
mazalMorning everyone05:06
Squirmhey mazal, Tonberry 05:36
Kiloshi nlsthzn  ThatGraemeGuy  and others06:32
Kilosen mazal  nuvolari_  inetpro  06:33
ThatGraemeGuyhi Kilos etc.06:43
inetprogoeie more07:00
Symmetriahttp://pastebin.com/Trwc4Ufy <=== horrible code, but someone might have a use for it ;p07:02
charlgood morning inetpro, Kilos, ThatGraemeGuy, Symmetria 07:24
charland mazal, Squirm 07:24
charlSymmetria: nice !07:25
charlyou still have that logstalgia thing running ?07:25
ThatGraemeGuy'lo charl, inetpro, Symmetria07:25
Symmetriacharl yeah 07:35
psyatwhi Symmetria 07:37
psyatwhi charl 07:37
charlhi psyatw !07:40
charlhow's it going in poland07:41
charlfinally some really nice weather here in NL ...07:41
psyatwpoland is going strong07:41
charlwaited the entire summer for it :)07:41
psyatwand the weather is great too07:41
psyatwit's raining cats and dogs here today :D07:41
charlah we traded weather :)07:42
charlwe had that a few days ago07:42
psyatwit's time for me to start updating my cv, though07:42
charlah yes, i'm also busy looking around right now07:42
psyatwyeah, but last year it didn't rain as much as it has this summer07:42
psyatwI wouldn't mind working in germany but I'm worried about my skills07:42
charlif you find some good java / devops related jobs let me know07:43
psyatwI think I got some offers by e-mail07:43
charlwhat have you done for your cv? i just created it using http://europass.cedefop.europa.eu/nl/documents/curriculum-vitae07:43
psyatwI used the same07:43
charlah good07:43
psyatwit looks professional07:43
charlmy cv isn't very long, it's about a page in length right now07:43
psyatwoh really07:44
psyatwmine is 3-4 pages long07:44
charli like it too, and that you can get it in multiple formats07:44
charlsome recruiters want it in word format07:44
psyatwbut I lack some technical skills07:44
charlbut it's mostly because they want to add their own cover letter for it (i think)07:44
charlalthough they of course give other reasons07:44
psyatwmy big worry is that I don't like my current job and would prefer getting some junior programming job, but I don't know how to break into those07:45
psyatwand I don't want to get stuck doing support or sysadmin work for too long07:45
psyatwalthough a friend of mine told me he worked at ziggo as a sysadmin before and earned good money there07:46
psyatwnow he is working at rackspace in london07:46
charlziggo and rackspace are both good but expensive07:47
charlespecially rackspace their pricing is sky high, i think they are pricing themselves out of the market07:47
Kiloshi charl07:47
charlhi Kilos :)07:47
psyatwhi Kilos 07:48
Kiloshi psyatw  07:48
charlpsyatw: i'm curious, what do you find about cv lengths in europe (in ICT in particular)07:50
charli used to have 2-3 pages but i found it actually worked against me07:50
charlso i cut it down to one 1-2 pages07:50
psyatwcharl, I guess it is a good thing to only put your most relevant work experience in it, but that only happens if you've actually got experience07:51
psyatwmy uncle has a cv that is some 8 pages long, that is a bit too much but it doesn't work against him as he gets hired by big companies anyway07:52
charlthat's different, especially if you go for a job at the top07:52
psyatwas a contractor because he is an oracle and all-round database expert, though07:52
charlbut if you're an "average" programmer07:52
charlthe problem with lots of ict folks is that they tend to be rather arrogant and eletist in their own way07:53
charland they're very quick to say "oh look at this noob" just because you have some php experience listed07:53
charllots of companies in NL are not especially very anti-php as of the last number of years07:53
charlthey seem to think that if you have ever done anything in php you're basically an idiot07:53
psyatwI think it is actually harmful for them to think like that07:54
charlphp might suck as a programming language but there were days where it was one of the best tools available07:54
charlyes i think so to07:54
psyatwit's not as if I've studied lots of things, but it never seems to be quite enough for you to get a certain job07:54
psyatwas if I've not studied*07:54
charlyeah but companies also list their exact stack of software they *happen* to use07:55
charland almost *every* single company has a slightly different stack of software07:55
