
TJ-Matt23456: try "hash -p /usr/local/bin/yasm" yasm00:00
Matt23456TJ: puts me in a shell?00:00
TJ-littledude: No, dhclient is launched by Network Manager after the network is started00:00
TJ-Matt23456: my typo!00:00
TJ-Matt23456: try "hash -p /usr/local/bin/yasm yasm "00:01
littledudeTJ- so what could be the cause then ?00:01
Matt23456TJ: k, did that...still same error, lol!00:01
littledudethe whole / is mounted rw00:02
littledudeand if I kill and restart dhclient, it works00:02
littledudeIt's only during the boot that it happens.00:02
TJ-Matt23456: OK, then your compiler script has hard-coded the binary path it seems00:02
lccadminI've got vlc set up to capture audio and video.  Has anyone ever used ubuntu to take somethiing like that and get it onto google hangouts?00:02
TJ-Matt23456: "hash -lt yasm" will show you what bash has cached00:02
TJ-littledude: Do you have a separate file-system for /var/ ?00:03
Matt23456TJ: yasm not found...00:03
littledudeit's on /00:03
kmystis there a build log you can save when you compile a source deb?00:04
TJ-Matt23456: that means you've cleared the cache... it'll be re-added next time it is called. Run the compile, let it call yasm, break the make, and then check what it is set to now, if anything00:04
unclescratchieBashing-om, : tried DD,   reinstalling now, will see what happens.....looks like that little partition went away00:05
TJ-kmyst: "fakeroot debian/rules binary 2>&1 | tee /tmp/build.log"00:05
Matt23456TJ: still yasm not found...00:05
TJ-Matt23456: must be hard coded then, in the Makefile00:05
Bashing-omunclescratchie: Well, That was quick ! .. good luck .00:05
kmystTJ-: ugh, i was afraid of that :/00:05
kmystTJ-: gonna have to recompile eh?00:05
unclescratchieBashing-om, : if this works the next thing will be to get the wifi working00:06
TJ-kmyst: Did you do a customised build?00:06
TJ-kmyst: If it is the default package build, you could look at the build logs on launchpad for that package-version00:06
kmystTJ-: nah, pulled down latest samba source in precise (3.6.3) tried to compile and it fails, i need to compile it with a new flag but if this can't build i'm up a creek ;)00:07
kmystTJ-: that's an idea i hadn't thought of that...00:07
unclescratchieBashing-om, : nope  still died at boot loader install,   lets finish without installing boot and try a manual install00:08
Matt23456TJ: I don't see any yasm references in the make?00:09
Bashing-omunclescratchie: If it works, the easiest thing to get WIFI working is get the lap top to a wired connection and update/upgrade the software. A real good chance the WIFI drivers will be loaded then.00:09
TJ-Matt23456: hang on! Those instructions for building yasm have "--bindir="$HOME/bin" " and the later instructions to build ffmpeg also have "--bindir="$HOME/bin" "00:10
alejandro_vatos que onda morros00:10
Matt23456TJ: I don't follow?00:11
alejandro_me la jale y salio leche00:11
TJ-Matt23456: So if yasm wasn't installed to "$HOME/bin/" then the $PATH will take precedence ... doesn't explain why it seems to miss "/user/local/bin" unless that isn't in the $PATH right now, or not ahead of "/usr/bin"00:11
Bashing-omunclescratchie: Are you doing a standard install, or getting fancy with directing the installer for particular partitioning ?00:12
Matt23456TJ: Is there an easy fix?00:12
dexxlads I have a question00:13
kmystTJ-: where they hide the build log? found the source on launchpad00:13
dexxhere in ubuntu, if I hover my mouse over a gif it starts autoplay, which I don't always like... how do I cancel it?00:13
unclescratchieBashing-om, : just a standard install,  still having a problem   that small partition is gone but I still cant delete the other partitions00:13
TJ-Matt23456: I'm trying to figure out why yasm's configure points to the $HOME/bin when nothing else has been installed at that point, but regardless of that, it should be installing its binaries under "--prefix="$HOME/ffmpeg_build"00:14
kmystTJ-: nm got it :)00:14
Bashing-omunclescratchie: " I still cant delete the other partitions" are you using GParted from within the install ? or from the liveDVD ?00:15
MikeM_Is there an ubuntu-md discussion?00:15
Matt23456TJ: I can't understand why the 12.04 package manager is still running with the old version in the repos00:16
unclescratchieBashing-om, : from live cd but gparted not working,  must be some kind of write protect on all of it00:16
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TJ-Matt23456: It's 12.04 ... the packages were frozen about 2 months before release, only bug and security fixes are applied after release00:17
unclescratchieBashing-om, :   sorry  have to go ....thanks for the help00:18
Matt23456TJ: I appreciate your time!00:18
Bashing-omunclescratchie: IF the partitions you are attempting to delete are 'logical' that reside in the "extended" container-> a) is it that 'extended' partition; or b) is the swap partition active ( key icon in the GParted window) on the partitions you are trying to delete ?00:19
TJ-Matt23456: I just built yasm, and ran "yasm --version" and now "hash -lt yasm" reports "builtin hash -p /home/tj/bin/yasm yasm"00:19
MikeM_Is there an ubuntu discussion specific to ubuntu-md?00:19
Matt23456TJ: can you share your yasm build commands?00:19
TJ-Matt23456: Identical to the Wiki. I think your problem is, the instructions add "$HOME/bin" to the end of the path; it needs to be at the front to beat /usr/bin/yasm from being found. Do "export PATH=$PATH:$HOME/bin" and try "yasm --version" again00:20
TJ-Matt23456: ignore that!!!00:21
Matt23456TJ: too late...00:21
TJ-Matt23456: I wrote it wrong way around, too LOL ... "export PATH=$HOME/bin:$PATH" !!00:21
Matt23456TJ: that fixed the version!00:21
chmrrTJ-: Looks like the PPA builds failed. :/00:21
TJ-Matt23456: oh well, it won't hurt to be at both ends :) It'll go away next time you log-out :)00:21
TJ-Matt23456: Yup... their instructions for the PATH are reversed to what they need00:22
Matt23456TJ: THANK YOU THANK YOU!!!!00:22
TJ-chmrr: Oh phooey! I best go look00:22
TJ-chmrr: Yeah, failed here too, lots of tests have failed :(00:23
chmrrIt looks like test failures, but I'm having trouble parsing the nature of the test fails00:23
Matt23456TJ: Thanks again!00:23
TJ-Matt23456: Glad we figured it out :)00:24
=== sarsaeol_ is now known as sarsaeol
TJ-chmrr: Doesn't look good; leak test seems to have failed00:29
chmrrTJ-: My wild guess is that the first hunk of the patch you applied is enough to fix the segfault.  The fourth is the memory leak, and the middle two may depend on other commits00:29
chmrrInteresting that there are leak tests for that codepath, but that they didn't trigger the segfault00:29
TJ-chmrr: leak tests typically wrap the library being tested with their own malloc/free implementations, similar to valgrind00:30
TJ-chmrr: I'll take a look again tomorrow, and maybe someone else will have taken a look too by then00:31
chmrrSure, but they require exercising the library in order to test the various malloc/free calls00:31
chmrrWhich should have nominally found the free-without-malloc as well00:31
chmrrSure -- t'is late for you00:31
chmrrThanks for looking00:31
micromAnyone knows how to fix this the right way: /etc/init.d/cups: broken symbolic link to `/lib/init/upstart-job'00:32
laspahrthis might be a bit off topic.. but how would I find my SMTP server?00:33
TJ-chmrr: see http://paste.ubuntu.com/7956693/00:36
chmrrHm; what's the meaning to having extra lines?00:39
axsuulWas root removed in 14.04?00:41
kevinfishhow do I fix this?  http://pastebin.com/wRnuaTkz00:43
chmrrTJ-: Ah, https://sourceware.org/glibc/wiki/Testing/Check-localplt somewhat clarifies.  But doesn't really help me determine why your patch is causing that00:44
TJ-chmrr: correction to my pastebin, I included the wrong comparison file: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7956739/00:44
jasabellahi :) i think mtrr settings are incorrect and was wondering if anybody had any links explaining how to fix it?00:47
warrengeeIs this the right place to ask questions about kernel compiling for Ubuntu?00:47
chmrrTJ-: I was hoping to void cloning the glibc git repo while investigating this.  But the gitweb can only provide so much. :)00:48
Bashing-omaxsuul: ?? are you referring to 'pkexec' // new kid on the block executable.00:50
chmrrTJ-: Other patches in debian/patches/ add calls to feof and memmem, but I see no reason why your change would in any way change the situation.  I think I'm out of my depth, here.01:00
morenoh150how do I add windows to my grub options?01:02
morenoh150I recently reinstalled but it didn't pick up windows01:03
TJ-chmrr: I'm looking at the upstream in case there are related patches, but not found anything obvious so far01:03
=== Izura is now known as Izura9
Izura9Hey room, anyone had problems with clamav leaving a bunch of leftover files in /etc and other places?01:04
Izura9after purging01:04
capoderra2I hope I've finally joined01:08
capoderra2ok, so I installed beep, but issuing the beep command makes no sound01:08
capoderra2I know my pc speakers work, so can someone help me troubleshoot this?01:08
capoderra2I'm talking about the internal speaker specifically01:09
Izura9anyone had problems fully uninstalling clamav?01:12
capoderra2Izura9, what command did you use?01:12
Izura9sudo apt-get purge clamav    but there are a bunch of leftover files scattered around01:13
TJ-chmrr: Grrr! It's not my patch, I think it is the previous change! I was looking for uses of "memmem" and: "debian/patches/any/CVE-2014-0475.diff:43:+  if (__builtin_expect ((memmem (name, namelen,"01:13
ubottuMultiple directory traversal vulnerabilities in GNU C Library (aka glibc or libc6) before 2.20 allow context-dependent attackers to bypass ForceCommand restrictions and possibly have other unspecified impact via a .. (dot dot) in a (1) LC_*, (2) LANG, or other locale environment variable. (http://cve.mitre.org/cgi-bin/cvename.cgi?name=CVE-2014-0475)01:13
ObrienDaveIzura9, most packages leave residual files after purge. especially if those files are not part of the install process01:14
Izura9ObrienDave: I see, i found a folder named debian that it left behind but the others i think need admin priveledge to remove01:15
Izura9i deleted the debian folder01:15
ObrienDaveIzura9, you would have to delete the others through terminal and sudo01:15
Izura9hmmm i thought i might have to do that. just wary that i'll delete something crucial in sudo01:16
sagatalguem ai  pode me ajudar01:16
ObrienDaveIzura9, be careful ;)01:17
Izura9ObrienDave: i'll try to be!01:17
Izura9thank you though01:17
ObrienDavebackup? we don't need no stinking backup ;P01:17
ObrienDave*hint hint*01:18
Izura9what's this thing you call a backup? :p01:18
sagathere is only in English?01:18
ObrienDavei dunno, never used one ;P01:18
ObrienDavesagat, yes, what is your native language?01:18
ObrienDave!pt | sagat01:19
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigada.01:19
bsdbandithey anyone using kickstart to automate installing ubuntu 12.0401:19
sagatok muito obrigado01:20
capoderra2sagat, voce pode digitar "/join #ubuntu-br"01:21
sagat Não pode entrar #ubuntu-br (Está interdito).01:22
capoderra2bsdbandit, have you tried instalinux.com?01:30
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=== zopsi is now known as notzopsi
capoderra2hey, if I issue modprobe pcspkr, I can get my internal speaker to beep with beep command, but once I restart it stops working, I have to do modprobe again01:40
capoderra2how do I get it to stay after reboot?01:40
laspahrwhat's the easiest and/or quickest way to find my SMTP server..?01:41
laspahrsorry it's a little off topic01:41
nick234do u use gmail01:43
benyaminCan anyone help me? i want have a screen magnifying glass for my ubuntu, that small and fast. can anyone reffer me to an apps? i have try Virtual Magnifying glass and it has bug.. -_-01:45
Beldarbenyamin, ctrl-mouse wheel with magnify and shrink01:47
benyaminBeldar: only that beldar?01:47
Beldarbenyamin, Only one I can think of at the moment.01:48
benyaminBeldar: for xubuntu ? if it works?01:48
benyaminBeldar: For the whole desktop?01:48
Beldarbenyamin, Not sure, basically some of the work is on your end, this is free help. ;)01:49
Beldarorca is another01:49
knobHello everyone.01:50
knobI have a n00b-ish question01:50
benyaminBeldar: Orca is discontiniud and having big problem with xubuntu01:50
ubottubenyamin: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:50
Beldar!info orca01:51
ubottuPackage orca does not exist in trusty01:51
benyaminBeldar: That's?01:51
knobMy computer is a little bit laggy.   It's just mili-seconds when I am working on the Ubuntu Desktop.        The odd thing is: this is a fresh Ubuntu install (has about 2 months).  The computer has 16GB of ram, an Intel 520 SSD (256GB), and an Intel i7 proc (stock).    Any idea what could be going on?01:51
BeldarI'm talking with the bit just checking orca benyamin01:51
knobThe best thing that crosses my mind is... maybe a better video card?    I play no games... so I have a no-name $65 video card.01:51
benyaminknownasilya: i think that's overheating?01:52
knobYet I move two monitors..   Don't know..   It isn't impossibly laggy... just, well, it is not snappy.01:52
knobWhat do you guys think I could check/do?01:52
juanp1Ola k ase01:52
benyaminknob: Just check the temprature01:52
knownasilyabenyamin: wrong person :)01:52
benyaminknownasilya: sorry dude :s01:53
Beldarknob, ubuntu min hardware, theren are other lighter desktops01:53
knobbenyamin, ... mmm...01:53
daftykinsknob: what kind of card? "lspci"01:53
benyaminknob: how about that?01:53
knobdaftykins, hmm... not sure.    Can I find that via dmesg?01:53
daftykinsknob: see the command i included01:53
knobbenyamin, well, yeah.  I mean, sure.       Yet, she's water cooled, and not overclocked.   She is stock01:53
knobdaftykins, ok... sec01:53
* Beldar loves appropriate nicks01:54
benyaminknob: when is your ubuntu becoming laggy? running apps or other things?01:54
benyaminmaybe the graphic cards.01:54
knobdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7957090/01:54
daftykinsbenyamin: well done for catching up01:54
daftykinsnvidia geforce GT61001:55
benyamindaftykins: yeah. he have noname graphice card :|01:55
knobbenyamin, mainly when I switch windows, or FireFox/Chrome.     I haven't installed crap on it.   She's pretty much clean.01:55
daftykinsknob: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install pastebinit && pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:55
knobThat graphics card is moving two monitors... btw01:55
knobdaftykins, she's downloading... although I *think* I had installed pastebinit previously01:56
daftykinsit would just say already installed then01:56
benyaminknob: she's like your gf right? you sleep with IT *jk*01:57
knobYup... pastebinit is already the newest version.01:57
daftykinsbenyamin: none of that kind of talk in here thanks.01:57
knobbenyamin, haha... well... I do use it for everything.   Although no games... oddly, never into games myself.01:57
benyamindaftykins: okay201:57
knobdaftykins, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7957100/01:57
* benyamin is kicked at his ass by daftykins01:58
daftykinsknob: "dpkg -l | grep nvidia | pastebinit"01:58
knobdpkg -l   ... that lists all the installed packages?    Going to read the man page...01:59
daftykinsknob: ok so you are using the open source nouveau driver right now, there are two things you can do. 1) check performance with only one screen connected. 2) install the nvidia driver and see if that improves performance.01:59
daftykinsyes it does indeed01:59
knobdaftykins, going to shoot for the nvidia drivers first... if now, I will test it out with one monitor02:00
knobbtw, thanks for all the help everyone.   Very much appreciated :)02:00
daftykinsknob: ok make sure you use a packaged version, no downloading direct from nvidia.02:00
knobdaftykins, I am googling how to go about it now.   10-4 on the no-direct nvidia02:01
daftykinsknob: system settings -> software and sources -> hardware drivers tab02:01
knobin 14.04 I have System Settings --> Software & Updates02:02
knobdaftykins, got it02:02
daftykinsah my bad, i never remember the name right02:03
knobnp... 99% same thing02:03
knobNow it tells me "This device is using an alternative driver".   Then I have variosu options.    Four propietary, and tested.02:04
knobAny... preferences?02:04
daftykinsknob: nah, experiment! :D02:07
knob10-4!  I set out for the first one now... will try that, and report back.02:07
knobbrb... gonna reboot her02:09
knobw00t w00t02:12
knobFirst impressions: Perfect!!! Snappy as should be!02:12
daftykinsknob: winner \o/02:14
knoboh yeah man02:14
knobminute 3 first impressions.... THIS is it02:14
knobNow it's like YEAH!02:14
knobwin/win today... Desktop fixed... Motorcycle Carburetors Fixed...   Life is good.02:14
knobthanks man02:14
JpmhI am using use bigint and have some numbers that are larger than 32 bits.  How do I use sprintf() to format them on a machine where perl was compiled without 64 bit support?02:26
Jpmhpls ignore above - intended for #perl02:26
=== Sachiru_ is now known as Sachiru
ramrebolHi. Someone uses gnome shell and uses some like "workspace grid" https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/484/workspace-grid/  ?  I'm looking for something like that02:35
eeee!th | cmtek02:35
ubottucmtek: Please type /join  #ubuntu-th for Ubuntu in Thailand.02:35
TJ-chmrr: Still about?02:35
* cfhowlett thinks that bot would be a whole lot more useful if it was actually posted in the Thai language ...02:38
daftykinsi agree02:38
somsipcfhowlett: I guess we'd submit that to one of the ops? I can get it translated...02:39
TJ-chmrr: fingers crossed; new build on the go: https://launchpad.net/~tj/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+sourcepub/4332432/+listing-archive-extra02:39
cfhowlettsomsip, that would be helpful!  In fact, we really should have  a standard format for ALL the various translations ... nothing like messaging a non-english user in english to be UNhelpful.02:40
somsipcfhowlett: I'll get Thai done, but up to the ops to cover the rest I think02:41
cfhowlettsomsip, thank you!  Little things like that are more important than you might appreciate.02:41
somsipcfhowlett: np - OT so over and out :)02:42
TJ-We should have ircbot-standar-phrases package in the archives, and the translation teams could deal with it automatically :)02:42
cfhowlettTJ-, OMG!  The logic - it's so overwhelming!  *tears of joy*02:43
=== Sleepnbum is now known as Guest12447
TJ-cfhowlett: I'll put it on my to-do list :)02:43
=== blindsight is now known as Guest16714
ramrebolIs there a way to get a workspace grid in Gnome shell ??02:58
Beldarramrebol, you familiar with the extensions, https://extensions.gnome.org/extension/484/workspace-grid/03:01
Hilikusthere must be some kind of "apt-get update" somewhere in the system that Software Updater does in the background to report new updates. where would this be, it stopped working in mine since i updated to 14.04, now updates are not checked until i manually open the Software Updater03:07
cfhowlettHilikus, system > update manager settings03:08
chmrrTJ-: Thanks -- I'll keep an eye on the builds03:12
ramrebolBeldar: I'm trying to install that, but dont works. I suposse that is because is outdated03:12
chmrrTJ-: Any idea why those didn't trigger for the previous build?03:13
TJ-chmrr: I'm hoping my fixes for the previous patches will deal with the test-suite failure... can't be sure until it completes though, it's weird stuff03:13
TJ-chmrr: No idea, but the main archive builders can have things like tests ignored03:13
TJ-chmrr: Once this is done, I'm going to build the .14 without any changes here and see if it does build or not, to be certain03:14
Beldarramrebol, Possibly so, you might run a search for another, the extensions are user made so are available when people contribute.03:14
TJ-chmrr: I'm wondering though, how the update can be applied, if apt-get is SIGSEGV-ing03:15
chmrrTJ-: Hm.  Except upstream _did_ take the memmem change as-is.  And IIRC there are other feof() calls already in there03:15
ala-lalachmrr: (off-topic) Where did you get your nick from?03:15
chmrrTJ-: I'll scp it and dpkg -i it03:15
chmrrala-lala: Star Control II03:15
ala-lalaI got mine from that too.03:15
ala-lalaI totally love that game.03:16
ramrebolI have looked for another, but I found none.03:16
chmrrWhat, an Arilou name? :)03:16
TJ-chmrr: I know you can, but the archive updates need to be possible without manual intervention... I'm thinking a pre-inst script that simply removes "/etc/services" out of the way until the update is done. If the file isn't there, the memory won't be allocated03:16
ala-lalaA Supox name.03:16
ala-lalaIt's the name of the supox captain you first meet.03:16
chmrr<3 me some Supox.03:16
TJ-chmrr: I'll test that in a VM tomorrow once I've made some progress03:16
Beldarramrebol, Ah, I guess the web is your oyster grasshopper. ;)03:17
chmrrTJ-: Yeaaaaaah, I don't know how to automatically fix folks who get into my state.  The problem is you can't get as far as _getting_ any pre-insta script if apt-get horks.03:17
TJ-chmrr:  Are you able to test the bug itself now, by simply renaming "/etc/services" and seeing if the SIGSEGV still happens?03:18
chmrrSure; one sec.03:18
TJ-chmrr: Thanks, if that works we can add to the pre-inst script03:19
chmrrTJ-: No dice; same failure03:19
TJ-chmrr: Darn!03:19
TJ-chmrr: maybe nsswitch needs changing to just "file" temporarily, too ?03:20
TJ-chmrr: my thinking then is, it will only look for /etc/services, which won't exist, so it'll return03:20
chmrrNope.  It's already just "db files"03:20
TJ-chmrr: Grrr :p03:20
TJ-chmrr: try loosing the "db"03:21
chmrrI did, and both with and without /etc/services it's the same03:21
TJ-chmrr: OK ... build completed :)03:21
chmrrLooks like sa sadface on amd64. :/03:22
TJ-chmrr: Yeah, it's not being very friendly to us03:23
chmrrLooking at https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181542570/eglibc_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.15_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.15~tj1.diff.gz , I'm not convinced strstr is right, there.  the "slashdot" tring isn't null-terminated03:24
junlinwhat is this03:25
somsipjunlin: try "/quit"03:26
Basketballhow can i install the gnome software center03:27
TJ-chmrr: Darn! I meant to add a 0 to the end of slashdot!03:27
chmrrI'm also just unsude of that change in general -- upstream still contains the memmem, and its localplt doesn't contain memmem03:29
TJ-chmrr: Once it fails here I can check the diffs see if any other functions are exposed in the plt03:29
TJ-chmrr: There's something strange. A build of the plain .14 will help here03:30
chmrrTJ-: Yeah, I think that'd be the most interesting thing at this point.03:31
OrthodoxiOShavent been on in ages03:31
user123321Any suggestion for a good program for compressing/splitting files (with GUI)?03:31
cfhowlettuser123321, what kind of files do you mean03:31
user123321cfhowlett, As of now, I want to store 4GB+ files in a fat32 with splitting, compression is an added advantage.03:32
greetergreetings everyone. multiple ssl enabled sites aren't loading for me, because of an ssl handshake failure. it isn't every website, and i can't seem to find help online, most documents troubleshoot ssl issues in httpd or similar. any ideas where i can start to look for the issue?03:32
cfhowlettuser123321, not how much ... what KIND? audio, video???03:33
Bashing-omBasketball: Check out: apt-cache show software-properties-gtk, that seems to be compatible with most releases. To install -> sudo apt-get install software-properties-gtk <- .03:33
TJ-chmrr: It fails on the main builders.... check the log search for "Testsuite failures" https://launchpadlibrarian.net/180981194/buildlog_ubuntu-lucid-amd64.eglibc_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14_UPLOADING.txt.gz03:33
user123321cfhowlett, Any kind of file03:33
cfhowlettuser123321, got it.03:33
BasketballBashing-om,  that doesnt install it03:34
cfhowlettuser123321, "archive manager" does that, does it not?03:34
chmrrTJ-: Fascinating.  Yeah, OK, I think we can file this as "not our problem" then, as long as it doesn't fail any _additional_ changes.03:34
user123321cfhowlett, Oh does it? I'll check it, since I'm having LUbuntu.03:35
TJ-chmrr: Yeah... back to the original patch then!03:36
TJ-chmrr: But, still can't build it unless we can figure out how they suppress the build errors03:36
Bashing-omBasketball: I did not want it // but I just did install it ... do not know what I can say .. what errors are you getting ?03:37
BasketballBashing-om,  software-properties-gtk is already the newest version.03:38
Basketballsoftware-properties-gtk set to manually installed.03:38
Basketball   03:38
user123321Oh, I already have archive manager. :D03:38
chmrrTJ-: I suspect that ubuntu-security will know the right incants in that regard.  Have you heard back from them at all?03:38
chmrrI'm currently compiling upstream to see if it passes its own localplt test03:39
fsofTJ-: there?03:39
Bashing-omBasketball: What is held ? -> apt-mark showholds <- .03:40
fsofAlso, have anyone in here used ubuntus signed bootloader to load other distros?03:40
TJ-chmrr: Not so far03:41
BasketballBashing-om,  how do i run that03:41
Beldarfsof, The bootloader I believe is open source others use it.03:42
Bashing-omBasketball: "apt-mark showholds" is a terminal command to list what the package manager has marked as "manual" ..let's look .03:42
TJ-chmrr: That builder log I linked you to last, that *was* the upstream build as uploaded by the security team03:42
fsofBeldar: yes, but the kernel of other distros may not be signed03:42
Beldarfsof, Err a dollar was paid to fork it anyway I think03:42
fsofBeldar: can the signed loader load unsigned kernels?03:42
Beldarno idea03:42
BasketballBashing-om,  it doesnt show anything03:42
fsofBeldar: a dollar?03:43
chmrrTJ-: That was the latest security release from Ubuntu, I thought.  I mean straight from glibc's git repo.03:43
Nonato intente instalar tres ubuntus03:43
Nonato y ....03:43
Bashing-omBasketball: In that case look at the setting in software center, see what they are set too .03:43
Nonatome kede con hayra03:43
Beldarfsof, You will have to check the net on the history of it.03:43
BeldarNonato, English?03:44
fsofTJ-: i found out why gnome3.12 had no networking using the gnome3 teams ppa03:44
Nonato I try to install three ubuntu but I cant03:44
Nonato so ... now ... Iam using hayra03:45
Nonato :(03:45
BeldarNonato, English channel there are locals of other languages if needed.03:45
rimdekerHey guys, how come an init.d process of mine doesn't start? It doesn't give any errors or anything either03:45
rimdekerit does create a .pid file03:45
rimdekerbut then nothing03:45
NonatoIf you can read I am writing in english03:45
Nonato thanks for said that someone else03:45
fsofBeldar: https://encrypted.google.com/search?q=err+a+dollar+was+paid+to+fork+it&btnG=Search&hl=en&gbv=103:47
fsofBeldar: nothing stands out03:47
TJ-chmrr: Precisely. That log - with its failed test-suite - shows it continued to build even after the test-suite failures, and generated the binaries that were copied into the main archive. I have no idea how to reproduce that ignoring the failure03:48
TJ-chmrr: the link to the build status page that in turn links to that log is here https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-security/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+build/622147703:48
chmrrTJ-: Yeah, I get that somehow the release team's build of -0ubuntu7.14 kept right on going despite the test failures, and we don't know how to emulate that.  I'm currently curious about the introduction of memmem into the upstream glibc.git repo, and how that has _ever_ passed their localplt test03:50
Beldarfsof, probably closer, that was some terrible foo you used. http://blog.hansenpartnership.com/linux-foundation-secure-boot-system-released/03:51
chmrrDetermining to finish the build despite the test failures is the more productive thing to do, but one that I have precisely zero insight into; hence why I'm poking at the underlying localplt problem03:51
TJ-chmrr: I followed the upstream guidance on tracking down and fixing the PLT entries03:52
fsofBeldar: terrible foo as specifically?03:53
BeldarNonato, The key here is clear details for help.03:53
chmrrTJ-: The wiki I linked to?  Right.  Except the memmem is _still_ in HEAD of glibc.git, and it's not in the localplt file.  Sooo do the upstream devs not care about their trunk not passing tests, as well?03:54
Beldarfsof, You just quoted what I said with no reference to secure boot...etc. All of what I said was a I think scenario anyway03:54
TJ-chmrr: It seems that way doesn't it? but if so, why is the package build allowed to fail - why no patch to explicitly allow it, like the other patches that do similar03:55
Nonatoi have some problems to instal ubuntu 8.1003:55
Nonato or 8.0403:55
Nonatosomeone knows abut ubuntu that can run with 500 mg ram03:56
Nonato :(03:56
BeldarNonato, Those are end of life you want 12.04 or 14.0403:56
OerHeksLubuntu can03:56
BeldarNonato, Go xubuntu or lubuntu03:56
NonatoI know03:56
Nonato I have once 12.0403:56
Nonato but now I cant buy an a new computer03:57
NonatoI will thin about it03:58
Nonato did u know about hayra?03:58
TJ-chmrr: OK, I've figured out why the sbuild from the repos doesn't match what is in the builders! The package sbuild provides /usr/bin/sbuild (a PERL script) whereas the sbuild in the builder is a Python script from the repo launchpad-buildd03:59
BeldarNonato, Do you understand Portuguese I see no Galician channels, your english is rather broken is all.04:00
TJ-chmrr: correction, a different PERL script in launchpad-buildd04:00
NonatoMy english is perfect04:00
Etizielhow to i update the hwe stack on ubuntu 12.04?04:01
BeldarNonato, If you say so, just trying to make sure you get help. ;)04:01
Beldarthe attitude sucks though04:01
* Beldar says ban the machismo04:02
Nonatogo to stude04:02
EtizielI logged into my server and it is saying that the HWE is going out of support, how to I install a newer version?04:05
daftykinsEtiziel: ^04:09
EtizielI got that, but the instructions to upgrade from the tool say apt-get install ...but thats is :/04:09
ArdkadHello guys, i want to upgrade a recent compiled program. Can i overrride the instalation or need i unistal the previous version first?04:10
Etizielthats it*04:10
dincase vb si romana04:10
dincaam nevoie de ajutor04:10
Etizielthe wiki says to follow the tool which says to execute "apt-get install"  I'm at a loss04:10
daftykinsdinca: where are you from? Romania?04:12
Beldar!ro | dinca04:12
ubottudinca: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro04:12
dincasi cum intru ca nu stiu04:12
dincayes i from romania04:13
dincaand i need a plugin04:13
dincaand i cant instal04:13
dincasry for me bad english04:13
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daftykinsdinca: join #ubuntu-ro04:13
dincasomeone here for help me?04:14
daftykinsdinca: we told you twice to join another channel04:16
daftykinsand gone.04:17
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Etizielanyone know if this will fix my hwe problem or break my sever? http://www.leaseweblabs.com/2013/07/upgrade-ubuntu-12-04-lts-kernel-to-3-4/04:26
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aljeI am trying to boot a separate distro, problem is that its root fs is btrfs but it has btrfs-tools installed04:29
wulong710hello . when i use command nemo in terminal to open a folder, it is always occurse some warning. Anyone can give me suggestion? error log here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2237963&p=13090919#post1309091904:29
aljeis it possible to install it *into* it from a separate distro or possible to install from setup/rescue?04:30
daftykins!chroot | alje04:32
ubottualje: A chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot04:32
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jaynexteveryone down04:38
jaynextdown !04:38
jaynextdown |04:38
YokoBRGuys, seriously, pulseaudio sucks.04:40
LoshkiYokoBR: we know.04:44
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YokoBRtoo many conflicts.. everytime i have to start the game first, then teamspeak, and hope it doesn't crash04:45
APL3Hi ! I have a 64 bits capable computer (Core 2 Duo) but 2Gb of ram and no plan to ever add more. What are the pro and con of 64 bits Ubuntu over 32 bits ?04:46
Etizielfound HWE answer here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/493541/hardware-enablement-stack-hwe-out-of-support04:46
YokoBRRight before ubuntu officially moved to pulse, alsa was becoming so stable and nice.... for the 3, 4 releases after that i've removed pulse...04:46
