
martin1989question people02:02
martin1989is it possible that xchat open in this channel automatically?02:02
anarkhosnot so familiar with xchat, but other clients let you do it, so i see no reason why it wouldn't work in xchat02:05
anarkhosnot sure of how to go about it. maybe some setting or maybe you could create a script, program02:06
ianorlin14.04 has hexchat which is continously developed02:15
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average_guymartin1989: it's been a while since i ran xchat but I believe you goto your server list, click freenode (maybe ubuntu servers) edit server, check automatically connect at startup, and in favorite channel type channel you want to open at startup03:29
martin1989thanks man!03:32
martin1989it worked!03:32
average_guyglad i could help ;)03:32
absk007which FS partition should be on a fast drive other than /home? i keep some heavy apps in /opt so that will be on a fast drive too. What else should be on a fast drive for good perf.?05:31
absk007any good lightweight text editor for programmers?06:29
absk007sound mutes on lock. Very irritating. How to stop?06:34
deitarionabsk007: I'm not sure how that's accomplished (I use neither PulseAudio nor light-locker) but I'm guessing that it's probably something along the lines of "light-locker uses the same mechanism as fast session switching and PulseAudio mutes non-active sessions"07:04
deitarion...in which case, the simplest solution would probably be to replace light-locker with a screen locker that doesn't do its thing by backgrounding your session and throwing you back to the login screen.07:05
absk007deitarion, guide me07:05
deitarionabsk007: What are you looking for in a screen locker?07:05
absk007login in :-)07:06
absk007deitarion, also choice of DE07:06
deitarionabsk007: ...that could be a bit tricky since the whole point is that a session running in the background shouldn't be able to annoy a new user who's logging in.07:07
absk007umm...actually i've single user and simply want to choose either lubuntu or lubuntu-netbook07:08
deitarionabsk007: Would this workflow be acceptable? "1. Enter password to unlock existing desktop. 2. If you want another desktop, you log out first."07:09
absk007deitarion, sure..07:09
deitarionThen any screen locker other than light-locker is likely to solve your problem. One sec.07:10
absk007deitarion, i've very limited space in thumb drv. So suggest the lightest one07:10
deitarionI'd suggest something "classic/retro" like xlockmore but it's either not in the Ubuntu repos anymore or in a package I can't find.07:11
deitarionI normally just use xscreensaver, but that's not exactly space-efficient if all you want is locking. One sec.07:12
deitarionGive i3lock a try. It's in the Ubuntu repos and, including a few libxcb dependencies, it only cost me 351 kB of extra disk space.07:13
absk007deitarion, how do you search?07:13
deitarionI just ran `apt-cache search locker` and looked at the descriptions07:14
absk007deitarion, should i remove lightlocker?07:14
deitarionabsk007: First, the package name is `light-locker`07:15
absk007what's the second?07:16
deitarionSecond, there are no ill effects to removing it but I can't tell you how to turn it off without removing it because, when it locked the screen on my system despite being asked only to blank it, I ripped it out and replaced it with xscreensaver.07:16
absk007deitarion, ok. So i remove the damn thing.07:16
deitarionOnce you've got `i3lock` installed, just type that command to try it out. Your screen(s) will go white until you type your password and hit enter, at which point you'll be back to the desktop./07:18
absk007deitarion, how to configure it?07:19
deitarionWhich part, specifically? Launching on idle?07:20
deitarionYou'll need xautolock (82.9KiB) for that.07:20
absk007ok. thanks.07:21
deitarionxautolock also doesn't have a GUI (it would make it bigger) so here's how you configure that.07:22
deitarionBasically, you configure it by adjusting the command line that your desktop runs it by on login.07:23
deitarion`xautolock -locker i3lock` will give you the default 10 minute idle timeout.07:23
