
wwitzel3perrito666: you still around?00:23
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== mjs0 is now known as menn0
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
davecheneymenn0_: i'm going to try again05:19
davecheneybut this time run my mongo in the foreground05:19
menn0_davecheney: good idea05:19
menn0_I'm getting closer to finding the culprit rev05:20
davecheneymenn0_: i'm not sure it's our fault05:21
davecheneymongo appears to be shitting itself05:21
davecheneywe're still using 2.4.x on precise05:21
menn0_I think it's triggered by the way we're setting up mongo though05:21
davecheneyno argument there05:22
menn0_whether what we're doing is reasonable or not is another matter05:22
davecheneybut having to work around fragile software does not lead to robust systems05:22
menn0_sure but let's narrow this down first before jumping to conclusions :)05:23
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
davecheneyreasons to hate upstart number 1<<7205:34
davecheneyubuntu@ip-10-251-35-4:~$ service juju-db05:34
davecheneyjuju-db: unrecognized service05:34
davecheneyubuntu@ip-10-251-35-4:~$ service juju-db status05:34
davecheneyjuju-db start/running, process 1078305:34
menn0davecheney: "service" isn't upstart is it? You want: "status <service-name>"05:37
davecheneywhy does the 2 arg form but the 3 arg version work ?05:38
davecheneymenn0: i'm seeing the same mongo connection reauthenticating itself over and over again05:39
menn0davecheney: yep I think I see the same05:39
davecheneythat sounds wrong05:39
* davecheney logs bug05:40
davecheneyhmmm, Wed Aug  6 05:45:38.641 [rsMgr] replSet not electing self, not all members up and we have been up less than 5 minutes05:46
davecheneyWed Aug  6 05:45:38.641 [rsMgr] replSet info electSelf 105:46
davecheneyWed Aug  6 05:45:39.574 [conn2] end connection (1 connection now open)05:46
davecheneymenn0: even when mongo doesn't shit itself05:53
davecheneythe environment is still unusable05:53
davecheneythe api server is offline05:53
menn0yes, I've seen that05:53
menn0in fact I have an env doing exactly that now05:53
menn0I'm beginning to think this is culprit:05:54
menn0commit 62e172632c3e9d8496805ed5223f9f4acc28986a05:54
menn0Merge: 8275fa4 ce0840e05:54
menn0Author: Juju bot <jujubot@users.noreply.github.com>05:54
menn0Date:   Thu Jul 31 12:53:28 2014 +010005:54
menn0    Merge pull request #416 from axw/mongo-journalenabled05:54
menn0    05:54
menn0    Only set Safe.J (with mgo.SetSafe) if journaling is enabled05:54
menn0    05:54
menn0    Mongo 2.6 errors if you attempt to set Safe.J when journaling is disabled. We introduce a new fun05:54
davecheneymenn0: if you want to push the revert button05:55
davecheneyi'll LGTM that05:55
davecheneyi think it's time for some drastic action05:55
menn0I'm going to try a local build first without that rev and see what happens05:55
davecheneyoh look, https://bugs.launchpad.net/mgo/+bug/134027505:56
menn0_davecheney: interesting...06:01
davecheneymenn0_: more information06:03
davecheneymachines 1, and 206:03
davecheneythe new replicas06:03
davecheneynever start06:03
davecheneythe machine gets through cloud init06:03
davecheneybut they can never connect to the original api server06:03
davecheneyso they can never get their configuration and find they are running a state server job06:04
* menn0_ nods06:06
menn0_I'm not sure it always happens that way but I have seen something like that06:06
menn0_I'm trying now with the Safe.J change removed06:06
menn0_davecheney: how much longer are you going to be around06:16
menn0_I need to go eat with the family06:16
davecheneymenn0_: i'm out pretty much now06:19
davecheneyneed to get into the city for that meetup06:19
menn0_davecheney: that ensure-avail just finish and 3 state servers are up and "started"06:19
menn0_things aren't happy in the logs but removing that revision seems to have helped the immediate issue06:19
menn0_i'll send an email a bit later on06:20
davecheneymenn0_: what do you think ?06:20
davecheneydo you want to propose it ?06:20
menn0_I think I'll email people and wait for some feedback06:20
menn0_davecheney: update... so things have now settled down post "juju ensure-availability" and the env looks healthy06:22
menn0_I think it's probably that rev06:22
davecheneymenn0_: my vote is to roll that rev back06:26
davecheneyyou have my LGTM if you want to land that change06:26
voidspacemorning all06:42
menn0_voidspace: mornin'06:48
* menn0_ is about to upgrade his router firmware to see if it helps his flaky link06:48
voidspacemenn0_: morning :-)06:52
voidspacedimitern: morning06:55
voidspacedimitern: ping07:33
voidspacedimitern: if a machine is "pending" (instance-id and agent-state for the unit) how do I tell what state it's actually in07:33