greeterpulse started off horrible for me. it's much improved now. only thing it interferes with is skype, which i rarely use04:48
LoshkiI used to do this: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/fix-for-all-pulseaudio-related-issues.html. I haven't needed for a couple of LTSes now...04:49
Loshkihaven't needed for -> haven't needed to for04:49
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metaspikepulseaudio, resume from pm-suspend05:06
Your_Doghello, just attempted to upgrade 13.04 to 14.04. Unfortunately it failed and i would like to know if there are ways to fix it05:07
metaspike"it failed?" can u be more specific...05:07
metaspikewhen does it fail05:07
Your_Dogafter it downloaded the updates, during the installing update phase05:07
Your_Dogit told me about failed package and my system will become unusable05:08
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metaspikedid you follow a guide or just try your own method to upgrade?05:09
Your_Dogwell i didnt follow the guide, i just use the updater it has bundled on05:10
Your_Dogsince i wanted to get firefox 31 and 13.04 doesnt have it05:10
Your_Dogso i decided to upgrade05:11
metaspike.. that sucks. any custom repos?05:11
Your_Dogwell yeah but not by alot05:11
Your_Dogits just code::blocks and aside from that is a ps2 emulator05:12
metaspikebecause third party repositories may be incompatible with the new version, you should remove them first, then try to upgrade. you will loose whatever came with them of course05:12
Your_Dogwell yeah the updater did warn me that and it did it for me05:13
Your_Dogright now since it failed halfway with the update, i cant boot the system, my only choices are reinstall the os or find a fix05:14
Your_Dogi tried some methods like sudo dpkg --configure a05:14
Your_Dogbut it says that those programs are readonly05:14
metaspikeyou need to do something to make it read/write05:14
metaspikefrom safemode05:15
metaspikemaybe: mount -o remount,rw /05:15
metaspikethen, dpkg-reconfigure --all05:15
Your_Dogok doing it05:16
metaspikethen tap your heels together05:17
metaspikeand say "there's no place like home"05:18
mojachnono... no place like
Your_Dogright now everything went fine till05:20
Your_Dog/sbin/start-stop-daemon: unable to chdir() to /root (permission denied)05:20
Your_Dogbut im on root05:20
kevinfishhow do I fix this?  http://pastebin.com/wRnuaTkz05:21
metaspikehmm maybe just "apt-get install" would have been less slegehammerish05:21
Your_Dogcan't, it tells me that package lists or status faile could not be parsed or open05:23
Bashing-omkevinfish: "http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ raring/main" raring is End_Of_Life. Disable the repository. and now what results -> sudo apt-get update , sudo apt-get upgrade <- ?05:23
metaspikeYour_Dog, apt-get clean05:24
metaspikeor sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf05:25
metaspikeerm. rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf05:25
Your_Dogok we seem have the problem05:25
Your_Dogboth gives me errors05:25
Your_Dogbut the latter, tells me in detail that we can do it because its read-only file system05:26
Beldarmetaspike, click your heels, this ain't kansas anymore.05:26
Bashing-omkevinfish: Are you in fact running the 13.04 ( raring) release ?05:27
metaspikeYour_Dog, mount -o remount,rw / , is supposed to fix that ... hmmm05:30
Your_Dogi know which is wierd05:30
Your_Dogill try this, restart computer and redo those commands :D05:31
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metaspikeYour_Dog, sudo su05:32
metaspikemount -o remount,rw / !05:33
metaspikeignore the !05:33
metaspikemore like... sudo su -05:33
Your_Dogok now its back on track after apt-get install05:33
metaspikechoice... i often think linux systems should have boot mode just for dist-upgrade05:35
metaspikeif you want to try upgrading from console try "apt-get dist-upgrade"05:35
metaspikeanyway gtg05:35
=== LapJup3 is now known as LapJup
Your_Dogwell atm everything is fine so i guess later it would be back to normal05:37
Your_Dogits just that its doing the same processes on console instead of the updater05:37
Bashing-ommetaspike: Your_Dog //If I may remind yall to check the source.list .. as the old one no longer exists for the software repository .05:38
metaspikegood point05:38
metaspikemake sure your sources make sense for a d-u, and maybe do it from "recovery mode with networking" to be safe05:39
Your_Dogok will check05:39
Your_Dogwell from what i see05:40
Your_Dogthe sources it uses are from 14.0405:40
kostodoI need to create 2 users who will be able to fully manage files inside /var/www05:43
kostodoWhats the best way of going about that05:43
Bashing-omYour_Dog: metaspike :: check /etc/apt/sources.list.d directoty also .05:43
kostodoBoth users will be web developers who will have to upload files there, delete them, change, edit, etc.05:43
Beldar Your_Dog this command will list all sources. grep -vr "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/}05:44
Your_Dogwell atm05:45
Your_Dogi cant do anything05:45
Your_Dogaside to wait for apt-get install to finish05:45
metaspikeit takes longer if you watch the kettle boil05:46
Your_Dogyeah sure does05:46
* Beldar imagines Zippy the Pinhead watching the dryer spin05:46
metaspikekostodo, the BEST way would be to have /var/www on a seperate partition05:47
metaspikeand mount those with proper access in fstab05:47
metaspikethen make that the root dir of their access channels05:49
kostodometaspike: Its not so much security that I’m concerned with. Its more that I want two different users to be able to seamlessly work on the files together05:49
kostodometaspike: in the past often end up with permission errors05:49
kostodoif one user made files the other couldnt access them05:50
punkgeekany body can help me how to set domain dns on apache?05:51
metaspikebesides basic file change notifications from the IDE itself, i don't know anyway around that, besides a proper svn or git setup05:52
svetlanapunkgeek, what's your question? there is #httpd, but they require you to register with nickserv to speak.05:53
blackyboyUsing Ubuntu 14.04 After upgrading to kernel version 3.13.0-32-generic #57-Ubuntu SMP Tue Jul 15 03:51:08 UTC 2014 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux Audio not working, before it worked fine.05:56
Your_Dogmetaspike: it sems everything is done05:57
Your_Dogwhat do i do now? restart?05:57
Your_Dogactually nevermind, everything work :D!05:59
Tex_Nickblackyboy:  you've checked "sound settings/output tab" ?06:00
Your_Dogmetaspike: Bashing-om: Beldar  thanks guys06:00
blackyboyTex_Nick: yes its there but only i cant hear the sound06:00
babuif I disable telnet, will the other services be disrupted06:01
babui intend to do for security reasons06:02
blackyboyTex_Nick: its worked thanks , there are two options as S/PDIF and Analog , by default it chooses S/PDIF now i have changed it to analog and working :) thanks once again.06:02
Bashing-omYour_Dog: Who says clicking-your-heels does not work : P06:03
Tex_Nickblackyboy:  good going man ... yoyr welcome :)06:04
br_okenHelp : I clicked "Forget device" on my Android in Clementine's device list and now Ubuntu will not see my Android when I plug it on USB06:09
br_okenit won't work in Win XP either. Android and clementine channels aren't much responsive06:09
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cazallacan anyone help me identify why my mouse sensitivity settings change randomly?06:32
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cazallait usually occurs after i stop using the mouse and then i need to reconfigure it in terminal with xinput --set-prop "Razer Razer DeathAdder" "Device Accel Constant Deceleration" 206:33
anstancan anyone advise me on how know how to restart cmus when given the message "cmus is already listening on socket /home/me/.cmus/socket"  i tried pkilling the cmus process to no avail06:35
muppcazalla: Does the problem remain if you use a different mouse?06:35
* ala-lala beams out into the sleeping chamber06:35
cazallamupp, unable to test as these are the only mice i have06:35
cazallait only began with 14.04.106:36
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Beldarcazalla, Here is a change summary take a look. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes/ChangeSummary/14.04.106:48
Beldarcazalla, Have you tried the guest account?06:53
cazallaBeldar, thanks, i'll take a look through it and no, i will try guest account and see if same thing occurs06:53
Beldarcazalla, You can even make another user as a standard no sudo or an admin with sudo.06:55
Beldarjust as a test all this is.06:55
santoI'm running Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 on a new machine with 8GB of RAM, and it seems to be locking up periodically and nothing is in syslog file. I've installed Nagios and have been watching the graphs, and it looks like memory is going high from 7% to 72% in just a span of 10 mins. Only node process are running on server. In top I found all process are running very normal memory consumption. Even after stopping node process. Memory remains 07:00
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Beldarcazalla, I found this. https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/razer07:04
Beldarthis http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=MTU4NTQ07:05
Beldarcazalla, Might be worth you just looking at this google search. https://www.google.com/search?q=Razer+DeathAdder+linux&btnG=Search&hl=en&output=search&sclient=psy-ab&gbv=107:06
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Beldarcazalla, lots on askubuntu http://askubuntu.com/search?q=Razer+DeathAdder07:08
Beldarsanto, Full server, you must X right for Nagios?07:10
Meerkathttps://login.launchpad.net/ Can I login with my old launchpad account here?07:14
excalibrI just noticed that all alert sounds in Sound applet have disappeared, leaving only the default one. I dont know if Ive unknowingly deleted all them all or 14.04 doesnt ship extra alert sounds.07:17
excalibrMeerkat, just try it07:17
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tinyAfter a painful upgrade from 10.10 Maverick to 11.04 natty laptop just powers off at booting OS.07:21
tinyHow do I get some verbosity from bootloader?07:21
tinyI also tried with fresh install of 14.04 LTS but nothing shows up after DVD "boots" ... blank screen07:22
tinyDVD works on other laptop07:23
Beldartiny, Technically only 12.04 and 14.04 are supported any other is not calling the ubuntu repos07:23
tinyBeldar: yes, I used old-releases.ubuntu.com repo07:24
Beldartiny, Did you check the 14.04's sum and or try a nomodeset boot?07:24
tinyanyway ... it's weird that laptop just shuts off after BIOS handles it to grub/OS07:24
tinyBeldar: DVD works on another laptop, hmm nomodeset, that could be the cause07:25
Beldartiny, old-releases do not have the updates07:25
tinyBeldar: yes, I was trying to avoid fresh install... since 10.10 wasn't supported and the only way to get to latest releases is trough 11.04 -> 11.10 ... current07:26
tinyanyway ... how do I set nomodeset?07:26
Beldartiny, Sure, what is the gaphic hardware and have you looked on the web with any of the releases and otyher hardware or computer model?07:27
Beldar!nomodeset | tiny07:27
ubottutiny: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter07:27
Beldartiny, is the install grub legacy or grub 207:28
neo1691I want to swap my caps key with esc. I have modified my /etc/default/keyboard accordingly and then using dpkg-reconfigure keyboard-configuration, I am able to swap the keys correctly. only problem is that the changes are lost on a reboot. Any help07:28
tinyBeldar: I think it's grub2, stuff is stored in /etc/grub.d/ (I hate grub btw, it became an uncontrollable monster)07:29
tinyI use isolinux on mine07:29
Beldartiny, grub is simple and  /etc/grub.d/ is not where you mess with it.07:30
tinygrub is everything but simple ... who want's to play with configuration of bootloader? It should just load the OS and that's it.07:30
eeeeneo1691: just use xmodmap and set it in ~/.profile07:31
tinytime is precious07:31
tinyBeldar: anyway, thanks I will look into setting that option07:31
Beldartiny, your preaching yet have no working OS.07:31
neo1691eeee: ok, I am using bspwm so the autostart file should also work, I guess07:31
Beldarmay have been a simple nomodeset on 14.0407:31
tinyBeldar: I have couple hounder working Linux OSes, thank you07:31
Beldarand driver installs07:31
tinyso how do you set nomodeset on live DVD? :)07:32
Beldarwelcome to the club. ;)07:32
Beldarread the link07:32
tinyok, ok07:32
eeeeneo1691: i guess, if it doesn't the command is  xmodmap -e "keycode 66=Escape"07:32
tinylink says "If you boot ubuntu from a livecd (or USB stick), right after the bios splash screen you will get a purple screen with a keyboard logo at the bottom:"07:33
tinyI get no such thing07:33
Guido1hello, I want to buy a switch and a ethernet PCI card. is there a side where i can compare companyes? (Which company makes better switches etc.)07:33
Guido1(i want to buy a gigabit PCI ethernet card and a switch, but don't have a lot of money. I want that it is relyable and works several years. So which brand would be good? Maybe TP-link? I also have no idea what the advantage is of a managed switch.)07:33
Guido109:17:47 - U kunt geen berichten sturen naar ##hardware.07:33
Beldartiny, Do you get the try ubuntu install or memory check options07:34
Beldarthat is what you should see with a disc boot07:34
tinyI know, but I don't even get the chance to setup grub options07:35
Beldarsome usb loaders bypass that gui07:35
tinyBeldar: any key combo that stops booting process and displays grub in text mode?07:37
Beldartiny, On an install or live?07:37
tiny14.04 LTS install07:38
Beldartiny, shift07:38
tinybtw, isn't install=live?07:38
tinyhmm, tried shift already i believe ...07:38
* tiny tries again07:38
Beldarread the question07:38
Beldaror or or or07:39
nrdb2I am trying to get heartbeat etc. going ... unsuccessfully :-( ... The initial config I am using is at http://pastebin.com/EdUEEj8q ... can anyone tell me why this isn't working ... I believe it should say the nodes are online.07:39
cazallaBeldar, ty for the leads07:50
Beldarcazalla, No prob.07:50
jnhghyI've made some bad things with my apt sources and now I can't seem to be able to install "default" software like lynx my sources seem to be lost, any idea how I can go back to the default ubuntu 12.04 sources?07:51
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tinyBeldar: thanks for help, I somehow got trough to booting in safe mode from HD. I couldn't boot from LTS DVD though even if I pressed shift key. It just threw me into HD boot...07:52
tinyanyway ... I'm upgrading atm... to oneiric07:53
Beldartiny, cool, might just need graphic drivers a udate/upgrade07:53
ddvnrdb2: read the logs07:53
Beldaror update/upgrade*07:53
Beldarjnhghy, This works ave what you have then use this to make a new one. Any changes to sources.list.d ? http://repogen.simplylinux.ch/08:03
terminatorwhat is the channel for netware os?08:07
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Beldar!alis | terminator08:08
ubottuterminator: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*08:08
IsvaraI just installed Xubuntu 14.04 to a SanDisk SSD. I'm trying to scp across some DVD images, and performance drops by about 90% after a few megabyte. Writes in general are slow, slow, slow.08:09
IsvaraI've run fstrim, and I've added discard in my fstab. Neither of those have helped.08:10
RabooI have a server that hangs randomly, I've installed linux-crashdump and kexec_crash is loaded. But when my machine hangs i got no dump in /var/crash08:10
Raboowhat is my next step?08:11
Isvarascp has gone from 60MB/s to 4MB/s :-/08:11
jasabella /last mtrr08:11
RabooIsvara maybe it's an network issue or iptables issue08:12
Raboohave you done a local copy to that ssd to see if it drops when files doesn't go thru network08:12
trijntjeIsvara: try dd if=/dev/zero of=empty_file bs=1M count=10240, that will create an empty file 10GB in size, how long does that take?08:13
IsvaraIt's all writes. I'm using that as an example because the files are big enough for it to be dramatic (and it happens to show the transfer speed.)08:14
jasabellahow do i 'fix' my mtrr?08:15
Isvaratrijntje: That would take all night! So far up to 114MB...08:15
tinyIsvara: you should use "conv=fdatasync" or "oflag=dsync " with that dd command to ensure syncing to disk before dd(1) returns.08:17
trijntjeIsvara: that is slow, but I don't know what could be the issue. Just let the command run so you have a good measurement, if you mention scp everybody is gonna think its because of the network ;)08:17
tinyI'd also use bigger block size ...08:18
IsvaraI'm pretty sure this is specifically an SSD issue. Reads are as fast as you'd expect.08:18
tinyIsvara: so have you ran the dd command?08:18
Isvaratiny: I did. It's about at about 500MB so far.08:19
tinyI see. That's _slow_!08:20
tdm4hi.. all my 10.04 machines upgraded libc to 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14 and now lots of apps are breaking. Including apt-get08:21
tdm4anyone know about this?08:21
tdm4or how to fix?08:21
tdm4Getting: *** glibc detected *** /usr/lib/apt/methods/http: munmap_chunk(): invalid pointer: ...08:22
Isvaratiny: Actually, there's a bunch of nastiness in dmesg too: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7959215/08:25
IsvaraAm I reading that right? Is it actually using PIO?08:26
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zetheroo1is there something like htop for network traffic?08:34
Isvarazetheroo1: There's ntop08:35
tdm4guys: libc6_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14 is totally and absolutely BROKEN08:35
tdm4I had to downgrade to libc6_2.11.1-0ubuntu7.13 to fix my old 10.04 machines08:36
six86Hello. Is there a way to drop to a console or something while preseed late_command is running? It hangs somewhere but i can't see where08:36
hateballzetheroo1: there's also nethogs08:36
Isvarazetheroo1: Actually, I think iptraf is the one I used to use.08:37
tinyIsvara: looks like it yes, SSD on PATA channel08:37
Isvaratiny: hdparm -i says it's using udma1, though.08:38
tiny[    1.386321] ata5: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x1f0 ctl 0x3f6 bmdma 0xf000 irq 1408:38
tiny[    1.386323] ata6: PATA max UDMA/100 cmd 0x170 ctl 0x376 bmdma 0xf008 irq 1508:38
tiny[    1.378026] ata1: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfeb0b000 port 0xfeb0b100 irq 1908:38
tiny[    1.378029] ata2: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfeb0b000 port 0xfeb0b180 irq 1908:38
tiny[    1.378031] ata3: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfeb0b000 port 0xfeb0b200 irq 1908:38
tiny[    1.378034] ata4: SATA max UDMA/133 abar m1024@0xfeb0b000 port 0xfeb0b280 irq 1908:38
unopastetiny you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted08:39
tiny[    1.562373] ata5.00: configured for UDMA/3308:40
nrdb2ddv, this is what syslog has in it.  http://pastebin.com/EdUEEj8q08:41
tinyIsvara: PATA SSD?08:41
Isvaratiny: No, SATA08:42
tinyIsvara: connect it to other SATA channel 1-408:43
tinyand try again08:43
IsvaraYeah, I think I'll dig out another cable, too.08:44
nrdb2I am trying to get heartbeat etc. going ... unsuccessfully :-( ... The initial config I am using is at http://pastebin.com/EdUEEj8q ... can anyone tell me why this isn't working ... I believe it should say the nodes are online... is that true?  .... syslog is ... http://pastebin.com/EdUEEj8q .... can anyone help08:46
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tinynrdb2: clustering is a big topic :)  afaik heartbeat is/will be obsolete08:51
nrdb2tiny, do you have a reference, I am tying to setup IP fallover.  all links I have found use heartbeat.08:53
tinynrdb2: yes I do, it also uses heartbeat. I was pointed to a very good howto. There's also a channel on freenode. Can't remember though. Here's a link: https://alteeve.ca/w/AN!Cluster_Tutorial_208:54
tdm4what is the name of the UBuntu devs channel?08:56
tdm4I want to tell them about libc6 being completely broken08:56
ubottutdm4,: Interested in becoming an Ubuntu Developer? Get started here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment08:56
acerimmertdm4, #ubuntu-dev iirc but they'll likely direct you to file a bug08:56
tdm4trying to remember if I still have a launchpad account08:57
Isvaratiny: I changed port and cable a couple of times and it seems to be working now.09:00
tinyIsvara: great, looks like ata ports 5,6 are configured as parallel or something like that.09:01
Isvaratiny: That'd be an entirely different connector and cable, though. I'm hoping it was just the cables. They're easiest to replace.09:02
tinywow, upgrade continues: maverick -> natty -> oneiric -> precise09:03
tinyIf I end up with a working system I'll write a blog :)09:03
tinyFather in law uses it. I must prove myself worthy :)09:04
andybrineMorning Everyone09:10
acerimmerandybrine, sez u.  tis dinner time here in Beijing.  Greetings anyway.  ask your questions.09:10
andybrineI have a quick question. I have installed gnome 3 on ubuntu and have gone back to unity and the desktop wallpaper is not working09:11
andybrinedoes anyone know what would be causing that?09:12
acerimmerandybrine, probably need to reconfigure your unity wallpaper settings09:13
andybrineacerimmer, what do I need to do to reconfigure? When I try to change it, its not working09:14
ubottuUbuntu bug 1352504 in eglibc (Ubuntu) "Regression in 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14; segfault in getservbyname" [Critical,In progress]09:14
tdm4ahh somoene else reported it09:14
tdm4and yeah we run nscd because of LDAP auth.. ah well09:14
tdm4downgrading libc fixed it :)09:15
acerimmerandybrine, I'm in UbuntuStudio so ... different arrangement of toys.  Ask again in channel.09:15
andybrineok, thanks tdm409:15
andybrineno problem, acerimmer. Thanks!09:15
nishantjr_Hi, Any idea how I can turn off auto-gain on the mic?09:21
nishantjr_Hi, Any idea how I can turn off auto-gain on the mic?09:22
slitux___nishantjr: do you have alsamixer ?09:24
dmattHI, any idea why simple command added into rc.local does not execute on startup?09:27
somsipdm what is the command?09:28
somsipdmatt: ^^^09:28
dmattecho 0 > /proc/sys/vm/dirty_background_ratio09:28
nishantjr_@slitux___ Yes, but when I change the setting there nothing happens in the pulseaudio verbose logs09:29
Sneaksafeprobably a nub question, but my QBit keeps closing automatically after 5 mins of being open any ideas why?09:29
slitux___@nishantjr: did you change both "Mic" and "Mic Boost" settings ?09:30
dmattsomsip: hm, I was under impression rc.local is executed by root09:30
somsipdmatt: same here09:31
nishantjr_@slitux___: This sound card only has PCM, Mic and "Auto Gain Control"09:31
nishantjr_@slitux___: and the AGC does nothing in the logs.09:32
dmattsomsip: it fails if run manually under normal user, works if run manually under root, does nothing during boot09:33
somsipdmatt: does it exit 0?09:33
slitux___@nishantjr: if you press F6, you can select another card, this may help09:33
somsipdmatt: does rc.local end with a "exit 0" command?09:33
dmattsomsip: how to test it? rc.local is ended with exit 0 and is executable09:34
somsipdmatt: sh -e I believe, but must AFK. Sorry I couldn't help09:34
nishantjr_@slitux___:  yeah, but thats the card I want to change.09:34
dmattsomsip: thanks09:35
slitux___@nishantjr: if you press F3/F4/F5, may be you could see "Mic Boost"09:36
nishantjr_@slitux___: yeah, but not on the card I'm interested in.09:39
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nishantjr_@slitux___:  my system configuration is a bit wierd, so might be related to that. Thanks for your time though.09:41
slitux___@nishantjr: how do you know it is "auto-gained" ?09:42
nishantjr_@slitux___: The mic volume increases on  it's own09:43
APVNeed some help. My fan stopped changing speed, now it constantly runs on the slowest one, even when cpu is near critical temperature. It is not dusty, I clean it about every one or two months, nor it is noisy, nor it has any problems starting up.09:46
slitux___@nishantjr: if you change the "Mic" param and set it to "Item: Mic [dB gain: 0,00]" (for me, the displayed value is 56), does it change something ?09:47
cristian_cI couldn't mount the micro sd card, I had got error09:47
cristian_cI've typed sudo fsck.msdos -aw /dev/sdc109:47
cristian_cnow I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names09:47
cristian_cwhat can I do?09:47
cristian_cAny ideas?09:48
APVCan you try mounting it on different machine\OS?09:48
cristian_cAPV, I can try09:49
Sneaksafedoes anyone have any clues as to why my qbit keeps closing?09:49
APVcristian_c, I had similar problem, nothing helped, but it was fixed after I mounted it on win7 and it asked to check for problems, it found something and fixed it. Not the very unix-ey way, but, whatever helps.09:51
slitux___@cristian_c: can you open gparted and check all the partitions in your card?09:52
cristian_cAPV, I've tried now with an other machine09:57
cristian_cAPV, micro sd is not mounted also09:57
cristian_cdifferent behaviour09:57
cristian_cthan on this machine09:57
cristian_cAPV, at this moment, I've not win 7 available :(09:58
cristian_c*I've not got09:58
cristian_cslitux___, on this machine?09:59
slitux___@cristian_c: with any system where you have gparted installed09:59
cristian_cslitux___, now , micro sd card is not mounted on this machine anymore10:00
cristian_cI don't understand :(10:01
cristian_csome minutes ago, it was mounted on this machine, then I've connected it to another machine, now it's not mounted to this machine anymore10:02
slitux___hm, can you still mount it on another machine?10:02
cristian_cErrore di input/output durante la lettura su /dev/sdc10:02
cristian_cI translate10:02
cristian_cinput/output error while reading on /dev/sdc10:03
cristian_cslitux___, opening gparted10:03
slitux___you get this error while opening gparted ?10:03
cristian_cslitux___, yeah10:04
slitux___can you do "head /dev/sdc" without errors ?10:05
Lopehow can I mount an encrypted home dir manually?10:08
APV:( google knows nothing about cooling fans that can't change spin speed.10:08
kevin_hi everyone !10:14
cristian_cslitux___, I can try10:14
slitux___and ?10:15
cristian_cAPV, have you tried pwmconfig?10:15
cristian_cslitux___, a moment, sorry10:15
cristian_cAPV, but I think it's dangerous10:16
APVcristian_c, I trien the lm-sensors, but they can not find any sensors on my cooling fans. Nor win7 software could.10:16
tinyapp that will setup sources.list with fastest mirror?10:16
cristian_cslitux___, head: errore leggendo "/dev/sdc": Errore di input/output10:17
cristian_cI translate10:17
MHABIBI66_hi. I want to use PyDrive(google drive api for python). I installed that with pip install PyDrive. But when I try to run a code, I get this error:No module named pydrive.auth10:17
cristian_cslitux___, head: error reading "/dev/sdc": input/output error10:17
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cristian_cAPV, I talk about pwmconfig10:18
APVcristian_c, reading about it atm.10:18
tinyloking for a shell app that will setup sources.list with fastest mirrors?10:18
kevin_Can someone help me ? I want to know how to check if a command-line management software package is working ?10:18
cfhowlettkevin_, apt-cache show packagename        will give valuable info10:19
cristian_cAPV, ok10:19
APV/usr/sbin/pwmconfig: There are no pwm-capable sensor modules installed10:19
cristian_cAPV, but I've not understood the problem10:20
cristian_cdo you adjust the fan speed?10:20
cristian_c*do you want to10:20
tinykevin_: apt-get update10:20
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APVAt one moment cooling fans stopped to automatically increase speed when cpu gets hot. Now cpu can get up 105 degrees and cooling fans don't give a fuck, and system critically shuts down, annoying stuff.10:21
APVU wish. Celsius.10:22
cristian_cAPV, same thing with windows?10:22
APVI have no windows atm.10:23
cristian_cAPV, I think it's an hardware problem, Maybe you should clean fan and heat sink10:23
cristian_cAPV, lol, I too10:24
cristian_c(only xp)10:24
kevin_ok thanks @tiny10:24
APVThe laptops are so hard to disassembly. I just clean with air pressure cleaner, it is effective enough, I think.10:25
shambatI have a python script that connects to a mysql server, today the script crashes when it tries to connection the the mysql server. I get a crashdump with the error: munmap_chunk() invalid pointer. The backtrace suggests it has something to do with /usr/lib/libmysqlclient_r.so.16 and /lib/libc.so.6 ... what could cause this unexpected crash?10:25
cristian_cAPV, you are right, but you can go to a technician10:26
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cristian_cbut dust can be blocked between fan and heat sink10:27
tinyhow do I setup gnome display manager and xorg from shell ... I'm on 12.04 LTS atm10:27
APVBut then the fan would not spin at all, and now it spins as usual, no noise, but on minimal speed.10:28
APVIf the fan would stop working, or started to make noise, or had problems starting up, then there would be no questions.10:29
kippiI have Defaults:chris    !requiretty in sudoers however when I try to ssh I still getting a error saying ensure 'requiretty' is disabled10:30
lkthomashey guys, for ecryptfs, does sig-cache.txt file is important to keep ?10:31
kevin_I encounter a few problems to install mysql server 5.6; apparently what I understand is that to finish installing the server it tries to start but the start does not work because there is an error. I need to finish the installation and then uninstalled for the configured database10:33
atarhi - I'm trying to install ubuntu 14.04 with encrypted disk and LVM parallel to a windows 7 install. I am stuck at initializing the lvm. How do I have to proceed?10:37
trap_exitwhat is the simplest way to test of my ubuntu (trapped inside virtual box) sound is being piped to my osx (host)10:38
cristian_cAPV, ok10:40
cristian_cAPV, it's strange, maybe you can try with an old ubuntu release10:40
cristian_cif there was a kernel bug10:40
cristian_c*acpi, ecc...10:41
LopeI need to mount encrypted home dir on another PC. I followed this guide to doing it manually. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory#Recovering_Your_Data_Manually but after I mounted it, I could see all the file/dir names but there were ? symbols all over the permissions and user ownership columns of ls -la. And I could not cat the files nor enter the directories.10:42
APVIt crashed once on the loading screen, so it is probably not OS problem, the fans control is somewhere deeper. :) Checked BIOS, but nothing concerning fan there :(10:42
LopeOkay, nevermind. I used the noob automatic method and it worked!10:45
topkek32juanhi how make firefox really fast10:45
topkek32juansuper fast10:46
Loperun your firefox profile inside a tmpfs10:46
topkek32juani am using profile-sync-daemon10:46
topkek32juanhow make faster10:46
slartybartfastnot start it is fastest ever :-)10:47
slartybartfastjust kidding sry10:47
slitux___hi, i have a problem with my firefox, sometimes, ff uses 100% of the CPU for about 20 seconds .10:49
ubottuslitux___,: You can get testing builds for Chromium at https://launchpad.net/~chromium-daily/+archive/ppa10:49
slitux___but i want to use ff , (?)10:50
cfhowlettslitux___, disable plugins and test10:50
slitux___i already disabled them ...10:51
ataris it at all possible to install with LVM and crypto with 14.04? it seems the alternate (text) installer was removed10:51
slitux___the problem happends suddently, i read a page, and then, ...10:52
cfhowlettatar, for text based, look at the .mini iso10:52
atarcfhowlett: is this compatible with usb boot?10:53
cfhowlett!mini | atar yes, usb compliant10:53
ubottuatar yes, usb compliant: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD10:53
atarawesome - thanks. i10:54
atari'll try this10:54
timkofuhi guys10:55
slitux___hi tim10:55
timkofuim looking for an ubuntu 12.10 bind9.10 package?10:55
timkofuit has an ancient 9.810:55
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ddvtimkofu: you should probably use a ppa then11:01
evil_godpacman -Syu11:06
_2_copi1134und wehr bis du11:07
ubottu_2_copi1134,: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!11:09
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cristian_cslitux____, any ideas?11:12
slitux____@cristian_c i was out, but if your card worked (not well) before and do'nt work now, it's strange11:17
Lopemy home dir is already encrypted with ecryptfs. Can I use ecryptfs to encrypt /foo/bar also?11:21
slitux____@cristian_c: i think you should restart your system and unplug/plug the sd card11:22
cristian_cslitux____, no, my card did'nt work before11:22
