
darksiderquestion, I have a NAS that gets mounted at boot time, however sometimes its not ready at boot. Is there a way to automount it when the system tries to access it?00:00
ubottuAutomount is the modern way to mount directories over a network. It is much easier to manage and  more economic in bandwidth than static mounts via fstab. For more info - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Autofs00:01
darksiderPatrickdk: do you have experience with autofs? I set it up but it fails when i start the service00:30
darksideror anyone else for that matter00:31
PatrickdkI haven't used it for like 4 years00:31
Patrickdkbut it just worked, never had issues with it00:31
darksidermaybe im doing something wrong00:31
darksideri have a network share at that i want to mount in /mnt/DSTCND00:32
Patrickdklast I looked, autofs doesn't do that00:33
darksiderin auto.master i added: /mnt   /etc/auto.DSTCND00:33
Patrickdkbut you just set a symlink00:33
darksiderand in auto.DSTCND: DSTCND -fstype=cifs,rw,username=user,password=pass ://
Patrickdkoh, cifs, no idea :)00:34
darksideri just wonder if the sintax is right00:34
mikedep333Hi, where can I submit a bug against the Ubuntu cloud images?00:44
mikedep333specifically, the vagrant ones still have the raring HWE stack00:44
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dino822_quick question -- what is the best way to find out when a specific package was updated via apt/dpkg?02:37
quantibilitygeting fustrated03:13
quantibilityim not doing anything hard i just wanna be able to link just one folder and ALL of its contents to be accessed from the net03:13
quantibilitythats it03:13
quantibilityi just can't any futher03:13
pmatulisquantibility: webserver?  ftp server?  sshd server?  all these things can do it for you03:37
quantibilityftp server03:37
quantibilitythats it03:37
chriyshey guys03:56
chriysI'm trying to open some port on my iptables but for some reasons it does really work03:56
chriysthis the command I used: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1936 -j ACCEPT03:56
dino822_do you get an error, or does 'sudo iptables -L' show it03:57
chriysdino822_: iptables shows it I can telnet to it04:20
chriysbut I installed Red5 and it doesn't bind to the port I opened04:20
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lordievaderGood morning.08:27
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darksiderhi guys, i'm facing a very strange issue. I'm mounting a network share using cifs in fstab and it works, but when I try to do the same thing using the mount command (with the same options) I get access denied10:51
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TJ-wligtenberg: I've updated bug 1354730 with how-to instructions11:00
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1354730 in grub-installer "14.04 grub-install failed: Wrong number of args: mapdevfs <path>" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135473011:00
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wligtenberg@TJ- Do you want me to confirm if the patch works? I would have to reinstall the system again. I eventually went ahead with just one btrfs disk and then added the other and converted to raid1. But software installation is scripted with fabric. (and not done yet)11:17
wligtenberg@TJ- I'll just try the patch :)11:20
TJ-wligtenberg: I confirmed it myself in developing the fix11:20
wligtenbergTJ- ok, in that case, I will just proceed with my install11:21
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zagazahi guys.. what's the correct way to go about permissions? should I set permissions on a folder, or on all the files? if i want them to be readable by web users12:36
SP33Dzagaza the most importent is that the files arent write able12:41
zagazaor better yet, I set permissions 755 on my web folder but still I in my browser I get You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server12:41
SP33Dwho can read em is not importent only when they are run able scripts12:41
SP33Dconfiguration.php is a run able script that contains configuration data from your mysql host often for example12:41
SP33Dthis file should not be read able public if something with the php cluster happens its enought when the php cluster can read it12:42
TJ-zagaza: the directory/files need to be owned/accessible to the user ID of the web-server process, usually using "www-data"12:43
SP33Dbut when you use mod php or suexec or anything else it depends on who shall read and execute the files permissions are always set right if you self can't read importent files via calling em over www12:43
chriyshey guys does someone has a good link to lock user in their home directories for sftp (openssh-server) on ubuntu 12.0412:43