deitarion`xautolock -locker i3lock -time 15` will give you a 15 minute timeout instead.07:23
deitarionIf you want hot corners for forcing "lock now" and/or "never lock", those are handled via the -corners option.07:24
deitarionFor example, to have the top-left as "lock now" and the top-right as "never lock" with the other two ignored, you'd use `-corners +-00`07:24
deitarionYou can read about the details via `man xautolock`07:25
absk007deitarion, how to config it in startup?07:25
deitarionabsk007: Do you have any experience setting things to run on login?07:25
absk007deitarion, nope!07:25
deitarionLauncher > Preferences > Default applications for LXSession > Autostart07:26
deitarionPaste the xautolock command line into the text entry field and click the "Add" button beside it.07:26
absk007yeah! i'm on that screen07:26
absk007deitarion, what's LXRandR?07:27
deitarionabsk007: The LXDE GUI for controlling monitor settings. Try running `lxrandr` and you'll see what I mean.07:28
absk007oh! it's the monitor setting dialog07:28
absk007shall i also turn off the screensaver?07:28
deitarionXRandR = X11 Resize and Rotate07:28
deitarionabsk007: You've got a screensaver installed? Doesn't that have a locker in it?07:29
absk007deitarion, why is init pid 1 rather than upstart?07:29
absk007deitarion, i've gnome-screensaver installed07:30
deitarionabsk007: Because Upstart isn't an init replacement.07:30
absk007deitarion, but the docs say so..07:30
absk007Upstart is an event-based replacement for the traditional init daemon – the method by which several Unix-like computer operating systems perform tasks when the computer is started.07:31
deitarionabsk007: Maybe I'm wrong there and /sbin/init is part of Upstart then. I never paid much attention to it.07:31
deitarionThe point is that, regardless of what provides it, it only makes sense to name your init system's core /sbin/init because that's the default path the Linux kernel tries to run to bring up the system.07:33
deitarionYes, you can specify another path on the kernel command line, but that complicates booting a custom kernel because it's another thing to forget to do.07:33
deitarionSort of like how, whether it's provided by bash, dash, or something else, there has to be a /bin/sh because tons of shell scripts depend on it being there.07:34
absk007deitarion, then why is http://i.imgur.com/CIdj0SF.png upstart option unchecked?07:34
deitarionabsk007: Don't read too much into the contents of "LXSession configuration". It's very flawed at the moment.07:35
deitarionIf I didn't need a newer glibc and GCC, I'd have stayed on Lubuntu 12.04.07:35
absk007deitarion, should i write gnome-screensaver in the screensaver here http://i.imgur.com/xP7OLR2.png ?07:36
deitarionabsk007: Honestly, I wouldn't touch anything outside the Autostart tab on pain of "If it breaks, you get to keep both pieces"07:37
absk007how to config gnome-screensaver using GUI?07:38
deitarionabsk007: No clue. The last time I used GNOME, it hadn't been invented yet and they were still running xscreensaver.07:38
absk007i'm on openbox07:39
deitarionabsk007: Let me rephrase that then. I've never used anything other than xscreensaver and KDE 3.5's KScreenSaver.07:39
absk007deitarion, why is everything prefixed with "x"??07:45
deitarionabsk007: Because the graphical system Linux uses is called X1107:46
absk007how to config the i3lock while using xautolock?07:46
deitarionIt's similar to how many KDE applications begin with K, many non-KDE Qt applications begin with Q, and many GTK+ or GNOME applications begin with G.07:46
absk007deitarion, what exactly is x11? a DE?07:47
absk007or a windowing toolkit?07:47
deitarionabsk007: Even lower level.07:47
absk007i don't understand these things.. could you guide me to the basics?07:48
absk007deitarion, i mean a tutorial07:48
deitarionabsk007: Basically, X11 is a server that offers programs access to the video card, keyboard, and mouse.07:49
absk007deitarion, is KDE & Gnome built on top of X11?07:49
deitarionKDE and GNOME are built on top of GTK+ and Qt. GTK+ and Qt use X11 to talk to the video card, mouse, and keyboard.07:49