cristian_cslitux____, before I could mount it, but11:22
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cristian_c<cristian_c> now I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names11:22
slitux____you can mount it with the system which gave you the "read error" ??11:23
cristian_cslitux____, no, when today I've tried the micro sd card on another machine , it couldn't be mounted11:23
cristian_cwhen I've connected it again to this machine, it count't be mounted anymore11:24
LopeCan a user only mount a single ecryptfs volume simultaneously? I'm trying to make a 2nd ecryptfs volume and it says "wrapped-passphrase file already exists, use --force to overwrite."?11:24
slitux____what is the filesysytem of the card ?11:24
cristian_cslitux____, yeah, but now I get these dmesg errors with both the two machines11:24
slitux____so, you can'nt mount it anymore ?11:25
cristian_cuntil today, it was mounted in this machine11:25
kirklandLope: you might be able to get what you want out of http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man1/mount.ecryptfs_private.1.html11:25
cristian_cslitux____, yeah, I can11:25
kirklandLope: see the bit about ALIAS11:25
cristian_cslitux____, now I can't see the filesystem type11:26
cristian_cit can't be mounted11:26
slitux____cristian_c, and before, where you able to see the filesystem type?11:26
cristian_cslitux____, I could11:26
cristian_cslitux____, sorry11:27
slitux____cristian_c, why?11:27
cristian_cslitux____, I could see the filesystem mounted everywhere11:27
cristian_cnow, not anymore11:28
slitux____on both your 2 machine ?11:28
cristian_cslitux____, I didn't try to mount it on another machine until today11:28
slitux____and now, (to sumarize), you can mount it with one machine, but can see the files names11:29
cristian_cslitux____, this test has created problems, so I can't mount it on this machine anymore11:29
slitux____which test?11:29
cristian_cslitux____, no, I could do this until today11:29
cristian_cslitux____, the test APV suggested me11:29
slitux____i didn't saw it11:30
cristian_cslitux____, connecting the micro-sd card to another machine (different by this)11:30
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.11:30
slitux____cristian_c: can you use your card with another device (phone, camera,...)11:31
cristian_cAPVCan you try mounting it on different machine\OS?09:4811:32
cristian_cslitux____, here11:32
cristian_cslitux____, I can ytry11:32
cristian_ca moment, sorry11:32
slitux____is it a new card or do you have a lot of file in it ?11:33
cristian_cslitux____, I did a backup with dd11:34
cristian_cslitux____, before I tried the fsck command11:34
gyaresuWho would be so kind as to link me to the Ubuntu 12 Skype fix?11:34
gyaresuand hi11:35
cristian_cslitux____, I've tried now the card on my phone11:35
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cristian_cslitux____, I don't get errors but I don't see it mounted11:35
cristian_con the phone11:35
slitux____cristian_c: did the the dd command overwrotte the filesystem?11:36
cristian_cslitux____, no, I did the dd command to backup the sd card to my machine11:36
cristian_cbefore executing fsck to my card11:36
cristian_cto get a safe copy11:37
slitux____when did you (the backup) ?11:37
slitux____(sorry for my english)11:37
cristian_cslitux____, no problem, I don't speak english too :D11:38
cristian_cslitux____, I did the dd backup time ago11:39
slitux____long time ago?11:39
cristian_cslitux____, i never solved the problem11:39
cristian_cslI dont' remember honestly11:39
cristian_cwhy this question?11:39
slitux____are you ready to do the reverse backup?11:40
cristian_cslitux____, I can try to mount it to my photo camera11:40
cristian_cvia sd adapter11:40
cristian_cslitux____, I don't know how to do 'reverse backup'11:40
cristian_cslitux____, but there is the problem, first11:41
cristian_cI must resume the micro sd card11:41
cristian_cor formatting11:41
cristian_cit's the same11:41
slitux____is it envisageable to format the card ?11:41
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cristian_cslitux____, I think yes, because I own the dd backup11:42
cristian_cbut I don't know how repair the card or reverse backup11:43
cristian_c*how to11:43
slitux____by 'reverse backup' , i mean 'to put the backup on your card'11:43
slitux____what was the result with your camera?11:44
cristian_cslitux____, I've tried now with the camera11:46
cristian_cslitux____, I've taken a photo with the card inserted in11:46
cristian_cslitux____, I've extracted the sd adapter card from the camera11:47
slitux____can you format the card with your camera ?11:47
cristian_cslitux____, i've  connected it to my machine and now it's mounted11:47
cristian_cslitux____, I can try11:47
slitux____do you need it now ?11:48
slitux____(to format)11:48
cristian_c<cristian_c> now I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names11:48
cristian_cslitux____, the previus problem11:48
cristian_cis appeared again, it's now mounted again, but with the same problem11:48
samlevmorning/evening/whichever applies11:48
slitux____so, you can try to format with your camera,11:48
rayiusHi I am noob to ubuntu, can anyone help me out? I got a ridiculous wifi connection speed11:48
retDid anybody used TVS RP-3160 thermal printer with ubunut?11:49
cristian_cslitux____, I think I can format it with ubuntu11:49
cristian_cslitux____, now, it's mounted11:49
cristian_cslitux____, after I connected to the camera11:49
slitux____good idea, but why didnt you do it befoer?11:49
cristian_cI've not thought11:49
cristian_cslitux____, now, i think i can open it in gparted11:50
slitux____what is the filesystem (just to know)11:50
cristian_cslitux____, now, gparted has mounted it11:50
cristian_cit has a strange label11:51
slitux____which label ?11:51
samlevanyone had much experience debugging sound issues on laptops?11:51
cristian_cin the label column11:51
rayiusHi I am noob to ubuntu, can anyone help me out? I got a ridiculous wifi connection speed11:51
cristian_cslitux____, gparted has many columns11:51
cristian_cfor each line11:51
samlevrayius: how do you mean?11:51
rayiusi seem to have low wifi speed11:52
rayiuscompared to windows11:52
slitux____@cristian_c: think your card has crashed11:52
ObrienDaverayius, rebooted router and modem lately?11:52
cristian_cslitux____, now , can I format it correctly?11:52
cristian_cslitux____, which parameters, I've to use?11:52
cristian_chave I to redoing the partition table?11:52
cristian_c*make again11:53
rayiusI tried a few fix on the ubuntu forum still the same...11:53
slitux____i opened gparred to see the possibilities11:53
cristian_cslitux____, ok11:53
slitux____do you have 1 or more partitions ?11:54
cristian_cslitux____, /dev/sdb1 only11:54
cristian_cstrange, sdb instead of sdc :O11:54
AceKingrayius: what wifi card do you have?11:54
rayiusit's a lappy..11:55
slitux____right click on the partition -> format -> fat3211:55
cristian_cok, I unmount it from gparted11:55
AceKingrayius: I know. But do you know what wifi card is in it?11:55
cristian_cufff, gparted is freezed11:56
rayiusis there a cmd i can type to do so? *sorry11:56
slitux____wait a bit ...11:56
AceKingrayius: open a terminal and run lspci11:57
cristian_c'searching /dev/sdb partitions' in the gparted status bar11:57
cristian_cit's freezed11:57
slitux____after format ?11:57
cristian_cslitux____, no, while unmounting11:57
cristian_cslitux____, nothing changes, always frozen11:58
cristian_cit's strange11:59
slitux____you should force gParted to close ...11:59
slitux____and restart it again, to see11:59
cristian_cit's closed immediately :O11:59
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=== tvoss|test is now known as tvoss
m1dnight_Should I upgrade my samba version on my 12.04 server? (im running 3.6.3) per the article on ars: http://arstechnica.com/security/2014/08/critical-code-execution-bug-in-samba-gives-attackers-superuser-powers/11:59
cristian_cslitux____, now, gparted is not opened anymore12:00
slitux____strange ...12:00
cristian_cI see gparted bin, etc in task manager12:00
slitux____what is the result of 'head /dev/sdb' ?12:00
cristian_cslitux____, I think it's not closed correctly12:01
bipulhello i am unable to connect with internet via wifi , I am able to access router. I am using a ubuntu 14.0412:01
slitux____ok, you should close/kill it12:01
cristian_cslitux____, with head command, I get many strange symbols in the terminal12:01
slitux____that very good12:02
slitux____that mean your card is accessible12:02
slitux____(if your card is /dev/sdb)12:02
cristian_cI've killed gpartedbin12:03
bipulHello, I am not able to connect with my internet via wifi connetion, in my ubuntu 14.04. I am able to connect with router but not internet. Please help.12:03
slitux____cristian_c, and now?12:04
cristian_cslitux____, I've done many tries12:04
bipulHello, I am not able to connect with my internet via wifi connetion, in my ubuntu 14.04. I am able to connect with router but not internet. Please help.12:04
cristian_c(also disconnecting the card form machine)12:05
cristian_cslitux____, now, It's mounted in gparted12:05
slitux____you have tried to restart gparted ? but it dont works ?12:05
slitux____what is the mount point ?12:05
cristian_cslitux____, it's a very strange behaviour, when I try to unmount it with gparted, gparted freezes12:06
cristian_cit's happened again12:06
slitux____do you know the mount point ?12:06
cristian_cslitux____, /media/cristian/FD4A-963B12:07
slitux____in your terminal: 'umount /media/cristian/FD4A-963B'12:07
cristian_cslitux____, no, I've solved disconnecting the card12:07
cristian_cslitux____, ok, I try to open again gparted12:07
cristian_cand the I try to unmount from terminal12:08
slitux____can you connect the card witout mounting it ?12:08
cristian_cslitux____, i try12:08
cristian_cslitux____, If I connect the card, it's automatically mountede12:09
cristian_cslitux____, I try a trick12:09
imkiteIf possible could someone please look at http://pastebin.com/tyKQp3uK and tell me what kind of DNS attack this is. This has been going on for almost a week thought whomever would have gotten bored but now I am second guessing myself lol12:11
slitux____i was in the garden for one minute, ... which trick ?12:12
patateshow do I add a few folder to the excluded? "tar -cvpzf /bckp/bckp.tar.gz --exlude=/home"12:12
cristian_cI tried to open gparted and then from terminal the umount command12:12
cristian_cbut the trick didn't work12:13
patateslike --exclude=/home --exclude=/secondfld --exclude=/thidr12:13
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:13
cristian_cslitux____, I don't know what to do for formatting12:13
slitux____so, to sumarize, you're not able to format it with gpartred, but may-be you should try with your camera :D12:14
cristian_cslitux____, ok12:14
funktHi there I recently did a hardware update and I restarted my desktop to find my screen display locked to 640 x 480 and no way of being able to access many windows in ubuntu because of the locked screen size could anyone help?12:14
cristian_cslitux____, now, I get on my camera: 'card not usable'12:15
slitux____bu you where able to write a photo in it , no ??12:15
cristian_cslitux____, before, not now12:16
cristian_cnow, when I insert the card into it, I get this message12:16
funktI am using 12.04 Ubuntu LTS12:16
slitux____can you still acces the filesystem with your computer ?12:16
cristian_cslitux____, what filesystem?12:17
cristian_c / ?12:17
slitux____can you acces the folders (with stranges name) on the card ?12:17
cristian_cslitux____, yeah, but they are empty12:18
cristian_cthe folders12:18
cristian_cslitux____, and files too12:18
slitux____ok, and if you unmount the card with your file manager, (can you ?)12:19
eeeefunkt: type xrandr in the terminal12:19
cristian_cslitux____, now, If I unmount the device from file manager, it disappears12:20
cristian_cfrom file manager12:20
slitux____now, open gpartred12:20
funktI have tried that12:20
funktand it sayes it is locked12:20
cristian_cgparted is not opening again12:21
funktthanks eeee12:21
cristian_cI try to kill12:21
eeeefunkt: what do you mean locked?12:21
slitux____ 12:21
funktcan you bear with me for one minute!12:21
cristian_cok ,killed and opened again12:21
eeeeyeah sure12:21
cristian_cslitux____, I've opened gparted12:21
slitux____does the card appears in gparred12:22
cristian_cslitux____, no12:22
cristian_conly sda12:22
cristian_cbecause it's not mounted12:22
slitux____but it sould apears, even if it's not mounted, because the card is connected12:23
cristian_cslitux____, no, if I open gparted and the card is not mounted, gparted doesn't show me it12:23
cristian_cit's normal12:23
tinyno it's not12:23
slitux____and what does the 'head /dev/sdb' returns12:24
slitux____(stil witout mounting the card12:24
cristian_cit's always has been so, with any devices12:24
tinyalso, 'fdisk -l' should show every "disk" connected12:24
cristian_cslI try head12:24
cristian_cslitux____, I try head12:24
funktHi there typing xrandr in the terminal says failed to get size of gamma for output defualt12:24
cristian_chead: impossibile aprire "/dev/sdb" per la lettura: Nessun supporto trovato12:25
cristian_cI translate12:25
funktscreen:0 minimum 640 x 480, current 640 x 48012:25
eeeefunkt: just typing xrandr alone ?12:25
eeeewhat resolution do you want12:25
cristian_chead: unable opening  ... for reading: No device found12:25
funktwell before the update I had a full size screen12:25
tinycristian_c: paste "fdisk -l" somewhere12:25
funktof over 1000 pixels12:25
cristian_ctiny, I try12:25
=== mirko_ is now known as mirko
eeeefunkt: do you remember exactly what it was ?12:26
cristian_ctiny, sudo fdisk -l returns only sda12:26
slitux____thats strange, you could connect the card witout mounting it12:26
funktIf i could perhaps just get enough to be able to get to the detect displays button I may be able to correct it12:26
tinycristian_c: there you go, what's the problem again?12:26
funktwhat the update was?12:26
eeeeno the screen resolution12:26
=== mquin is now known as evilmquin
cristian_ctiny, slitux____ has suggested me to format the card12:26
eeeetry this12:26
funkterm No i'm afraid I dont12:27
eeeegtf 1366 768 6012:27
eeeetype that in the terminal12:27
tinycristian_c: you can't format the card if it's not detected by system. What type of card?12:27
cristian_ctiny, I know this12:27
cristian_ctiny, micro sd card12:27
funktgot a bunch of data and numbers12:28
tinycristian_c: sometimes there's a problem with card reader.12:28
cristian_ctiny, no12:28
eeeenow type sudo xrandr --newmode "1366x768" <paste the numbers after _60.00" here>12:28
slitux____@tiny: but the card can be mounted12:28
tinycristian_c: how do you plug in the card?12:28
cristian_cslitux____, yeah, but I can't unmount via gparted12:28
tinyhow can it be mounted if fdisk doesn't show it?12:28
cristian_cgparted freezes12:29
tinymount -a12:29
tinyshow that12:29
cristian_ctiny, ok12:29
slitux____because when cristian unmount it, it siseapers12:29
funktsorry which numbers do i paste?12:29
=== evilmquin is now known as mquin
cristian_cDispositivo Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System12:29
cristian_c/dev/sdb1   *        2048    15556607     7777280    b  W95 FAT3212:29
eeeefunkt: paste the numbers after "1368x768_60.00" until +Vsync12:29
eeeefunkt: when i type it here i get 85.86 1368 1440 ..12:30
funkthmm Im sorry I don't understand12:30
cristian_ctiny, the fdisk output12:30
eeeefunkt: paste here what you get when you type gtf 1366 768 6012:30
tinycristian_c: that's the output of fdisk(1) and not mount(1)12:30
cristian_ctiny, I type mount, now12:31
eeee(paste it in the channel)12:31
funktokay thank you!12:31
cristian_ctiny, sudo mount -a returns nothing :OOO12:31
cristian_cvery strange12:32
=== brian is now known as Guest91621
Guest91621gtf 1366 768 6012:32
Guest91621  # 1368x768 @ 60.00 Hz (GTF) hsync: 47.70 kHz; pclk: 85.86 MHz12:32
Guest91621  Modeline "1368x768_60.00"  85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:32
tinycristian_c: sorry: just mount12:32
tinyno "-a"12:32
cristian_c/dev/sdb1 on /media/cristian/FD4A-963B type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks2)12:32
funktHi there I had to log in as guest on the other computer but it is me!12:32
tinycristian_c: ok, so do: umount /media/cristian/FD4A-963B12:33
funktI have pasted the output12:33
cristian_ctiny, done12:33
eeeefunkt: ok, type sudo xrandr --newmode "1368x768" 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:33
tinycristian_c: so it's not mounted anymore?12:33
cristian_cnot mounted, now12:33
cristian_cbut present in file manager12:33
tinycristian_c: ok, so what does fdisk -l show now?12:33
cristian_ctiny, as before12:34
Guest91621xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:34
cristian_ctiny, pastebin?12:34
funktThat was the output12:34
tinycristian_c: ok, make sense. Now, What's the problem? You can't access files on that card?12:34
cristian_ctiny, the problem it's very strange12:34
cristian_ctiny, the story: 1) a day i inserted the micro-sd card in an android device and I got errors12:35
cristian_ctiny, 2) whe12:35
cristian_ctiny, when I plugged to a pc, i had superblock error12:35
eeeefunkt: try xrandr -s 800x60012:36
eeeefunkt: does it change?12:36
cristian_ctiny, 3) I was suggested to use fsck12:36
cristian_ctiny, 4) I did a dd backup of the card to my pc12:36
Guest91621NO AND IT SAYS xrandr -s 800x60012:36
cristian_ctiny, 5) I executed the fsck12:36
Guest91621Size 800x600 not found in available modes12:36
ObrienDavelatest drivers for your card?12:37
funktthanks for all your help eeee12:37
funktno change!12:37
cristian_ctiny, 6) then <cristian_c> now I can mount the micro-sd card, but folders and files are empty and have got strange names12:38
cristian_ctiny, now, I was suggested to format the card and do a reverse backup from dd12:38
cristian_ctiny, any ideas to format it?12:39
funktAny more ideas eeee?12:39
eeeefunkt: try xrandr --output default --gamma 1:1:1 --mode 1280x102412:39
tinycristian_c: hmm, a lot of variables, nothing specific there. If you did a dd(1) backup of card when it was already corrupted then it won't help.12:39
tinycristian_c: it's easy to format it.12:40
cristian_cI think I must make the partition table again12:40
tinycristian_c: first make sure you have a backup you can restore!12:40
Guest91621xrandr: cannot find mode 1280x10212:40
cristian_ctiny, a dd before executing the fsck12:40
cristian_ctiny, not after12:40
funktNo mode eeee12:40
tinycristian_c: do you know how to mount that dd image and extract data?12:40
cristian_ctiny, no, I don't know12:41
eeeefunkt: ok, try sudo xrandr --newmode --gamma 1:1:1 "1368x768" 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:41
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: it's easy to format it.12:41
cristian_ci don't know how to format it correctly12:41
tinydo you care about the old data?12:41
Guest91621xrandr: unrecognized option '795'12:41
Guest91621Try 'xrandr --help' for more information.12:41
Guest91621THATS OKAY12:41
Eldunarhello is it possible to group up application in Xubuntu?12:42
slitux____but i think you can't format it when it is mounted12:42
cristian_c<tiny> do you care about the old data?12:42
slitux____have you suceed unmounting it ?12:42
cristian_ctiny, I've not understood12:42
eeeefunkt: ok, try sudo xrandr --gamma 1:1:1 --newmode "1368x768" 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:42
tinycristian_c: what happened from the time you "backed up" with dd until the time you notice FS corruption?12:43
Guest91621xrandr: --gamma must be used after --output12:43
Guest91621Try 'xrandr --help' for more information.12:43
cristian_cslitux____, now, it's unmounted, but I don't think gparted can see it12:43
cristian_cif unmounted12:43
tinycristian_c: no need to use gparted. Use fdisk.12:43
eeeefunkt: ok, try sudo xrandr --newmode "1368x768" --gamma 1:1:1 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:43
eeeeill try here as well12:43
cristian_ctiny, I've excuted fsck command12:43
cristian_c*executed the fsck command12:43
eeeedidn't work12:44
Guest91621sudo xrandr --newmode "1368x768" --gamma 1:1:1 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:44
cristian_ctiny, ok12:44
tinycristian_c: yes but you say there are no files on card? Can you paste "ls -l"12:44
Guest91621clever stuff!12:44
tinycristian_c: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/somedir12:44
Guest91621nearly there maybe?12:44
cristian_ctiny, there are files and folders on the card, but they have strange names and they are empty12:44
tinycristian_c: show us!12:45
cristian_ctiny, I think it's corrupted12:45
cristian_ctiny, ok12:45
stangelandhi, i have a directory of 12 very big files. How do i copy the first MB of each file into 12 new small files?12:45
tinymaybe you're just missing some locale(s)12:45
cristian_cI've mounted the card12:45
cristian_celse, I can't use ls12:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:46
eeeefunkt: hold on12:47
cristian_ctiny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7960851/12:47
funktholding on!12:47
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/somedir12:47
tinycristian_c: ok, that looks bad.12:48
tinycristian_c: ls -l please12:48
cristian_ctiny, ok12:48
cristian_ctiny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7960873/12:49
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: mount /dev/sdb1 /mnt/somedir12:49
cristian_ctiny, have I to try this?12:49
tinycristian_c: no, you already mounted again didn't you?12:50
eeeefunkt: try without sudo12:50
eeeefunkt: xrandr --newmode "1368x768" 85.86  1368 1440 1584 1800  768 769 772 795  -HSync +Vsync12:50
cristian_ctiny, now, there are two problems: 1) formatting the card, 2) do a reverse backup from dd file12:51
Guest91621xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:51
Guest91621X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)12:51
Guest91621  Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)12:51
Guest91621  Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)12:51
Guest91621  Serial number of failed request:  1912:51
Guest91621  Current serial number in output stream:  1912:51
unopasteGuest91621 you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted12:51
funkteeee I've been muted for pasting too many lines12:51
tinycristian_c:  no problems there if your backup is ok. Fsck didn't corrupt those files.12:52
eeeeyeah it's ok, it's for 60seconds12:52
tinycristian_c: something else caused it's corruption.12:52
cristian_ctiny, lol12:52
cristian_ctiny, these are appeared after fsck command12:52
Guest91621xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default12:52
ioudasHas anyone setup alfresco cifs on ubuntu? I have some issues getting cifs to work12:53
Guest91621X Error of failed request:  BadName (named color or font does not exist)12:53
Guest91621Major opcode of failed request:  140 (RANDR)12:53
Guest91621Minor opcode of failed request:  16 (RRCreateMode)12:53
tinycristian_c: did you fsck on mounted system?12:53
Guest91621Serial number of failed request:  1912:53
cristian_ctiny, I've not understood12:53
Guest91621Current serial number in output stream:  1912:53
funkteeee thanks thats it? any ideas what that means?12:54
eeeefunkt: type ls /etc/X11 | grep xorg12:54
marko_is there any way to  upload videos to instagram from ubuntu?12:54
tinycristian_c: did you do file system check while card was mounted? You _should not_ do that! That's probably the cause of corruption.12:54
cristian_ctiny, <cristian_c> I've typed sudo fsck.msdos -aw /dev/sdc112:54
tinycristian_c: umount the blody card again and don't mount it!12:54
=== marko_ is now known as marko-_-
Guest91621bash: type: /etc/X11: not found12:54
cristian_ctiny, ok12:54
tinycristian_c: double check it's not mounted12:54
tinymount | grep sdb12:55
eeeefunkt: you typed "type" i think12:55
funkthang on :)12:55
cristian_ctiny, /dev/sdb1 on /media/cristian/FD4A-963B type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uid=1000,gid=1000,shortname=mixed,dmask=0077,utf8=1,showexec,flush,uhelper=udisks2)12:55
tinyublodymount it!12:56
tinyumount /media/cristian/FD4A-963B12:56
funktthat any better eeee?12:56
cristian_ctiny, ok, it is unmounted and it's present in the file manager12:56
eeeeyeah, hold on12:56
tinycristian_c: noooooooooo12:57
tinyit must not be present in file manager12:57
tinyit must be unmounted12:57
tinymount | grep sdb12:57
eeeetrying to see if it's ok to rename that file12:57
cristian_ctiny, ok, but i've typed the command you have suggested to me12:57
tinysudo mount  | grep sdb12:57
cristian_cthis returns nothing12:57
cristian_cit's not mounted12:58
eeeefunkt: you're on 2 PC's right now, right?12:58
tinyok, now go to the directory you have dd image12:58
tinycristian_c: ^12:58
funktyes thats right!12:58
cristian_ctiny, but it's visible in the left column in the file manager (unmounted)12:58
funkteeee yes I am!12:58
cristian_ctiny, ok12:58
eeeefunkt: ok, cool.12:58
tinycristian_c: ok, close file manager, open terminal12:58
eeeefunkt: type sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe.backup12:59
tinycristian_c: now : cd into directory you've stored dd backup image13:00
funkteeee okay!13:00
eeeefunkt: ok try to restart the computer13:00
funktRestarting! eeee13:00
eeeeok :)13:01
bsdbanditgood morning im  working on an automated install of ubuntu 12.04 using kickstart my question is do i have to use the system-config-kickstart to generate the kickstart file or can i just use on  that ive already created from a redhat system and then add preseed commands to  that file ?13:01
cristian_cok, found: microsd.dd13:01
Enissaylogging in as a root, I want to access to the console of a running application for another user... typing simply the appName launch a new root instance which I dont want :/ ... How can I get into the already running app please ?13:02
cristian_ctiny, it's located in an external disk13:02
funkteeee Ok I have restarted and I am now back in ubuntu13:02
cristian_ctiny, is it safe anyway?13:02
cristian_c<cristian_c> ok, found: microsd.dd13:02
tinycristian_c: what external disk?13:02
cristian_ctiny, I stored the .dd file in an usb external disk13:02
tinycristian_c: before we go further please paste this command: fdisk -l13:03
cristian_c /media/cristian/64C886C730A45592/Other/microsd13:03
eeeefunkt: i guess it didn't work?13:03
cristian_ctiny, ok13:03
funktOh sorry mate no joy!13:03
JackmawerHey, if I want people to help test my scripts, where do I go?13:03
funktwish it had!13:03
cristian_ctiny, the external disk: sdd13:04
cristian_cDisk /dev/sdd: 320.1 GB, 320072933376 bytes13:04
eeeefunkt: ok, type ls /etc/X1113:05
cristian_ctiny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7960997/13:06
eeeei mean ls /etc/X11 | grep xorg13:06
funktlol ok ill wait!13:06
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: now : cd into directory you've stored dd backup image13:06
cristian_ctiny, then?13:06
tinycristian_c: one more time: sudo mount | grep sdb13:07
cristian_ctiny, nothing returned13:07
tinyls -l13:07
tinypaste it ^13:07
cristian_ctiny, in which location?13:07
tinycristian_c: in the directory you have dd image13:08
tinygo there and do ls -l13:08
eeeefunkt: you there?13:08
funktcertainly am eeee!13:08
eeeeok, type ls /etc/X11 | grep xorg13:08
MaranoI use a particular Linux distro but it's discontinued, its based on Ubuntu though. How can I keep using it? Should I use Ubuntu's repos now?13:08
=== jack is now known as Guest14791
cristian_ctiny, totale 777728013:09
cristian_c-rw------- 1 cristian cristian 7963934720 mar 31 13:21 microsd.dd13:09
tinyMarano: wow, I've just been to the process of upgrading from discontinued distro, hard work13:09
brian_eeee - xorg.conf.failsafe.backup13:09
Maranotiny: I see.13:09
funktmy alter user is brain_13:09
Maranotiny: which distro were you on?13:09
funkteeee ^13:09
tinycristian_c: ok, now do: sudo dd if=./microsd.dd of=/dev/sdb13:09
=== blindsight is now known as Guest1409
tinyMarano: ubuntu 10.1013:10
Maranotiny: How did you work it out though? I am curious.13:10
tinyMarano: 6 upgrades to 14.04 LTS13:10
eeeefunkt: ok i think you should rename it back then.13:10
funktreaname what back?13:10
funkteeee: rename what back?13:10
tinyMarano: I had to manually edit sources.list though ... and change url to: old-repositories.ubuntu.com13:10
cristian_ctiny, from external disk to external sd card13:10
tinycristian_c: yeah so?13:11
Lynda22 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://bitly.com/1o8VFsz13:11
cristian_ctiny, I'll think it will be very slow13:11
Maranotiny: Are you still using Ubuntu 10.10?13:11
cristian_c*I think13:11
eeeefunkt: type sudo mv /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe.backup /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe13:11
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tinyMarano: no, I've just upgraded to 14.04 LTS but I need to fix xorg13:11
Maranotiny: How much is your RAM?13:11
tinycristian_c: just do it! USB disk is faster then microsd card13:11
tinyMarano: 2GB13:12
cristian_ctiny, I've typed beofre13:12
brian_eeee: sudo is /usr/bin/sudo13:12
brian_mv is /bin/mv13:12
brian_bash: type: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe.backup: not found13:12
brian_bash: type: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe: not found13:12
tinycristian_c: ?13:12
cristian_ctiny, I've typed it whenyou have told me13:12
eeeefunkt: i think you wrote "type" again?13:12
Maranotiny: Oh wow, does Ubuntu operate fine on it?13:12
tinycristian_c: ok, just wait now, it  might take a while.13:12
cristian_cand i'm waiting the end from some minutes13:12
Maranotiny: I have 4GB ram and my computer hanged like everliving hell on Ubuntu 12.04.13:12
cristian_ctiny, I think much time13:13
tinyMarano: I'm planing to use Gnome 213:13
Maranotiny: That's a very, very bad choice.13:13
cristian_cI hope not hours13:13
funkteeee: aploigies yes I did13:13
funktall back I guess now eeee13:13
tinyMarano: why?13:13
Maranotiny: I recommend that you should use Xfce instead, its very lightweight and beautiful at the same time.13:13
tinyMarano: I'm not setting it up for me.13:13
eeeefunkt: dunno if this would work,13:13
tinyMarano: it's for my father in law. I use fluxbox on my machines.13:14
eeeehold on13:14
Maranotiny: Gnome will use around 800MB+ while Xfce will use just 120MB+, which path do you wish to choose?13:14
tinyMarano: yeah, I know. But I'm not going to convert a 60 year old.13:15
tinyMarano: yeah, I know. But I'm not going to convert a 60 year old.13:15
eeeefunkt: can you right click on the desktop and press change background?13:15
tinyfluxbox is even lighter then xfce ;-)13:15
tinyMarano: ^13:15
eeeefunkt: then click on All Settings, then Display13:16
EldunarCLI is EVEN lighter than fluxbox13:16
funktok eeee13:16
tinycristian_c: how is it going? you never answered how you connect micro SD card to PC?13:16
Maranotiny: I see ;)13:16
cristian_ctiny, the command is ongoing13:16
tinyEldunar: not much difference between cli and fluxbox13:16
cristian_ctiny, It is working13:16
funktok eeee13:16
Eldunarso why even bother with fluxbox?13:16
cristian_ctiny, no, It has done now13:16
tinyEldunar: to get GUI programs.13:16
cristian_cit has finished13:16
tinycristian_c: good. Now mount it!13:17
=== Jeruvy_ is now known as Jeruvy
cristian_cdd: scrittura di "/dev/sdb": Errore di input/output13:17
cristian_c2524129+0 record dentro13:17
cristian_c2524128+0 record fuori13:17
eeeefunkt: can you change the resolution there?13:17
cristian_c1292353536 byte (1,3 GB) copiati, 336,401 s, 3,8 MB/s13:17
funktNo it is locked13:17
funktNo other option is available13:17
tinycristian_c: I think your card is ready to be thrown into trash.13:18
funktapart from 640 x 48013:18
cristian_ctiny, do I try again?13:18
funktUnfortunately I cannot access detect displays either13:18
tinycristian_c: no, do: sudo mount | grep sdb13:18
funktas because I am locked in this resolution I cannot reach the button13:18
funktthe window is too big13:19
cristian_ctiny, the command retujrns nothing13:19
eeeefunkt: you could use <tab> but i'm not sure it would pick up anything13:19
tinycristian_c: ok, now do: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=113:19
cristian_ctiny, have I to mount it?13:19
tinycristian_c: no13:19
cristian_ctiny, ah, ok13:19
eeeei could load a vm and see how many tab clicks you'd have to press13:19
eeee(im running 14.04)13:19
eeeemight be different13:19
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funktThats very kind let me try on my laptop13:20
tinycristian_c: also, can you paste last ten lines of dmesg13:20
cristian_c1+0 record dentro13:20
cristian_c1+0 record fuori13:20
cristian_c1048576 byte (1,0 MB) copiati, 0,099414 s, 10,5 MB/s13:20
cristian_cuhm, bot is out13:20
funkteeee no nothing13:21
