
mhall119daker: sure00:16
dakermhall119: we can have it tomorrow, sleeping...00:20
mhall119daker: sure, PM me any time00:27
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dholbachgood morning07:15
justCarakasgood morning :)07:15
dpmmorning mardy, could you give us a hand with bug 1351041 to help unblock image promotion? I've added more information in the comments, and I've noticed we're not getting the token. I did as you mentioned in your comment, but /var/log/syslog didn't show anything related to accounts, and I wasn't sure how to run dbus-monitor07:56
ubot5bug 1351041 in Ubuntu Reminders app "App is unable to retrieve notes" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135104107:56
mardydpm: I added a comment08:03
mardydpm: what I find more suspicious is this: file:///usr/share/click/preinstalled/com.ubuntu.reminders/0.5.203/qml/reminders.qml:143: TypeError: Cannot read property 'HostName' of undefined08:03
mardydpm: actually, that line happens if you get an access token08:04
dpmmardy, generally when we get an access token, it's output on the app's log, that's what made me think we're not getting the token. Should we be using dbus-monitor to see if it gets it?08:07
mardydpm: I'm quite sure you get it: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~reminders-app-dev/reminders-app/trunk/view/head:/src/app/qml/reminders.qml#L14308:08
mardydpm: this is the error line, in the logs08:08
dpmyes, that's the line I'm looking on Qt Creator08:08
mardydpm: try to print accountService.authData08:09
mardydpm: you probably need to use JSON.stringify()08:09
dpmmardy, ok, will take me a while, I'm upgrading now to image 158 to reproduce the issue08:11
dpmmardy, something like this? -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968339/08:15
mardydpm: change line 15 with console.log('params: ' + JSON.stringify(accountService.authData.parameters))08:16
zsombidpm: thx for changing teh status of teh statesaver bug for trusty :)08:23
dpmzsombi, np ;)08:24
zsombidpm: no idea why it was grayed out for me...08:24
dpmzsombi, I think you need to be a member of the bug squad to change some statuses of bugs in the distro08:24
dpmif they have been milestoned08:25
zsombidpm: aha... ok :)08:25
dpmmardy, ok, so it seems we're getting the token, but we're not able to read any params, that's the issue. See lines 31 and 3208:30
mardydpm: you probably forgot to link to the pastebin :-)08:33
dpmmardy, argh, it was the excitement about finding a hint for the cause of the bug :-) There you are: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968430/08:34
popeydholbach: fyi, for core apps, we're treating them like any other app, so can be processed in the store like 3rd party apps.08:35
dholbachpopey, gotcha08:35
mardydpm: weird. If the app can authenticate, it should also be able to read that setting08:35
mardydpm: can you please paste the .provider and .service files (not from the source tree, but from the installed locations)08:36
mardydpm: also check if you have something in /usr/share/accounts vs. ~/.local/share/accounts08:36
dpmmardy, here are the contents of the two locations -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968500/08:39
mardydpm: OK. and what are the contents of the evernote files there?08:42
dpmmardy, and here are the contents of the .provider and .service files: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968518/08:42
mardydpm: all looks fine08:42
mardydpm: in the older image (where it works), are you using the same version of reminders app, or an older one?08:43
dpmmardy, the same version of reminders: 20308:43
mardydpm: and if you change accountService.authData to just authData, does it behave differently?08:44
dpmmardy, unfortunately, same result, same log08:50
mardydpm: anything interesting in the syslog?08:51
dpmmardy, I could not see anything related to accounts in the syslog, even after I set the logging to verbose for signond08:52
dpmbut I can try again08:52
mardydpm: no, no need08:53
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mardydpm: I see that the authData can return an empty variant map if the underlying libaccounts's AccountService is NULL08:54
mardydpm: and that's the only case08:54
mardydpm: that could happen if you change the accountService object (for instance by changing its objectHandle property)08:54
mardydpm: or if the object referred to by the objectHandle property dies08:55
dpmmardy, I don't think we do the first, but not sure if the later happens. In any case, if I understand it correctly this is something we have no control over in the app, do we?08:57
mardydpm: can you please add some debug message on the onObjectHandleChanged inside AccountService?08:57
mardydpm: you have only one evernote account, right?08:58
dpmmardy, yes, I only have one account. Here's what I'm going to try now, I've added the debug message on object handle changed: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968611/09:00
mardydpm: nope, you need {} around that code09:00
dpmargh, typed too fast09:02
dpmmardy, no luck, it seems that that callback is not triggered: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968658/09:05
mardydpm: I'm running out of ideas09:07
dpmmardy, can we add a bug task for the relevant project and leave it in your hands? I'm not sure what else we can do in the app itself.09:07
mardydpm: yes, but how urgent is it? I've my hands full, and I have to prioritize another work, before bugfixing09:17
dpmmardy, right now this is blocking promotion and we're entering TRAINCON-0 from what I see on #ubuntu-ci-eng. I guess the priority depends on your other tasks and what the QA folks say09:20