deitarionThink of it like this: Linux handles sharing the CPU, network, and hard drive(s) between multiple programs so they don't step on each others toes.07:50
deitarionX11 is a program which runs on Linux (or other OSes) and does the same thing for the video card, mouse, and keyboard.07:50
deitarionGive me a sec to see if I can find the interactive tutorial I saw a few weeks ago.07:51
absk007X11 just manager only 3 things? KB, VideoCard & Mouse?07:52
deitarionabsk007: To properly understand what X11 is, you have to understand how it started.07:52
deitarionIn the beginning, you had time-shared text terminals.07:52
absk007time-shared text terminals??? time-shared??07:53
deitarionOne big machine with and then you plugged terminals (basically, remote text screen + keyboard) into it over long wires so you could share the same CPU among multiple users at the same time.07:53
deitarions/with and/and/07:53
deitarionThen, people wanted graphics, so they needed a way to do the same thing with graphics.07:54
deitarion...so they designed a system where you'd have a bunch of terminals (sort of like PCs but running nothing but X11) networked to the big machine with the CPU.07:55
deitarionThe programs would run on the big machine and X11 would run on the terminals where the mouse, keyboard, and screen are.07:55
absk007time-shared means one person puts his long wire. Uses the cpu and then the other one?07:56
deitarionabsk007: Same basic principle as how your PC runs more than one program at once. A CPU can only do one thing at once but it'll seem to be doing more than one thing at once if it switches back and forth quickly enough.07:57
absk007deitarion, hmm..07:57
deitarion"time-sharing system" is ye olde term for a machine which provides service to multiple people using that trick.07:58
absk007deitarion, so in the old times, in time-shared systems, people had only text terminal per machine. But using X11, they got more than one terminal. rt?08:00
absk007^had only one08:00
deitarion...and my computer just started flashing "Go The @#$% To Sleep!" on the screen, so I'll have to go to bed soon.08:01
absk007deitarion, won't you xplain me?08:03
deitarionabsk007: I would explain, but I'm not sure what your last question was asking. Give me a sec.08:04
absk007deitarion,  so in the old times, in time-shared systems, people had only one text terminal per machine. But using X11, they got more than one terminal. rt?08:05
deitarionabsk007: That's what X11 was commonly used for, but you might be missing the point.08:05
deitarionabsk007: In the old days, there would be one big machine with a bunch of these plugged into it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:DEC_VT100_terminal.jpg08:06
deitarion(Those don't computer on their own. They're only smart enough to send text to the real computer and obey "draw this text over there" commands received in reply)08:06
absk007deitarion, yeah! that's what i's imagining. And the X11 are more like modern PCs. rt?08:07
deitarionThis is what X11 was invented for. --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Network_Computing_Devices_NCD-88k_X_terminal.jpg08:07
deitarionIt's just as dumb as the VT100... but it does graphics instead of text so you can show a desktop on it.08:07
absk007like this? http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d4/X-Window-System.png08:09
deitarionYeah. You can actually still do that on a modern PC.08:09
deitarionIt's been a while but I think that window manager is called mwm.08:09
deitarionThen, as PCs got cheaper and more powerful, X terminals became less necessary because you could have lots of little computers rather than one big one... but since X11 already did the job, they didn't replace it. They just kept improving it.08:10
absk007hmm.. so oldies were not computers. Just a remote terminal to make the big boss machine work. But after X11, the indiviual computers compute !! gr8.08:10
deitarion*nod* We still use X11, but we run it on the same PC as the programs that do the work.08:10
deitarionIF it helps, here's how things fit together at the X11 level --> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:X_client_server_example.svg08:11
absk007got that!!08:12
