
Bagelisok m8 i will go for sleep now thank you again so much for your time and help :) i hope i will see you around here again :) P.S dont be afraid not for problem this time i hope :D00:00
ali1234okay, see you around :)00:00
Bagelisgn guys00:00
abuasmahi, morning02:40
abuasmacurrently i'm using xubuntu 14.04, and i have a problem with my panel's here02:42
cfhowlettabuasma, details.02:43
abuasmasomehow, i have deleted wireless network icon02:43
abuasmaand i cant put it back. maybe you can help me. thanks02:44
cfhowlettabuasma, well you could always kill your XFCE configuration files so they'll force reset ...02:44
abuasmaso.. how should i do to put it back ?02:46
cfhowlettabuasma, /home/.config/xfce4                    delete that file.  logout.  login.  it should reset to defaults02:47
abuasmaok i'll try. thanks cfhowlett02:49
cfhowlettabuasma, report results ...02:50
xubuntu065I have x Ubuntu last Edition ,i have 2 partition on my hard disk the no 2 partition is always unmounted in  computer start up i formatted in ntfs02:52
cfhowlettxubuntu065, what is result of terminal command: cat /etc/issue02:53
abuasmaok first i put this "/home/.config/xfce4" in terminal emulator right? sorry it is my first time using linux :-D02:53
xubuntu065i am sorry i'm using my mobile now  i will turn on my computer and come back02:54
cfhowlettabuasma, use the file manager: thunar.  display hidden folders.  go to that folder.  rename it BACKUPxfce402:54
abuasmaok i'm open my file manager.. and what is 'thunar' anyway?02:58
holstein!info thunar02:58
ubottuthunar (source: thunar): File Manager for Xfce. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.3-1ubuntu5 (trusty), package size 250 kB, installed size 908 kB02:58
abuasmaok i got it03:00
abuasmawell i cant find .config in my home folder ??03:05
cfhowlettabuasma, in thunar: ctrl h         to display hidden folders03:06
abuasmaok then rename folder xfce4 right?03:07
cfhowlettabuasma, ... or delete it.  either way, it'll rebuild on logout/login03:07
abuasmaok i've rename it than i should logout03:08
abuasmathanks anyway cfhowlett03:08
cfhowlettabuasma, no problem03:09
abuasmaok it works cfhowlett03:12
cfhowlettabuasma, remember what you did to fix it.03:15
abuasmayeah thanks03:15
ObrienDave!cookie | cfhowlett03:18
ubottucfhowlett: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!03:18
cfhowlettObrienDave, thanks, amigo.03:18
rmzelnickhow can I change the resolution of my terminal? I'm using v86d03:25
rmzelnicksince I have nvidia-current03:25
ObrienDavesettings, display. irrc03:25
rmzelnicksorry, I meant to say how to I change the screen resolution of tty1, etc03:26
ObrienDavenot understanding, you can change the font size03:27
rmzelnickI would like to know how can I change the resolution of my framebuffer, I'm really sorry my english is kind of bad.03:28
ObrienDaveno problem03:29
Unit193Change one of the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX options and add a vga setting in there.03:31
rmzelnickok, I'll look into that03:31
rmzelnickI'll let you know if it works03:31
Unit193/etc/default/grub would be the file to edit.03:32
wulong710hello . when i use command nemo in terminal to open a folder, it is always occurse some warning. Anyone can give me suggestion? error log here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2237963&p=13090919#post1309091904:37
rmzelnickwulong710: it's a bug04:41
wulong710rmzelnick: have you ever had met this situation? Can you give me some prompt?04:42
rmzelnickwulong710: Yes I have, but let me get something straight..04:43
rmzelnickXorg is running04:43
rmzelnickwulong710: try exporting NO_AT_BRIDGE04:46
rmzelnick`export NO_AT_BRIDGE=1'04:46
rmzelnickthen try running nemo again04:46
wulong710ok .i will try05:06
wulong710rmzelnick:  resolve one problem.   It is usefull.  But still  remain some warning "(nemo:12547): GLib-GObject-WARNING **: invalid (NULL) pointer"05:20
wulong710thank you  .05:20
IsvaraI just installed onto an SSD drive, and writes are horrendously slow. The errors start at line 1128 of this dmesg output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7958928/07:37