dpmmardy, in any case, regardless of the priority, what would be the best project to add the bug task for?09:21
mardydpm: accounts-qml-module09:24
mardydpm: one more thing: can you please move the printing of authData inside the onObjectHandleChanged handler?09:25
dpmmardy, sure, but will that make a difference? It seems that the handler is not called09:26
mardydpm: it is called once09:26
mardydpm: or you wouldn't authenticate :-)09:26
dpmoh, then I missed it in the outpug09:27
mardydpm: line 18 of http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968658/09:27
dpmok, cool, yes, let me do that09:27
popeyMirv: when you get a moment, could you please re-upload latest sudoku from jenkins to the store, current upload is borked. thanks! /cc dholbach09:31
dpmmardy, progress :) -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7968816/09:31
Mirvpopey: uploaded. weirdly, different behavior from before (too "quick"), so check also this one09:36
Mirvor maybe something on the server side has just been made faster09:36
mardydpm: well, then at least we have a workaround: you can do "EvernoteConnection.hostname = accountService.authData.parameters["HostName"];" right before calling authenticate()09:36
popeythanks Mirv09:37
dpmmardy, awesome, thanks!09:39
mardydpm: let's keep the bug open anyways, I'll have a look at it when I can09:40
dpmok, thank you mardy, I've updated the bug description with the discussion this morning09:48
dpmhi rpadovani, popey, could you review/test https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/reminders-app/workaround-for-1351041/+merge/229753 ?09:48
* popey looks09:49
* rpadovani is on i09:49
popeydpm: got a click?09:49
dpmyes, let me upload it09:50
dpmpopey, http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/click/com.ubuntu.reminders_0.5.204_armhf.click09:54
popeydpm: yup, that works09:58
davmor2dpm: \o/ we might have notes again \o/09:59
dpmexcellent :)10:00
rpadovanidpm, just to confirm, works also for me :-)10:04
popeyship it!10:05
dpmrpadovani, popey, in this case, could you guys approve/top-approve?10:05
popeyi have approved10:05
popeyrpadovani: can you top-approve pls?10:05
dpmand popey, start the process to publish the click package from Jenkins?10:05
popeyyup, doing as soon as it merges10:06
* dpm high-fives rpadovani and popey10:06
mihirpopey: ping10:14
mihirpopey: how can we upgrade Calendar to qt 5.3 , as per comment https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/135102410:16
ubot5Launchpad bug 1351024 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date & Time picker is not working on device." [Critical,Triaged]10:16
popeymihir: the device _is_ on 5.310:16
popeymeaning we ship with qt5.3 on the image, and it's in the utopic archive.10:17
mihirpopey: okay ,so what should we conclude from comments , should we use DatePicker instead of panel10:17
popeymihir: you running utopic?10:20
mihirnot now , but yes i do have on VM.10:20
popeyso on utopic do you see the date picker?10:20
mihiri need to check that.10:21
mihirso if it does , then it should work on device that's what you meant to say ?10:22
popeywell, trying to figure out where the issue lies10:24
popeyt1mp: did you unassign yourself because you dont believe uitk to be at fault for date picker?10:24
davmor2popey: he unassigned himself because he is already assigned to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1349366 which is the bug he linked to which causes the issue I guess10:26
ubot5Launchpad bug 1349366 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[PageStack] Pages does not get correct anchored in the PageStack area" [Critical,Confirmed]10:26
popeyah, so he did10:27
popeymihir: ^ ☻10:27
mihirpopey: yeah , i did look at that now, will try tonight and then revert back10:27
t1mppopey, davmor2 I unassigned myself because I convinced zsombi to take it (I won't be around for long today)10:38
t1mppopey: zsombi has the bug now in the uitk project, but I cannot assign people in uitk (ubuntu)10:39
t1mpzsombi: ^  https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/135102410:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1351024 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date & Time picker is not working on device." [Critical,Triaged]10:39
t1mpdavmor2: the other bug that I linked, I thought it might be related, but it seems not10:39
popeyt1mp: gotcha, thanks!10:39
zsombioSoMoN: kalikiana: please review https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/statesaver-path/+merge/22976210:52
oSoMoNzsombi, will do10:54
zsombioSoMoN: thx10:54
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kalikianazsombi: looking10:57
zsombikalikiana: thx 4 U 2 :)10:58
kalikianazsombi: should we unit test this? though it's kinda "obvious" if we had one place that checks all paths might be nice11:05
* nik90 sighs.. its TRAINCO mode :/ the indicator-datetime silo for enabling alarm vibrations is blocked11:18
t1mpbzoltan: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/135102411:22
ubot5Launchpad bug 1351024 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Date & Time picker is not working on device." [Critical,Triaged]11:22
dholbachhey nik90, could sergiusens help in any way?11:30
nik90dholbach: I think he got busy yesterday to work on it.11:31
dholbachah ok11:31
nik90dholbach: he said he would work on it 2h+ later, but I didnt see any reply from him11:31
dholbachprobably got too busy with cocktails with those small umbrellas by the pool :-P11:32
nik90zsombi: hi, you are back. How was your vac?11:33