deitarionIf you've got two machines with Linux, try using `ssh -X` to log into the other one, then running something like `xrandr`. You'll get a program that's running on one machine but being displayed on the other machine's desktop.08:12
absk007haven't tried that. will surely try.08:13
deitarionAnyway, the last two points are:08:13
deitarion1. Here's how it all fits together: A desktop environment is a collection of programs. Those programs rely on widget toolkits like GTK+ and Qt to piece together their GUIs. GTK+ and Qt rely on X11 to grab input from the mouse and keyboard and push pixels to the video card.08:14
deitarionX11's job is to manage all the different windows on a shared desktop. The job of a window manager like Openbox is to draw window borders and to control what mouse and keyboard actions cause which behaviours (eg. move, resize, etc.).08:16
absk007so beneath every modern distro, there is X1108:17
absk007also under Windows?08:17
deitarionNo. Windows has its own graphics and input subsystem.08:18
deitarion...and MacOS X also has its own called Quartz.08:18
absk007why they've different when they could've used X11?08:18
absk007wasn't X11 good?08:18
deitarionWindows did it differently because, back when Windows started, X11 was too heavy for home PCs.08:19
deitarionThe reason MacOS X did it differently ties in with my second point...08:19
deitarionX11 is getting old and creaky. When X11 was designed, GPUs didn't exist and memory was expensive.08:19
absk007deitarion, so is there any X11 replacement which is better?08:20
deitarionThat means that the guts of X11 don't use the hardware as efficiently as they could.08:20
deitarionThat's why you may be hearing about this "Wayland" thing. Wayland is being developed by the X11 guys as the successor to X11.08:20
deitarionIt's not yet ready for day-to-day use by the general public, but they're working on it.08:20
absk007any experimental distros that use Wayland?08:21
deitarionRebeccaBlackOS is one08:21
absk007is Wayland more faster and efficient than Windows' proprietary one?08:22
deitarionIt's still too young to tell. They're still working on getting everything designed properly before they move on to fine-tuning it all for speed.08:22
deitarionFor example, have you ever had a game crash and leave your desktop at the wrong resolution?08:23
absk007if that would be the case, then linux will be the next gaming platform. I suppose08:23
absk007deitarion, yeah! many times on old games08:24
deitarionWayland should fix that by making a clear distinction between "I want this resolution" (which means that it automatically goes back to normal when the program exits) and "I'm a control panel for setting the default desktop resolution" (which means it stays that way)08:24
deitarionThat's actually a common problem with both X11 and legacy Windows stuff. Back when they were invented, people trusted the programs more.08:25
deitarionOne of the reasons Wayland is taking so long is that they're being careful to design it so you don't need to trust programs as much.08:26
deitarionFor example, have you ever thought about how scary a screenshot tool is?08:26
deitarionAny program on Linux OR Windows can steal your credit card number if it asks for a screenshot at the right time.08:27
absk007yeah! Modern Keyloggers08:27
deitarionOne of the things they're currently discussing for Wayland is how to allow screenshots in a secure way.08:27
absk007the legacy X11 is the main reason AAA games are not released for Linux. I suppose? If Wayland comes in, AAA games will be also available for Linux.08:28
deitarionabsk007: Actually, no.08:28
absk007umm.. why?08:28
deitarionIt's more that big development houses are lazy. Look at how many games got "ported" to MacOS X by wrapping them up in Wine.08:28
absk007DX on Windows is faster. rt?08:29
deitarionNo, DX is just what they're familiar with.08:29
absk007umm...may be that's the reason.08:30
deitarion...but all is not lost.08:30
deitarionRemember, there's always inertia.08:30
deitarionCurrent games are time-consuming to port because they've already been written.08:30
absk007but the future....08:31