psyatwict studies really are a major time sink, because not only do you need to know programming languages but alos have experience with their software stacks07:55
charlso it's impossible for any programmer to know it all, even with 10+ years of experience07:55
psyatwyes indeed07:55
psyatwit's like looking for a needle in a haystack07:56
psyatwbut they still persist in that kind of thinking07:56
charli mean i have been in ict now for 10+ years and i still don't know everything, i only know the stuff that i happen to have come across07:56
charlso when i have a conversation with some potential employer, obviously the guy sitting on the other side of the table will know some stuff i don't07:56
psyatwhow can you ever know everything there is to know?07:56
charlbut to make up for it, i know a whole bunch of stuff that they don't, but it seems like you get judged based off what you don't know, and not what you know07:57
charlyeah i get very frustrated, i hate applying for jobs, it's so bad i just want to stick to where i am :)07:57
charlbut i'm sitting on a temporary contract right now, and it's my third year, so they either have to kick me out or make me permanent07:58
psyatwI wouldn't expect someone with 10+ years of programming experience for his/her job to be judged the same way someone who has never worked professionally as a programmer would be judged :) 07:58
charli hear they are shortening it now from 3 years to 2 years maximum, i think it's a good thing07:58
charlyes i agree07:58
charlbut yet it very often happens07:59
psyatwI think it will make you aware of the fact that nothing is permanent and you have to keep looking out for yourself07:59
charlbut companies are also very comfortably riding this whole "temporary" thing07:59
charlit prevents them from having to think long term and build sustainable business07:59
Symmetriaheh, the interesting thing is, most executives are on fixed term renewable contracts08:00
Symmetriain major corps08:00
Symmetria*especially* cXX's 08:00
charlwell that means they have to change cXX every two years (here, in any case)08:00
charlunless there are exceptions made for people in certain positions, not sure08:01
psyatwcharl, but I know for myself that I will never be comfortable working for others anyway, I just want to build some connections and get experience and certificates so I can start my own business together with a few friends from all over the world08:01
Symmetriacharl, nah, those contracts are renewable 08:01
Symmetriaexecutive contracts are typically structured like that 08:01
Symmetriaand expat contracts are like that as well08:01
Symmetriaexpat contracts are structured like that for work visa reasons08:02
Symmetriayou give a guy a contract for as long as his work visa is valid for08:02
Symmetriarenew it when his work visa is renewed 08:03
Symmetriaalmost impossible to give a guy a perm position when he's on a work visa that may expire08:03
Symmetria(like my contract with Liquid, its a 2 year contract)08:03
charloh yeah that's a mess indeed08:03
charlbut i guess that's the way it works when you're in a foreign country08:04
Symmetriaheh the advantage of it is that an employee in that situation can generally demand more money08:04
charli guess in the EU it's different because you don't need work visas in other EU member states08:04
charlalthough that's only for as long as the EU holds... if a country pulls out i don't know what will happen08:05
charlif you really want to live in a country long term, it's best to naturalise as a citizen first thing you get a chance08:05
charlespecially if you have a wife and kids who are natives of that country08:05
psyatwdoes that also count if you are an EU citizen and live in one of the EU countries, though?08:20
charli have no idea, the whole idea of "eu citizenship" is trash imho08:53
charlyou're only an "eu citizen" for as long as your country remains part of the EU afaik08:54
charli guess then it would be like in switzerland where you have favourable immigration terms but no real rights08:54
Kiloswhats a better file manager than dolphin when copying lots of floppies09:36
Kilosdolphin gets to the stage where it opens one 16 times09:36
Kilos14.04 kde09:36
mazalJissie boet , ek is moeg gehardloop\09:37
psyatwI didn't know floppies were still in use09:42