zsombikalikiana: well, maybe we could have unit test for that, but for all paths the toolkit uses, not for this particular one. OTOH there's a test which checks whether the state file is in teh proper place, that's why I have the test updated as well11:34
zsombinik90: yeah, I'm back, and I'm on 133869711:34
zsombinik90: bug #133869711:35
ubot5bug 1338697 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Alarm sound url read from a saved alarm is always empty" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133869711:35
zsombinik90: the vacation was awesome, relaxing, after the first 2 weeks I forgot where I've parked my car in teh airport :D11:35
nik90zsombi: lol11:35
zsombinik90: it took me ~20 mins to find it :D11:35
zsombinik90: but back to the bug11:36
zsombinik90: it is QOrganizer who eats it... :/11:36
nik90zsombi: oh..would that require a patch upstream then?11:36
zsombinik90: damn it :( it doesn't get saved into the occurence...11:36
zsombinik90: perhaps...11:37
nik90zsombi: oh also I added some crash logs to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1337405 which causes the clock app to crash. It used to happen since the old clock app times.11:39
ubot5Launchpad bug 1337405 in Ubuntu Clock App reboot "Clock App crashes frequently when UCAlarmModel::clear() is called" [Critical,Triaged]11:39
zsombinik90: I'll check that too11:39
nik90zsombi: I realise you will be busy with the datetime picker crash for calendar app. So  bug 1337405 can go later if you wish11:40
ubot5bug 1337405 in Ubuntu Clock App reboot "Clock App crashes frequently when UCAlarmModel::clear() is called" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133740511:40
zsombinik90: ok, seems it was a false alarm... the URL gets converted from QTodoItem to RawData, but then in the alarms << alarm it get lost...11:41
zsombinik90: which is weird11:41
zsombinik90: well, the crash is as bad as the DatePicker11:41
zsombinik90: OH DEAR!!!! :s11:45
* nik90 waits for zsombi to explain11:46
zsombinik90: in organizerEventFromAlarmData() teh sound is saved as QOrganizerItemAudibleReminder...11:46
zsombinik90: but in alarmDataFromOrganizerEvent() there's alarm.sound = QUrl(event.description()) :/11:47
zsombinik90: so the fix is obvious :/11:47
nik90zsombi: so why :/ then?11:48
nik90mismatched variable types11:48
zsombinik90: because this wouldn't had have to wait me to fix it :)11:48
zsombinik90: however the event.description is also set to sound's URL, so it should work!11:48
zsombinik90: so then we have a problem: why teh detail was missing from it?11:50
mardydpm: hi! I won't be able to attend the meeting about the evernote plugin11:50
zsombirenato___: ping11:50
mardydpm: but as David wrote, it's possible to have the plugin shipped by the click package, just for trusted third parties11:51
dpmmardy, that's fine, thanks for the heads up. We devised a plan after Pat's last e-mail. It seems we can ship everything (app+plugin) in one same click package, which would address all our problems. I had meant to cancel the meeting, so let me do that.11:51
mardydpm: cool11:52
qtrosHi all11:52
qtrospopey ping11:52
popeyqtros: heya11:53
qtrospopey can you push new version of Shorts to store?) As far as I know you are doing it manually)11:54
popeysure can11:55
renato___zsombi, hi11:55
zsombirenato___: I have a problem with the alarm sounds, seems the todos do not save the description, that's where the sound is saved too.11:56
renato___zsombi, let me check, I think I have a unit test for that11:56
popeyMirv: could you please also upload shorts? http://s-jenkins.ubuntu-ci:8080/job/rssreader-app-click/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/out/com.ubuntu.shorts_0.2.281_all.click11:57
zsombirenato___: kewl@11:57
qtrospopey maybe update version to 0.3 too, because after 0.2 we fixed a lot)11:57
popeytricky, you'd need to do that in trunk, lets do that another time.11:58
zsombirenato___: huhh???! QUrl(QString) gives me an empty invalid URL!!!12:01
renato___zsombi, what do you mean?12:02
zsombirenato___: I have an alarm.sound = QUrl(event.description()) conversion12:02
Mirvpopey: done12:02
zsombirenato___: if I print out the event.description() that has the file:///..... URL12:02
popeythanks Mirv12:03
zsombirenato___: but the QUrl() ends up to be invalid12:03
popeyqtros: there you go, latest pushed and approved12:03
renato___zsombi, humm, yes that is strange12:03
qtrospopey I'll test it soon) Thanks!12:06
zsombirenato___: ok, it is not the conversion... when I'm storing the AlarmData in the QList<AlarmData> the QUrl sound content is getting lost12:08
renato___zsombi, yeah I did some tests and I can store and restore the description value, and parse it using QUrl12:11
zsombirenato___: because I do not copy that field in the copy constructor of AlarmData :D12:11
zsombirenato___: me stupid!!!12:12
renato___nice, that you found the problem12:12
zsombirenato___: nik90: the fix for bug #1338697 seems a one-liner :D12:12
ubot5bug 1338697 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Alarm sound url read from a saved alarm is always empty" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/133869712:12
zsombirenato___: nik90: and we don't have any tests on that because we didn't knew how the sounds will get stored in the system, whether will it be indexed or simply stored as a URL12:13
* zsombi lunch, brb12:15
renato___Saviq, Kaleo , do you know if we have a fix for the ubuntushape already?12:18
Saviqrenato___, you have  along tail today ;)12:18
Saviqrenato___, the batching fix landed, yes12:18
renato___Saviq, the ubuntushape size fix?12:19
renato___nice this was quick :D12:19