deitarionA lot of big-name game engines like Unreal Engine 4 are getting native Linux support, so games written on those will be easy to port.08:31
deitarion...and for companies writing their own, there's more an more information on how to use SDL2+OpenGL instead of DirectX so your game is VERY easy to port, not just to Linux and OSX, but Android, iPhone, and countless other platforms.08:31
deitarions/more an more/more and more/08:32
absk007i always wondered how can a framework that the whole world is contributing be slower in perf. than a proprietary one which only a minority makes.08:33
absk007here is the answer then. Thanks.08:33
deitarionabsk007: Because Microsoft can dictate terms to the world. It's a tortoise and hare thing.08:34
deitarionProprietary tends to get there first, but open source tends to win in the end.08:34
deitarionAlso, you might enjoy this talk by Ryan Gordon at Steam Dev Days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Sd8ie5R4CVE08:35
deitarionIt's an introduction to porting games to Linux, but I think it's enjoyable to watch whether or not you're a game porter.08:35
absk007i would love to create games if i've the ability. I was learning Java Game Dev for sometime.08:36
deitarion(For a long time, Ryan "Icculus" Gordon was THE person porting games to Linux. In fact, for better or for worse, at least one guy in the games industry nicknamed him "The Linux Games Industry")08:36
absk007Wow! One Guy becomes the Industry for Linux Games.08:37
deitarionHere's his talk on the history of the linux game industry if you want more on that --> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n6A85exfRtA08:38
absk007and this damn Java thing is very memory hog for big apps.08:38
deitarionabsk007: I've written various apps but not really any games... mainly because I'm more interested in finding ways to make more free time for myself.08:39
absk007thanks for the vids.08:39
deitarionNo problem.08:39
absk007and also thanks for the immense knowledge that you showed on me. I'm blessed. Thanks Again.08:40
deitarionAgain, no problem. I like to talk. :P08:40
deitarionAnyway, if you want to develop games and results are what you care about, my advice is to start with a pre-existing game engine rather than writing your own.08:42
absk007like JMonkey08:42
absk007i gotta go bath. It's 2:10 PM here. You kept me listening to you. You're awesome. Good bye. Talk you later, then.08:43
deitarionIt's 4:43AM here so I'll be going to bed now.08:43
absk007ok. Good night.08:43
absk007i mean Good Morning.08:43
absk007it's very complicated.08:43
absk0074:43 AM is morning or night??08:44
deitarionVery early morning.08:44
absk007lolz :D08:44
absk007or late night08:44
deitarionAs in "Almost five hours ago, it was midnight"08:44
absk007ok. good bye.08:45
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comics_ideesI use noobslab to download new software for lubuntu. Are there any other sources similar with noobslab?11:07
absk007Should i remove "apport"?11:15
sydneyDoes lubuntu use zram by defult?12:55
sydney!zram lubuntu12:56
ubottuzRAM is a module of the Linux kernel which increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM, useful on systems with less RAM, and SSDs.  Install zram-config to enable zRAM.12:56
sydney!info zram12:56
ubottuPackage zram does not exist in trusty12:56
joern!info zram-config13:29
ubottuzram-config (source: zram-config): Upstart job to enable zram support. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.1 (trusty), package size 3 kB, installed size 41 kB13:29
koellHi guys. I ve a problem: When I try to install lubuntu on a new thinkpad t440s, i always get the error/exit code 141. i checked the md5sum twice, it is correct. i also updated the uefi/bios before. so whats going wrong with my installation?13:48
absk007deitarion, i3lock doesn't set image14:19
absk007what's the release notes for 14.04.1 ?15:41
tsimpsonit's just a new ISO with all the updates from the date of the original release already applied15:43
tsimpsonit's not a new release, just an update milestone15:44
ianorlinfast /usr will make programs start up faster16:21