tinycristian_c: what is dmesg showing? Any IO errors?13:21
funktIt seems to have dectected a laptop screen when I am on a desktop with a monitor eeee13:21
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tinycristian_c: brb13:21
eeeewhat was the hardware update you did?13:22
cristian_ctiny, yeah, after I typed the last dd command13:22
funktI am really not sure13:22
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: ok, now do: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdb bs=1M count=113:22
funktI think it just came up with a list and good old ubunutu usally just installs and its all plain sailing!13:22
cristian_ctiny, http://pastebin.com/3HiqR4cR13:23
LentonDo files inherit their group from directories they are in?13:23
funktIs there any way I could do something like a window rollback or remove an updated package?13:23
tinycristian_c: I'm suspecting hardware problems.13:24
funktI know when I try sudo update it tells me there is a broken package13:24
tinycristian_c:  you could recreate partitions with fdisk for example and create new filesystem but I believe problems will persist.13:24
cristian_ctiny, previously, I was suggested to correct the heads in the sd card13:24
funktI have tried fixing it but to no avail13:24
cristian_ctiny, testdisk showed 246 instead of 25513:25
eeeefunkt: what are you using for the graphics ? the open source driver?13:25
cristian_cand it said me to change geometry13:25
cristian_cand it said me to change geometry13:26
funktsorry eeee could explain in better terms?13:26
eeeefunkt: type software-properties-gtk13:26
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eeeefunkt: and go to the last tab, additional drivers'=13:26
tinycristian_c: hmm, not familiar with testdisk. You might have problems with android system reading card differently then your PC.13:27
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tinycristian_c: it happened to me already.13:27
tinycristian_c: anyway, dd failed so that's not good.13:27
funkteeee the last tab is statistics13:27
cristian_ctiny, ok13:27
funkteeee it opened software sources yes?13:28
cristian_ctiny, but can I reverse backup the .dd file on another device?13:28
eeeefunkt: yeah it should13:28
funktThe last tab is statistics eeee13:28
cristian_ctiny, throwing card in the trash and purchasing another card13:28
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cristian_ctiny, copying the dd content to the new card13:29
tinycristian_c: yes, you'll need to loop mount the filesystem. First you'll need to extract filesystem image from it though. Use dd and skip option. Then something like: mount -t loop -o vfat filename /path/to/mountdir13:29
eeeefunkt: go to the dash, and type drivers13:29
funktOk I am in additional drivers eeee,13:29
tinycristian_c: usually there are 512 bytes before partition data starts.13:29
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cristian_ctiny, it seems difficult13:30
cristian_c<tiny> cristian_c: yes, you'll need to loop mount the filesystem. First you'll need to extract filesystem image from it though. Use dd and skip option. Then something like: mount -t loop -o vfat filename /path/to/mountdir13:30
eeeeok, what does it say? does it mention any graphics drivers?13:30
cristian_cI'm not very expert of this stuff13:31
funktsorry bud its still loading eeee13:31
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=== MaN is now known as MaNN
=== MaNN is now known as MaNNN
funkteeee it mentions nvidia accelerated graphics driver13:31
=== MaNNN is now known as BesT
tinycristian_c: do: hexdump -n 1000 -C /path/to/ddbackupfile13:32
tinyand paste it13:32
funktand there looks like a grey form select circle13:32
funktBut It will not highlight when clicked13:32
tinycristian_c: also paste: file /path/to/ddbackupfile13:32
CavaniHi people! I am a new user on Ubuntu (14.04 gnome3). I am a player of some flash games on the web... So I have the graphics very slow (On W7 I had not, that runs OK) .... Windows7 was removed tottaly in this laptop, Only remains Ubuntu. It is great!! This games are my hobby. I don't wanna go back to W7 because this silliness13:33
funkteeee, I have managed to shrink the window and its now installing the driver! Not sure of the outcome yet!13:33
eeeefunkt: what? lol13:34
funktI know13:34
funktits downloading the driver!13:34
eeeefunkt: no i mean, not what in a good way13:34
tinycristian_c: also paste: fdisk -l /path/to/ddbackupfile13:34
cristian_ctiny, http://pastebin.com/SaryrxhT13:34
eeeei thought you were already using the nvidia driver13:34
Enissay_How to stop all active torrents from command line in rtorrent ?13:34
eeeei was reading about how to reinstall it13:34
funktI couldnt reach the window to see if it had been activated or not?13:34
eeeei dont know, i guess i hope it works!13:35
funktjust restarting!13:35
funktI hope so especially after all your help!13:35
cristian_ctiny, http://pastebin.com/mFnyYbSP13:35
eeeei tried the amd driver once and it didn't work as good as the open source one so i reinstalled13:36
eeeeit worked?13:36
funktthere it is!13:36
funktthanks soo much for all your help!13:36
eeeetest it out move the windows and stuff13:36
funktappreciate that ten fold !!13:36
eeeecuz if you find it's not as good as before13:36
eeeei think you can reinstall the open source ones, and they'd work again, i hope13:37
eeee(with the right resolution i mean)13:37
funktAll looks clean as a whistle!13:37
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CavaniHi! How could I get help here?13:37
funktThank you so much for your help eeee!13:38
funktgood man cheers!13:38
eeeeyou're welcome13:38
=== Ditii is now known as BesT
funktappreciate all those xrandr codes as well! learnt some new stuff13:38
eeeehaha, yeah13:38
funktthank you! lol13:38
mauryaarunhow to install unity8 and mir on my ubuntu 14.10 alpha213:38
=== BesT is now known as Ditii
tinycristian_c: ok, paste that last one fdisk -l13:39
cristian_ctiny, classic fdisk -l?13:39
cristian_cthe common fdisk13:39
tinycristian_c: no: fdisk -l /path/to/ddbackupfile13:39
cristian_ctiny, but i've pasted it13:40
cristian_c<cristian_c> tiny, http://pastebin.com/mFnyYbSP13:40
cristian_csudo fdisk -l /media/cristian/64C886C730A45592/Other/microsd/microsd.dd13:41
tinycristian_c: that's all? No partitions?13:41
tinyhow did you backed up? What command exactly did you use?13:41
cristian_ctiny, i dont' see partitions13:42
tinycristian_c: you should have sdb1 partition in there13:42
tinycristian_c: you didn't paste: file /media/cristian/64C886C730A45592/Other/microsd/microsd.dd13:43
cristian_ctiny, I remember the dd command was provided in this channel13:43
cristian_cmaybe ben64 user13:43
cristian_cbut I don't remeber exactly the syntax13:44
cristian_c*don't remember13:44
cristian_ctiny, /media/cristian/64C886C730A45592/Other/microsd/microsd.dd: x86 boot sector13:44
tinythat's all?13:45
cristian_ctiny, yeah13:45
tinyok try this, it might work, who knows: mount -o ro,loop,offset=512 microsd.dd /mnt/somedir13:46
cristian_ctiny, from the .dd location?13:46
tinycristian_c: ok try this, it might work, who knows: mount -o ro,loop,offset=512 /path/to/microsd.dd /mnt/somedir13:47
cristian_ctiny, it's working13:48
tinycan you cd into mounted directory and see files?13:48
cristian_cmount: il mount point /mnt/somedir non esiste13:48
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cristian_ctiny, mkdir?13:49
tinycristian_c: you need to have existing directory13:49
tinycristian_c: yes, for example: mkdir /mnt/card13:49
cristian_ctiny, I think i've got available space on my hard disk13:49
tinycristian_c: then do: mount -o ro,loop,offset=512 /path/to/microsd.dd /mnt/card13:50
cristian_ctiny, mount: si deve specificare il tipo di filesystem13:51
cristian_cI translate13:51
tinyno need I understand13:51
luminousHello! how can I confirm the version of a package installed? apt-cache search doesn't seem to tell you13:51
tinycristian_c: try:  mount -t vfat -o ro,loop,offset=512 /path/to/microsd.dd /mnt/card13:52
Piciluminous: apt-cache policy packagename13:52
cristian_ctiny, 'it is needed to specifying filesytem type'13:52
Piciluminous: will show you what is installed, and what is available.13:52
tinycristian_c: yes I know, look up ^13:52
cristian_ctiny, ok, I try13:52
luminouswow, apt-* rarely maps to sensible constructs in one's mind13:52
luminousthanks Pici13:52
Piciluminous: apt-get is for performing actions against apt, apt-cache is for queries.13:53
cristian_ctiny, ok, it seems the original problem it's appeared13:53
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.13:53
tinycristian_c: ?13:54
cristian_ctiny, the original superblock error13:54
luminousPici: my point is that "apt-cache policy" is not sensible of a command map for what it does13:54
cristian_ctiny, the same I had before using fsck, I think13:54
Piciluminous: true.13:54
dave_sDoes anyone know of a FTP control panel or desktop application that will let me manage an FTP server relatively easily?13:54
luminousI installed gnome 3.10 on 12.04 LTS, used the system for a while (let upgrades do their thing), and while apt-get/cache seem to show gnome 3.10 as installed, I have lost the awesome UI interface and seem to be in gnome legacy mode13:54
tinycristian_c: what was the output of that command?13:54
cristian_ctiny, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7961329/13:55
luminouswhere would I find the controls for this, or does it sound like I rolled back a version of a package?13:55
cristian_ctiny, I don't remember, but I had that when i tried to mount it in the file manager13:55
cfhowlettdave_s, Software Center search for "ftp"     ... many options13:55
cfhowlettdave_s, "PureAdmin" administer and monitor your FTP server13:56
cristian_ctiny, I can translate the message in the terminal13:56
tinycristian_c: no need13:56
hateballdave_s: there is also gadmin-proftpd13:56
fake_any programmer here can help me? :(13:57
cristian_ctiny, the original bug it was related to the superblock error13:57
sydneyWhat is the wording o install network tools in ubuntu terminal?13:57
sydneyi must have uninstalled it :-/13:57
dave_scfhowlett, hateball: I would prefer something Web based, or at least cross-platform if it's desktop. Sadly our IT idiot won't let me use Ubuntu primarily because "chatter".13:58
luminoussydney: apt-cache search network | grep tools | less  will let you figure out what you want13:58
BesTtTCrowe167 Hi13:58
sydneyluminous: it is called 'network tools' in UBC13:59
cfhowlettdave_s, that's ... a shameful.  On my behalf, please set his desktop language to Old World Latin and change his fonts to dingbats13:59
Crowe167I downloaded Ubuntu 14.04 LTS and want to install it. My WiFi crashed every minute with the error code 14=MIC_FAILURE. It's a RTL8723be. How can i fix it?13:59
cfhowlettfake ... a programming channel this isn't. you might find #bash or #python helpful14:00
TLoFPhi everyone, in the terminal is there a command to shorten the path name?14:00
Jackmawercfhowlett, hi Yoda!14:00
luminoussydney: find it's real name (for the package), and use apt-get install <pkg>14:00
dave_scfhowlett: That's so horribly devious, I love it. Why have I never thought to do this?14:00
TLoFPlets say I cd into an obsenly long path, how can I tell the terminal NOT to display the entire path14:00
dave_sOur cloud is all Ubuntu though.14:01
asianetplusHello guys is there any way i can install the driver for ati radeon 8670 i have hp laptop hybrid graphics14:01
JackmawerTLoFP i think you can change the terminal prompt, not sure14:01
cfhowlettTLoFP, interesting question.  I THINK you can set a location alias.  Don't know how though.14:01
cfhowlettdave_s, www.reddit.com/r/pettyrevenge14:02
luminousasianetplus: if you go to the ati/amd site, or maybe ubuntu wiki, there are instructions on adding a PPA for the drivers, then you can get the updated blobs14:02
JackmawerTLoFP maybe just make a symo symbolic link?14:02
JackmawerNot symo lol14:02
luminousTLoFP: that's configured in bash/your shell14:02
Crowe167Hi again, now on a laptop ;)14:02
tinycristian_c: try maybe this:  mount -o ro,loop /path/to/microsd.dd /mnt/card14:03
asianetplusluminous: I have tried that but my ubuntu freezes on startup saying low graphics or some14:03
luminousasianetplus: are you sure it is supported?14:03
luminous(the chip)14:03
luminousare you sure you have the correct firmware blob?14:03
asianetplusluminous: I think so i have downloaded from amd site its working in 32 bit but not with 64 bit i dont know why14:04
cristian_ctiny, mount: /dev/loop0: impossibile leggere il superblocco14:05
cristian_cunable reading superblock14:05
luminousasianetplus: try using the PPA as I described14:05
tinycristian_c: ok, don't know how to help. Looks like your dd image wan't properly created14:05
asianetplus luminous: Also my system is working with kubuntu still no graphics device loaded coz i cant lower my brightness14:05
luminousasianetplus: search ubuntu wiki for radeon howtos14:06
Crowe167I downloaded Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, burned it onto a DVD and not I want to install it on my Lenovo G50-30. My WiFi/WLAN crashes every time after I downloaded ~1000KB. It's a RTL8723BE. Error Code: 14=MIC_FAILURE. How can I fix this?14:06
cristian_ctiny, ok, thank you very much for the help14:06
luminousCrowe167: you might need to install binary blob firmware for the chip14:06
Crowe167luminous: Can you tell me how?14:07
luminousCrowe167: run the install with wired network, then try sorting out the chip14:07
Orphis_I'm having tons of issues trying to transfer a large file over rsync+ssh14:07
asianetplusluminous: i will thank you i want to make sure its not a bug if it is dont have to waste time on that14:07
luminousCrowe167: not specifically, unfortunately. I remove all wifi chips from my laptops14:07
Orphis_The connection is supposed to be reliable, but ssh fails pretty often, the transfer stalls and then fails14:07
Crowe167luminous: My english is not good, but wired = LAN/Ethernet?14:08
Orphis_I got into issues also with rsync breaking protocol in newer versions, which is really ridiculous14:08
Orphis_Any idea on how I could transfer large files then?14:08
Orphis_And any idea why ssh became so unreliable in trusty when transferring data?14:09
Crowe167luminous: I don't have a ethernet cable here right now, and my router is in the other room, it seems bad for me :(14:09
=== mquin is now known as Mquin
cristian_ctiny, bye14:09
tinycristian_c: later14:09
Crowe167luminous: Are you still here?14:10
ge0rJeyi had completely purged cups samba smbclient firefox and other stuff i dont need on ubuntu 14.04 system.14:10
ge0rJeybut everytime i upgrade they get reinstalled14:11
MonkeyDustge0rJey  sudo ap-get autoremove14:11
ge0rJeyhow do i make them not reappear everytime i upgrade14:11
Crowe167I downloaded Ubuntu 14.04 LTS, burned it onto a DVD and now I want to install it on my Lenovo G50-30. My WiFi/WLAN crashes every time after I downloaded ~1000KB. It's a RTL8723BE. Error Code: 14=MIC_FAILURE. How can I fix this?14:12
sydneyluminous: found it :)14:12
ge0rJeyMonkeyDust, i've done autoremove , autoclean and clean multiple times14:12
ge0rJeyits not helping14:12
cfhowlettCrowe167, you can install without wifi and fix it post-installation14:12
MonkeyDustge0rJey  paste this line in a terminal, i picked it up here, it purges even more thoroughly    dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P14:13
Crowe167cfhowlett: I want to fix this problem before i install Ubuntu14:13
foolhardyI have an ubuntu 12.04 server vm and I'm finding that the nightly suspend (for backups) causes the clock to be off, making it slower and slower by each  night.14:13
foolhardyHow do I go about telling ubuntu to pull time daily from NTP?14:13
cfhowlettCrowe167, good luck with that.14:13
Crowe167cfhowlett: Why?14:13
cfhowlettCrowe167, because you'll find it difficult to configure a wifi driver during live session.  MUCH easier after install is completed14:14
slitux____cristian_c: have you solved your problem (with the sd card)14:14
Crowe167cfhowlett: Okay, can you tell me how can i fix it AFTER a complete installation?14:14
ge0rJeyMonkeyDust, Dude WTF, its  purging and removing all the configuration files in my system14:15
MonkeyDustge0rJey  it purges all obsolete files, been using it for years14:16
MonkeyDustge0rJey  it purges all obsolete config files, been using it for years14:16
sbalneavAnybody else being bit by https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apt/+bug/1352876 ?14:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 1352876 in apt (Ubuntu) ""apt-get update" crashes" [Undecided,New]14:16
sbalneavI have several servers that are segfaulting on different programs after the latest glib update.14:17
MonkeyDustge0rJey  maybe they're old files14:17
ge0rJeyoh ok. sorry for the overreaction,i panicked when i saw that.14:18
ge0rJeyrunning it again14:18
slitux____cristian_c: have you solved your problem (with the sd card)14:18
MonkeyDustge0rJey  it's also wise to have backups14:19
MonkeyDustge0rJey  and if you're not certain or worried, don't run it14:19
ge0rJeyi have a backup of my home directory14:20
dpasqualinHi there, I'm having some trouble with apt-get dist-upgrade. I have a package called minicom-server-all which had le-autoupgrade as dependency. Recently I changed the name of the package le-autoupgrade to minicom-autoupgrade (using the replace/conflict/provide thing), and I also changed the name in the Depends of minicom-server-all to minicom-autoupgrade. Unfortunetely apt-get -y --force-yes dist-upgrade will not replace the package, no error, just14:24
dpasqualin"we will keep the le-autoupgrade". However, if I run apt-get install (or upgrade) minicom-server-all, apt replaces the package as expected.14:24
=== Mquin is now known as mquin
mawmawhey guys, I have gnome shell and the search bar doesn't look for files, only applications, how do I make it look for files on my hard disk?14:26
slitux____cristian_c: are you always here ?14:30
cristian_cslitux____, no14:30
cristian_cI've not solved14:30
rodney77Hi, could someone please help me? I'm running 14.04 and the text on my screen is enormous14:32
tomodachirodney77: sounds like your resolution is low14:32
tomodachitry increasing it14:32
rodney77tomodachi, thanks, but the resolution is correct. I actually have a high density screen14:32
slitux____cristian_c: what if you do 'cat /dev/full > /dev/sdb', and then try to create a new partition system in your card (assuming your card is /dev/sdb, of course)14:33
rodney77it's so hi res that I need to go into display settings and scale menu and title bars14:33
rodney77however, i reset this to 1 and my text is still huge14:33
cristian_cslitux____, I've unplugged everything, now14:33
cristian_cslitux____, but I can try today14:34
cristian_cslitux____, what does it make this command?14:34
ge0rJeyMonkeyDust, thanks for the onliner, worked like a charm. not sure why it removed configs for rxvt and other few apps which are still installed but seems like older configs from /usr/share locations instead of the home directories one..14:34
ge0rJeywere removed14:35
slitux____cristian_c: it erases all on your card14:35
cristian_cslitux____, ok14:35
rodney77tomodachi, this is what my screen looks like: https://imgur.com/vABrRMz14:35
cristian_cslitux____, anyway, tiny has told me maybe the .dd backup can have been badly14:36
cristian_cin past14:36
MonkeyDustge0rJey  glad i could help14:36
slitux____cristian_c: and are they importants files in the backup14:36
cristian_cslitux____, but if I rescue the sd card anyway, it would be a good thing :)14:37
cristian_cslitux____, I think there were impòrtant files14:37
ge0rJeyMonkeyDust, and the firefox getting upgraded even when uninstalled happens to be bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/firefox/+bug/800857  , smh :)14:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 800857 in firefox (Ubuntu Oneiric) "language packs pull in Firefox on upgrade" [High,Fix released]14:37
cristian_cslitux____, but rescue the device (the card, not data), it would be a good thing, anyway14:38
slitux____cristian_c: did you changed the card content, after the backup ?14:38
cristian_cslitux____, I've tried the suggestions users have provided to me14:38
dpasqualinHi. I have a legacy "unattended upgrade" package which should automatically upgrade the system with apt-get -y --force-yes dist-upgrade. In order to avoid user interation we also have a export DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive". But sometimes the dist-upgrade still tries to interact asking to keep or not config files. Any ideas?14:38
cristian_cslitux____, I've typed the fsck command14:39
slitux____cristian_c: just to know did you changed the card content, after the backup ?14:39
slitux____cristian_c: and what is the size of the card ?14:39
cristian_cslitux____, 8 GB14:40
cristian_cslitux____, I tried also to change geometry14:40
ge0rJeyMonkeyDust, if you dont mind, how do you keep these onliners documented14:40
cristian_ctestdisk said there were 246 heads instead of 25514:41
slitux____cristian_c: and the backup have the same size ? (else, its bad, i think)14:41
cristian_cslitux____, similar14:41
slitux____cristian_c: ok,14:41
slitux____cristian_c: is the card connected to your computer now?14:41
cristian_cslitux____, no, as I have said14:42
cristian_cI've unplugged everything14:42
slitux____cristan_c: but today is today14:42
fastminerHI Guys, is there a way to addmore space to root partition? I need more space on sda1 and there is plenty to take from sdb1, can I do this without affectig files in it?14:43
cristian_cslitux____, ok, I've found: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/03/31/%23ubuntu.html14:43
slitux____cristian_c: 16:38:54 <cristian_c> slitux____, but I can try today14:44
cristian_cben64, grrr14:44
cristian_calways him14:44
cristian_cslitux____, yeah14:44
cristian_cand reisio14:45
fastminerany ideas?14:45
cristian_cslitux____, not now, but today14:45
molossusdoes anyone know of a Desktop environment other than cinnamon or xfce that will use less ram than windows 8.1,  on the same laptop i have windows 8.1 uses no more than 2 GB of ram with google chrome 10 tabs open , photoshopcs6, ,and on ubuntu 14.04 cinnamon or xfce , it uses about 1.8GB of ram , seems like windows 8.1 handles ram usage better, are there any tips and tricks to improve memory management on ubuntu 14.04?14:46
slitux____cristian_c: what time is it for you ?14:46
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cristian_cslitux____, I think evening or night14:49
slitux____cristian_c: you are (GMT +0) ?14:49
cristian_c<slitux____> cristian_c: what if you do 'cat /dev/full > /dev/sdb', and then try to create a new partition system in your card (assuming your card is /dev/sdb, of course)14:50
cristian_cslitux____, I'll do this14:50
slitux____that's not greenwith time14:50
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cristian_cslitux____, wirh that command, have I to type other commands?14:51
slitux____cristian_c: don't forget that 'cat /dev/full > /dev/sdb' will overwrite all on your card (assuming your card is /dev/sdb, of course)14:51
paulo_how do I change apt-get's source?14:51
paulo_it cant resolve the one it uses14:52
cristian_cslitux____, I think it's corrupted, but i'd like to rescue the device (not data)14:52
cristian_cslitux____, thanks for the help14:52
slitux____cristian_c: you type that and see, but if you get an error, it's certenly corupted14:52
cristian_cslitux____, ok14:52
slitux____cristian_c: before, check that sdb is the right device!14:53
mlindnerHow do I switch from 14.04 to 14.04 LTS?14:53
Picimlindner: They are one in the same. There is no distinction.14:54
wulong710hello. My wireless is at9287. It is unstable,  disconnect internet after running for a while. Ubuntu14.04 show me error  "ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x18f!".   Error log is here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2237796. Anyone had met this problem?14:54
vibedigitalHi, I have a problem to see mails in roundcube mailbox14:55
vibedigitalI can send mails14:55
vibedigitaland i receive them in maildir14:55
vibedigitalbut cant see them in roundcube14:56
vibedigitalsomeone can help?14:56
mlindnerPici: really? So 14.04 users have to go through special steps to upgrade to 14.10?14:57
mlindneras it will think of it as LTS and not offer it as an option?14:57
MonkeyDustmlindner  14.04 IS an lts14:59
DJonesmlindner: By default, LTS releases are set to just upgrade to the next LTS, if a user wants to upgrade to the non-LTS releases, they just have to tick a box in the update manager to show non-LTS upgrades15:00
nispr0where do I change ntp server in ubuntu terminal?15:05
Tzunamiinispr0: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/NTP.html15:06
MonkeyDustnispr0  or this http://askubuntu.com/questions/178968/how-to-configure-ntp-time-synchronization-on-a-server15:07
CavaniHi people! I am a new user on Ubuntu (14.04 gnome3). I am a player of some flash games on the web... So I have the graphics very slow (On W7 I had not, that runs OK) ....15:12
CavaniWindows7 was removed tottaly in this laptop, Only remains Ubuntu. It is great!! This games are my hobby. I don't wanna go back to W7 because this silliness15:12
kriskropdCavani: Are you using gnash or adobe's flash? and what browser?15:15
joyceQUESTION>  I am looking for a sound card that will work with Ubuntu 14.04 LTS going into an HP proliant ML310e15:16
CavaniHi Kriskropd! I'm using Adobe Flash Player 11.2.202....15:17
Cavani11,2,202,394 version of flash player, sorry for repeat15:18
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Cavanikriskropd: sorry for the last information insufficient; I am using Adobe flash player on Firefox15:20
kriskropdthats strange - you should try leaving the process monitor open while playing a game to see which process is eating your cpu or ram the most15:22
mathnoobspeedcrunch can't calculate 'e'15:25
RayLim1980hi there15:25
pcreI am looking for a program to calculate hash file. Some gui. Is this one ok ?15:27
pcreIs there a gnome version?15:28
cwonrailshello all, just installed Xubuntu on my ancient Macbook after running via VM / Vagrant for a while, do you mastermen suggest just going with an external mouse? don't want to brick my install by screwing with trackpad settings15:30
qjqqyycwonrails, its impossible to brick anything with trackpad settings15:31
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cwonrailsok cool15:31
qjqqyyunless you're talking about "trackpad settings ;)"15:31
cwonrailsany recommended downloads via apt-get?15:31
kriskropdCavani: keep the chat in here - so others can see/learn/help15:31
cwonrailsyeah I did that and turned it up to way sensitive15:32
MarcGuayHi folks.  At my wits end with this rtl8192ce.  Any recommendations for a wireless card that actually works with ubuntu 14.04?15:32
cwonrailsjust didn't know if there was a package/PPA specific to apple trackpad :) thanks a lot for your help by the way!15:32
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cwonrails@MarcGuay have you gone through this guide? http://askubuntu.com/questions/500310/wifi-drops-and-reconnects-with-ubuntu-14-04-realtek-rtl818815:34
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nfi|ermeshi all15:35
nfi|ermesubuntu 14.0415:35
nfi|ermescrontab seems not working15:36
joyceDoes anyone know of a sound card that will work with Ubuntu 14.04 LTE & work in a PCI slot15:36
MarcGuaycwonrails: I've gone through every single guide on the internet.15:36
nfi|ermesin /etc/crontab i have:     02 17  5 8 * root /root/scripts/maintenance.sh15:36
MarcGuaycwonrails: I have also installed freedomben's drivers and they made it worse.15:36
MarcGuayJust plugged in the ethernet cable from 1999.15:37
MarcGuayPure rage15:37
cwonrailsyeah I had to pull mine out and dust it off to get the bwire43 etc. etc. for my broadcom15:37
skeredIs there anyway to turn on Remote Desktop via the command line?  I want to turn on whatever Settings->Preferences->Remote Desktop turns on.15:39
Cavanikriskropd: displaying the heavyier processes...15:40
Cavanifirefox, 884 mb .... plugin container: 658mb ... gnome shell: 233mb15:41
kriskropdCavani: how is that relative to your resources? percentage, for instance15:41
kriskropdCavani: and how is your cpu?15:42
kriskropdCavani: lag is usually relative to the cpu working too hard, not the memory being full15:42
Cavaniin % of CPU, the most are: plugin container, 24% ... gnome shell, 6%15:43
Joost`Is there a 'standard go-to' when it comes to software for running remote backups? What would you guys use/recommend?15:43
codephobicanyone else finding firefox to be seriously unstable in Ubuntu 14.04?15:44
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codephobickeeps crashing, sometimes loses session state and generally consumes more cpu than it used to.15:44
t0th_-_how i can configure my ubuntu to get only stable updates ?15:44
CavaniI have 3gb RAM, Toshiba satellite Intel core i3 2350 M CPU @ 2.30 ghz15:45
Cavani64 bits15:46
CavaniI have adsl connection, relatively stable, 3mb speed15:47
kriskropdCavani: your flash is lagging while playing a game and only using 24% cpu?15:49
joyceDoes anyone know of a sound card that will work with Ubuntu 14.04 LTE & work in a PCI slot in a Proliant ML310e.  Been trying since June to get an answer15:49
AlphaGFirst time irc via androidirc15:49
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:50
CavaniI don't know if it is the flash... but the plugin container its on 24-26% of using cpu15:50
Eldunarhello guys, can u tell me if it is possible to add deadbeef audioplayer to audio icon in tray ( there is other music player and Vlc ) u know what i mean?15:50
kriskropdCavani: but, while playing a game? or are you just idling?15:50
capableCavani: Flash and Firefox are both not particularly well made applications15:50
capableEldunar: yes, I'm sure, some way15:51
capableEldunar: is that emulated?15:51
kriskropdCavani: is your cpu maxing out in total while playing?15:51
Eldunarnot, its common music lighweight music player15:51
capableEldunar: okay15:51
matty_rHey all, just wondering how I view the logs for when my system boots up. I see an error on the screen and need to know what it said15:51
Cavaniok capable15:51
joyce\join #ubuntu-offtopic15:52
Cavanilet me see, kriskropd15:52
ldiamondAccording to free -m, I have 13GB free memory and 5GB is used: ":-/+ buffers/cache:       5038      13025"15:52
kriskropdjoyce: forward slash /15:52
ldiamondMy understanding is that this line reports the actual usage by application, ignoring the buffers and caches.15:52
capablematty_r: /var/log/boot.log15:52
matty_rcapable: ahh cheers mate, i'll check it out15:52
ldiamondI have almost nothing running though, does anyone know commands that will show me exactly what this memory is committed to?15:53
Eldunari wanted to controll it via plugin in cairo dock, but it was not supported also:P15:53
ubottuchry: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:53
Cavaniin orange and red, sometimes is on 54%15:53
capableEldunar: might check this http://askubuntu.com/questions/362135/how-to-re-enable-tray-icons-for-applications-in-ubuntu-13-1015:53
kriskropdldiamond: did you check with top/htop/ps/process manager/ etc ?15:53
capablematty_r: let us know how it goes15:53
Cavaniin all, sorry, orange, red, blue, green15:54
ldiamondkriskropd, yes15:54
ldiamondkriskropd, it just doesn't add up.15:54
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matty_rcapable: there is some good info in there but it doesn't have the error I saw. You know the screen that has something like [      9.2311 ] info goes here. It was before that screen.15:54
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capablematty_r: might check /var/log/dmesg15:55
capablematty_r: sometimes if you hit the 'pause' button (y'know that button you never use)15:55
capablematty_r: during boot up, it will actually pause the output15:55
Cavanikriskropd, not exactly in max; + or - 54-60% in any colour...15:55
matty_rcapable: ha ha never thought of that. I'll have a look at that log now.15:55
kriskropdCavani: it sounds like it's running fine then - anything under 75% is usually considered a fair load average15:56
kriskropdCavani: and yet flash is still lagging, correct?15:56
Eldunarhmm... but i have tray icon:) I need to controll music player y music tray icon ( u know there is volume music player ( previous stop/play next) same with video player and audio settings;) there is gmusic browser but i want there deadbeef15:56
capablematty_r: doesn't always work, but that's essentially its only remaining purpose15:56
Cavanicorrect, still lagging15:56
capableEldunar: I find keyboard shortcuts quicker than wiggling mice15:56
kriskropdCavani: that is strange - you could try re-installing flash, but honestly your lag doesn't make sense and I'm doubtful a reinstall would fix it15:57
