
Akiva-ThinkpadI really want to say...00:43
Akiva-ThinkpadI really like Ubuntu's Community...00:44
BobJonkman3Yay! Thanx, Akiva-Thinkpad!03:00
Akiva-ThinkpadBobJonkman3, seriously03:01
Akiva-ThinkpadBobJonkman3, the other communities have mean people in them.03:01
BobJonkman3I hear about that, but I haven't experienced it in our Ubuntu community.03:01
BobJonkman3We've got Ubuntu Hours, release parties, the KWLUG here is pretty good, and the same crowd participates in things like SFD and ODD.03:02
BobJonkman3It's a lot of fun!03:02
Akiva-ThinkpadBobJonkman3, I'll need to go to one of the parties some time03:20
BobJonkman3We've usually got a party in Kitchener/Waterloo and one in Toronto.03:32
BobJonkman3Are you conveniently close?03:32

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