voidspacei.e. what it's waiting for / where it has got to07:33
voidspacedimitern: this is local provider, and I suspect it's downloading the lxc image07:34
voidspacebut I'd like to *know*07:35
dimiternin a call, will get back to you sorry07:35
voidspacethere's nothing of use in the logs07:35
voidspacedimitern: sure07:35
voidspacewill go make coffee07:35
voidspacemaybe it just needs time07:35
dimitern10x :)07:35
dimiternvoidspace, i'm back; so to answer your question - "pending" means the machine agent haven't yet started (or at least haven't logged into the api to start the agent alive presence pinger)07:55
voidspacedimitern: right, and I suspect that the vm (in this case an lxc container is not up)07:56
voidspacedimitern: how do I *tell*07:56
voidspacedimitern: it's still pending07:56
dimiternvoidspace, ah, debugging why an lxc container is not starting is fun :)07:56
voidspaceis it even possible...07:56
dimiternvoidspace, i'd try a couple of things: 1) set logging-config in env.yaml for that environment to <root>=DEBUG07:57
voidspaceok, cool07:57
dimiternvoidspace, oops sorry, <root>=TRACE07:57
voidspacegood start07:57
dimiternvoidspace, trace logs for all lxc ops should be in the MA log07:57
jam1dimitern: I rejoined juju-networking07:58
dimiternvoidspace, then, you can check $ sudo lxc-ls --fancy on the machine to see if lxc is running07:58
voidspaceso machine-1.log07:58
jam1voidspace: I think if you find things like "downloading lxc images" aren't in the logs, but are there under TRACE, we need to bump those up to DEBUG07:58
jam1at least, if not INFO07:58
voidspaceah, I was using lxc-ls but without sudo07:58
dimiternvoidspace, and in /var/lib/lxc and /var/log/lxc (as root) you can find useful logs sometimes07:58
jam1something that might take 10 min should be at INFO level, certainly07:58
jam1though I think LXC itself downloads images outside of our control07:59
voidspaceheh, lots of fun07:59
voidspaceI *think* that's where it's stuck - but hard to tell07:59
voidspaceah, cool07:59
voidspaceso lxc-ls --fancy07:59
voidspacetells me that the precise-template exists (which is how I was able to start a precise vm)08:00
voidspacebut there's no trusty template08:00
voidspaceso I assume (hope) that's still downloading08:00
voidspaceprecious little network activity though08:00
voidspaceI will restart with trace logging08:00
voidspaceTheMue: morning08:18
TheMuevoidspace: just seen you’re playing with lxc08:19
voidspaceTheMue: heh08:19
voidspaceTheMue: unavoidable, I'm working with local provider :-/08:19
TheMuevoidspace: hehe08:19
TheMuevoidspace: I’m in contact with Serge and Stéphane about IPv6 and LXC08:20
voidspaceah, cool08:20
=== mjs0 is now known as menn0
jam1morning TheMue, welcome back08:39
jam1if you're restarting in the middel08:39
jam1then likely there are filesystem locks that are stale now08:39
TheMuejam1: morning to Nuremberg08:46
* TheMue has to fix his client to do a better signaling08:46
voidspacejam1: so how would I check / resolve?09:00
voidspacejam1: a reboot in between should be sufficient to release locks, right09:00
dimiternvoidspace, what are you seeing?09:00
jam1voidspace: no09:01
voidspacedimitern: machine never starts, no trusty template downloaded09:01
jam1voidspace: there is a directory that gets created as a lock, that persists09:01
dimiternvoidspace, ah, bugger09:01
jam1so destroy-environment while it is held doesn't clean it up09:01
voidspaceso that's probably the problem09:01
jam1voidspace: IIRC, there is a plugin "juju-clean" that nukes everything that needs nuking09:02
dimiternvoidspace, I have a nifty little snippet to obliterate a local env + all lxc artifacts09:02
voidspaceis this an lxc lock or a juju lock?09:02
jam1I've found it in the past using debugging and finding the file it was waiting for and selectively deleting stuff09:02
voidspacedimitern: cool09:02
jam1voidspace: creation of the "precise-template" or trusty is a juju lock09:02
dimiternvoidspace, http://blog.naydenov.net/2014/03/remove-juju-local-environment-cleanly/ - give it a try to see if it'll help, or just run some of the steps09:02
jam1voidspace: https://github.com/juju/plugins09:03
jam1dimitern: ^^09:03
jam1juju-clean is in there, IIRC09:03
voidspacejam1: thanks, awesome09:03
jam1its a pretty big hammer09:04
jam1and I'd like us to never need it, so file bugs when you do need it09:04
jam1I wish it would report what it actually had to clean up, but anyway09:04
dimitern:) nice09:10
dimiternthanks jam109:11
voidspacejam1: the juju clean plugin solved my problem and unblocked me.09:49
voidspaceI don't think I can usefully file a bug though as I don't know what it solved :-)09:49
voidspaceI suspect that it was stale filesystem locks from a failed / stalled template download due to my crappy network09:50
