[00:16] sgclark: mind releasing kubuntu annoucement for 12.04.5 ? [00:16] shadeslayer_ : already on it :) just waiting for the formal email and hitting publish! [00:16] yep, formal email is out [00:16] oh cool thanks [00:17] where? [00:17] I see it on ubuntu-devel [00:18] * shadeslayer_ checks ubuntu-announce [00:18] s/devel/release [00:18] sgclark: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2014-August/002973.html [00:19] thanks, guess I signed up a bit to late [00:19] hehe [03:21] Riddell: ping [04:43] Riddell: Found it. python-kde4 and python3-pykde4 still depend on nepomuk. [04:43] Trying to see if I can fix. === zeroangel is now known as Zero_Angel [04:50] Uploaded. We'll see if that's enough. [05:44] Good morning. === vinay is now known as Guest13192 [09:22] apachelogger: I think ubiquity not starting on the plasma 5 iso is a sddm issue [09:37] OK, maybe that wasn't it. [09:58] hmm, "Our current LTS release has had an update, 12.04.5. It adds all the current bugfixes and security updates to keep your LTS systems fresh. Download now." [09:58] isnt 14.04 - current ? [10:20] we have more than one current LTS [10:39] Hey folks [11:01] tsimpson: 12.04.5 lts, and 14.04.1 lts [11:02] tsimpson: 5 year support on both from canonical I'm not sure if Kubuntu is set to the same level [11:03] iirc we do [11:04] takes 2 1/2 mins to boot to a working desktop on 14.04 after upgrading from 12.04.5 [12:20] hola [12:20] ScottK: well done === Riddelll is now known as Riddell [12:26] late night respins was it? === greyback is now known as greyback|lunch === jmux_ is now known as jmux === greyback|lunch is now known as greyback [13:49] ScottK: hmm doesn't seem to have made any difference :( [14:02] ximion: [14:02] um sorry, random keyboard [14:02] :-) [14:38] Riddell: btw Doctor Who at my place on the 23rd? [14:38] Riddell: the projector will be a bit shitty tbh :P [14:39] shadeslayer_: not sure Nim has friends over so I guess depends on what they want to do a bit [14:39] ah ok [14:39] they're quite geeky so I expect they will want to yes [14:39] shadeslayer_: you say office projector on full size wall not as good as your telly? [14:39] yes [14:39] Riddell: my telly is better [14:39] why? with alex's speaker it's awesome [14:39] sharper, better contrast, etc [14:39] nah, I've always found the projector fuzzy [14:39] lacking detail [14:40] you picture snob :) [14:40] I'm just a junk-picture gluton, I like it big and loud [14:40] oh, sorry for having a preference for quality stuff :p [14:40] heh [14:40] that's what she said [14:41] the question is what would the catalans do? [14:41] vote on it [14:41] with 2 questions [14:41] they'd have it open air with the occational man trying to sell you socks [14:41] socks? :D [14:41] sounds like a story behind that one [14:41] had a guy try to sell me socks the other day at that tapas restaurant we were at yesterday [14:42] didn't say anything just put them infront of my nose and pointed [14:42] then half an hour later tried the same thing [14:42] huh, I don't recall that [14:42] maybe I was zoned out [14:42] nah a different day [14:43] ah [15:44] plasma 5.0.1! http://starsky.19inch.net/~jr/tmp/plasma-5.0.1/ [21:47] Riddell: Looks like something worked. [21:48] Or not. [21:50] :) === fenris is now known as Guest9525 === fenris_ is now known as Guest17783 [21:53] Looks like the kdelibs autopkgtest re-ran and got hung for some reason, so kdelibs wasn't even being considered. [21:54] I just forced it to ignore the test result, so it should at least try to migrate again now. [22:19] baloo (the non-virtual package) was still there. That might have been affecting things. [22:19] Just removed it. === dodger is now known as Guest75488