
Saviqtsdgeos, hey, one thing I noticed on overview → go to Ubuntu Store, bottom swipe (so temp scope to overview)07:25
Saviqtsdgeos, the overview seems to cross-fade with... the dash?07:25
Saviqtsdgeos, feels like it should just be there at full-opacity already07:25
tsdgeoslet me see07:26
Saviqtsdgeos, minor nitpick, Icon { name: "ubuntu-store-symbolic", color: "white" } would give you the app store icon (for the "Store" button in the bottom bar) colourized07:28
mzanettimeh just when I thought the issue with lost input is gone, it happens again07:36
tsdgeosSaviq: i don't get any scope :S07:38
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it's not :|07:38
Saviqtsdgeos, ??07:38
Saviqtsdgeos, silo 11?07:38
tsdgeosdistro + dash_overview07:38
tsdgeosuh oh07:39
tsdgeosgood day for mhr3 not being with us anymore07:41
tsdgeosok, i manually started smart-scopes-proxy and seems better now07:43
tsdgeosSaviq: does "App Store" button work for you in overview?07:44
tsdgeosdoes nothing here07:44
Saviqtsdgeos, yes, works fine07:44
tsdgeosoh man07:44
tsdgeoslet's get silo 11 in case it has something for that07:45
tsdgeoswhich i don't think07:45
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah shouldn't matter07:46
* Saviq tries on desktop with no silo 1107:46
tsdgeosmaybe my scopes are just borked07:46
tsdgeosand i need a restart or something to work07:46
tsdgeosi'm just doing performQuery07:47
tsdgeosand expecting the scopes scope to come back to me with a "oh sure let's show this scope"07:47
Saviqtsdgeos, did you restart scope-registry as well?07:47
CimiSaviq, http://paste.ubuntu.com/7986711/07:49
Cimicard_emblems :(07:49
SaviqCimi, they will all be the same conflict most probably07:49
Cimilet me try weaving07:50
SaviqCimi, but not sure what you want me to do, that's life07:50
tsdgeoslet me try to restart :S07:50
CimiSaviq, kill me would be nic07:50
CimiSaviq, I work on branches for month, other branches get reviewed but not mines07:52
Cimiso I spend ages fixing conflicts and fixing bugs that those branches introduce07:52
SaviqCimi, dude, I did review that before, you were away07:52
SaviqCimi, stop whining, all of us have to deal with conflicts07:52
SaviqCimi, and sorry if your branch has lower priority than other, large merges, but that's just how it is07:53
SaviqCimi, there's 10 of us working on the same project, there's no way to not have conflicts07:53
SaviqCimi, please fix those, I'll review your branch today, was planning to anyway07:56
tsdgeosno workie for the click in scope in overview07:57
SaviqCimi, and sorry for being blunt, but it's really not nice to hear you complain about conflicts for 2 weeks every day07:57
SaviqCimi, even if it's not true, that's how it feels :/07:57
CimiSaviq, because my branch sits in the dust and I have to do every day extra work07:57
CimiI'd rather work on the features instead fixing conflicts07:57
SaviqCimi, care to see others' branches how long they've been in the queue?07:57
SaviqCimi, do you think someone's targeting your branches in particular?07:58
Cimihah no :)07:58
Saviqtsdgeos, works here07:59
tsdgeosi'll debug it07:59
tsdgeossee what's happening07:59
SaviqCimi, imagine tsdgeos when he had to rebase dash overview on top of dash as app, think that was an easy task? did he mention it once?07:59
Saviqtsdgeos, actually the "temp to overview" dash leaking through doesn't happen on desktop ?¿08:00
CimiSaviq, I'd complain if it wasn't probably the 5th time I have to rebase emblems...08:00
Saviqhmm or on mako08:00
CimiI wouldn't08:00
SaviqCimi, it's bad timing, is all, you came back during the sprint, when all of those things were already happening08:01
tsdgeosSaviq: ?¿08:01
Saviqtsdgeos, ooor on my other device, any more...08:01
Saviqand back08:02
Saviqwhoa that's confusing08:02
Saviqapps → store → overview → store... hmm, why can't I bottom-swipe any more? ah, because that is opened on top of the overview...08:03
Cimithe navigation dots are quite ugly, were they design approved?08:03
SaviqCimi, the bar is a wrong colour08:03
SaviqCimi, and they will have to change between light and dark based on the bar colour08:03
SaviqCimi, so yeah, not compleet08:04
tsdgeosSaviq: aha, i know why it doesn't work for me08:04
tsdgeosbecause i have the store as a "favorite"08:04
Saviqtsdgeos, <facepalm>08:05
tsdgeosso fixing that08:05
Saviqtsdgeos, ok yeah, dash leaking through is happening until something fixes it... until something breaks it again08:07
Saviqtsdgeos, like start → store → overview already shows it08:07
tsdgeoslet me see08:09
tsdgeosthat worked fine at some point08:09
Saviqtsdgeos, I'm not even sure we need the opacity change there at all...08:09
tsdgeosthat probably broke when i did the shader thing08:09
tsdgeoswell, that probably is the shader thing basically08:10
tsdgeosthat shouldn't be showing at all :D08:10
Saviqyeah, thought so08:10
tsdgeosyeah refactoring08:11
tsdgeosok pushed08:12
tsdgeosshould be better now08:12
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tsdgeosSaviq: handle is in08:47
Saviqtsdgeos, awesomes, checking08:47
tsdgeoslooks a bit out of place tbh08:47
tsdgeostell me what you think and how you'd improve it08:48
Saviqtsdgeos, well, the asset looks wrong for one08:48
Saviqtsdgeos, is visible in preview where you can't swipe08:49
Saviqtsdgeos, possible to fade out on bottom swipe instead of invisible?08:49
tsdgeosSaviq: looks ultra bad08:50
tsdgeosSaviq: comment out the enabled: overviewController.progress == 008:50
tsdgeosin DAsh.qml08:50
tsdgeosSaviq: well it's the asset i got :D08:50
Saviqtsdgeos, sure ;)08:52
tsdgeosSaviq: preview enabledness removed08:52
CimiSaviq, conflicts resolved08:54
SaviqCimi, k, will review asap08:55
Cimithanks :)08:55
Saviqtsdgeos, in temp scopes it doesn't go away when you scroll up08:58
tsdgeosthat's weird08:58
Saviqor down08:58
Saviqwhichever way that is08:58
Saviqtsdgeos, maybe it should slide down out of view instead of opacity?08:59
tsdgeosSaviq: i think opacity works good enough for the vertical movement09:00
tsdgeosSaviq: but maybe down works for when actually opening the overview?09:00
tsdgeosso you have two different behaviour09:00
tsdgeosbecuase it's using it vs "hiding" it?09:00