voidspacebut I don't know09:50
voidspaceand now I have new and weirder issues, but at least the lxc container starts ok and I have both precise and trusty templates09:50
dimiternvoidspace, it might be the templates weren't downloaded properly09:53
voidspacedimitern: right09:53
voidspacenow I have working containers, but install hooks seem to fail consistently - but succeed when retried09:54
voidspacedigging in09:54
dimiternvoidspace, can you paste some logs?09:54
dimiternfrom the failing unit09:55
voidspacedimitern: in a bit, I just blew everything away to try again :-)09:55
dimitern:) alright09:55
voidspacethe failure mode is consistent09:55
dimiternvoidspace, which charm are you trying?09:55
voidspacemmand "lsmod | grep -q 8021q || modprobe 8021q" failed09:56
voidspacecommand "lsmod | grep -q 8021q || modprobe 8021q" failed09:56
dimiternvoidspace, right!09:56
voidspacemachine-1: 2014-08-06 09:19:28 ERROR juju.worker runner.go:219 exited "networker": command "lsmod | grep -q 8021q || modprobe 8021q" failed (code: 1, stdout: , stderr: modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:556 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/3.13.0-32-generic/modules.dep.bin'09:56
dimiternvoidspace, somebody reported that recently09:56
voidspacedimitern: that's the mysql one09:57
voidspacedimitern: I reported it yesterday09:57
dimiternvoidspace, :) ah09:57
dimiternvoidspace, the problem with this could be solved if you modprobe 8021q on the host before starting the container, hopefully09:57
voidspacemodprobe is looking in the wrong place inside the container09:58
voidspaceit's using the host path09:58
voidspaceso maybe that would solve it09:58
voidspacedimitern: juju resolved --retry09:58
voidspacedimitern: seems to consistently fix it09:58
dimiternvoidspace, from inside the container, you can't modprobe stuff, but if it was done on the host, lsmod will list it - that's the intention of the script09:58
voidspacedimitern: ok09:59
voidspaceso maybe that's fixed09:59
voidspacejust waiting for wordpress to come up so I can test the relation09:59
dimiternvoidspace, i think I see the problem09:59
voidspacedimitern: do you want me to file a bug for this?10:00
voidspacein the meantime10:00
voidspacemoar coffeez10:00
dimiternvoidspace, the hook is not really failing, maybe just the uniter (or the whole unit agent) gets killed and restarted, but because the networker already run the lsmod script, retry "solves" it10:00
voidspacesounds plausible10:01
dimiternvoidspace, yes, please, and attach the unit + machine logs10:01
dimiternvoidspace, standup?10:47
voidspacedimitern: on my way10:47
voidspacedimitern: it's finally letting me in10:48
voidspacemy crappy network10:48
dimiternvoidspace, rejoin?10:52
perrito666so there are bad luck days and then there are days where you come to work on a borrowed office and forget the power brick for the computer....10:57
rogpeppe1any chance of a review of a charm package PR, please? https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3611:09
rogpeppe1perrito666: :-(11:12
perrito666mm, menno and dave left already11:30
TheMueperrito666: +111:40
perrito666TheMue: thanks, but for what exactly?11:41
TheMueperrito666: your PR11:41
perrito666ah lol sorry11:41
perrito666thank you11:42
TheMueperrito666: yw11:42
TheMuedimitern: btw, will ping you a bit later. a friend just called and asked if he can grab a cup of coffee :)11:43
dimiternTheMue, no worries :)11:43
perrito666nooo, I just discovered the coolest thing from github11:43
TheMuedimitern: I’ll also invite you to the current doc/collection of notes on Google Docs11:44
perrito666you can convert a pr into a patch or diff11:44
perrito666by just adding .diff or .patch to the pr11:44
dimiternTheMue, sure, can you send me a link?11:51
TheMuedimitern: you should have received the google mail11:52
dimiternTheMue, ah, I've just seen it, thanks!11:52
* TheMue is afk11:55
voidspace dimitern: I filed that bug by the way https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/135344311:58
voidspacetasdomas: https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bug/135344311:58
dimiternvoidspace, cheers!11:59
voidspacedimitern: and I can confirm, with this branch I can use local provider and it doesn't kill my networking12:08
voidspacedimitern: I need to work on tests, and myabe prettify it - but confirmation that this works for MAAS would be good12:08
dimiternvoidspace, great! I'll get to it soon to test on MAAS12:16
voidspacedimitern: cool, let me know please12:17
dimiternvoidspace, will do12:17
natefinchvoidspace: huzzah for not killing networking12:34
voidspacenatefinch: heh, well hopefully this fix works for MAAS12:35
voidspacenatefinch: but yeah, the fix is basically "don't screw with networking on the local provider host"12:35