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absk007Which Additional Driver should i use? http://i.imgur.com/EzG1vnA.png16:52
absk007how to beep when power low?16:59
suncokrethow is weather in India? :)17:02
absk007Pale & Raining. Flood in 8 districts.17:02
absk007how is there?17:05
suncokrethere is mostly sunny last two days, and last few months was often cloudy and rain17:08
deitarionabsk007: Pass "i3lock -i /path/to/image.png" to xautolock (including the quotes)17:54
deitarionabsk007: ...and keep in mind that it only understands PNG files, so you might need to `convert image.jpg image.png` first.17:56
absk007deitarion, but the specs say it supported XPM files17:57
absk007and also mentions about converting 'em17:57
deitarionabsk007: All I know is that `man i3lock` only says PNG and it doesn't support JPEG on my system.17:57
deitarionabsk007: ...and, really, if PNG is supported, don't bother with XPM. PNG is superior in every way.17:59
absk007deitarion, ok. The image is tiled not in full screen. My res is 1600 x 900. Img. is 1366 x 76817:59
absk007it won't stretch17:59
absk007can use convert to expand the res?17:59
deitarionabsk007: Yeah, you can. Do you want to stretch it or pad it out with a solid-color border?18:00
absk007i wanna stretch it18:00
absk007deitarion, shall i use -scale?18:01
deitarionabsk007: http://www.imagemagick.org/Usage/resize/18:02
deitarionRead the "Fill Area Flag ('^' flag)" section18:03
SilverLionhey airtonix_18:23
SilverLionaison I meant ;)18:23
Aisonis there a way to see why --configure of a package fails?18:23
SilverLioneeeehm. no clue ^^ i am just a newbie myself :(18:24
AisonI just tried to install ssmtp package (removes lsb-invalid-mta), but it fails at configure18:24
absk007Aison, probably because it's not configurable18:25
Aisonabsk007, the point is, it fails on apt-get install ssmtp18:25
absk007do "apt-get install -f"18:26
absk007this does some error check.18:26
AisonE: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)18:27
Aisonthe funny thing is, i'm using ssmtp on my ubuntu servers also, and there it always worked18:27
absk007dpkg --configure18:27
Aisononly error I can see: hostname: Name or service not known18:28
Aisonhostname works, hostname -f fails18:29
absk007Aison, i can't help then. Over to phillw18:29
absk007or someone else.18:30
Aisonjust found this: http://askubuntu.com/questions/185070/why-i-get-hostname-name-or-service-not-known-error18:30
Aisonit is pretty old (12.04), but same error18:30
Aisonok, the solution works also with 14.04 ^^18:33
absk007Aison, most of the time it works18:43
absk007how to disable monitor off automatically while VLC is fullscreen?19:38
Mr_CometVLC has option?19:42
absk007Mr_Comet, umm..dunno.19:46
Mr_Cometcheck out the options?19:47
Mr_Cometunder VLC19:47
absk007Mr_Comet, there is this "Disable Screenserver" option. But i don't think it will be of much help coz after 5 mins., i've setup in Pwr Mgmt. to standby my monitor19:48
Mr_Cometdisable pwr mgmt?19:51
Mr_Cometyou have to make a compromise.19:51
Mr_Cometunless you set a long time delay19:52
Mr_Cometand move the mouse once awhile19:52
absk007Mr_Comet, everyone knows that will always work. If you have a problem with a guy, Do you normally cut his/her head off?19:52
Mr_CometI play movies on default Gnome mplayer19:52
Mr_Cometno issues.19:52
Mr_Cometmaybe due to laptop.19:53
absk007mplayer doesn't play all audios19:53
absk007i've very limited space constraints.19:53
absk007only 7.42 GB19:53
absk007carries my whole OS and all the heavy apps i use19:54
Mr_Cometi see19:55
Mr_Comet14.04 bug?19:58
Mr_Cometsomeone has the same issues but with xubuntu19:59
Mr_CometDo you have any alternative for VLC?19:59
SilverLiona) this is LUBUNTU and not xubuntu ;)20:14
SilverLionb) what's the issue with VLC?20:15
SilverLionc) have a look at the energy settings in Preferences to check and configure when the screen may go black20:15
Mr_Cometscreen keeps shutting down despite movie running on vlc20:15
SilverLionyes because the power supply settings do overwrite vlc20:16
phillwSilverLion: xubuntu and share xscreensaver and xcfe power manager :D20:27
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