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah that might be09:00
tsdgeoslet me see why temp scopes doesn't work09:01
tsdgeosand i'll impement both09:01
tsdgeosand then we can play with it09:01
tsdgeosSaviq: temp scope fixed09:04
Cimimzanetti, when you want to talk...09:09
mzanettiCimi: need to try some more things...09:10
mzanettidandrader: hey, is your branch already in a state where I could use it as a prereq?09:11
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~fboucault/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/flickable_right_speed/+merge/22934309:11
dandradermzanetti, yes!09:11
SaviqCimi, yeah, I know, what about it?09:11
Cimitsdgeos, ideas? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/134855709:11
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1348557 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Make scrolling speed resolution independent" [High,Confirmed]09:11
CimiSaviq, cannot be implemented that way09:12
dandradermzanetti, just finishing updating the vkb mock and will propose it09:12
CimiSaviq, florian ran out of ideas09:12
mzanettiah, cool. I'll do my daily review then in the meantime09:12
SaviqCimi, ugh, attached properties don't go through?09:12
Saviqright, damn09:12
Saviqalthough weird09:12
Cimiapparently only patching qt09:13
SaviqCimi, TBH I think that's really what we should do, actually fix the original bug upstream, not work around it09:15
CimiSaviq, should be a RTM requirementr09:23
mzanettiSaviq: shouldn't this happen automagically? https://code.launchpad.net/~pitti/unity8/update-pot/+merge/23007209:25
Saviqmzanetti, if we do this on every push, you'll get the comment change all the time09:26
Saviqmzanetti, with line numbers09:26
Saviqmzanetti, I think ideally I'd like that to happen per release09:26
mzanettiSaviq: no... I meant some launchpad bot doing this09:26
Saviqmzanetti, no, it only does translations09:26
Saviqmzanetti, it can't do .pot file since it can't know how to do it09:27
Saviqmzanetti, but yeah, a pre-build hook in train would probably be best for this09:27
* Saviq files a bug09:27
mzanettiah... right... that's why KDE has the convention of a "messages.sh" script in each repo, so the bot knows what to do09:27
mzanettiSaviq: anyways, I'll approve that branch then... looks ok09:28
Saviqtsdgeos, shall I rebuild the silo or are you doing the tab show/hide?09:34
tsdgeosSaviq: ah, i already did that09:34
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, pulling ;)09:34
Saviqtsdgeos, sounds like you're off the hook for overview now, then09:35
tsdgeosSaviq: until you find more stuff to fix ;)09:35
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah, but I didn't ;)09:35
tsdgeosok, let's see if i can get a new image on $thephone and SIM unlocking works09:36
Saviqtsdgeos, FWIW I wouldn't have made the tab "follow" the gesture, rather a binary shown/hidden, but that's minor09:36
tsdgeosit was easir this way :D09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, how difficult do you think it would be to hook up the activity indicator to the overview?09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, ok, fine09:37
tsdgeosSaviq: in which regard, for search?09:37
Saviqtsdgeos, yes09:37
tsdgeoshopefully not much09:38
tsdgeoslet me see09:38
Saviqtsdgeos, it should be as easy as || overview.processing09:39
tsdgeosyeah done09:41
mzanettiSaviq: hey, about this: https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-1305885/+merge/22772609:45
mzanettiSaviq: Mirco says we can't have qmltests for this kind of stuff09:45
mzanettiwhich seems odd...09:46
mzanettiSaviq: should we approve it nevertheless and add a TODO item for after RTM to properly mock out the stuff?09:46
Saviqmzanetti, yeah09:47
Saviqtsdgeos, looks great, nothing else I can see broken09:47
mzanettilol... our alarm ringtone really sounds like a lullaby09:47
MacSlowmzanetti, Saviq: also added a corresponding comment09:48
tsdgeosSaviq: great!09:49
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Cimimzanetti, how do you delete an alarm?09:50
mzanettiCimi: --wipe :D09:50
mzanettiCimi: dunno tbh :)09:50
Cimiwhat a bad UX09:50
mzanettiCimi: swipe it to the right09:51
Cimiand many times you flick down instead right09:52
Cimiit should be in a repeater not listview09:52
mzanettiCimi: yeah, right09:53
mzanettiCimi: however, the clock app is being "rebooted" atm09:53
mzanettias in rewritten from scratch09:53
SaviqCimi, hmm, I removed emblem in tryCard from the data part (not template), emblem still there?09:56
CimiSaviq, emblems everywhere!09:57
CimiSaviq, I'll have a look...09:57
SaviqCimi, also, if emblem is defined, you always leave the space for it (wrap title where emblem would be)09:57
SaviqCimi, we can have a category with optional emblems, and we should only wrap title around the emblem where it's actually there, should be 0-wide otherwise09:57
SaviqCimi, also tryDash broken?09:58
Cimiall broken now09:59
tsdgeosi rebooted the phone10:01
tsdgeosopened the greeter "too soon"10:01
tsdgeosand got the "Unity Dash" booting dots animating10:02
CimiSaviq, testDash breaks because of the change to attributes we did10:03
Cimivar hasAttributes = hasTitle && components["attributes"] || false; -> var hasAttributes = hasTitle && components["attributes"]["field"] || false;10:04
tsdgeosCimi: are you basing your stuff on top of dash_overview? or trunk?10:06
Cimitsdgeos, trunkl10:08
mzanettiMacSlow: hmm... I just realize you're reaching out of context again...10:09
mzanettiMacSlow: there is no "notification" in NotificationMenuItemFactory.qml10:09
tsdgeosCimi: you may try dash_overview, it has some substantial changes too and is next-thing-to-land afaik10:09
MacSlowmzanetti, ?10:09
tsdgeosCimi: but confirm with Saviq first10:09
MacSlowmzanetti, being on another branch atm10:10
Cimitsdgeos, we need to move the processing indicator in Components10:10
Cimihave you done that already?10:10
mzanettiMacSlow: well, open NotificationMenuItemFactory.qml and search for "notification"10:10
mzanettithere isn't such a thing10:10
mzanettiyet you're accessing it10:10
mzanettiwhich is bad practice and makes the code a mess in the long run10:11
mzanettiwhy not just adding the accepted() signal to the NotificationMenuItemFactory and connecting to that?10:11
