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sn33zyim having a hard time finding the package to satisfy aclocal-1.1300:58
sarnoldsn33zy: the saucy automake package offered one http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=aclocal-1.13&mode=exactfilename&suite=saucy&arch=any01:02
sn33zysarnold, yeah i later realized i have aclocal 1.14 installed and wondering why it DESIRES the 1.13 version for the build instead01:07
sarnoldsn33zy: auto* stuff sometimes doesn't work with newer versions; you can try with 1.14 and if it works fine, hooray :)01:08
sn33zy./configure: line 22834: GNOME_DEBUG_CHECK: command not found01:17
sn33zy./configure: line 22835: syntax error near unexpected token `maximum'01:17
sn33zy./configure: line 22835: `GNOME_COMPILE_WARNINGS(maximum)'01:17
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lamontis utopic currently safe to do-release-upgrade to?03:21
lamontfor developer values of safe, that is.03:21
ScottKIt's certainly safe for me if you do it.03:22
stgraberlamont: I did it this morning on my laptop and outside of some compiz packaging mess which has been reasonably easy to fix (remove the mess, install ubuntu-desktop^), things went fine and the machine still boots03:23
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pittiGood morning04:49
pittihallyn: sure04:49
pittihallyn: uploaded; and yay that we can sync now05:49
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LocutusOfBorg1can anybody please retry this build? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aegisub/3.1.2-1/+build/593951207:04
LocutusOfBorg1it is a really old ICE07:04
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: done07:05
dholbachgood morning07:15
dholbachNoskcaj, did you have any luck with python-wsme?07:17
dholbachNoskcaj, I'd really appreciate if you could take a look at it and fix it some time soon, or let folks know on the mailing list of elsewhere, that you need some help07:18
LocutusOfBorg1wxpython3.0 fails to build on ubuntu because of a missing dependency on mesa-common-dev07:39
LocutusOfBorg1dragged in by gtk2.0-dev in debian, but NOT in ubuntu07:39
LocutusOfBorg1some substvars is not working07:39
LocutusOfBorg1pitti, failing :(07:43
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dokotkamppeter, system-config-printer python3 \o/, what is left, hplip?08:04
pittioh wow, it did happen? nice!08:12
pittierr, how would that work? system-config-printer-gnome is still pulling in python-gtk2 and all the python 2 bits?08:14
pittitkamppeter: ^ ah, it actually does use python3-gi and various gir1.2-* now, seems you just didn't update the Depends: for python3 and GI?08:15
pittiawesome, this was a really tough one08:16
* xnox ponders who maintains system-config- et.al and friends08:46
LocutusOfBorg1pitti did you read the mesa-common-dev problem?08:47
LocutusOfBorg1seems that pango in debian needs it, while in ubuntu doesn't08:48
LocutusOfBorg1and this is (one) of the cause of the build failures08:48
pittiLocutusOfBorg1: sounds like a missing build dep in wxpython then?08:48
LocutusOfBorg1sound like a missing wl,as-needed in debian/pango? :)08:50
LocutusOfBorg1I wonder why pango drags unneeded dependencies08:50
LocutusOfBorg1anyway your solution seems the right one ;)08:51
LocutusOfBorg1seb128, you there?09:22
LocutusOfBorg1sorry for bothering09:22
seb128LocutusOfBorg1, sort of, not really, in a meeting09:22
ubottuUbuntu bug 1353362 in cairo (Ubuntu) "cairo needs merge from debian" [Undecided,New]09:23
seb128I can have a look to that next week09:23
seb128I'm travelling this week/in meetings until friday09:23
seb128but anyone can do that09:23
LocutusOfBorg1can I just copy the debian packaging, look at the ubuntu1 delta and ask for a sponsor?09:24
seb128well, you can do the merge if you want yes09:25
seb128if that's the question09:26
