
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 181 building (started: 20140810 02:05) ===02:04
plarscjwatson: I assume it should continue to be called "touch_stable" though, right?02:48
plarscjwatson: image-1 is kicking off now :)02:57
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 181 DONE (finished: 20140810 03:35) ===03:34
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/181.changes ===03:35
cjwatsonplars: Yes, thanks08:22
=== psivaa is now known as psivaa__
nik90rsalveti: btw I have added a video to https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/1351048 to illustrate the issue I face with the recent emulator images.18:31
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1351048 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Apps are extremely laggy as of emulator image >=165" [Undecided,New]18:31
nik90rsalveti: do note that this is on the same hardware and older emulator images do not have this issue.18:31
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 182 building (started: 20140810 18:45) ===18:44
* popey wonders what's in 18218:45
rsalvetinothing new, just doing another armhf build only so we can try to sync the x86 build number18:46
rsalvetinik90: yeah, I wonder if that's because of qtmir18:57
nik90rsalveti: yeah19:04
nik90rsalveti: is this something you experience too?19:05
rsalvetinik90: yup19:05
nik90rsalveti: I am not sure if you noticed but the seconds hand in the clock app (new one) was jittery instead of being smooth.19:06
nik90rsalveti: I suspect animations are laggy due to qtmir19:07
rsalvetinik90: yeah, this is what I'm getting as well19:07
rsalvetikind of a slow down and jittery from time to time19:07
rsalvetineed to ask someone from the mir team to take a look at that bug19:07
imgbot=== trainguard: IMAGE 182 DONE (finished: 20140810 19:55) ===19:54
imgbot=== changelog: http://people.canonical.com/~ogra/touch-image-stats/182.changes ===19:55

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