IsvaraI'm guessing there's some special SSD magic I didn't do. Can I do it now, or did I miss something during the install?07:37
koegsIsvara: i would try to use a different sata port and sata cable08:29
Isvarakoegs: Well, well. Third cable I tried and it seems to be working now.09:00
ssarahhow do i add a xfce native sound control to the task bar?10:20
Unit193Xfce native?10:23
ssarahno, i chose xubuntu for login, but i saw no difference in xfce10:25
koegswith xfce4-mixer you can add an icon to the panel10:38
xubuntu731i have xubuntu last edition ,i have 2 partition on my hard disk the no. 2 partition is aalways unmounted in computer start up,i formatted in ntfs11:28
xubuntu731i have xubuntu last edition ,i have 2 partition on my hard disk the no. 2 partition is aalways unmounted in computer start up,i formatted in ntfs11:34
Unit193Yes you said that part just now.11:34
xubuntu731do you have an answer11:38
Unit193I presume your question is how you can have them mounted on bootup?11:39
Unit193I'd use fstab.11:43
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:43
xubuntu731can you please tell my 1,2,3 steps to solve that i'm a new linux user11:52
ObrienDavehow can we help you?11:53
xubuntu731i have xubuntu last edition ,i have 2 partition on my hard disk the no. 2 partition is aalways unmounted in computer start up,i formatted in ntfs11:55
ObrienDaveok, just a second, please11:56
ObrienDaveinstall ntfs-config12:06
Eldunarhello is it possible to group up opened applications in xubuntu12:43
knomeEldunar, yes.12:44
knomeEldunar, go to the window buttons applet options and select the grouping style12:45
Eldunarwhen i launch for example 4 pdf files i have four seperate.... i do not know how to explain this... not windows but information in task bar12:45
EldunarThats exactly what i want!! Thank u sooo much:)12:46
Eldunarhello it is possible to make some exceptions in windows buttons applet in xubuntu? I mean to not to show button of Deadbeefplayer which icon i have i tray?13:08
ssarahhei, how do I reset synaptic's fileters?13:31
ssarahsynatpic filter menu is completely buggy13:37
ssarahit tends to reset all filters, even existing ones, as soon as you click on them13:37
ssarah*even default ones13:37
xubuntu410Excuse me, will xubuntu 14.04.1 be available for install via the Update Manager?14:54
wulong710 hello. My wireless is at9287. It is unstable,  disconnect internet after running for a while. Ubuntu14.04 show me error  "ath: phy0: Failed to stop TX DMA, queues=0x18f!".   Error log is here:http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2237796. Anyone had met this problem?14:55
xubuntu410wulong710: looks like you're getting good support on the forum.14:57
james0r2xubuntu410, yeah. i think 14.04.1 is just 14.04 + packages upgrades since that time.14:57
xubuntu410jamesOr2: Probably.  But it's not available as an upgrade from the Update Manager, only 12.10.14:58
xubuntu410jamesOr2: I thought it should be available after the first point release.14:58
wulong710 wulong710: yes .I found it one minite ago. Thank you .14:59
james0r2xubuntu410, and you're on what version now?15:03
xubuntu410(Sorry, neglected to mention that.)15:04
xubuntu410"Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS"15:04
ubottuXubuntu 12.04 LTS (Precise Pangolin) is the current !LTS release of Xubuntu.  Download at http://xubuntu.org/getxubuntu  Release notes at http://xubuntu.org/news/12-04-release/15:04
james0r2ahh. yeah. then you're supposed to get the LTS notification.15:04
xubuntu410Yeah, and I've checked the box in Update Manager -> settings.15:05
xubuntu410If I set it to "tell me about any new release", it tells me about 12.10.15:05
xubuntu410If I set it to "tell me only about LTS release", it doesn't say anything is available.15:06
james0r2looks like the the omg ubuntu forum there are some folks saying they aren't getting the notification either.15:06
james0r2not sure.15:06
* xubuntu410 is glad it isn't just him.15:06
