | Saviq, replied | 15:37 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: do you know where we set $UNITY_SCOPES_LIST now in dash_as_app? | 15:37 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, unity8-dash.conf upstart job | 15:37 |
tsdgeos | tx | 15:37 |
Saviq | MacSlow, right, I wasn't sure if it strips them or not, probably best to just go through QTextDocument then | 15:37 |
Saviq | MacSlow, as the mentioned question suggested | 15:38 |
MacSlow | Saviq, I see what I can do with QTextDocument in the backend | 15:38 |
Saviq | MacSlow, yeah, you'd just use that as a filter | 15:38 |
Saviq | MacSlow, you put in rich text, and get out plain text | 15:39 |
MacSlow | Saviq, and I was so happy with my regex there :) | 15:39 |
Saviq | MacSlow, yeaaah ;) | 15:39 |
Saviq | MacSlow, whenever I see regexes and <> my eyes start to twitch, too many people have tried "parsing" xml with regexes ;) | 15:39 |
MacSlow | Saviq, gladly xml isn't meant to go through notifications :) | 15:40 |
Saviq | MacSlow, well then, what is html / pango-style then? ;P | 15:40 |
MacSlow | Saviq, not as bad ;) | 15:41 |
Saviq | MacSlow, exactly as bad, it's just a subset | 15:41 |
MacSlow | just a tiny bit | 15:41 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: i'm going to merge and resubmit with dash-as-app as prerequisite, ok? | 15:42 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, dash-as-app is merging now | 15:42 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, so probably not worth it | 15:42 |
tsdgeos | ok, so i'll wait a bit then | 15:42 |
tsdgeos | and just push | 15:42 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: you're also merging https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtdeclarative-opensource-src/+bug/1349705 right? | 15:43 |
ubot5 | Launchpad bug 1349705 in qtdeclarative-opensource-src (Ubuntu) "[PATCH] Flickable gets confused when there's other flickables on top" [Undecided,In progress] | 15:43 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, that's already gone in from silo 20 | 15:43 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, just waiting to migrate | 15:43 |
tsdgeos | oki | 15:43 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#qtdeclarative-opensource-src | 15:44 |
tsdgeos | errr | 15:45 |
tsdgeos | how do i run the dash on the pc now? | 15:45 |
tsdgeos | ./builddir/src/Dash/unity8-dash | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | directly? | 15:46 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: dandrader|lunch: greyback: EdgeDragArea not working in dash-as-app? | 15:49 |
* tsdgeos starts running in circles | 15:49 | |
Saviq | tsdgeos, bottom edge? | 15:49 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: yep | 15:49 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, sounds like something greyback's been working on for the emulator maybe | 15:50 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, should be unrelated to dash-as-app at all | 15:50 |
greyback | Saviq: hopefully, struggling to get the emulator working at all right now | 15:50 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: well, maybe the Dash app can't have a EdgeDragArea since it's not a shell? | 15:50 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, only thing it might not be able to have is the input filter, but I don't think that's happening any more | 15:51 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, the bottom edge is for apps to do as they please, so should work just fine | 15:51 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: well the same code that works in Shell.qml does not in Dash.qml | 15:52 |
tsdgeos | so there's something defenietly missing somewhere | 15:52 |
tsdgeos | ah | 15:52 |
tsdgeos | may be the mouse -> finger adaptor | 15:52 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, on desktop, for sure | 15:52 |
Saviq | tsdgeos, we have some work to do in run.sh and run_on_device.sh for dash-as-app indeed | 15:52 |
tsdgeos | Saviq: ok, so i'll add the MouseTouchAdaptor to the dash app too, ok? | 15:53 |
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Saviq | tsdgeos, yeah, we'll need it there indeed | 15:53 |
tsdgeos | ah, just when you thought you were done | 15:54 |
tsdgeos | a misterious merge gets in the way | 15:54 |
tsdgeos | :D | 15:54 |
Saviq | ;D | 15:55 |
Saviq | olli, kgunn, dash-as-app is all go-ahead, migrating now | 15:56 |
kgunn | thanks! | 15:56 |
kgunn | Saviq: is paulliu's divider branch needed to consider 2nd wave of customization _done_ | 15:56 |
Saviq | kgunn, something else entirely ;) | 15:57 |
Saviq | kgunn, divider colour, I just need an hour to make this happen ;) | 15:57 |
kgunn | :) | 15:57 |
kgunn | and an unlocked project | 15:57 |
Saviq | but hours are scarce these days ;) | 15:57 |
* cwayne1 knows the feeling | 16:01 | |
Saviq | on that note o/ | 16:03 |
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kgunn | elopio: i need to say thank you! for your help landing dash as app...much appreciated | 17:06 |
elopio | kgunn: my pleasure. | 17:08 |
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