Eldunarok so nvm:) ty:)15:57
kriskropdCavani: if your game also relies heavily on javascript, that could cause a lot of cpu lag while playing15:57
capableEldunar: no I mean, you can definitely get a tray icon15:57
capableI Just find them less useful, personally =)15:57
kriskropdCavani: I'm just throwing ideas now15:58
Eldunarok ill try your way:)15:58
matty_rcapable: Ok so that log didn't have it either, think maybe press pause is the best idea?15:59
capablematty_r: well, it's a quick thing you can try, but there's a log somewhere16:00
capablematty_r: mostly, though16:00
capablematty_r: and I know this can be hard to swallow =)16:00
capablematty_r: but mostly, if an error _message_ isn't actually effecting you16:01
capableyou should ignore it =)16:01
matty_rcapable: Well I dont know if it is, i'm having alot of dramas with my Wifi so I want to look into it16:01
capableproblems aren't problems until they are, etc.16:01
capablematty_r: ah okay, fair enough16:01
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matty_rBrb, i'll try the dodgy way16:02
matty_rcapable: ok so all it did was make a weird  ^]]P symbol and kept going16:03
mlindnerPici: hey sorry disconnected, did you respond?16:04
capablematty_r: alright, have to find the right log then =)16:04
capablematty_r: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu%20boot%20logs16:04
ldiamondFrom what I understand, 5GB is actually used and committed to applications. I guess some of it might be shared memory loading libs and such, but is there a good tool to find out what exactly uses the memory? https://gist.github.com/anonymous/a9f2c35966a23ec61f3516:04
matty_rcapable: yea, it was before that dmesg one16:05
capablematty_r: should be in /var/log/ somewhere, although some distros use an app for the boot log16:05
capablematty_r: including potentially systemd, depending16:05
matty_rcapable: yea I tried googling it didn't help too much16:05
ldiamondAfter a few days, I end up w/ a very large amount of memory used so there's little space for buffers and caches.16:05
matty_rcapable: i'll look around though thanks16:05
capablesomeone else here might know, too, g'luck16:05
capableldiamond: after a few days of what, leaving the same apps open?16:06
capablemodern GUI apps are not responsible with memory usage, you really want to close them and restart them every now and then16:06
capablematty_r: /var/log/syslog ? =)16:07
capablematty_r: or kern16:07
ldiamondcapable, mostly chrome, shells w/ vim for dev and some gaming on steam.16:07
matty_rcapable: i'm looking through the log directory now16:07
ldiamondcapable, 5GB is after I close everything opened.16:07
ldiamondThat's why I'm wondering where this memory is used.16:07
capableldiamond: oh16:08
adminewb(trusty/i386/unity) supposing that an app crashes leaving the screen resolution different from desktop size; what shell-based tools are best to restore order to the screen?16:08
capableldiamond: sure you're not talking about this? http://www.linuxatemyram.com/16:08
ldiamondcapable, yea I'm taking into account buffers and caches16:08
capablek =)16:08
ldiamondotherwise I'm near 90%16:08
capableldiamond: you could ask #linux about this16:09
ldiamondI'm guessing most of the 5GB is shared libs (which I guess doesn't count in buffers and caches). But I want to inspect why it's loaded and what uses it.16:09
capablemore their game, I'd say16:09
matty_rAh well, can't find it. If my wifi drops out i'll look into it more, so far it's going ok16:12
matty_rit did have the word Nouveau in it which has nothing to do with wifi16:13
capablematty_r: indeed16:14
pdo_fn14Sorry reconnect, any reactions for my post before?.16:14
capablematty_r: that's probably just a message about the kernel attempting to load nvidia kms, which you don't need16:14
capablepdo_fn14: which'n?16:14
matty_rcapable: yea - oh well.. such is life16:14
capablematty_r: the Ubuntu kernel is very large, and full of things most any system would need16:15
capablematty_r: it basically loads everything any system would need, so there are going to be little error messages about your system not needing something16:15
pdo_fn14When I talking about to will upgrading Utopic only for systemd introduction.16:15
capableat any rate, yeah, nouveau, nothing to do with wifi16:15
capablepdo_fn14: sometime, or no time16:15
capabletry #crystallballs =)16:16
capableif you aren't willing to develop yourself, the answer is always: it's done if and when it is in fact done16:16
Picipdo_fn14: You can try asking in #ubuntu+116:17
matty_rcapable: Yea understood -  i've been tearing my hair out trying to get the wifi stable so i've been investigating every little thing on the off chance it's causing it.16:17
capablesure sure16:17
matty_rFrom what I can tell, it's not a well supported wifi chipset16:18
pdo_fn14(capable): After final or RC only. I getting annoyed why ubuntu's still lowing how to detecting my modem for 3 years.16:19
pdo_fn14Pici: Thanks.16:19
capablematty_r: which one is it?16:19
adminewb(trusty/i386/unity) supposing that an app crashes leaving the screen resolution different from desktop size; what shell-based tools are best to restore order to the screen?16:19
capablepdo_fn14: what modem?16:19
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matty_rcapable: Broadcom BCM431416:21
pdo_fn14capable: I using Huawei e173 for almost 13.04 EOL periods, after that Using K3765 for now.16:21
matty_rcapable: Sorry, BCM431316:22
pdo_fn14Strangely Ubuntu only works with one USB port when Fedora works with all my usb ports (Although sometime Fedora was undetected my modem).16:24
sevardi'm watching bug 1352504.   ( https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/+bug/1352504 ) the last post from Launchpad Janitor, does that mean the package is now in the security repo?16:29
ubottuUbuntu bug 1352504 in eglibc (Ubuntu Lucid) "Regression in 2.11.1-0ubuntu7.14; segfault in getservbyname" [Critical,Fix released]16:29
pdo_fn14It's really annoying but I'm dedicated to pursue my modem odd, still reminding that Saucy needing to remount my modem to detected well when I using my mouse.16:31
Picisevard: It appears that it has been built, whether it has propogated to your mirror is another question.16:32
dymHey! Is anyone around that does virtualisation on a complete commandline basis using virsh (or similar)?16:32
sevardPici: how can I find what mirror it is on?16:34
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Psil0Cybinhey guys i am using ubuntu 12.04.4, is this the most recent kernel ? 3.2.0-67-generic ? or am I not getting upgrades?16:35
Psil0Cybinhave not seen an upgrade for a while16:35
Psil0Cybinusing precise repos16:35
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: dist-upgrade'd ?16:35
Psil0Cybinyea dist-upgrade says i am up to date16:36
Psil0Cybinwith 3.2.0-67-generic16:36
daftykinsto get newer you probably need to grab a newer version's hardware enablement stack16:36
Psil0Cybindaftykins, would i want to do this, or stay where i am right now16:36
Psil0Cybini just want to make sure my kernel is not out dated16:36
Psil0Cybinand has perhaps vulnerabilities.16:36
Picisevard: Oops, sorry. It appears to have been built but not yet published: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eglibc/2.11.1-0ubuntu7.1516:36
pdo_fn14And now, I'm getting upset by pkexec and some password after trying to be connected16:37
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: this seems relevant - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack#A12.04.5_.2B-_14.04_Hardware_Enablement_Stack_Policies_and_Procedures16:37
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Psil0Cybinokay daftykins before i go to reading, do i have to manually change the stacks from your experience? or would the OS automatically do this, as the time is right? Is this something I need to manually worry about, or will I be informed automatically?16:38
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: My 2 cents worth: HWE is provided to accomodte newer hardware, if what you have works, leave well enough alone. HWE does have it's heart aches .16:38
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: that's what reading will tell you.16:39
Psil0CybinBashing-om, so at the moment just stay the way I am :) for now? correct?16:39
rwwBashing-om: Yep, strongly agree with tyhat.16:39
daftykinsregardless guys, 12.04.5 moves to 3.13 as a base it would appear.16:39
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: If all is working .. do not fix it ! stay where you are ..16:39
Psil0Cybinokay thanks i was worried about vulnerabilities :) but i guess its the same16:40
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: sometime this month 12.04.5 will be finalised which'll move you to trusty's kernel16:40
daftykinsPsil0Cybin: you do realise that any LTS kernel will get security updates etc?16:41
daftykinsanywho read the link for more background, don't rely on just people onlines word :P16:41
Psil0CybinI guess so :) Now i do :) I will do the reading16:41
Psil0Cybinand thanks :D16:41
adminewbPsil0Cybin, not that you'd necessarily want to add more kernels, but such are available: http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/kernel/linux-image-3.5.0-54-generic  http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise/kernel/linux-image-3.8.0-44-generic16:41
Bashing-omPsil0Cybin: That kernel series is fully, completely supported ! .. no worry .16:41
Psil0Cybinwow gee thanks guys!16:41
daftykinsadminewb: that's really really bad advice16:42
adminewbdaftykins, say more16:42
sevardPici: thanks for your context.  did the index for the 10.04 repos get pulled because of that bug?16:42
daftykinsthose are kernels from EOL releases, they shouldn't be touched16:42
sereQuestion: I have a canon pixma printer / scanner and the printer work but cant seem to find scanner...do i need to install more software?16:42
Picisevard: I would assume so, but I haven't checked myself.16:43
Picisevard: We typically do things like that in cases like these.16:43
adminewbso far the rationale eludes me16:43
sevardhow can I check?  I'm not even sure where to find a discussion about this on launchpad other than the bug I'm tracking.16:43
Bashing-ompdo_fn14: Hints on how to cope with 'pkexec' : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2225832 .16:44
daftykinsadminewb: do you mean you don't get my point?16:45
sevardPici: ^ forgot to prepend your nick :)16:45
iamwhoiamhello people. When i run an application from terminal with '&' at the end, though it works as supposed to do, it continues to print various warnings outputs to the terminal. Can this be avoided?16:46
sevardiamwhoiam: stdout and stderr are not redirected when a process is backgrounded.16:46
capableiamwhoiam: nohup foo > /dev/null &16:46
eeeeiamwhoiam: command 2> /dev/null &16:46
sevardcapable: that'll only redirect stdout16:46
sevardeeee: that'll only redirect stderr16:46
capableif it isn't enough, he can come back16:47
eeeeiamwhoiam: command > /dev/null 2>&116:47
pdo_fn14Bashing-om: After entering some pkexec and some password when my cellular signal instability, it will break my internet profile.16:47
capablewell, you can do &>/dev/null16:47
capablebut it's overkill16:47
sevardthat's something i've never tried.16:47
dymiamwhoiam: read here: http://linuxwave.blogspot.de/2008/03/redirecting-stdout-and-stderr.html16:47
dymProbably best to also understand what you#re doing16:48
capablePITA to type, so it's worth giving your shell a function16:48
capable'launchit() { nohup $1 > /dev/null & }'16:48
iamwhoiamsevard, capable , eeee , dym : thanx a lot people!!16:49
Bashing-ompdo_fn14: I am only aware of this - new-kid-on-the-block - I have no experience with 'pkexec' ( I still have gksu functionality). Sorry, I can not help further.16:49
Bashing-ompdo_fn14: ^^ I did read the referenced link, and seems ya got to get fancy with some config files on ocassion .16:51
cimmmHaving issues getting install media to boot on a Dell Dimension 8400. HDD was wiped and did UFD install of Debian 7.6.0amd64-CD1 - all Ubuntu media hangs at boot  with blinking cursor (14.04.1 amd64 desktop, netinst - both from UFD and CDR, MD5 matches). Is there something different between Deb/Ubu install boots, anything I'd have to change on install media?16:51
capablecimmm: ufd?16:52
cimmmcapable: USB Flash Drive16:52
capablecimmm: did you try the 'minimalcd' image?16:52
capableah, not ever seen that abbreviation16:52
daftykins^nor me16:52
capablewhat are you using to image to usb?16:52
daftykinscimmm: you can confirm by pulling the HDDs to see if it has an issue on detecting them16:52
cimmmhave tried a few I've used consistently - win32diskimager, unetbootin (doing from win8 main system now)16:53
pdo_fn14Bashing-om: Okay folks, let me try to make it cleared. My signal data cellular's bad for now, somehow I tried to remake my internet profile only- because entering password from pkexec and a thing again.16:53
capablecimmm: did you try the 'minimalcd' image?16:54
cimmmcapable: yes, I've burned and done USB image16:54
adminewbdaftykins, if the kernels were not meant to be used, why publish them?16:54
eeeepdo_fn14: why are you using pkexec ?16:54
daftykinsadminewb: you obviously don't get that they're from EOL releases... you know what that means right?16:54
capablecimmm: old hardware?16:54
adminewbdaftykins yes16:55
daftykinsadminewb: so it's obvious you shouldn't install an EOL kernel that will no longer receive patches and fixes... that's obvious16:55
cimmmFairly, P4 64bit on 478, DDR2/533, SATA1 onboard16:55
pdo_fn14eeee: I don't know somehow why Ubuntu trying to call pkexec and something when I trying to get connected with my internet profile.16:56
adminewbdaftykins neither will the kernel they were using be patched16:56
cimmmno extra cards or drives aside from optical. and to dafty earlier: HDD and Opticals have no issue reading, same with USB and different ports, just seems to be ubuntu images16:56
daftykinsadminewb: 'they' ? i'm afraid i'm going to have to stop this conversation because it is not my job to make you understand. just please don't link people to outdated things and suggest their use16:57
daftykinscimmm: right but it'd be interesting to pull the OS drive, if it has debian on it, just to see if it changes anything. i'm surprised there's a 64-bit Pentium 4 0o16:58
cimmmdaftykins: That I've tried. The Debian HDD is wiped already, no part table, and I've used a different HDD as well as no HDD and I get same media boot to cursor blink16:59
daftykinsok good stuff.16:59
eeeepdo_fn14: so what is the error? and how are you trying to connect?17:00
Ace2Raceim on my laptop and it dosent detect my wifi card17:01
cimmmOh as a side note - It shouldn't be too surprising that P4 are 64b, I can see it being surprising on the old mPGA478 like this, but they still produce P4 as lowest-line non-SOC in current LGA sockets17:02
daftykinsAce2Race: new 14.04.1 64-bit install?17:02
Ace2Raceno 32 bit17:02
daftykinsAce2Race: ok, run "lspci" in a terminal and identify what your wifi device is17:03
Ace2Racewell im using a usb to get by17:03
Ace2Raceso that will probuly pop up17:03
pdo_fn14eeee: Connecting >>> Ubuntu call pkexec and something to entering password >>> I don't want to missing my internet profile >> Waiting for a while >> Reconnect >> Get Connected..17:03
daftykinsAce2Race: not under lspci it won't17:04
Ace2Racewhere do i patse do i pm you and paste it there?17:04
hujjjOn Ubuntu 12.04 there is the package linux-image-3.2.0-67-generic (http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-image-3.2.0-67-generic) and the corresponding source package linux-source-3.2.0 (http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-source-3.2.0), But where is the source package for linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic (http://packages.ubuntu.com/precise-updates/linux-image-3.13.0-32-generic)?17:05
daftykinsAce2Race: paste.ubuntu.com would've been nicer :P - i don't see one in your output17:07
Ace2Raceis mine bad then17:07
Ace2Racei have a spare17:07
daftykinsAce2Race: well, can you determine the make and model of laptop?17:08
daftykinsAce2Race: use paste.ubuntu.com to share 'lsusb' also17:08
Ace2Raceummm gateway it was made for vista17:08
Oogi run nginx 1.6.0 on ubuntu - need to upgrade to 1.6.1 to fix smtp bug i got emailed about - how do i do it?17:09
Oogaptitude update/upgrade didnt do it17:09
daftykinsAce2Race: gonna need a more specific # there, also when replying use my nickname in front so i get a highlight... i'm in many channels17:09
capableOog: check packages.ubuntu.com to see if it's even available via the repos yet17:09
daftykinsOog: what version are you on?17:09
capableOog: if it isn't you'll have to find a ppa, a random deb, or build it the old fashioned way17:09
Oogoh or i just wait until it gets updated? how long will that take usually?17:10
daftykinsOog: what version are you on?17:10
capablenot that long, but clearly longer than you'd like =P17:10
Ace2Raceok daftykins... mx8711 is the moddle and its a gateway17:10
daftykinsOog: your release is EOL, you won't be getting anything newer. you need to switch to a supported release, 12.04 or 14.0417:11
Oogoh no17:11
farbodhi to all17:11
xanguaoh yes17:11
Oogwhy is 13.10 EOL and now 12.04?17:12
xanguaOog: because 12.04 is Long Term Support17:12
Oogso not even security updates for 13.10? nothing?17:12
farbodwhat is Difference Between ubuntu 14.04 & 14.04.1?17:13
daftykinsfarbod: .1 is newer, updates.17:13
daftykinsOog: in future, never base a production system off a non-LTS release.17:13
Oogdaftykins: yeah i had no idea17:14
Oogi didnt know what lts was17:14
farboddaftykins: which apps get update>17:14
capabledaftykins: why not17:14
pdo_fn14Seems Ubuntu dev having long time to rest, and I'm too. My modem impingement has been done, and I got retired (Maybe switch to another distro's one of good area). Good bye all.17:14
voidvoidhi ...17:14
APaternoster_Hallo :) I've a problem with microphone. I hear a noise in background that coming from pc. Is there a solution ? Thanks...17:14
capablevoidvoid: heya17:14
daftykinsAce2Race: hmm, seeing vague mention of that laptop having broadcom wireless. odd it doesn't show up though, how's that lsusb paste coming along?17:14
Oogso how do i update to 14.04 is there an aptitude command to do it17:15
capableAPaternoster_: pardon?17:15
daftykinscapable: you're going to have to be a bit more specific than that when asking me a question17:15
capableOog: yup17:15
farboddaftykins: you use which one of them?17:15
capabledaftykins: what's wrong with using non-lts for "production"17:15
voidvoidim using 12.04 i want a user got admin privileges ... but from GUI when i click "ADMIN" it doesnt take effect17:15
APaternoster_capable:  ?17:15
voidvoidhow do i do this from command line ?17:15
daftykinscapable: you're welcome to have a policy conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic but this is support, not theory.17:15
capablevoidvoid: what does 'groups nameOfUser' say?17:15
capabledaftykins: wha?17:16
daftykinsfarbod: if you're downloading now, get 14.04.1 - it's like the equivalent of a first 'service pack' with Windows releases. all the fixes since it came out17:16
capableI don't see a problem using non-lts for "production"17:16
daftykinscapable: then you're an idiot17:16
farbodand who know a good site for new CSS codes?(New)17:16
farbodThank you.17:16
daftykinsfarbod: this is ubuntu support only.17:16
Oogcapable: the command is?17:16
capableOog: what version are you on now?17:16
farbodand who know a good site for new CSS codes?(New)17:16
voidvoidcapable what u mean ??17:17
daftykins!eol | Oog follow the last link here17:17
ubottuOog follow the last link here: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades17:17
capablevoidvoid: 'groups voidvoid', for example17:17
capableit's a command17:17
capablefarbod: huh?17:17
dhcii have 12.04 LTS and bluetooth partially working, I get a python error and does not exist error for one of the bluez-test-device commands. is python 2.7.3 ok and do I need to replace some of the bluez python scripts or supporting libraries?17:17
farbodcapable: a good site for new css codes.17:19
capablefarbod: what's a css code?17:19
daftykinsfarbod capable - it's off topic. like i said, not for this channel thanks.17:19
Oogcapable: this document doesnt mention 13.10 to 14.0417:19
capableOog: I didn't link you to that document17:19
capablehow can you know it's off topic without knowing what it is17:20
farboddaftykins: OK17:20
daftykinscapable: you might not know what it is. now stop wasting time17:20
capabledaftykins: are those two statements related?...17:20
capableI don't know what it is, so I've asked17:21
daftykinsuh-huh, too late, moved on.17:21
cimmmCSS = Cascading Style Sheet for HTML. I provided him a link to w3schools17:21
capableif you don't care, then why even bother including yourself17:21
jak2000hi all, how to send a signal to a program for wake up, i try: ps -aux | grep mirc   and fg procesid   but not work, thanks17:21
daftykinscapable: i knew what it meant and knew it was off topic, can you shut up now please?17:21
farbodyes crimmm fix my problem17:22
capablejak2000: you put it to sleep?17:22
capabledaftykins: you keep talking to me, if you don't want to see me reply, don't invite me to17:22
daftykinsstop wasting users time.17:22
daftykinsthis channel has policies, follow them.17:23
kevinfishhi everyone.  how do I fix this?  http://pastebin.com/929Bm7pm17:23
capabledon't know what you're on about17:23
daftykinskevinfish: 'cat /etc/issue' please? if it's 13.04 your release is dead, EOL, unsupported. you must update17:23
capablekevinfish: raring is done, AFAIK17:23
daftykinskevinfish: you could *try* an upgrade, but it'd take a lot of time and invite lots more issues. you're better off backing up and clean installing a supported release (12.04 or 14.04)17:24
capableand updating more frequently in future17:24
Cavanikriskropd: sorry, I had problems with adsl. I'm back if you're not busy...17:25
kevinfishcapable: daftykins:  ok, thx.   Actually its peppermint.   My machine is kind of small and I was looking for the leanest easily usable linux I could find.17:26
Bashing-omhujjj: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ <- all the kernels ! Hope this helps.17:26
daftykinskevinfish: is that a distro? we don't support non-ubuntu17:26
Oogfound it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TrustyUpgrades17:26
kevinfishcapable: daftykins:  ubuntu based distro17:26
daftykinskevinfish: yeah we don't support that in here then, see if they have a channel themselves.17:27
kevinfishthere is NO one on #peppermint tho.17:27
kostkonkevinfish, we are ubuntu only.17:27
daftykinsthere's that echo in here again17:27
capablegod forbid someone back you up =P17:27
capableOog: gj17:27
Cavanikriskropd: resuming, In software center I see: Adobe flash player version 11, GTK+ control panel for Adobe Flash Player version 11, ubuntu-restricted-extras 60 ... What of these I must reinstall or quit?17:28
TeraJLhi there, i've installed a minimal install, where can i get ubuntu fonts?17:28
hydemmm, Peppermint seems to be a distro based on Ubuntu, latest one on 14.04 LTS. Looks interesting, for those who find Lubuntu too heavy.17:29
capableTeraJL: for non-X?17:29
capableTeraJL: apt-cache search ubuntu-font17:29
TeraJLi've install i3wm17:29
TeraJLcapable: that's it, thanks ;)17:29
* Basketball is away: brb17:32
* Basketball is back (gone 00:02:46)17:35
capableBasketball: nobody actually cares =)17:35
daftykinsBasketball: i think away scripts are against this channel's policy, can you please either disable it on this channel or turn it off?17:36
capablealso it's just bad manners17:37
Basketballsorry daftykins  doing that now17:37
=== Acilim is now known as Acilim_A
Basketballdid it17:37
kriskropdCavani: sorry, I was out for lunchbreak17:37
guest-FXaA0Bhi all, my main account after password stays on default background desktop is not loaded, only the guest account works. can someone help me?17:38
kriskropdCavani: try removing the flash installed and re-install using the installer made available directly from Adobe17:38
daftykinsguest-FXaA0B: http://www.webupd8.org/2012/10/how-to-reset-compiz-and-unity-in-ubuntu.html17:38
kriskropdCavani: https://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/17:39
guest-FXaA0Bthanks, gonna have a look now.17:39
capableyou don't want to get flash from adobe.com17:39
Cavanikriskropd: no problem. You mean only Flash Player, not the complemtents of flash I referred?17:39
daftykinswe don't advise non-packaged software, kriskropd17:40
capableecho in here...17:40
kriskropddaftykins: sorry, i figured it was easier than making Cavani go googling17:40
Cavanikriskropd: Ok!17:40
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capableit'll just mess up his system more =)17:40
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:40
jak2000capable, not but when i try open mirc, (it is running) cant interact with program, understand?17:41
guest-FXaA0Bhow can i install software through guest account ? i know of course the main account pw17:42
kriskropddaftykins: whenever I install flash on ubuntu, I use the packages from adobe directly - the aptitude provided packages for flash seem to cause errors for whatever reason (I hadn't investigated)17:42
daftykinsguest-FXaA0B: i'm not sure where you're getting the need to install software from?17:42
jak2000guest-FXaA0B with sudo apt-get install mypackage17:42
Picijak2000: that will not work.  "guest" does not have sudoers privleges.17:42
xanguakriskropd: Adobe doesn't provide 'packages'17:43
guest-FXaA0Bi cannot load in my standard account, it stays at the default bg nothing else loaded, so iam trying to reset unity through the guest account17:43
daftykinsguest-FXaA0B: the link i gave you has commands to run to reset unity, they don't involve installing software.17:43
kriskropdxangua: they provide the 11.2 adobe flash tarball17:43
daftykinsguest-FXaA0B: login via a TTY, hit ctrl+alt+F1 through F617:44
kriskropdxangua: as wella s rpm and apt17:44
jak2000Pici ok, any advice for my? pls17:44
Picijak2000: most GUI applications do not handle being backgrounded and foregrounded well, or at all.17:45
jak2000i installed mirc.exe on ubuntu with PlayOnLinux, when i click on minimize button, the program put an icon on Tray(Similar on windows) and then........ i cant restore the program, understand me?17:46
Picijak2000: that is entirely different to using 'fg' to bring a process back into the foreground.17:47
daftykinsjak2000: you should be using a native IRC client, not using windows programs ¬_¬17:48
jak2000Pici yes,17:49
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cimmmbeen downloading different images, 12.04 & 14.04.1 minimal and desktop x86 and _64, nothing ubuntu wants to boot (USB or CD) - a variety of older and current debian images have no problem booting via CD or USB Flash Drive, both x86 and _64. Is there something special in ubuntu installers Dell doesn't like?17:58
daftykinscimmm: checked into BIOS updates?18:00
cimmmyeah im on A09 current is A10 but changes have nothing to do with HDDs. Doing a winXP USB right now to try it from that angle18:01
cimmmfigure get the BIOS update and do liveboot from MSI or whatever18:02
ZZRMikeI know it's considered *bad practice* to have a permissions mask of 777 on files, but are there any security considerations with having 777 as a mask for your document root on apache assuming that there's no anonymous ftp, etc.?18:02
joshua7hey room18:03
compdoccimmm, does it have an efi bios18:04
warfoxgot my account back thanks !18:04
cimmmcompdoc: nonono way too old18:04
warfoxfixed it18:04
compdocah. what cpu is it?18:04
cimmmlet me find you specific model#. It's later run mPGA478 Pentium4 @ 2.8 with HT and EMT-6418:05
compdocis there an option in the bios to disable ACPI? or is it disabled? How about AHCI? too old for that?18:06
penginanyone out there know if it's possible to get a nginx/apache to require that a client have the CA cert to view the webpage, but not require that it to have a client certificate?18:09
daftykinspengin: more relevant a question for channels of those web servers or #ubuntu-server18:09
pengincool, didn't know that was a channel, i'll try there dafty - thansk18:10
daftykinswell, find ones for apache or nginx too18:10
cimmmcompdoc: I can run in "Normal" or Combination" mode - I believe Normal is AHCI and combination says "provides compatibility with older OS that do not support SATA drives"18:11
compdoccimmm, thats a pretty old 32bit cpu. Two weeks ago, I had to replace a motherboard with a P4 because several capacitors had gone bad. They were happy to get rid of it, because it was so slow18:12
cimmmcompdoc: my bios says em64T support =X also this is just gonna be for web browsing and kongregate at most, charity work for a friend18:13
compdoccimmm, no, I dont think that board supports ahci18:14
compdocthe choices would be normal, ahci, or combo18:14
compdocnormal means no ahci18:15
compdocbut no matter.18:15
compdocare you d/l the 32bit version?18:15
cimmmi have tried both x86 and x86_64. Debian x86_64 was installed and fine previously18:15
compdocwhats the error?18:16
cimmmno error, after boot selection I hang at a cursor18:16
compdocbtw, be sure to run memtest86 on it for several passes, or overnight if possible. once you know its good, update the bios. always good to have the latest. They might decide to take down that page before long18:18
TJ-cimmm: The Ubuntu 32-bit kernels require PAE support; does that CPU support it? Many older CPUs dont18:18
compdoccimmm, how many drives are installed?18:19
cimmmcompdoc: ran memtest86+ about 12hr before I did debian install18:19
compdocwe lagged?18:20
cimmmuhm next q was drives, currently im on just the 80GB SATA1, that tests fine no bad sect18:20
compdocso just one drive? or is that a usb stick plugged in?18:20
cimmmturned off all other SATA and IDE channels for now. I have been bouncing between SATA0 80GB HDD and adding in the IDE DVD+CDRW, been booting off the USB stick most of the time18:21
compdocsystems can get confused if there are two bootable devices18:22
gimmicanyone know a way in command line to lock unity?18:22
compdocubuntu can write grub to the wrong device18:22
gimmicmy unity seems to go unresponsive when I search the launcher for 'calc' for some reason.18:22
gimmicNow I can't lock with ctrl+alt+L anymore18:22
gimmicbut I need to lock my screen18:22
gimmicI cna't find a cli command to do so18:22
ajayaaHi. I am getting a broken package error while installing python-dev.18:22
ajayaaHow do I fix it?18:22
ajayaaThe problem being "python-dev : Depends: python2.7-dev (>= 2.7.3) but it is not going to be installed"18:23
gimmicso have you tried installing python2.7-dev ?18:23
kriskropdgimmic: you can use slock18:24
kriskropdgimmic: to lock x11 screen - you can also use vlock to lock a shell18:24
ZKRhello there all18:24
gimmickriskropd: I don't see slock installed or available in ubuntu repos18:24
cimmmim sry need afk. super sick right now18:24
compdocuh oh18:24
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compdoctake care18:25
ajayaayes. It lists some other packages which are again not going to be installed18:25
gimmickriskropd: I'm just wondering what unity uses to lock the screen, and if I can call it manually18:25
gimmicrather than through some goofy ui element18:25
kriskropdgimmic: slock is part of suckless-tools18:25
kriskropdgimmic: I don't use unity so I don't know :s18:26
MonkeyDustsuckless-tools actually exists!18:29
kriskropdgimmic: ubuntu might still be using the gnome-screensaver, you could see if oyu have it installed and check the man page for '-l, --lock'18:29
kriskropdMonkeyDust: suckless sucks less18:29
gimmicit isn't, it's using something inside unity18:29
gimmicI restarted unity and at least the functionality came back18:30
gimmicbut it fubar'ed my app panel18:30
gimmicsigh. So much hackery around unity18:30
* gimmic misses xfce18:30
MonkeyDustgimmic  then install xfce, what's holding you18:30
gimmicxfce has poor multimonitor support18:30
gimmicone thing ubuntu does well18:30
gimmicI have a 3 headed display18:31
gimmicwith different screen sizes18:31
kostkongimmic, lightdm is used for the lock screen.   try to lock it with dm-tool:  man dm-tool  for more18:37
urdaquestion: why is 14.04.1 not showing up in do-release-upgrade for 12.04 servers yet?18:38
rwwurda: they're waiting for a bugfix for the update manager to be released first18:39
pewUK  /part18:39
masoudborborhi everybody. when I login my unity has some beauty problems (black text on black background, and things like that) but after I restart unity ("unity --replace") everything seems ok. is there a folder wheere I can reset unity settings? (like ".kde" in hme) or is there any otherway to fix my unity?18:40
