
hatchkadams54 hey u around?04:16
kadams54hatch: yup04:16
kadams54What's up?04:16
hatchI found a bug in the gui but I remmebr you doing some work on this area so wanted to check b4 I filed it04:16
hatchso if I D&D a charm, switch to the mv and then click 'auto place' then deploy/confirm04:17
hatchthe machine doesn't get the service icon in it04:17
hatchI have to switch away from mv then back again04:17
kadams54You've reproduced this in something other than Chrome?04:24
kadams54It seems like we're constantly squashing "missing icon" bugs04:24
kadams54Huw did some work today that may fix that04:25
kadams54Or rather, that PR landed today04:26
hatchkadams54 this was in chrome04:27
hatchit was this afternoon so running pretty new stuff04:27
kadams54I remember noting when I QA'd it that the icon was added to the machine04:27
kadams54Looks like he landed it at 23 hours ago04:28
kadams54So I suspect we still have bugs to squash04:28
kadams54Though I'd verify it in Safari first04:28
kadams54Since I've seen missing icons only in Chrome04:28
hatchhmm ok, what's the new comingsoon url?04:28
kadams54Damn you Chrome and your SVG bugginess04:28
kadams54I have no clue04:28
kadams54I didn't know there was a new URL until that discussion this afternoon04:29
hatchhaha neither did i04:29
hatchok I'll have to remember to test in the am04:30
hatchI have too many vm's spun up I don't want to risk hitting a kernel panick04:30
hatchpanic even04:30
kadams54I've had that happen multiple times this week. I kinda suspect that's due to water damage, though it seems to happen when I have multiple VMs going.04:34
kadams54lxc within a full trusty virtualbox image + vagrant04:35
hatchI seem to have added an ubuntu juju vagrant image somehow and it's not shown in the vagrant box list04:50
hatchand now it's borking new vm's04:50
hatchargggg hah04:50
hatchyeah I think our default vagrant image installs and boots juju with the gui by default...04:54
hatchlazyPower you happen to be kicking around still?04:55
hatchahah found it05:04
urulamarogpeppe1: morning07:08
rogpeppe1urulama: hiya07:27
frankbanhi rogpeppe1 08:20
rogpeppe1frankban: hiya08:20
rogpeppe1frankban: shall we continue?08:24
frankbanrogpeppe1: sure, gogogo08:24
rogpeppe1frankban: i'm there08:24
rogpeppe1jrwren, bac, urulama, Makyo: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5609:14
urulamarogpeppe1: LGTM, but go through comments, please09:59
rogpeppe1urulama: "What do we do with it in the API?" - i don't understand the question10:02
rogpeppe1urulama: thanks a lot for the review, BTW10:02
urulamaso, what do we do with the errgo.Any?10:03
urulamarogpeppe1: it was fun to see the code and not just images and docs :)10:03
rogpeppe1urulama: we allow resolveURL to return errors with a cause that's passed back to the caller.10:04
rogpeppe1urulama: for example, resolveURL can return a not-found error10:04
rogpeppe1urulama: which will end up as a 40410:04
urulamarogpeppe1: oh, now i remember ... all clear ... sorry :)10:05
rogpeppe1urulama: np10:05
urulamabut it could end up as 404, just not in an as elegant way10:06
rogpeppe1urulama: really?10:18
rogpeppe1frankban: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5710:20
rogpeppe1urulama, jrwren, Makyo, bac: ^10:21
rogpeppe1frankban, bac, jrwren: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/36/files10:43
rogpeppe1frankban, jrwren: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5810:58
frankbanjrwren: thanks for your reviews!11:00
* rogpeppe1 lunches11:44
* frankban lunches11:46
* jrwren breakfasts11:55
* bac has another tea12:00
frankbanrogpeppe1: ready when you are13:12
urulamahi frankban13:13
urulamahow's it going?13:13
frankbanurulama: very well, we are working on the pub api and we ended up working on some pre-req branches.13:14
frankbanurulama: how is it foing in germany?13:14
frankbanurulama: if you have time, https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3613:15
urulamafrankban: lot of talking here :)13:16
urulamafrankban: good to hear publish api13:16
urulamafrankban: add about in that sentence :)13:17
urulamafrankban: i'll take a look13:17
frankbanurulama: thanks13:17
urulamafrankban: ah, yes, the question about that check was more about the consequences about somehow adding an unverified bundle to the store ...  13:18
urulamaand if we didn't use validation before, and there is a good reason that we didn't, it's fine. 13:19
frankbanurulama: we didn't use that before. the publish API will take care of validating the bundle with respect to charms also13:20
urulamafrankban: all good then 13:20
frankbanurulama: cool13:20
urulamafrankban, rogpeppe1: i'm just thinking ... as there is no client of v3, maybe we don't need v4 ... with this tempo, we'll end up with v192 before end of year :)13:22
