
hggdhonly one thing about the server factoid -- it now uses the same kernel as the desktop00:35
phunyguy@mark #ubuntu Tin_man offtopic youtube videos03:02
ubottuThe operation succeeded.03:02
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, rww said: ubottu: female-#ubuntu-offtopic is <reply> https://i.imgur.com/WsrS1U2.jpg04:40
ubottucfhowlett called the ops in #ubuntu (imacat,)09:02
kcjHello, got +q in #ubuntu-offtopic because my flatmates drunken friends are idiots.20:50
kcjAnyone around?21:06
zacwallsi was banned from #ubuntu. it was a misunderstanding. can i go back now.21:27
Lukas1321I haven't joined to #ubuntu for a very long time; now I can't because I'm banned. Can anyone please tell me the reason?22:00
ikoniaI'll take a look for you22:05
ikoniagive me a moment please.22:05
ikoniaLukas1321: I don't see any reason you'd be banned22:07
Lukas1321ikonia, I only know that I'm banned22:08
Lukas1321If there's no reason, can someone unban me from there please?22:08
ikoniaI'm just trying to find your ban22:09
ikoniafind out what and sort it out with you22:09
tsimpsonMatch: *21!*21@* by k1l_ in #ubuntu on Jul 18 2014 23:10:31 (ID: 63266)22:11
tsimpsonseems a bit wide to me22:11
ikoniagood spot tsimpson22:11
ikoniatsimpson: are you sorting it ?22:12
tsimpsonyeah, I'll remove it22:12
Lukas1321thank you22:12
tsimpsonyou should be able to join now Lukas132122:13
Lukas1321Thank you tsimpson22:13
tsimpsonyou're welcome :)22:13
Lukas1321anyway, what does "*21!*21@*" mean?22:13
tsimpsonit's a ban mask, it matches anyone with a nick or ident that ends in 2122:14
tsimpsonand Lukas1321 does indeed end in 21, so you got matched by the ban22:15
Lukas1321oh. thank you22:16
k1lif the linkspam starts again you got tricked again by the spammer. that was the reason fir that wide ban.22:21
tsimpsonsorry, too wide22:24
tsimpsonor too wide for a ban without a short-ish duration set22:25
IdleOnethey been spamming for the past week or two at least22:28
IdleOnethose Nick21 nicks22:29
IdleOneahh they switched to Nick2222:29
IdleOneso that ban was not any good anymore anyway22:30
tsimpsonI really don't want to manually manage ban exemptions, because that's just not going to work22:30
tsimpsonso settings such a wide ban for an extended period is not cool22:30
IdleOnethe ban isn't serving its intended purpose anymore so good to remove it22:31
tsimpsonsucks for us, but hey we volunteered for this!22:31

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