perrito666natefinch: lol12:39
* perrito666 tries menn0 and davechenneys patch without success12:39
perrito666sinzui: any clue when will that land on jenkins?12:39
sinzuiperrito666, I see something being tested now http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/12:41
sinzuiperrito666, wallyworld's  maas-hostname-address is being tested now12:42
voidspacenatefinch: ping12:42
natefinchvoidspace: what's up?12:43
perrito666I did not understand if menn0s patch actually fixes the bug :|12:52
wwitzel3rogpeppe1: ping12:55
rogpeppe1wwitzel3: pong12:55
wwitzel3rogpeppe1: re your mailing list reply .. what collection in mongo do I need to put the machine-0 peer group member?12:56
* rogpeppe1 looks12:57
wwitzel3rogpeppe1: well, I guess I could look at what collection the code is reading from ..12:57
wwitzel3rogpeppe1: no point in make you do my foot work :P12:57
rogpeppe1wwitzel3: :-)12:57
wwitzel3rogpeppe1: was just checking if you knew without looking :)12:57
rogpeppe1wwitzel3: i can never remember state collection names...12:58
rogpeppe1wwitzel3: you'll need to know the field names too of course12:58
jam1dimitern: hey, you brought up that we actually get 2 IPv6 addresses as the common case, can you clarify what those are?12:59
jam1I *think* they are (1) Link Local (which isn't really routable from the outside and (2) Actually the routable one12:59
jam1is that true?12:59
jam1in which case, we can really just ignore (1), and we are down to just one IPv6 address13:00
dimiternjam1, true13:00
jam1dimitern: and LinkLocal is a known IPv6 prefix, right? So it is trivial to filter out in the instance poller13:01
dimiternjam1, the link-local is required by the IPv6 spec to exist; obviously ::1 will exist as well, and a private (or Unique Local Address in IPv6 terms) might be there or not (in the latter case we can't usefully do anything ofc)13:02
dimiternjam1, it is, and we're actually doing that already13:02
jam1dimitern: can we usefully detect that it is a "private" address that we can't make use of ?13:02
natefinchsinzui: do we have a tag for "blocks CI"?  if not, can we make one?13:03
dimiternjam1, so my comment was more about "we need to be aware of this, if we're aiming to model and display all addresses"13:03
dimiternjam1, if you refer to a ULA - no, we can't unless we try13:03
sinzuinatefinch, "ci regression" are the tags in combination13:04
dimiternjam1, otherwise, any valid IPv6 can be usable locally in the cloud of course13:04
natefinchsinzui: how do I search for two tags at the same time?13:07
natefinchnevermind, I see the tags field in advanced search13:08
natefinchsinzui: there's a bug marked medium that is tagged ci regression.... I presume that's not blocking CI13:09
sinzuinatefinch, advance search has an option for both, but right only triaged and inprogress critical ci regressions block13:10
sinzuinatefinch, This is the smallest query https://bugs.launchpad.net/juju-core/+bugs?field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&field.status%3Alist=INPROGRESS&field.importance%3Alist=CRITICAL&field.tag=ci+regression+&field.tags_combinator=ALL13:12
abentleysinzui: I'm catching up on email now.  It seems a fair few things happened when I was gone.  Should we have a chat?13:13
sinzuiabentley, I cannot now13:13
sinzuiabentley, I would like to chat, maybe I can steal away from a meeting13:14
abentleysinzui: Sure.  I'm around all day.13:15
natefinchsinzui: thanks for the link13:16
sinzuinatefinch, I will change reports.vapour.ws to show that information. Lp requires separate queries for trunk and stable13:18
perrito666sinzui: natefinch arosales I believe one of you is the person who can give me azure credentials13:18
sinzuiperrito666, arosales can link your azure account to the canonical account. I can help you run tests as CI13:18
* perrito666 thinks he does not have an azure account at all13:19
natefinchperrito666: I used to have an azure account, but then my last company decided to stop paying for my MSDN subscription 10 months after I left.  I guess they don't love me any more.13:19
sinzuiperrito666, you have mail13:20
perrito666sinzui: yes I do :p13:21
sinzuinatefinch, you can read environments.yaml in cloud-city to run as CI13:21
natefinchsinzui: thanks13:27
perrito666sinzui: hoy likely am I to break things with the data you just passed to me?13:31
natefinchwwitzel3:  let's do our 1:1 after the standup, if that's ok?13:36
wwitzel3natefinch: that's fine13:36
natefinchmup: help14:01
mupnatefinch: Run "help <cmdname>" for details on: bug, echo, help, infer, poke, run, sendraw, sms14:01
natefinchmup: help sms14:01
mupnatefinch: sms <nick> <message ...> — Sends an SMS message.14:01