rogpeppe1urulama: that was frankban's inclination too13:22
rogpeppe1urulama: perhaps you're right. we haven't published v3 yet.13:23
urulamai would say, until there is a usage of someone, do not increase version number13:23
rogpeppe1urulama: but in general, i am wary of that approach13:23
frankbanurulama: but we agreed is good to not cheat also to exercise this kind of procedure/api management13:23
rogpeppe1urulama: we actually do not know that noone is using v313:23
rogpeppe1urulama: and what frankban says.13:23
rogpeppe1urulama: we need to get in the habit of doing this right.13:24
rogpeppe1urulama: and if there's too much overhead from our procedures when doing this, then perhaps we need to think about how to improve that.13:24
urulamarogpeppe1, frankban: i agree that from the purity point of view, this is ok, just thinking about the clients ... they use v2, then v12, and then v24 (the only published versions). it looks confusing.13:25
rogpeppe1urulama: all the versions are available and published, really13:25
rogpeppe1urulama: we just haven't announced them.13:26
rogpeppe1urulama: from the p.o.v. of the rest of the world, only the latest version matters, whether it's v1 or v413:26
frankbanurulama, rogpeppe1: it seems to me that, given the current "go get" limitations, and given the decision of using gopkg.in as a workaround for API stability and ability to build a project, what we are doing is fine: a new version branch if the public API changes. we kind of agreed on those premises, and if not, we need to find another way IMHO.13:33
rogpeppe1frankban, urulama: i agree with that. we should mostly be able to avoid breaking API changes, I hope.13:34
urulamarogpeppe1, frankban: sure. i'm just thinking if there's a better practice. for example. As we develop staff the charm API will change, and there is no guarantee that v5 will not hit in next hour. So. What if during "coding sprints" at which we know that they have high probability to change api, we work on a branch13:35
urulamaaccumulate all the changes and then push version upgrade13:35
urulama(unles gopkg.in cant do that)13:35
jrwrenurulama: I like that.13:35
rogpeppe1urulama: i have actually come to like the explicit import-path-version-implies-compatible API approach13:37
rogpeppe1urulama: it means that tip is always go-gettable13:37
rogpeppe1urulama: (although it's true that v4 charmstore cannot currently be "go getted"13:38
urulamarogpeppe1: sure, i said i like the purity. just not the implications of changing multiple versions in short periods during developments of same end features (it's a different story when new features are rewuired) ... need to think about it13:40
* urulama needs to go to room for the power plug ... 13:40
rogpeppe1urulama: yeah, i'm not entirely sure either.13:43
rogpeppe1urulama: i thought we could try applying the rigorous rule to start with and see how it turned out13:44
rogpeppe1jrwren: for the record, I don't dislike $@ - it's the only way to properly pass through a script or function's arguments to another command. i don't like it when it's not quoted though.13:47
jrwrenI'm lucky package names can't have spaces in them.13:49
urulamarogpeppe1: so i've talked about this with Gustavo, and he agrees about branches. we all agree with you that having branches in some way breaks the sole purpose of versions, and there you're right13:49
urulamarogpeppe1: so my suggestion is this. let's try with branches and accumulated changes into one version13:49
urulamaand if it is too painful to use, let's just inc versions13:49
urulamarogpeppe1: he uses branches as well13:50
urulamaor we can say v3-dev version and mark that it's in changing?13:50
rogpeppe1urulama: that's a good idea13:50
urulamawhich one :)13:50
rogpeppe1urulama: yeah13:51
urulamarogpeppe1, frankban, jrwren: ok, let's agree on the -dev one and this is a message to user that it is not stable. You all ok with this?13:51
rogpeppe1urulama: we can just mark on the branch somewhere (perhaps in the package doc at the top level) that the API at that version is currently unstable13:51
rogpeppe1urulama: we can't have -dev as part of the import path13:51
urulamarogpeppe1: sorry ... v3/dev?13:52
=== alexpilotti_ is now known as alexpilotti
rogpeppe1urulama: my suggestion is just to write in the package documentation that the API is unstable. When we decide to publish it, we remove that remark from the doc.13:53
rogpeppe1urulama: but that would not require any clients to change13:54
urulamarogpeppe1: +!13:54
urulamarogpeppe1: +113:54
frankbanurulama, rogpeppe1: what about using a "develop" branch for development. when required, we merge develop into the latest "v*" branch. if develop breaks the API, then we create the next version branch13:54
rogpeppe1frankban: i'd prefer to use the actual versioned import paths13:55