Saviqrenato___, size?12:19
renato___Saviq, yes the address book is broken, the ubuntu shape is not respecting the size12:20
Saviqrenato___, not sure about that, no12:20
renato___Saviq, http://imgur.com/EnFvIP812:20
Saviqrenato___, easy to check https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk12:20
renato___I just want to know who is working for fix that12:21
renato___I want to try the patch12:21
Saviqrenato___, is there a bug?12:21
Saviqrenato___, in any case, not me, or anyone in my team12:21
renato___I think so kaleo and bzoltan was discussing that yesterday12:21
nik90renato___: I can also confirm that that ubuntushape bug is also affecting other apps like music-app, my personal app etc.12:23
bzoltannik90: renato___: would you please elaborate what bug are you talking about?12:23
renato___bzoltan, this one: http://imgur.com/EnFvIP812:24
renato___that ken report yesterday12:24
nik90bzoltan: it seems like the width and height assigned to UbuntuShape is not respected12:24
bzoltanKaleo: ^12:25
nik90renato___: are you also aware of https://imgur.com/lkEvmRm12:26
renato___nik90, no this is new :D12:26
nik90renato___: I reflashed my phone to make sure it is not some remanants from an older image or something. I will create a bug report for this12:27
renato___nik90, this should be the same problem with ubuntu shape12:27
nik90renato___: there are 2 issues in that screenshot. the first is the ubuntu shape. The second is the bottom edge tab is missing, or is that intentional?12:28
renato___nik90, the bottom edge indicator should disappear as soon as you start to drag the page12:28
renato___but it should be visible in the bottom12:29
nik90renato___: ah ok. Yeah I noticed it missing only when dragging it up.12:29
brendandrenato___, talking about this issue? https://bugs.launchpad.net/address-book-app/+bug/135342012:30
ubot5Launchpad bug 1353420 in messaging-app "Autopilot tests that use the bottom edge failing since #174" [Undecided,New]12:30
jgdxelopio, here's the merged branch plus tests. Thanks. https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/call-fwd-wait-dual-sim/+merge/22977412:30
nik90zsombi, popey: Looks like indirectly we might have alarm snooze being implemented12:31
nik90zsombi, popey: The indicator-datetime will provide a snooze button which on clicked will hide the alarm notification and show it against after x minutes.12:32
* ogra_ looks for some QML advise about bindings ... i have some code like: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7970031/ ... how do i define the Binding to actualy en/disable the element if the securityPrivacy.securityType property changes (since securityPrivacy.securityType is an enum i guess i need to call a function or some such instead of dirctly binding property to property)12:32
popeynik90: nice!12:33
renato___brendand, yes this bug is because the ubuntu shape change the object type12:35
renato___we need to update the autopilot test12:35
brendandrenato___, how did it get past CI testing?12:36
renato___brendand, I do not know, maybe because both changes land together12:36
renato___brendand, I do not know which change land first12:37
brendandrenato___, where did Ubuntu Shape change? which project?12:37
renato___brendand, SDK12:37
brendandrenato___, can you identify the package it belonged to? the sdk team don't seem to think they had anything to do with it12:38
renato___brendand, this is a SDK change that cause it to fail for sure12:38
brendandrenato___, these are the changes : http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/174.changes12:39
brendandrenato___, do you see a culprit in there?12:39
renato___brendand, the package is:  qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-ui-toolkit-plugin12:41
renato___I do not know when this land12:41
brendandrenato___, 17312:41
brendandrenato___, so i guess the problem is that the test/release cycle is not tight enough12:42
brendandrenato___, so maybe you did your test on #172 or earlier12:42
renato___brendand, probably, something out of the sync, I remember that we approved the silo one day and it was released in another day12:44
renato___brendand, but anyway boiko has branches to fix that already, he will be online soon12:46
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nik90ogra_: were you able to fix your binding issue?12:58
ogra_nik90, heh, yeah12:58
ogra_found a way easier solution (which turned the whole code into a one liner)12:58
nik90ogra_: ok, I was just about to suggest a solution. But glad to know its fixed12:58
nik90lol nice12:59
nik90ogra_: hmm I not so sure if securityPrivacy.securityType changes it would actually also change the developer mode switch value13:00
ogra_nik90, it does13:00
ogra_works just fine ... tested it13:01
nik90ah ok13:01
ogra_secirityPrivacy properly emits its changed state so the "enabled" property just picks it up13:01
ogra_no need for extra bindings or anything13:02
nik90ogra_: I was more going for http://paste.ubuntu.com/7970232/, but your solution works as well13:02
* nik90 brb..goes to get some lunch13:03
ogra_ah, yeah13:03
bzoltannik90: do you have a bug report for that UbunuShape width-height problem?13:03
nik90bzoltan: not that I am aware of. I will be back in 15 mins to write a sample app and report a bug.13:04
bzoltannik90:  OK13:04
bzoltannik90: I filed this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1353493 and Kaleo is working on it already.13:14
ubot5Launchpad bug 1353493 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "UbunuShape does not respect width/height" [Critical,Confirmed]13:14