MacSlowmzanetti, well the whole UnityMenuModel is something that's not meant to be kept around in notifications10:11
Cimimake testDash fails on trunk for me10:14
Cimilet me try to dist-upgrade first..10:14
Cimiyeah testDash is broken in trunk...10:26
Cimiqmltestrunner::Dash::test_processing_indicator() and qmltestrunner::Dash::test_setCurrentScope()10:26
mzanettiCimi: fix it :P10:27
Cimiwaiting saviq for a question on attributes10:29
Cimitsdgeos, are you exporting the processing indicator to Components?10:31
Cimior somewhere under qml/Dash/ ?10:32
tsdgeosCimi: which processing indicator?10:32
tsdgeosthe orange line?10:32
Cimitsdgeos, yup10:32
tsdgeosthere is only one10:32
tsdgeosdoesn't need to be exported10:32
Cimitsdgeos, we need it in the overview10:32
tsdgeosit is in the overview10:32
tsdgeosthere is only one10:32
Cimitsdgeos, thought it was outside of it10:33
Cimifine then10:33
tsdgeosit is outside of it10:33
tsdgeosthere's only one10:33
tsdgeosbut it tells it to show10:33
tsdgeosCimi: not sure i'm explaining myself tbh10:36
Cimitsdgeos, when is your branch going to be merged? (really)?10:39
Cimitsdgeos, wondering if scope settings will be reviewed/merged before yours or not10:39
Cimiand which needs to rebase...10:40
tsdgeosCimi: before dash_overview?10:40
tsdgeosdash_overview should go in today afaik10:40
Cimithere is lot of things connected10:40
CimiI'll rebase on yours10:40
SaviqCimi, not sure what guidance do you need from me?10:41
CimiSaviq, testDash is broken in trunk for me10:41
Cimican you test?10:41
Cimicould be due to scope v4 or dash indicator10:41
Cimithen I have another quesitojn10:41
SaviqCimi, indeed two failures10:42
SaviqCimi, I think those get fixed with dash overview though10:42
MacSlowehm... folks... -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/798778110:42
Cimiwe said components["attributes"] were always defined, and the way to distinguish was with components["attributes"]["field"], but in testDash this fails, where can we see how the mock processes the data?10:42
SaviqMacSlow, yeah, merge trunk10:42
MacSlowtrying to compile unity8 and really just branched10:43
MacSlowSaviq, I'm pretty sure I did just that...10:43
Cimimzanetti, dist-upgrade10:43
SaviqMacSlow, trunk already asks for v4 of the scopes api, so you're not up to date10:43
SaviqMacSlow, you may try removing builddir/CMakeCache.txt in case cmake got confused10:43
SaviqCimi, he is upgraded, but cmake's looking for v3 instead of v410:43
CimiSaviq, on components["attributes"]["field"] ?10:44
SaviqCimi, fake_categories.cpp needs to always return ["attributes"]10:45
CimiI'll add that to card emblems10:45
CimiSaviq, which value for that?10:47
SaviqCimi, just an empty map will suffice10:47
SaviqCimi, see what art is doing10:47
Saviqgatox, hey, you pung yesterday, you got along with the indicator in the end?10:48
SaviqCimi, yeah, testDash is fixed in dash overview10:48
gatoxSaviq, yes, thx, i was able to find it in unity10:50
MacSlowSaviq, I've been able to compile unity8 now... but I can't start it any more... -> http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/7987829 (also deleting that file LightDM) doesn't help. What changed in the way unity8 is meant to be started?10:52
Saviqgatox, truth be told I didn't understand your branch from a quick look, was it that the Payments button does give up a "processing" boolean that we should show the activity indicator on?10:52
SaviqMacSlow, you don't have unity8 installed10:53
SaviqMacSlow, you need it installed or copy the data/unity8{,-dash}.conf to ~/.config/upstart/10:53
SaviqMacSlow, but ./run.sh isn't working too great yet with the dash as separate process, I've a branch that needs some love10:53
MacSlowSaviq, hm... didn't touch my ~/.config/upstart in weeks... wonder how the unity8.conf was wiped10:54
SaviqMacSlow, you don't need it there if unity8 is installed, you must've removed it somehow10:55
gatoxSaviq, i propose the branch to have jenkins building it for me, because i was having issues building it on the phone yesterday... i wasn't able to test it yet, but i think it works... the idea is to have a signal to show the overlay indicator as when the preview is loading, when the preview is launching the pay-service or anything in the future, because right now opening applications take a while (and pay service needs to open pay-ui and10:55
gatoxsometimes online accounts), and for some moments you have a preview where it seems nothing is going on, and it's confusing for the user10:55
Saviqgatox, yeah, thing is that should already be happening, at least for actions that involve the scope (like pressing install)10:56
Saviqgatox, I'll have a closer look, thanks10:56
gatoxSaviq, ah ok, so this branch shouldn't be necessary?? let me know if we need to do something or wait for that to happen in unity, thx10:58
Saviqgatox, this might be a special case actually (pay being a special button, opening urls taking a moment)11:01
Saviqgatox, so it might still make sense indeed11:01
CimiSaviq, fixed categories mock11:03
Cimiin emblems11:03
CimiSaviq, will we merge overview today?11:09
CimiSaviq, wondering where to rebase settings11:09
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SaviqCimi, rebase on overview, yeah, even if not today, that's the next thing that's going in11:10
CimiSaviq, yes but if albert is holiday next week11:10
CimiSaviq, we might have settings in before overview11:10
SaviqCimi, no, because we won't wait for Albert to fix any issues in there, we need this in asap11:10
Saviqdednick, on that note, dash overview could use a re-review, would you be able to do it today?11:11
dednickSaviq: can do11:12
Saviqgtg guys, mobo replacement11:14
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tsdgeospete-woods: ping11:17
olligreyback, Saviq, any success on the date time issue?11:20
greybackolli: I've tracked down root cause to be a workaround I added to qtubuntu for bug 134663311:21
ubot5bug 1346633 in QtMir "[enhancement] Autopilot testing needs to know screen coordinates of widgets on screen" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134663311:21
greybackolli: so I'm working on a different workaround11:21
olligreyback, thx!11:22
