
=== magic is now known as Logician
lordievaderGood morning.08:27
BluesKaj'Morning all10:58
=== shadeslayer_ is now known as shadeslayer
goneeurohi guys. Is there a reason you can think of why gparted keeps getting held back on an apt-get upgrade on 14.10?13:08
penguin42goneeuro: Try a dist-upgrade13:09
goneeuropenguin42: Tried that also.13:10
TJ-goneeuro: dependencies13:10
BluesKajAfter the large upgrade and dist-upgrade yesterday the desktop kubuntu 14.10 won't shutdown normally, dropping to a VT/TTY doesn't work since the wireless KB is no longer recognized. However no such problems after the upgrades on this laptop with 14.10....looks HW related on the desktop14:48
BluesKajoops spoke too soon, it reboots fine now ....strange14:51
=== Logician is now known as magic
smallfoot-Compiz and Firefox in Utopic are older than in Trusty17:59
penguin42smallfoot-: I have 31.0~b6+build2-0ubuntu1 for firefox on utopic18:33
smallfoot-ya 31.0-beta618:34
smallfoot-and trusty have 31.0 (final)18:34
smallfoot-so Firefox in Trusty is newer than in Utopic18:34
penguin42hmm curious18:34
shay_shayhello. how can I disable this: https://www.dropbox.com/s/zm1o4yeg1h94e0v/Screenshot-Information%20available.png19:36
shay_shayhow do i fix this19:42
shay_shayttf-mscorefonts-installer has completed successfully19:42
shay_shayi went through and checked to make sure everything the script made was in place19:42
shay_shayactually the reason why it failed in the first place is unbeknownst to me, but what i can say is i got it to successfully install everything only by downloading all the parts and hosting them on my own webserver19:43
shay_shayand using /etc/hosts to point downloads.sourceforge.net at my nginx server19:44
shay_shayso after I did this, the installer successfully installed everyhing, but still ended with non-zero exit status19:44
shay_shaywhich is why i get this popup every day19:45
shay_shayit completed but it said it didnt19:45
shay_shayrunning that "action" does nothing19:45
shay_shaya terminal window opens for a split second and then closes19:46
shay_shayand then ;ater the popup shows up again19:46
smallfoot-Compiz and Firefox in Utopic are older than in Trusty21:56
Daekdroomsmallfoot-, have you noticed that repeating that over days in here has resulted in no fix for it?22:02
smallfoot-im still waiting for the fix22:09
shay_shayDaekdroom: lol22:42
shay_shayshould he make a bug report?22:42
shay_shayi'm just wondering..22:43
Daekdroomshay_shay, I think both will get updated sooner or later. I find it odd that Firefox hasn't been updated already after so many days. Compiz probably will only get updated when they decide to update Unity.22:45
DaekdroomAnyway, I think such question/request might be better answered at #ubuntu-mozillateam and #ubuntu-unity22:49

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