rogpeppe1frankban: for one thing, it makes it trivial to update with govers13:55
frankbanrogpeppe1: you still use the import path13:55
rogpeppe1frankban: if you use a different branch, then go get can't work13:56
rogpeppe1jrwren: are you still making changes to the charmstore charm?13:58
frankbanrogpeppe1: I know that. I was just suggesting that, rather than working directly on the latest "v*" branch, we could decide to treat those branches as published versions, and work on develop. when develop is ready to be published, we create or update a "v*" branch. clients always use versioned imports13:58
jrwrenrogpeppe1: not beyond what is already there. I want to move on.13:59
hatchmorning all14:01
frankbanhi hatch 14:02
hatchfrankban have you seen that email from Makyo about the release? Any idea on the error? I'm just about to start on it14:02
frankbanhatch: I didn't14:03
frankbanhatch: to gui peeps?14:03
hatchoh hah he only sent it to me :D14:03
hatchsec I'll forward to u14:03
hatchok sent14:04
frankbanhatch: so, did he release the trusty one?14:07
hatchapparently so14:07
urulamarogpeppe1, frankban, jrwren: the best practice of using gopkg.in is not here ... we should find one. let's experiment14:08
frankbanhatch: yes he did14:08
rogpeppe1frankban: charmstore is a client14:08
frankbanhatch: I'd suggest to retry running the precise tests, that error can be spurious14:09
rogpeppe1frankban: in our recent situation, what would we have done?14:09
hatchfrankban ok thanks I'll start there14:09
frankbanrogpeppe1: 1) update charm develop. 2) realize there is client code needing the last changes we made 3) start a charm release process 4) check what needs to be released, does it break the API? 5) if so, release a new version branch, if not update the latest version branch 6) update the client14:11
rogpeppe1frankban: how would that change the workflow we just did?14:13
rogpeppe1frankban: after all, charmstore is a client, and needed the changes we made in v314:13
rogpeppe1frankban: so in the workflow above, we'd have released a new v3 version. and then the same would have applied to v4.14:14
frankbanrogpeppe1: it does not change the "v*" workflow, it changes how the process is managed. developers know where trunk lives (develop) so they can create their branches form there. creating/updating version branches is now a process per-se, not part of a feature branch. so you have a card for releasing a new version, and everyone knows you are doing that. crazy clients that want to live on the edge can also import th14:17
frankbane develop branch directly14:17
urulamafrankban, rogpeppe1: ok, let's step back and look at the http://labix.org/gopkg.in14:18
frankbanrogpeppe1: right now it is like 1) let's add this feature, 2) oh man, I need to change the public API 3) I'll just push "vX" to "vX+1", then propose gainst it. at the same time, another developer could do the same.14:19
rogpeppe1frankban: they could, but they would immediately be aware of a problem, because their push would fail14:20
rogpeppe1frankban: i'm just concerned that your proposed workflow makes things more complex (i'm still don't understand how go get would work) and doesn't seem to address urulama's concern about version numbers that increase more frequently than necessary14:22
urulamarogpeppe1, frankban: ok, what about having v2. adding changes in the development like v2.0.x, v2.0.x+1 ... for small features14:22
rogpeppe1frankban: i'm suggesting that every new API version branch is created as a "development" version.14:23
urulamaand when we finish we either bump that to v2.1 or if change is huge, push it to v314:23
rogpeppe1urulama: i don't think that helps14:23
rogpeppe1urulama: we're specifically talking about changes that break the API here14:23
rogpeppe1urulama: for changes that don't break the API, we can just push to the latest version anyway14:23
rogpeppe1urulama: with no need for point versions14:24
frankbanrogpeppe1: I share your concern about complexity of that approach, I'd just like to make the process more clear, by separating the feature branch work from the "new version release" one.14:24
urulamarogpeppe1: for me v2 to v3 is a huge api change, with old api-s being depricated, not just one ...14:24
urulamaesp. due to the fact that they happened in bulk14:25
rogpeppe1frankban: my proposal is just to have a "// DEVELOPMENT VERSION." comment in the README14:25
rogpeppe1urulama: i don't quite understand. v2 to v3 was just the Reference change, right?14:26
frankbanrogpeppe1: yeah, what I am saying is that usually people knows that a "develop" branch in github is the development version of that project14:26
rogpeppe1frankban: but if we use a "develop" branch, then we can't make it go-gettable AFAICS.14:27