ollihow bad is it... hours, days...?11:22
greybackolli: I'll keep you posted. In the mean time, SK guys has a workaround ready https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/pickerpanel-workaround/+merge/23006511:22
greybackolli: hours hopefuly11:22
olligreyback, OK11:23
gatoxSaviq, just to be sure.... should i keep working on my branch, testing it, etc? or should wait until you tell me that is being covered or not by unity already?11:25
pete-woodstsdgeos: hi11:26
tsdgeospete-woods: your'e the usermetrics guy, right?11:27
pete-woodstsdgeos: yep11:27
tsdgeospete-woods: i see in the metrics manager you accept a domain11:27
tsdgeosis it mandatory that messages go untranslated and you translate them11:27
tsdgeosor can messages come in translated too?11:27
tsdgeosor is domain not the translation domain?11:27
pete-woodstsdgeos: nope, feel free to do whatever really11:27
pete-woodsyou're correct, it is the translation domain11:28
tsdgeosok, so "" and a translated mesage is also ok11:28
pete-woodstsdgeos: it's preferable to do untranslated11:28
pete-woodsas if you change language then things will be translated11:28
pete-woodsbut it's not the end of the world if it comes in translated11:28
tsdgeospete-woods: will a reboot fix it?11:29
pete-woodstsdgeos: to fix it would require whoever is writing the data to re-run11:29
tsdgeosok, so better untranslated + domain11:29
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Cimican I create a binding from the loaded component of a loader to its loader?11:44
mzanettiSaviq: could I steal 10 mins of your time?11:47
mzanettiI'd need some second opinions11:47
mzanettiCimi: sure11:48
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Cimican I do sth like readonly property bool processing: item.hasOwnProperty("processing") ? item.processing : false ?11:49
CimiLoader { readonly property bool processing: item.hasOwnProperty("processing") ? item.processing : false }11:49
Cimicreating binding inside onLoaded breaks on unloaded state11:50
mzanettiCimi: yeah, should work I guess. You might want to add "item && item.hasOwnProp..."11:51
Cimioh yeah correct11:52
Cimior maybe status === Loader.Ready instead item?11:52
mzanettiwhatever you prefer11:52
mzanettishould end up being the same11:52
gatoxSaviq, ping?11:53
bregmaon one of my Unity 8 desktops all I get is a box that says "Hello" and has a text input ... anyone know what that's all about?11:58
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greybackdandrader|afk: when you get back, I need your input on https://code.launchpad.net/~gerboland/qtubuntu/fix_1351024/+merge/230094 ASAP12:10
pete-woodsbregma: I think that's a password prompt12:20
pete-woodsI get that when I run unity8 directly atm12:20
pete-woodsnot sure exactly why, though12:21
bregmawell, it lack a certain amount of usefulness at the moment12:21
bregmafortunately my other test machine always brings up the online accounts app, which barfs all over and dies immediately, bypassing the greeter/lockscreen and ringing up the dash12:22
bregmasometimes three wrongs do make a right12:22
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CimiSaviq, pete-woods some settings seems to be undefined by default value... what shall we do in the UI? true or false?12:29
Cimiunless model.value is expected to be undefined and we want .defaultValue or so12:30
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Saviqmzanetti, gatox, back12:34
gatoxSaviq, hi... i just wanted to know if i should keep working on that branch or expect unity to solve the button issue for payment too12:36
Saviqgatox, if in current trunk it doesn't, there's nothing in queue to fix that12:36
gatoxSaviq, ack, i'll have this working then12:37
pete-woodsCimi: you shouldn't have to handle it in the UI12:38
pete-woodsCimi: which settings, specifically are like that?12:38
cwaynepete-woods: is there a plan to update the youtube scope in the store to the new api?12:40
cwayneor are you waiting for a promoted image12:40
pete-woodscwayne: it's already been updated12:40
pete-woodsit has been in the store a while now12:41
cwaynehuh, i didnt see an update, weird12:41
cwayneoh well, thanks :D12:41
pete-woodsnp :)12:41
pete-woods1.0.7 is what you're looking for12:41
cwayneexcellent, thanks again12:45
cwayneCimi: do you expect emblems to land with dash-overview?12:45
Cimicwayne, not up to me12:45
Cimicwayne, under reviews..12:45
Cimipete-woods, youtube model.value12:45
SaviqCimi, did you fix the issues I mentioned?12:45
Saviqin emblems?12:45
pete-woodsCimi: okay, this is in mediascanner I take it?12:46
CimiSaviq, which one?12:46
Cimipete-woods,  no idea12:46
CimiI have this show youtube in video scope true | false12:47
Cimimodel.value is undefined for it12:47
Cimiunless i set it12:47
CimiSaviq, ah the 0 padding?12:48
pete-woodsCimi: okay, reproduced it, seems to be a bug12:48
CimiSaviq, I try it in half hour12:48
Cimitaking lunch break12:48
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SaviqCimi, and the fact that it didn't "go away" when I edited the data field in tryCard12:50
pete-woodsCimi: okay, it's because there was a bug in the previous version of the settings12:50
pete-woodsCimi: leading to corrupt settings db -> rm -rf ~/.local/share/videoaggregator/12:50
dandradergreyback|lunch, still need my input there or does Timo's review do it/12:51
SaviqMacSlow, like the branch much more without the regex ;)12:54
facundobatistadoes anybody know if there is a way to indicate that a widget should NOT have a preview? that is, ignore when the user does a long tap on it; thanks!12:54
MacSlowSaviq, I've updated the relevant branches for the text-filter... it needs another look now (https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity-notifications/fix-1335787/+merge/227334, https://code.launchpad.net/~macslow/unity8/fix-1335787/+merge/230087)12:54
MacSlowSaviq, I understand... still I had to skip 7 tests which can't be covered (converted) via QTextDocument12:54
SaviqMacSlow, on the test, please use the _data approach as we do in QML12:55
SaviqMacSlow, an old 4.8 tutorial http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qtestlib-tutorial2.html12:56
tsdgeosfacundobatista: ping12:57
facundobatistatsdgeos, pong12:57