LocutusOfBorg1yes, I don't know too much about cairo, I don't want to prepare a stupid debdiff09:27
LocutusOfBorg1this is why I asked you ;)09:27
LocutusOfBorg1I don't know how big is the delta from debian09:27
Noskcajdholbach, transaction is not actively maintained in debian, and turbogears use python-support and many universe depends :(09:27
dholbachNoskcaj, yep, doko mentioned something like that - might be worth trying to workaround the new (build-)dep09:27
Noskcajthe debian maintainer seems to think it's needed, but i'll branch the code and have a look09:28
dokoNoskcaj, can can see this here: http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches-proposed.svg09:29
* Noskcaj cries09:30
Noskcajdholbach, Crappy patch for turbogears made, transaction maintainer contacted09:54
NoskcajI'll push my fixes on i work transaction out10:02
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tkamppeterpitti, principally, I have switched over to the Python-3-based s-c-p 1.5.0 now. If something in the packaging is still missing/wrong, please tell me (or patches welcome). Thanks.11:01
pittitkamppeter: yes, the build deps are py3 now, but not the binary deps11:02
dokoNoskcaj, transaction seems to be unproblematic, turbogears2 is the problematic one11:23
tkamppeterpitti, following python3 packages do not exist: python3-gtk2, python3-notify, python3-libxml2, python3-gnomekeyring, python3-pycurl. What are the replacements for them?11:43
tkamppeterpitti, is it correct that python-gobject is replaced by python3-gi?11:44
pittitkamppeter: yes, python-gobject -> python3-gi11:51
pittitkamppeter: python-gtk2 etc. are replaced with gir1.2-*-*11:52
pittitkamppeter: you need to grep for "from gi.repository import" (e. g. Gtk, Pango, etc.) and map these to the gir1.2-* names11:52
pittitkamppeter: python3-pycurl does exist11:52
pittitkamppeter: supposedly python3-lxml is the corresponding replacement for python3-libxml2, but I'm not 100% sure11:53
slangasekxnox: so lp:~xnox/ubuntu/utopic/upstart/core-split says it's been merged, does that mean you no longer need my review?12:16
xnoxslangasek: pitti has battled it out =)12:22
xnoxslangasek: it typically request multiple reviews, but await at least one extensive review.12:23
pittioh right, it's already in NEW; thanks xnox12:23
xnoxslangasek: where is, is xnox =)12:23
xnoxslangasek: where it, is xnox =)12:23
* xnox can't type today12:23
xnoxupgrades & operation tested on phone, desktop and server as well.12:23
xnoxslangasek: you of course, as an archive admin, may choose to review NEW =)12:25
tkamppeterpitti, thanks. I did all the changes, but did not find a gdk and a gobject in the gir1.2 collection. All the rest seems to be solved.12:27
pittitkamppeter: Gdk is part of gir1.2-gtk-3.012:28
pittitkamppeter: GObject is part of gir1.2-glib-2.012:28
tkamppeterpitti, OK, thanks.12:28
tkamppeterpitti, as the whole thing is running with python3 now and depends only on python3 packages, do I have to rename the python-cupshelpers package into python3-cupshelpers (or simply let it provide python3-cupshelpers so that both python2 and python3 apps can use it)?12:31
pittitkamppeter: err yes, it needs to be renamed to python3-cupshelpers12:31
pittitkamppeter: in fact, the current python-cupshelpers is broken as it only provides a Python 2 package12:32
pittitkamppeter: fortunately the only reverse dependencies are system-config-printer itself12:32
pittiso it didn't break anything12:32
pittitkamppeter: but the rename needs to be done12:32
tkamppeterpitti, ho do I get a python3 package then?12:32
pittitkamppeter: look at its contents, it already is a python3 package12:33
pittitkamppeter: /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/cupshelpers12:33
pittitkamppeter: it just needs to be renamed12:33
pittitkamppeter: and ${python:Depends} changed to ${python3:Depends}, and similar12:33