mupnatefinch: The configured LDAP directory is queried for a person with the provided IRC nick ("mozillaNickname") and a phone ("mobile") in international format (+NN...). The message sender must also be registered in the LDAP directory with the IRC nick in use.14:01
natefinchmup help poke14:02
natefinchmup: help poke14:02
mupnatefinch: poke <query ...> — Searches people in the LDAP directory.14:02
mupnatefinch: The provided query will be searched for as an exact IRC nick ("mozillaNickname") or part of a name ("cn").14:02
natefinchmup: poke Finch14:02
mupnatefinch: Plugin "ldap" is not enabled here.14:02
natefinchmup: help infer14:03
mupnatefinch: infer [-all] <query ...> — Queries the WolframAlpha engine.14:03
mupnatefinch: If -all is provided, all known information about the query is displayed rather than just the primary results.14:03
natefinchmup: infer time14:03
mupnatefinch: 10:03:44 am EDT Wednesday, August 6, 2014.14:03
natefinchmup: sms natefinch boo!14:05
mupnatefinch: Plugin "aql" is not enabled here.14:05
ericsnownatefinch: getting cozy with mup, eh?14:11
natefinchericsnow: just read gustavo's email, so figured I'd try it out.  Evidently it's good I did.14:14
ericsnownatefinch: plugins are overrated <wink>14:14
dpb1Hi -- when juju clones an LXC template I notice the cloud-init gets run again.  How does that happen?14:27
ericsnowhere's a fix for (at least most of, if not all of) issue #1351019: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/47614:28
wwitzel3sinzui: I noticed that manual for precise and trusty had clean runs this morning, is bug #1347715 still an issue?14:28
sinzuiwwitzel3, Those were 1.2014:38
sinzuiwwitzel3, http://juju-ci.vapour.ws:8080/job/manual-deploy-precise-amd64/ shows that the blues are 1.20 and the reds are master14:39
* sinzui adds task to make reports/jenkins be clear about what is under test14:39
wwitzel3sinzui: ahh ok, I'm having trouble replicating the error locally with master. I manually started up an EC2 instance on AWS, configured the manual provider with its host, then I've done juju bootstrap .. and I'm not getting any of the SSH errors.14:40
sinzuiwwitzel3, Have you set authorized-keys or authorized-key-path. CI is always stating which key to use14:43
* sinzui thinks about the test14:44
dimiternvoidspace, so far my testing with the local provider and your branch looks fine (had some trouble convincing it to run at all at first)14:45
wwitzel3sinzui: no, I will set that in the config and try again .. does it set both?14:45
dimiternvoidspace, unfortunately, I won't be able to do the MAAS test today, as I'll need to go out soon, but I'll do it tomorrow morning, if that's ok14:46
dimiternvoidspace, it seems the install hook errors you're getting are happening to me as well, and in 2 cases: 1) when trying parallel deployments (i.e. deploy wordpress, then deploy mysql without waiting the first to install and start), 2) with each lxc container after the first one14:49
dimiternboth of these are related to the lxc filesystem cloning or whatever, due to "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?" (i.e. apt-get fails on one container, because the lock is held by another container running apt-get or the host itself)14:51
mattywhi folks, is someone able to answer some questions about MESS for me?14:52
jrwrendimitern: each container should have its own /var/lib/dpkg, shouldn't it?14:52
dimiternjrwren, I've guessed so, but something apparently changed recently14:53
dimitern..and it's looks troubling14:54
sinzuiwwitzel3, CI ran something like this to create the instance14:59
sinzuieuca-run-instances -k id_rsa -t m1.large -g my-manual-test ami-36aa4d5e14:59
mattywrogpeppe1, ping?14:59
sinzuiwwitzel3, ^ change id_rsa to the key you have in ec2. That might help reproduce the ec2 setup14:59
bodie_pinging fwereade re his concerns on pr 415 -- addressed or commented15:01
wwitzel3sinzui: ok, thanks15:06
voidspacedimitern: how odd15:12
voidspacedimitern: are you seeing that on trunk?15:12
voidspacedimitern: or with my branch15:12
voidspaceit seems unlikely that my branch causes that15:12
natefinchwwitzel3: ericsnow: perrito666:  exceedingly late standup?15:12
wwitzel3natefinch: oops, sorry15:13
ericsnownatefinch: hangouts is flaking out on me15:13
perrito666natefinch: sorry going there15:13
jam1mgz: poke15:13
voidspacedimitern: I have to go out soon as well (~20minutes), but I'll be working again later tonight15:13
dimiternvoidspace, I guess trunk is the same as your branch in this case (no local-provider-specific lxc changes); maybe it's just my env config15:14
voidspacedimitern: maybe - I don't think that's the *same* error I was seeing15:14
rogpeppe1mattyw: pong15:15
mattywrogpeppe1, do you know much about the potential multi environment state server stuff? I have a specific question about how it might or might not affect the agent on the state server15:18