GridCubeLTS will only give LTS release updates15:06
* xubuntu410 nods.15:06
GridCubeyou wont get 12.10, nor 13.04, nor 13.10, just 14.0415:06
xubuntu410That's what I want.15:07
GridCubethen do sudo do-release-upgrade15:07
xubuntu410Great, I'll give that a go, thanks!15:07
xubuntu410Checking for a new Ubuntu release No new release found15:07
GridCubego to the settings manager and look for "software and updates"15:08
james0r2you on an up-to-date repo?15:08
xubuntu410Just got patches on libc stuff this morning.15:09
xubuntu410There is no "Software and Updates" in the settings manager.15:09
GridCubethere go to the third tab "updates" there check that the "notify on updates"is check to Long term releases"15:10
GridCubexubuntu410, launch software-properties-gtk from a terminal15:10
xubuntu410Got it.  It is indeed set to "For long-term support versions".15:11
GridCubechange it to any?15:11
GridCubei don't know if thats recomendable tho15:12
xubuntu410If I change that to "For any new version", then update, I get notified about 12.10.15:12
GridCubein the first tab are you using the main ubuntu repos?15:12
xubuntu410So I'm thinking there's a trigger it's looking for somewhere in xubuntu land that it's not finding.15:12
xubuntu410Top four boxes are checked.15:12
GridCubeyeah, but the "download from"15:13
GridCubemaybe the repo you are using has not mirrored the new release?15:13
GridCubesorry im guessing here15:14
xubuntu410Download from: "Server for United States".15:14
xubuntu410GridCube: I appreciate the guesses, thanks.  (:15:14
GridCubexubuntu410, mmm that should have it, try changing it to a different one?15:14
xubuntu410Changing it to "Main server" doesn't have the desired result.15:15
james0r2xubuntu410, you tried main server, updated and checked upgrades already?15:16
xubuntu410Trying a few different ones just in case...15:17
GridCubexubuntu410, sorry, i would suggest you to fill a bug report agains do-release-upgrade and state your case15:17
xubuntu410Will do.  E-mail?15:18
xubuntu410Or is it on launchpad?15:19
GridCubexubuntu410, it would be ubuntu-bug do-release-upgrade15:20
GridCubebut first try this15:20
GridCubesudo do-release-upgrade -d15:20
xubuntu410Ah, got it, thanks.  (:15:20
xubuntu410Somethings working....15:22
xubuntu410Just not sure what it is yet....15:22
GridCube-d is for --devel version, it should work15:22
xubuntu410"Do you want to start the upgrade?"15:22
xubuntu410Not sure what upgrade it's suggesting.15:22
GridCubedid you remember to change the setting to long term realease back in the settings?15:23
GridCubeif you did then its proposing 14.04 to you15:23
xubuntu410Getting out of that, and now update manager is notifying me of many new updates.15:23
xubuntu410authenticate 'trusty.tar.gz' against 'trusty.tar.gz.gpg'15:24
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes15:24
xubuntu410Oh, goodie.  It is indeed hitting 14.04.15:24
xubuntu410Yay, thanks GC!15:24
xubuntu410So how do I kick this upstairs now?15:25
xubuntu410Should I report this as a bug still?15:26
xubuntu410Strange that it works only in devel version.15:26
GridCubemaybe, i don't know, i don't think it would harm if you report it :) probably theres a report already tho15:27
xubuntu410Oh, it's not devel mode for the tool.  It's installing a devel release.15:28
xubuntu410So it looks like 14.04.1 hasn't been marked as stable yet.15:29
GridCubemmhm, that might be it15:30
xubuntu410Meh, it'll do.15:30
xubuntu410If I hit bugs then it'll help make it stable.15:31
xubuntu410Thank you for your help!15:31
GridCubeno problem15:32
xubuntu410GridCube: upgrade completed with some errors.  Gonna kick the box now and see how she does.  If you don't hear from me again, all is well.  Thanks again!  (:15:48
GridCubebefore you do remenber to clean your ~/.config directory so you get default desktop settings15:49
xubuntu410Will do, thanks!15:49
GridCubethey changed a whole lot15:49
GridCubepurging ~/.config/xfce4 will make things easier for you15:49
xubuntu410mv .config/ .config-10.0415:49
