
chubboessacrelicious: just saying since I had ubuntu 1 week I reinstalled the whole thing like every day00:00
olivier__Beldar, here is the bootinfoscript: http://dpaste.com/3AA8RB700:00
sacreliciousapparently theres a possible fix about checking a box for source code in the ubuntu register?00:02
sacreliciousi have no idea what that means though00:02
DoverMosacrelicious, within your software source settings00:03
ovrflw0xwhere can i download other themes for unity?00:03
ovrflw0xhow to remove "Displays" from "System settings" in Unity00:03
Beldarolivier__, Two problems elementary is not supported here, and for windows you are missing what was probably the boot partition. Just as info you are missing /bootmgr /Boot/BCD  in windows tis can be fixed with a recovery or install disc. That is all I can say you are not supported with either here.00:03
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy00:04
OerHekswebupd8 reports lot of themes too00:05
sacreliciousOkay, so the box next to source code has a "-" next to it instead of a check?00:05
olivier__Beldar, ok thanks to you, I was thinking grub can boot windows without using windows mbr00:06
sacreliciousWTF. I can't download anything from the software center, and now its claiming no package named firefox exists?00:07
Beldarolivier__, The mbr is not the issue.00:10
Beldaryou are missing key windows boot stuff00:10
mikeg31What is the easiest command line editor to use to edit a file in Ubuntu for a Unix newbie?00:10
* tome likes nano00:10
expungemikeg31: nano -uw00:10
Beldarmikeg31, ubuntu is not unix00:11
Kira9204hands down nano00:11
ovrflw0xhi Kira920400:11
expungeBeldar: sure it is00:11
expungejoe's a lot like nano, too00:11
expungebut nano is more prevalent00:11
Kira9204if you want something more advanced with highlighting and whatever i can recommend vim00:11
olivier__Beldar, shit it was probably on one of the 2 partition that I have deleted (a recovery one, and another), thanks for your help, I will try windows 7 boot repair00:11
Beldarit is linux technically different00:11
expungeVim takes up-front learning00:11
expungeBeldar: Linux is a kernel00:12
ovrflw0xBeldar, olivier__  cussed00:12
Beldarexpunge, Yes I know.00:12
ovrflw0xBeldar, olivier__ used nasty word show him the usual message00:12
expungeit's true that Unix is not Linux, one is an OS, one is a kernel00:12
expungequtie profound00:12
expungeand also quite00:12
Beldardon't make broad generalizations than use a exact definition at the same time expunge00:13
expungeI don't make the generalizations, I just use'm00:13
Beldarexpunge, You claimed ubuntu was unix00:13
sacrelicioussomeone please help -_-"00:13
sacreliciousI can not install any software, at all.00:13
Beldarit's not technically00:13
Beldarthat is a broad generalization00:14
Kira9204sacrelicious: what version are you on?00:14
mikeg31Let me explain my problem a little further…I am using Ubuntu 14.10.  I cannot stop the system from autologging me in. I think the answer to my problem is here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/106428/how-to-disable-automatic-login, but the biggest obstacle for me now is easiest and safest way to edit system files00:15
user2who is he, and what is he to you, ooh girl00:15
Beldar!14.10 | mikeg3100:15
ubottumikeg31: Ubuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136300:15
expungeBeldar: sure it is, an inventor of Unix even said so00:15
qwdUbuntu 14.04 on Thinkpad x230. I turn off touchpad to use only trackpoint but it keeps reactivating itself, any idea how to stop this so I don't have to go back to mouse settings all the time?00:15
expungenothing personal, I take his assessment over yours00:15
mikeg31excuse me 14.04 sorry00:16
Kira9204sacrelicious: thats quite an old release00:16
Kira9204sacrelicious: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases00:16
sacreliciousKira9204, I keep getting an error "check your internet connection"00:16
Beldarexpunge, Your rhetoric is contrived, you are back pedaling, you should have said nothing, let the ego go and move on.00:16
_jack_qwd: you probably have to set an xorg rule00:16
mmiller14mmiller13: ??00:16
expungeBeldar: I'll get right on that =P00:16
kostkonsacrelicious, 13.04 repos are dead. You need to upgrade to a supported release00:17
_jack_on arch you could just remove x86-input-synaptics :)00:17
=== cdmsn is now known as cdmsn|awy
sacreliciousKira9204, I know, but I need to run it at the moment, I'm running on a laptop with a cracked screen using HDMI, until I can repair it (a few weeks from now) if I upgrade it, It will end up in extend mode with HDMI, instead of Clone mode.00:17
sacreliciousrendering my machine useless.00:17
ovrflw0xhow can i run a script at startup of unity?00:17
sacreliciouseh... i'll give it a shot anyway.00:18
Kira9204sacrelicious: isn't that a bios setting?00:18
Beldarmikeg31, This a server?00:18
sacreliciousKira9204, i dunno.00:19
Kira9204sacrelicious: like, you can switch on the keyboard00:19
Kira9204most laptops can00:19
sacreliciousKira9204, just ran update manager. it says "failed to download repository information, check your internet connection"00:19
Kira9204sacrelicious: yeah, the repository is down00:19
sacreliciousKira9204, oh, ok. so its not just me then?00:20
ovrflw0xhow can i run a script at startup of unity?00:20
sacreliciousoh, whew... I thought something might really be wrong with my computer.00:20
ImJunedoes anyone know any good tutorials for 1.6 (video)00:21
Kira9204sacrelicious: well, since you are not at it at the moment(?) You can try to ping google.com?00:21
ImJuneIm done with the basics00:21
ImJuneoopps wrong room00:21
Kira9204(typing from the computer that is)00:21
daftykinssacrelicious: what version is this?00:22
sacreliciousKira9204, how?00:23
sacreliciousdaftykins, of linux? 13.0400:23
Kira9204sacrelicious: are you sitting at the computer in cloed mode right now?00:23
sacreliciousKira9204, yep00:23
daftykinssacrelicious: that's been dead a fairly long time.00:23
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring00:23
daftykinssacrelicious: i assume you're aware of this fact?00:24
sacreliciousdaftykins, well, I am now.00:24
ubottuUbuntu 14.04 LTS (Trusty Tahr) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download at http://releases.ubuntu.com/14.04 - Read the release notes at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TrustyTahr/ReleaseNotes00:24
ubottuUbuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring00:24
sacreliciousi'm gonna run the update, seems the repository is back.00:24
rrsemplehi I am having an issue with Ubuntu 12.04.   I have no sound output from my PC.00:24
rrsempleI tested my speakers and they are fine00:24
daftykinssacrelicious: ok, so basically you canot be assisted with anything on that version in here, until you upgrade it to a supported release (12.04.5 or 14.04.1)00:24
ubottuUbuntu 13.10 (Saucy Salamander) was the 19th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 17th, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/saucy00:24
Kira9204sacrelicious: ok, can you try to ping google.com from the terminal?00:24
rrsemplepulseaudio volume control shows the volume sliders / graphs displaying sound00:24
rrsempleand volume is turned up / mute is off00:25
sacreliciousKira9204, just did.00:25
rrsempleI tried 2 different sound cards00:25
daftykinsBasketball: if you're going to abuse the bot, please private message it00:25
sacreliciousdaftykins, i'm trying up upgrade now, but its not working.00:25
Basketballsorry i was tring to remember what 13.10 was called00:25
daftykinssacrelicious: you'd have to upgrade twice, so your best bet is to backup and clean install00:25
sacreliciousdaftykins, i can't do that at the moment.00:25
sacreliciouswhat other options do i have?00:25
daftykinssacrelicious: depends what you're trying to achieve, today00:26
Kira9204sacrelicious: if you are lucky sudo do-release-upgrade might work00:26
sacreliciousdaftykins, well, this all started when I was trying to watch a bloody live stream, removed my browser, tried to install it, and realized it wouldnt work.00:26
daftykinshah, whoops.00:26
Kira9204sacrelicious: but i'd recommend a clean install of 14.00400:26
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades00:27
daftykinsKira9204: no it's not going to work.00:27
OerHeksEOLupgrades gives a hack to use the old repo's..00:27
daftykinssacrelicious: see the last link in OerHeks's bot trigger, you can at least get a browser back. once you fix your screen you really should upgrade though (via clean install)00:28
sacreliciousdo-release-upgrade is, in fact, working.00:29
daftykinsthat seems unlikely00:29
sacreliciousthanks to everyone who has helped :)00:29
daftykinswhat's it doing, upgrading to 13.10 ?00:29
sacreliciousno clue.00:30
daftykinspretty sure you're in for an interesting night :)00:30
daftykinsas i said, bad idea.00:30
sacreliciousshould I just kill the upgrade process?00:30
daftykinsdepends how important using that machine is to you00:30
daftykinsand how good your backups are...00:31
sacreliciousdont have any =/00:31
daftykinsyeah, i knew that was coming.00:31
sacreliciouskill it?00:31
* Beldar waits for the nah..nah ...nah..nah .. nah it worked later with no real conformation of a stable system00:31
sacrelicioushrm...i'll figure this out00:32
sacreliciousi'll do a clean install when I can... only question is - if I do one, will my HDMI start in clone mode, or in extend mode, by default?00:33
daftykinsi didn't really get why you believed that installing in a given state would do one thing over another00:33
daftykinseither way, things can be resolved00:33
daftykinswhat was up did you say? cracked screen? they're easy jobs00:33
Leo_VertoI'm trying to install 14.04.1 via pxe, can enter the installer and start setting stuff up but the installer fails to get a network configuration00:33
Leo_Vertofrom wireshark, it looks like the client is dead00:34
Leo_Vertomanual network configuration didn't work either00:34
daftykinsdo you see the DHCP discovery packets?00:35
Kira9204sacrelicious: seems like you are in for an intresting ride, i would had just backed up everything and done a clean tho00:36
sacreliciousKira9204, yeah fair enough.00:36
sacreliciousanyway... i appreciate the help from everyone00:36
Leo_VertoI think something with the interface setup is wrong00:36
daftykinssounds about right, yep.00:36
Leo_Vertobut this is just a generic gigabit eithernet port00:36
daftykinsLeo_Verto: right but the client first gets an IP to boot over PXE, so maybe it's already configured00:36
daftykinsi have no direct experience with that though so nevermind00:37
Leo_Vertowell, the same thing already happened with a live-usb00:38
Kira9204sounds like a driver issue to me then00:39
Kira9204PXE loads an image into RAM and then boots from it00:39
Leo_Vertowell, in /etc/network/devnames the ethernet controller is detected and assigned eth000:40
Kira9204hmm, then it should have a driver for it...00:40
Leo_VertoI found this http://askubuntu.com/a/463125 which mentions a kernel parameter00:41
Leo_Vertoand references a 404 document00:41
Kira9204Leo_Verto: what does lspci | grep Ethernet00:43
Kira9204does it find what it should?00:44
Kira9204have you tried to force a DHCP update?00:44
Kira9204sudo ifdown eth0 && sudo ifup eth000:45
Leo_Vertotrying a live usb now, this shell doesn't have ifdown and ifup00:46
Kira9204Leo_Verto: just to ensure that the DHCP server isn't at fault here, have you tried to set a static IP?00:48
Kira9204should be pretty straightforward now that you are using a liveusb00:48
Leo_Vertoset a static IP, I've found some pretty specific forum posts00:49
Leo_Vertopretty sure it's a mobo problem00:49
Leo_Vertothat would also explain some usb ports not working00:49
Oogi have nginx-full 1.6.0-1+saucy0 installed - i want to install 1.6.1 because of the recent SMTP security issue. any idea when it will come out?00:49
daftykinsOog: what version are you on? "cat /etc/issue"00:50
OogUbuntu 14.04.100:50
Oogdaftykins: i updated :D00:51
awesomess3mine says: Ubuntu 14.04 LTS \n \l00:51
awesomess3what does the \n and \l mean?00:51
daftykinsOog: good stuff, i thought it was you. the answer is don't know - try and track down the person that packages nginx maybe.00:51
Leo_Vertoapparently this issue is specific to this one motherboard type, but someone found a fix for it00:52
Leo_Vertothanks a lot for the help daftykins and Kira9204 :D00:52
Kira9204Leo_Verto: np :D00:52
daftykinsLeo_Verto: what board out of interest?00:52
Leo_VertoGigabyte GA-990FXA-UD700:52
_Bahlaptops bluetooth is enabled ok, no soft or hard block. It can be seen by other devices, but not connected to nor can it discover the other devices. Ideas?00:53
daftykinsLeo_Verto: hmm AMD fun - looked into BIOS updates i take it? (obviously that's risky)00:53
Leo_Vertolatest bios00:54
Leo_Vertohad to enable the IOMMU controller, whatever that is00:54
darksiderhi guys00:57
darksideranyone with autofs experience?00:57
expungedarksider: probably someone01:00
darksiderim sure of thst, i just wonder if that someone is around and willing to give a hand :_01:00
daftykinsask the actual question and then you'll find out01:01
darksideri have a network share at that i want to mount in /mnt/DSTCND01:01
daftykinsalso try to ask it without using the enter key as punctuation01:01
expungevia what protocol?01:01
f00fSteRdstcnd protocol of course!01:02
x9my wifi disconnects randomly, suddenly shuts off- no access points at all01:03
darksiderdidn't know that know that #ubuntu turns into comedy central at night01:03
* f00fSteR irc has left a distasteful mouth in my taste01:04
darksidercifs protocol01:05
daftykinsdarksider: why not just set it up in /etc/fstab and be done with it?01:05
f00fSteRx9: try pulling out your dongle and plugging it back in. try this repeatedly, until you see it pay off.01:06
darksiderdaftykins: making a long story short: the network is not always ready when the system boots, so the drive will not be mounted01:07
x9f00fSteR, 2 problems, 1 is its integrated, and 2, that's obviously a sex joke01:07
daftykinsdarksider: write a script then01:07
Kira9204x9: ah yes, i had this problem all the time with cheap wifi routers01:08
Kira9204deactivate wifi then reactivate ti01:08
f00fSteRx9: modprobe -r iwlwifi && modprobe iwlwifi 11n_disable=101:08
Kira9204or restart the router01:08
TJ-darksider: in that case use the mount option "_netdev" to tell mount not to try until the network is up01:08
f00fSteRx9: that'll disabl the buggy n mode on your dongle01:08
darksiderhey TJ-01:08
f00fSteRTJ-: good one ;-)01:09
TJ-darksider: hiya ... how's it going? :)01:09
darksidergreat, spending the saturday night trying to crack this and everybody comes up with workarounds instead of solutions :)01:10
rotzbubive got a nikon dsc coolpix s1200pj and am unable to read the photos of it. when i connect it, the camera wants me to open the projector and lsusb and dmesg give me no more info than "nikon connected" obviously i need to connect it via mtp but the usual tools dont know my camera....01:11
daftykinsdarksider: well you could look into _why_ your network comes up late01:12
daftykinsdarksider: is the system a laptop perhaps, with network configured by network manager - and you have manual login enabled so it takes until you login to get a connection?01:12
daftykinsthat'd explain it.01:12
Beldarrotzbub, I see nothing on the web for ubuntu or linux compatibility, might be some code, hope you have the time01:15
darksiderdaftykins: not really, but close :)01:15
daftykinsdarksider: how close?01:15
rotzbubBeldar: thing is, the camera was released in 2012. it even gets recognized as the correct type, but like you i find nothing. :/01:16
darksidernot as close as me find a solution to this problem, I hope01:16