frankbanurulama: any public API change should increase the major version number (at least if we believe in semantic versioning)14:27
rogpeppe1frankban: not quite14:28
rogpeppe1frankban: any *backwardly-incompatible* API changes should increase the major version number14:28
frankbanrogpeppe1: yeah, and that's the rule we are following now14:29
rogpeppe1frankban: agreed. but i'm trying to go along with urulama's suggestion that when there's a new version and we're developing the package in response to feature development in another repository, we might not need to increase the version every time we break the API14:30
urulamarogpeppe1: ok, is version v3d allowed?14:31
rogpeppe1urulama: i don't think so14:31
urulamarogpeppe1: from the short specs i thought so, needed to ask14:31
rogpeppe1urulama: and anyway, i don't think we necessarily want to change the import paths when an API is published14:31
rogpeppe1urulama: the way i think about that is that we "bless" a branch, and from then on we can't change it in a backwardly incompatible way.14:32
urulamarogpeppe1: ok ... let's end this ... too much time :) let's mark the version as development in the docs as suggested for now14:32
rogpeppe1urulama: ok, so we'll stick with v3 for the time being, and mark the v3 branch as in development14:33
rogpeppe1urulama, frankban: sgty?14:33
urulamarogpeppe1: at least for now ... i'll try to catch Gustavo and talk about it a bit more14:33
rogpeppe1urulama: good plan14:33
frankbanrogpeppe1: not really, we should make v4 the first development version IMHO14:33
rogpeppe1urulama: i believe we can retrospectively apply the rule here :-)14:34
rogpeppe1frankban: ^14:34
rogpeppe1frankban: after all, we are 99.9999% certain no-one else is using v314:34
rogpeppe1frankban: i'm in gogogo14:35
* urulama deletes v3 from disk ... 14:35
rogpeppe1urulama: you don't count :-)14:35
frankbanrogpeppe1: ok, I don't have a real preference, I am just worried about clients starting to use the dev version (like charmstore) and developers keeping changing the API without releasing a new version because, you know, this is a dev version...14:35
rogpeppe1i should probably have said "no other packages are using v3"14:35
jrwrenisn't there an open PR for juju to use v3?14:35
urulamarogpeppe1: i was going for another 9!14:35
rogpeppe1jrwren: actually v2, but yes14:35
rogpeppe1frankban: i agree, that's definitely a potential issue.14:36
jrwrenAh, v2. ok.14:36
rogpeppe1frankban: let's keep an eye on that14:37
urulamafrankban: yes, but the only client could be core ... and we'll talk about this later today ... so. if we don't "bless" new version, it is not stable14:37
rogpeppe1frankban: luckily the charm store isn't usable yet :-)14:37
urulamafrankban: and if it turns out to be PITA, then inc(vers) on every api break will come into practice if no better alternative exists14:37
rogpeppe1urulama: when creating a new version, we'll always add a "WARNING: UNSTABLE DEVELOPMENT VERSION" to the README.14:38
rogpeppe1urulama: so, when retargeted to v3 and with that warning added, does the charm branch LGTY?14:39
urulamaand if it's README.md with # prefix even14:39
rogpeppe1urulama: SGTM, i think (what does the # prefix mean in markdown?)14:39
urulamarogpeppe1: title14:39
urulamalarge bold letters14:39
frankbanscary bloody letters14:40
frankbantime for a coffee... then gogogo14:40
rogpeppe1frankban: ok14:41
rogpeppe1urulama: i've re-pushed the branch. https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3614:44
urulamarogpeppe1: so the branch will stay at v4?14:47
rogpeppe1urulama: v314:47
urulama rogpeppe  wants to merge 2 commits into juju:v4  from rogpeppe:012-no-verify-on-bundle-read14:48
rogpeppe1urulama: ah, i guess the PR needs to be retargetted at v314:48
rogpeppe1urulama: will retarget14:48
rogpeppe1urulama: i'll make a new PR14:49
rogpeppe1urulama: if you post a LGTM on the original, i think that should be good enough14:49
jrwrenfrankban: on https://github.com/CanonicalLtd/charmstore-charm/pull/1 do you feel strongly about the file write v. writelines or can I get a LGTY?14:51
rogpeppe1urulama, frankban: https://github.com/juju/charm/pull/3714:52
urulamarogpeppe1: i commented on the #36 ... 14:53
rogpeppe1urulama: thanks14:53
frankbanjrwren: just merge it, I was more interested in having unit tests, but as I mentioned, this can be done in another branch14:54
hatchjujugui call in 614:54
rogpeppe1"What if we also add this in a new line? The latest stable version is v2."14:54
rogpeppe1urulama: i don't understand that14:54
urulamarogpeppe1: i would add "The latest stable version is v2." sentence in a new line after the warning 14:55
rogpeppe1urulama: FWIW, i still think the distinction between v2 and v3 is worth it, because they are quite distinct API changes and I don't want to lump the changes for both together when changing juju-core14:55
