
* bluesabre releases Catfish 1.0.3 https://launchpad.net/catfish-search/1.0/1.0.305:15
* bluesabre will upload ubuntu packages for catfish, menulibre, and mugshot tomorrow (later today)05:22
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
ochosicongrats bluesabre, quite the releases going on there08:21
bluesabreindeed, vincent_c just uploaded each to debian08:21
bluesabreso I'll sync tomorrow08:21
ochosioh wow, you're around08:22
ochosiearly morning to you08:22
bluesabrestill up08:22
bluesabrestill working :)08:22
ochosiwe should reply to andrew btw, i like his plan in general, but the idea with setting up the displays systemwide through xfsettingsd won't work08:22
ochosi(and even if it did, that'd only be a solution for xfce)08:23
ochosii guess we either need 1. a daemon that handles all that jazz (like gnome-settings-daemon basically) and that starts early enough or 2. integrate some display handling directly into the greeter and make it produce a good default08:24
bluesabre2. would make more sense08:24
ochosithat'd also mean getting rid of all the options for customizing though08:26
ochosialthough not necessarily08:26
ochosibut i guess adding a default setup and then making that configurable...08:27
ochosiphu, sounds like *work*08:27
elfysounds like 15.10 ... 08:30
elfymorning ochosi bluesabre :)08:30
ochosimorning elfy 08:30
elfyochosi: any word from pleia2 about the next meeting, I mostly only check overnight for pings08:31
* elfy has hopes that pleia2 will set meeting for a more useful time for me08:32
knomehaven't heard much08:32
elfyknome: ok ta :)08:33
ochosisame here08:34
ochosishe's aware of having to set a meeting time (or at least was)08:34
elfyok 08:35
ochosipleia2: could you please set the next meeting asap?08:35
ochosipleia2: thanks! :)08:35
elfythat said - taking stuff to m/l works too :)08:35
bluesabreyay, daily iso works in vbox again11:55
bluesabredang, the installer is sloooooow currently12:09
bluesabrepleia2: I'll try to make it12:21
almosteveryhello, could you please let me know the name of ubuntu dev channel on irc?16:36
ochosipleia2: hm, sorry, have a family feast that day/time, will have to be excused for the meeting17:39
ochosibluesabre: i agree that the 128px tooltip on the desktop is ridiculously large, especially in combination with 32px icons17:41
quantibilityhi there18:24
quantibilityi have bug18:26
quantibilitythat i can describe18:26
quantibilityto a tee18:26
quantibilitybut i think someone may have answer that question18:26
brainwashochosi: but aren't the tooltips meant to offer a quick preview? so bigger -> better?18:33
ochosiyeah, hmpf, not really sure about the use of the previews :)18:43
brainwashochosi: https://code.launchpad.net/~thad-fisch/xubuntu-default-settings/tooltip-size18:55
brainwashbut now we have bigger desktop icons once again (48px)18:55
brainwashoh, mmmh, utopic...18:57
=== a5m0_ is now known as a5m0
ochosibrainwash: this is not about merge requests, we need to do a comparison of the size combinations (like bluesabre started here: https://i.imgur.com/tsLjypk.png) and then find good reasons to go one or the other way19:02
brainwashso that's why I requested it be lowered to 96px :)19:03
brainwashbluesabre's pic visualizes it perfectly (bottom left)!19:04
ochosibbl prolly19:08
Guest67794Hey does anyone know how to re-compile the kernel ? I need to compile it as non-pae, but it keeps ignoring the .config files and re-writing them23:45

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