psyatwcharl, but then you would at least have some time to find a wife and get the same citizenship as hers09:43
psyatwhoi mazal09:43
Kiloslol thats why i got the job. sister in law has many years of saved photos on floppy and now wants to save them on new laptop which doesnt have a floppy thing so they bought me an external fd and gave me the job09:44
Kilosmet wat mazal  ?09:44
Kilosi score a screen and the external floppy drive09:45
Kiloshi Private_User  09:45
mazalOom Kilos , met werk09:45
mazalal 3 my sites het goed wat stukkend is09:45
mazalEn 90% van dit is ander mense wat dit breek en ander mense wat ek voor wag om reg te maak09:46
mazalMaar almal kerm by my09:46
Kilosmaar jy is mos die IT man09:47
mazalJa maar het te min se in wat gebeur oom09:47
mazalDis die probleem09:48
mazalEn het geen mannekrag nie09:48
mazalEn is meer die " dirty work slaves "09:48
Kilosohi superfly  10:12
Kilosand whoever i missed earlier10:12
superflyhi Kilos10:19
inetproanybody else here who felt the tremor?10:36
ThatGraemeGuyinetpro: that might've been me, but i had lunch so my tummy has quieted down now11:26
ThatGraemeGuysorry for the disturbance :P11:27
Kilosyip inetpro  was 5.3 tremor in orkney11:28
Kilosrattled the house here11:28
nuvolari_aparently it was felt in Durbs too11:29
nuvolari_didn't feel anything here in Ballito11:29
=== nuvolari_ is now known as nuvolari
Kiloswow orkney to durbs is far11:30
Kilosorkney is near ventersdorp iirc11:30
Squirmnothing here11:35
Squirmand heard a lady speaking from Ladysmith, nothing there either11:36
SquirmAn earthquake with magnitude 5.3 occurred near Klerksdorp, South Africa at 10:22:34.90 UTC on Aug 5, 201411:37
Squirm@eNCAnews #earthquake serious earthquake felt in klerksdorp. Schools evacuation11:38
spinzaYou can see who reported feeling it and where 11:41
spinzaAlso report of you felt it 11:42
ThatGraemeGuyhttp://cdn.meme.li/instances/500x/53299593.jpg <-- LMAO11:49
Kilosi hope it didnt spread the lava in minetest11:56
mazalI didn't feel it. Think because I was driving around that time12:30
mazalBye everyone , have a nice evening12:42
nuvolari:O it's cause of you guys digging around with bots that the earthquake happened15:01
magespawngood evening15:48
magespawnping Kilos15:49
Kiloshi mage16:31
Kiloshi Vince-0 16:31
Kiloshi nlsthzn send the heat man16:42
magespawnback again16:44
magespawnhey Kilos16:44
Kiloshi my magespawn hows you man16:44
magespawngood and you/16:44
Kilossorry i was asleep earlier16:44
Kilosjust cold16:44
magespawnno worries, i also got disconnected16:44
Symmetriaheh so how hectic was the quake today17:05
magespawnapparently they felt it all the way down in durban17:05
magespawnin-laws are in the klerksdorp, the damage at their house was not too bad, but lots to clean up17:07
Symmetrianeed to check with my sister in midrand17:08
Kiloswasnt too bad here in pta by me, house just shook a bit and wondows rattled17:09
Symmetriaman this utopia tv series is seriously MESSED UP17:17
magespawnhave not seen it17:20
Symmetriahrm, wow, doing 100gigs a day of vlc downloads from the mirror17:24
Symmetriathats a fair bit more than the ubuntu downloads 17:24
magespawnwhat sort of vlc downloads? surely not the media player17:26
Symmetriayeah 17:27
Symmetriathe media player17:27
magespawnwow 17:27
Symmetriathe hitcount on the ubuntu mirrors are MUCH higher of course with machines checking for updates17:29
SymmetriaProcessed 2904209 records in 20 seconds17:29
Symmetriaheh since the first of august 17:29
magespawnthat is still impressive considering that vlc is about 30 Mb17:30
Symmetriaso we're averaging around 580k hits every 24 hours for ubuntu17:30
Symmetriabout 7 hits a second average 17:30
magespawnthat must look like DDOS in logstalgia17:31
Symmetrianot really17:31
Symmetria:) you can look in chrome17:31
Symmetriathats live logstalgia 17:31
Kilosis it an official mirror Symmetria ?17:31
Symmetriakilos for vlc? yes 17:31
Symmetriafor all of east africa17:31
Kilosoh not for buntu yet?17:32
Symmetriaoh yeah that as well17:32
Symmetriawe're official ubuntu for ke/tz/ug/rw/bi/sd/so 17:32
Symmetriaoh and zm/zw17:32
Kilosi mean with it show in repos now17:33
Symmetriakilos it should, or if you just choose the country official mirror for any of the countries listed above it will use us17:33
Symmetriamage did you check that logstalgia link?17:34
magespawnbusy watching now17:34