rogpeppe1urulama: ah!14:55
urulamav2 vs v3 is ok14:55
rogpeppe1urulama: will do.14:55
rogpeppe1urulama: LGTY otherwise?14:55
urulamarogpeppe1: sure ... it's in #3714:56
urulamajrwren, frankban: the details are important, I agree, but could we focus on pushing functionally working charm out, so that we can do proper testing?14:58
jrwrenurulama: i just pushed it and moved card.14:59
hatchjujugui call in 114:59
urulamajrwren: \o/15:01
lazyPowerhatch: o/ 15:08
lazyPowersomething i can help with still, or did you resolve it?15:08
jcsackettjujugui: wifi died; i was on my phone, outside where i get slightly better signal. my connectivity today may be spotty.15:09
hatchoh I resolved it - for some reason my trusty vagrant images were pulling down the juju image15:09
hatchjcsackett ohh, party at your place?15:09
jcsacketthatch: neighbors place. students are starting to move back into the neighborhood, but classes haven't started yet.15:10
hatchohh - are you like that guy in that movie with the frat house next door? :)15:10
hatchcrap now I cn't remmeber what it is called15:10
jcsackettnot really; they tend to be reasonable about not partying a lot late at night, we try to be reasonable about not getting grumpy other times.15:11
lazyPowerhatch: ah, ok :)15:12
hatchlazyPower I did have a question about a charm which always pulls from HEAD being a promoted charm15:13
hatchthere is a thing called Stellar (you may have heard about it, a new currency)15:13
hatchso I was looking at charming up stellard15:13
hatchbut their iterating so fast that one has to pull from HEAD15:14
hatchbut that unfortunately means that it's likely not stable...15:14
jrwrenjcsackett: do you live in East Lansing?15:14
lazyPowerI dont think there's a problem with the charm being configured to deploy HEAD - ideally we'd rather it be configurable so you can deploy HEAD or a revisionno.15:14
lazyPoweras thats pretty simple to implement. but HEAD as a default is perfectly acceptable.15:14
jcsackettjrwren: i must admit i do not get your reference.15:15
hatchlazyPower even as a 'promoted' charm? Because currently their get up and running guide is 'git clone, vagrant up' so it would definitely need to be promoted so it could just be `juju deploy stellard` 15:16
rogpeppe1urulama, jrwren, bac, Makyo: simple PR: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/5915:16
hatchrogpeppe1 Makyo isn't in for the rest of the week fyi15:16
rogpeppe1hatch: ah, ok15:16
jrwrenjcsackett: Ooops, I'm getting your geoloc confused with someone else.15:16
jcsackettjrwren: dig. :)15:17
lazyPowerhatch: i'd have to see the charm code before i can commit to anything15:17
lazyPowerbut wrt just deploying head - thats not a blocker. give me config options so i can configure which rev its deploying and you're g2g on that front.15:18
hatchlazyPower ok cool thanks15:19
jrwrenpretty simple copy from old w/ tiny change to make work with new: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/6015:22
hatchjcsackett can you take a look at the gui CI...it looks like it's failing on every branch with a isBrowserSupported error - which is usually just a spurious one15:24
jcsacketthatch: sure.15:39
hatchjcsackett thanks - it's failing all over the darn place :/15:40
urulama_jrwren: mayber PR #60 should be v4 API adapted first before being pushed from _old?15:48
jrwrenurulama_: it is. I mean, all it does is call NewServer with V4 as a parameter.15:49
urulama_jrwren: sorry, missed it15:51
urulama_frankban, rogpeppe1: could you please take a look at https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/60 so that jrwren continues?15:55
urulama_frankban, rogpeppe1: sorry, I know that you are in "go go go" mode :)15:56
rogpeppe1urulama_: :-)15:56
rogpeppe1urulama_: yeah, we are finally free to move forward...15:56
bachi jcsackett15:58
jcsacketthi bac.15:59
hatchbac welcome!15:59
bacjcsackett: i see ci is a mess.  are you working on it?  did you upgrade jenkins?15:59
jcsackettbac: i just started looking at it, and i don't have the juju bits for it so about all i can do is check the machine itself.16:00
bacit's all pertier now16:00
hatchbac oh I thought that's what you did16:00
hatchsince the pretty update I don't think anything has landed16:00
hatchwell who the heck updated it haha16:00
bachatch: i *may* have.  rick and i talked about it but i can't recall exactly16:01
jcsackettah, it is indeed updated; perhaps rick did it?16:01
bacjcsackett: so you can ssh.16:01
hatchyeah it's been broken since the update I think16:01
jcsackettyeah, i'm on the machine now.16:01
bacjcsackett: ok.16:02
bacjcsackett: i'm surprised the 'post build step' is not marked 'Run script only if all previous steps were successful'16:02
bacjcsackett: but that's not why it is failing16:03