SP33Dgeneral folde rpermissions are 755 and file permissions are good with 060012:44
zagazaguys thanks but that sounds incredibly advanced12:44
zagazaSP33D yes, thats what I have12:44
zagazabut 600 makes my files unreadable12:44
TJ-zagaza: advanced? No, it is the default installation configuration of any web-server12:44
SP33Dthen you got the files under the wrong owner for your setup12:44
SP33DTJ help me a bit i whant to create ssh tunnels on a per use base or per host base12:45
zagazaSP33D no really I have them under the owner they are intended to be12:45
zagazait worked when I changed permission to 666 for index.html though12:46
SP33Dzagaza join #apache for that12:47
SP33Dthey will help you12:47
SP33DTJ  ssh -L 10175:localhost:8012:47
SP33Dcreates a tunnel from port 10* to 80 i am wondering if there is a method to do that on per host or per user12:47
zagazaSP33D apache for what? I already got directed here from #ubuntu12:48
zagazait works when I changed file permission to 666, but is that safe though?12:48
TJ-zagaza: As we already said, files served by a web-server should be owned by www-data user/group, or maybe use the mod_user module to server them out of /home/$USER/public_html/12:49
TJ-SP33D: I have no idea, I rarely use tunnels12:49
SP33DTJ ok then i need to do it with my old shell concept :D12:50
SP33Di create a user for ssh login and then restrict it to only do the one command ssh into real machine12:50
TJ-SP33D: Last time I did anything like that I used the ssh_config ProxyCommand12:52
TJ-SP33D: The user account on the SSH server in its authorized_keys, for the client, the line beginning with: "command="sleep 172800" ..." in order to prevent any other command being run effectively, since it delays for so long12:53
SP33Di simply attach them to rbash12:54
SP33Da restricted bash shell becaus i don't like this sleep method but thx for the nice proxy tip don't found it else where12:55
SP33Dand looks realy nice12:55
SP33Dbut i don't need t o authorize on the targets becaus they are not reachable only from the host ssh12:56
SP33Dand if some one breaks the security on the host ssh then all os over becaus it run's the virtual machines where the client should ssh too so no extra security layer needed12:57
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TJ-rbash is just as good, its a means to an end12:57
SP33Dsure i know but it will stop him fro executing files if i set path to "" and he got no bin's in his dir and make his home dir notwrite able to him12:58
SP33Dthen its over12:58
SP33Dwithout path and write access to his dir and rbash all is over for him12:58
SP33Dhe can login butnot more12:59
chriyswhen I try to change my system hostname I keep getting this error sudo: unable to resolve host myhostname14:45
lordievaderchriys: Have you changed the hostname in /etc/hosts too?14:49
chriysthat's I'm doing :p14:52
blaaaI want to route strongswan ikev2 client connections to the internet, do I need to modify the updown script to add a 'iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE14:53
chriyslordievader: I fixed that issue but here is another issue15:01
chriysmy phpmyadmin can't connect to mysql15:01
chriyswhen I hit connect to log in it stops loading at halfway. And another app that is using mysql shows this error15:02
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draxxy_Hello, could somebody help me?15:13
draxxy_When I first log on to Ubuntu, I have internet for a few seconds, but then after that time I have no connection at all.15:13
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gospodhello anyone here?15:52
gospodi need urgent help, im kinda crying inside :(15:52
lordievader!ask| gospod15:53
ubottugospod: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:53
gospodI have this server: USB KEY: EFI+/boot, ISCSI: /root ------- with nothing changed in /etc/network/interfaces it works flawlessly for months, now I want to go KVM route and add br0 in /etc/network/interfaces. As soon as I add those lines to add br0, it doesnt boot (waiting for network configuration, booting without networking.... and it stops.) I tried multiple changes in /etc/network/interfaces but I'm no expert in any way to sa15:56
gospodI need br0 for qemu quests :-(15:56
gospodIt is 100% something wrong in /etc/network/interfaces because as soon as I change it back to only "auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp" it boots again.15:57
Patrickdkthat sounds like it will not be fun15:58
Patrickdkyour doing iscsi root?15:58
PatrickdkI'm not sure you can move that interface to br015:58
Patrickdkwithout messing it up15:58
gospodno? seriously?15:58
Patrickdkdunno, but you would have to move it15:58
Patrickdkand I can see that having serious issues15:58
Patrickdkbut I have never bothered to test it15:59