Beldarrotzbub, Date of release means nothing.01:17
rotzbuboh well :(01:17
rotzbubthanks anyway01:17
darksideri have a system that turns everything on at the same time (physically) - the NAS that i want to mount takes longer to be ready01:18
x9myyyy interneetttt iss soooooo slooooooooooowww01:19
daftykinsdarksider: so why not remove that from the equation...01:19
daftykinsdarksider: it's quite amusing that you considered our suggestions workarounds, when everything's a workaround because you won't just leave it turned on / make sure to turn it on first :)01:20
f00fSteRdarksider: muck u?01:22
darksiderdaftykins: when somebody's proposal is for me to rewire the whole thing instead of finding an easy software fix, i consider that a workaround (and not a really good one to be honest) ;)01:22
daftykins'rewire the whole thing' ?01:22
Kira9204isnät the whole point of a NAS to leave it on?01:22
daftykinsKira9204: it is in my head :(01:23
daftykinsand the rest of the world until now01:23
darksiderhmmm, since conversation went way off course - I travel a lot, for days on and when I do that I turn everything off. When I come back on, I flip a switch and everything turns on at the same time, including the NAS and the ubuntu headless server01:26
expungeKira9204: the whole point of a NAS is to sell proprietary OSes =)01:27
darksiderhmm, maybe I should consider cancelling my trips, how's that for a workaround? :)01:27
daftykinsit's helpful to know the background of a scenario to come up with a sensible courses of action at times. think of it as systems analysis01:27
daftykinsdarksider: so it's genuinely unfathomable to connect the NAS to a separate socket and leave the others in this gadget? if so i think that's ridiculous01:28
Kira9204expunge: thats why you build you own nas ;)01:28
Kira9204the pricing should not differ too much if at all01:29
darksiderif i needed life / house-wiring advices, I'd probably join a different channel01:29
darksideralso, the NAS also acts as a wifi access point which, for various reasons, I dont leave swithced on while im away01:32
daftykinswell, good luck finding a solution to your non-issue01:33
=== peter is now known as Guest84802
Kira9204well, if you insist you can add a script that waits a while beforme mounting it01:34
Kira9204and adding it to rc.local01:34
daftykinsyeah we get told we're working around then :(01:34
darksidermy question was very specific: how to automount a network share01:35
darksiderinstead, I get wiring advices and sarcastic attemps01:36
daftykinsyou'd be surprised at the number of people that come in asking about a leaf when they had the wrong tree all the time01:36
daftykinsif you have a problem with that, you're welcome to ask for a refund01:36
darksiderfor my wasted time?01:37
darksiderconsider that a present01:37
Kira9204darksider: is all you want to mount a network share? here is how i do it for sshfs cat /etc/fstab01:38
Kira9204sshfs#kira@<addr>:<dir>          /mnt/<mountpoint>     fuse    noauto,reconnect,uid=1000,allow_other,users,defaults,transform_symlinks 0 001:38
radiogenichey ya'll.  I'm taking the edx.org linux class and am installing 14.4 as part of the course requirements.  I found instructions online regarding how to get around the Windows 8 shenanigans but I wanted somebody to recommend me partitioning software to make that empty space (I don't want to partition with just any software.  I'm scared.)01:39
radiogenicanybody have a recommended Windows 8 partitioning software?01:39
Beldarradiogenic, yeah windows disk manager01:39
radiogenic...o....oh....lol next you're going to tell me that windows 8 mounts .iso files natively!01:39
daftykinsradiogenic: which it does XD but for the love of Tux don't try and install ubuntu that way01:40
darksiderKira9204: thanks for the advice. That's want I wanted to substitute with autofs, but people here really seem to hate that :)01:40
Beldarradiogenic, That to out of this world for you? It's the instructions straight from the mother ship.01:41
darksiderI already had that set up01:41
radiogenicwait can i get the mothership instructions?  I'm on some random website.01:41
daftykinsradiogenic: i'm doing LFS101x for fun too, you really ought to just virtualise if you're not comfortable installing natively01:41
Kira9204radiogenic: Gparted?01:41
radiogenicdaftykins, i'm like, even less comfortable virtualizing.  never done it.01:41
radiogenicwill it run way slower if I virtualize?  actually i think that's what i want to do now that i think of it01:42
daftykinsradiogenic: heh, it's way easier and less risky than messing about dual-booting with win801:42
BeldarI gave you the instructions you can lol all you want but that is how it is generally advised01:42
radiogenicokay.  yea.01:42
daftykinsradiogenic: grab virtualbox from virtualbox.org, then get started :> you can always change your mind again01:43
radiogenicok and to be clear that's not related to sandbox right?01:43
* radiogenic goes to virtualbox.org01:43
daftykinsa VM is a *kind of* sandbox in a way, yeah01:43
Beldaroh boy play by play01:43
Geoservice networking restart doesn't seem to work anymore as of 14.04; I have added a new bridge interface into /etc/network/interfaces, how do I get that to run? doing an ifup wan1 yields: "cannot find device: wan1"01:43
daftykinsBeldar: perhaps we'll get the download speed stats too01:43
daftykinsGeo: it hasn't been the proper way to do it for years, it's generally advised to reboot sadly01:44
Geoproper or not, it worked :)01:44
daftykinsi doubt it01:44
* radiogenic stares at download progress01:44
Geoso that whole discussion aside, there should be some way to do this without rebooting01:44
daftykinsbr0 would be more likely the name of a bridge from bridge-utils01:44
Geoso there's no way to re-read the interfaces file, or even a single interface, w/o rebooting the machine is what you're saying?01:46
radiogenicmy hotel's internet is 1mbit/sec...01:46
* radiogenic stares harder01:47
daftykinsGeo: well at the end of the day you're going to want it configured at boot, so why not just focus on getting it set right? :)01:47
TJ-Geo: ifup/ifdown is the way to do it, or if the existing interface doesn't have an entry in 'interfaces'; use "ip link set <INTERFACE> {down/up}"01:47
radiogenichey has Linus Torvolds ever been in here?  afterall it's the biggest chatroom in the world focused on linux01:47
GeoTJ-: i added the entry to interfaces, and ifup wan1 says "cannot find device: wan1"01:47
Geolet me try your second thought01:48
* Beldar stares at the ignore list, "ah a new user".01:48
expungeKira9204: yes indeed =)01:48
TJ-Geo: If there is an entry "wlan1" in 'interfaces' then ifdown/ifup will operate on it, otherwise you need the ip2 tools or, the legacy ifconfig01:49
=== irfan is now known as Guest54965
GeoTJ-: so ifup scans interfaces each time it is run?01:49
radiogenici have the x64 version of ubuntu01:50
radiogenicwith virtualbox do i have to download the x86 version?01:50
GeoI'm not sure why its telling me wan1 isnt a device, if its added in there01:50
expungeradiogenic: download?01:50
expungeradiogenic: you apt-get virtualbox01:50
daftykinsradiogenic: if your host OS is 64-bit windows 8, you'll want 64-bit virtualbox yes01:50
daftykinsexpunge: not an ubuntu user yet ;)01:50
expungeoh windows host =)01:50
expungeSOON muahahahhh01:50
expungeone of us, one of us01:50
* daftykins licks his lips01:50
radiogenicso my x64 .iso of ubuntu will in fact work on virtualbox with win8 as host?01:50
expungeradiogenic: if it's 64bit win8, yup01:51
radiogenicthis is for the edx.org linux course01:51
daftykinsradiogenic: yes, VMs or virtual machines are like pretend little computers that use a file on your host OS's hard disk as their virtual hard disk01:51
radiogenici like to pretend01:51
radiogenicPRETENDING'S THE BEST01:51
radiogenicvirtualbox dl complete brb01:52
JD3Lpretending rocks01:52
daftykinsradiogenic: anywho, this is really an ubuntu support channel so be sure to keep general chat to #ubuntu-offtopic01:52
TJ-Geo: correct, 'interfaces' is part of the ifupdown system01:52
Geothen why wont it do it :P01:52
radiogenicbut..but.. can't be PRETEND that general chat is allowed here?01:53
Geoip link set wan1 gives the same error, btw01:53
Geocannot find device wan101:53
daftykinsradiogenic: yeah i wouldn't recommend trying volunteers patience ;)01:53
=== radiogenic is now known as Guest64030
Kira9204Geo: you can map devices to aliases here: /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules01:54
=== _edition is now known as edition
=== radiogenic2 is now known as radiogenic
Kira9204be careful tho01:55
radiogenici think the virtualbox install reset my network adapter01:55
daftykinsyeah, it warns about that.01:55
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox01:55
daftykinshmm no mention of a channel01:55
edition!daftykins | I find virt-manager faster than virtualbox01:56
expungetop secret01:56
daftykinsradiogenic: anywho, i have to go, but you can always ask in probably #virtualbox about any issues getting up and running with creating a VM etc01:56
expungeedition: not on windows you don't =)01:56
expungeit's #vbox IIRC01:56
daftykinsedition: that's lovely, this is a windows user just starting out taking an edX.org course on Linux for beginners01:56
expungeor here01:56
editionim a windows user :)01:57
expungeedition: not on windows you don't =)01:57
daftykinsgood for you01:57
Akiva-Thinkpadhow do I setup a midi controller to output on ubuntu? I just bought a midi controller, and have it hooked up via a usb chord atm :)01:57
edition!Akiva-Thinkpad You need to setup JACK01:58
ubottuedition: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:58
MonkeyDustAkiva-Thinkpad  #ubuntu-studio is multi media dedicated01:58
radiogenicdaftykins, ty for the help!  :301:58
daftykinsradiogenic: just a quick heads up, the way you setup a VM is you attach the downloaded .ISO to its' virtual CD drive, so there's no need to burn any DVDs etc. to install, anyhow enjoy and good luck :>01:59
Akiva-Thinkpaddo I really need jack?01:59
editionwell, thats the backend.01:59
aarcane_I accidentally deleted all of /run on a working system, and I suspect some current difficulties are a result.  What do I need to do to recreate /run ?02:00
editionbut I would recommend Jack.02:00
radiogenicI AM SO EXCITED daftykins!  I'll let you know how it goes.02:00
expungeaarcane_: how'd you delete it?02:00
aarcane_expunge, rm -rf *02:01
TJ-aarcane_:  /run/ is a tmpfs so just reboot and everything will be fine02:02
aarcane_expunge, I was attempting to repair a non-booting machine, but it's since become apaprent some of the contents of /run are actually important beyond just runtime...02:02
=== The is now known as The_Real_SysRq
aarcane_TJ-, so the problem is probably somewhere else then..02:02
expungeaarcane_: you were in /run/ when you ran that?02:03
alfonsojonHi, I'm doing some theme development (porting Dust to GTK3), where can I get started?02:03
TJ-aarcane_: Some symlinks are created from other places: e.g. /var/run -> /run02:03
expungealfonsojon: there're some gtk chans, but there might be more on irc.gnome.org02:04
aarcane_expunge, yes.  I knew what I intended to do, but it's had some unintended side-effects02:04
alfonsojonexpunge: fantastic, thanks.02:04
expungeaarcane_: sure, just want to know exactly what happened02:04
aarcane_expunge, so this system boots over nfs, and after a recent power outtage, it's failed to boot.02:07
aarcane_expunge, so as a temporary solution and response to some of the on-screen text, I attempted to clear out /var/run, and because /var/run is a symlink, /run.02:07
TJ-aarcane_: what messages are being reported?02:08
expungea recent power outage where the data actually is?02:08
aarcane_expunge, it's in the bedroom, so yeah.  power outage on both the NFS server and the network booted system.02:09
aarcane_TJ-, messages about programs not starting because of existing instances.  pid#s listed, and they corresponded to entries in /var/run when I inspected it.  then it hung.  I think it was a red herring, because those messages are all cleared up and I'm still encountering errors.02:10
TJ-aarcane_: OK... if the tmpfs failed to mount on /run/ at some point, the underlying root file-system's /run/ directory might actually contain files that are causing the hiccup02:11
TJ-aarcane_: If working on a non-live system that is easy to check, by simply mounting the root file-system someplace else and looking in its /run/ directory.02:11
aarcane_TJ-, I just solved the problem02:11
TJ-aarcane_: phew! that saved me some typing!02:12
aarcane_TJ-, expunge:  The problem was this:  A recent package install auto added network-manager.  When network-manager started, it gave no consideration to the fact that the system was an nfsroot system, and modified the network device settings.  Whenever network-manager would start, some time shortly after that, the system would freeze, sometimes printing stack traces; sometimes simply hanging indefinitely.02:13
aarcane_TJ-, expunge:  Now that I've manually disabled network-manager, and cleaned out /run in a more appropriate way and added it to fstab explicitly, the system boots stablely and reproducibly.02:14
TJ-aarcane_: Yay... we like success stories :)02:15
sgtlaggyhey guys, i've got a question. already searched google, but didn't find what I'm trying to do. how can i dd or cat to a specific partition instead of an entire device?02:16
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sgtlaggynot trying to clone a drive. i want to dd/cat an iso onto sdi202:16
aarcane_TJ-, expunge:  Thank you both for the valiant and prompt attempts to help :)02:17
TJ-sgtlaggy: "dd if-/path/to/file.iso of=/dev/sdXY bs=1M" ... X == drive letter, Y == partition number, e.g. of=/dev/sdi202:18
nahtnamI wanted to buy a laptop from System 76. I read about a lot of good reviews, then I found a reddit thread filled with a lot of bad ones. Do you think I should get one from System 76? If not, which laptop should I get? I am looking for i7 + 16 gb of ram + atleast Intel 4600 graphics02:18
nahtnamMust come with ubuntu02:19
alfonsojonnahtnam: With those requirements, it's System76 or bust.02:19
TJ-sgtlaggy: typo: "dd if=/path/to/file.iso ..."02:19
nahtnamalfonsojon: So do you think its worth getting?02:19
wafflejocknahtnam, I have one it does have faults but I like it all the same and overall no major issues02:19
nahtnamwafflejock: What kind of faults?02:19
alfonsojonnahtnam: I think so, personally02:19
wafflejocknahtnam, from what I understand they resell Clevo laptops so if you are on a budget perhaps check those out too02:19
alfonsojonThey're not Macbook Pros, obviously02:20
sgtlaggyTJ-: all the links i found said you couldn't dd to a specific partition. maybe that's just old news or something different. and i think my problem was i didn't isohybrid it correctly the first time. thanks!02:20
cynicallemonnahtnam: theres always lenovo02:20
alfonsojonThey're honestly above most Windows laptops in my opinion in terms of quality of build02:20
nahtnamalfonsojon: Which model do you have?02:20
TJ-sgtlaggy: sounds like people who don't know a thing about what they write! The whole point of 'dd' is it can write *anywhere*02:20
wafflejocknahtnam, just sensitivity problems with the touchpad doesn't deal with 3 monitor output (this isn't a huge deal but I only found Kubuntu to properly restore my desktop config on reboot with two external monitors)02:20
alfonsojonnahtnam: None, personally02:21
alfonsojonBut I've used a friend's for a few days02:21
alfonsojonIt was nice.02:21
nahtnamalfonsojon: Sorry, meant to ask wafflejock. What model do you have?02:21
alfonsojonThey bought the Darter UltraTouch02:21
wafflejocknahtnam, I've got a Gazelle 7 gen02:21
alfonsojonI used it for a bit, the touch screen was eh02:21