hatchurulama so I bought parallels16:04
hatchit has some cool features over fusion, but it has the same delay so it must be an ubuntu thing...16:04
jcsacketthatch: so it looks like it's just failed on two branches? that may just be the spurious biting you more often than you would like.16:05
hatchI can trigger them again I guess16:05
jcsacketthatch: i'm running the build again.16:06
jcsackett(not the merge job, just the regular test run)16:06
hatchohh ok, well I'll try and land one again, see if it's still spurious16:06
hatchit's just odd that there were so many failures in a row16:06
bachatch: in both jobs16:07
bachatch, jcsackett: what does 'git branch' -> *(no branch) mean16:08
jcsacketti hadn't seen all the failures in merge; this does seem a bit odder.16:08
jcsackettbac: wehre do you see that?16:08
bac from ~jenkins/workspace/juju-gui-merge16:08
jcsacketthuh. i have no idea.16:11
jcsackettpresumably it's checking something out in headless, i think?16:11
BradCrittendenjcsackett: so my assumption is a) the tests pass locally b) they don't pass on jenkins because the workspace is screwed up16:12
BradCrittendenjcsackett: there are also a ton of branches there.  looks like we're never cleaning up.  certainly not the problem.16:13
=== BradCrittenden is now known as bac
jcsackettbac: possibly16:16
jcsackett...can we just blow away the dir's contents?16:17
jcsackettbac: ^ will jenkins rebuild it, since it checks stuff out?16:17
bacjcsackett: probably.  there is a button to destroy the workspace on the gui16:17
jcsackettvotes on whether or not to give it a try?16:17
bacbut it would be nice to possibly figureout what is actually wrong.16:18
jcsackettbac: i don't how to investigate a busted git situation properly. we could give hatch ssh access, as he's our git-ish person, i guess. :p16:18
bacjcsackett: why don't you do it on the juju-gui job and not the -merge job16:18
jcsackettbac: that was my plan.16:18
hatchI am thinking it might be a sauce labs issue16:19
hatchdid they update their stuff recently?16:19
hatchit always fails in chrome with the isBrowserSupported error16:19
bachatch: can you run them locally?16:19
hatchbac I'm not set up to run them locally - working on it but new vm and all that 16:20
hatchit'l take me a while16:20
bacwell, if anyone can try 'make ci-check' to see16:20
jcsackettwhat entails being setup?16:21
jcsacketti have an lxc for gui, so i can thrash that, but i don't know what else needs setting up.16:21
hatch^ there is our issue jcsackett  bac 16:21
jcsackettnew version of selenium?16:22
hatchit seems that way16:22
hatchand new chrome and chrome driver16:23
hatchwhich might not have the isBrowserSupported option16:23
bacjcsackett, hatch: my battery is about to die and i don't have an outlet available.16:23
jcsackettso, it looks like we can a) update our test suite or b) try forcing selenium version.16:23
bacgood night and good luck.16:23
hatchbac ok we can take over, have a good night16:23
jcsackettbac: night dude.16:23
hatchyeh lets force it to use the old version16:24
hatchwe are low on man power this week so lets just get it up and running and we can investigate the fix next week or so16:24
jcsackettok, where's our selenium config in the tree?16:24
hatchI thought you knew? :P16:24
hatchbrowser.py maybe...16:26
jcsacketthatch: ok, i'll dig into this.16:27
hatchchrome keeps blacking out when I drag the window in Ubuntu, looks like I'm switching to Firefox16:31
rogpeppe1jrwren: for future reference, we don't push the big green button to merge branches into the charm store16:39
rogpeppe1jrwren: instead, add a comment with the sacred rune :shipit:16:39
rogpeppe1jrwren: (we missed a few issues from your PR, which doesn't actually build correctly, unfortunately)16:41
hatchits the shibolith 16:43
jrwrenrogpeppe1: yeah, i realized ci system does it AFTER I pushed that tempting shiny green button.16:47
rogpeppe1jrwren: https://github.com/juju/charmstore/pull/6117:03
jrwrenrogpeppe1: ah, i missed adding the old config.go, which is what I was going to do. #fail.17:04
kadams54Anyone know if the pending attribute on a Service is a reliable indicator of uncommitted/ghosted state?17:50
kadams54guihelp: ^17:50
hatchkadams54 it will be being changed to be isUncommitted or something 17:52
hatchso that everything can use the same key17:52
kadams54Can I use it as is?17:52
kadams54Or rather, what's the best way currently to know, within a Service instance, if it's in an uncommitted state?17:53
hatchyeah I believe so17:54
hatchbest is to test it though17:54
hatchjcsackett hey any luck with the CI?18:38
jcsacketthatch: i think so--browser.py was indeed the place to set things, and i've gotten to a state where i can replicate the error locally. i'm locally testing the fix.18:59
