
RonsIt looks like we have a few people online00:00
RonsWill everyone just say hello00:00
Ronstonights meeting will focus on suggested meeting topics for the remainder of the year00:03
ruthalicei am not sure of topics. I have so much to learn.  What ideas do you have?00:03
ruthaliceI am taking the EdX free linux course and going to the Baltimore meetup on it starting Wed00:04
ruthaliceMaybe I will have more ideas once I get into the course.00:04
RonsSome suggestions are IRC usage tips, creating and using iso files,continue command line tutorial tips00:08
ruthaliceall these sound great00:08
RonsI am glad you are taking the course00:09
ruthaliceAlso creating a USB stick with linux on it and lots of tools - though what I saw on this before (on KnowHow on TWIT) was about tools for windows pc00:09
jsuterHello from my phone!00:09
RonsWould you like to give us an overview of the course when you finish it00:09
jsuterI've also been taking the online edX course as well. It's been really good so far00:10
ruthaliceYes I will00:10
ruthalicejsuter - what is your name?00:10
Ronsthat's great that both of you are taking the course00:10
jsuterJack. I'm one of the instructors that was at the open house00:11
RonsAre there other suggestions for future meeting topics00:13
ruthaliceDoes anyone have issues with finding compatible linux hardware?  I bought a wireless usb stick that I can't install.  I forgot to check compatability ahead of time. No big deal for that computer00:15
RonsMy rule of thumb is to look for devices that are Win/Mac compatible and they normally work with linux00:17
ruthaliceAnd how about a review of best software - top 20 to install or have people share what programs they use the most and why00:17
RonsGood idea top 20 software on ubuntu or favorite utility program00:19
ruthaliceThe devise I bought works with Windows fine (it is a dual boot computer) but online lots of others have had real headaches with Installing it in Ubuntu - there are wrappers issues and needs to use the windows drivers since there aren't any for linux.  Apparently there are other brands and models that are much more compatible.00:19
jsuterWifi cards and NICs by Intel usually work great out of the box with Linux. Realtek and atheros chipsets are good, but Broadcom's are usually restricted00:19
jsuterIn the spring when we used Ubuntu 10.04 I saw a lot of compatibility problems but with 14.04 this past semester it seemed a lot smoother00:20
Are2VEEtuSorry I'm late.Glad to see this IRC mtg. Miss CALUG because moved away from MD a few yrs ago.00:20
ruthaliceThis is a computer with that I just put 14.04 on.  I guess this is a rare issue - I just needed a reminder to check compatability00:21
jsuterI think wireless cards are typically the trickiest in terms of compatibility. I think this is the one I picked up at microcenter and it worked fine with the latest copy of Gentoo, but I haven't tried it on Ubuntu yet00:25
RonsIt would be nice if they listed linux compatibility on the box. With smart phones you can always do a Google search on devices while in the store or ask a sales person to check compatibility00:25
RonsMicrocenter is an excellent store for computer devices with very knowledgeable staff00:26
RonsWelcome Are2VEEtu00:27
goterpsgoEven if hardware is listed as "compatible", that doesn't necessarily ensure it'll work with your system.  I have an older system that I can't upgrade just yet, and a USB3 card that I bought listed as being compatible was supported after kernel 2.6.34; I'm still running
ruthaliceThanks for the tip re the wireless adapter you have.  And about Microcenter00:28
RonsOne of the other things that we want to do moving forward is to include persons remotely at our regular in person monthly meetings on the 4th Sat of every month.00:29
RonsIt will start with IRC session in conjunction with the meeting.00:29
ruthalicethat is a great idea00:30
Are2VEEtuRemote sounds good but am on 4g in the mountains, so low bandwidth00:30
RonsIn addition we will also continue just the irc session the first Monday of each month.00:30
RonsWhat other suggestions do you have00:31
goterpsgoWill video be part of the meeting?00:31
RonsIt is something we can consider.00:33
ruthaliceRon you were talking before about video software that works with Ubuntu.  What are you considering? Is Google hangouts a possibility?00:35
goterpsgoI second for Hangouts.00:36
ruthaliceAlso Mon Sept 1 is Labor Day.  Are we having a IRC chat on the holiday?00:36
RonsNo irc on 9/100:37
RonsGoogle hangouts is a possibility. The free version supports up to 10 people. Only concern is bandwidth at the College when we have 10-12 people at the meeting and several on hangout00:39
goterpsgoRegarding topics - is it strictly about Ubuntu?  Maybe people would be interested in git or something on Perl?00:40
RonsSome other LoCo tried other remote programs with dissapointing results.00:40
ruthaliceYou can also just broadcast via hangouts which ends up being on youtube - so there is no 2 way.  But people could use irc to ask questions remotely.00:42
RonsThe rule of thumb is that the program will run on Ubuntu so that covers a broad spectrum of subjects00:42
goterpsgoSo the answer is yes :)00:42
RonsI will look at broadcasting on hangouts with irc for questions.00:44
RonsOur next meeting is 9/27. We tentatively have a IRC tips and tricks presentation scheduled along with an overview of a presenation that Stuart Hirsch is giving this month to the Ethical Software Society00:46
RonsAny other ideas or suggestions00:47
Are2VEEtuJust thanks. I'll show up when I can.00:49
ruthaliceThe Sept meeting sounds good and I think I can make it.00:49
RonsThis has been a very good session. Thanks to everyone for your participation00:50
ruthaliceThanks very much everyone.  Goodnite00:50
RonsGood bye everyone00:51

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