nahtnamalfonsojon: Any issues with it? I dont want to waste 1k02:21
alfonsojonnahtnam: none that I knew of, it seemed fine.02:21
alfonsojonLithium Ion battery is a bit dated (should be Lithium Polymer, but whatever)02:22
wafflejocker crap maybe it's 8 it's 1 gen old02:22
nahtnamalfonsojon: Awesome, thanks!02:22
wafflejockperformance wise SSD is amazing though02:22
=== astralien is now known as agentorange
nahtnamwafflejock: Yeah, 8. So in your opinion do you think I should get it?02:22
wafflejockand I've installed every flavor of *buntu on it02:22
wafflejockyeah I'd rebuy from them again02:22
nahtnamWhat about the drivers then?02:22
nahtnamhow did you get them working on all of your installs02:23
wafflejockhaven't really had any problems with that the one I have just uses the Intel HD 4000 graphics though02:23
wafflejockgraphics are surpringly good for Intel chipset though too02:23
nahtnamwafflejock: Kk, and finally do they have good customer support and warranty and what not?02:23
wafflejockHD video is no problem02:23
wafflejocknahtnam, regarding support I really haven't had to call them so I can't say02:24
nahtnamwafflejock: Kk. I guess ill take the risk and hopefully if something messes up, they will take returns or fix it02:24
wafflejocknahtnam, the touchpad stuff I found a workaround for on Unity and then on KDE, just installed GNOME Ubuntu, but for the most part i use an external everything anyway02:24
nahtnamwafflejock: Same, but I do ocasionally use the touchpad so if it doesnt work, ill have to get it fixed.02:25
wafflejocknahtnam, it works it just picks up palm touches02:25
wafflejocknahtnam, there are scripts to ignore those though02:25
wafflejockor settings02:25
sgtlaggyif anyone knows anything about syslinux/isohybrid: if i'm "converting" an iso to use it on the second partition, should the offset be the start of the second partition or end of the first? or something with the blocks?02:25
nahtnamoh ok, thats not a problem then02:25
_Bahim trying to set mic settings in alsamixer to minimize white noice, but every time I start recording (arecord, audacity) the settings are messed up. how to prevent that?02:25
=== agentorange is now known as itsthemeds
nahtnamwafflejock: Thanks a lot for your input. I was feeling down after I read the reddit thread, but it sounds like a lot of haters got together to make that thread.02:26
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wafflejocknahtnam, yeah I've looked around at lots of reviews too, some really positive some really negative... honestly I feel I lean more towards the positive but I can see it's not all perfect yet02:27
wafflejockthat said super happy with it02:27
expungesgtlaggy: pretty sure GRUB can boot from a file in an FS02:28
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jorgewhat gnome version does ubuntu 12.04 use?02:29
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dodahwell if you keep changing your nick, maybe you'll confuse more folks than me..02:32
expungejorge: 3.002:32
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wafflejockI'm digging 3.12 so far but not sure if the activities thing is working correctly with multiple monitors seems like only the primary goes across to different activities secondary monitor is "static"02:35
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wafflejockmaybe just some config I've yet to find though02:35
stikkemzhi dudes, i`m having quite the hustle trying to make a game work in wine/playonlinux, getting a direct3d error upon running the game02:36
expungewafflejock: I seem to remember some of that being underdeveloped02:37
expungestikkemz: which game?02:37
wafflejockexpunge, cool might be kinda nice actually just have to think more about what apps go where02:38
stikkemzexpunge:  when you have a minute i`ll go into more detail02:38
Tin_mananyone order out for pizza?02:39
_jack_the pizza is aggressive02:39
QuackBarCodehis flatulency must proceed him02:39
expungestikkemz: gogo02:40
QuackBarCodeso plz stand down wind and eat your pop korn pizzas02:40
Tin_mandepends on the topping02:40
QuackBarCodeanchovies frijolimollie02:40
_jack_one large pizza pie for the nutron household02:40
_jack_**BOND WITH ME, JIMMY**02:40
QuackBarCodefuck the ducky02:40
QuackBarCodephu yak02:40
QuackBarCodefubarian warrior02:41
Tin_mananchovies is great if fresh.. left over not good02:41
QuackBarCode!fubarian function()02:41
IdleOnestop now, please.02:41
Tin_mansure glad my name isn't ducky02:42
QuackBarCode!fubarian function(){}(!kumarian)02:42
stikkemzexpunge: so basically I install the damn game, wine works fine for everything up to the point I need to run the game. At that point I get a Direct3D incompatibility error. I tried emulating xp/7/8 over wine, also tried different versions of directx, followed some recommended tuts on dx packages needed to get it up and running and I feel like I`m missing something02:43
stikkemzexpunge: let me know if you want the exact error msg02:43
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expungestikkemz: which game?02:44
stikkemzexpunge: Conquer Online 202:44
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stikkemzexpunge: according to the specs of the game I should be emulating the requirements -- http://co.91.com/guide/guides/systemrequire.shtml02:46
maryjain!find sherm stick02:46
ubottustick is not a valid distribution: extras, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, partner, precise, precise-backports, precise-proposed, stable, testing, trusty, trusty-backports, trusty-proposed, unstable, utopic, utopic-backports, utopic-proposed02:46
stikkemzexpunge: I`am also running nvidia geforce GT540M but i`m pretty sure wine used the intel graphics02:47
expungestikkemz: conquer online?02:48
darkelfjuggaloWas adobe-Flashplugin removed from the repository for ubuntu 14.04 LTS? I just tried to get it from Adobe.com there is an option APT for ubuntu 10.04+ When i selected it the Software Center was opened and said no package 'adobe-flashplugin' was found02:48
stikkemzyeah, don't ask.. I`m trying to build a python bot for it02:48
stikkemzbut i need it to run first02:48
stikkemzexpunge: yeah, don't ask.. I`m trying to build a python bot for it, but i need it to run first02:48
IdleOnedarkelfjuggalo: flashplugin-installer02:49
expungestikkemz: did you read this? https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=405502:49
phunyguy!info flashplugin-installer | darkelfjuggalo02:49
ubottudarkelfjuggalo: flashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 6 kB, installed size 137 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)02:49
darkelfjuggaloI need this for the System Flash though[would the tarball file from adboe be better for this purpose] I have my chrome built in with the latest available flash, but my browser games crash if the Browser based plugin is enabled02:51
stikkemzexpunge: took a glimpse over it, but i must have missed this bit: The game required the following winetricks:02:51
stikkemz- corefonts (fixed issue with game crashing when starting)02:51
stikkemz- flash11 (fixed issue with no menus showing up after starting game)02:51
stikkemzlemme check that out02:51
expungemmm, winetricks is handy02:52
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stikkemzexpunge:  yeah i been busting my ballz with winetricks for a wile now but I mainly focused on the directx issue02:52
stikkemzexpunge: testing now02:52
expungepoor balls02:53
Guest81569为什么新安装的ubuntu14.04.1  cpu的使用率那么高  白分之5002:53
stikkemzpoor indeed :(02:53
Beldar!cn | Guest8156902:54
ubottuGuest81569: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw02:54
stikkemzexpunge: Q: in order to use a package i need to install it from the Package Installer first, ye?02:55
stikkemzexpunge: I can't seem to find corefonts in the install list,and flash11.. I did find flash (Flash Player 12) ?02:58
stikkemzexpunge: again, do I need to find them here or just set them in the WineTricks02:58
edition"apt-cache search corefonts"?02:58
stikkemzedition: tw mate02:59
stikkemzwas installed tho02:59
phunyguyfolks, can we try to keep the topic family friendly, please?03:00
expungestikkemz: in winetricks?03:00
martin1989i'll fight with everyone!03:00
martin1989come on!!03:00
stikkemzexpunge: hmm?03:00
phunyguymartin1989: enough03:00
martin1989just joking03:01
expungestikkemz: sorry what're you asking?03:01
phunyguyWell I'm not :)03:01
phunyguy!guidelines | For those that are interested,03:01
ubottuFor those that are interested,: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines03:01
Tin_manas tin_man goes to bed, i'll leave you with a link..03:02
stikkemzwell that link you told me about tells me that i need to install corefonts and flash11.. corefonts seems to be in the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package03:02
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience03:02
expungestikkemz: no no03:02
stikkemzexpunge: well that link you told me about tells me that i need to install corefonts and flash11.. corefonts seems to be in the ttf-mscorefonts-installer package03:02
expungestikkemz: winetricks is a script03:02
editionthen install it03:02
expungestikkemz: which takes arguments like 'flash11' and 'corefonts'03:02
stikkemzso i dont need to install those03:02
stikkemzi just need to add them03:02
expungestikkemz: http://wiki.winehq.org/winetricks03:02
stikkemzok, some reading should solve it03:03
stikkemzty ty03:03
=== MetalGearNinja_ is now known as _gypsy_
expungeactually you can install winetricks via apt-get (in universe)03:03
expungeif you want03:03
stikkemzexpunge: way ahead of that mate03:03
stikkemzty anyway03:03
Elora22 Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://bit.ly/1lLuZsn03:06
SchrodingersScat!spam | Elora2203:06
ubottuElora22: Please don't spam03:06
MetalGearNinjahey guys im new to ubuntu so plz excuse this if its a dumb question but doesn anyone know if there is a way to install an apple recognized itunes?03:06
MetalGearNinjai do a lot with my 5s and am really missing my itunes03:07
stikkemzso i added those arguments to wineconfig in the libraries, also added d3d903:07
phunyguyMetalGearNinja: VirtualBox with USB passthrough, and Windows XP or 7 inside.03:07
phunyguyit's the "only way"03:07
MetalGearNinjahmm ok thnx03:08
stikkemzand still same error "The game can not start. The problem might be related to your version of Direct3d"03:08
stikkemzexpunge: so i added those arguments to wineconfig in the libraries, also added d3d9  and still same error "The game can not start. The problem might be related to your version of Direct3d"03:09
expungeMetalGearNinja: one or two versions work via Wine as well, but VirtualBox is "simpler"03:09
expungeMetalGearNinja: what do you actually use in iTunes?03:09
stikkemzexpunge: also dxdiag.exe doesnt run..you want me to pastebin what it says?03:10
expungestikkemz: nope03:11
stikkemzexpunge: mmmkey03:11
editionPenguins don't eat apples03:11
expungestikkemz: you read this 'HOWTO'?03:11
thinkxl_I'm trying to install this color pallet https://github.com/chriskempson/base16-gnome-terminal/blob/master/base16-default.dark.sh03:12
stikkemzexpunge: the wiki page u gave me?03:12
thinkxl_I run it at ~ like ~/.base ... sh03:12
thinkxl_and nothing happen03:12
thinkxl_any help?03:12
expungestikkemz: yeah, there's a big 'HOWTO' section03:13
expungeMetalGearNinja: top secret? =P03:13
stikkemzexpunge: on it now03:13
=== thinkxl_ is now known as thinkxl
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stikkemzexpunge: oryt.. i read it.. and installed those 2 packages - corefonts and flash11--03:18
stikkemzexpunge: same direct3d error upon launch03:19
blackwingsanyone here that could answer a question of mine ?03:19
expungeblackwings: no, but some people are that could03:19
blackwingshmm, ok, ill just go ahead and state it03:19
blackwingsim looking for something like a windows widget to display the songs i listen in my media player03:20
blackwingson the desktop03:20
blackwingswith album cover and change buttons03:20
phunyguyblackwings: the indicator applet that comes with ubuntu does that already03:20
phunyguyyou just have to click the volume icon.03:20
blackwingsyes but its not on desktop03:20
blackwingsim using dual screen, i got used to that way of using it since windows03:21
blackwingsi change the songs easier that way03:21
phunyguyconky with hotkeys to control?03:21
blackwingsthat could work but i dont think there's gonna be a album cover03:21
blackwingsalso its gonna be hard to find a good script for less-known players03:21
expungeblackwings: this is ordinary Ubuntu you're using? What version?03:22
expungeblackwings: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/coverbox-puts-music-artwork-controls-on-the-ubuntu-desktop ?03:24
blackwingstried that one aleardy03:24
blackwingsE: Unable to locate package canberra-gtk-module03:24
blackwingsi get that in the terminal when trying to get the packages03:24
expungeit's called libcanberra-gtk-module03:25
expungeyou have it installed? (dpkg -l | grep -i canberra)03:25
blackwingsnot sure03:25
stikkemzexpunge: any idea why i get errors when i run dxdiag.exe?03:25
blackwingsits exe03:25
expungestikkemz: run how? What errors?03:26
expungeblackwings: hrmm?03:26
blackwingsim kinda new to ubuntu ,expunge, you're gonna have to tell me what i need to look for03:26
stikkemzexpunge: well i asked you if I should pastebin you the damn thing and you said no :(03:26
expungeblackwings: run 'dpkg -l | grep -i canberra), see if you see libcanberra-gtk-module03:26
expungestikkemz: so don't03:27
blackwingsi got that03:27
OerHeksstikkemz, direct3D is a wine issue03:28
blackwingsis that good, expunge ?03:28
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:28
stikkemzok, for anyone out there willing to help me out with why I get this error when I run 'wine dxdiag.exe' here is the output: http://pastebin.com/9w901WW603:28
expungeblackwings: not really =)03:28
blackwingsthen how shall i proceed?03:29
expungeblackwings: what's the error, again?03:29
stikkemzOerHeks: ok.. so there is nothing to be done about it?03:29
blackwingsE: Unable to locate package canberra-gtk-module03:29
expungeblackwings: from what command?03:29
blackwings sudo apt-get install python-dbus python-gtk2 python-cairo python-rsvg python-xlib python-xdg canberra-gtk-module03:29
expungeblackwings: heh, okay03:29
expungeblackwings: just remove the 'canberra-gtk-module' from that, and try again03:29
stikkemzi see people who made this game run, but following their instructions didn;t cut it for me03:29
blackwingsok lemme try03:29
expungestikkemz: the particular Wine version can be very important03:30
expungealso following steps exactly...03:30
blackwingsok it works, expunge03:30
expungedon't know how many times it took me citing the page before you claim to have read it... 3?03:30
expungeblackwings: =)03:30
rasteroidblackwings: there are no such packages, only libcanberra packages03:30
theitusok can someone help with adobe flash player i cant run files03:30
stikkemzexpunge: wine-1.6.203:31
blackwingstheitus im trying to install this http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2012/08/coverbox-puts-music-artwork-controls-on-the-ubuntu-desktop03:31
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expungestikkemz: it'll say on the page I linked which wine versions are best03:31
expungetheitus: files?03:31
expungerasteroid: gj you just confused him03:32
stikkemzexpunge: but i got the same issue with  wine 1.703:32
expungestikkemz: that means nothing to me I'm afraid03:32
rasteroidexpunge: thx k bai!03:32
rasteroidexpunge: but there *aren't*03:32
stikkemzexpunge: that is the latest wine from their official repo03:33
expungestikkemz: that means nothing to me I'm afraid03:34
expungerasteroid: quoi?03:34