tsdgeosfacundobatista: how do i translate the 7digital scope12:57
facundobatistatsdgeos, lp:ubuntu-rest-scopes, see "locale" dir12:57
facundobatistatsdgeos, it uses gettext12:58
dandradergreyback|lunch, will review it as well anyway12:58
greyback|lunchdandrader: yes please review anyway, since oyu know the code13:00
tsdgeosfacundobatista: oki13:02
facundobatistatsdgeos, any doubt there, just let me know13:03
SaviqMacSlow, FWIW, this kind of "I may be plaintext, but I also can be html" is just broken by design13:06
MacSlowSaviq, yeah13:06
tsdgeosfacundobatista: https://code.launchpad.net/~aacid/ubuntu-rest-scopes/update_pot/+merge/23010513:06
SaviqMacSlow, either you accept HTML and all <> need to be escaped, or not, and they will be broken13:06
SaviqMacSlow, so I'm actually happy with the results you got with QTextDocument13:06
MacSlowSaviq, yeah13:07
facundobatistatsdgeos, what is that?13:07
MacSlowSaviq, just finished adapting the test to the _data() scheme13:07
tsdgeosfacundobatista: updates the pot file13:07
tsdgeosso we can actually translate stuff13:07
tsdgeosfacundobatista: basically i ran ./build/get_translatable_texts.sh13:08
MacSlowSaviq, pushed13:08
SaviqMacSlow, kk13:08
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SaviqMacSlow, I think you could actually use the newRow("") to store the actual string13:09
SaviqMacSlow, this way you'll get better feedback on test output on which case failed13:10
tsdgeosSaviq: how's silo 11 going?13:10
tsdgeosplan to land today?13:11
Saviqtsdgeos, hoping to13:11
MacSlowSaviq, yeah... but blows up the result-output a bit... even if all tests (of text-filter) pass13:11
facundobatistatsdgeos, thanks13:11
MacSlowSaviq, but then... hardly an issue really :)13:11
Saviqtsdgeos, they were expecting scope favouriting to work, too, had to crush their dreams on that (shoulda kinda have mentioned it)13:11
SaviqMacSlow, blows how? by printing the strings?13:12
tsdgeosSaviq: oh13:12
MacSlowSaviq, well it spits out 26 more lines now... initially it was only one13:12
SaviqMacSlow, well, that's the whole idea ;)13:13
SaviqMacSlow, every case there is now treated as a separate test13:13
MacSlowSaviq, certainly looks more impressive now with 36 passed test all together :)13:14
tsdgeosfacundobatista: buaaaarns, some bot unaaccepted my update13:17
tsdgeosSaviq: on $thephone on first boot seems the shell is displaced like 1 pixel right13:18
tsdgeosbringing back the greeter usually fixes it13:18
tsdgeoswrong, blanking the screen fixes it13:19
facundobatistatsdgeos, let's check now13:19
Saviqtsdgeos, yeah,known bug13:23
Saviqunknown cause yet13:23
tsdgeosSaviq: ok, also 5 min ago, restart was not restarting the phone but just the shell13:23
tsdgeosis it known or shall i file a bug?13:23
Saviqdidn't hear that no13:23
CimiSaviq, I don't know why if I unsed the data you still see the emblem...13:23
tsdgeosproblem is that stupid me i shut down13:24
Cimiis weird13:24
tsdgeosso i can't repro anymore13:24
Cimiif you set to an invalid data it hides, valid one it shows.,..13:24
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CimiSaviq, might be something not updated: if you set the data to an invalid png then you remove the data, the emblem is gone13:25
CimiSaviq, if you don't set to an invalid image first and remove the data, it uses the previous emblem13:25
SaviqCimi, rather something looks at the url and only changes if it evals to true13:26
SaviqCimi, and "" does not eval to true13:26
CimiSaviq, same issue with mascot13:26
SaviqCimi, ok, let's leave that, unimportant as will never happen IRL13:26
CimiSaviq, however, changing in CardCreator.js fixes that13:27
Cimisource: cardData["emblem"]; -> source: cardData["emblem"] || "";13:28
Cimiwe can do the same for mascot13:28
Cimisource: cardData["mascot"]; -> source: cardData["mascot"] || "";13:28
bregmaSaviq, could I get you or one of your evil minions to review https://code.launchpad.net/~bregma/unity8/merge-desktop-upstart-job/+merge/230016 so we can get the Unity 8 desktop back up and on to its next shock of the unknown ASAP?13:28
bregmaand, possibly include the MP in the next Unity 8 ci-train landing?13:29
SaviqCimi, sounds good, yeah, maybe the json parser gives up null or undefined and source isn't reset with that13:29
SaviqCimi, so good fix13:29
Saviqbregma, will do13:29
Saviqbregma, ah on that note, can you drop the surfaceflinger part?\13:29
CimiSaviq, in case of null image, shall we reserve space or not?13:29
SaviqCimi, no13:30
bregmaI could, but I have no way to test that13:30
Saviqbregma, there isn't a session like that any more :)13:30
CimiSaviq, mascot reserves space though13:30
Saviqbregma, and I will test it13:30
CimiSaviq, try messing up with the url;13:30
SaviqCimi, I don't think it does in fact (it should not)13:30
SaviqCimi, if it does - bug13:30
CimiSaviq, width and height are static for mascot13:31
Cimiwidth: units.gu(6); \n                            height: units.gu(5.625); \n\13:31
SaviqCimi, feels like a bug13:32
CimiI can do sth like source status === Image.Ready ? .. : 013:32
Cimiwithout source13:32
CimiI can fix that in emblems if you like13:32
SaviqCimi, yeah, invalid image should just not exist in there, if we managed to get it done with GridLayout or something, that would've happened automagically13:49
CimiSaviq, not fixed for mascot13:49
Cimithoght was easy... the calculations with sourceSize causes binding loops13:49
cwayneare there any scopes that currently utilize the alt nav support?13:50
Saviqcwayne, it's not landed yet in unity8 at least ;)13:50
cwayneSaviq: well we can still see the code and see if it makes sense to start integrating them into our scopes :)13:51
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Saviqcwayne, sure, dunno though13:51
Saviqtsdgeos, did you see any real scope using dual nav?13:51
tsdgeosSaviq: nope :/13:52
pete-woodscwayne: I've seen the amazon scope doing it13:52
CimiSaviq, gonna commit this (and fixes tests that will break) http://paste.ubuntu.com/7989005/13:52
tsdgeosall testing is based solely on my fake plugin impl13:52
pete-woodscwayne: although obviously that support depends on stuff that hasn't landed yet13:52
SaviqCimi, from a quick skim looks fine, although are we sure cardData will always be there?13:53