bzoltanrenato___: Not sure if you have heard, but you should not use the UbuntuShape as an object type when selecting an object with autopilot. Just simple select the object name.13:15
brendandrenato___, btw did you know about the visual problem with the bottom edge?13:28
brendandrenato___, it might be a different issue to the one causing the AP failures13:28
nik90bzoltan: ack13:30
bzoltannik90:  and we have the fix for the size problem13:45
nik90bzoltan: that was fast13:46
bzoltannik90:  I will give you a PPA with the .deb  to verify13:47
nik90bzoltan: sure13:47
renato___brendand, the visual is caused by the bug on UbuntuShape13:48
nik90renato___: once I get the PPA from bzoltan I will update you on whether it fixes the address book and dialer app issue13:49
brendandrenato___, ok13:49
renato___bzoltan, nik90 great13:50
bzoltannik90: it will be available in this PPA https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/+archive/ubuntu/testing in 30 minutes13:51
bzoltanrenato___: nik90: that is only for the sizing problem13:51
nik90bzoltan: ok, I think dialer, address have the issue due to the sizing problem,but we will see13:52
bzoltannik90: OK13:52
dholbachDanChapman, popey: looks like some trojita tests are failing again: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181654609/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.trojita_0.4.1%2B2-0~201408060805.gita0e7ec1~ubuntu14.10.1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:53
renato___brendand, boiko has the fix for the autopilot13:53
dholbachlink to build records: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-touch-coreapps-drivers/+recipe/trojita-daily13:54
dpmrpadovani, are you up for the reminders meeting today? I think mzanetti is on holiday, so he probably won't join us14:00
rpadovanidpm, if there is something to talking about, I'm in :-)14:00
dpmrpadovani, sure14:00
rpadovaniok then :-)14:01
nik90rpadovani: after the meeting, would have have few minutes to review a MP?14:02
rpadovaninik90, link it to me, I'll do this evening, no time now, sorry14:04
nik90rpadovani: not a hurry, so that's fine14:04
nik90rpadovani: https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-vibration-support/+merge/22932714:05
rpadovaninik90, saved, I'll take a look asap14:09
zsombinik90: kalikiana: alarm sound lost fix: https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/alarm-sound-fix/+merge/22980014:24
zsombiand now, DatePicker's turn14:25
nik90zsombi: sweet! Onward to custom alarm sounds in the clock app :D14:26
dholbachbzoltan, jdstrand, lool: do you know of any documentation we have about frameworks, ie what the definition means, differences between frameworks or how to target a framework different from what you're running?14:29
dholbachjust asking, so we can write this up at some stage, but any pointers to code, examples, notes or any kind of docs would be appreciated :)14:30
bzoltandholbach: I know as much as visible in the lp:click click/chroot.py and in the SDK frontent. The frameworks are just simple list of packages without versions  to be installed on the click chroot.14:30
dholbachbzoltan, for an app developer they will mean a bit more than that, right? what I can think of is: support time frame, which frameworks are used on which devices, which APIs are supported where, how do I stay on the LTS but still test/develop for a more recent framework, etc14:31
dholbachbzoltan, that's at least what I could think of for now which might be interesting14:32
zsombinik90: ok, so the PickerPanel in the toolkit - on desktop at least - seems to work14:32
nik90zsombi: it is a calendar app issue, but what I heard was that the PickerPanel doesn't only work on the device14:32
nik90zsombi: In the clock app, I am using the Picker instead of the PickerPanel14:33
zsombinik90: so the device is wrong there... ok, we can check that as well14:33
zsombinik90: PickerPanel yet works only with teh DatePickers14:33
zsombinik90: ah, you meant DatePicker not the PickerPanel :)14:34
bzoltandholbach:  I know little about the frameworks... so far I did not find an API to request the supported frameworks...14:34
* dholbach nods14:34
nik90zsombi: ok. I remember you telling that the PickerPanel is meant to be used to replace the OSK (it is placed there). However our clock designs wanted that as a component in the UI instead.14:34
looldholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Click/Frameworks has the most docs I believe14:35
looldholbach: we could extend to cover more14:35
* nik90 again refers to DatePicker14:35
dholbachthanks bzoltan, lool14:35
zsombinik90: np, that's why we have a separate component as well14:35
zsombinik90: I had a feeling that "always in OSK area" will mean yeah, sometimes emberred in teh app UI :D14:35
jdstranddholbach: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Click/Frameworks is what I know of14:37
dholbachthanks jdstrand14:37
zsombinik90: oh dear, you shoudl look after these logs: (qml/qqmlcomponent.cpp:1143, QQmlComponent_setQmlParent) - QQmlComponent: Created graphical object was not placed in the graphics scene14:38
zsombinik90: this happens when I open the "New Event"14:38
nik90zsombi: I don't work on the calendar app ;)14:39
nik90mihir: ^^14:39
zsombinik90: I saw the code has some createQmlObject() calls, and seems these are having troubles14:39
zsombimihir: ^^14:39
jdstranddholbach: also, 'click framework list' shows available frameworks14:40
dholbachjdstrand, ah, great!14:40
nik90popey: I updated https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend/+merge/225812 by merging trunk into it and then commiting it. But then on bzr push it says branches have diverged and that it won't push it.15:19