pittitkamppeter: I suppose you updated its python-pycurl dep already12:33
tkamppeteryes I did so.12:35
tkamppeterpitti, all ${python:Depends} I replaced by ${python3:Depends} in the control file, all python-cupshelpers by python3-cupshelpers.12:36
pittitkamppeter: great, thanks12:36
tkamppeterpitti, no "python-" any more, all "python3-" now.12:36
tkamppeterpitti, all "gir"ified in system-config-printer-gnome12:37
LocutusOfBorg1dholbach, do you have time for looking for a package?12:38
tkamppeterpitti, anything to do with the old python-cupshelpers binary package? Or will it simply go away by "apt-get autoremove"?12:38
LocutusOfBorg1or pitti maybe ;)12:39
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, is it on http://reqorts.qa.ubuntu.com/reports/sponsoring/? :)12:39
pittitkamppeter: yes, it'll be removed semi-automatically as it doesn't have remainin reverse dependencies12:40
pittitkamppeter: so don't worry about it12:40
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, I'm just asking because that's usually the best place to put something which needs uploading :)12:41
LocutusOfBorg1not right now12:42
LocutusOfBorg1yes I know12:42
dholbachok good :)12:42
LocutusOfBorg1(I just would like to see the problem fixed asap12:42
dholbachok, which package is it?12:43
ubottuUbuntu bug 1353362 in cairo (Ubuntu) "cairo needs merge from debian" [Undecided,New]12:43
LocutusOfBorg1sorry for the long time, I needed to prepare the debdiff12:44
tkamppeterpitti, thank you very much, the package is on the way.12:44
LocutusOfBorg1and to check every change in debian if was merging with ubunut12:44
slangasekxnox: only the binary packages get into the new queue, no sane diffs from there ;P12:44
LocutusOfBorg1 /s/ubunut/ubuntu12:44
slangasekbut yeah, I can look at it if no one beats me to it12:44
LocutusOfBorg1I checked every git commit since the last merge from debian and cherry picked them in ubuntu12:44
LocutusOfBorg1and for the shlib file I built it locally and double checked if symbols were still there in .13 release12:45
LocutusOfBorg1everything was good so far12:45
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, maybe I'm not the best person to review this, but instead somebody from the desktop team could take a look at it?12:45
LocutusOfBorg1I still don't know if this is needed12:45
LocutusOfBorg1+  * debian/patches/server_side_gradients.patch:12:45
LocutusOfBorg1+    - Don't use server side gradients, most drivers don't handle those and12:45
LocutusOfBorg1+      are really slow12:45
LocutusOfBorg1seb128 has quit12:46
dholbachI mentioned this in #ubuntu-desktop12:46
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, Séb is in China, where it's 20:46 right now :)12:46
LocutusOfBorg1wonderful :)12:46
LocutusOfBorg1time for VAC ;)12:46
LocutusOfBorg1anyway this is something that worries me a little bit, since the last 10 debian release fixed a lot of problems in the package12:47
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tjaaltonLocutusOfBorg1: can't enable gl backend12:47
tjaaltonbecause of bug #72543412:47
ubottubug 725434 in cairo (Ubuntu Natty) "Nvidia drivers lead to extra memory usage for each process using libGL" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/72543412:47
xnoxslangasek: well the diff is already generated for the source package by launchpad http://launchpadlibrarian.net/181650696/upstart_1.13.1-0ubuntu2_1.13.1-0ubuntu3.diff.gz12:48
dholbachLocutusOfBorg1, no vac though12:48
xnoxslangasek: maybe queudiff simply needs to be taught how to fetch those?12:48
slangaseknot particularly; the binary NEW review is for reviewing the binary delta12:49
LocutusOfBorg1tjaalton, do you think it is still the case? why debian doesn't have this problem?12:52
tjaaltoni don't know12:55
LocutusOfBorg1anyway disabling again might be trivial12:57
