
skellatAnother place where technical support is assuredly not offered: https://archive.org/details/Radar_Men__from_the_Moon02:41
jenni[ Radar Men from the Moon : Free Download & Streaming : Internet Archive ] - https://j.mp/1AQ4v2v02:41
thafreakSo what's going on?14:29
thafreakHow many speakers do we need? And is this for ubucon?14:29
belkinsaNothing much.  Anything for you?14:29
belkinsathafreak, I don't know.  skellat should know.14:30
thafreakOh ok...I did a scroll back and it sounded like things weren't looking so good14:30
Unit193A few, and yeah UbuCon.14:45
thafreakHow many more do you need to keep it from getting cancelled?14:54
skellatWell, this won't help us get speakers: https://twitter.com/10TV/status/49668719112986624016:45
jenni[ Twitter / 10TV: BREAKING NEWS: Columbus Public ... ] - https://j.mp/1kDHyLe16:45
skellatApparently the public health agencies in Columbus are testing somebody for Ebola16:45
jenni[ One Person Tested For The Deadly Ebola Virus In Columbus | WBNS-10TV Columbus, Ohio ] - https://j.mp/1kDINdz16:51
skellatAnd then there is this: http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2014-08-05/another-sick-american-undergoing-ebola-testing-time-columbus17:19
jenni[ Another "Sick" American Undergoing Ebola Testing, This Time In Columbus [Update: Tested Negative] | Zero Hedge ] - https://j.mp/1kDOPL517:19
* skellat notes to belkinsa as well as jamesgifford and Unit193 that the outcome is "Further Discussion"18:22
Unit193thafreak: Interested?20:57
Unit193Doing a session.20:59
thafreakI dunno...possibly I guess...20:59
Unit193At least people would be there to volunteer to listen, and likely get more out of it.21:05
belkinsaOh, skellat, where is that poll that you set up?21:13
skellatbelkinsa: Closed early21:15
belkinsaAnd no repsonses?21:15
skellatbelkinsa: Outcome is "Discuss Further"21:16
belkinsaAh.  Anyways, it was unfair that poll.  I didn't get to vote!21:16
skellatGo/No-Go/Further Discuss21:17
skellatbelkinsa: How say you?21:18
belkinsaI didn't even vote.  But I would say Maybe since UbuntuCon is on a Friday and my parents will kill me if I skipped my  classes.21:18
belkinsaOr even ask to skip21:18
* belkinsa still leaves with my parents21:19
Unit193Where you leaving to?21:19
skellatjrgifford: PING21:22
Unit193So, I'd be in favor mainly since we rather made a committment, but not sure where we'd come up with speakers.21:30
Unit193paultag: Dang man, which paultag_ do I ping?22:38
PCLine_Hello everyone.23:15
PCLine_Hello Unit19323:37
PCLine_How you doing?23:37
Unit193Was getting into licensesing crap, so figured I'd do something nicer and clean out a couple drains (man what gunk).  What about you?23:38
PCLine_learning about NFS23:39
PCLine_I am glad drain gunk is not on my ToDo list!23:40
Unit193Ahhh.  Oddly enough, only used that while on XP.23:40
PCLine_Wanted to setup a Cluster and NFS was on the HowTo.23:41
PCLine_Doesnt seem like the right program to me.23:41

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