nik90popey: is there any way to resolve that?15:19
popeyand if you bzr merge from trunk again does it show any differences?15:23
nik90it says nothing to merge15:23
nik90I suppose I will have to copy this over to a new branch :/15:24
popeylet me see15:24
popeyi see 1 conflict in app/alarm/EditAlarmPage.qml15:25
popeyi just did bzr branch lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend15:25
popeycd add-custom-sound-backend/15:25
nik90I fixed that conflict and did bzr resolve. It resolved the conflicts and the I did bzr merge15:25
popeybzr merge lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot15:25
popeyhmm, dunno. need a bzr expert.15:26
* popey pokes dholbach 15:26
nik90it isn't a huge branch thankfully, so wouldn't mind just restarting a new branch15:26
dholbachpopey, what what?15:26
nik90dholbach: I am getting bzr branches diverged error15:26
nik90dholbach: which we are unable to solve15:27
dholbachnik90, ubuntu-clock-app/reboot trying to merge which other branch?15:27
nik90bzr branch lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend && cd add-custom-sound-backend/15:27
nik90bzr merge lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot15:27
nik90dholbach: when you try merging you will get a conflict. You can fix the conflict by changing the conflicted code to http://paste.ubuntu.com/7971240/15:28
dholbachnik90, if you have two branches which make changes to the same file and the changes are not contained in both branches in the same way, you can have conflicts15:28
dholbachnik90, edit the file, resolve the issue15:28
dholbachthen run "bzr resolve <filename>"15:28
nik90after resolving and bzr merging it says branches diverged15:28
nik90i did bzr resolve15:28
dholbachlet me see15:28
kalikianaelopio: can you have a look at this? it looks like j is trying to run a non-existing -autopilot package; it was intentionally removed https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-deb-autopilot-runner-mako/3082/console15:30
dholbachnik90, I ran 'bzr commit' after resolving it and that worked15:31
dholbachnik90, shall I push the change somewhere, so you can grab it?15:31
nik90dholbach: did you then do bzr push?15:31
nik90dholbach: for me bzr commit after resolving worked as well15:31
dholbachnik90, where would you like to push it?15:31
nik90dholbach: back to  lp:~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-custom-sound-backend15:32
dholbachI can't push it there15:32
nik90oh yeah15:32
dholbachI'm not nik90 - don't have his good looks, etc :-P15:32
nik90lol :P15:32
nik90that would do15:32
dholbachrock on15:32
dholbachpopey, ^15:32
nik90dholbach: so do I merge your branch into mine?15:33
nik90ok that worked. I merged your branch into mine and then pushed it15:34
bzoltannik90: the 1.1.1179+14.10.20140804-0ubuntu2 uitk is ready for testing15:46
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nik90bzoltan: testing now15:46
zsombinik90: popey: any idea when the DatePicker stopped working on the Calendar app?15:55
nik90bzoltan: Yup that works!15:56
nik90bzoltan: address book and dialer work as expected15:56
nik90zsombi: according to balloons there wasn't any AP test to say when it starting failing15:58
nik90balloons: any thoughts may be? ^^15:58
zsombinik90: but manually, noone checked it recently, whether it works?15:58
zsombiballoons: ^15:58
popeyzsombi: no, not really, sorry.15:59
zsombipopey: :(15:59
zsombipopey: seems something more serious - and I suspect Qt5.315:59
zsombipopey: I cannot open neither a popover nor a panel from the PickerPanel singleton object :/16:00
balloonszsombi, yes due to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/1328600, the tests using the datepicker had to be disabled in the interim16:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328600 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Autopilot lacks support for large timestamps" [Critical,Confirmed]16:00
balloonsso sometime after June 10th16:00
popeynice one balloons16:00
zsombipopey: nik90: balloons: on desktop everything works fine, but not on teh device...16:00
balloonsnik90, I thought clock worked on the device?16:00
balloonsyou confused me, I thought this was a calendar bug, not a toolkit issue16:01
nik90balloons: clock uses Picker, not DatePicker16:01
zsombiballoons: nik90: I cannot open any popover, not just the datepicker one16:01
balloonsmy guess is it broke at somepoint in Mid July then16:01
balloonswhen did qt 5.3 come?16:01
nik90zsombi: wait you cant open any popovers?16:01
zsombiballoons: way earlier... but DatePicker had been modified last time then16:01
zsombinik90: from PickerPanel, no16:01
balloonszsombi the other thing is I worked on the ui toolkit tests in relation to that bug.. they still work16:03
balloonshow can we say it's a toolkit bug then, what's different?16:03
balloonsin other words, the pickers have test coverage, despite the app itself not having tests using the pickers16:04
nik90renato___: the PPA bzoltan provided fixed the dialer and addressbook visual issues.16:10
renato___nik90, nice16:10
bzoltannik90: Cool, I start the landing procedure16:10
nik90renato___: btw the header section in the address book looks really nice ':D16:11
renato___nik90, yes timp did a good job16:13
nik90zsombi: btw I tested your alarm sound fix branch with my own branch. It works. Will comment on the MR16:14
zsombinik90: thx16:14
renato___nik90, I will work on your fast scroll branch today16:18
nik90renato___: thnx :-)16:19