SaviqCimi, on creation I mean13:53
CimiSaviq, I thought it was13:54
CimiSaviq, you told me we always create it or not?13:54
Cimimight have misunderstood13:54
SaviqCimi, yeah, we do, but it might not be bound in time13:54
SaviqCimi, like if that binding evaluates before cardData is bound from the result13:54
CimiSaviq, because I removed it from attributes13:54
CimiI can add them everywhere13:55
SaviqCimi, yeah, now I think about it again, we need at least a check for cardData, because that might be null on creation13:55
Cimiadding all of them13:55
SaviqCimi, if it's defined then ["attributes"] will be there too13:55
SaviqI mean always13:55
Saviqso we don't need to check for that, but the cardData object itself might be null on creation13:55
CimiSaviq, all pushed - apart the fix for not allocating 0 size in case of broken mascot image13:59
SaviqCimi, yeah, ok, unrelated bug14:00
Cimi(which requires lil more thought)14:00
Saviqjeez that grew14:00
SaviqCimi, whitespaces again :|14:00
Cimioh fuck14:01
SaviqCimi, can you add a prerequisite that removes all the spaces and ; from cardCreator14:01
Cimidamn qtcreATOR14:01
Saviq(; where it doesn't make sense, so outside of JS)14:01
Cimilet me revert that14:02
CimiSaviq, but why we added whitespace at end of line in first place?14:03
SaviqCimi, readability in cardCreator I expect14:03
SaviqCimi, so that you don't get lines that all end with \n\14:03
Saviqor actually end with\n\14:03
SaviqCimi, the card creator tests leave the result as a file on failure, shouldn't you just copy those onto the expected ones14:04
SaviqCimi, and check the diff that it makes sense14:04
CimiSaviq, spacing issues fixed I think14:09
Cimidiff seems sane now on LP14:09
SaviqCimi, still 1200 lines for a small emblem ;P14:10
SaviqCimi, '' vs. "" changes??14:11
Saviq200- var mascotShapeCode = "";14:11
Saviq201- var mascotCode = "";14:11
Saviq202+ var mascotShapeCode = '';14:11
Saviq203+ var mascotCode = '';14:11
CimiSaviq, code consistency14:11
CimiSaviq, we always used '' apart here14:11
SaviqCimi, you really don't want this to be reviewed do you14:11
Cimiwhat's the problem?14:12
SaviqCimi, having an MP with a bunch of unrelated changes doesn't help review speed14:12
Cimibunch = 2 lines?14:12
SaviqCimi, there's a whole slew of renames too14:12
Saviqand there's more "" to '' elsewhere14:12
CimiSaviq, you're right about the ''14:13
CimiSaviq, but it's a easy review14:13
SaviqCimi, well, it's not easy any more :P14:13
Saviqtsdgeos, you stuck in SIM land or can help with hopefully a small thing?14:17
tsdgeosSaviq: i am trying to rebuild gallery not to crash14:17
tsdgeosbut if it's quick, sure14:17
Saviqtsdgeos, we need to forward processing from GSVs open on top of overview14:18
Saviqtsdgeos, if you open a temp scope in overview, no processing indicator14:18
Saviqtsdgeos, should be another || gsv.processing14:18
Saviqor so14:18
tsdgeoslet me see14:18
tsdgeosSaviq: pushed14:21
Saviqtsdgeos, awesomes, thanks14:21
Saviqmzanetti, could I volunteer you for https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/wrong-password-handling/+merge/229184 please?14:22
Saviqanother one for evaluation: keyboard persists after you open a scope from search14:26
Saviqtsdgeos, ↑14:26
Saviqtsdgeos, if you think easy, please fix, otherwise we'll do it14:26
tsdgeosi fixed that14:26
tsdgeossomeone broke it :/14:27
tsdgeoswas probably me :D14:27
tsdgeoswith other page header changes14:28
tsdgeoslet me see if it's easy to fix14:28
SaviqCimi, nice timing ;)14:36
CimiSaviq, hah14:36
CimiSaviq, bloody xchat without highlights for words with @14:37
Cimimissed the ping14:37
dednickSaviq: which silo is dash overview?14:38
dednickor tsdgeos: ^14:38
tsdgeosdednick: 1114:39
dednicktsdgeos: ta14:39
Saviqdednick, there's a few fixes on top of the silo now14:40
Saviqsmaller ones14:40
pete-woodsSaviq: if you want any extra help testing that silo, just give me a shout14:42
Saviqpete-woods, we've plenty of hands, it's going into user testing on Monday ;)14:43
Saviqpete-woods, but thanks, you can test it out anyway14:43
SaviqCimi, were you not rebasing emblems on dash_overview?14:45
CimiSaviq, no14:45
pete-woodsokay, just wanted to help (this silo is particularly exciting)14:45
CimiSaviq, scope settings14:45
SaviqCimi, ah14:45
SaviqCimi, looks like you want to rebase emblems, too, 3 conflicts14:46
CimiSaviq, or dash overview...14:46
SaviqCimi, or... not14:46
CimiSaviq, which one gets first?14:46
SaviqCimi, overview14:46
SaviqCimi, small, easy conflicts though14:47
CimiSaviq, dash overview has whitespace changes too14:48
SaviqCimi, are we really playing the blame game now?14:49
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CimiSaviq, yeah!14:49
CimiSaviq, anyway pushing now14:49
SaviqCimi, well, I'm not14:49
SaviqCimi, did you have to rename anchors to artAnchors etc? were they clashing?14:50
CimiSaviq, some of them were14:51
CimiSaviq, so I changed name for readability14:51
SaviqCimi, and btw , ' is only used when there's quotes inside the string already, to avoid escaping it14:51
dandraderdednick, any qmltest for the prompt session stuff?14:51
SaviqCimi, everywhere else we actually use "14:51
SaviqCimi, so TBH I'd rather ' be an exception than a rule in that particular file14:52
CimiSaviq, I asked that question at the sprint14:52
Cimidifference / what we prefer14:52
SaviqCimi, it doesn't make a difference, so *changing* it doesn't make sense to me14:52
dednickdandrader: not at the moment.14:52
Saviqjust for the sake of changing it14:52
dednickdandrader: on my todo list14:53
Saviqespecially in a branch that doesn't deal with that wholesome, but actually implements things14:53
CimiSaviq, https://code.launchpad.net/~cimi/unity8/card_emblems_2/+merge/23012614:58
SaviqCimi, ok, I'm reviewing the original one first anyway14:59
CimiSaviq, i can change '' nack to ""14:59
SaviqCimi, don't, just don't do such changes unnecessarily, they fit in a separate MP that only deals with such changes14:59
SaviqCimi, maybe remove the superseding MP for now, I'm halfway through the review in the non-superseded one15:00
SaviqCimi, this way comments should go over15:00
SaviqCimi, or wait, maybe they'll go over anyway, let's see15:00