chaosbringerHello all, I'm having issues finding a straight forward guide to set-up raid 0 before installing ubuntu03:34
blackwingsok expunge, i installed the application03:34
theitusfiles yes i cant find how to open abode flash03:34
blackwingshow do i run it ?03:34
blackwingsnvm found it, expunge, thanks for your help03:35
theitushow to run abode03:35
expungechaosbringer: raid 0 is quite a bad idea03:35
chaosbringerI have a 250GB SSD and 2 3TB hdds.... trying to install ubuntu-gnome but set-up raid 0 on the 2 3TB HDDs before installing03:35
chaosbringerexpunge, why exactly is it a bad idea?03:35
expungetheitus: what are you trying to "run"?03:35
expungechaosbringer: raid 003:35
chaosbringerexpunge, why exactly is it a bad idea?03:35
stikkemzright... will stop wasting my time here. cheers03:35
theitusadobe flash player03:35
rasteroidexpunge: je t'en prie, tu devrais pas essayer de parler en francais avec moi03:36
expungechaosbringer: because the whole point of raid 0 is to get enterprise level access out of a patheticly small amount of consumer level hardware03:36
blackwingsthanks for the help expunge03:36
theitusits kinda killing me03:36
expungeit's paradoxically bad03:36
jorgewhy is ubuntu not letting me access facebook?03:37
expungetheitus: adobe flash player isn't something you ... "run"03:37
expungetheitus: it's a plugin for browsers, mainly03:37
chaosbringerthe point of raid 0 is to stripe the drives03:37
chaosbringerto make them seem as one03:37
expungerasteroid: ikr03:37
rasteroidchaosbringer: it's not bad, i run lots of RAID0 SSD setups, both at home and at work03:37
chaosbringerintead of 2 3TB i'd get 1 6TB partition03:37
expungechaosbringer: no, that is just part of raid 003:37
expungethe point is to sacrifice reliability for access speed03:37
chaosbringerOk, opinion to the side expunge03:37
chaosbringerdo you have a guide at how to do it?03:37
expungeraid 0?03:37
theitusi downloaded it it will not work03:37
chaosbringerany raid03:37
chaosbringerfor gnome-shell prior to install guide03:38
chaosbringerwill work03:38
rasteroidchaosbringer 'man mdadm'03:38
chaosbringeras long as it's straight forward03:38
chaosbringeryeah, i looked at mdadm03:38
theitusyeah a plugin to movie right03:38
chaosbringerbut it looks like it's not "straight forward": example, i saw issues with grub in the forums, etc03:38
chaosbringerand the need to boot into another live CD after03:38
chaosbringerto fix it03:38
expungechaosbringer: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID03:38
chaosbringerexpunge, Note: This page is about Ubuntu 9.10. It may not apply to newer versions anymore.03:39
rasteroidchaosbringer: sudo mdadm -C /dev/md0 --raid-devices=4 /dev/sdb /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde --level=raid003:39
chaosbringerLooked at that as well03:39
chaosbringerrasteroid, is that all?03:39
chaosbringerso for me wanting two:03:39
rasteroidchaosbringer: all of those devices are plextor SSDs on an LSI HBA03:39
expungechaosbringer: you should look into JBOD03:40
chaosbringerAnd ubuntu picks it up right away? (I already partitioned them to be the same size unformatted03:40
rasteroidexpunge: i run mongo on top of that03:40
expungeor just LVM03:40
expungerasteroid: heh, I bet you do03:40
expungeI bet it's web scale03:40
rasteroidchaosbringer: well, you need to mount it03:40
rasteroidexpunge: not to say i don't have lots of magnetic RAID6 on real controllers as well...03:41
chaosbringerYou can mount and format the md0 device with gparted prior to installing with a livecd yeah?03:43
nico_chaosbringer: hi ( sorry for my bad english ) . i like too to build ubuntu in rai partition , and i know how to do this only with the .iso  of ubuntu 12.04 alternate ....now i discover is possible to do ( for 14.04 trusty tahr ) whit the .iso of the server edition , durin the install is possible to add " ubuntu desktop " , gnome desktop, lubuntu , xubuntu ..... ( sorry new time is the first time i enter in irc )03:43
rasteroidchaosbringer: yes, and you should 'mklabel gpt'03:44
chaosbringerK, yeah i'll need gpt anyways because msdos only sees 2TB03:44
chaosbringerand both my drives are 3TB03:44
chaosbringerI only use nix OS's anyways03:44
rasteroidchaosbringer: why do you want RAID0? why not RAID1?03:44
chaosbringerBecause I want all 6TB03:44
chaosbringerraid 1 mirrors03:44
chaosbringerI am a software architect03:45
rasteroidchaosbringer: i'm well aware03:45
chaosbringerI need tons of space03:45
chaosbringerfor different virtual boxes, etc03:45
chaosbringerI've turned my PC into a workstation essentially with 32TB of ram and all the latest hardware03:45
chaosbringeri'll add more HDDs eventually03:45
chaosbringerYou'd recommend both 10?03:46
expungeyou want JBOD, not RAID03:46
expungeRAID is not for getting more space, that is just an occasional side effect03:47
chaosbringeri've partitioned multiple drives03:47
chaosbringerto boot into the same OS before03:47
rasteroidchaosbringer: i think expunge is right :-)03:47
chaosbringerin fact, i will also have an SSD boot my os03:47
chaosbringerbut I don't want 2 x 3TB i wanted 1 6TB03:47
chaosbringerisn't the only way of doing that with raid?03:47
expungeyou can tell your system you have 1 6TB without using raid03:47
expungeno, it isn't03:48
user7654tar seems to be having issues with capturing *EVERYTHING* into an archive when I run '(tar cvfW > log.out) >& err.out I logg the following errors: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8004304/03:48
chaosbringerI do have an extra 2TB drive, maybe I could do 4TB in stripped and 4 TB in mirror03:48
user7654(I'm trying to backup what's left of a dead laptop)03:49
rasteroidchaosbringer: i think this is what you want: 'mdadm --create /dev/md2 --level=linear --raid-devices=2 /dev/sda3 /dev/sdc3 '03:49
chaosbringerhow complex would be to set that up with 3 Drives? (2 x 3TB + 1 2TB)03:49
GandalfGreyHatI made a huge mistake.03:50
expungelook into LVM spanning03:50
=== allen is now known as allenrm
ahsmgood evening guys03:50
rasteroidexpunge: my vaio laptop pulls ~900Mb/sec, in RAID003:50
lotuspsychje!ssd | chaosbringer03:50
ubottuchaosbringer: Many Solid State Drives support TRIM, which allows the drive to do garbage collection and improves performance. Ubuntu 14.04 activates it by default. For older versions, see http://askubuntu.com/a/19480 for information on activating it.03:50
user7654how can I get a clean run of tar without errors and have it capture everything?03:50
allenrmhey all, can anyone tell me if its safe to install cinnamon on Ubuntu 1403:50
chaosbringerlotuspsychje, what does that have to do with me setting up raid with the non-ssd drives? :)03:50
chaosbringerThat's cool though03:50
expungerasteroid: neat03:50
lotuspsychjechaosbringer: just for ssd info, i also have an ssd tweak url if you want03:51
GandalfGreyHatI have a Lenovo Windows 8 computer. I had Ubuntu installed in a dual-boot setup for a long time, now the Windows 8 loader thing is giving me an error code of 0xc000000f and I'm about to just rage so hard.03:51
expungeallenrm: safe?03:51
ahsmI downloaded ubuntu a while ago installed it and everything was good, then i updated it and my super key (windows key) + W and other commands crash unity... what could it be?03:51
allenrmexpunge, yeah is it going to crash my unity desktop, is it going to cause issues, you know?03:51
thecodethinkerHow do I get my trackpad on my lenovo e531 to right click?03:52
chaosbringerlotuspsychje, sure!03:52
lotuspsychjeGandalfGreyHat: did you try single ubuntu on your machine?03:52
thecodethinkerI think there's a config file that lets me define the right click area03:52
thecodethinkerbut I can't seem to find it03:53
GandalfGreyHatWhen I try booting with just a single Ubuntu drive, I get an error message of 1962: No operating system found03:53
expungeallenrm: it's an alternative to Unity03:53
GandalfGreyHatFresh Ubuntu 12.04 install03:53
expungeallenrm: if you don't like it you can switch back03:53
rasteroidchaosbringer: the difference between RAID0 and linear is; the first one makes things faster, but if you lose one you lose them all, the second one just makes all the space on all the drives available.03:53
lotuspsychjechaosbringer: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/ssd03:53
advx_Hi all Good Morning, Have a great SUNDAY...03:53
GandalfGreyHatI think it's loading into some kind of Windows 8 Bootloader thing or something first03:53
GandalfGreyHatI have no idea how this windows 8 crap works and it's more than pissing me off03:53
expungeadvx_: and you03:53
chaosbringerrasteroid, i'm writing up the config I want with all the drives I have available (taking me a bit to type it! :) )03:54
chaosbringerlotuspsychje, thanks!03:54
expungeGandalfGreyHat: but you do have an idea of how it works: poorly =)03:54
allenrmi have had this build running for a few months now, and don't want to muck it up, BUT i used to run Mint and really liked the cinnamon DE03:54
advx_expunge, thanks03:54
expungeallenrm: back it up first?03:55
lotuspsychjeGandalfGreyHat: try disable secureboot and install ubuntu clean03:55
GandalfGreyHatSo from the top down here's what I had. I tried to install Ubuntu 12.04 alongside Windows 8. It worked, but very poorly. I wanted to use GRUB exclusively, but the Windows Bootloader takes priority over GRUB somehow, I could never get around that. I tried to install Ubuntu on an SSD and use it in the machine earlier today, and now I have this error and I can't get around it, and I want to just throw this entire system in the gar03:55
chaosbringerrasteroid, if i want something like this:03:56
chaosbringer1x250SSD (For main os)03:56
chaosbringer2x3TBHDD + 1x2TBHDD partitioned like this = 1 4TB Raid 1003:56
chaosbringerHow would that look?03:56
allenrmexpunge, i have everything backed up03:56
chaosbringerI'd mount /home /var /opt and a few others to the 4TB partition from the HDDs03:56
GandalfGreyHatIf I installed Ubuntu flat out, and somehow miraculously get it to work, can I ever go back to wIndows 8 if I want to?03:56
chaosbringerthat would give me back the fault tolerance while gaining the performance of raid 003:56
GandalfGreyHatI want the option, not that I'd actually do it03:57
chriyshey guys03:57
chriysthis the command I used: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1936 -j ACCEPT03:57
chriysI'm trying to open some port on my iptables but for some reasons it does really work03:57
chriysthis the command I used: sudo iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport 1936 -j ACCEPT03:57
expungehi tekk03:57
lotuspsychje!iptables | chriys03:58
ubottuchriys: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has built-in firewall capabilities. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | GUI frontends such as gufw and ufw-kde also exist. | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo03:58
expungeGandalfGreyHat: if you do it right03:58
rasteroidchaosbringer: RAID10 requires 4 drives. you should check wikipedia for RAID. what you might want is the 3TB drives in RAID1 for backup, and the 1TBs in RAID0 for speed, using rsync to keep the current working data backed up to the redundant volume03:58
expungeahsm_: heya03:58
GandalfGreyHatI mean, is the EFI literally on the system board or something?03:58
ahsmhey expunge03:58
tekkitindisguiseAnyone tried zorin?03:58
GandalfGreyHatI need to understand why this Windows 8 Bootloader keeps kicking me in the dick03:58
chaosbringerrsync? that seems hackish03:58
chaosbringerAlso, I don't have a 1TB i think you mean 2TB03:58
expungeGandalfGreyHat: question for #windows, I fear03:58
rasteroidGandalfGeyHat: it's because different BIOSes only look in different directories for 8.efi files03:59
expungeGandalfGreyHat: efi is partly firmware, yes03:59
rasteroid*.efi files03:59
chriyslotuspsychje: I did those steps03:59
GandalfGreyHat.#windows is about as useless as a holy condom03:59
tekkitindisguiseturn of secure boot03:59
tekkitindisguiseturn off secure boot03:59
nicolinushi :) chaosbringer ( sorry for my bad english ) i like to run ubuntu in raid , before i know to do this only whit the .iso of ubuntu 12.04 alternate.... the versions after not create raid array...but i discover is possible to do whit the . iso ( for trusty tahr ) of the server edition , durin the installation is possible to create raid array , ald vlm to have the possibility to add new volume group after iunstallation....durin the install is possible to add03:59
nicolinus ubuntu desktop , gnome desktop , xubuntu , lubuntu , ubuntu studio ......03:59
chriyslotuspsychje: I'm still getting the same issue my iptables shows that the rules are added. But When I test the ports it doesn't work.03:59
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: have you tried using BootRepair?04:00
GandalfGreyHatthe windows automatic boot repair is bollocks04:00
GandalfGreyHatif there's an ubuntu boot repair, I'd use it, if I could get ubuntu to boot04:00
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: no, the Ubuntu one04:00
tekkitindisguiseGET RID OF SECURE BOOT04:00
expungeGandalfGreyHat: well you aren't going to get much win32 bsod help in #ubuntu04:00
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: look for a liveCD that includes it, and turn off secure boot in the BIOS04:00
lotuspsychjei never understand why users wanna mess with dualboots04:01
GandalfGreyHatHow do I get into my BIOS?04:01
tekkitindisguiseJust get rid of windows04:01
GandalfGreyHatI'm clueless man, all the typical bios buttons aren't working04:01
chaosbringerso rasteroid linear it is04:01
TaZeRrestore windows with cmd line repair tool bootrec /fixmbr and bootrec /fixboot04:01
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: usually you hold down the 'delete' key when it start04:01
GandalfGreyHatI want to just take a hammer to it04:01
GandalfGreyHatlotus, I don't want to dual boot anymore04:01
TaZeRthe autmaotic one sucks04:01
GandalfGreyHatI jsut want Ubuntu04:01
lotuspsychjeGandalfGreyHat: did you try single install ubuntu?04:02
GandalfGreyHatwhat's single install?04:02
expungethat's academic if you can't boot any OS04:02
lotuspsychjeive been able to install 14.04 on many machines with uefi, working out of the box04:02
tekkitindisguiseOverwrite windows with ubuntu04:02
=== allen is now known as allenrm
GandalfGreyHatI have an SSD in the unit with nothing but a fresh Ubuntu 12.04 LTS on it04:02
GandalfGreyHatThe machine will not boot it04:03
allenrmexpunge, thanks man, install went smooth, all "seems" to be normal04:03
expungeallenrm: =)04:03
TJ-GandalfGreyHat: On an UEFI system the boot menu is stored in the non-volatile RAM of the motherboard's firmware. When you installed 12.04 alongside Windows 8 my guess would be it was installed in legacy mode. In UEFI mode the firmware presents the list of boot options, and OSes can add themselves to that list if they boot in EFI mode. That is what Windows will have done so it takes precedence. Ubuntu would likely require you to use CSM mode to boot the HDD with GR04:03
TJ-UB installed in its MBR.04:03
nicolinushi :) sorry for my bad english ( is the first time i entry in xchat :) )04:03
tekkitindisguiseWhy not trusty?04:03
lotuspsychjeGandalfGreyHat: start over again, install 14.04 as only Os on your lenovo04:03
GandalfGreyHatTJ-: thank you very much for that04:03
GandalfGreyHatThat's the type of information I was looking for04:04
GandalfGreyHatSo I just need to rip off my NVRAM04:04
TJ-GandalfGreyHat: No04:04
GandalfGreyHatand smash it with a hammer04:04
GandalfGreyHatI was joking04:04
allenrmexpunge, i'm still learning the ropes, i keep trying new things as i feel thats the only way i will learn.04:04
GandalfGreyHatBut yes, I understand now04:04
GandalfGreyHatI'll go back over and attempt to fix it in a minute04:05