tkamppeterpitti, the new python3-cupshelpers 1.5.0...0ubuntu3 conflicts with python-cupshelpers 1.5.0...0ubuntu1 and python-cupshelpers 1.5.0...0ubuntu2, but not with python-cupshelpers 1.4.x and older. How do I the breaks/conflicts/replaces with correct versioning?13:20
pittitkamppeter: ah, for upgrades within utopic from the past few days13:20
pittitkamppeter: hmm, tricky; but I suppose if you just do Replaces:/Breaks: python-cupshelpers (<< 1.5.0...0ubuntu3) it'll do13:21
pittitkamppeter: you can drop these after a few weeks or so13:21
tkamppeterpitti, I get paste.ubuntu.com/7970474/  Anytjing missing?13:33
tkamppeterpitti, do I also needs Conflicts: or Provides:13:34
pittitkamppeter: use --auto-deconfigure as advertised, or dpkg -P python-cupshelpers first and run it a few times13:34
pittitkamppeter: with dpkg alone it's hard to upgrade over breaks: and package renames; apt will figure it out13:35
pittitkamppeter: no, Provides: would be entirely wrong; Breaks:/Replaces: is correct and sufficient, no Conflcits: necessary13:35
tkamppeterpitti, thanks. So then all is correct and I can upload it?13:36
dokoxnox, did you recently touch mpi? https://launchpadlibrarian.net/181599384/buildlog_ubuntu-utopic-amd64.dolfin_1.3.0%2Bdfsg-2build2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz13:36
pittitkamppeter: did you manage to install the packages now?13:36
pittitkamppeter: if that works (with removing python-cupshelpers manually), and s-c-p still runs, it's fine13:36
tkamppeterpitti, all works now. Thank you. I will upload now.13:39
pittitkamppeter: cool, danke!13:40
xnoxdoko: i did touch a lot of mpi.... =(13:41
xnoxdoko: fun, we did do libpetsc3.4.2-dev transition as part of the mega transition.13:42
xnoxdoko: i like how ppc64el is green =) so perfect - ship it. Everyone has switched to ppc64el by now, haven't they? =)13:43
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mlankhorstcan xserver-xorg-video-s3 be removed? it's no longer in debian13:47
dokoxnox, no, blacs-mpi wasn't built there. now fixed13:56
hallynpitti: \o/  thanks14:03
pittihallyn: ah, it's imported, want me to sync, or are you at it?14:09
hallynwhat does imported mean?14:10
pittihallyn: into Launchpad, so it's syncable14:11
hallynok - please go ahead, else i'll do it after bfast14:13
hallyn"you people" had a busy night, 236 unread since 8 hrs ago14:13
pittihallyn: synced14:14
LocutusOfBorg1tjaalton, I'm checking right now14:56
zygacjwatson: hi, I'm trying to convert pyotherside packaging from SVN to git and move it to collab-maint, I got the git tree by following https://wiki.debian.org/Alioth/Git#Convert_a_SVN_Alioth_repository_to_Git but I'm unsure about a few things. Do you have a moment for a few questions here on IRC?15:01
cjwatsonzyga: probably not today; though in general I'd recommend asking rather than asking to ask :)15:03
xnoxcurrent utopic (without proposed) is trying to remove unity and compiz on upgrade and hold-back unity815:05
zygacjwatson: excellent advice: should I try to integrate upstream git repository into the packaging repository? should I (do I have to?) do the same for pristine upstream tarballs15:06
zygacjwatson: and lastly (most importantly perhaps) where do I put the repository to? various alioth docs are kind of fuzzy about that, links end up 404, etc15:07
xnoxactually, i had a broken unity installed locally, downgrading to utopic fixed everything.15:11
cjwatsonzyga: my opinion (not shared by everyone, apparently, but what the hell) is that if upstream git exists or is easily synthesisable, then there's no excuse for not integrating it into the packaging repository15:13
cjwatsonzyga: pristine tarballs are really easy to handle in git using pristine-tar15:13
cjwatsonzyga: I've been converting all my packages to git-dpm, and love it; it makes both the above things pretty straightforward.  I've gone on about it fairly recently on debian-devel15:14