greybackopinion wanted: do we consider the orange line under the indicators bar to be part of the panel? Or is it separate?15:05
Cimigreyback, I'd say panel15:06
greybackCimi: me too15:07
SaviqCimi, reviewied15:10
Saviqgreyback, panel for sure15:11
greybackSaviq: ok15:11
CimiSaviq, When emblem is declared, but invalid, there's no right text margin. ?15:11
SaviqCimi, text reaches right edge15:11
tsdgeosSaviq: commited the unfocus15:11
Cimihas 1 gu here15:11
SaviqCimi, should have 1gu margin on the right15:11
Cimimaybe in particular cases15:11
SaviqCimi, when emblem invalid or not there?15:11
greybackpanelHeight is not including the orange line, and so we're actually drawing over the top 2DP of app surfaces15:12
SaviqCimi, it's fine when it's not declared15:12
Saviqgreyback, ouch15:12
Saviqtsdgeos, thanks15:12
CimiSaviq, you right15:12
SaviqI right!15:12
CimiSaviq, font hinting got me15:12
Cimithought was padding15:13
tsdgeosalecu: ping15:13
SaviqCimi, we have a bug there btw, there should be no margins if there's no background and touchdown only covers art15:13
alecutsdgeos: hi15:13
tsdgeosalecu: i'm pretty sure that this is wrong15:13
tsdgeosalecu: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7989543/15:14
tsdgeosyou can't have "static" + translations15:14
tsdgeossince the translation will get run on "start" time15:14
tsdgeosbefore anything is set15:14
tsdgeosand you end up with no translation15:14
tsdgeoswhich is what i'm seeing15:14
tsdgeosam i making sense?15:14
alecutsdgeos: yes, I think I understand15:15
tsdgeoswant a patch?15:15
alecutsdgeos: sure! or a bug should be enough15:15
tsdgeosi have 45 min without much to do15:15
tsdgeosso i'll give you a patch :D15:15
CimiSaviq, no bg?15:16
tedggreyback, So I'm looking at app startup, and I have a case where it's taking Unity 640ms to execute the focus observers. Do you know why that could be?15:16
SaviqCimi, say art + title15:16
alecutsdgeos: thanks!15:16
SaviqCimi, title is unnecessarily squeezed 2gus from the sides15:17
SaviqCimi, when there's no background and touchdown will only affect art15:17
CimiSaviq, paste me components?15:19
greybacktedg: focus observers? Can you elaborate please. Some data would be nice15:19
tsdgeosalecu: hmm, i'll open a bug :D15:19
tedggreyback, The observer for the focus and starting events with UAL.15:19
greybacktedg: I always like questions along the lines "your code is slow, do you know why?" :D15:19
tsdgeosalecu: not as easy as i thought15:19
tedggreyback, Let me put the data somewhere15:19
Cimiok got it15:19
SaviqCimi, but that bug's in trunk anyway15:20
Cimihow should is bt?15:20
greybacktedg: thanks. Did you acquire it with that method your blogged about?15:20
tedggreyback, Yes, I've got a tar of it.15:20
CimiSaviq, let me see if I can quickly fix it15:20
tsdgeosalecu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-scope-click/+bug/135450115:21
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1354501 in unity-scope-click (Ubuntu) "Do not use class static translatable messages" [Undecided,New]15:22
tedggreyback, http://chinstrap.canonical.com/~ted/dialer-start-20140808-095853.tar15:22
alecutsdgeos: I'm just testing it on my device in spanish, and you are right, it looks very weird.15:22
tedggreyback, You can just run the untar'd dir: babeltrace dialer-start-20140808-09585315:22
alecutsdgeos: thanks for the bug15:22
tsdgeosalecu: no prob15:22
tedggreyback, Looking at the "observer_start" and "observer_finish" events15:23
greybackscrew you SSO15:23
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tedgHeh, yes.15:24
tedggreyback, So this is just clicking on the dialer in the dash15:25
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dednickum. woops. just managed to delete my entire working folder. goodbye code.15:28
greybacktedg: ok interesting. I'll have to dig to see what's so slow there15:28
dednickgood news is that i've got lots of space now.15:28
tedggreyback, Cool, thanks!15:29
CimiSaviq, fixed but doesn't look that nice15:32
SaviqCimi, that is the design everywhere, though, that they line up on the sides15:32
CimiI will push15:33
tedggreyback, So I did a run of the clock app and it only took 65ms.15:38
tedggreyback, Not sure what the difference is.15:38
tedggreyback, The only thing I can think of is that clock is a confined/click where dialer is unconfined/legacy.15:38
greybacktedg: that's an astute observation, can you see if other unconfined apps have the same slowdown?15:40
tedggreyback, Just a sec, grabbing a couple more dialer runs to see if it was just a fluke.15:40
tedggreyback, Did two dialer runs, one after another. The first took 600ms, the second less than 60ms. Not sure it's a confinement issue.15:44
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tedggreyback, Hmm, browser took ~150ms. Feel like I'm not getting consistent results, any idea of what I should stop/start/do per run?15:47
greybacktedg: tbh what you're doing is the most realistic, so we need to figure out why the lack of consistency15:49
greybacktedg: I think it's probably a good idea to add lttng tracepoints to qtmir15:49
tedggreyback, Ah, that's a good idea15:51
CimiSaviq, pushed... required more time to deal with emblems, subtitles ect15:57
CimiSaviq, Indent please. ?16:01
Cimiyour diff comment16:01
SaviqCimi, there's no indentation in { }16:03
CimiSaviq, gotcha - fixed16:03
CimiSaviq, are we sure of emblem requirement?16:04
SaviqCimi, not sure what you mean16:05
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CimiSaviq, using statusicon16:05
Saviqand apparently don't care... stupid ^W16:05
SaviqCimi, yes, it needs to be colourized16:05
SaviqCimi, well, you can actually use Icon16:05
SaviqCimi, passing source: to it16:05
SaviqCimi, since it's meant to be square16:05
CimiSaviq, trying16:06
CimiSaviq, icon does not have source16:09
CimiSaviq, only set of named images from the iconset16:10
CimiSaviq, I can try with qt graphical effects16:12
Cimibut we will have to convert the palette colors into HSL then getting just H16:16
Saviqmzanetti a bit of a last minute thing... dash-as-app, dash is foreground, long-left edge swipe, can we ~easily make launcher stay on screen?16:21
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... depends a bit on the ~easily16:21