urdarww: ohh, which bug is that / link ?18:40
kostkonmasoudborbor, 12.04 or 14.04?18:41
kostkonmasoudborbor, i'm assuming 12.04, http://www.webupd8.org/2011/04/how-to-reset-unity-launcher-icons-or.html18:42
rwwurda: hrm, looks like I'm out of date, that update made it to the update repositories recently18:42
d2dchatHow do I upgrade my version of sqlite 3.7.13 to latest 3.8.x?18:42
rwwurda: i'll try and get an update, might take a while though18:42
daftykinsd2dchat: what version? ("cat /etc/issue")18:42
d2dchatDebian GNU/Linux 7 \n \l18:43
d2dchatdaftykins, ^18:43
daftykinsd2dchat: this is not debian support. the clue is the channel being called #ubuntu and not #debian18:43
d2dchatdaftykins, woops! I thought I was running Ubuntu on this VM18:43
d2dchatmy bad18:43
urdarww: hm, I mean I checked this morning and got no ew release found? Just curious honestly18:43
rwwurda: Right, the release upgrade isn't enabled yet. I'm trying to figure out what the blocker is.18:44
urdarww: Hey man I appreciate it, also if there is any easy way to query this I'm happy to learn so I can fend for myself :)18:45
hydeurda, if you're in hurry, you can use --proposed switch.18:45
wulong710Is there something wrong with ubuntuforum.org ? I login with my account,.But when i add my question, websit tell me "the administrator may have required you to register before you can view this page". Need i register a new username ?18:46
hydeworked for me a few days ago... of course try at your own risk18:46
rwwwulong710: ask #ubuntuforums18:46
rwwurda: nope, I'm just poking people for a status update :). And yeah, the -p / --proposed switch to do-release-upgrade would work, checking if that's the preferred solution.18:46
urdahyde: no hurry! Just making sure I wasn't doing something wrong since it was saying there was nothing new :x18:48
brunosthi! I'm trying to run the following command: mkdir -p /usr/local/modules/`uname -r | -d'-' -f1` but the part between the ` doesn't seem to run and I can't figure out what the part after the | is supposed to do and I'm not sure what the naming standards for this is, could anybody help me?18:48
urdarww: Yeah proposed I knew about, but I also wanted to make sure that I didn't have some screwed up that would show no new upgrades D:18:48
urdasomething* not some18:49
rwwurda: your end is probably fine, it's just a waiting game at this point :)18:49
vltbrunost: Heida! "|" is for piping output of process one into process b. But in your case there's no process, just its option "-d".18:49
urdarww: woo waiting games :p18:49
brunostvlt: thats what I find odd too18:50
masoudborborkostkon, sorry I needed to leave for a sec. it is 140418:50
vltbrunost: Usually you need only the `uname -r` part.18:50
rwwbrunost: where did that command come from? i assume some guide somewhere?18:50
amontalbanAnyone knows about EC2 mirrors for Ubuntu?18:51
brunostrww: http://xps13-9333.appspot.com/#background_noise18:51
amontalbanI'm hitting something really weird18:51
kostkonmasoudborbor, then click on the link where it says about resetting 13.04 or newer releases on that page18:51
brunostits a guide for debian so there might be some subtle differences I'm not aware of between debian and ubuntu18:51
RapeI have been witnessing difficulties restaring my Ubuntu 10.04 LTS server, the screen is pure blank. How can I achieve success in starting it?18:51
pbxis there a way to get Thunderbird out of the little mail/chat menu at the top?  (i use Evolution, which is also there...)18:51
stefkosI want to add application to autostart (app with gui) how to do that by commands?18:51
rwwbrunost: try adding cut before -d18:51
vltbrunost: The command "cut" is missing in that statement.18:52
rwwbrunost: looks like a typo; you can see it's right on the next line down18:52
stefkosI was using init.d but then my app is launched before X18:52
brunostI should have read on then :P18:52
brunostthanks btw guys!18:52
masoudborborkostkon, thank you very much18:53
pbxRape, perhaps there's useful information in the logs.  can you mount its drive on another machine?18:53
kostkonmasoudborbor, np18:54
Rapepbx: unfortunately no.18:54
pbxRape, booting from a live cd/key would be my next step then18:54
pbxand then checking logs18:55
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Rapepbx: I'll try this step of yours, I hope I can locate the error and then.....fix it, I guess.18:56
Rapeor run a search in Google.18:56
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stefkosI was using init.d but then my app is launched before X18:59
stefkosI want to add application to autostart (app with gui) how to do that by commands?18:59
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BlasterHey I am new to Ubuntu, and PHPStorm stopped responding.  How do I kill it?19:03
stefkosps -ef | grep PHPStorm19:03
stefkosget PID and then19:03
stefkoskill <pidnumber>19:03
toshiba_kill -919:03
stefkosanyone know something about autostart in ubuntu?19:04
toshiba_ps aux19:04
toshiba_what about it19:04
Blasterredstar   8923  8863  0 12:05 pts/27   00:00:00 grep --color=auto PHPStorm19:05
Blasterhow do you know which one is the PID?19:05
stefkosI want to add my program to autostart19:05
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toshiba_type kill -9 892319:05
stefkosprogram must be launched when desktop will appear19:06
Blasterbash: kill: (8923) - No such process19:06
toshiba_try 886319:06
stefkosPHPStorm is not avaiable19:06
stefkosis it working at all?19:06
toshiba_scroll up it says PID at the top under the numbers19:06
stefkosor maybe it create own threads?19:06
toshiba_but it might restart by itself19:06
Blasterps -ef | grep PHPStorm gave me the process of the grep command..19:07
BlasterLook up it says "grep" in the line.19:07
BlasterNo PHPStorm is completely frozen.19:07
padoes anybody here use asterisk + isdn?19:07
TJ-Blaster: toshiba_ That is just the instant 'grep' process, not the target being searched for19:07
DaghdhaHi, how can i know if a program source i downloaded is copatible with ubuntu? (I have 12.04) and downloaded a realy old game. It's for X11. Will that just work?19:08
toshiba_yer then just look for it19:08
BlasterTJ-: how do I find the right PID for it?19:08
TJ-Blaster: It likely runs as a php process; try "pgrep php"19:08
toshiba_ps aux19:09
BlasterIt just gave me like 10 PIDs on new lines with no name or anything.19:09
TJ-Blaster: If that gives any results, you can check those PIDs in detail, with "ps -efly | grep php"19:09
BlasterThis seems a lot harder than it should be.19:10
BlasterFinally got it19:10
TJ-Blaster: PHP is an interpreter that reads script files, if the process you were looking for was a proper executable you'd find it in one search19:10
Daghdhai am getting "common.h:22:22: fatal error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory" so iguess X11 is not supported by ubuntu. :(19:11
BlasterTJ- I wasn't trying to kill PHP, but PHPStorm which is an IDE.19:11
jdrI'm trying to pull down this branch (http://ppa.launchpad.net/jon-severinsson/ffmpeg/ubuntu/) with bazaar, but can't figure out the syntax - anyone have any ideas? Pretty new to this19:11
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TJ-Blaster: right, so maybe the IDE's command-name is not exactly "PHPStorm" then? which would explain why your first 'grep' didn't find it19:12
Khaaanunbuntu 11 12 or 13 for first time user?19:12
BlasterIt was listed as lowercase phpstorm.19:12
jdrKhaan -  ubuntu 14, I believe19:13
TJ-Blaster: OK ... you could have done "pkill phpstorm" then19:13
BlasterAlright, I'll remember for next time.19:13
trijntjeKhaaan: 14.04 is the latest version19:14
TJ-Blaster: The reason it is better to search when you're not sure is, you don't want to kill the wrong process(es) by accident19:14
Khaaanbasicaly im trying to install it with Virtualbox19:14
TJ-Khaaan: The latest LTS, 14.0419:14
echoprinterI am on Windows 8 and would like to dual boot with Ubuntu 14.04 but it's not allowing me to install. Anyone done this and know how?19:16
rdzhi all. cpu frequency scaling suddenly stopped using frequencies higher than 1200 MHz, although my cpu supports 2.4 GHz (Intel core 2 duo)19:16
Khaaannext dumb question is it posible to partition a HD without messin up my files19:16
trijntjeechoprinter: what goes wrong with the install?19:16
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cimmmWell I swapped Optical drives and got a boot from 14.04.1 netinst. Intermittent optical drive is one thing, but I'm still curious why USB stick presented no issues for Debian and total hang with Ubuntu19:17
echoprintertrijntje: Just a blank screen19:17
trijntjeechoprinter: just a blank screen when? You have to give details19:17
TJ-Khaaan: Usually, no. Technically, maybe for experts who are used to shuffling data around manually.19:17
TJ-Khaaan: If however you are wanting to shrink an existing (Windows) file-system partition, that can be done from Windows Disk Management, which then frees up space for the Ubuntu installer to assign to a new partition, where it can install itself safely19:18
echoprintertrigjntje: Once i put in the Ubuntu CD and reboot my computer, it tries to recognize the DVD that Ubuntu is on, but the DVD just spins for a while, then eventually gives up, showing only a blank screen.19:19
TJ-Khaaan: The installer can also shrink Windows NTFs file-system partitions but it is generally safer to let the Windows tools do the job19:19
Khaaanill use virtualbox i imagine it wil lbe ok19:19
trijntjeechoprinter: did you get the 64 bit version, and how did you burn it to disk?19:19
TJ-Khaaan: Sure, that'll be installing into a simple file by default19:20
echoprintertrijntje: Yes, I did get the 64 bit version. I burn to disk via Img Burn19:21
TJ-cimmm: Did it boot the 64-bit version?19:21
ses1984is there a guide for getting a basic centrally managed multi user, multi host environment for a home network?19:22
ses1984for example, creating a user account in one place and being able to log into my desktop and my laptop with it19:22
TJ-ses1984: Sounds like you want something like LDAP19:23
ses1984well ldap is just a directory...ldap doesn't really encompass things like logging on. and ldap without a schema is even less useful. ... right?19:23
SP33Dcan some one help me19:24
cimmmTJ-: yes, I'm using NetInst x86_6419:24
ses1984i feel like i've been trying to study how to get this to work but failing really hard at putting together the pieces19:24
SP33Dhow can i run make command in a directory from outside that directory19:24
SP33Di mean i got a project in a /dir now i whant to execute make like i would do cd /dir befor from the root dir is that possible19:24
TJ-cimmm: OK, so not a no-PAE boot issue by the look of it, unless for some reason the BIOS boots from USB with EMT64 disabled, despite the BIOS setting19:25
SP33Dmake /dir install don't does work as cd /dir make install19:25
TJ-SP33D: "man make" "/   -C"19:26
cimmmTJ-: Still a bad break I'm stuck on optical, would rather just use netinst and download than burn and read19:27
* jdr is looking for some help using bazaar with launchpad19:28
TJ-cimmm: It was a direct 'dd' of the ISO to the USB whole-disk, e.g. "dd if=iso of=/dev/sdx" ?19:29
TJ-jdr: haha!19:29
cimmmTJ- On Win8 and cygwin dd is a death sentence, Used unetbootin and pendrivelinux UniversalUSB19:29
TJ-jdr have you checked out http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/beta/en/tutorials/using_bazaar_with_launchpad.html ?19:29
cimmmbut yes they essentially run a DD and break my flash drive until I manually rewrite partition table for FAT 8gb access19:30
TJ-cimmm: OK... I'm wondering if the boot loader was somehow messed up, otherwise it should have at least reported an error19:30
jdrTickT0ck - I have, but the difficulty i'm running into seems to be more specifically with syntax19:30
TJ-cimmm: 8GB FAT32? that may upset the boot-loader's FAT code19:31
TJ-jdr:  which bit?19:31
jdrtrying to pull http://ppa.launchpad.net/jon-severinsson/ffmpeg/ubuntu19:31
TJ-jdr what command are you trying?19:31
jdrI've tried a bunch of variations on "bzr branch ppa:jon-severinsson/ffmpeg"19:31
TJ-jdr: That user has no code branches19:32
cimmmTJ-: Well the dd won't write to full disk as single partition, but why would Debian not have the same issue? (Debian was done with full desktop CD ISO 7.60 x86_64 )19:33
adminewb(trusty/unity): if my screen resolution goes to mush when an app crashes, what shell-based tools are best to restore unity desktop proper screen resolution?19:33
TJ-cimmm: Debian and Ubuntu have different boot-loader configuration for the ISOs, last time I looked19:33
adminewbTJ- different versions of grub you mean? I concur19:34
TJ-adminewb: No, isolinux and EFI and multiple boot sectors in the El torito image19:35
cimmmTJ-: Thank you, I'm good for now but grub seems to be the answer. I know I had a similar issue with a laptop-turned-htpc I had many moons ago, though that wouldn't take ANY install media except Windows19:35
adminewbTJ- thanks for clarifying19:36
cimmmSo new EFI bootloader is whats bangin up my USB install?19:36
TJ-cimmm: some BIOSes refuse to boot from a device that has a valid partition table (MBR) unless one of the partitions is flagged as active, even for GRUB, which isn't concerned with the boot flag at all19:36
jdrTJ - interesting. What I'm hoping to do is basically be able to pull the repo, make a few changes, and push my own ppa19:36
TJ-jdr: Use "apt-add-repository ...", then you can use "apt-get source $PACKAGE", then edit the source, sign and repackage the new version, then push it up to your own PPA with "dput"19:38
jdrbeautiful - thanks, TJ!19:38
jdrwould I just use those with the url?19:39
cimmmTJ- So for certain BIOS I'm just stuck on optical if it hates MBR without active flag19:39
itisitHi, I am running ubuntu 12.04 LTS precise. I want to update a python package kombu. By default ubuntu has the package python-kombu. What is the best way to update python-kombu?19:39
OerHeks!info python-kombu precise19:40
ubottupython-kombu (source: kombu): AMQP Messaging Framework for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 1.4.3-1 (precise), package size 91 kB, installed size 471 kB19:40
OerHeks!info python-kombu19:40
ubottupython-kombu (source: kombu): AMQP Messaging Framework for Python. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.7-1ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 130 kB, installed size 788 kB19:40
OerHeksitisit, upgrade would be the easy way19:41
mjrbordohello everybody :D19:41
mjrbordoif i need help with installing ubuntu where i should go ?19:41
TJ-cimmm: That, or if the USB has a partition table, toggle the active boot flag on one primary partition. I helped a user a couple weeks ago diagnose this issue and was surprised the BIOS actually checked for the flag; usually the BIOS only checks for the valid signature at sector #0 offset 510 is 0x55AA, and then loads the MBR boot-strap code to 0c7C00 and passed execution to it19:41
itisitOerHeks: I manually update kombu to latest version using pip. However, if I run pip freeze | grep 'python-kombu'. I see nothing. If I run pip freeze | grep 'kombu' I can see correct version (latest v). So I am wondering after upgrading, is package 'python-kombu' still there? I am afraid if the program still use old version of kombu. thanks.19:43
cimmmTJ- Hmm wish I tried it before I got the opt running, owell =P ty for being well informed and patient with me19:43
TJ-cimmm: You're welcome19:43
itisitmjrbordo: you can search on youtube, lot of tutorial video, no matter u install it on host or virtualbox19:44
OerHeksitisit, i have no experience with PIP19:44
subz3r0wanna install cuda... does it work with the propritary driver of ubuntu? or do i have to install both by hand?19:45
t4nk433Hi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with an Nvidia driver19:45
t4nk433why do I get this error?  http://i.imgur.com/RnniCpr.png19:45
TJ-t4nk433: see bug 128368519:48
ubottubug 1283685 in nvidia-graphics-drivers (Ubuntu) "Xorg crashed with SIGABRT in RRCrtcDetachScanoutPixmap()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/128368519:48
and2Hey guys, im experiencing some issues getting my HDMI audio on my TV to work proberly19:48
and2i can see my driver, and the output within ubuntu, but the audio wont work19:48
and2any suggestions plz ? :)19:49
and2running ubuntu 14.04 btw.19:49
TJ-and2: Is the output connected via a straight-through HDMI cable, or is there any DisplayPort or DVI adapters involved?19:49
and2no adapters at all, it works perfectly fine in my DUAL booted windows 719:50
t4nk433Hi everyone, I am using Ubuntu 14.04 with an Nvidia driver.  why do I get this error?  http://i.imgur.com/RnniCpr.png19:51
and2didnt have this problem before i when i was running 12.0419:51
TJ-t4nk433: I've already replied to you with a link to a bug report, did you not read it?19:51
t4nk433oh oops i didnt see19:51
t4nk433lemme read now19:52
TJ-and2: The HDMI audio shows up in the sound configuration options?19:52
subz3r0wanna install cuda... does it work with the propritary driver of ubuntu? or do i have to install both by hand?19:52
mjrbordoHello. I got problem with installing ubuntu 14,04. After instalation system doesnt start19:52
and2t4nk433, yes it does.. and i can also track the activity when playing a file within the "pulseaudio volume control" application19:53
ScuniziSuddenly out of the blue on my 12.04 sys when I plug in my camera's SD card into the reader, the system wants a user name and password to open it. It's formatted at FAT32. How do I fix this behavoir?19:53
and2also made sure it wasnt muted in alsamixer19:54
Scunizimjrbordo: do you get a black screen?19:54
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TJ-and2: Hmmm, which video driver is in use?19:54
mjrbordoanybody can help me anyway? When i was installing on hdd everything was ok but on SSD disk ubuntu cant start by itself only from  live usb19:54
and2bumblebee for nvidia optimus19:54
t4nk433TJ: I don't see a solution on launchpad...forgive me if im a total noob19:55
zambaok, what has ubuntu fscked now? nfs shares?19:55
TJ-and2: Using the nvidia proprietary graphics driver I guess?19:55
Scunizi!ssd > mjrbordo19:55
ubottumjrbordo, please see my private message19:55
zambai've installed nfs-common and i'm now trying to mount a remote share: mount -f nfs <server>:<share> <local-dir>19:55
zambamount.nfs: Protocol not supported19:55
TJ-t4nk433: There isn't one as yet, if you have an Ubuntu/Launchpad account you should click the "Affects me Too" button at the top19:55
t4nk433okay thanks19:56
and2TJ- yea, it should be using the recommended19:56
ScuniziHow do I fix USB SD Card reader permission issues?19:56
TJ-and2: The only thing I can think is to test with another HDMI audio display if you have access to one, to be certain the audio isn't arriving at the device end19:57
jhutchinszamba: Your client is defaulting to a version of the NFS protocol that is disabled on the server.19:57
subz3r0Scunizi: chmod19:57
subz3r0or chown19:57
and2TJ- well, i already done that basically, since it works in Windows 7 when i reboot :P19:58
zambajhutchins: ok.. and what do i do about that?19:58
Scunizisubz3r0: you'd think so but FAT32 doesn't support permissions.. it's in the system someplace and just recently started doing this out of the blue.. no modifications on my part.19:58
TJ-and2: Might be worth checking the "/var/log/kern.log" for any messages indicating audio problems, too19:58
jhutchinszamba: Figure out what version the servers using and specify that when you run the client.19:58
subz3r0Scunizi: still chmod or chown19:58
subz3r0im not talking about the filesystem of the usb card19:58
TJ-Scunizi: did you add the drive to "/etc/fstab" at some point?19:58
Scunizisubz3r0: ok. but what do I use the commands on? the mount point?19:58
jhutchinszamba: You could also reconfigure the server to be more tolerant if it's your server.19:59
subz3r0Scunizi: yes19:59
ScuniziTJ-: no..19:59
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zambajhutchins: it's my server, yeah19:59
zambajhutchins: the server is running debian wheezy19:59
subz3r0e.g sudo chown $USER:$USER /media/mountbla19:59
Scunizisubz3r0: doesn't the mount point change depending on which usb port I plug the reader into?19:59
TJ-Scunizi: OK, because sometimes that can cause problems because it conflicts with the GVFS (Gnome Virtual File System) handler that usually mounts pluggable file-systems under /media/$USER/19:59
zambajhutchins: frankly i don't know how to do that19:59
subz3r0if that does not work20:00
subz3r0sudo chmod 700 /media/blamountpoint20:00
jhutchinszamba: I'm a bit fuzzy on the details, I'd have to look them up in the man pages or the NFS howto, but you might just be able to read the comments in the NFS config file.20:00
Scunizisubz3r0: I'll give it a go.20:01
jhutchinszamba: I actually have a related bug pending fix release in the next minor of RHEL 6.20:01
peloverdeHow do I get non-unity menus in libreoffice in ubuntu 14.04?20:01
subz3r0peloverde: install a decent DE20:02
zambajhutchins: installed the nfs-kernel-server instead20:02
zambajhutchins: that fixed it20:02
peloverdeunity is the official DE of ubuntu, surely it must be supported?20:03
c2h6oTJ-, you are a wizard :)20:03
OerHekssubz3r0, be helpfull please, else don't answer. thanks.20:03
TJ-c2h6o: explain?20:03
subz3r0OerHeks: it was helpfull. you're welcome20:03
subcoolHey, how do you network broadcast a WOL packet?? Etherwake wants a mac address20:04
c2h6oTJ-, you seem to have an answer to every question ;)...20:04
subcoolc2h6o, TJ is a god..20:04
c2h6osubcool, agreed... /me bows to TJ20:04
TJ-c2h6o: Yeah... now imagine how many bugs I've hit myself to know all that!!!!20:04
OerHekspeloverde, if you don't want the menu op top panel, undo global menu.20:05
jhutchinssubcool: Specify the broadcast address for the subnet?20:05
c2h6oTJ-, lol... yeah, can't imagine O_O... I need to find some good resources for beginners on linux20:06
R13osethere is a lot of feedback when I use my mic, is there a way to decrease this?20:06
fridaynextif i sudo update-rc.d sickbeard defaults - will that cause it to start up at system boot each time?20:06
jhutchinssubcool: ie .255 for a class C.20:06
TJ-c2h6o: I generally find that breaking things, then trying to fix them, teaches me most of this arcane stuff :)20:06
subcooli was thinking that too.. but, etherwake doesnt support WOL on IP.20:06
jhutchinssubcool: Oh, MAC.20:07
c2h6oTJ-, would physically smashing my laptop help?20:07
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jhutchinssubcool: I wonder if you did all 00:00?20:07
subcoolthats where im a bit lost.. is there another app that'll do it? jhutchins20:07
subcoolill give it a shot20:07
subcooldidnt know mac had a broadcast address20:07
subz3r0jhutchins: there are no classes...20:08
jhutchinssubz3r0: Doesn't really, I'm just swingin wildly.20:08
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jhutchinssubz3r0: Is the wol program available?20:11
subcooli have an app on my phone for it- but i switched out my servers, and dont have mac of it.20:12
subz3r0jhutchins: never used wake on lan before. kinda useless in a enterprise environment :)20:12
subcoolits really simplictist. - I use to use WOL on enterprise all the time :/20:13
subcoolits really simple, i just forgot about it- and i had a really cool program to do it for me.20:13
subz3r0subcool: never seen a enterprise environment which will be shut down20:15
jhutchinssubcool: there is a wakeonlan package that might do it.20:15
subz3r0check the repos20:15
subz3r0apt-cache search WOL20:15
jhutchinssubcool: subnet broadcasts are supported, some wake software allows addresses or even hostnames.20:15
jhutchins,v wakeonlan20:16
jhutchinsAh, different bot.  wakeonlan is on Debian, not sure what's on Ubuntu, aptitude search ~dwake20:16
subz3r0subcool: sudo apt-get install etherwake20:17
subz3r0for WOL20:17
awreeceI'm trying to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debug%20Symbol%20Packages to install a debug kernel for trusty, but I'm failing to execute "sudo apt-get update" after importing the key20:17
awreecedoes anyone know why I'd get "Hash Sum mismatch" ?20:18
awreeceor, alternatively, a better forum for asking questions about that?20:18
jhutchinshttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/WakeOnLan#Command-line_tools - wakeonlan powerwake gWakeOnLan20:19
jhutchinssubz3r0: He has etherwake, the problem is it wants a mac address and he needs to do a subnet broadcast.20:19
amontalbanAnyone using drbd in EC2?20:19
pbxawreece, corrupted files i  think.   e.g. http://askubuntu.com/questions/144633/20:20
amontalbanI'm getting some weird20:20
amontalbanIf I install the same package (drbd8-utils) in EC2 it shows me a wrong version20:20
awreecepbx we tried deleting the files it copmlained about20:20
awreeceand re running, to no avail20:21
pbxawreece, and you updated after?20:21
pbxawreece, then either the server they're being re-fetched from has corrupt files or... something else :\20:21
jhutchinsamontalban: EC2?  Amazon cloud?20:21
koellWhere do i edit the aliases from ´alias´? I need to ´unalias´ this works per session, but not on a new terminal. :/20:22
awreeceyeah, thats why I pinged in here :)20:22
ubottulocate is a command-line file search utility. To make sure its cache is up to date run: sudo updatedb20:22
awreececuz I figured somene here had access to the server, or could illuminate20:22
TJ-awreece: did you delete the 'partial' files and try again with 'update' ?20:22
pbxquestion: how do i remove something from the little email/chat envelope menu in the upper right?  (14.04 FWIW)20:22
awreeceTJ- yes20:22
jhutchinskoell: What ubottu said.20:22
TJ-awreece: Are you behind any kind of proxy?20:22
amontalbanjhutchins: yes20:22
amontalbanjhutchins: I'm using Ubuntu official images on EC220:23
jhutchinsamontalban: Their repos might not be the same.20:23
amontalbanjhutchins: I compared the files and are the same20:23
amontalbanI even downloaded it with wget and installed by hand20:23
jhutchinsamontalban: They might have somethnig pinned in /etc/apt/preferences (I think that's the file).20:23
awreeceTJ- nope20:23
amontalbanIt's really weird20:23
jhutchinsamontalban: Something installed on a different path?20:24
TJ-awreece: Try manually comparing the checksums from the Release file, with the Packages and Packages.gz at fault20:24
amontalbanjhutchins: I checked apt-cache policy drbd8-utils20:24
amontalbanAnd both shows the same20:24
TJ-awreece: The Release file: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/trusty-security/Release20:24
TJ-awreece: The Packages files: http://ddebs.ubuntu.com/dists/trusty-security/main/binary-amd64/20:24
amontalbanjhutchins: I tested also using full path to executable20:24
koelljhutchins: this will not work, locate only lists files containing "alias" in the path.20:24
amontalbanBut don't know really20:25
amontalbanI'm quite lost and don't know where to go20:25
TJ-awreece: Looks like the checksums are incorrect doesn't it?20:26
amontalbanjhutchins: I think it can be kernel related?20:26
awreeceTJ- I'm confirming now20:27
amontalbanjhutchins: in EC2 I have 3.2.0-67-virtual and in Vagrant I have 3.8.0-44-generic20:27
subcoolsubz3r0, i have etherwake, doesnt support IP,20:28
TJ-amontalban: Have you tried installing a custom build on the 'bad' server ?20:28
catalaseare there any log analysis tools for linux20:29
catalasesomething that allows one to easily dump all of the system logs, apache logs, etc. and view them with some program instead of tailing each log individually20:29
subz3r0subcool: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wake-on-LAN#Across_your_intranet.2Fnetwork_.28router.2920:29
subcoolsubz3r0, not really atleast. I know what you mean about enterprise computers bening shutdown. but sometime we had the employee that coudnt "find" the computer, so we would search and turn it on ourselves.20:30
TJ-amontalban: Your pastebin looks identical to me20:30
amontalbanTJ-: No, just using Ubuntu official packages20:30
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TJ-amontalban: both show "Installed: 2:8.4.3-0ubuntu0.12.04.2" ... where is the version difference?20:31
awreeceTJ- yeah, they don't seem to match20:31
TJ-awreece: I wonder if there's a security archive issue?20:31
amontalbanTJ-: I think it's related to the kernel module for drbd20:31
awreeceI dunno20:32
awreecewho would I need to ping?20:32
jhutchinssubcool: Did you see the four alternatives to etherwake that I posted along with the link to the official ubuntu docs for it?20:33
gardenlayoutwhere is the minimize all button in ubuntu?20:33
TJ-awreece: Looking the 'queue' directory there are some packages from today, I wonder if they're being added... ask mdeslaur (Marc Deslauriers) in #ubuntu-hardened20:33
subcooljhutchins, kinda? i got the Wakeonlan command line tools one20:34
OerHeksgardenlayout, "show desktop' icon on the unitybar20:34
NsaAdvisorhum ubuntu only runs at 640x480 in virtualbox20:34
gardenlayoutunity bar?20:34
NsaAdvisorwich id known that befor i installed20:34
* awreece join #ubuntu-hardened20:34
R13osethere is a lot of feedback when I use my mic, is there a way to decrease this?20:35
BertoIs there an easy way to set removable drive permissions in 14.04?  I can't find anything simple!20:35
MonkeyDustR13ose  reduce the input level20:36
R13oseMonkeyDust: input volume?20:37
R13oseMonkeyDust: there is no way in my settings to decrease input level here.20:37
MonkeyDustR13ose  in a terminal, type   alsamixer    find the input volume20:38
fridayne_why is it that when i access a smb share, and an nfs mount that both reference the same directory - there's different stuff in them?20:38
R13oseMonkeyDust: nothing says input volume.20:38
awreeceTJ- fyi, its been like this since weekend at least20:38
coolstarwhat's the best ftp client for kubuntu?20:39
pbxcoolstar, what are your criteria?20:39
capablecoolstar: apt-cache search ftp | grep -i k20:39
MonkeyDustR13ose  i guess it's mic boost... explore alsamixer a bit20:39
coolstarpbx: it just needs to be able to connect to ftp and sftp servers, manage files, and set permissions20:39
pbxcoolstar, what would make one better than another, for you?20:39
Kamilionadding "nodmraid raid=noautodetect" to my kernel command line should prevend dmraid and mdadm from trying to bring up arrays on boot, correct?20:40
coolstarpbx: one that fits in with the rest of the KDE UI20:40
pbxcoolstar, what have you looked at so far?20:40
subcooljhutchins, im not having much luck with this they are soo simple.. but-- it just keeps coming back with invalid syntex20:40
coolstarpbx: I'm taking a look at the software center currently, just wondered if there was any that is recommended by others20:41
subcoolpowerwake -b
capablesubcool: if you insist20:42
jl420hey Im having no luck playing dvds using ubuntu 14.04. Im new to ubuntu and linux in general. I have installed vlc and libdvdcss codecs. Also installed restricted extras package..... Any help would be greatly appreciated..20:44
TJ-awreece: I just checked the Releases.gpg signature and it is good, so it looks like the Releases file hasn't been updated since July 20th at least, not sure if that is relevant though20:44
capablejl420: what does mplayer dvd:// say?20:45
jl420vlc is unable to open the mrl dev//dvd20:46
capablejl420: what about /dev/sr020:46
jl420i will copy and paste the error20:47
SvenOostenbrinkUbuntu 14.04, on my development laptop. I found apache to be down, so I sudo service apache2 start, then I get "(98)Address already in use: AH00072: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:80".. I do  netstat -lnptu | grep 80, and with program name I get "-"... wut?20:48
SvenOostenbrinkHow can I find what process is using port 80 right now??20:48
jl420Playback failure: DVDRead could not open the disc "/dev/sr0". Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'dvd:///dev/sr0'. Check the log for details.20:48
rwwSvenOostenbrink: use sudo to run netstat. you need to be running with administrative privileges to see program names in it20:48
capablejl420: how many CD/DVD drives do you have?20:48
SvenOostenbrinkrww: Dohhh! There you go!  Thanks!20:49
jl420just one its a laptop. the drive is working20:49
capablejl420: what makes you think it's working?20:49
TJ-jl420: possible I/O errors, check with "tail -f /var/log/kern.log" and then try VLC again20:50
jl420when i put the dvd in it spins up and then on the screen it pops up unable to mount (movie name)20:50
capablejl420: can you try with mplayer?20:50
jl420TJ more specific instructions for doing that20:51
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izaberaguys, i know this is a very stupid question, but i can only type 3 characters per key. how am i supposed to access the 4th? http://i.imgur.com/nhNgV9T.png20:51