GandalfGreyHatI have no idea how to access or manipulate my EFI though04:05
expungeallenrm: well there's nothing wrong with using backups to make you feel safe =)04:05
GandalfGreyHatso if something's broken in that, not sure what to do04:05
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: in the BIOS menu, you can determine what you startup volumes are. if you set UEFI the system can only boot UEFI, if you set legacy it can boot older volumes04:05
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: if you want to use UEFI you must start the installer as a UEFI volume04:06
GandalfGreyHatSo here's what I'm going to try to do04:06
TJ-GandalfGreyHat: You need to boot the Ubuntu ISO installer in UEFI mode rather than CSM mode, then Ubuntu will install in the same way as Windows did, and all OSes you may choose to install later will be chosen via UEFO boot menu, with no interference between the OS boot-loaders, as used to be the case with BIOS legacy (UEFI CSM - Compatibility Support Module) and GRUB vs Windows in MBR04:06
GandalfGreyHatGet into BIOS, turn on Legacy, turn off Secure Boot, and attempt to boot from my Ubuntu 12.04 SSD04:06
allenrmthe only backup i'm really worried about is my photo's and those are on a couple external drives hehe04:06
dopiehey im currently using ssh and im inside my site , how do i download a file to a specific location on my hard drive?04:06
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: when you change these options and restart and re-enter BIOS setup you will see that the boot options change04:06
lotuspsychjeit depends on the machine really, some machines can install ubuntu without changing uefi settings04:06
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: that sounds good04:06
expungedopie: from your local machine: scp user@localsite:path/to/file .04:06
GandalfGreyHatTJ- I've given up on Windows 8 dual boot, I just want Ubuntu only on this system now.04:07
expungedopie: or, the less awful way: mkdir whatever; sshfs user@localsite whatever; cp whatever/path/to/file .04:07
expungedopie: yup04:07
rasteroiddopie: secure copy04:07
GandalfGreyHatI have plenty of other Windows computers, but having Ubuntu on this one is important. We use it as a fancy shmancy ubuntu server04:07
expungeit's just 'cp' over ssh04:07
TJ-GandalfGreyHat: I'd recommend installing 14.04 LTS then; the ISO will boot in UEFI mode natively too (as long as you choose that from the offers in the mobo's boot-menu) :)04:08
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: remote sync04:08
GandalfGreyHatgoing to try 14.0404:08
rasteroidGandalfGreyHat: usually invoked by a CRON job04:08
rasteroidexpunge: rsync?04:09
TJ-GandalfGreyHat: Ubuntu will work with UEFI Secure Boot too, although it doesn't hurt to turn that darned thing off if you don't need it04:09
expungerasteroid: rsync?04:09
lotuspsychjeTJ-: lol04:09
lotuspsychjeuefi is a bad nightmare invention indeed04:09
rasteroidcan someone please tell me how to get my *upgraded* precise->trusty box to use nvidia drivers without freaking out?04:10
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:10
rasteroidlotuspsychje: t'is not04:10
TJ-lotuspsychje: I love it compared to the multiboot nightmares of BIOS legacy, but Secure Boot can cause problems if you need Nvidia or AMD proprietary GPU drivers04:10
rasteroidTJ: +104:10
expungeit's exactly the same as BIOS, except that more learning is required04:10
expungesame problems04:11
GandalfGreyHatmultiboot was easier on legacy bios04:11
GandalfGreyHatI understand writing and configuring a GRUB bootloader04:11
rasteroidand the manufacturers don't always follow the rules, Sony being particularly bad04:11
GandalfGreyHatbut this newfangled shit is garbage04:11
TJ-It's better than BIOS in my opinion... being able to have a really powerful shell from firmware makes things so much easier to fix when things get really bad04:11
rasteroidTJ: +204:11
IdleOneGandalfGreyHat: Please keep the language clean04:11
expungewell it makes moving the mouse around easier04:11
TJ-And UEFI provides for dynamical loading of device driver modules04:12
expungehow that is important to booting is beyond me04:12
GandalfGreyHatMy apologies04:12
GandalfGreyHatI forgot that Ubuntu is family friendly04:12
rasteroidexpunge: i think it means that you can net boot from a command prompt if you know the language04:12
TJ-UEFI is not the same as a GUI firmware... the GUI is something manufacturers add to BIOS *or* UEFI to make it easier for novice users to work with04:13
expungerasteroid: you can do that without u/efi, too, though04:13
expungeTJ-: mmm, but that's the only plus =P04:13
TJ-UEFI Shell provides many powerful tools, like a GRUB or Linux rescue disk, built-in04:13
expungegrub does that on its own, though04:14
expungepretty crufty if you ask me04:14
rasteroidexpunge: without loading anything that isn't on the board?04:14
TJ-export: GRUB is *not* needed when we have UEFI ... Linux can be booted directly from UEFI04:14
expungerasteroid: it's all on the board, somewhere04:14
tekkitindisguiseChange the boot device04:14
expungeTJ-: yeah, but uefi isn't needed if grub can do it, either04:14
lotuspsychjewell i dont like uefi, im almost sure there's an evil pact behind with w8 and manufacturs04:14
expungelotuspsychje: oh there is =)04:15
rasteroidexpunge: i'm going to quote you, "it's all on the board, expunge said".04:15
TJ-expunge: UEFI is needed, it configures the hardware. Without it, you've got an expensive pile of sandy components04:15
expungerasteroid: be my guest04:15
expungeTJ-: or BIOS04:15
expungeor coreboot =)04:15
TJ-expunge: BIOS cannot do what UEFI can do, the reason we moved away from it was it had to contain amazing amounts of 16-bit compatible code04:16
expungesure it can04:16
expungeI don't think that is the reason =)04:16
lotuspsychjemy old amd 3200+ 64bit trusty desktop with bios, running rocketfast nothing like those slow w8 boxes04:16
lotuspsychjeyears old hardware...04:16
rasteroidlotuspsychje: certain manus, like sony, do all sorts of things to make it difficult to override their efi modules04:16
expungelotuspsychje: yes, it's not rocket science04:16
TJ-The nice thing with UEFI too is you can install your own shell; I install the Tianocore V2 shell on everything... think of it like BASH; with scripts and so on in files on a proper file-system, before the OS04:17
lotuspsychjeTJ-: with what purpose exactly?04:18
expungeyes, finally a shell you can use instead of just booting your OS...04:18
expungeand not at all crufty04:18
chriysdoes anyone knows Red5 here04:19
lotuspsychjechriys: whats that04:20
TJ-lotuspsychje: The 'E' stands for extensible. I can plug in some adapter, add its UEFI device-driver into the ESP, load it from shell (shell boot script) and have that device available for use before any boot loader or OS starts. In the BIOS days, that kind of device often meant it couldn't be a boot device, as was the case with e.g. many fakeRAID controllers04:20
chriyslotuspsychje: it's a media server04:21
lotuspsychjeTJ-: ah i see tnx04:21
chriyscheck red5.org04:21
expungechriys: try #polls04:24
TJ-One part of UEFI users's don't see though, is the properly designed API for the OS to talk even in 64-bit protected mode. With legacy BIOS the CPU would have to switch back to x86 Real mode with some expensive context switching. Now it is just like another syscall.04:24
expungethat's true, users do not see a properly designed UEFI04:24
wookienzhi guys, my NFS shares are trying to mount before the network is ready, which causes the machine to hang on boot. How do i delay the mounting?04:25
expungewookienz: you call from fstab?04:25
=== Acilim_A is now known as Acilim
sacrelicioushey guys i need help, how can i get a copy of gparted that will work on 13.04?04:26
TJ-It's nice you can see the contents of the UEFI's NVRAM via /sys/firmware/efi/efivars, for example. You can't do that with BIOS, even BIOS minor revisions can store their settings in different binary bits, and no-one except the manufacturers know what is there, and can't get at it to change if the BIOS is buggy04:26
expungesacrelicious: sudo apt-get install gparted04:26
expungeTJ-: that does sound nice04:27
TJ-wookienz: Add the "_netdev option in fstab, for those NFS devices. See "man mount" and then do "/   _netdev"04:27
sacreliciousexpunge: E: Unable to locate package gparte04:27
expungefinally a way to look at stuff I don't give two craps about04:27
expungesacrelicious: gparted04:27
jenenliuhi guys04:27
expungejenenliu: hi04:27
sacreliciousexpunge: E: Unable to locate package gparted04:27
lotuspsychje!13.04 | sacrelicious04:27
ubottusacrelicious: Ubuntu 13.04 (Raring Ringtail) was the 18th release of Ubuntu. Support ended on January 27, 2014. See !eol, !upgrade and http://ubottu.com/y/raring04:27
sacrelicioussorry, forgot to copy the d from the text.04:27
jenenliuexpunge: ;)04:27
TJ-expunge: And, as one who had to reverse engineer a Sony Vaio BIOS to figure out which bit to flip to enable hardware virtualisation support in Intel CPUs - which took me 3 weeks - I appreciate UEFI even more :)04:28
sacreliciousyeah I know, I'm trying to upgrade, but I can't wipe a usb stick and install a new upgrade.04:28
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sacreliciousfor some reason its not working, I need to fgure out how to get gparted on 13.0404:28
rasteroidYJ - are you thr guy who sussed the santa rosa?04:28
expungeeh, you're comparing a badly made BIOS with an idealized UEFI04:28
ivan__!queue http://www.speedtest.net/my-result/367965763004:28
lotuspsychjesacrelicious: did you try the usbcreator app?04:28
sacreliciouslotuspsychje: startup disk creator? yup. It can't format any of my usb keys for some reason.04:29
TJ-expunge: No, a locked down BIOS. The point is with efivars I have access to the system's configuration and can change it04:29
lotuspsychjesacrelicious: what error you getting?04:29
ivan__!queue http://www.speedtest.net/result/3679657630.png04:29
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rwwivan__: what are you trying to do04:29
rasteroidTJ - IIRC it was byte 151204:29
ivan__i am trying to get an invite04:30
ivan__by passing the interview04:30
rwwivan__: an invite to what?04:30
expungeTJ-: no, the point is you can be locked out of either04:30
expungethey're the same04:30
ivan__ wrong channel04:30
rwwivan__: because this is the Ubuntu support channel, not wherever you think you are04:30
rwwno problem04:30
sacreliciouslotuspsychje: Error synchronizing after initial wipe: Timed out waiting for objects (udisks-error-quark, 0)04:31
=== Acilim is now known as Acilim_A
TJ-rasteroid: 7 years ago; can't remember now... my article is at http://tjworld.net/wiki/Sony/Vaio/FE41Z/HackingBiosNvram04:31
expungewow that looks boring =)04:32
chubboesafter bacula-console-qt installed command "bat" gives permission denied msg?04:32
rasteroidTJ: they locked virtualization and hyperthreading04:32
lotuspsychjesacrelicious: and you cant inctall gparted?04:32
TJ-rasteroid: I never had problems with HT04:32
sacreliciouscorrect, i got the error message when trying to install it from the terminal, i suspect it might be because my repos are out of date04:32
chubboes>( expunge?04:33
chubboesafter bacula-console-qt installed command "bat" gives permission denied msg?04:33
expungeno idea04:33
* expunge splits04:33
lotuspsychjesacrelicious: maybe try unetbootin ?04:33
rasteroidTJ-i don't remember the name, i think an sz761 something. my current vaio doesn't have this problem04:34
lotuspsychjeor loading the .iso from grub04:34
sacreliciousE: Unable to locate package unetbootin04:34
lotuspsychje!info unetbootin | sacrelicious04:34
ubottusacrelicious: unetbootin (source: unetbootin): installer of Linux/BSD distributions to a partition or USB drive. In component universe, is optional. Version 585-2ubuntu1 (trusty), package size 215 kB, installed size 835 kB04:34
sacreliciouslotuspsychje: E: Unable to locate package unetbootin04:35
chubboesunopaste: why?04:35
chubboesafter bacula-console-qt installed command "bat" gives permission denied msg?04:35
TJ-rasteroid: I dumped Sony after that; that machine has been unbooted in my lab for several years. I use Dell's now since they have so much expansion potential and are easy to strip-down for servicing04:35
rasteroidTJ - they don't make them anymore04:36
redelevenWhat is the min amount of ram I should have on an old computer so it could run Ubuntu?04:36
lotuspsychjesacrelicious: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/ISOBoot04:36
rasteroidTJ - but they are my preferred laptop. desktops are zotac/xeon and servers are supermicro/amd04:36
TJ-sacrelicious: If you're using 13.04 you'll need to switch the "/etc/apt/sources.list" to use the archives at "http://old-releases.ubuntu/com" instead of the usual archives, since 13.04 is EOL04:37
lotuspsychjeredeleven: goto lubuntu or xubuntu04:37
sacreliciousTJ-: how do i do that?04:37
blackwingseyo,. im back04:37
TJ-redeleven: I've got machines with 384MB that do OK04:37
redelevenOkay, trying to bring life back to this ancient Vaio04:37
blackwingsredeleven do you use gnome 3.10 ?04:38
lotuspsychjeredeleven: lubuntu will revive your machine for sure :p04:38
blackwingsdo you have any idea how i can put the terminal transparency back on ?04:38
advx_Bye...Have a great day...04:38
TJ-sacrelicious: "sudo sed -i 's,http://.*archive\.,http://old-releases.,' /etc/apt/sources.list" then "sudo apt-get update"04:39
sacreliciousi'm so confused right now... i just want to figure out a way to upgrade to the current version to my computer actually functions again04:39
TJ-redeleven: I've got a couple of SRX51P that still do OK; you may need to use a Debian kernel though, because some of the older models don't support PAE (which is required with Ubuntu 32-bit kernels)04:40
chubboessacrelicious: goto www.ubuntu.com get ISO disk image of new ubuntu04:40
chubboesburn it to disk04:40
sacreliciouschubboes: i did. I can not burn it for some reason04:41
redelevenSounds good, I will check it all out. Appreciate the help04:41
chubboesare you for real04:41
rasteroidsacrelicious: install unetbootin and use it to create a USB bootable drive04:41
chubboessacrelicious: run it!04:42
chubboessacrelicious: You have local computer repair shops?04:43
chubboessacrelicious: cd-rom player only right04:45
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chubboesOP chubboes04:56
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Lynda22 Hi! I give you some videos. I hope you like! http://bitly.com/1sL0eIY05:05
roninmscomo elimino todas las barras de tarea del escritorio de linux mint 1705:09
roninms alguien me alluda05:11
roninmscomo elimino la barra de tarea de lunx mint 1705:11
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absk007which FS partition should be on a fast drive other than /home? i keep some heavy apps in /opt so that will be on a fast drive too. What else should be on a fast drive for good perf.?05:32
Beldarabsk007, The configs for some are in home I would just have the whole OS there myself, keep it simple the differentials are so small anyway if spinning HD's.05:34
absk007Beldar, i'm low on space. I've a fast 7.42 GB thumb drv. and a Class 4 16 GB microSD Card. Where to put what?05:34
Beldarabsk007, Why no internal?05:35
chriysEverytime I try to install a package I get this error: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:36
absk007Beldar, 320GB HDD burnt it running Win 7 Ult.05:36
absk007chriys, try dpkg --configure -C05:37
nicolinus:) absk007 can be cool to create logical volume manager so is possible to resize the partitions when they are full ?....i use to create usr partition for the apps...but maybe i am wrong...05:37
Beldarabsk007, You can only take that speed race so far with that hardware any hardware really, just use it.05:37