GridCubesure, that will remove all the configs :)15:50
GridCubealso 12.0415:50
xubuntu410Eh, that's what I meant....15:50
GridCubevery well15:50
xubuntu410Living in the past...  (:15:50
* xubuntu410 takes a deep breath, and........15:51
Luyin... and?15:53
vesjust instaled xubuntu 12.04 in an old Packard Bell Hera C Laptop16:06
vesthe physical secondary button is broken, and the right click on the touch pad is not working neither16:07
vesI would like to know how can I create a keyboard map to simulate a right click when pressing CTRL + LeftClick16:08
baizonves: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingTouchpadDetection16:08
vesthanks for the link16:14
vesi just download enable-rightbutton.sh16:15
vesbut I get this message: porperty Synaptys Soft Button Areas doesn't exist. you need to specify its type and format16:15
veslookin in google now16:16
vesjust followed instructions from here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-input-synaptics/+bug/94496116:37
ubottuUbuntu bug 944961 in xserver-xorg-input-synaptics (Ubuntu) "Can't enable Right Button Area on Elantech ETPS/2 Clickpad" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:37
vesI was able to get the 4 value parameters16:37
vesbut when trying to run xinput set-prop devId 324 .....16:37
vesit says that property 324 doesn't exists16:37
derek-gsometimes I cannot open sftp folder in thunar without restarting.16:51
derek-gI get messages like this:"The name :1.900 was not provided by any .service files"16:51
derek-gdo I need to reset sftp mounts somehow? how?16:51
xubuntu801i am just testing this18:25
xubuntu801i am doing a install of xubuntu18:26
xubuntu801i hope the graphics works better on this machin then linux mint 13 did.18:27
HedgeworkAbove all else, choose your graphics card carefully. :)18:27
bekksxubuntu801: which graphics adapter do you have then?18:28
xubuntu801i use the one onboard a old dell optiplex gx26018:29
Unit193Ah, so 82845G/GL?18:30
xubuntu801i dont have all numbers i my head but it seems right18:30
Unit193Have fun. :P18:31
Unit193At least true color is the default again.18:32
xubuntu801for curiousa when i am looking for programs to install in linux mint 13, i can not read the small text under programname.18:33
ali1234i've got one of those18:34
ali1234did you have to replace all the capacitors yet?18:34
xubuntu801 no18:35
xubuntu801but i think i have a bad dvd reader18:35
ali1234if it randomly crashes or turns off its the capacitors18:35
xubuntu801on the motherboard or powersupply18:36
ali1234wow they got sued over it, i didn't know that: http://www.maximumpc.com/article/home/dell_settles_court_over_alleged_defective_capacitor_cover-18:37
xubuntu801no fun replacing caps on motherboard18:37
ali1234it's fairly easy to do and you can buy a kit with all the right caps18:37
ali1234probably not worth it now though, the kit would cost more than the PC is worth18:37
xubuntu801i believe so18:38
ali1234i got mine for free because it died and dell just sent us a new one18:38
ali1234(at work)18:38
xubuntu801my install is done now, and need to reboot18:39
xubuntu801have a nice evening all18:39
xubuntu801and thanx for all info18:40
megalohello how lock numlock at boot ? (xubuntu 14.04)19:54
megalosorry for my english, i'm french19:55
ObrienDavesettings, keyboard, top of window19:56
megalorestore numlock.... no effect, activated or not19:58
ObrienDavecheck the box, it stays how it was when rebooting20:00
megaloi try20:02
megalothanks :-)20:02
=== not_phunyguy is now known as phunyguy
missionhow can I post a feature request for the next xubuntu release? :D21:11
Hedgeworkmission: That would either go in an issue tracker...which one (Xubuntu, Ubuntu, some smaller *buntu team, or upstream) depends on the request...if you expand we can point you in the right direction.21:15
Hedgeworkmission: also, if in doubt, patches are welcome ;)21:16
elfymission: first place would be the -devel mailing list, xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com but also read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/Processes release cycle21:20