TJ-jl420: I don't think I can be more specific, I gave you the exact command!20:51
jl420capable ive tried m player as well it does nothing20:51
capablejl420: what does nothing?20:51
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jl420TJ lol sorry didnt realizeit was the command20:52
jl420m player doesnt give me an error but doesnt play back either20:52
jhutchinsjl420: Try mplayer in a console.20:52
capablejl420: could you try 'mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://'20:53
capablejl420: and also /dev/dvd, and any other /dev/ you might suspect20:53
R13oseMonkeyDust: I think that fixed this but if not I will be back when I have to use the mic again20:53
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capablejl420: also, try as root20:54
jl420capable whats a root20:54
capablejl420: prepending 'sudo '20:54
onrhi, my aptitude's autocomplete feature suddenly became ridiculously slow20:55
onr(it's still fast for local autocompletion btw, for example when using aptitude remove)20:56
capableonr: and slow for...?20:56
onrcap3lla: slow for aptitude install20:57
jl420capable i will give this a try and get back to u in one moment. Could u give me the exact commands i will need to use please20:57
onr(also slow for apt-get)20:57
onrcapable: ^20:57
Dougie187Two questions about encryption... 1) Is there a way to encrypt an external drive such that it can be read in both ubuntu and osx. 2) Can a luks drive be read in ubuntu through a virtual machine?20:57
TJ-Dougie187: 1) possibly with TrueCrypt (or its fork(s)) 2) Yes, if the raw block device is connected to the VM20:58
capablejl420: mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://20:58
capablejl420: mplayer -dvd-device /dev/dvd dvd://20:58
Dougie187TJ-: Ok, thanks. I'll look at truecrypt20:58
capablejl420: sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://20:58
capablejl420: sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/dvd dvd://20:58
capablejl420: you can also look in /dev/ (ls /dev/) and see if anything else looks like it could be it20:59
jl420TJ this is what i got when i used your command21:00
jl420joe@joe-Laptop:~$ tail -f /var/log/kern.log Aug  5 16:48:08 joe-Laptop kernel: [ 1947.507508] Sense Key : Medium Error [current]  Aug  5 16:48:08 joe-Laptop kernel: [ 1947.507517] Info fld=0x107 Aug  5 16:48:08 joe-Laptop kernel: [ 1947.507523] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0]   Aug  5 16:48:08 joe-Laptop kernel: [ 1947.507530] Add. Sense: Unrecovered read error Aug  5 16:48:08 joe-Laptop kernel: [ 1947.507537] sr 1:0:0:0: [sr0] CDB:  Aug  5 16:48:0821:01
jhutchins!paste | jl42021:04
ubottujl420: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:04
knobHello guys.  Some n00b questions.  I went to login to one of my servers now.  It returned "This service allows sftp connections only."       I have root access via VNC (it is a remote VPS).21:05
jhutchinsjl420: It looks like your drive is unable to read that particular disk.  How old is the drive?  Laptop or desktop?21:05
knobHow can I re-enable access via ssh for this user?21:05
jhutchinsknob: WHo set it up?21:05
capableknob: dpkg -L openssh-server | grep -i etc21:05
knobI had disabled root access via ssh via sshd_config        PermitRootLogin no21:05
knobjhutchins, I did... little by little.   I started at zero, and... well, kinda got lost somewhere.21:06
jhutchinsknob: Then you need to change that, althoug it's odd that it's saying it allows sftp.21:06
knobcapable, going to login via VNC and run that21:06
jhutchinsknob: Notebooks and pencils are wonderful things even in this day and age.21:06
knobjhutchins, I was playing with ftp uploads and I think that's where I messed up21:06
knobjhutchins, I know man.   I keep a "ledger" digital in my computer... yet I don't see anything specific to causing that.  Although obviously, it was my doing.21:07
jhutchinsknob: Take a look at the settings in /etc/ssh/sshd_config21:07
jhutchinsknob: By default, there is no root login in ubuntu, so that might be what it falls back on.21:07
knobOk... I am loading it via VNC now...21:08
jl420Its reading the disc. when i put it in theres a dvd symbol in the toolbar if i bring my curser over it, it says the name of the movie. But it comes up unable to mount. As far as playing the dvd Ive been trying to use vlc. If there is a better way to play dvds on ubuntu 14.04 could someone let me know please. I had windows xp on this laptop and all dvds played fine. I just recently switched to ubuntu and i love it other than this small 21:08
TJ-knob: Did you add "command=sftp ..." to the authorized_users file?21:08
Aline22 You can find funny videos here. http://bit.ly/1y2SGSo21:08
knobTJ-, not sure... can't find anything on my notes that I did that.21:08
TJ-knob: you probably set the user's shell to /usr/lib/sftp-server21:09
and2cant get this hdmi sound to work =(21:10
capableand2: sure your cable supports audio?21:11
knobOk... I am trying to login now.   I have the VNC console up, yet... it doesn't want to "paste" my clipboard.   So I am typing the passwords out.21:11
and2capable yea, works perfectly fine under Windoze21:11
capableand2: okay, what's the audio device?21:12
jl420does anyone here know how i can get dvd playback to work with ubuntu21:12
TJ-jl420: Did you check the kern.log as I suggested?21:12
and2capable audio device? im trying to play movies on my TV, and using the HDMI output21:12
onrhow to clear apt-cache?21:13
capableand2: yeah, what does 'alsamixer' say is the device?21:13
jl420TJ i did check it and i pasted the results here21:13
and2capable the Intel Chip, i tried to unmute it etc, but i cant adjust the volume like i can with the other devices21:13
TJ-jl420: I must have been away when you did, let me scrool back21:13
TJ-jl420: well the problem is obvious isn't it? " Sense: Unrecovered read error"21:14
TJ-jl420: A bad disk, or a disk that is incompatible with that player21:14
capableand2: so 'sudo lspci | grep -i audio' just says intel?21:14
and2capable but ubuntu recognizing the device everytime i reconnect the monitor, and recognizing the new audio device, so it should be working  .. just no sound21:14
jl420TJ is it because of copywrite because it does it with every dvd21:15
and2"00:03.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation Xeon E3-1200 v3/4th Gen Core Processor HD Audio Controller (rev 06)21:15
and200:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 8 Series/C220 Series Chipset High Definition Audio Controller (rev 05)21:15
and2that is the output21:15
capableand2: alright, what I'd do is run 'alsamixer', and hit TAB and use the left/right arrow keys to move about, and find the channels that are toggles, that change options instead of just sound levels, and try toggling those21:16
TJ-jl420: possible the drive is damaged21:17
and2capable all the channels have been unmuted etc. still no succes21:18
jl420TJ even if it tells me the name of the movie and shows a disc symbol in the side bar?21:18
capableand2: it's not about muting, there should be toggles21:18
capabledid you not read what I said? =)21:18
and2well yea, it toggles between the different views =) ?21:19
knobwow.... I think I am really locked out of this TJ-21:19
TJ-jl420: There are all manner of reasons a drive can fail... some just don't like particular makes of disk, others are very picky about their tracking, and will only read a dick they also wrote21:19
knobjhutchins, I think... that I am sol21:19
TJ-knob: connect via the remote console, reboot to Recovery single-user mode, fix, reboot21:20
knobTJ-, ... hmm... googling that21:21
knobsounds like a plan21:21
knobTJ-, I got access with a secondary user21:22
knobLet me see if I can sudo up21:22
TJ-knob: as long as that user has sudo privs you're sorted then21:22
jl420TJ before i did the change over from xp to ubuntu 14.04 I had no problem playing these same dvds. than i installed ubuntu using the live cd i made. Since than i cannot playback dvds. Not burnt ones or anything but real ones21:22
knobTJ-, sol again.    This user is not in the sudoers file.21:23
TJ-knob: On remote servers I always have a back-up admin account that is used only for emergencies... in other words, sometimes never used at all :)21:23
TJ-knob: OK, it's console via IPMI, KVM, or what ever21:23
jl420TJ thats what leads me to think the drive is fine and its something im missing. But u say that error in the kernal shows a bad disc or drive?21:23
CryNickSystemshi guys21:24
TJ-jl420: If all the discs are encrypted and you've not got libdvdcss correctly installed that could, maybe, cause this, but I'd be surprised it gives a sense error21:24
TJ-jl420: will the PC play regular audio CDs, for example?21:24
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CryNickSystemsI have a problem with LUKS and the decrypt_derived script :( Is anyone using that in here or may be able to help me with that?21:25
knobTJ-, got the recovery mode.   Yet now my root password is not working.   I must have written it wrong.21:25
TJ-knob: instead of 'recovery', reboot, edit the Recovery GRUB menu  item, and change "recovery" to "single" on the "linux ..." command-line, that should take it directly to runlevel 1 single-user shell21:27
sn33zywhat is the appropiate channel to go to chat with people to volunteer my time?21:27
capablesn33zy: to what, ubuntu?21:28
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu21:28
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sn33zycapable, i looked at the contribute page and there is just too much to do lol... im bored and I want to help someone who is online21:29
ActionParsnipsn33zy: try: https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu21:31
capablesn33zy: you can do that here21:31
knobTJ-, I rebooted,21:31
knobI have two options on the GRUB menu    Ubuntu         and Advanced options for Ubuntu21:31
knobthe editing of the Recovery GRUB menu item, that's on this step?21:31
TJ-knob: Select "Advanced" sub-menu21:32
TJ-knob: Then highlight the "Recovery" option and press 'e' to edit it, then navigate the cursor to the "linux ..." line, move to "recovery" and replace it with "single", then press Ctrl+X to boot with the modified command line21:33
knobOk... and in there, I hit 'e' for editing  the first            or the                  second line (recovery mode)21:33
knobawesome... found it.  Doing that now!21:34
TJ-knob: The 'recovery' menu that requires log-in is provided by the "friendly-recovery" package, in case you ever have the need to know that :)21:34
r0xubuntu, on my pc, doesn't work. How i can fix the problem?21:34
knobWhat the heck... it dropped me into a line asking me for the root password again.21:35
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MonkeyDustr0x  start by giving more details about 'not work'21:35
ActionParsnipR0x: how can we reply to "doesn't work"21:35
ActionParsnipR0x: we can't see your system. Think aboutnit21:35
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MonkeyDust!details | r0x21:36
ubottur0x: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)21:36
ActionParsnipR0x: details.....21:36
ActionParsnipKnob: did you set a root password?21:36
TJ-knob: Hmmm, someone did :)21:37
r0xwhen I'm working on my distro, sometimes there are a lot of operations on the disk and the os totally freezes21:37
ActionParsnipKnob: are there multiple users with sudo access?21:37
r0xthe mouse doesn't move21:37
jl420TJ I dont think its the drive i cannot playback anything using vlc. Not streaming or dl files21:37
knobYes... well, ok clearly I messed up.            I21:37
knobActionParsnip, yes.21:37
r0xthe system doesn't respond to any command21:37
r0xeven ctrl21:37
jl420TJ same MRL error21:37
TJ-knob: on, reboot, do the same edit but instead of "recovery" this time replace it with "init=/bin/bash"21:37
knobI have one in my notes that has sudo21:37
knobon my way21:38
MonkeyDustr0x  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue21:38
r0x* ctrl + alt + f1 to log to another console21:38
capabler0x: more ram, more cores, higher nices21:38
ActionParsnipR0x: I suggest you run Memtest86+ from Grub21:38
r0xcapable: if running only chrome uses 4 gb of rams... but i don't think so21:38
knobTJ-, that did it!21:39
knobI have the prompt now21:39
TJ-knob: You'll end up with the bash shell, with no init system having run, the file-system should be read-write but you need to check that. If it is, you can then modify the user accounts as needed21:39
ActionParsnipKnob: one of them has set the password. You can use a liveCD and chroot to the installed OS.21:39
knobShould I follow the instructions here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode21:39
capabler0x: it's probably the hard disk speed, or the processor speed/lack of cores21:39
TJ-knob: yes, to be sure, do that21:39
knobrunning   mount -o remount,rw /21:39
r0xi have an i721:39
jl420I cannot playback any videos using vlc i get a "vlc is unable to open the MRL followed by whatever the file or path is21:39
r0xfor god sakes21:40
ActionParsnipcapable: I run ubuntu on 2Gb ram on a single core 1.6Ghz sempron wiyhout issue21:40
ActionParsnipcapable: sata 1 hdd21:40
r0xwhat i should mount on my pc? capable21:40
capableActionParsnip: congratulations21:40
capablethe cache comes into play as well21:40
TJ-r0x: Are you using the -lowlatency kernel?21:40
capablethere are a hundred hardware variables21:40
TJ-r0x: show us "uname -a"21:40
ActionParsnipcapable: debunking your cpu / ram idea, no?21:40
capableActionParsnip: no21:40
r0xI'm using the standard version available from the website21:41
ActionParsnipcapable: the guy has an i7 too so will be fine.21:41
jl420Could anybody assist me with the vlc MRL error i am receiving please21:41
r0xwith no modifications21:41
capableActionParsnip: never said it wouldn't21:41
capablejl420: you try those mplayer commands?21:41
ActionParsnipR0x: check ram in Grub. Bad RAM will cause issues21:41
r0xBut with other operating systems(even other distros) i don't have that problem21:42
r0xit's so strange21:42
ActionParsnipcapable: but my system is significantly lower spec, so how can your suggestion ring true?21:42
capabler0x: really, what other distros?21:42
capablejrow: hi21:42
skypcehello people21:42
TJ-r0x: have you reviewed the system log-files for clues?21:42
ActionParsnipR0x: its worth exploring just to rule it out as a cause21:42
capableActionParsnip: I already said21:42
capableyou were probably busy typing21:42
melow01I'm trying to connect to my organization's Wifi that uses Active Directory authentication. Any recommendations?21:42
jrowI hav an 8GB SSD that isn't being used for anything -- can anyone suggest how I can enable ubuntu to take advantage of it?21:43
jl420capable yes do i need to install mplayer and get rid of vlc21:43
skypcei am with ubuntu 12.04 - i am trying to compile a package and i have this error?checking for GLIB - version >= 2.39.1... no21:43
capablejl420: you need to install mplayer to try mplayer commands, yes21:43
bekks!info glib2 precise21:43
ubottuPackage glib2 does not exist in precise21:43
r0xcapable: for example, Debian21:43
capableskypce: sounds like it wants glibc, version 2.39.1 or higher21:43
bekks!info glib precise21:43
ubottuPackage glib does not exist in precise21:43
bekkshmm :)21:43
capabler0x: you were using Debian the same way?21:43
skypcethank you capable21:44
jl420capable sorry i knew that i copied and pasted your codes i meant do i need to remove vlc first21:44
bekkscapable: glibc 2.39? It wel be released in a few decades.21:44
knobTJ-, and ActionParsnip , I am checking sshd_config, and I modified (at some point)     ForceCommand internal-sftp           Should I comment this out?21:44
ActionParsnipcapable: your suggestion was more ram and more cores. Both of which are higher than my rig21:44
capableglib then21:44
TJ-knob: That would help :D21:44
knobTJ-, ok.21:44
capableActionParsnip: I remember my suggestionS21:44
knobon my way21:44
capableeven the ones you didn't read21:44
r0xcapable: yes! Generally, i use linux to surf on intenet, write some lines of code in C/C++ and papers with LaTeX21:45
ActionParsnipcapable: in short its far and away better than my 8 year old sytem.21:45
capabler0x: so not even anything intense?21:45
capableActionParsnip: sure you aren't a parrot?21:45
ActionParsnipcapable: im sure an i7 motherboard is not using sata 121:45
bekksskypce: What exactly are you trying to compile?21:45
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capableActionParsnip: you are?21:45
capableActionParsnip: what else is it not using, I'm eager to know21:45
ActionParsnipcapable: I dont see your point21:46
jl420capable theres an smplayer and an mplayer which one do i want21:46
ActionParsnipcapable: ubuntu doesnt need a big system to run is my point21:46
capableActionParsnip: you said that ages ago21:46
capableI acknowledge your non-seeing of my point21:46
capablejl420: mplayer21:46
capableActionParsnip: that is a fine point21:46
capableit just has nothing to do with anything I care about at this moment21:46
capablebeing irrelevant to all conversations I have been having21:46
ActionParsnipcapable: so saying cpu spec and ram is not a valid suggestion of speed on the basic desktop21:47
* capable hands ActionParsnip a cracker21:47
jl420capable ok thank u i will install quick try those commands and post the results here in a min21:47
capablejl420: righto21:47
knobTJ-, ActionParsnip running as it should!   Now I was able to login remotely21:47
TJ-knob *phew*21:47
knobThe key saved on the local computer worked perfectly... I think we ware good to go!21:47
Basketballhey skypce you get it21:47
knobTJ-, HA!  Dude, yes *phew*!!!!!!!      I had already started a new document for the new server ledger!!21:48
ActionParsnipcapable: I suggest you check the suggested requirements for ubuntu. They are lower than you think21:48
capableActionParsnip: since I already know them, they are exactly what I think21:48
* capable yawns21:49
ActionParsnipcapable: so why does the user need more ram or cpu cores on an i7 with 4Gb ram?21:49
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capableActionParsnip: you tell me21:49
capableI have never made any such assertion21:49
melow01I'm trying to connect to my organization's Wifi that uses Active Directory authentication.  Ubuntu 13.10. Any recommendations?21:50
MonkeyDustmelow01  13.10 is !eol, upgrade first, then ask again21:50
ActionParsnipcapable: you dont think its enough. I'm saying it is. So if you know the suggested spec why would the user need to upgrade21:50
capableActionParsnip: tell me what other things of my mind you know better than myself, please =P21:50
capablethis is interesting21:50
TJ-capable: ActionParsnip Please take your discussion out of support, thanks :)21:51
ActionParsnipcapable: im only stating what you have said. More cores and more ram right?21:51
fridaynextso i've got files in /etc/init.d/ as well as /etc/defaults, and i've update-rc.d'd them and chmod +x'd them, but they still don't start at bootup. Ideas why?21:51
capableActionParsnip: even if you had only been stating what I'd said (you haven't), why would you do that? It seems pointless21:51
ActionParsnipTj-: just calling a guy out.21:51
jl420capable could u please give me the sr0 command i seem to have lost it i have the dvd one21:51
bekks!upstart | fridaynext21:51
ubottufridaynext: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/21:51
ActionParsnipcapable: because your solution to th issue is bogus21:51
capablejl420: mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://21:52
melow01MonkeyDust, pretend that I'm on the latest distro... what should I do?21:52
capablejl420: sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://21:52
capableActionParsnip: nah21:52
skypcebekks, i want compile gnome-software , i was donwloaded sources from git latest21:52
jl420capable thank u21:52
ActionParsnipcapable: I just proved how and why exactly. Please don't give false / misguided solutions to users. Thanks21:53
skypcebekks, i want compile and after create a deb package with dh_make21:53
capableyou sure did21:53
TJ-r0x: You said the mouse freezes, and described a lot of disk activity. That suggests a combination of some process causing swap space to be used, which can lead to delayed input handling especially if only using the CFQ scheduler, rather than the Deadline. I'd keep a terminal open with "top" running in it, and see what it shows when the system next gets frozen21:53
ActionParsnipskypce: you can use checkinstall to make debs from compiled source21:53
skypcewow thank you ActionParsnip21:53
skypcei will test21:53
fridaynextbekks: that looks exactly like what i've already done...21:54
Wylleyis this the correct channel for ubuntu server support?21:54
ActionParsnipskypce: instead of: sudo make install , use: sudo checkinstall21:54
fridaynextWylley: #ubuntu-server21:54
Wylleythanks fridaynext21:54
ActionParsnipWylley: there is #ubuntu-server21:54
skypceoo very very thank you Action Paradisee21:54
skypceoo very very thank you ActionParsnip21:54
r0xTJ-, i tried several times to change the disk scheduler but i don't get any improvment21:55
skypcejeje crazy fingers21:55
Basketballskypce:  ActionParsnip is the best he used to help me all the time21:55
skypcelet me take notes21:55
TJ-r0x: it isn't the disk scheduler, its the process scheduler21:55
ActionParsnipSkypce: it will need installing extra but very handy and makes archibing and distribution (pun intended) easier21:56
r0xTJ-, but how is possible that with the default distro setting i get this sort of trouble?21:56
skypcethank you ActionParsnip nice to meet you21:56
ActionParsnipskypce: np matey21:56
TJ-r0x: Does it happen if you simply log-in and do *nothing* - as in, do not start any applications at all?21:57
r0xusually happens when i use chrome21:57
TJ-r0x: It sounds to me as if there might be a run-away Javascript in the browser, if that is the only process running when this happens.21:57
ActionParsnipR0x: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue21:57
r0xor when i run virtualbox21:57
r0xin this moment i can't access to the system21:58
r0xi'm writing from another pc21:58
sywuysGood like21:58
ActionParsnipR0x: if you press CTRL+ALT+F1 do you get to TTY1?21:58
r0xit's totally frozen21:58
ActionParsnipR0x: is it a home build? Or is it a branded pc?21:59
TJ-r0x: Do you have to do a power reset to recover?21:59
r0xit's a laptop21:59
ActionParsnipR0x: what make and model please?21:59
r0xan asus k53sj21:59
ActionParsnipR0x: what releaee of Ubuntu did you install?22:00
r0xthe latest available in this moment from the website22:01
capabler0x: that is not a version22:01
r0xbut i had that problem since 12.0422:01
jl420capable I downloaded mplayer but when i try to launch it i get a fatal error about skins22:01
ActionParsnipR0x: seems to be a switching GPU, optimus22:01
capablejl420: downloaded?22:01
capablejl420: or ran sudo apt-get install mplayer ?22:02
usr13r0x: cat /etc/issue22:02
r0xyes, but i never installed the nvidia drivers22:02
ActionParsnipR0x: did you instal bumblebee or nvidia-prime?22:02
TJ-r0x: If it is totally frozen and not responding, that points to a hardware issue. I'd be doing a soak-test of memory using memtest86+ available from the boot menu, and checking the system logs for clues ("/var/log/kern.log")22:02
tac-ticsWhat is LVM for?22:02
capabletac-tics: people without foresight22:02
tac-ticsthat sounds a little like me...22:02
TJ-tac-tics: Logical Volume Management22:02
capabletac-tics: it makes it easy to change things to do with your partitions and filesystems after you've made them22:02
capabletac-tics: and a few other things22:03
ActionParsniptac-tics: allows you to expand a filesystem by adding additional space to a pool22:03
tac-ticsDoes it complicate anything, or is it a no-briner choice?22:03
capablewhich most people don't care about or need =)22:03
capabletac-tics: it significantly complicates things22:03
r0xActionParsnip, neither of two22:03
capabletac-tics: but only if something goes wrong22:03
ActionParsniptac-tics: is it a physical server?22:03
capablewhich happens =)22:03
quantibilityalright xfce developers?22:03
capablequantibility: ?22:03
jl420capable I try to launch mplayer and it gives me a fatal skin error and wont launch22:03
ActionParsnipR0x: you will need it to suport that technology22:03
quantibilityxfce sucks.22:03
quantibilityno offense22:03
capablejl420: sudo apt-get install mplayer; sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://22:03
tac-ticsthis screen has the "continue" button greyed out :X22:03
TJ-!ot | quantibility22:03
quantibilityjust saying lol22:03
ubottuquantibility: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!22:04
capablequantibility: compared to what?22:04
usr13quantibility: Do you have a question>?22:04
quantibilityi do22:04
ActionParsniptac-tics: or is it a vmware system or virtualbox?22:04
tac-ticsit's a new laptop22:04
tac-ticsjust out of the box22:04
jl420ok so install it from the terminal instead of the software center?22:04
usr13quantibility: Ask it. (We are not interested in your opinions.)22:04
r0xActionParsnip, whenever i tried to install the drivers, i got problems22:04
capablejl420: sure22:04
ActionParsniptac-tics: then I doubt lvm will be useful to you.22:04
tac-ticswell, I can't seem to proceed at all22:04
tac-ticsIt's the "Install Type" screen using a USB stick to install22:05
r0xso i decided to don't install nothing. I got a huge number of troubles installing the nvidia driver, even using apt22:05
tac-ticsand the continue button is greyed out under every permutation of options I've chosen22:05
quantibilitysorry no offense but after dealing with issues with xfce that i have had on SolusOS and Xubuntu i made an effort to bring it to the attention of the people who can do something about it and been self teaching myself programming since 11 however its been a while since i have touched it22:05
jl420capable ill try un-installing and re-installing mplayer now than22:05
ActionParsniptac-tics: did you MD5 test the ISO you downloaded?22:05
capablejl420: k22:05
quantibilityi am now 3522:05
tac-ticsActionParsnip: I did not.22:05
usr13r0x: What version of Ubuntu are you using?  (What does cat /etc/issue say?)22:06
ActionParsniptac-tics: then how do you know the data you downloaded was complete and consistent?22:06
ActionParsniptac-tics: or did you download using torrents?22:06
capabletac-tics: what isn't grayed out?22:06
r0xusr13, as i said before, i  had this problem since 12.04. So i don't think that the version is relevant22:06
usr13r0x: What version of Ubuntu are you using?22:07
tac-ticshuh... it looks like a bug. I went back to the previous screen and forward again, and it's not greyed out22:07
nightdemon666Can anyone help me with a firefox browser crashing issue please?22:07
capabletac-tics: good times22:07
usr13nightdemon666: What seems to be the problem?22:07
capablenightdemon666: no, but some one possibly could22:07
bobptzmy pc does not boot any more.  Gives error: "Could not write bytes: broken pipes”.  Can somebody help me? This is the dmesg:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7964696/22:07
usr13r0x: Fully updated?  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade22:08
TeraJLhi there, how can i install notify-send? i don't use unity22:08
usr13nightdemon666: What version of firefox are you running?22:08
TeraJLi'm with a minimal install22:08
r0xyes, it seems that more updates i install, more troubles i get22:08
capableTeraJL: ask apt-file22:08
capableTeraJL: what wm/DE are you using?22:08
usr13r0x: After it is fully updated, come back if you still have a problem.22:09
ActionParsnip!find notify-send22:09
ubottuFile notify-send found in libnotify-bin, mikutter, ruby-notify22:09
quantibilityUSR13: i private messaged you the problem is all sorry for saying it sucks wish i could help develop it22:09
ActionParsnipTeraJL: sudo apt-get install libnotify-bin22:09
nightdemon666Usr13, i have ubuntu 14.04.1 (64 bit mac) installed on an intel mac mini from 2007. Firefox seems to crash when playing youtube videos in full screen mode. Ive done a number of test to duplicate the fail, i also intend to test in non-full screen mode to see if it crashes22:09
r0xthe last version that i'm able to use without problems date back to 200822:10
ActionParsnipnightdemon666: does it happen in Chrome?22:10
bobptzmy pc does not boot any more.  Gives error: "Could not write bytes: broken pipes”.  Can somebody help me? This is the dmesg:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/7964696/22:10
tac-ticsext4 is a good default for new general-purpose partitions, right?22:10
high_fiverbobptz, describe your partitioning scheme22:10
Beldar!patience | bobptz22:11
ubottubobptz: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/22:11
TJ-r0x: Have you examined "/var/log/kern.log" for signs of errors, such as disk I/O errors?22:11
ActionParsnipbobptz: I had that, it was a dying hdd :-(22:11
TJ-tac-tics: Yes22:11
capabletac-tics: ^22:11
bobptzI do not know my partitioning scheme.  it is dual boot with windows 722:11
nightdemon666Usr13, ive tried many tricks, not all have been performed yet (e.g running firefox in safe mode, or disabling each plugin/extension one by one), but im wondering if any one else has had this problem with ubuntu 14.04?22:11
high_fiverbobptz, did you install windows after ubuntu?22:12
tac-ticsand if I have an SSD and a regular disk HD, I want to put / on the SSD and, say, /home on the regular HD?22:12
r0xTJ-, i will do asap22:12
bobptzhigh_fiver, don;t remember, I installed them 1 year ago.  everything was fine until I upgraded ubuntu to new hardware22:13
capablebobptz: that sounds like an error after it has booted but before X starts22:13
bekkstac-tics: Put / and /home on the SSD, and /data on the HDD.22:13
tac-ticsis that a non-insane setup, is what I'm asking22:13
r0xbut i think to remember that wasn't nothing relevant in the logs22:13
high_fiverbobptz, which hardware did you upgrade?22:13
tac-ticsbekks: and then just symlink to stuff in my home dir, I take it?22:13
capabletac-tics: if it all fits on the ssd, you could put it all there22:13
bobptzif you want more details, here is the forum post:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2238041&p=13091428#post1309142822:13
bobptzI upgraded through the upgrade manager of ubuntu22:14
r0xif is an hw failure, maybe the system has not had the time to log22:14
bobptzand then the problems started22:14
r0xbut i will check better22:14
bekkstac-tics: No symlinks needed.22:14
bobptzI am sure it has to be some driver22:14
capablebobptz: you using nvidia?22:14
r0xand deeper22:14
bobptzI have intel graphics card22:14
bobptzbut I dont know what driver I use22:14
capablebobptz: try mv'ing ~/.Xauthority elsewhere temporarily22:14
nightdemon666Usr13, i have not tested with another browser yet, but have considered that also... Personally i really want to use the firefox browser only and im trying to avoid work arounds. I have run firefox in debug mode and have at least rid the messages for VDPAU22:14
TJ-bobptz: Have you tried booting it with an older kernel, by holding Shift key down as the PC starts until you see the Grub Boot Menu, then you can select an older kernel that is still installed.22:15
bobptzI have erased everything older from the Janitor - ubuntu tweak22:15
bobptzand this broke my system22:15
TJ-bobptz: uh-oh, that explains it :)22:16
Beldarbobptz, boot a live ubuntu and use the disks smart check on the HD.22:16
bobptzcapable, I do not know how to do it22:16
nightdemon666Usr13, sorry if that was too much info...22:16
high_fiverTJ-, what what?22:16
capablebobptz: mv -n ~/.Xauthority ~/oldxauthority22:16
Beldarubuntu tweaks janitor will not cause this22:17
bobptzBeldar, it is a notebook, I am on vacation, I cnnot do live cd22:17
Beldarbobptz, Than use a usb.22:17
jl420capable I have installed mplayer and tried the codes u suggested. mplayer wont even open from the interface some skin errors. And i cant post the results of the terminal here it wont let me22:17
TJ-nightdemon666: have you tried full-screen videos played through, e.g., VLC? It may be related to hardware-accelerated MPEG videos being scaled to full-screen by the GPU driver22:18
capablejl420: 'mplayer' doesn't have an interface, so I'm not sure what you're talking about22:18
tac-ticsdoes the EFI boot partition need to be any larger than 35mb?22:18
tac-ticsor should I make it as small as possible?22:18
high_fivertac-tics, 10022:18
nightdemon666TJ- not on vlc, but i play full screen videos with no error on totem.22:18
high_fivertac-tics, max22:19
capableisn't it 100 min?22:19
Beldarbobptz, disks is an app22:19
bobptzcapable, what will this do?  do it from safe mode and then reboot22:19
capablebobptz: it will move a file that you can move right back if you want to22:19
daftykinstac-tics: 300MB would be worthwhile22:19