Patrickdkas I don't run servers with iscsi root, only workstations15:59
gospodcould something be done when installing ubuntu?15:59
Patrickdkeasy solution, use a second nic :)15:59
gospodit is not an option15:59
Patrickdkit has nothing to do with installing ubuntu15:59
Patrickdkuse a iscsi nic15:59
Patrickdkor a second nic15:59
Patrickdkwould be easy solutions15:59
gospodI realyl cannot16:00
gospodit must be done like this16:00
gospodfew other servers waiting to do the same16:00
gospodi have few servers and all booting iscsi root. now I want to redo everything and go with virtualization16:01
gospodam I the only one on the planet doing this? :S cant find absolutely nothing on google...16:03
Patrickdkmost poeple doing vm's use 4 to 10 nics16:04
Patrickdkso it's not a problem :)16:04
Patrickdkusing 1 nic, is insane16:04
gospodI understand that, but I have nothing network-heavy16:04
gospod1 NIC is really more then enough16:04
gospodit's not even possible to put more NICs, no PCIE slots left16:05
bekksUsing the same nic for network and iscsi traffic is the worst of all solutions.16:06
gospoddont think to go more NICs route, I really know thats a solution, but really it is not in my situation16:06
gospodit must be a software solution16:06
gospodon how to add a br0 with iscsi root16:07
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gospodcould someone atleast point me where to search for clues? a link atleast?16:10
gospodone of possible solutions would also be how to start qemu with16:11
PatrickdkI just did :)16:11
gospodphysical connection to outside network16:11
Patrickdkit's a problem, that your using the nic, then attempt to *redo it*16:11
Patrickdkso to fix it, your going have lots of fun :)16:12
gospodthe network command part16:12
bekksgospod: you dont need a bridge at all.16:12
Patrickdkyou need to learn about initramfs :)16:12
gospodhehe I need to learn ALOT of stuff :P16:12
gospodbekks: do you know the command line to do that in qemu without br0?16:12
bekksTo do what in qemu?16:13
gospodso that the qemu VM has the outside IP (192.168.1.x) and not the regular 10.x.x.x16:14
bekksI'd just use virtualbox instead of qemu.16:15
gospodi need qemu because of vfio-passthrough16:15
Patrickdkvirtualbox does all kinds of bastard things with the networking16:15
Patrickdkit's never worked correctly for me16:16
gospodplease stay with qemu and bridging :-(16:16
Patrickdkit works *ok* if you only use it for *normal* ipv4 only tcp stuff16:16
bekksPatrickdk: It works perfectly for me since years.16:16
bekksUsing the official vbox packages, not the ubuntu stuff.16:17
gospodbekks: why have you said that I dont need a bridge at all and got me happy that we got a solution? :(16:17
Patrickdkbekks, it has serious issues with ipv6 and when using wireless cards and multicast16:17
Patrickdkinstead of passing stuff through to the nic, it *converts* everything16:17
Patrickdkso it only works with what it knows16:18
Patrickdkyou don't *need* a bridge, but a bridge is much simpler16:18
Patrickdkyou could just *route* everything16:18
Patrickdkyou don't know anything about l3?16:19
Patrickdkback to networking class!16:19
gospodgive me a break please, im doing my best... I refuse to go to a networking class when all I need is 192.168.1.x in qemu without br0 :S16:21
Patrickdkyou are dealing with PURE networking issues16:21
Patrickdkand you refuse to learn about it?16:21
gospodI understand its not possible *yet* what I'm doing16:22
gospodbut in the near future Im possitive someones gonna develop what I would like to do :S16:22
gospodyoure throwing bad light on a lower educated person like me at the moment and Im the one needing help16:23
Patrickdklower educated person?16:25
Patrickdkyou just said I refuse to go to a networking class16:25
Patrickdktherefor I refuse to help you, I won't help someone that refuses to learn16:25
Patrickdkand you don't get much more *uneducated* than me :)16:25
Patrickdkas I personally haven't finished highschool yet :)16:26
gospodlook, no offense to you, I clearly don't understand alot you're saying here and I'm pulling the information from you and others and deeply analyzing with my all brain cells and everything I need is a link to few lines I need to add to my 100+ lines .txt to do something I need and everything youre doing is running in circles around me so I dont get any help from you and others.16:28
Patrickdkyes, there isn't really much I'm willing to do to explain it16:29
Patrickdkthe amount of knowledge you need to know, to solve this problem16:29
Patrickdkis going take you weeks to gain16:29
gospodto read whole qemu documentation is insane in the situation I am at the moment16:29
Patrickdkand I personally, don't care to spend a few hours writing a blog about how to do it, as I don't need to do it16:29
