
=== rothgar is now known as jgarr_
jgarr_anyone in here able to give a little help? Trying to find the log related to a login loop at gdm05:55
darkxstjgarr_, gdm logs are in /var/log/gdm06:12
jgarr_I'm assuming I want :0.log06:15
darkxstthat is just the X log06:16
darkxstprobably \:0-greeter is gdm fails to load06:16
darkxstor \:0-slave if login fails06:17
jgarr_I have :0-greeter (no slave) but nothing get's output there when it loops back to login06:18
jgarr_is there a log level setting?06:18
darkxstjgarr_, set Debug=True in /etc/gdm/custom.conf06:18
darkxst(^see last line of that file)06:18
jgarr_darkxst: just tried logging in and got this output06:19
jgarr_I'll turn on debug and restart gdm to see what I get06:19
jgarr_With debug on I get this log when trying to log in http://pastebin.com/c113dAxU06:24
darkxstjgarr_, what is your problem exactly?06:27
jgarr_when I try to log in, it just goes to a blank screen and then goes back to the login screen06:29
jgarr_I can ssh no problem06:29
jgarr_I have 2 users on the system and it does it for both06:29
darkxstand that was slave log? susprisinly empty06:30
jgarr_darkxst: I don't have a slave log06:31
jgarr_just 0 and greeter06:31
jgarr_This is almost a fresh install of gnome-ubuntu06:31
jgarr_I only installed/setup samba and greyhole (disk pooling)06:32
jgarr_so I'm really not sure why this would have happened06:32
darkxstjgarr_, you absolutely need to have a slave log!06:33
jgarr_I didn't do anything to turn it off, so how can I turn it on?06:35
darkxstjgarr_, file a bug (from broken system) using `ubuntu-bug gdm`06:35
jgarr_darkxst: hmm, it wants to open a browser but I only have ssh access. Do you have a url where I can file the bug?06:40
darkxstjgarr_, it should upload everything and then give you a URL to finish it off06:45
darkxstjgarr_, if it isn't doing that try using apport-cli directly06:46
jgarr_ok thanks, just got it submitted06:51
jgarr_hopefully they can help06:52
=== clayfreeman_ is now known as clayfreeman
m1cha_hi all, just wanted to say thanks for a great ubuntu release. I am loving it *hugs his Lenovo W510*12:26
hexxani think i found a bug where are bugs listed12:49
darkxsthexxan, what do you mean?12:51
=== njalk_ is now known as njalk

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