missionThank you! There is just 1 thing I really miss: the "Wacom Tablet" GUI tool from Ubuntu. For some reason it doesn't start in Xubuntu21:21
Hedgeworkmission: have you looked for it in the repos?21:24
missionit's available in the Ubuntu Software Center as 'Wacom Tablet' but it doesn't seem to work with XFCE :(21:27
elfythat would probably be a bug then mission :)21:29
elfyhave you tried running it from a terminal?21:29
brainwashyou've already filed a bug report some time ago21:30
brainwashbug 132527421:30
ubottubug 1325274 in wacom-tools (Ubuntu) "Wacom Control Panel GUI doesn't work on Xubuntu 14.04" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132527421:30
brainwashit this the same issue?21:31
elfythanks brainwash21:34
missionyup it's the same one :( still no idea how to make it to work21:39
brainwashmission: so, the "Wacom Tablet" GUI tool from ubuntu is actually an applet for the gnome control center21:51
brainwashtherefore, it will be only visible in the gnome control center21:55
mission:( does it mean I'd have to ask XFCE team to include a similar solution instead?21:55
brainwashnot sure if there is any similar solution21:56
brainwasha solution which does not heavily depend on GNOME or KDE libraries and running daemons21:57
brainwashyou should be able to install the gnome control center (+ additional packages for the wacom applet) in xubuntu21:57
brainwashhopefully it will work just fine :)21:58
xubuntu929Hi all -- I have a question about session manager -- does anyone have any expertise?21:58
missionI think I'm gonna try, but could it break my desktop anyhow? :D21:58
=== xubuntu929 is now known as adachan
elfyI can boot a vm to check21:59
brainwashmission: well, it could mess with your desktop21:59
brainwashadachan: just ask your actual question22:01
adachani am running some rsyncs that will take weeks to complete (TBs and TBs)22:02
adachanand id like to not have to restart these evertime i log in -- if I use xrdp i can save this session but xrdp is quite buggy22:02
adachanive noticed that the session manager doesnt really seem to save the session, but rather the apps that were running -- is this correct, or am I doing something wrong?22:03
brainwashyes, it basically just launches the previous apps and tries to assign them to the correct workspace if possible22:03
adachanahhh -- ok thats perfect - it wont do what I want, but good to know22:04
koegsadachan: if you want to keep the rsync process running, why not start it in a screen/tmux/byobu-session?22:06
adachanthe process does keep running when i exit the ssh Y session that i forward xfce-desktop22:08
adachanbut i can never get back into this when i log in again22:08
adachanim not familiar with screen/tmux/byobu -- can you give a quick description of what it does?22:09
koegsif you start the rsync in a byobu-session, it will keep running if you just "detach" from the byobu-session22:10
adachancan that session be logged into from multiple systems22:10
koegsyes, indeed22:10
adachanok -- thanks -- lemme go read about this22:10
elfymission: so *have* you tried running it from a terminal ?22:18
missionelfy: nope, actually I dunno what the exact name is and not sure how to find it22:22
elfytry wacompl22:22
missionnot found :(22:23
elfymission: just caught up - so you've not actually installed it yet? the unity control centre or whatever it's called?22:26
missionI do have it installed using Control Centre, but it doesn't show me the name so I'm not sure how to start it from the console :(22:28
elfymmm - I'm just updating a vm to look22:28
elfywould have been quicker to reinstall that ...22:28
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
xubuntu090hi guys! first time for me here... can't find a way to set the resolution of my notebook! Olvetti Olibook P1500... only resolution 640x48023:38
cookieburrahi there :)23:41
cookieburraI'd check if that is not a driver issue23:41
cookieburraI can't find the type of GPU you have there23:43

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