jcsackettor i guess "a fix" since i don't know if it works yet.19:00
hatchthanks for doing this!19:00
hatchugh still downloading the precise charm repo19:09
hatchthis thing is massssssive19:09
hatchmake that the trusty charm19:09
jrwrenyou did a getall?19:12
hatchI followed the instructions19:23
hatchbzr branch lp: ....19:23
jrwreni wonder if that is why the juju charm tools has getall.19:32
hatchjcsackett so.....diditwork?huhhuhdidit?didithuh?20:10
jcsacketthatch: no.20:11
jcsacketthatch: it creates a new error.20:11
jcsackettit just flat out aborts, claiming the settings conflict with firefox. since the update post only references chrome, i'm trying it only setting the selenium version for chrome, and leaving firefox alone.20:12
jcsackettgiven they test such an old v of firefox by default, perhaps they're pinning an older version of selenium for it.20:13
jcsackett...and i just got the results back, and it fails that way.20:13
jcsackettok, i need to read more docs to figure out why setting selenium breaks firefox; b/c clearly the old version *was* working for it once upon a time.20:15
hatchjcsackett ok darn, anything I can do to help20:27
jcsacketthatch: i'm beginning to think this isn't about selenium.20:28
hatchno? because it seems to happen in the exact same space with the same error20:29
jcsackettwell, it's an error on selenium tests, sure.20:29
hatchand the only changes I can see are the ones from sauce20:29
kadams54jujugui: looking for reviews and QA on: https://github.com/juju/juju-gui/pull/48020:31
jcsacketthatch: right, but the chrome change isn't the issue (b/c the error occurs on firefox) and it's starting to look like firefox was already using a diff selenium version.20:31
jcsacketthatch: i haven't got concrete proof yet. just sharing my suspicions.20:32
hatchhmm right I suppose - but didn't they also change the selenium version across the map? 20:32
hatchare we using a version of FF that's too old? Maybe we should update it20:32
hatchkadams54 review done20:35
hatchI'll hold off on QA until you respond to the comments20:36
jcsacketthatch: we're using version 25; not too old, but as long as i'm in here i can bump it to 30 (the current stable)20:37
jcsacketter, 3220:37
jcsackettdammit, i can't type.20:37
hatchjcsackett so the method isBrowserSupported is defined in the index.html file - as you can see in the saucelabs vid https://saucelabs.com/jobs/9b4a430af5744fd68fbbbea228b5838c the GUI is loaded so there should be no reason why that method is not defined20:41
jcsacketthatch: yeah.20:41
hatchunless of course there is a syntax error20:41
hatchyou were able to run it locally? Was there such error?20:41
kadams54hatch: thanks. Replies posted.20:41
jcsacketti think firefox 25 may just load a selenium version that is > 2.30.0 and < the new default.20:42
hatchjcsackett I wonder if there was a change in chrome where it doesn't auto assign the isBrowserSupported to window if it's a global20:42
hatchmaybe try changing it to window.isBrowserSupported = ...20:42
jcsacketthatch: the error is occuring in firefox.20:42
jcsackettso it's not a chrome specific issue.20:42
hatchoh? FF is passing fine in the latest CI run20:43
jcsackettwell great, then i'm not able to actually recreate what CI sees.20:44
hatchkadams54 thanks, i'll qa shortly20:44
hatchjcsackett http://ci.jujugui.org:8080/job/juju-gui-merge/545/console FF passes just before it fails in Chrome20:44
jcsackettso, locally ff fails in the same way.20:45
jcsackettwell, "locally"20:45
hatchwell then...20:46
hatchjcsackett so you set the selenium version back to 2.30.0? (just trying to get up to speed) 20:48
jcsacketthatch: i have:20:48
jcsackett1) set the selenium version to 2.30.0, with the result that firefox tests abort b/c the selenium version is too old for the firefox and os version.20:48
jcsackett2) set the selenium version for *just* chrome, with the result that firefox fails on the isBrowserSupported thing.20:49
jcsacketti am currently:20:49
jcsackett1) trying to isolate what version between 2.30.0 and 2.42.0 will actually work.20:49
hatch*sigh* sorry this sucks20:49
hatchlemme know if I can assist in any way20:50
jcsackettand i'm basically a monkey hitting this with a branch to see what happens.20:50
jcsacketti'm not really sure how i became backup CI guy. :p20:50
hatchyou touched it once20:51
* kadams54 makes a note to NEVER touch the CI server.20:52
jcsacketti didn't, actually. :p i touched other CI stuff.20:52
hatchjcsackett maybe it's something dumb as upping the timout from 20-30s on wait_for_script ?20:53
jcsackettmaybe, but i don't understand why that would come up now.20:53
jcsacketti'll put it on my list of places to hit CI with a branch, though.20:53
hatchsounds good :)20:53
hatchjcsackett the other thing you could do is put a hook in there so you can pause it and check the window obj yourself20:54