chriysabsk007: I got this: dpkg: error: conflicting actions -C (--audit) and  (--configure)05:38
bekksabsk007: Both USB thumb drives and SD cards arent "fast drives", both are awfully slow actually.05:38
absk007chriys, do either one05:38
absk007bekks, no options05:38
bekksabsk007: In that case it doesnt matter where you put what.05:38
chriysabsk007: same issue05:39
absk007the thumb drv. is a 2.0 one attached to 3.0 port05:39
absk007chriys, did you try "dpkg --configure" OR "dpkg -C" ?05:40
Beldarchriys, try sudo dpkg --configure -a  than  sudo apt-get install -f  post your sources in a pastebin if you still have problems after.05:41
chriysok Beldar05:41
absk007the apt-get fixes many things.05:41
Beldarchriys, And a sudo apt-get update with the sources.05:41
chriysabsk007: it ask me to do dpkg --configure package-name05:41
chriysBeldar: what do you mean with the sources05:42
absk007chriys, just do what Beldar says05:42
Beldarchriys, I said if the two commands do not work post your sources just add a update with it.05:42
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royalaxeheyo guys05:43
absk007chriys, check this http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/dpkg-returning-an-error-code-1-a-896225/05:43
bekkschriys: Whats the exact error you get?05:44
Beldarchriys, you can pull up all your sources with this command. grep -vr "^#" /etc/apt/sources.list{,.d/}05:44
royalaxei should goto bash chan but perhaps the answer is here, has anyone ever run vlc from the terminal to play an avi file?05:44
chriysbekks: E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)05:44
Beldarchriys, Follow beck's though I have to take off shortly.05:45
bekkschriys: Thats one line, and not a full error message. :)05:45
bekkschriys: Pastebin the entire output please and provide the URL.05:45
chriyshere are my sources http://pastebin.com/iZY0fm2A05:45
bekkschriys: Thats only one part of your sources, you still may have content in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/05:46
chriysand this is the error after I did apt-get install -f  http://pastebin.com/YEd0T1vQ05:47
chriysok let me check them.05:47
bekkschriys: Whats this "red5-server" all about?05:48
chriysit's a media server.05:48
bekkschriys: So check why it couldnt be started then.05:49
chriysthe thing is this error appears whatever package I try to install05:49
chriyseven if I purge that package05:49
bekksThe thing is, that whatever package is going to be installed, dpkg assumes that the red-5server issue has to be foxed before.05:49
chriysoh ok I see.05:51
chriysI just purged the red5-server and installed iptables-persistent05:51
chriysbekks: how can I verify what avoid red5-server to start05:52
bekkschriys: By installing it, waiting for the installation to fail, and checking the postinstall script which is mentioned, and investigating what causes that script to fail.05:53
chubboesHow do I become the OWNER and Administrator?05:54
chriysthis is the message when I try to install http://pastebin.com/PWGcWVHj05:54
bekkschubboes: Of what?05:55
chubboesUbuntu 1405:55
bekkschubboes: 14.04 or 14.10?05:55
theitushelp with getting and useing adobe flash05:56
bekkschriys: Now you have to investigate /var/lib/dpkg/info/red5-server.postinst and check why it fails.05:56
absk007theitus, no issue. Just install the "adobe-flashplugin-installer"05:56
chubboesbecause if I am not the OWNER then I get no access05:56
bekkschubboes: So ask the owner to grant you access.05:57
chubboesokay what do I type to upgade to .1005:57
bekkschubboes: What exactly is the message you get when doing what exactly?05:57
chriysbekks: what should I look for?05:57
bekkschriys: reasons why it fails.05:57
chriyssorry to ask but I'm really a newbie on this05:57
chubboesafter bacula-console-qt installed command "bat" gives permission denied msg?05:57
absk007theitus, "sudo apt-get install -y flashplugin-installer"05:58
adam_Hi, I need help. I am not liking the Ubuntu 14.04 desktop, is there a way I can install Xubuntu's or Ubuntu studio's?05:58
bekkschubboes: you need to either a) configure bat to be run as user b) or run bat using gksu bat05:58
absk007adam_, sure...05:58
bekkschubboes: that has nothing to do with being "owner".05:58
adam_absk007 How?05:58
bekksadam_: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop05:59
adam_Okay thank you, Bekks05:59
theitusdo i put that in just how its typed05:59
absk007theitus, yep! in terminal you can remove the "-y" flag if you wanna see the download confirmation06:00
spartonadam: what did you not like about the desktop?06:00
absk007adam_, good that you switching from unity of ubuntu. Canonical managed to insert contextual ads based on your desktop search which means they keep & use your search text for their profit.06:02
spartonabsk007: you can disable that06:03
adam_Well, one. All the ad programs.06:03
chriysbekks: this the /var/lib/dpkg/info/red5-server.postinst http://pastebin.com/PgHFaBMn06:03
adam_Two, terminal should be sitting there from the get go.06:03
absk007sparton, sure. By uninstalling 'em. But why enable by default in the 1st place.06:03
chriysHonestly after looking into it I can't tell you if it's right or wrong06:03
adam_3, its just hard.06:03
adam_Xubuntu and Ubuntu studio looks much better and much simpler.06:04
absk007adam_, sparton, https://www.eff.org/deeplinks/2012/10/privacy-ubuntu-1210-amazon-ads-and-data-leaks06:04
adam_And the multi desktops06:04
adam_Just perfect.06:04
spartonadam_ : Xfce and kde play pretty well in 14.04, gnome3 used to break things in other versions.06:04
bekkschriys: So you have to start red5-server and see why it fails.06:05
theitusi didnt get anything06:05
adam_sparton I admit it is fast.06:05
absk007theitus, did you try this? "sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer"06:05
spartonbreak things as in with unity......if your goal is to not retain unity that gnome3 is fine06:05
bt2bnhi - i can't seem to find an answer to this question elsewhere - sometimes when i use the show desktop button or minimise in some way I lose the windows i was using and can't seem to get them back - my conkys disappear, my browsers are there but they are bars and i can't work out how to restore them - probably a simple answer but can someone help please?06:06
theitusok it left me with mext cmd line06:06
adam_My FX-4100 Ubuntu 14.04 is killing my Windows 7 i7 375006:06
adam_theitus its done then.06:07
absk007theitus, it's because you have disabled partner sources06:07
theituscool thx06:07
absk007may be not if everything is fine06:08
adam_I have used Ubuntu studio and Xubuntu but Ubuntu 14.04 has a more stable kernel.06:08
bekksadam_: Thats ot true. Both use the same kernel.06:08
chriysbekks: do you know how can I locate this file invoke-rc.d: initscript red5-server, action "start" failed. ?06:08
adam_Bekks, they are slightly diferent.06:08
adam_Same linux based.06:08
theitusoh how do you if it works though\06:08
bekkschriys: "invoke-rc.d" is a command.06:08
adam_But different.06:08
bekksadam_: Thats not true. Both are _identical_.06:09
adam_Bekks, no.06:09
spartonadam_ : stable yes.....using AMD grfx i liked the enhancements 3.16 brought....which is what I switched to06:09
absk007Everyone must be aware of "Ubuntu security notices" http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/06:09
bekksadam_: They are identical. The only difference is the desktop environment used.06:09
adam_bekks nope, I have looked at both kernels.06:09
adam_I tend to add, my own security, Bekks.06:10
absk007theitus, run youtube.com06:10
bekksadam_: So Ubuntu has nothing to do with your kernel differences then.06:10
adam_No I have looked at the coding, bekks.06:10
theitusyoutube runs06:10
chubboesbekks: How do I connect to the bat director?06:11
adam_Bekks, I make I read the directions.06:11
adam_Bekks I meant coding06:11
absk007theitus, run addictinggames.com06:11
bekkschubboes: There is no "bat director". There is a bacula director only.06:11
adam_I am in two chats.06:11
theitusi just cant get games to run like battlefield 194206:12
adam_Theitus what is your specs?06:12
bekksadam_: There are no "different kernels" for Ubuntu Kubuntu, etc. - there is just one repository and thus only one kernel for all.06:12
chubboesbekks: accually the is a console connection to the Director06:12
adam_bekks, Studio was made by 3rd party based on Ubuntu 1206:12
adam_Bekks, then they took it there own way.06:12
chubboesbekks: gksu bat06:13
absk007theitus, is the game flash based?06:13
chubboestry it06:13
theitusok how to check specs im kinda new to this06:13
adam_theitus, time to learn. Did you buy or build your PC?06:13
theitusyes its flash based06:13
bekkschubboes: Start the bacula director, and use bat to connect.06:13
bekksadam_: Ubuntu studio uses a realtime kernel, which is also exactly the same as the realtime kernel in the official ubuntu repos.06:14
adam_bekks, Thats the old kernel.06:14
absk007adam_, everyone buys stuffs. No one has a factory backyard. :)06:15
adam_Bekks, they took it their own way.06:15
adam_absk007 I meant that did he buy the parts and put it together06:15
adam_absk007 or did he buy it at a store06:15
adam_absk007 or from a friend06:15
apickleHello everyone.06:15
apickleI was curious.06:15
adam_absk007 this Pc I have is my old AMD Gaming rig.06:16
apickleHow is it that I obtain DHCP on my interface?06:16
adam_absk007 That I built06:16
bekksadam_: The did not take any other way than the official Ubuntu way. Ubuntu Studio is a official derivative ans uses official kernels only.06:16
bekksadam_: Please read the last paragraph here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/RealTimeKernel06:17
adam_bekks, they only would do that if they were official.06:17
bekksadam_: Ubuntustudio is official.06:17
adam_bekks, which version?06:17
adam_Thats for their latest 14.04 but the older ones arent06:18
bekksadam_: Even 12.04 was official.06:18
adam_bekks, partially.06:18
adam_bekks, Kernel only06:18
nico_07hi :) . bekks do you know if are not differences to ubuntu desktop and server ? i'd read about the server is different ... in one post...but i don't know if this is real... :) thanks :)06:19
bekksnico_07: Different set of default applications installed.06:19
chubboesbekks: How do I connect to X server?06:19
apickleSo... how do I force a DHCP address lease on Ubuntu server?06:19
bekkschubboes: you dont need to.06:19
adam_chubboes you are in one.06:19
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server06:20
nico_07( i have install my ubuntu on a raid and i use the server edition for to do that ) ....06:20
theitushow to open apps06:21
chriysbekks: finally I installed it manually06:21
bekkschubboes: You have to tell us what exactly you are doing, and you have ti tell us the exact error message. We cantguess what you are doing.06:21
bekkstheitus: Ubuntu has no apps, it's not a smartphone. Ubuntu has installed programs only :)06:21
theitusprogram sorry ;06:22
bekkstheitus: Which desktop environment are you using?06:22
chubboesbekks:    bat: cannot connect to X server06:22
theitusstudio if thats what you mean06:22
bekkschubboes: So you are not running it locally, are you?06:22
chriysthx for your help06:23
bekkstheitus: Then you have a menu, with all programs listed, I guess?06:23
nico_07thanks... ( durin the installation i had the choice to add ubuntu desktop , and gnome , ubuntu studio ... ) so now  i have justthe normal ubuntu but in a raid... ( thanks :) )06:23
chubboesbekks: it practically is localhost06:23
bekkschubboes: What does that mean? Do you use ssh localhost?06:23
apicklesudo ifconfig -a?06:23
theitusno not on desktop06:24
chubboesbekks: com'own you know what I want06:24
bekkschubboes: I have no clue what you want. So I am asking for clarification and details.06:24
chubboesbekks: okay "X server"  how do I get a connection to it?06:25
bekkschubboes: you dont "get an connection to the X server". Do you run "bat" inside "ssh localhost"?06:25
chubboesbekks: ssh no06:26
bekkschubboes: So how exactly are you starting bat if it is not "gksu bat"?06:26
chubboesbekks: gksu SET as IP then run bat06:27
bekksWhat does that mean? Why dont you run "gksu bat"?06:27
chubboesconnection fails06:28
bekksCan you please provide full error messages, not just parts of them?06:28
chubboesokay hold on------06:28
bekkschubboes: We need to know exactly what you are doing, and we need full error messages, as I already meantioned. :)06:29
chubboesbekks: bat ABORTING due to ERROR in console.cpp:157 Failed to connect to (computers name) then for populateLists06:31
chubboesother one is06:32
chubboesbat: cannot connect to X server :006:32
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Guest2493W:Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found , W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80] , W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/restricted/source/Sources  404  Not Found [IP: 80] , W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/natty/univ06:35
Guest2493can anybody help me with this06:35
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rwwGuest2493: Are you running Ubuntu 11.04?06:36
rwwIf so, it's End of Life and its repositories thus got moved.06:36
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades06:36
apickleI created another user account for my bro06:47
apickleHow do I give him sudo privileges?06:47
apickleUnder HIS account?06:47
sillopotatisGive him the sudo password06:48
SchrodingersScatI think you can either add him to /etc/sudoers or a group with sudo privileges06:48
SchrodingersScatcould be called sudoers?06:48
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redelevenWhat is the command in Lubuntu that I would use to update the entire system?06:50
apickleI thought there was a nice and easy command to do it in 14.04...06:52
MrokiiHello. I've been using an SD-card (from my camera) for a long time without problems. But a few days ago, when I insert the card in the reader, it isn't mounted automatically anymore (I need to click its entry in a filewindow). Also I'm always asked my admin-password to mount and dismount it. And today I noticed that the card is mounted as read-only (not sure if both things happened at the same time). Any06:52
chaosbringerHello all. I'm having a few issues trying to install ubuntu 14.04 due to EFI / Bios issues06:55
chaosbringerFirst, how do I make sure that I delete all bios/gpt partitions on my drives as to "reset" them?06:56
chaosbringerSomething similar to dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX bs=512 count=106:56
tyteen4a03is it possible to convert a MBT disk with Windows on it to a GPT one without data loss on an ubuntu livecd?07:07
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ga_sk8erok i  got 1 small question07:20
ga_sk8eri just installed ubuntu 14.4 & as im waiting for a program to install, my screen went blank so i  mived mouse around. it asked for password. how do i  turn off that feature?07:20
ga_sk8erreally? over 1000 ppl & nobody can answer?07:23
cfhowlett!patience | ga_sk8er,07:24
ubottuga_sk8er,: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/07:24
cfhowlettga_sk8er, for instant answers, pay for canonical support.  otherwise, patience + the volunteers in this channel.07:24
ga_sk8erpay for support? forget that07:25
PENGYUdid u do the update?07:25
PENGYUand activate the drive?07:25
ga_sk8ergoogle was cheaper....was in the settings & then "brightness & lock"07:27
ga_sk8eri just installed ubuntu tonight so i figured it was some default power setting just like in windows07:28
PENGYUya and but there is almost nothing to be configured....07:29
ga_sk8eri knew what my issue was. i just didnt know where the setting was07:30
PENGYUu wanna set up what?07:31
PENGYUwhat is ur issue then07:31