nik90popey, dpm: Any further info on the RTM branching that needs to be done for RTM? Frankly it shouldn't affect the clock app since the reboot is indeed for RTM specifically.16:40
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ahayzenballoons, ping16:44
balloonsahayzen, pong (pretend this occurs 15 mins from now)16:45
ahayzenballoons, hah :) ... actually may not need u...just gonna left jenkins have another go as the new ms2 package has appeared here http://packages.ubuntu.com/utopic/mediascanner2.016:46
balloonsahayzen, I can kick something off..16:46
ahayzenballoons, i'm just gonna top approve again...16:46
ahayzenballoons, the mp u just commented on is/was failing because it needs the new ms2 package16:47
ahayzenballoons, i had just assumed it had landed into the repo when i top approved earlier...but obviously not lol16:47
ahayzenballoons, so i'm gonna try again..16:47
ahayzent1mp, ping16:49
mhall119bzoltan: zbenjamin: I'm getting the following click package validation error: ERROR: Could not find scope INI file 'ubuntucommunityscope/com.ubuntu.developer.mhall119.ubuntucommunity.ini'17:04
mhall119I don't know where it's getting the .ini name from, because mine is called ubuntucommunityscope.ini17:04
mhall119it's like it left off the _ubuntucommunityscope part17:05
mhall119and when I install the package in my emulator, it fails with: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7971969/17:06
mhall119I can confirm that the first .so path exists on the emulator17:07
mhall119this may be unrelated to the .ini error17:07
jgdxelopio, not sure you had the latest diff when you reviewed?17:21
jgdxelopio, the test failures in https://code.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/ubuntu-system-settings/call-fwd-wait-dual-sim/+merge/229774 is also due to an unrelated issue we are trying to resolve17:21
elopiojgdx: oh, I might have looked at the wrong one. I'm sorry.17:35
jgdxcould be I forgot to push actually17:36
elopiojgdx: you still have things like17:37
elopio641->>>>>>> MERGE-SOURCE17:37
jgdxelopio, I'm not sure why that is there.17:39
elopiojgdx: oh, nevermind. I'm still looking at the old review.17:43
elopiowow, I need some vacations. I'm slow today :)17:43
elopiojgdx: we have helpers for switches, so you won't have to check if they are checked before clicking them.17:47
elopioyou use them like this: self.wait_select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.Checkbox,17:49
elopio            objectName="callWaitingSwitch")17:49
elopioalso one for textfields: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-sdk-team/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/trunk/view/head:/tests/autopilot/ubuntuuitoolkit/_custom_proxy_objects/_textfield.py17:52
elopiojgdx: you could do17:52
elopiotext_field = self.wait_select_single(ubuntuuitoolkit.TextField, objectName='destNumberField')17:52
elopioit will take care of focusing the field, of using the right input device and of checking that it was written.17:52
jgdxelopio, thanks!17:57
elopiojgdx: I think you are not asserting the calls to the mocks anywhere.18:01
elopioI got to go for a while. I'll leave this and a couple of other comments on the branch.18:02
elopiothanks again jgdx. Nice work with this.18:02
jgdxelopio, thanks!:)18:03
renato___nik90, I posted a comment on your fast scroll branch18:19
nik90renato___: looking now18:19
nik90renato___: can't believe I missed that :P18:20
renato___nik90, this will avoid the fast scroll letters to apear behind the list items: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7972496/18:26
nik90renato___: ah you reordered it after the listview18:27
renato___nik90, yes18:27
nik90renato___: I noticed this https://imgur.com/xmAEkIi in the address book where the section header separator appears below the fastscroll instead of reducing its width. Is that part of the new design?18:28
nik90renato___: I still need to sync your changes from the fit-n-finish branch for these components18:28
renato___the designers ask for that, the fast scroll should not push the items to the left18:29
nik90thnx a lot for your help. I am almost done with fastscroll and custom swipe delete then :-)18:29
dakermhall119: PM ?19:59
mhall119daker: give me a few minutes, on a call20:01
dakerok tyt20:01
nik90Letozaf_: can I merge your branch now?20:07
Letozaf_nik90, yes20:07
nik90Letozaf_: awesome20:07
Letozaf_nik90, :-)20:07
nik90balloons: hey, we just got 3 AP tests for the new clock app :D20:07
josharensonHow do I inform qmltestrunner of the path to my custom module.. The app finds the module just fine, but all the tests fail because they can't find it.20:34
balloonsnik90, awesome ;-)21:12
nik90balloons: I am going to break it soon enough :P..but I guess who ever breaks it fixes it :P21:14
balloonsthat's right21:20
nik90ahayzen: did you figure out the AP tests for the custom listitem actions?21:33
ahayzenballoons, o/ the errors todo with https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/fix-swipe-delete-test/+merge/229718 are because of the toolbar not being shown21:34
ahayzenballoons, now suffering the same isssues with https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listitem-actions-take-2/+merge/22953621:34
balloonsahayzen, that was my first stop.. and right you are21:34
balloonsI know the bug.. d'oh!21:34
ahayzennik90, yep just got them 'working' except the toolbar isn't shown21:34
nik90ahayzen: and also the upstream ListItemWithActions.qml file was updated upstream. The changes mainly involve around a new multiselection mode.21:34
balloonshttps://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1353420 yes?21:35
