
TJ-apw: could you consider removing the staging rtl8821ae module from trusty builds (or backporting the upstream commits through to 3.16)? see bug 1341275. If you could leave a comment on that bug that'd be useful.00:06
ubot5bug 1341275 in linux (Ubuntu) "Kernel panic in rtl8821ae with 3.13.0-30" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134127500:06
apwTJ- (N,BFTL), it seems to have worked before, i wonder what regressed.  i'll get it looked at05:57
apwzequence, we have had a bit of a pause for the two point releases05:59
zequenceapw: ah07:32
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apwbrendand, yep for some time ... what ya need09:24
brendandapw - something only he can provide09:25
brendand<mysterious music>09:25
brendandapw, that's helpful to know anyway. i heard he was, but wasn't sure for how long09:25
henrixTJ-: are you able to easily reproduce that bug?09:46
henrixTJ-: it may be worth trying to check if commit a699248613f7c32292fac23a60a75bcee14fb4a8 actually fixes it09:47
henrixTJ-: i can build you a trusty test kernel09:47
TJ-henrix: You refer to the rtl8221ae ? I was supporting a user with the issue on an Asus laptop09:49
henrixTJ-: yep, i was refering to that bug yeah09:50
TJ-It seems to me, if the 3.16 doesn't work (although no Panic) there's not a lot of benefit to having the module in 3.13, at the least it ought to be blacklisted by default and a release note added about it.09:51
apwTJ-, yeah likley, we're referring it back to thost who updated it last, so they can decide10:02
onicromsomething in the -31/-32 revisions of the trusty kernel is broken the nvidia binary drivers :( -30 and -24 seem to work with all 3 (nvidia-304,331,340)11:31
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apwtseliot, ^^13:38
tseliotonicrom: I'll have a look at it13:39
tseliotapw, jibel: BTW why am I never notified when this ^ happens?13:39
tseliotas in automatically notified13:39
apwtseliot, this is the first i knew of it too, a good question13:40
tseliotonicrom: our tests show that the modules build. For example: nvidia-331-updates, 331.38, 3.13.0-32-generic, x86_64: installed13:49
tseliotonicrom: are you using drivers from a ppa? (I haven't released 340 yet)13:50
onicromtseliot: i believe i am, let me confirm14:25
onicromhrms looks like i am, sorry about that (xedgers)14:26
onicromim going to revert back to non-ppa verions and report back14:27
tseliotonicrom: ok, thanks, let me know if you still have problems with the stock drivers14:28
onicromserves me right!14:40
rtgUntitled event17:14
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