
dholbachgood morning07:15
czajkowskimorning all09:50
dpmmorning czajkowski09:55
czajkowskidpm: ello hows things?09:58
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dpmczajkowski, sorry, I got distracted - things are good but busy. How about yourself? I saw about your job hunting on G+, sorry to hear about that, but how's it going?13:18
czajkowskidpm: not bad thanks not looked too much yet,14:12
dholbachall rightie, got to run - a BBQ is waiting! :)15:52
pleia2mhall119: still aiming for Thursday for Ubucon? (I need to book my trip soon)20:50
pleia2need to see if I should come in Wednesday night or Thursday night20:50
bkerensajono: here is the package manager for mac osx I was talking about http://brew.sh/21:06
bkerensaworks identical to apt21:06
jonobkerensa, cool21:06
mhall119pleia2: that's still the plan, yeah, bryan is supposed to be mailing the florida team what sessions he currently has for it and we'll try and fill in the rest22:21
pleia2mhall119: ok thanks, planning accordingly23:45

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