kadams54Maybe the problem is you're hitting it with a branch when you should be threatening it with an RPG.20:54
hatchto see if all of our defined methods aren't there20:54
jcsackettkadams54: this is not planet of the apes. monkeys don't have RPGs. :p20:54
jcsacketthatch: how do i look at this through a hook, since it's being run by sauce?20:55
hatchjcsackett it'll send u a url20:55
hatchyou can visit that url20:55
jcsackettah, ok.20:55
hatchthen click on it to take over20:55
hatchor something along those lines20:55
jcsackettjust so i'm not really being stupid, is there any setup required for `make ci-check` to work?21:00
jcsacketti read the docs, and it didn't say anything about preconditions.21:00
jcsacketthatch ^ ?21:03
hatchjcsackett well you need to have the dependencies installed but that's it21:03
hatchrunning into an issue?21:04
hatchkadams54 some qa notes21:05
jcsacketthatch: are you in a position to run ci-check?21:24
jcsacketti just want to see if you see ff failing for you, outside of CI.21:24
hatchI'm getting close to being21:24
hatchjcsackett probably 15-20mins I can21:26
jcsackett...ok, nevermind. nothing will ever work on my setup, b/c i don't have sauce connect installed. this is the sort of thing i was looking for insofar as "other prep"21:27
hatchI didn't think you needed sauce connect unless you were behind a firewall21:27
hatchif it is indeed required it should be added to the hacking docs21:27
jcsacketti think, by default, lxc's and vms are bridged.21:28
jcsackettwhich is effectively a proxy.21:28
hatchok i'm trying to run it21:30
hatchand it failed...21:30
hatchoh missing pkgs21:31
hatchok it appears to be runnin gnow....21:32
jcsacketthatch: if you see only chrome failing, i'll tell you how to set selenium version for just chrome.21:33
hatchok it got most of the way through then ran into more missing pkgs21:33
hatchnot sure how long this will take if this keeps happening lol21:34
hatchand agian!21:34
jcsackettok, i've gotten sc running, so i'm trying again.21:37
hatchexcellent I'm still running into dep issues21:39
hatchi'll let you know when I get somewhere on it21:39
jcsackettok, *with* sc running, still FF failure.21:39
jcsacketti have no idea now.21:40
jcsacketti can't actually make saucelabs work from my lxc.21:40
jcsackettthis would have been good to know hours ago. :p21:40
hatchtime to spin up an ec2 instance21:41
jcsackettwhich is a thing to do tomorrow, as there's no way i'll get that working before EoD.21:42
hatchit's running here21:42
hatchI think...21:42
hatchin FF21:43
hatchwill see if it fails21:43
hatchyup it fails21:43
hatch^ jcsackett 21:43
jcsacketthatch: hit the url saucelabs gave you and make sure you're not seeing a lack of connection issue.21:43
hatchapparently I need flash21:44
hatchjcsackett oh I'm getting connection refused in the vid but the console is saying isBrowserSupported error21:45
jcsacketthatch: yeah, that error is a lie.21:46
jcsackettit's what errors when the test doesn't work.21:46
jcsackettso: tomorrow morning i'll spin up ec2 and try there.21:46
hatchI'll try with sauce connect21:47
hatchoh wait21:47
hatchthat requires a ton of setup21:47
hatchok forget it21:47
jcsackettyeah, we're blocked for tonight.21:48
jcsackettunless you're going to bring up ec2 tonight--i don't have time to work post EoD today.21:48
hatchI still need to get this release out :)21:49
jcsackettthis doesn't block release, right?21:49
hatchI don't think so - I do need the tests to run21:51
hatchbut Makyo  was running into a different error21:51
hatchso we'll see :)21:51
hatchTrusty charm release has already been done21:51
jcsacketthatch: if you get to a point where you want to monkey with selenium issue, https://github.com/jaycee/juju-gui/blob/set-selenium-version/test/browser.py#L12521:54
jcsackettthat's how you set it.21:55
jcsacketti've gotta to go start making dinner.21:55
jcsacketti'll continue on this tomorrow morning, barring any news.21:55
hatchjcsackett ok thanks21:55
hatchI'll email with news (if any)21:55
jcsacketthave a good evening. :)21:55
hatchu 22221:56
hatchmorning huwshimi 22:54
hatchso CI is all sorts busted22:55
hatchthat's why your stuff hasn't landed22:55
huwshimihatch: Ah right, I was wondering what was going on :)22:56
hatchhopefully that won't block you too much22:57
huwshimiit's all good22:57
hatchhuwshimi have you seen GSS ? 23:01
huwshimihatch: What's that?23:01
hatchthere is a video which does a better job of explaining it, but it's using a different type of language and interpreter to do page layout than CSS23:02
huwshimiOh yeah, I think I did see that23:04
hatchit's pretty cool - CSS can't get any worse so I'm all for something new :)23:06

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