gospodeven though there are maybe 10 lines at the most you refuse?16:29
Patrickdk10 lines at most?16:30
Patrickdkyou really think so?16:30
gospodI think that to bridge a qemu VM to physical networking should not take something like develop new ubuntu version, yes?16:30
Patrickdkis that what your asking?16:31
Patrickdkthat is so NOT what you wanted16:31
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Patrickdkyou wanted to bridge a qemu to a physical interface WITHOUT screwing up iscsi16:31
TJ-gospod: You would have to create custom hook scripts that install into the initrd.img, and include the bridge-utils there, so you can have the script create the bridge in pre-mount, and assign an IP address to it. That has to kick off before the ISCSI scripts. Secondly, you *cannot* re-assign the primary IP of the bare-metal host to a VM when the bare-metal host uses that IP address to maintain a connection to the root file-system on the ISCSI target16:33
gospodiscsi root + br0 (need it because of qemu) = does not work because you said it isnt designed to go hand in hand. all I need br0 is because of qemu, if br0 is not needed to bridge a qemu guest, then a possible solution would be to bridge somehow differently16:33
Patrickdksolution is to not BRIDGE at all16:34
Patrickdkbut if you don't even know how to route16:34
Patrickdkthat is the first thing you learn about in networking16:34
Patrickdkthis discussion is way too far along16:35
gospodjust point me in the right command in qemu and i will assure i will study and make it till tommorow if thats the only way without developing scripts and doing something brutally out of my brain cells at the moment to do a simple thing16:36
TJ-gospod: You only need bridging when all the VMs are required to be in the same bordcast domain.16:36
gospodTJ-: if you mean the outside network then yes16:37
TJ-gospod: No, I mean a Broadcast Domain16:37
TJ-gospod: As Patrickdk has said, the best solution is to use layer 3 IP routing via netfilter rules set through iptables16:38
gospodTJ-: could you please post a few links to read?16:42
TJ-gospod: I don't have any to hand; I do this kind of thing directly from what is in my head.16:43
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gospodso for a newbie like me, I got no help here... :\16:47
TJ-gospod: Support channels are for technical problems, not basic education (although that comes about indirectly at times). Everyone here is an unpaid volunteer who chooses to contribute to the open source community16:51
Patrickdkwe have told you all you needed to know, and more16:53
Patrickdkthe fact you want us to hold your hand, and drag you along, is repusive though16:53
gospodTJ- I understand all that technical problems + open source community, but is it easier to send a newbie (in your eyes) like me to desert then quickly help him and have peace of the day infront ?16:54
chriysis there something wrong with my hosts file http://pastebin.com/5FdxErmu16:54
gospodPatrickdk: i still do not understand where all these negatives are coming from16:54
PatrickdkI told you where16:55
Patrickdkit's personally offensive when someone says, I refuse to learn16:56
TJ-gospod: You've been recommended to investigate routing instead of bridging... from that and other comments you should be able to use Internet searches to bring you to authoritative articles that meet your requirements.16:56
lordievaderchriys: It looks a bit strange that vietransformee points to localhost and vietransformee.org to some ip address. However I suppose it is fine. What is the problem?16:56
chriysmy website goes down as soon as I try to access phpmyadmin16:57
Patrickdkdefine, goes down?16:57
Patrickdkand did you check your website logs?16:58
chriysphpmyadmin just loads halfway and can't connect and it doesn't show any error16:58
Patrickdkmost likely it's a php issue16:58
lordievaderchriys: Use the commandline mysql client ;)16:58
chriyslordievader: mysql command line works fine16:58
lordievaderchriys: So the issue lies with phpmyadmin or the server that supplies the page.16:59
gospodhow much GB does ubuntu+kvm need to work flawlessly? 4GB enough?17:00
Patrickdk128megs :)17:01
kklimondaoh? you can install ubuntu in vm with just 128mb of memory?17:01
chriyslordievader: agree but I can't manage to identify the issue17:01
gospodi ment drive space and not RAM17:02
lordievaderchriys: Look at the web server logs, mainly the error logs.17:02
lordievadergospod: 4Gb is a bit conservative, I usually use 8Gb as a start for my VMs.17:02
chriyslordievader: do you have an idea where phpmyadmin keeps it logs. In apache I haven't found anything related to phpmyadmin17:05
lordievaderchriys: Errors should still go to /var/log/apache2/error.log17:07
chriysyeah there's nothing showing up for phpmyadmin17:10