ubot5Launchpad bug 1353420 in messaging-app (Ubuntu) "Autopilot tests that use the bottom edge failing since #174" [Undecided,New]21:35
ahayzennik90, hah so i've gotta do my first 'pull'... i put // CUSTOM next to everything i changed :) so should be able to figure it out21:35
ahayzenballoons, no...21:35
ahayzenballoons, the toolbar should be shown when in wideaspect as default21:35
ahayzenballoons, but for whtever reason the toolbar is hidden something somewhere has broken it21:35
nik90ahayzen: Check https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/release-2014-08-04/+merge/229528 for those changes. If they benefit you, then update. If not leave it21:36
ahayzenballoons, basically to get the music-app working again we need to solve the ap tests and get... https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/lookup-file/+merge/229612 https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/prevent-incorrect-no-music-screen/+merge/228972 ... https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/fix-swipe-delete-test/+merge/229718 or https://code.launchpad.net/~andrew-hayzen/music-app/listit21:37
ahayzenem-actions-take-2/+merge/229536 landed .. with one of the last two landing first as they block the others21:37
ahayzennik90, awesome thanks :)21:37
ahayzennik90, i assume this same component will eventually be part of the sdk?21:37
ahayzenballoons, oh and.. https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/remove-white-error-labels-1353173/+merge/22971321:38
nik90ahayzen: well may be not as it since they might need to generalise it a bit more but more or less yes21:38
ahayzenballoons, both mediascanner2 and uitk have broken us....21:38
ahayzenballoons, nik90 oh yeah the new UbuntuShape may have broken us as well .... u guys seen this before? https://bugs.launchpad.net/music-app/+bug/135322921:38
ubot5Launchpad bug 1353229 in Ubuntu Music App "Music app's Now Playing queue has stretched and squished cover art" [Undecided,New]21:38
ahayzenchaos! lol21:39
nik90ahayzen: that's been fixed today21:39
nik90ahayzen: let me grab the link for you21:39
ahayzennik90, oh sweet!21:39
nik90ahayzen: https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/shape_reliable_geometry_changes/+merge/22979021:40
ahayzennik90, awesome i'll mark it as a dup of that bug21:40
nik90ahayzen: yeah. I tested the music app against that MP. It is fixed :D21:41
ahayzennik90, awesome thanks :)21:41
balloonsahayzen, whoa.. that's alot.. How can I help?21:43
balloonsI must admit, I'm confused because of the many branches21:44
ahayzenballoons, figure out the toolbar not being shown then should just be matter of approve approve approve done :) lol21:44
ahayzenballoons, remember jenkins is wideAspect and device isn;t21:44
balloonsahayzen, ok, so I can work on the failures I see in em-actions-take-2/+merge/22953621:49
balloonsand you are not sure why, except that the toolbar doesn't appear21:49
ahayzenballoons, yeah that one of the swipe-delete one... i suspect my listitem-actions will require further review21:49
ahayzenballoons, so probably best to figure out this one https://code.launchpad.net/~vthompson/music-app/fix-swipe-delete-test/+merge/22971821:49
ahayzenballoons, i'll just double check why that was failing again as there are so many mps lol21:50
ahayzenballoons, yeah resolve ^^ mp21:50
ahayzenballoons, u can see it clicking offscreen (as that is where the toolbar is) lol21:50
balloonsahayzen, got it.. ok, let's see21:54
ahayzenballoons, i'm gonna try and figure too...but i don't have an environ to test with21:54
ahayzenballoons, ping me if u need any help with the logic i can tell u what it should be doing21:54
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ahayzenballoons, unless the Panel has changed with the new UITK21:58
ahayzenballoons, place to start is to check if onWideAspectChanged {} is run in the musicToolbar ~L15021:59
ahayzenballoons, and ensure showToolbar() is called21:59
ahayzennik90, u still around?22:06
nik90ahayzen: what's up?22:06
ahayzennik90, if u have something listening to the onChanged ... will the onChanged get called when it is first set .. i always forget if it does(n't)22:07
nik90ahayzen: it does22:08
ahayzennik90, and with the listitemactions any idea if they plan to add reordering?22:08
ahayzennik90, ok so thats not the issue then ;)22:08
nik90ahayzen: regarding the reordering no idea22:08
ahayzennik90, cool my reordering works...but it limited to the view u can see... ie u cannot scroll yet be dragging the item near the top/bottom22:09
nik90ahayzen: ah22:09
ahayzennik90, but it does the job for now.... it has always been like this22:09
ahayzennik90, i did attempt scrolling at one point but then with our view with listitems of different sizes the calcs becomes super complex22:10
ahayzennik90, but then again we have taken out the different sizes in this merge...maybe i can reinvestigate in a second iteration22:10
nik90ahayzen: yes I suppose22:11
nik90ahayzen: did you try it in a sample app with constant listitem heights?22:12
ahayzennik90, not yet that was in my old version like start of this yr ... need to reimplement it22:12
ahayzennik90, do u know if the Panel has changed recently?22:13
nik90ahayzen: afaik no22:13
ahayzen....something must have happened to make the toolbar just disappear (stay offview)...22:14
ahayzenhmmm actually u can just see the progress bar...suggesting it is not in wideAspect? ... maybe the width of the jenkins window has changed?22:14
ahayzenhmm but i think that would be shown even it is in wideaspect grrr22:15
ahayzenballoons, u got any further?22:15

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