zygacjwatson: do you have an example package that I could look at?15:15
zygacjwatson: branch/tag/etc arrangement15:15
cjwatsonzyga: openssh, parted, grub215:15
zygacjwatson: where can I find them?15:15
* zyga looks at grub2 control file15:15
cjwatsonapt-cache showsrc has the vcs-* headers15:15
zygaright, thanks15:15
cjwatsonzyga: or smaller-scale: man-db, putty, six, trn415:16
cjwatsonzyga: if you don't already have a suitable alioth group, you can push packages under users/; e.g. I have this in ~/.gitconfig:15:16
cjwatson[url "git+ssh://git.debian.org/git/"]15:16
cjwatson        insteadof = debian:15:16
zygausers/ ?15:17
cjwatsonthen I push to e.g. debian:users/cjwatson/libpipeline.git, and that shows up as git://anonscm.debian.org/users/cjwatson/libpipeline.git and http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/users/cjwatson/libpipeline/15:17
zygado you co-maintain any of your packages?15:17
cjwatsonyes, e.g. six is under collab-maint15:18
zygaok, I'll start with that, thanks for your time!15:18
cjwatsonso that's debian:collab-maint/six, git://anonscm.debian.org/collab-maint/six.git, http://anonscm.debian.org/gitweb/?p=collab-maint/six.git15:18
cjwatsonor indeed http://anonscm.debian.org/cgit/collab-maint/six.git15:18
cjwatsonzyga: http://lists.alioth.debian.org/pipermail/pkg-grub-devel/2014-January/013883.html may be helpful too15:19
zygacjwatson: thanks!15:20
cjwatsonzyga: oh, my last comment, for converting existing packages I always like to keep as much history as possible, and http://www.catb.org/~esr/reposurgeon/ was the first tool I found that would let me convert my svn/bzr/etc. history into git without ridiculous amounts of effort15:21
cjwatsonso I can recommend that as a good building block15:22
zygacjwatson: git-svn got the history I wanted15:22
zygacjwatson: though, that's a bare debian repo history15:22
zygacjwatson: so I'm not sure if I shoud reply that on top of upstream releases or not15:22
cjwatsonah, you would want to stitch that into something better15:22
cjwatsonif that were me, I would use reposurgeon to stitch it in on top of upstream so that I could pretend it was always that way15:23
cjwatsonbut your call :)15:23
zygacjwatson: I guess a plain rebase will do in this case15:23
zygacjwatson: rebase the packaging on top of each release15:23
* zyga is still unclear about branches though15:23
cjwatsonA plain rebase is unlikely to be at all straightforward with more than one branch point like that15:23
cjwatsonBranches: if they're ones I want to generally advertise, I create them at the top level and push them, for random personal experimentation in shared repositories I tend to call them people/cjwatson/foo15:24
cjwatsonif I want to push them15:24
cjwatsonNot much more needed really.  If you're using git properly you'll likely have lots of short-term branches locally that you never push anywhere15:25
zygacjwatson: I need to look at your code to have more meaningful questions now15:25
cjwatsonMost of my packaging branches have master, upstream, pristine-tar at a minimum15:25
cjwatson*packaging repositories15:25
zygaI meant the upstream vs debianized branches15:25
cjwatsonThat's upstream vs. master15:25
cjwatsongit-dpm puts the upstream ref in the right place when you import a new upstream version15:25
cjwatsonWhich in best practice is a commit whose parent is the upstream tag and which contains the delta between the upstream tag and the released tarball (if any)15:26
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gQuigsI was wondering why bootchart2 hasn't been automatically synced from debian?  (https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bootchart/+bug/1035385)15:48
ubottuUbuntu bug 1035385 in bootchart (Ubuntu) "[ Request ] Missing bootchart2, please sync it from Debian Sid" [High,Triaged]15:48