rogpeppe1mattyw: some, but i'm not directly involved15:19
mattywrogpeppe1, do you know who is?15:19
rogpeppe1mattyw: in the implementation of the multi-tenant state server15:19
rogpeppe1mattyw: no, sorry15:19
voidspacemattyw: I believe that would be thumper's team15:20
voidspacemattyw: natefinch was involved in the planning of that feature - but has now passed it on I believe15:20
mattywvoidspace, ok great thanks15:20
mattywrogpeppe1, multi tenant is where the state server might be split across machines?15:21
rogpeppe1mattyw: no, where a single state server can serve several environments15:21
rogpeppe1mattyw: the state server itself can always be split over multiple machines (HA)15:22
mattywrogpeppe1, that's what I was going to ask - I thought it was the same as ha15:22
voidspacerogpeppe1: C:\Documents and Settings15:22
rogpeppe1mattyw: nope. entirely orthogonal.15:22
alexisbnatefinch, ping15:22
mattywvoidspace, nice15:22
natefinchalexisb: what is up, yo?15:23
natefinchericsnow: reboot, it always fixes things (or deletes your networking config.... one of those two)15:24
wwitzel3ericsnow: did you try turning it off and back on again? ;)15:24
ericsnownatefinch: wwitzel3: gee, thanks ;)15:24
fwereadenatefinch, ping15:46
fwereadenatefinch, do you have a rough developer-weeks estimate for remaining time on backup/restore15:47
perrito666fwereade: he is afk15:48
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
natefinchwwitzel3: should I reassign the manual provider bug to you?16:15
jcw4I have a couple of minor pull requests waiting to land that are just test changes that will isolate a handful of tests from the users .bashrc better16:17
jcw4Any objections to me JFDI'ing those PR's since they're approved and they would only contribute to more stable tests, and don't change non-test code?16:18
natefinchjcw4: show me the PRs?16:19
jcw4natefinch: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45016:19
jcw4natefinch: https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/45416:20
jcw4natefinch: re-reading 450 it does change non-test code16:21
jcw4so I'm fine with that one waiting...16:21
perrito666aghh lost sinzui again16:22
mgzjcw4: I'm sending pr454 through now16:27
jcw4mgz: tx!16:27
mgz450 also seems fine16:27
wwitzel3natefinch: I will pick it up, I'm in there now anyway16:27
jcw4yeah trivial change too.  Thanks mgz and natefinch16:28
wwitzel3though I can't replicate it even using the euca command sinzui gave me.16:28
perrito666bbl ppl16:32
mattywcalling it a day folks, night!17:47
natefinchphew... electrician and bee inspector showed up at the same time18:05
mgzelectric bees!18:06
natefinchI do have an electric fence around the bees, but that's just coincidental :)18:07
perrito666natefinch: what is a bee inspector_19:31
* perrito666 has the strangest bug no browser will start19:32
wwitzel3perrito666: I've had that before19:32
wwitzel3perrito666: I never figured it out, just ended up logout/login19:32
perrito666lol if I tell you what it is you will laugh at me19:33
perrito666browsers where starting up in the external screen and the monitor was off19:33
wwitzel3you are right19:34
natefinchI've had that happen19:35
natefinchWhat's worse is when they open up completely off the screen top or bottom because you've changed resolutions or something19:35
perrito666natefinch: I use all external screen apps full screen to avoid that19:36
perrito666(as in f11)19:36
natefinchperrito666: a bee inspector is someone paid by the state to go around to all the known beehives in his county and check them for disease, mites, etc.19:36
perrito666wow you guys really have the state in your lives, our state only takes money and leaves us alone19:37
natefinchperrito666: not all states in the US have inspectors, but some do.  Bees are pretty important for agriculture, so we try to make sure some idiot doesn't spread disease and screw everything up19:42
perrito666natefinch: that makes sense, I dont think we have control for bees here, at least not for small producers19:45
perrito666sinzui: are you around?19:55
natefinchmup: infer time in Nuremburg20:04
mupnatefinch: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:04
natefinchmup: infer time20:05
mupnatefinch: 4:05:16 pm EDT Wednesday, August 6, 2014.20:05
natefinchmup: infer time in nuremburg, germany20:05
mupnatefinch: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:05
jcw4mup: infer time UTC+020020:05
mupjcw4: 10:05:56 pm GMT+2 Wednesday, August 6, 2014.20:05
natefinchit worked for gustavo in his email :/20:06
jcw4teh suk20:06
natefinchmup: infer timezone in nuremburg20:06
mupnatefinch: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:06
niemeyermup: infer time in nurenbERG20:06