lordievaderchriys: Run tcpdump on the server? Analysing that will definetly give you an answer ;)17:18
Patrickdknot likely an answer, but a pointer to one17:22
lordievaderMeh, a clue at least.17:23
Patrickdkcd down17:23
Patrickdkopps :)17:24
sudormrfhey guys.  I am having an issue with nagios not sending emails as it should be.  I can send test notifications and they deliver fine, however nagios is not sending notifications automatically.  is anyone around that can help me figure out what is going on?17:25
chriyslordievader: it's getting worst now I get this NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts17:36
chriyswhen I restart apache17:36
lordievaderchriys: Have you made any recent changes to the Apache config?17:38
chriysyeah I'm trying to get them back17:42
chriysmy main site is down for some reason17:42
thomaschaafhello how do i increase the number of tcp connections that can be opened? net.ipv4.ip_conntrack_max seems to be deprecated17:44
lordievaderchriys: Apache fails to start since you ahve a config error ;)17:46
Patrickdkhmm, conntrack_max has nothing to do with how many tcp connections can be opened17:46
chriysI got this error NameVirtualHost *:80 has no VirtualHosts17:47
thomaschaafPatrickdk: is there an error log I could look at to see if the tcp connection limit has been hit? /var/log/messages is not there in 14.0417:49
Patrickdkthat will depend on the program that hit the limit17:50
thomaschaafI'm using swift and if I have a couple clients connect to it I can not open ssh connections and it will stop accepting http requests.17:51
thomaschaafpings however work17:51
thomaschaafthis gives me the impression that tcp connection limit has been hit17:51
thomaschaafmy open ssh connection works fine17:51
thomaschaafand cpu, mem and load is not hitting any limits17:52
Patrickdkare you running a firewall?17:52
thomaschaafjust fail2ban17:54
Patrickdkfail2ban isn't a firewall17:54
Patrickdkyour using iptables by *hand*?17:54
thomaschaafbut there are no rules in there except for the ones fail2ban is creating17:55
Patrickdkthen it would be extreemly off your having a conntrack issue17:55
Patrickdkare you positive your not running out of cpu/memory or disk i/o?17:56
chriysguys I can't access my site anymore it shows this inside of logs File does not exist: /etc/apache2/htdocs18:00
Patrickdkthat is nice :)18:01
Patrickdkso what did you do to cause that? cause ubuntu doesn't do anything like that18:01
lordievaderchriys: Did you upgrade apache to 2.4?18:03
lordievaderWithout telling your config, that is.18:03
chriysI don't think so18:05
chriyslet me check it18:05
lordievaderchriys: Could you pastebin your config?18:05
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chriysdo you know a command to copy the whole file18:09
bekks"cp oldname newname"18:09
bekksOr do you want to pastebin the entire file?18:09
lordievaderchriys: Install pastebinit, then it is a simple matter of pipeing to pastebinit.18:12
chriysis it normal that nano /etc/apache2/apache2.con | pastebinit returns nothing ?18:21
bekksJust use: pastebinit filename18:21
chriyslordievader: here is the config http://paste.ubuntu.com/8009978/18:23
lordievaderchriys: Well the header is already different from mine, could you pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy apache2"?18:25
lordievaderchriys: Further more it seems to be okay.18:26
chriysok let me do that18:30
lordievaderAh that explains it, you are still running 2.2 ;)18:33
PatrickdkI don't think he is runnign ubuntu18:33
Patrickdkhe is running a kaltura image18:33
bekksnvm, I'll google it :)18:33
Patrickdkit's a video management software18:33
lordievaderchriys: http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/apache2-namevirtualhost-80-has-no-virtualhosts/18:34
Patrickdkthey packaged ubuntu to make their own applience, killing *all ways ubuntu/debian* does things18:34
lordievaderThat could explain the different config too ;)18:35
PatrickdkI have one I manage, but I haven't touched it for almost 2 years :)18:35
Patrickdksomeone, attempted to bring centos to ubuntu :)18:35
lordievaderBleg Centos...18:36
bekksPatrickdk: Their site looks down as well.18:37
Patrickdkworks fine here18:38
chriyslordievader: same issue18:41
lordievaderchriys: Do you know how much Kaltura changes the Apache config?18:45
chriysnow the Virtual issue is resolved18:46
chriysbut I think it's a good to put the kaltura and red5 server on a different vps18:47
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sudormrfanyone around that can help me figure out why nagios is not generating alert emails?19:12
sudormrfanyone around that can help me figure out why nagios is not generating alert emails?19:26
ShutterstromAny idea when it is possible to upgrade Ubunto Server from 12 LTS to 14 LTS using:19:31
