
cmaloneyEvening, btw.02:26
brouschcmaloney: The guy in this other Go game is talking about eyes. I guess it's time to read a strategy guide12:45
brouschOh this is lovely http://hardware.slashdot.org/story/14/08/05/0344244/synolocker-0-day-ransomware-puts-nas-files-at-risk12:46
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/fqzdA8 - Synolocker 0-Day Ransomware Puts NAS Files At Risk - Slashdot12:46
jrwrenyour fault for running synology instead of building your own linux nas like a good linux user.12:54
jrwren:p j/k12:54
brouschWell I'm not fool enough to expose it to the Internet12:55
brouschjrwren: Your comment is not a joke on many other Linux forums12:59
jrwrenI know. :(  Its one of the reasons that I'm not a proud community member.13:01
jrwrenI hear they function as pretty good routers too. The dual nic synologies that is.13:01
nullspaceI've seen tons of embedded device vulenablities13:34
jrwrennullspace: me too. I usually see it in cheap crap routers or stuff which was never meant to be internet facing.13:42
jrwrenSynology has a good reputation and is considered to a higher grade than competetors. I rarely see such vulnerabilities in the higher rep stuff.13:42
cmaloneybrousch: Yeah, there's much more under the surface of a go game than meets the "eye"13:52
cmaloneyI'd recommend picking up "Beginning Go" as a good starting point13:52
cmaloneyThe "So You Want To Play Go" series is good as well, but is pretty chatty and doesn't tend to go too far in depth at the beginner levels.13:53
jrwrenYou might say it takes a minute to learn and a lifetime to master.13:53
cmaloneyIf you wanted to be a cheezy commercial for a game, yes.13:54
nullspacejrwren: way to quote the tag line for othelloe14:07
cmaloneyWhich is anything but a game that takes a lifetime to master. :)14:07
cmaloneybrousch: Seriously, this game is fin. :)14:08
cmaloneyThose stones are dead dead dead14:08
cmaloneyAll we're doing is taking territory from the final score.14:09
brouschI guess there was less on the left than I thought14:27
cmaloneyYeah, and the stones in the corner were dead14:36
cmaloneyThat's what your other game is trying to teach you.14:36
brouschWell my other game says half of the board is dead even though it's open space14:37
brouschSo the scoring has me confused again14:38
brouschHow did I get 30? 10 prisoners + 16 territories = 30?14:38
brouschah, I get 2*<your dead stones>?14:39
cmaloney16 + 4 (dead stones) + 1014:39
brouschIt's in the other column, so that's not obvious14:40
cmaloneyYeah, those are essentially prisoners14:40
brouschHere's the other game http://www.dragongoserver.net/game.php?gid=91838214:42
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/zWcd65 - DGS - Game #918382,5914:42
brouschHe tells me all of the black groups are dead, but is playing through it with me and giving comments14:43
cmaloneyThe group on the left is dead14:43
brouschAh, you can see the comments14:43
cmaloneyYou're depriving yourself of liberties with each move.14:43
cmaloneyNo, that's what I'm seeing. :)14:44
cmaloneyAll he needs to do is fill in F1, and you're fucked.14:44
cmaloneyor g1 if you play at f114:44
cmaloneyIt may take a little longer for the top group to get surrounded but there's little you can do to get out of that situation.14:45
brouschIf I get a8 and f3 first, it will destroy the whole thing14:45
cmaloneyThough I'm not sure the top ggroup is dead.14:45
cmaloneyYou can't.14:45
brouschI'm sure he will fill f3 when I get a8, but still possible14:46
cmaloneyAll he needs is to fill in f3 and you're fucked.14:46
cmaloneyYeah, and you can't play there otherwise.14:46
cmaloneyso he's correct. You're fucked.14:46
brouschI need 0 handicap so when I win it will not feel weak14:52
cmaloneySure. Feel free to ignore that invite14:53
brouschI disputed it14:53
cmaloneyThough there's no shame in handicap. :)14:53
brouschIt is not a true win with handicap14:53
cmaloneySuit yourself. :)14:55
brouschHave you begun reading the Go books yet?14:56
cmaloneyYeah, I've been leafing through them14:58
cmaloneyHave also been schooled by GnuGo on occasion. :)14:58
brouschGnuGo whoops me15:00
cmaloneyYeah, you have to set the level pretty low15:01
cmaloneyIt's not a perfect player (skilled players can whoop it pretty easily) but it is brutal to beginners15:02
cmaloneybrousch: http://shop.gogameguru.com/so-you-want-to-play-go-1/15:19
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/t700pJ - So You Want to Play Go?15:19
brouschI finally see how all of my stones are doomed in that other game.16:00
cmaloneyYeah, it takes a little bit of practice, but it'll become apparent.16:01
cmaloneyThis is why there are a lot of .sgf imports in programs; to play out "what-if" scenarios.16:02
cmaloneyin chess it seemed a bit overkill, but in go it's crucial16:02
brouschI can go about 4 moves in my head16:54
cmaloneyYou're better than I. I look at the board anew each move.17:13
brouschI do that too, but try to look at possibilities a few moves ahead. I don't usually succeed though17:20
brouschAnd it's pretty useless early on17:20
widoxhey hey20:02
cmaloneyHey rick_h__20:03
cmaloneyOr should we say "Guten Tag"?20:03
rick_h__guten aben20:06
greg-ghello from London20:28
cmaloneygreg-g: You too?20:38
* cmaloney is feeling the moss growing20:39
cmaloneyAlso: Probably not the best day to be a Justin.tv subscriber.20:48
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/1ESDp - Goodbye from Justin.tv20:48
cmaloney"The Justin.tv website, mobile apps, and APIs are no longer in service. Thank you sincerely for seven years of live video memories."20:48
cmaloneyAKA: Thanks for seven years of content that we could use to leverage our buyout20:49
greg-gcmaloney: here for Wikimania20:53
jrwrenhuh... sad that justin.tv shutdown.22:38
jrwrenthey own twitch.tv, which is THRIVING to say the least.22:38
jrwrenseems like they could have spun justin.tv off22:38

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