Saviqmzanetti, as in, Monday morning for user testing ;)16:22
Cimiyes please16:22
Saviqmzanetti, they start 9am in London16:22
CimiI hate it disappears16:22
Cimiline 246 Launcher.qml16:23
Cimiif we have a way to check from launcher if we are in the dash... doable easily16:24
CimiSaviq, do we?16:24
mzanettiCimi: ApplicationManager.get(0).appId == "unity8-dash"16:24
SaviqCimi, sure we do, launcher is shell16:24
mzanettiCimi: however, you need to update it manually as "0" doesn't change16:25
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Saviqmzanetti, don't we have like focusedApp though?16:25
Saviqmzanetti, being a shortcut to 0?16:25
mzanettierr. right16:25
mzanettiSaviq: trying to get away from that though16:26
mzanettibut I guess ok for the hotfix16:26
Saviqmzanetti, yeah right, we have two focused apps at any given time..16:26
Saviq(on tablet)16:26
mzanettiSaviq: yes, for once.16:26
mzanettiSaviq: also, ApplicationManager shouldn't care in the long run16:26
mzanettiSaviq: we just tell it which apps to suspend16:27
mzanettiCimi: are you on it or should I fix it?16:28
Cimimzanetti, I am not on it, but that's the line to edit...16:28
Cimithat you knoew16:28
mzanettiCimi: wrong line :P16:29
mzanettieven wrong file :D16:29
mzanettiah no... I guess we could just add it here16:29
mzanettinah... Shell.qml is better16:30
Saviqmzanetti, think so, shouldn't the onDraggingChanged have a different behavior if dash is foreground?16:31
Saviqmzanetti, sure, Launcher shouldn't know directly, but Shell can tell it16:31
mzanettiSaviq: which onDraggingChanged16:31
mzanettiSaviq: found it...16:32
Saviqmzanetti, Launcher:24416:32
mzanettiSaviq: why should that have a different behavior?16:32
Saviqmzanetti, maybe I'm just reading it wrong ;)16:32
mzanettiSaviq: actually I'm not entirely happy with that code any more...16:32
Saviqmzanetti, anyway, you know your way around it16:32
mzanettiSaviq: its a bit of a mix between the launcher knowing about stuff and the shell controlling the launcher16:32
Saviqmzanetti, yup indeed16:32
Saviqmzanetti, we need a hotfix, not a proper solution, for now ;)16:33
mzanettithat's the thing... one writes it to not know about anything and the next one hotfixes something into it...16:33
Saviqmzanetti, that won't even land in trunk16:33
Saviqmzanetti, we just need it in the silo16:33
CimiSaviq, btw seen I fixed the rest of the things?16:34
Cimiapart the Icon which doesn't support source16:34
mzanettistill need to compile and test...16:34
SaviqCimi, yes it does (ugh, maybe not in trunk yet?)16:34
CimiSaviq, not on my pc16:35
Cimiit fails16:35
Cimimzanetti, I still think we want to change the status to visible16:35
SaviqCimi, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/128423316:35
Cimimzanetti, thus I said line 24616:35
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1284233 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Can't use uris for Icon source" [Undecided,Fix released]16:35
mzanettiCimi: ?16:35
SaviqCimi, Icon has a source property since Monday16:35
CimiSaviq, in staging maybe16:36
SaviqCimi, RELEASED16:36
SaviqCimi, 1.1.1179+14.10.20140804-0ubuntu116:36
SaviqCimi, https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/1.1.1179+14.10.20140804-0ubuntu116:37
Cimiit's friday late afternoon, I started at 8:30am and I am well cooked...16:37
Cimimzanetti, <Saviq> mzanetti a bit of a last minute thing... dash-as-app, dash is foreground, long-left edge swipe, can we ~easily make launcher stay on screen?16:37
Cimimzanetti, does your code keep the launcher on screen?16:38
mzanettiCimi: yes16:38
mzanettibut just figured it keeps it on the screen a bit too often16:38
Cimicool then16:38
Saviqmzanetti, yeah, it needs to switch to visible state indeed16:40
Saviqmzanetti, it has to be the same exactly like a short swipe16:40
mzanettiyep... but there's still an issue16:40
Saviqmzanetti, aanyway16:41
Saviqmzanetti, we have an hour on Monday morning16:41
Saviqbefore UK wakes up16:41
mzanettinot so sure any more if I can do this in an hour :D16:41
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Saviqmzanetti, that's fine, if we can't, we can't, they had could've let us know earlier16:42
mzanettiwell, I'll try16:42
CimiSaviq, mistery solved - CardCreator.js was importing 0.1 not 1.116:42
Saviqok, I gotta unglue...16:46
mzanettiSaviq: Cimi: hotfix... not to be landed for real: http://paste.ubuntu.com/799020816:51
CimiSaviq, Using icon now, added colorisation and fixed png asset for test16:52
Cimimzanetti, hah, line 246 :P /troll16:53
mzanettiCimi: yeah... but we really don't want to land this as is16:53
Cimiof course16:54
Cimimzanetti, also in spread?16:54
Cimibut enjoy weekend guys16:54
* greyback EOW17:11
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mzanettidednick: hey, still around?17:24
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Saviqmzanetti, aaaghhg /build/buildd/unity8-8.00+14.10.20140808.1/qml/Launcher/Launcher.qml: bad whitespace in line 249 ;P17:41
mzanettiwe all love that test :)17:41
Saviqmzanetti, I'm fixing17:42
mzanettiI'm on it Saviq17:42
Saviqtoo late17:42
Saviqmzanetti, aren't you using QtCreator? it strips any trailing whitespace here17:43
mzanettiSaviq: I am for most stuff. But for such hotfixes its too much effort to configure qtcreator17:43
mzanettistill not using colocated branches17:43
mzanettiSaviq: I need to change the builddir, add -j9 to makeopts and if I want run to work add -mousetouch and whatnot17:44
mzanettihence I often just ./build.sh, nano and run.sh17:44
Saviqoh jeez17:46
Saviqmzanetti, well, yeah, I'm not using QtC to build/run anyway, but yeah colo branches FTW17:46
Saviqbut nano? ;)17:47
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, why not?17:47
mzanettigets the job done17:47
mzanettiand I mostly just have to press one key to do something instead of 3 per command :P17:48
mzanettithe only nasty thing is on *wrt, where it mostly autocompletes to nandwrite 'cause nano isn't installed :D17:49
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Cimimzanetti, sudo nano ftw!19:44
mzanettiCimi: ?20:06
Cimimzanetti, I ran it many times :)20:49
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