ga_sk8erafter a few mins of inactivity my screen went blank. then when i  moved my mouse it wanted my password again. i  set it to never go blank07:32
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PENGYUdoes it work then?07:34
PENGYUjust go setting- brightness and lock07:35
ga_sk8eryeah i googled & figured out where it was07:35
ga_sk8erwhats a good app to use for webcam?07:38
cfhowlettga_sk8er, cheese07:38
cfhowlett!info cheese07:39
ubottucheese (source: cheese): tool to take pictures and videos from your webcam. In component main, is optional. Version 3.10.2-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 47 kB, installed size 397 kB07:39
ga_sk8erok i remmber back in ubuntu 12 i  used some kind of cheese program but back then my cam wasnt recognized by ubuntu07:39
cfhowlettga_sk8er, guvcview is also well-regarded07:40
ga_sk8eroh awesome!!!!! the cam i  have now works on linux :D :D :D07:41
TaZeRcool now ur a sexy07:42
zezeyomg omg omg07:46
cfhowlettzezey, ask your ubuntu questions07:47
zezeyit's alive!  ubuntu running on virtual machine!07:47
ga_sk8erso its a virtual ubuntu....a "vubuntu" ? lol07:50
dynwhere can find the best tutorial for the usage of command line irc client?07:52
cfhowlett!irc | dyn,07:52
ubottudyn,: A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines07:52
cfhowlettdyn, pretty sure irssi (irrsi?) has a tutorial07:52
cfhowletteanyx, ask your ubuntu questions07:53
eanyxDid anyone know why ubuntu 14.04 can't resume properly on laptop HP pavillon when closing ?07:54
eanyxThe disk seems to turn on, but black screen and cannot login. must do a forced power off and restart07:55
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LapJupwill this wireless mouse work in ubuntu? http://www.staples.com/Dell-WM123-Optical-Mouse-Aqua/product_1198192?cmArea=home_box107:57
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eanyxAnother point why ubuntu 14.04 use a 3.13 kernel for it LTS (long term support) as official linux kernel (kernel.org) for long term are 3.12 and 3.1407:58
ThePadawanlooking for a very lightweight ubuntu distro (was think about peppermint, bodhi). Only need a gui to maintain a dev folder that would be a pita to do over cli (because it haves quite complex structure)07:59
cfhowlettLapJup best way: go to your local staples store with your ubuntu machine/USB and test it07:59
cfhowlett!lubuntu | ThePadawan,07:59
ubottuThePadawan,: lubuntu is Ubuntu with LXDE instead of !GNOME as desktop environment, which makes it extremely lightweight. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu - /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:59
cfhowlett!mini | ThePadawan,08:00
ubottuThePadawan,: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want.  The installer is text based (rather than graphical as used on the Desktop DVD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD08:00
dynhow set gnome2 as the default desktop environment?08:00
dynI love the gnome2 environment08:01
cfhowlett!gnome | dyn,08:01
ubottudyn,: GNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome08:01
dynI do this ,but it seems that it is the gnome3 environment08:02
wligtenberg@dyn then have a look at mate08:03
wligtenberg@dyn then have a look at mate ubuntu-mate might be right for you, but is in development08:03
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Node_3Good morning08:03
wligtenberggood morning08:03
cfhowlettwligupdate ! ubuntu_mate?  really?  an official distro or what?  Link?08:04
dynmate2? is it stable?08:04
NordomHello, I just finished my first kernel compile and got an error at the end dealing with the make. Can someone help me understand what the error means?08:04
cfhowlett!kernel > nordom08:04
ubottunordom, please see my private message08:04
Nordomcfhowlett: really wasn't the answer to my problem =(08:05
Node_3I'm a little bit lost as to how X handles mouse pointers; specifically the relation between the master pointer and slave pointer and also the virtual pointing device and the actual hardware device and I'm looking for some documentation that will give me a good overview of how this system works08:07
BlaXpiritI want to create a bootable install USB drive. Will `sudo dd if=file.iso of=/dev/sdX` work?08:08
BlaXpirittalking about Ubuntu 14.04 desktop iso08:08
Node_3BlaXpirit: Yeah but add bs=4M08:10
mindstormand sync08:10
BlaXpiritOK, thank you08:10
dyndoes anybody has successfully install ubuntu on a x86 based tablet?08:11
cfhowlett!touch | dyn,08:12
ubottudyn,: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch08:12
Node_3Out of curiousity, has anyone here tried Weyland yet?08:13
dynthanks @ubottu08:15
Mint_loversHello everyone08:17
cfhowlettMint_lovers, ask your UBUNTU questions08:17
cfhowlett!info wayland > edition,08:18
Mint_loversI am a novice08:18
BlaXpiritIf one OS is already present on my computer, with GRUB as well, how can I make Ubuntu just "add" itself to GRUB and not take over as the boot partition?08:19
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cfhowlettBlaXpirit, sudo update grub IIRC08:19
BlaXpiritcfhowlett, what does that mean and when do I do it and on which OS?08:20
cfhowlett!grub > BlaXpirit08:20
ubottuBlaXpirit, please see my private message08:20
Mint_loversI came in with translation software08:20
Node_3BlaXpirit: If both operating systems are using Grub they should both detect eachother. The only difference will likely be which operating system comes first in the list, but that can be changed later.08:20
cfhowlettMint_lovers, ask your questions08:20
BlaXpiritNode_3, I just want Ubuntu to not override the existing GRUB08:21
Node_3BlaXpirit: I'm not sure how to do that in a regular install process. What I would do is to install Ubuntu as usual08:22
Node_3BlaXpirit: let it overwrite Grub and then boot into the old operating system and just run sudo update grub to have the old system overwrite the new one08:22
BlaXpiritbut it's different partitions..? how does that even work08:22
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Node_3BlaXpirit: Grub is installed on the bootsector08:23
ubottuUbuntu 14.10 (Utopic Unicorn) is the next development release of Ubuntu due for release in October 2014. Support in #ubuntu+1. For more info, see the announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/136308:23
BlaXpiritOK, kinda makes sense. thx08:23
Node_3BlaXpirit: or the EFI partition depending on your computer08:23
Node_3BlaXpirit: So it's installed in the same place for any operating system, you will not have duplicates08:23
Mint_loversUbuntu Mint how to install sougouPinyin on08:23
Node_3BlaXpirit: Atleast not with the same bootloader. If you have other bootloaders they will still be there though08:23
BlaXpiritwell no, I don't think it is installed in boot sector, maybe just a pointer to the actual location, which is on an actual partition08:24
geirhaBlaXpirit: tell the second install to not install a boot loader. Then boot into the first ubuntu and run update-grub. It should now detect both ubuntu installs08:24
BlaXpiritgeirha, I like this suggestion more. was coming to that conclusion myself, but wasn't sure it would work. thank you.08:24
Guest94547hi why ubuntu installer cant access my hdd ( otherwise i cant mount on doubleklick)08:24
cfhowlett!cn | chubboes,08:25
ubottuchubboes,: 如欲獲得中文的協助,請輸入 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw08:25
Node_3BlaXpirit: Geirha's suggestion does sound better. I didn't know Ubuntu offered the option to not install a boot loader08:25
geirhaNode_3: Been a while since I've installed Ubuntu now, but it used to be on one of the last step, under an "Advanced" button08:25
geirhawhere you can specify which drive or partition to install grub on, or none at all08:26
Node_3geirha: Hmm. I didn't see any option like this installing 14.0408:26
BlaXpiritgonna try08:27
BlaXpiriteither way it should be exactly the same actions08:27
cfhowlettNode_3, if you do the auto-install option, I don't think it shows.  If you manually configure ...08:28
Node_3cfhowlett: Ah08:29
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ubuNoobNehi why ubuntu installer cant access my hdd ( and i cant mount on doubleklick)08:30
Node_3I haven't used Linux in a very long time. I used to run obsd years ago08:30
Node_3I must say that I'm quite impressed with ubuntu.08:30
ircguest192492hello all, when using mdadm, do you apply raid before installing with the livecd or after? (I've been doing it before and my linear "raid" is not persisting)08:31
ircguest192492hello all, when using mdadm, do you apply raid before installing with the livecd or after? (I've been doing it before and my linear "raid" is not persisting)08:32
bekksircguest192492: you have to create it during the installaing from the server iso.08:32
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ircguest192492kk, thanks!08:32
redelevenDoes anyone know of a chromebook that would allow me to install Ubuntu onto it?08:34
astroduckHi! My nautilus keeps on toggling show hidden files and list/grid view randomly. Any fix for that?08:34
cfhowlettredeleven,   look up chromebuntu   chromebuntu08:35
Node_3I'm having a problem with the mouse cursor skipping pixels in both y and x axis on a Synaptics touchpad. I've tried to use synaptics noise cancellation and to disable pad resolution and to increase psmouse polling rate/resolution and to disable hw cursor but it doesn't solve the issue08:37
Node_3Is there another driver I can use?08:38
ircguest2948Btw, the ubuntu-server install doesn't support linear RAID08:40
ircguest2948like mdadm does, only raid 0 through raid 608:40
MrokiiHello. I've been using an SD-card (from my camera) for a long time without problems. But a few days ago, when I insert the card in the reader, it isn't mounted automatically anymore (I need to click its entry in a filewindow). Also I'm always asked my admin-password to mount and dismount it. And today I noticed that the card is mounted as read-only (not sure if both things happened at the same time). Any08:40
mustuhi, I'm tryign to install a downloaded .deb file with software-center but software center starts downloading the deb file again instead of installing from the deb on disk08:40
Node_3Mrokii, Sounds like the filesystem might be damaged08:42
ircguest2948So, is there no way to have linear raid (like mdadm has) using ubuntu prior to installation? (It goes away after a reboot when using the livecd)08:42
MrokiiNode_3: The filesystem on the SD card?08:43
Node_3Mrokii: Yeah.08:43
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Node_3Mrokii: What filesystem do you use on it?08:44
MrokiiNode_3: I can reformat the card but I don't see why that would stop Ubuntu from mounting it automatically. I don't know about the filesystem on the SD-card. I never changed it, I'm just using it in my camera.08:45
Node_3Mrokii: Then it's most likely fat32. You shouldn't have to reformat it08:46
ircguest2948Any ideas to persist mdadm linear "raid" when installing the system using a live cd??08:46
bekksircguest2948: Create the raid usong the server iso, during the installation. And what is a "linear raid"?08:47
MrokiiNode_3: I thought so. Never had that problem before I think, and no clue why Ubuntu suddenly changed its behaviour.08:47
Node_3Mrokii: try running sudo dosfsck -w -r -l -a -v -t /dev/whatever-device-your-sd-card-has08:47
ircguest2948bekks, https://raid.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/RAID_setup#Linear_mode08:47
Node_3Mrokii: You may have to install dosfstools first, (sudo apt-get install dosfstools)08:48
MrokiiNode_3: Okay, I'll try that, thanks.08:48
bekksircguest2948: Ah, thats a JBOD in fact. :)08:48
Node_3Mrokii: It's the equivalent of chkdsk in Windows. Good for sd cards and pen drives that tend to run fat32 and get some damage when it's ejected improperly08:48
bekksircguest2948: "linear mode" is just a functionality, in case you want that, better use LVM.08:49
bekksCreate multiple physical volumes for LVM, add them to the same Volume Group, done.08:49
ircguest2948well, i want to specify where each thing goes, (I have an SSD which I want the OS to be installed to)08:49
bekksircguest2948: And using LVM thats possible, too.08:50
ircguest2948and /home /var /opt /<custom> into the linear array08:50
bekksircguest2948: USe LVM instead.08:50
ircguest2948Any guide on how to do that for 14.04?08:50
ircguest2948how complicated?08:50
ircguest2948I had searched for a decent LVM guide but it all seemed like you had to install and configure after the fact or such thing08:51
bekksircguest2948: Much more easy than dealing with RAID. Bott the server iso, create physical volumes for LVM in the partitioning section, create one volume group, create logical volumes, and then just assign the volumes to the filesystems.08:51
ircguest2948there's also no options for doing so on the 14.04 Ubuntu Gnome CD08:51
ircguest2948i dled the server cd now08:51
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto08:51
bekksircguest2948: thats why I suggested to use teh server iso.08:52
ircguest2948will reinstall now. be back if any issue08:53
MrokiiNode_3: the command you gave didn't show anything useful (not much at all). I formatted the card but that didn't change anything either). Doesn't matter too much, the card still works as usual in the camera, it's only "read-only" in Ubuntu, so not too much of a problem. Thanks anyway.08:53
imacatwhy is the ubuntu window so tiny when running virtualbox on a win8.1 dell laptop?08:56
imacati upped the video memory to 64megs08:56
eeee_imacat: ctrl+f for full screen i think08:57
imacatthat's not it... the screen size doesn't change08:57
imacatit's like less than 640x48008:57
eeee_right control08:57
eeee_(not left)08:57
eeee_ah ok, i get it08:58
eeee_maybe change the resolution in the display setting's?08:59
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ircguest2948bekks: http://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/120242/using-lvm-with-ssd-and-sata-drives09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass.09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass..09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass...09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass....09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass.....09:02
imacatI had a boyfriend named Ubuntu once.  He would "play the bongos" on my ass......09:02
unopasteimacat you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:02
cfhowlett!ops | imacat,09:02
ubottuimacat,: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, PriceChild, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, k1l, rww, phunyguy, bazhang09:02
bekksircguest2948: It is a matter of fact that you can specify the physical device where to logical volume will be created. This applies to "lvcreate".09:03
ircguest2948So I would need two logical volumes09:03
ircguest2948one for / efi swap09:03
ircguest2948and then another for the rest of the partitions?09:04
ircguest2948is that common?09:04
ircguest2948I guess I would only be able to increase the first (ssd volume) by adding ssds and the hdd one by adding hdds09:04
Jinny22 Here some videos. I hope you like them! http://j.mp/1ku5xfr09:04
ircguest2948so I guess that makes sense09:04
ircguest2948if that's the case09:04
bekksircguest2948: you need one partition for /boot/efi, one for /boot, and logical volumes for every other filesystem you want to have.09:06
Node_3Although not strictly necessary I would suggest making /home its own partition. In any case you need to re-install ubuntu that will save a lot of time.09:08
cfhowlettagreed but backup the backup as well09:08
ircguest2948Node_3: I was trying to do the following -- / /boot/efi swap >> SSD | /home /var /opt >> HDD09:09
ircguest2948i'm reading up on LVM09:09