gQuigs^the bug is now out of date as bootchart2 has made it all the way to stable (I'm not sure the best place to sync from right now...)15:49
cjwatsongQuigs: overwrites binaries from bootchart; when I last checked I heard there wasn't much point as our bootchart had most of the relevant stuff anyway16:08
cjwatsonActually binaries from pybootchartgui16:08
cjwatsonanyway it's in the sync blacklist16:08
cjwatsonbootchart # keybuk, entirely separate packaging16:08
cjwatsonbootchart2 # cjwatson, ditto; our bootchart source has many of the improvements here, and the pybootchartgui binary clashes16:08
gQuigscjwatson: oh.. in that case should I guess I should file a separate request to pull the systemd units out of boothchart2?16:10
cjwatsonThat might be a good idea, yeah16:10
tedgpitti, Saviq and I are looking at some PPA build issues, which might be from systemd needing a new sysvinit in proposed. Do you know about that?16:10
gQuigscjwatson: will do, thanks16:11
xnoxgQuigs: the problem with bootchart2 was that it was systemd only and doesn't support upstart boot. Kind of worthless for comparing bootspeed on ubuntu then, isn't it.16:14
gQuigsxnox: oh, right, that would make it very useless..16:15
gQuigsso I believe that bug could be marked "Won't Fix"16:17
LocutusOfBorg1tjaalton, please let me know if something else is needed16:36
LocutusOfBorg1right now I'm testing my package ;)16:36
pittitedg: err no, I don't -- what's up with that?16:52
tedgpitti, It seems to be causing some failure in proposed16:52
tedgpitti, http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#systemd16:52
pittitedg: oh argh -- I have a new sysvinit installed locally for a week or so, waiting for slangasek's go ahead16:53
dokotkamppeter, pitti: no way for foo2zjs to use lcms1 again ...17:31
pittitedg: I uploaded another systemd with lower initscripts dep; thanks17:45
pittiSaviq: ^17:45
pittistgraber: https://github.com/lxc/lxc/commit/281b843 > whoops, thanks!17:50
stgrabernp :)17:51
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tedgxnox, stgraber, so I'm trying to use the cgroup feature in Upstart. But it seems on the N4 there is no cpuset or even an upstart dir in /sys/fs/cgroup18:34
tedgIs there something I need to do to get those?18:35
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stgrabertedg: no and they don't need to be there so long as cgmanager is running18:47
tedgstgraber, Then what should my cgroup line be in my upstart job? I was using "cpuset" before because that seemed to work on my desktop.18:51
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tedgstgraber, So it was just "cgroup cpuset"18:51
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stgrabertedg: just had a quick look at what cgroups are enabled in the mako kernel19:00
stgrabertedg: it looks like you can only use: debug, cpu, cpuacct and freezer19:00
stgrabertedg: if you need memory, cpuset or any of the others, you'll have to talk to the kernel team19:00
tedgstgraber, Well, what should I use? :-)  I really just want a bag of PIDs.19:01
tedgI tried cpu on my desktop, but that didn't seem to work.19:01
tedgChanging to cpuset fixed things19:01
stgrabertedg: did you try freezer? seems like this one is available everywhere19:02
tedgstgraber, No, I didn't. I can.19:02
tedgstgraber, freezer gets me much further, thanks!19:12
hallynyou can also just mount -o name=bag , if you only want to collect pids19:16
stgraberhallyn: you'd need to do that before cgmanager starts if you want to use it with upstart19:39
hallynstgraber: /etc/default/cgmanager19:49
hallyn(add it to the list of options)19:49
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tkamppeterdoko, what do you mean? What is broken with foo2zjs?21:50
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