mupniemeyer: 10:06:37 pm CEST Wednesday, August 6, 2014.20:06
natefinchagg frig20:06
jcw4s/m/n s/u/e/20:06
natefinchniemeyer: spelling gets me every time20:07
natefinchgoogle says it's nuremberg20:09
niemeyerNot burg20:11
jcw4niemeyer: so that's mountain not city right?20:12
niemeyerjcw4: What is?20:13
jcw4berg vs. burg20:13
niemeyerGood question, I don't know, but I'm curious now20:13
jcw4niemeyer: at least that's the difference in afrikaans20:13
niemeyerThe real city name is actually Nürnberg20:13
natefinchmup: infer time in Nürnberg20:13
mupnatefinch: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:14
niemeyernatefinch: Ask in German20:14
jcw4what does mup use? google?20:14
niemeyermup: help infer20:14
mupniemeyer: infer [-all] <query ...> — Queries the WolframAlpha engine.20:14
mupniemeyer: If -all is provided, all known information about the query is displayed rather than just the primary results.20:14
jcw4mup: infer -all berg vs. burg20:14
mupjcw4: Distances: distance flight time, Berg, Jamtland, Sweden to Burg 729 miles 1 hour 20 minutes, (assuming direct flight path at 550 mph) — Demographics: Berg, Jamtland, Sweden Burg, Saxony-Anhalt, Germany, population 8175 people 24364 people.20:14
mupjcw4:  — Geographic properties: Berg, Jamtland, Sweden Burg, area 2384 mi^2 (square miles), average elevation 124.7 feet.20:14
natefinchniemeyer: my german is umm.... somewhat rusty20:14
perrito666mup: folgern Zeit in Nürnberg20:15
mupperrito666: In-com-pre-hen-si-ble-ness.20:15
perrito666mup: infer Zeit in Nürnberg20:15
mupperrito666: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:15
jcw4mup: was ist die ziet in Nürnberg20:16
mupjcw4: Roses are red, violets are blue, and I don't understand what you just said.20:16
natefinchmup: infer -all Nuremberg20:16
mupnatefinch: Population: city population 505664 people (country rank: 14th) (2010 estimate).20:16
katconiemeyer: hey, while you're here. where will the goamz lib live on github?20:18
katconiemeyer: also, hello :)20:18
niemeyerkatco: Hey :)20:19
niemeyerkatco: I don't really know yet20:19
natefinchoh hey, while people are paying attention, how do you specify an empty map in yaml?  Google is failing me.20:19
katconiemeyer: ok no worries. we're just about wrapping up changes, so it would be nice to have a home for the little guy somewhat soon, but we can work around it if not :)20:20
jcw4mup: infer -all all your base20:21
mupjcw4: ...are belong to us., (according to the video game Zero Wing).20:21
katcomup: infer \b20:21
mupkatco: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:21
katcogood job, mup :)20:22
jcw4mup: infer how to represent an empty map in yaml?20:22
mupjcw4: Cannot infer much out of this. :-(20:22
katcothere we go20:22
katcomup: help20:22
mupkatco: Run "help <cmdname>" for details on: bug, echo, help, infer, poke, run, sendraw, sms20:22
jcw4oooh sms20:23
katcomup: help poke20:23
mupkatco: poke <query ...> — Searches people in the LDAP directory.20:23
mupkatco: The provided query will be searched for as an exact IRC nick ("mozillaNickname") or part of a name ("cn").20:23
katcomup: poke katco-20:23
mupkatco: Plugin "ldap" is not enabled here.20:23
natefinchpoke and sms don't work on freenode20:23
* natefinch made that mistake this morning :)20:24
katconatefinch: hey new site looks nice20:24
katcomup: help sendraw20:24
mupkatco: sendraw [-account=<string>] <text ...> — Sends the provided text as a raw IRC protocol message.20:24
mupkatco: If an account name is not provided, it defaults to the current one.20:24
perrito666sinzui: ping me when you are around20:24
natefinchkatco: thanks... Hugo is pretty cool, and since it's in Go, I can actually understand the code ;)20:25
katconatefinch: lol20:25
katcoi have been thinking about switching to a static based site20:26
natefinchkatco: it's mostly the jekyll theme, ported to Hugo's format, and tweaked slightly by me.  I have near zero web dev / design ability... but I am really good at changing margins and colors20:26
katcojust using blogger right now20:26
natefincher... the "hyde" jekyll theme20:27
katcohttp://stchuxderbychix.appspot.com/ <-- old website i did in Go for my derby team. not using best practices though.20:27
natefinchkatco: highly recommend Hugo.  It's pretty easy to use, since it's all Go templates and pretty well thought out.20:27
natefinchkatco: I actually asked Steven Francia to be a committer on the repo so I could help fix bugs and land PRs and stuff20:28
natefinchalso, free hosting on github is pretty sweet20:28
katcoyeah haha20:28
katcogoogle app engine is probably better free hosting ;)20:28
katcogeographical redundancy for my dinky blog!20:28
natefinchkatco: that site looks 100 times better than anything I could produce.  Nice thing about a blog is that it's mostly text :)20:28