Shutterstrom$ do-release-upgrade19:31
ShutterstromChecking for a new Ubuntu release19:31
ShutterstromNo new release found19:31
Nivexrumor has it that will be activated tomorrow19:31
ShutterstromNivex: Ahh, nice.19:32
sudormrfperhaps it is a permissions thing?19:36
Nivexsudormrf: what do the logs say?19:37
sudormrfNivex, the logs do not indicate any errors19:37
sudormrfNivex, if I send a test notification using the force checkbox the notification is sent.19:38
sudormrfNivex, I am looking at a different nagios setup now for the permissions that should be applied to the config files19:38
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fridaynextis anyone having trouble with upstarts in 14.04 vs 12.04?20:24
fridaynextI was fine with 12.04, but now programs are not starting on boot when I've added them properly.20:24
fridaynextPatrickdk: I wonder what's wrong with my system.20:25
fridaynextFresh install last week, used git to install sickbeard and sabnzbd, added them in etc/init.d, update-rc.d'd them, chmod +x'd them, but they still won't start on boot20:25
Patrickdkwell, if they are UPSTART20:26
Patrickdkthey don't go into /etc/init.d :)20:26
fridaynextwhat's the process for creating UPSTART processes?20:27
Patrickdkyou make one20:27
Patrickdkand you put it into /etc/init20:27
Patrickdkand I guess you link the dummy upstart script in /etc/init.d20:27
fridaynextand then remove the init.d script?20:28
Patrickdkyou said it was an upstart script20:30
Patrickdkif it is, there is no init.d script20:30
fridaynextbut you said 'link the dummy upstart script in /etc/init.d'20:30
fridaynextso after I do that, I delete the one in init.d, right?20:31
Patrickdkdo what?20:31
Patrickdkwhy would you link it, then delete it?20:31
PatrickdkI said nothing about deleting20:31
fridaynexti know20:31
fridaynextI asked you about it.20:31
Patrickdkif I didn't say it, don't do it20:31
fridaynextAnd I'm sensing the answer is no.20:31
Patrickdkln -s /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/xxxxxx20:32
fridaynextyou're making it sound like upstart is the exact same thing as init.d20:32
Patrickdkupstart scripts go in /etc/init20:32
fridaynexti think I get it now.20:32
fridaynextso I just touch /etc/init/sabnzb.conf, and then ln-s /etc/init/sabnzb.conf /etc/init.d/sabnzbd20:33
fridaynextor vim20:33
PatrickdkI didn't say anything about touching/ or linking /etc/init/x20:33
Patrickdkput the upstart script in /etc/init20:34
Patrickdknot TOUCH20:34
Patrickdkthen, ln -s /lib/init/upstart-job /etc/init.d/xxxxxx20:34
Patrickdkwhere xxxxx is the name of the upstart script20:34
fridaynextis 'the upstart script' something I have to write myself?20:34
Patrickdkyou said you did that20:34
fridaynextso where do i go to find out how to write that?20:34
fridaynextno i didn't20:34
fridaynext15:27 fridaynext: what's the process for creating UPSTART processes?20:34
Patrickdk<fridaynext> Fresh install last week, used git to install sickbeard and sabnzbd, added them in etc/init.d, update-rc.d'd them, chmod +x'd them, but they still won't start on boot20:35
Patrickdkbut you said you had a problem with *upstart*20:35
Patrickdkso like I said20:35
Patrickdkwhat are these scripts you *added*20:35
Patrickdkare they init.d scripts, or upstart scripts?20:35
fridaynextI added the scripts that came with the programs in the git folders.20:35
Patrickdklike I said, WHAT ARE THEY20:36
Patrickdkinit.d or upstart?20:36
fridaynexthere's the sickbeard one - http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=1nBnuLCL20:36
fridaynexti don't know if that's upstart or init.d20:37
Patrickdkthat is init.d20:37
fridaynextor if there's even a difference between the two.20:37
fridaynextso my question is, this worked in 12.04.  Does init.d no longer work in 14.04?20:37
fridaynextBecause it's not working for me.20:37
Patrickdkwell, it's now system.d20:38
Patrickdkit should work just fine though20:38
* fridaynext wrong screen20:39
fridaynextIf that's my plex etc/init.d/ file, is it likely I should do the same thing for sab and sickbeard? (linking to /lib/init/upstart-job)20:42
Patrickdkno, they aren't upstart scripts20:46
Patrickdkso why would you link them?20:46
fridayne_Patrickdk: I'm asking you because I don't know.20:48
Patrickdkyour asking me, after I already told you they aren't upstart, so nothing we have discussed matters20:49
fridayne_great. no solution to my problems.20:50
fridayne_perhaps someone in another channel is willing to help, and won't expect me to be a *nix genius while asking questions.20:51
jakesylhey guys been trying to pysftp into my ubuntu server using this script http://git.io/-o_IBw and been getting this error http://git.io/lxIvLA21:08
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