high_fiveron or the other, 100mb is a safe bet22:20
capabletac-tics: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI22:20
tac-ticswhat is it used for?22:20
jl420capable o ok i meant when i try to launch it from the tool bar it gives me fatal skin errors. I guess thats why if it doesnt have a graphical interface. But the codes wont launch anything either22:20
capableall you need is to satisfy EFI, and leave room for a kernel if you want kernels in there22:20
capablejl420: ah, run the commands I gave from a terminal22:20
TJ-tac-tics: EFI SP can be as little as 25MB *if* there aren't going to be multiple OSes installed... it only needs enough to store the GRUB shim and bootx64.efi and mokmanager22:20
abraxas__so does anybody here rice?22:20
capabletac-tics: just a stupid efi requirement =)22:21
tac-ticsand I should probably allocate maybe a few gigs of swap on my slow HD just in case, right?22:21
Beldarabraxas__, Ask the actual question, if ubuntu related.22:21
jl420capable I did run the commands from terminal but i cant seem to paste the rsults here22:21
tac-ticsI have 8GB of physical ram already22:21
capabletac-tics: shouldn't hurt22:21
bobptzBeldar, if you suspect the disks, can I just check them from the windows side?22:21
capabletac-tics: swap is useful for suspend22:21
tac-ticsahhhh yeah22:22
Beldarbobptz, There are windows smart checks yes22:22
capabletac-tics: it doesn't actually sound like you will have any problem replacing your SSD in the theoretical event it expires22:22
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TJ-tac-tics: hibernation requires RAM+"a little bit", e.g. 8.25GB for 8GB RAM should be sufficient22:22
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capabletac-tics: so offloading writes to your HD is mostly a matter of preference/paranoia22:22
bobptzok, I can do this22:22
abraxas__alright, how do I edit the autostart file from Openbox on Ubuntu? I can't seem to find it22:22
bobptzBeldar, I thought you guys can look at me dmesg and pinpoint the problem22:23
IsvaraHi. I'm trying to install a beta ATI driver on 14.04 64-bit. The installer built the packages, but this is the error I get when it tries to install them: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7965036/22:23
capableabraxas__: that's in man openbox22:23
Ace2Raceany dvd player apps for my trusty tahr ?22:23
capablehi ram22:23
abraxas__capable, what does that mean?22:23
capableAce2Race: gnome-mplayer, vlc22:23
capableabraxas__: if you run 'man openbox', then type '/autostart', you will get your answer22:23
bekksAce2Race: kaffeine, mplayer.22:24
capableFooty: hi22:24
tac-ticsthanks guys22:24
tac-ticsYou've been awesome22:24
capabletac-tics: no u22:24
tac-ticswish me luck :X22:24
coolstarwow, supertuxkart's story mode is really good22:24
capableme: g'luck22:24
abraxas__capable, I typed in man openbox on the terminal and was taken to the documentation/faq22:25
abraxas__do i type '/autostart' from there?22:26
capableabraxas__: yes22:27
capableabraxas__: 'n' for next result22:27
capable'N' for previous, 'q' to exit22:27
capableit will be the first result, though =)22:28
TeMPOraLguys, quick question - does anyone know if some recent update or sth. messed up with AltGR key?22:28
TeMPOraLit suddenly stopped working on the second machine for me now22:28
TeMPOraLright after reboot22:28
capableTeMPOraL: check what keyboard layout you're using22:29
jl420capable is that all the information u have for me?22:29
abraxas__capable, when I type "/autorun" in the documentation that comes up from "man openbox", it says pattern not recognized22:29
capablejl420: until you tell me you ran what I asked for...22:29
TeMPOraLcapable: didn't change anything; now it shows "Level3 S...", I don't remember what it showed before reboot22:29
=== flauschomat is now known as fluffomat
capablecap3lla: why did you type autorun if you asked about autostart?22:30
capablecap3lla: whoops22:30
capableabraxas__: why did you type autorun if you asked about autostart?22:30
capableTeMPOraL: setxkbmap -query | grep layout22:31
jl420capable i ran the exact commands u asked for.22:31
capablejl420: what happened?22:31
jl420heres the results.....joe@joe-Laptop:~$ sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/dvd dvd:// [sudo] password for joe:  MPlayer 1.1-4.8 (C) 2000-2012 MPlayer Team mplayer: could not connect to socket mplayer: No such file or directory Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.  Playing dvd://. libdvdread: Can't stat /dev/dvd No such file or directory libdvdread: Could not open /dev/dvd Couldn't open DVD device: /d22:31
capablejl420: did you try /dev/sr0 ?22:31
jl420capable yes with the same results22:32
TeMPOraLcapable: lol, got us22:32
capableTeMPOraL: so that's probably not the layout you want22:32
abraxas__lol so I don't have an autostart.xml file in my .config folder, can I just make one?22:32
TeMPOraLcapable: thanks, fixed by setxkbmap -layout pl22:32
TeMPOraLcapable: thank you very much :)22:32
TeMPOraLyay, it's working22:33
capableyay, words.pl!22:33
capablewell "words"22:33
BeldarIsvara, Looks like you need to remove any fglrx now there, beyond that any drivers not in the ubuntu repos are technically not supported here, unless you get help.22:33
jl420capable any suggestions? lol22:33
capablejl420: try this: dmesg | egrep -i --color 'cdrom|dvd|cd/rw|writer'22:33
jl420capable will do22:35
jl420joe@joe-Laptop:~$ dmesg | egrep -i --color 'cdrom|dvd|cd/rw|writer' [    2.188533] ata2.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-STCD-RW/DVD-ROM GCC-4244N, B101, max UDMA/33 [    2.201698] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST CDRW/DVD GCC4244 B101 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [    2.203726] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray [    2.203733] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2022:36
jl420capable i posted the results of that22:36
jl420capable: joe@joe-Laptop:~$ dmesg | egrep -i --color 'cdrom|dvd|cd/rw|writer' [    2.188533] ata2.00: ATAPI: HL-DT-STCD-RW/DVD-ROM GCC-4244N, B101, max UDMA/33 [    2.201698] scsi 1:0:0:0: CD-ROM            HL-DT-ST CDRW/DVD GCC4244 B101 PQ: 0 ANSI: 5 [    2.203726] sr0: scsi3-mmc drive: 24x/24x writer cd/rw xa/form2 cdda tray [    2.203733] cdrom: Uniform CD-ROM driver Revision: 3.2022:37
jl420capable any ideas?22:38
capablejl420: does 'sudo apt-get install eject; sudo eject /dev/sr0' do anything?22:38
jl420capable yes it ejected my drive... Did u want to see the terminal results?22:40
bobptzBeldar, I run smart test.  I do not understand the numbers, but the general result is that the disk is GOOD.22:42
bobptzBeldar, any particular reading you want?22:42
capablejl420: it ejected the drive you want to work?22:42
bekksbobptz: The numbers may still indicate that the drive is going to die very soon.22:42
jl420capable yes it did22:42
capablebobptz: nobody understands smart data, which is just as well as it's useless22:43
capablejl420: okay, then /dev/sr0 is your dvd drive22:43
bobptzBeldar, what number should I look at?22:43
jl420capable ok so now that i know that where do i go22:43
capablejl420: you have a store-bought DVD video disc in there?22:43
bekkscapable: If you dont, dont assume other dont understand them, too ;)22:44
jl420capable yes its a store bought movie22:44
capablebekks: okay, if I don't I won't22:44
capablejl420: have you seen it work before in any player?22:45
jl420capable I just installed ubuntu about 2 weeks ago just thought i should add that. Yes I have tried many different discs and i can put them in my computer running windows 7 and they play22:46
capablejl420: okay, pick one you're sure plays22:47
capablejl420: then please run this: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd://22:47
capablejl420: excuse me22:47
capablejl420: then please run _this_: sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd:// 2>&1 | pastebinit22:47
OerHeksjl420, even with dvdread, not all dvd's will play https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs#Troubleshooting22:48
TJ-jl420: In a terminal runing "vlc dvd://" do you see any warnings or errors, including about missing libraries?22:48
jl420capable do i run that all together or is it 2 different commands?22:48
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capablejl420: altogether is fine22:48
jl420capable k one sec22:49
TJ-jl420: You may still not have installed libdvdcss, via libdvdread4, which includes the installer script to run "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh"22:49
jl420capable results :joe@joe-Laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install pastebinit; sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd:// 2>&1 | pastebinit Reading package lists... Done Building dependency tree        Reading state information... Done The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:   libsdl-image1.2 libtar0 libva-x11-1 libxcb-composite0 libxcb-xv0   vlc-plugin-notify vlc-plugin-pulse Use 'apt-get autoremove' to remo22:50
capablejl420: did you get a URI?22:51
jl420capable sorry whats a URI22:52
capablejl420: a website address22:53
jl420capable no i didnt just what i pasted here from the terminal22:53
agliodbsin 12.04, is there any good way to disable an installed upstart service?  What I'm seing on the web is to rite a file called "servicename.overrride", which seems hackish22:53
capablejl420: what does 'which pastebinit' say?22:54
usr13agliodbs: Yes22:54
jl420capable is that a command?22:55
agliodbsusr13: what is it?  "service" doesn't have a disable option ...22:55
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capablejl420: yup22:55
jl420capable k running22:55
jl420capable results:joe@joe-Laptop:~$ which pastebinit /usr/bin/pastebinit22:56
usr13agliodbs: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/precise/man8/update-rc.d.8.html22:57
capablejl420: okay, please run this: sudo mplayer -dvd-device /dev/sr0 dvd:// 2>&1 | pastebinit22:57
capablejl420: you should get a web address back22:57
jl420capable ok running22:57
capableoh, maybe sudo nonsense... <sigh>22:58
jl420capable i received a URL back http://paste.ubuntu.com/7965252/22:59
usr13agliodbs: sudo /etc/init.d/name-here status #But you can use service:  sudo service <name-here> stop or start or restart etc...23:00
jl420capable is there anything else i should try23:00
usr13agliodbs: (... to temporarily start of stop a service.)23:00
usr13agliodbs: (... for that session only.)23:01
agliodbsusr13: yeah, not what I asked, but thanks23:01
usr13agliodbs: What did you ask?23:01
jl420capable ive been trying to fix this for the last week and i just dont know what else to try23:01
agliodbsusr13: enable or disable.  like on startup23:01
usr13agliodbs: Ok then. Use update-rc.d23:02
capablejl420: you said you ran through all the info on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs?23:02
bobptzok guys, I run 2 smart disk utilities and the disk looks healthy23:02
OerHeksjl420, does an other dvd play?23:02
capablebobptz: what made you think it's not healthy23:02
cristian_alguien de Chile???23:02
Kelterehi all, excuse me but i can't have sound from my audio card (Sound blaster Z), can someone help me?23:02
bobptzBekk asked me to check them23:02
jl420capable yes i did a couple of times23:02
agliodbsusr13: I thougth that didn't work for upstart-enabled services?23:03
bobptzsorry, Beldar23:03
bobptzcapable, the laptop is 1 year old anyway23:03
usr13agliodbs: It does.  You can also just remove the executable bit on the script, (not symlink but the actual script), but it is better to use update-rc.d23:03
bobptzcapable, can you look at my dmesg output?    http://paste.ubuntu.com/7964696/23:03
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agliodbsusr13: thanks, that's what I wanted to know23:04
TJ-jl420: Can you "sudo apt-get install regionset" and then tell us what "regionset /dev/sr0" reports? It's possible the region-code of the drive and the disk are different... its something to check anyhow23:04
bobptzit shoud be some driver that prevents booting23:04
capablebobptz: what's the problem?23:05
Ryezzaevening all (localize accordingly :).  Having an issue getting Ubuntu up and running on a new rig, would really appreciate any suggestions that I can get23:05
bobptzcapable, it does not boot.  it gives error:  "Could not write bytes: broken pipes"23:05
capablejl420: you might reboot and go into your BIOS config, and look for any preferences for sata modes23:05
Ryezzadon't wanna randomize the current discussion, let me know when it's a good time23:05
capablebobptz: well if it gives an error, it's booting23:06
capablebobptz: are you the guy I told to mv ~/.Xauthority? Did you?23:06
jl420TJ ill try that now but no dvds are working. Ill paste results in 1 sec23:06
capableRyezza: just go23:06
bobptzcapable, yes23:06
capablebobptz: no change?23:06
bobptzcapable, sorry, I did not do it.23:06
capablebobptz: how about you do that23:06
bobptzI have to reboot windows to do this23:06
bobptzok, then I need to leave23:07
KeltereI don't get any sound from my sound card Sound Blaster Z can someone help me?23:07
capablebobptz: we'll still be here when you get back23:07
aliteralmindI'm on a Windows machine, using Ubuntu for the first time on Digital Ocean (newbie in both). The only way I know to shell into it is with Putty. Any recommendations on alternatives, or is Putty pretty much it?23:07
bobptzcapable, how will the system work without the X fles?23:07
Ryezzak.  Trying to install Ubuntu from DVD on a new machine with an ASUS z97 + GTX 770. After I select "Install Ubuntu" I get a blinking cursor then a black screen23:07
capablealiteralmind: in Unixland, you simply run 'ssh user@host'23:07
RyezzaI had posted a bit more info here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/507226/cant-install-ubuntu-14-04-black-screen-w-gtx-770/507294#50729423:08
capablealiteralmind: what OS are you using?23:08
capablebobptz: it isn't working now23:08
RyezzaI've tried the suggestions and searched around like crazy, but I don't have any promising leads atm23:08
capablebobptz: mv ~/.Xauthority ~/oldxauthority23:08
aliteralmindWindows 7 32bit23:08
bobptzcapable, well what do we expect to see if I move the files?23:08
capablebobptz: if it doesn't work you can always mv ~/oldxauthority ~/.Xauthority23:08
capablebobptz: a change, or no change23:08
capablein how it "boots"23:09
bobptzok, I see23:09
aliteralmindcapable Windows 7 32 bit23:09
capableRyezza: /query ubottu nomodeset23:09
jl420TJ results: joe@joe-Laptop:~$ regionset /dev/sr0 regionset version 0.1 -- reads/sets region code on DVD drives Current Region Code settings: RPC Phase: II type: NONE vendor resets available: 4 user controlled changes resets available: 5 drive plays discs from region(s):, mask=0xFF  Would you like to change the region setting of your drive? [y/n]:23:09
capablealiteralmind: okay, putty is easily the most popular ssh client for Windows23:09
capablealiteralmind: if you don't like it, though, I'm sure we can find you another one you might23:09
jl420TJ what should I do NOw23:10
capablealiteralmind: if it's running a VNC server and has a GUI, you could use a VNC client like tigervnc's, too23:10
TJ-jl420: There's your problem! The drive doesn't have a region code set23:10
Ryezza@capable you mean add that to the install command? or run it from somewhere? I'm admittedly a Linux nub23:11
jl420TJ Ok so how do I set the region code?23:11
TJ-jl420: To confirm that was the cause of your playback issues please do "grep 'Media region code is mismatched' /var/log/dmesg" ... if you get output that confirms this is the problem23:11
capableRyezza: send it in your IRC client, as a message23:12
capableRyezza: /query ubottu nomodeset23:12
terryneed help getting wifi working  ...Dell inspiron 1721..fresh install of Ubuntu  14.04  -----some drivers did not load I think.....but need the wifi    any help would be appreciated.23:12
jl420TJ but do i hit yes or no on the terminal from the last thing we did?23:12
TJ-jl420: Press "no" for no right now23:13
TJ-jl420: Press "no" for no :p23:13
aliteralmindHow do I determine if  it's running a VNC client?23:13
TJ-jl420: Press "n" for no even!23:13
jl420TJ ok lol23:13
RyezzaI've actually read through that linked page.  I tried nomodeset, same result.  Also tried noveau.blacklist=1 and some other recommended parameters without any luck23:13
TJ-jl420: My fingers and my brain are not communicating :p23:13
aliteralmindcapable How do I determine if  it's running a VNC client?23:13
capablealiteralmind: mmmm, 'pgrep -l vnc' would probably report something23:14
capablealiteralmind: vnc host =)23:14
capableRyezza: what was your link again?23:14
aliteralmindcapable Nothing. No results. I could install something I guess. Gotta read up on it.23:15
capablealiteralmind: right, but that's only if the system has X or a GUI, or could have, and you even want it23:15
capablealiteralmind: 'which X'23:15
aliteralmindcapable I don't know what that means.23:16
jl420TJ results : nothing happens at all23:16
capableRyezza: you're tyson?23:16
capablealiteralmind: just a command23:16
capableRyezza: did you try the proprietary nvidia drivers?23:16
TJ-jl420: Hmmm, that could mean the region code doesn't need changing. I don't want to have you set a region code and use up one of the 5 changes the drive will allow, if it is not necessary23:16
RyezzaI'm not really sure how to do that during startup.  I know how to sudo install them, but I'm not sure what's available to me when booting off the LiveCD to install23:17
TJ-jl420: Can you do "tail -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit" and tell me the URL it provides?23:17
TJ-Ryezza: I think the GTX770 needs the nvidia version 340 drivers23:17
nightdemon666Give up on me TJ-? Lol23:18
capableRyezza: you can't get the system to a working prompt?23:18
jl420TJ I see so what do u think my best bet is now?23:19
skypcei have a problem23:19
Ryezza@TJ how would I install those drivers before I launch startup when booting off the Live CD?23:19
skypcei am trying to use git-pbuilder23:19
TJ-jl420: show me the output I just asked for, let me examine it23:19
skypceand this is the return error:E: Failed getting release file http://cl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/sid/Release23:19
TJ-Ryezza: You don't... at the installer boot menu there's an option to change boot options, one is to add "nomodeset" to the kernel command-line. That *ought* to prevent the black screen issue23:20
TJ-skypce: Because you're trying to get the Debian sid archive files from the Ubuntu repos?23:20
skypceyes :S23:20
Ryezzatried that... pushed F6 + checked the modeset box.  It looks like the resolution changes and I get a blinking cursor in teh top left, then I get a black screen forever23:21
skypcehow can i fix it?23:21
TJ-skypce: That's never going to work, now is it?! They are only available from the Debian servers23:21
skypceok thank you TJ23:21
TJ-Ryezza: Darn! Never simple23:21
skypceok thank you TJ-23:21
Ryezzaain't that the truth :)23:21
TJ-skypce: "man pbuilder" and look the option to pass a the archive URL prefix23:21
skypceok TJ- thank you23:22
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TJ-Ryezza: In theory, I'm guessing the open source Nouveau driver will be used initially, but I can't be sure and as you can't see...!23:22
bobptzcapable, it did not work23:23
capablebobptz: k23:23
Ryezzasomeone had suggested adding nouveau.blacklist=1 and I tried that as well, but got the same result23:23
TJ-bobptz: Have you tried adding "init=/bin/bash" to the kernel's boot command-line, to prevent Upstart kicking off?23:24
skypceTJ-, great this work for me : DIST=trusty git-pbuilder create23:24
RyezzaI'm sort of at a loss for what else to try to debug this sucker.  only thought is to buy another super cheap video card, which would kinda suck23:24
TJ-skypce: I wrote a set of scripts and backing article for pbuilder, here it is in case it helps: http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/Ubuntu/Packages/CreatingPbuilderVariations23:24
capableRyezza: you know how to get to the grub boot menu?23:24
bobptzsorry, no, i do not know these options23:24
Ryezzanot from the LiveCD, only once I've installed Ubuntu23:25
TJ-bobptz: Try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecoveryMode23:25
skypceTJ-, this is great for packaging for other versions of ubuntu, very thank you23:25
bobptzhave you guys seen my dmesg?23:26
nightdemon666I'll be back...23:26
TJ-skypce: The ~/.pbuilderrc may need updating to add newer release codenames into the case statements, such as for Trusty, and moving the release codenames between the main archive and the old-releases URLs23:26
bobptztj- yes,i have done this23:27
Ryezza@capable do you mean install grub to disk and then run it, or get to grub on the cd?23:27
capableRyezza: no23:27
TJ-bobptz: Yes. It doesn't help much. We need you to boot the system into a recovery/shell prompt without Upstart running so you can investigate. If the Recovery also fails, then edit the kernel command-line at the boot menu and replace "recovery" with "init=/bin/bash"23:27
capableRyezza: reboot, hold down SHIFT, you should see a GRUB boot list, read the bottom to edit it23:27
capableRyezza: oh bah, grub2, nevermind it'll be too confusing23:28
capableRyezza: boot your live OS, mount your installed system, chroot into it, and install the proprietary driver23:28
capableRyezza: or if you can boot to a system without X from holding down SHIFT, that'll do, too23:28
TJ-Ryezza: are you booting the installer on a UEFI or BIOS system?23:29
RyezzaI believe it's UEFI, although I've already followed all the steps to disable Safe Boot etc23:29
bobptztj- thank you. too late, need to sleep. will contact tomorrow23:29
jl420TJ so am i pretty much screwed23:30
tac-ticsIn the default desktop, how do you disable ALT from bringing up the search menu?23:30
jl420TJ there was no output23:30
jl420TJ could u give me the command ill try it again please23:31
TJ-jl420: You mean the kern.log file was empty? "sudo tail -n 1000 /var/log/kern.log | pastebinit"23:31
nightdemon666usr13, you give up on me too?23:31
jl420TJ one sec ill try that again23:32
RyezzaI didn't know what UEFI was until a couple hours ago. :)  The settings on the ASUS utility say "UEFI BIOS Utility"23:32
jl420TJ that command just gave me a URL23:33
nightdemon666TJ- no more help from you? remember firefox crashing on full screen youtube videos...23:33
nightdemon666i know youre busy :-/23:33
Ryezzacan you clarify what you mean by "live OS" and "installed system"?  The only OS that I have installed is Windows on another drive ATM, don't have a working Linux install23:33
TJ-jl420: I know... tell us what it is23:33
jl420TJ http://paste.ubuntu.com/7965430/23:34
TJ-nightdemon666: I made some suggestions, but its not something that is easy to figure out unless you run the process under gdb23:34
TJ-jl420: thanks23:34
TJ-jl420: It is as I suggested earlier ... the drive or the disk are broke, the log is full of disk read errors23:35
morsing_I am trying to get the latest graphics drivers, and have added the pre-released updates to my system and update my repository to the latest version. But i can't find any additional drivers, in the "about this computer" tab it says my graphics are running  Gallium 0.4 on AMD RV770. Is this the best available?23:36
jl420TJ but vlc gives me the same error when i try to stream a url or open a movie file23:36
TJ-*always* go to the system logs *first*, rather than messing about with random commands without evidence of the cause of the problem23:36
skypcewhere is this packagge?23:36
skypcePackage cowdancer is not available, but is referred to by another package.23:36
skypceother package contain it23:36
TJ-jl420: That is something different; the logs show the disk is unreadable for whatever reason23:36
nightdemon666TJ-, understood... i have run under debug, and there were two messages i identifed. one mostly was about firefox looking to provide accerlerated video via VDPAU, and I managed to make that message go away (although now i get different messages), but i do know that i am at least geting accelerated video rendering, just not accelerated video decoding. but i did see only one time so far where pulse audio failed :-/23:37
adymitrukwhen my local network and the network that I'm VPNed to both have addresses that start with 192.168, how do I point traffic that's meant for specific addresses (say all that start with 192.168.68) in the VPNed network to be routed and all others not go there?23:37
adymitrukI know I have to put something in for the routing in the VPN settings, but what?23:37
TJ-skypce: "apt-cache show cowdancer | grep Section"23:37
jl420TJ thats why im confused. Why is it the same unable to open mrl when i try to stream or open files23:38
TJ-jl420: I don't know.23:38
daftykinsadymitruk: you need to configure your VPN connection not to change the default gateway23:38
TJ-jl420: Are you providing the incorrect URL format to vlc?23:38
aliteralmindThanks for the tips capable.23:38
RyezzaTJ: were you asking about UEFI because of the Safe Boot stuff?23:39
nightdemon666TJ- as far as im concerned, firefox is failing and i'd like to use it due to the features of no script. i have NOT found anything that competes, so i'd like to keep my firefox browser as defacto browser for the system. FYI, the system is being dedicated to being used as a media center server. I would like to provide users with ZERO crash records in firefox.23:40
TJ-Ryezza: No, entirely different reason: The installer ISO uses GRUB for the UEFI boot loader, but isolinux (i think) for the Legacy BIOS  boot23:40
jl420TJ no i dont think so I just follow the instructions vlc gives23:40
adymitrukdaftykins: how do I do that? ssh -vvvv says "no route to host"23:41
TJ-nightdemon666: I'm afraid I can't help you much on that; accelerated video issues need a lot of hands-on to debug most times23:41
RyezzaTJ: got it.  I saw the GRUB boot menu once, I believe before I tinkered with the UEFI/BIOS settings and disabled Safe Boot, among other things23:41
TJ-jl420: OK ... that is the only thing I could think of that the 2 situations may have in common23:42
daftykinsadymitruk: consult the documentation of the software you're using to establish the VPN23:42
TJ-Ryezza: Yeah, that's it... with UEFI you've got to manually edit the boot menu to add options, in Legacy mode you get the nice language chooser and F6 advanced options chooser23:42
adymitrukI'm just using the build in ubuntu VPN client23:42
adymitruknetworking add vpn23:43
adymitrukworks from my android phone23:43
adymitrukdoesn't from ubuntu laptop23:43
TJ-adymitruk: which type, OpenVPN?23:43
adymitruksame networks23:43
jl420Does anybody else on here have a solution to the problem: I cannot playback video using vlc....I get an unable to open MRL error whether its a dvd or a URL or a file??????23:43
TJ-jl420: give me a streaming URL that fails, let me test it from here23:43
nightdemon666TJ-, to be more helpful on being informative, the issue with firefox crashing on full screen youtube videos has been a bug to squash before i established accelerated video, however, intel ecellerated video has been become an added plus... can you point me to some one who would be better capable of providing me help on the issue?23:43
jl420TJ ok one sec23:44
adymitrukTJ-: I'm not sure23:44
TJ-nightdemon666: I've not seen anyone particularly specialising in that. My first port of call would be to trawl bug reports in launchpad for similarities and hope there are workarounds/clues/solutions noted23:44
IsvaraI'm almost ready to throw out my graphics cards and get an nVidia one just because installing an ATI driver is so utterly hopeless.23:44
RyezzaTJ: theres a difference in behavior with nomodeset. If I don't F6 + check that box the resolution changes to a small blinking cursor and then I get a black screen, with nomodeset it's same resolution blinking cursor forever23:45
nightdemon666TJ- i have been scraping the internets quite a bit for any clues, but nothing on spot. unfortunately this is a rare bug in my case alone. problem is, im running the software on a macmini! not many people who have the same hardware to rant bugs with :-(23:46
TJ-nightdemon666: hardware failure of some sort?23:46
TJ-nightdemon666: overheating possibly?23:47
coolstaris there any good streaming software for linux?23:47
coolstarI want to stream my desktop on Twitch23:47
TJ-Ryezza: Hmmm! long shot, but have you tried manually editing the command line (before the "--" and removing any "quiet splash", add in "nomodeset" if it isn't there already, and also add "text", to see if the kernel will start in text mode23:48
Ryezzahaven't tried, will give that a shot now23:48
nightdemon666TJ- i analyze the cpu performance on a separate computer logged in via ssh to watch the cpu. i dont think there is an 'htop' or gnome-system-monitor equivilant for GPU... or is there???23:49
TJ-Ryezza: alternatively, stick an old video card in there to install, install the nvidia-340 drivers from the xorg-edgers PPA, then swap the GTX770 back in :)23:49
nightdemon666TJ- i dont see excessive CPU activity to warrant over heating. also the computer doesnt shutdown randomly on its own when worked23:49
Ryezzaunfortunately my wife just chucked all my old gear, so I'm old-video-cardless :)23:49
TJ-nightdemon666: some GPUs allow access to the temperatures, but it depends on which one. Nvidia's is only available via its nvidia-settings so far as I know23:50
TJ-Ryezza: Borrow one from another PC for 1/2 hour?23:50
quantibilityis there ANY way to reset the xfce bar to orginal stock?23:50
quantibilityim having a problem with missing window buttons23:50
nightdemon666TJ- since this is an intel GPU, i dont seem to have that capibility, but again, i was having these issues before i installed VDPAU drivers to get hardware accerlation  working so i cant pin the fail to GPU23:51
RyezzaTJ: I'm thinking of buying one from Best Buy or somewhere and returning it :).  nomodeset + text is doing something tho23:51
TJ-nightdemon666: maybe it's a case of video RAM choking? I've seen that happen with cards with 256 or even 512MB or VRAM when there's a lot of compositing also going on23:52
TJ-Ryezza: ooooo really? I hope it is the correct thing!23:52
nightdemon666TJ- i was inspired to install VDPAU support due to messages i saw in the debug mode of firefox. im glad i did now that i get *some* hardware acceleration, but i still get the same fail with or without23:52
RyezzaTJ: last command that showed was "status: {DRDY}" .../n "hard resetting link"23:54
TJ-nightdemon666: when full-screen is the video the same resolution as the display, or is the display having to scale the video? I wonder if it might work with a video that is the same native resolution as the display23:54
Ryezzasitting there now23:54
jl420TJ sorry for the delay heres a link that wont work.   https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=pB-5XG-DbAA23:54
nightdemon666TJ- in other words, i feel im going the wrong direction to point to gpu. since the fail was evident before the gpu was assisting with video rendering. i believe its a software fail, not a hardware fail, but keeping my mind open on hardware, just not the gpu considering the failure before gpu usefull drivers were installed.23:54
TJ-Ryezza: Hmmm, Drive Ready ... that suggests a disk failure23:54
TJ-Ryezza: did you connect the drive(s) correctly ?23:55
RyezzaTJ: yeah, there's just one SATA SSD hooked up atm.  But this is when running the "Run Ubuntu from CD" option with nomodeset text23:55
TJ-nightdemon666: my point about scaling is, if it needs to do that, it may need double VRAM for the before and after buffers23:56
nightdemon666TJ- I have a 40 in flat panel lcd screen tv as the video output. signals are running VGA.23:56
TJ-Ryezza: Yes, but when the kernel starts, if you see that message, it is whilst the kernel is interrogating the hardware... as a test, try disconnecting that drive and see if the installer gets further23:56
RyezzaTJ: really appreciate the help on this btw23:57
TJ-nightdemon666: what pixel resolution though? If, for example, the video you're playing is 1080p and the screen were 720p, or the video is 720p and the screen 1080p, then scaling is needed. I'm wondering if you can ensure a 1:1 mapping to rule out scaling as a possible cause23:58
nightdemon666TJ- i was not having this issue wihen using acer aspire one netbook as the media center. although video output sucked in youtube via firefox and fullscreen, it did not fail in the case that it is failing now with mac mini. issues with aspire one were just not enough cpu power to render video smoothly. in the case of mac mini i have the power, just get the failures in fullscreen youtube videos only :-/23:58
jl420TJ did u try that URL i gave u23:59

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