katconatefinch: i was pretty proud of it. it aggregates data from different web services20:29
natefinchOh yeah, I remember you mentioning that. Pretty cool.20:29
katcoit's funny that it's a dead site, but it still has some current info20:30
katcoe.g. next bout looks like20:30
natefinchkatco: can GAE easily host a static site?  I like that I don't have to do anything but git push to github to update my site.20:31
katconatefinch: yeah. git push is way easier, but they have a python script that pushes things up for you20:31
katcobut yeah, does static content quite nicely actually20:31
katcoand since under some huge amount of traffic is free, it's essentially free hosting :p20:31
katcob/c it was designed for actual applications20:32
katcobut you can also run some live go code on there if you want a bit of dynamic ability. python, java, i think php now20:32
natefinchyeah, that's cool20:33
katcoof course i don't know why anyone would want to use python /duck20:34
* natefinch notes katco doesn't even need to mention java or php because.... *shudder*20:35
katcojava... ok i can do that. php... just... no. never again.20:35
katcoi wrote a CMS in php back in the early 00's. before it had support for classes.20:35
natefinchI've never done PHP.   Java I've done.  It's ok.20:35
natefinchgotta go in  a sec20:36
katcojava is ok albeit verbose. php to me is design by accident20:36
perrito666there is this cool tool called nikola which generates your whole website which includes comments support, paging and some other goodies from rest20:36
natefinchperrito666: hugo does that from markdown and Go templates20:37
natefinchok, gotta go20:37
ericsnowcould anyone spare a few minutes for a review (the patch is small)? https://github.com/juju/juju/pull/47621:06
menn0waigani: morning21:19
perrito666menn0: morning21:19
perrito666good findings21:19
menn0perrito666: howdy21:19
waiganimenn0: morning21:19
menn0it took all day :)21:19
menn0but I learned a lot along the way21:20
waiganiperrito666: morning :)21:20
waiganimenn0: what took all day?21:20
menn0figuring out the HA problem21:20
perrito666menn0: you make me feel better, i was al eeffing day setting those things and failing21:20
waiganimenn0: you solved it?21:20
menn0well I found the commit that caused the problem and reverted it21:21
menn0although, I've seen that the merge failed21:21
menn0more to look at ...21:21
waiganiah yeah, just saw your PR - nice work man!21:21
menn0I need to take care of something here (screaming kids)21:22
menn0back in a bit21:22
perrito666menn0: your revert should break the build somewhere else though21:22
menn0perrito666: sorry.21:53
menn0perrito666: yeah I feared that it might21:53
perrito666menn0: I was waiting on it to merge21:53
menn0perrito666: I will try to understand the Safe.J change some more21:54
perrito666but reading that commits message it seems to be fixing a bug in newer versions of juju21:54
menn0new versions of mongo right?21:54
perrito666well apparently setting safe.j was ok even though you had no journal set21:54
perrito666menn0: yes21:54
perrito666but since 2....6? i think that is no longer true21:55
menn0well before doing anything else I'm trying the merge again because the way it failed is one of the errors we see regularly in test runs21:57
perrito666menn0: your changes got merged22:27
perrito666please have an eye on jenkins22:28
menn0perrito666: \o/22:28
menn0perrito666: what do you mean: "please have an eye on jenkins"22:28
perrito666menn0: there are a couple of CI jobs linked on the ticket22:29
perrito666make sure they pass when they test your rev22:29
menn0perrito666: right22:29
menn0perrito666: I'm also running the CI test you were testing with (test_recovery.py --ha) manually now22:29
menn0perrito666: so far it's already getting further than it did before22:30
menn0perrito666: thanks for those instructions btw. they help a lot.22:30
perrito666menn0: I am glad22:30
menn0I didn't end up doing the custom stream creation though22:31
menn0I hacked up the test helpers a bit ...22:31
=== menn0_ is now known as menn0
menn0perrito666: hooray! test_recovery.py --ha passes22:51
ericsnowmenn0: \o/23:03
perrito666now we need to bug curtis to see if it passes a few times23:08
menn0perrito666: Curtis knows23:22
waiganimenn0: I'm happy to do some reviewing if that helps23:34
menn0waigani: that would be awesome23:34
waiganimenn0: okay - you owe me a beer ;)23:35
menn0waigani: done!23:35
menn0waigani: we should coordinate to make sure we don't end up overlapping too much23:35
waiganimenn0: on that point I think you can actually assign a reviewer to a PR23:36
menn0waigani: ok cool. I didn't know that.23:37
menn0let's do that.23:37

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