magespawnnever get tired of looking at that17:34
Symmetriaheh it looks most awesome in the mornings when people are getting to work and turning on their machines17:34
Symmetriathen you see it going ballistic17:34
Symmetrialol lemme run an update at home and see if we can make it look fun17:35
Symmetrialol did you see that huge purple stream? that was an apt-get update at home :P17:35
Symmetrialets do an apt-get upgrade now17:35
Symmetriahehe that was cool :) 76meg of downloads in a second or 217:36
magespawnpretty cool17:36
Symmetriaheh its amazing how heavy logstalgia is generating that display though17:37
SymmetriaI tried to generate it through a mesa implementation of opengl17:37
Symmetriainstead of offloading it onto a video card in hardware17:37
Symmetriaeven with all the cpu power I could throw at it, it didn't come CLOSE to handling it17:38
SymmetriaI actually wanna install something to see what its doing to my GPU 17:38
magespawnlooks good from this side, are you running the logstalgia on your machine or on the server?17:42
Symmetriamy machine, only thing with a powerful enough GPU to actually do this properly17:43
charlgood evening people17:43
magespawnhey charl 17:43
charlhi magespawn, Symmetria , Kilos 17:43
Symmetriadamn, its using 25% of my gpu doing that, and considering I'm running a 690 thats massive17:43
Kiloshi charl 17:44
magespawnsounds pretty heavy17:44
Symmetriaheh magespawn well, a 690 is a pretty serious GPU to be eating 25% of it 17:44
Kilosubuntu.mirror.ac.ke 17:46
Kilosis that it17:46
Symmetriakilos no, ke.archive.ubuntu.com or ubuntu-archive.mirror.liquidtelecom.com17:47
Kilosoi i got to find another country then that will show that17:48
Kilosthat was the link next to kenya17:48
Symmetriahuh, I install and tell it I'm in kenya17:49
Symmetriaand it sets default to ke.archive 17:49
Kilosthats the only link i see for kenya17:49
Symmetriaodd 17:50
Symmetriawhere does the tz one point you17:50
Kiloswhats tz17:51
Kilosspeak to canonical again17:52
Symmetriaheh will chat to them tomorrow 18:02
Symmetriawhere do you see the repo list anyway18:02
Kilosmy select best server thing shows18:02
Symmetriacause I just see the official when you do the install 18:02
Kilosin synaptic or update manager18:04
Kiloswhat ubuntu are you running Symmetria ?18:05
Symmetria14.04 18:06
Symmetriabut Im using server 18:06
Symmetriaheh I just install telling it to use kenya mirror18:06
Symmetriaand then run apt-get update18:06
Symmetriaand it finds kenya18:06
Kiloswell tell canonical we dont get the choice18:07
Symmetriaheh I'll speak to them soon as their is a vanguard on duty18:07
Kilosi dont know how to set or change mirrors from terminal18:08
Symmetriaheh vi /etc/apt/sources.list ;p18:10
magespawnor vim18:11
Kilosai! i see lots of mythic.beasts18:12
Symmetriathats the mirror your apt-get update will be using then18:15
Kilosit was the best one last week but not very fast at all18:16
Kilosour za mirror rocked a few months ago then just got sicker and sicker18:17
inetprogood evening18:19
Kiloshi inetpro 18:19
Kilosgrind daai chromium en koper ore ne!18:42
Kilosdan eers cook18:42
Symmetriakilos I've asked several times to be added to the za rotation but graham beneke refuses18:44
Symmetriaand honestly, we should just feed za outta kenya because in terms of bandwidth, and tweaking, and server capacity, the ke mirror is better suited 18:46
Kiloswhy does he refuse?18:46
Symmetriaheh he likes being the host for za and swears he has the capacity18:46
Kilosprove him wrong then, tell him may the best server win18:47
Kilosor speak to mark and ask him to make waves18:48
ThatGraemeGuyevening all18:53
charlhi ThatGraemeGuy 18:54
magespawnhi ThatGraemeGuy 18:54
charli wonder what the benefit is of using the mirror approach compared to debian's cdn approach18:55
charli don't know what debian uses... anycast dns or split horizon dns18:56
ThatGraemeGuydebian CDN uses the geodns patch for bind if i'm not mistaken18:56
ThatGraemeGuywe have actually switched to http.debian.net18:56
ThatGraemeGuyhttp://http.debian.net/ lists the reasons its better, i don't recall them offhand18:57
ThatGraemeGuyjust that we have had no issues since switching18:57
magespawngood night all19:56
Kilosnight magespawn 19:56
Kilossleep tight19:56
Kilosnight guys.sleep tight22:26

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