ircguest2948but it seems that then the SSD would have one logical volume09:10
ircguest2948and the 2 HDDs would have 1 logical volume09:10
ircguest2948with those partitions the way I mentioned09:10
Node_3ircguest2948: Personally I would put /home as a smaller partition on the ssd and then make a second partition for big files (downloads, video, music, pictures etc.) and mount it inside your home folder09:10
Node_3ircguest2948: That way you would get the benefit of ssd speeds when reading local settings and cache files09:10
ircguest2948Makes sense09:11
Node_3How much memory do you have?09:11
ircguest294832 GB of ram09:12
Node_3Yeah, skip putting the swap on the ssd09:12
Node_3Use that space for something else ;)09:12
ircguest2948I was thinking about not having any swap at all09:12
Node_3ircguest2948: Although Linux will rarely use it, you should make a swap partition09:12
ircguest2948but i guess i won't miss 2 gb09:12
ircguest2948that's what I figured09:12
Node_3But I would make it on the hdd09:13
ircguest2948Kk, created a boot-usb09:13
Node_3With 32gig of ram, unless you're doing some extreme stuff, linux shouldn't have to page.. ever09:13
ircguest2948I do some extreme stuff09:13
Node_3video editing?09:13
ircguest2948vagrant + puppet etc09:13
bekksNode_3: And the swap is used for suspending, too.09:13
ircguest2948I run networks of VMs for programming purposes09:13
Node_3bekks: That's true. I almost forgot about that09:13
bekksNode_3: So if you choose suspend to disk, you need as much swap as RAM.09:13
ircguest2948Good to know09:14
Node_3bekks: Yeah09:14
ircguest2948Didn't know that09:14
ircguest2948ok so09:14
ircguest294832GB of of swap on HDD LV09:14
Node_3So as bekks suggested, in any case you're going to suspend the computer you should reserve 32gig for it. If you want to suspend fast I suggest putting it on the SSD if you have space09:14
ircguest2948i'm probably going to buy more SSDs in the next months09:15
Node_3You can use TuxOnIce in order to save some space..09:15
bekksircguest2948: Then you can change that setup later on.09:15
ircguest2948What do you mean09:15
ircguest2948I'm saying I can probably put everything on the SSD LV and keep the large files on the HDD LV09:16
ircguest2948would that be best?09:16
bekksircguest2948: That you can change your setup if necessary in a few month after buying more SSD.09:16
bekksircguest2948: No, thats not best.09:16
ircguest2948So the 32GB of swap should be on the HDD LV?09:17
bekksircguest2948: For a fast suspend no, for saving space on the SSD yes.09:17
ircguest2948So what would be the best? Is a fast suspend not a good thing?09:17
ircguest2948I'm not understanding09:17
Node_3ircguest2948: Yeah, when you're suspending everything in ram would have to be written to your hdd which, with 32gig, would take time09:17
bekksircguest2948: It depends on how important things are to you.09:17
ircguest2948bekks: what is your suggestion09:18
Node_3ircguest2948: If you put the swap on the ssd, then when you suspend everything in ram will be written to your ssd instead which will make suspending faster09:18
ircguest2948Node_3: that's what I was thinking as well09:18
Node_3ircguest2948: Ah then we misread you :)09:18
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bekksircguest2948: I dont know how important things are to you.09:18
ircguest2948bekks: seems to disagree09:18
Node_3ircguest2948: No, he just misread you aswell but he seems to have aspergers or something09:18
bekksNode_3: Stop insulting people. Thank you.09:19
Node_3ircguest2948: Anyways, everything on the ssd is fine and big files on the hdd09:19
Node_3bekks: You're welcome09:19
Node_3ircguest2948: swap on the ssd if you want your suspends to be fast, if you don't care about how long it takes to suspend the computer then put the swap on the hdd09:19
ircguest2948It seems you have the ability to create Primary or Logical volumes using the standard install liveCD09:19
ircguest2948is that not suggested?09:19
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Node_3ircguest2948: Doesn't matter much these days09:21
Node_3Anyways, i'm off.09:26
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* Zooklubba wtf209:36
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unopasteZooklubba you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted09:36
cyclist_2Hi, there! I had to press the reset button on my laptop and the icon on the workspace that allowed me to switch users, restart and shutdown cleanly has vanished; is there a way to bring it back without a restart? I tried adding it again to the pannel, but it was not there [there're only apps to switch users and to shutdown, but not one to restart...]09:54
mint17hello all09:55
reversibleanLet's say i updated bunch of packages from external PPAs and i no longer remember their ppa names or do not have them on the apt-sources, how do i use ppa-purge or downgrade those packages to the default ones?09:55
reversibleanIs there way i could list/find the non-default/external packages?09:56
mint17ok if no one helps i`l fly away09:57
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EdicoI remained without space on my rood directory. I don't know what occupy my space, I have /home on separate partition. I see that /usr/src has 1.5 GB with linux-headers*10:07
Edicoshould I remove linux-headers of the other versions than I use with rm command or is there a tool do do that?10:08
cfhowlettEdico, first sudo apt-get autoclean10:09
cyclist_2Edico: you do not need to keep all linux-headers acquired from previous updates; they take quite a bit of space on th HD10:10
cyclist_2Edico: but be sure to keep the last 2 or 3, just in case the last one breaks something...10:11
absk007Edico, you probably run many things being root10:14
absk007check "ls -A /root"10:15
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Edicoabsk007, no, I don't run things as root, just with the user created10:16
absk007hmm.. then it's complicated10:17
absk007apt-get autoclean doesn't clean /root. It cleans /var/cache/archives10:17
EdicoI removed /usr/src/linux-headers* I don't use10:19
EdicoI have enough space now10:19
cfhowlettabsk007, apt-get autoremove is also good for the occasional spring cleaning10:19
linuxuz3rapt-get autoremove10:19
absk007but doesn't clean /root i suppose10:20
cfhowlettabsk007, nope.  command man apt        will tell you all about apt options10:20
Edicothank you very much to all10:21
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absk007Edico, all clear?10:22
absk007cfhowlett, autoremove is used to remove packages that were automatically10:23
absk007installed to satisfy dependencies for some package and that are no10:23
absk007more needed.10:23
absk007where does the dependencies get installed?10:24
Edicoyes, I did that also10:24
cfhowlettabsk007, depends. get installed all over ...10:24
absk007don't they get installed to /usr/bin & /usr/lib?10:24
absk007how to see disk analysis from terminal?10:25
linuxuz3rabsk007, what do you mean by disk analysis10:29
niophi, how to include multiple ip addresses on the same host in ssh file?10:29
nioprepeat the host spec for each ip?10:29
absk007linuxuz3r, folder wise size recursively10:30
niopas in repeat this?:10:30
niopHost nas0110:30
niop     HostName
niop     User root10:30
niop     IdentityFile ~/.ssh/nas01.key10:30
linuxuz3rabsk007, du -h10:31
linuxuz3ri thought you meant disk performance10:32
linuxuz3rdu -h10:32
absk007yeah! got that. duh??10:32
davidgahi  all10:35
davidgai have an asus x55110:35
davidgaand wanted to try ubuntu10:35
davidgai get a kernel panic when trying to start ubuntu10:35
davidgawhat can i do in this issue10:35
linuxuz3ruse a livecd10:36
davidgai have a live usb10:36
davidgacreated by rufus10:36
cfhowlettdavidga, who the heck is rufuf??!10:36
davidgathey guy who sold me the computer told me that it is an uefi machine10:36
davidgait has no bios10:37
davidgahe told me that i should create the live usb with rufus10:37
cfhowlettdavidga, never heard of that tool - and I've been using ubuntu since 2007.10:37
davidgai downloaded the LTS10:37
Irburhow does a computer have no bios?10:38
cfhowlettdavidga, did you verify the ISO?10:38
davidgahow do i verify it ?10:38
lilstevieIrbur, UEFI is technically firmware not BIOS ;)10:38
cfhowlett!md5sum | david10:38
ubottudavid: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows10:38
lilstevieand isn't legacy bios which is what most people refer to ;)10:38
Irburoh, sorry, thanks!10:39
linuxuz3rso ubuntu doesnt work with uefi10:39
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI10:39
lilstevielinuxuz3r, ubuntu works just fine with uefi :p10:39
IrburMy computer is UEFI, it works fine!10:40
Pencil_I click on my home folder on the panel and nothing happens.  Can someone tell me what's broken?10:40
linuxuz3rok thanks guys10:41
linuxuz3rim out10:41
davidgai downloaded and it told that md5 checksum is different10:42
davidgaso i assume that there was a download error10:42
cfhowlettdavidga, bad ISO = bad installation10:42
davidgais this correct?10:42
davidgathis was stupid easy10:42
cfhowlettdavidga, correct.  download with torrent usually is more reliable method10:42
davidgathanks a lot from saving me dumping the10:43
davidgathanks a lot10:43
cfhowlettdavidga happy2help10:43
Kira9204i just realized, why does no browser come with torrent aupport o.o10:44
cfhowlettKira9204, cuz it's stupid easy to add10:44
brotherBoxKira9204: how would that even work?10:44
cfhowlett!test | elf_,10:45
ubottuelf_,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )10:45
serviscope_minorJust installed ubuntu 14.04, with XFCE. It's mostly a success, but I have a few minor problems.10:46
serviscope_minor1. Doesn't respond to the sleep button or lid close. If I send the right dbus invocation from the shell, it does indeed sleep so that works. Not sure how to go about debugging that.10:47
akyrosserviscope_minor, have you tried LXLE? - over the past couple of years I went through a few light-weight Linux distros to run on my old laptop (mist Ubuntu / Debian derivatives)10:47
serviscope_minor2. The icon for nm-applet doesn't appear in the system tray, even if I use a separate standalone tray like stalonetray.10:47
Kira9204cfhowlett: yes, but if you think from a users perspective they will always go the easy route that works out of the box10:47
serviscope_minorakyros: it's regular standard ubuntu.10:48
serviscope_minorI just happen to prefer XFCE to unity10:48
Kira9204guess why IE has such market share on Windows? Becuse its already there and default10:48
serviscope_minor3. It's now stuck on US keyboard. I can do the right xkb invocation from the shell as before, but doesn't seem optimal.10:48
serviscope_minor2 is th most annoying since the workarounds are substantially more of a pain than the other two.10:49
serviscope_minorAny ideas on where to look at fixing these?10:49
akyrosserviscope_minor, Heh I did that too for a while after Unity was introduced as default instead of Gnome2 on my fast (desktop) box but ended up just switching to KDE/Kubuntu - too many things to tweak in XFCE to make it work to my liking10:49
serviscope_minorakyros: it's only a few years old. i5 of a decent speed, and 4G ram.10:49
serviscope_minorakyros: well, this isn't actually for me. It's for a friend. Personally, I prefer FVWM2, but I'm old-fashioned like that.10:50
serviscope_minorbut nonethelessit ought to work. I'm fairly sure 2 would be a problem on FVWM as well, since nm-applet seems busted, not XFCE in this case.10:50
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darksiderhi guys, i'm facing a very strange issue. I'm mounting a network share using cifs in fstab and it works, but when I try to do the same thing using the mount command (with the same options) I get access denied10:52
ActionParsnipdarksider: did you prefix the command with sudo?10:52
darksideri am logged in as root10:53
Kira9204serviscope_minor: did you just install that? either way you can reset unity and change all localization optiobns in the settings menu10:53
ActionParsnipdarksider: not wise but ok10:53
serviscope_minorKira9204: yep I just instaled.10:53
ActionParsnipdarksider: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue10:54
darksiderActionParsnip: I agree, its just temporary :)10:54
serviscope_minorKira9204: also the setup has given me a keyboard switcher icon in the tray, but it only has 2 identical choices for US keyboards10:54
darksidersyslog shows: Status code returned 0xc000006d NT_STATUS_LOGON_FAILURE10:54
ActionParsnipdarksider: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue10:55
darksiderActionParsnip: Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l10:55
darksiderthats all10:55
ActionParsnipdarksider: did you set a username and password to access the share with?10:56
Kira9204serviscope_minor: yes, but you can add more options and languages in the settings10:56
darksiderActionParsnip: i use the same credentials file as in fstab, it works there10:56
serviscope_minorKira9204: it's odd though. It correctly figured out I was in the UK when I installed.10:56
ActionParsnipdarksider: can you mount it using: sudo mount /mount/point , using the entry in /etc/fstab10:57
ActionParsnipdarksider: hmmm, not sure then. Sorry10:58
ActionParsnipdarksider: could report a bug10:58
darksiderno problem, thanks for trying :)10:58
Kira9204serviscope_minor: yeah, but didn`t you choose a diffrent keyboard layout during the installation?11:00
p78artisthello :)11:01
Kira9204also, you can use this: sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales11:01
BartlomiejBI installed Ubuntu on Acer Aspire S7-391 and now I have unusable computer: the only message after starting the computer is "No bootable device found".11:01
Kira9204BartlomiejB: did you install from USB?11:02
BartlomiejBI tried to run boot-repair to no avail: here is a log that this tool produced: http://paste.ubuntu.com/7991980/11:02
ActionParsnipBartlomiejB: did you set the boot device back to the internal drive?11:02
BartlomiejBKira9204: yes, I did.11:02
serviscope_minorKira9204: It selected UK during installation so I kept that,11:02
ActionParsnipBartlomiejB: you cqn also boot to the USB but boot the installed OS instead of the liveCD desktop11:03
cyclist_2Hi, there! I had to press the reset button on my laptop and the icon on the tray that allowed me to switch users, restart and shutdown cleanly has vanished11:04
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cyclist_2is there a way to bring it back without a restart? I tried adding it again to the pannel, but it was not there [there're only apps to switch users and to shutdown, but not one to restart...]11:04
BartlomiejBActionParsnip: how can I do that? I don't have that option when booting from USB.11:04
cyclist_2I need it because of another software problem which prevents me from using the keyboard11:04
ActionParsnipBartlomiejB: I thought the USB had the option to boot first drive11:04
ActionParsnipBartlomiejB: you can always boot to the liveCD and chroot to the installed OS then run updates and install Grub to the MBR11:05
BartlomiejBActionParsnip: UEFI doesn't use MBR, AFAIK.11:05
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI11:06
ActionParsnipBartlomiejB: not used uefi, it sounds like the devil11:06
Kira9204grub always ibstalls to /dev/sda during installation, however, depending ob the bios sometimes the USB drive occupies that namne making grub intall itself to the usb stick11:08
BartlomiejBKira9204: I choose to install do /dev/mapper/...HDA0 during installer. perhaps it was mistake...11:10
p78artisthello :) i have a problem with the xfce-panel. all time i start my pc, the panel does not autostart. i set xfce4-panel in the autostart settings. but it didnt work. and sorry for my bad english11:12
Kira9204BartlomiejB: could very well be that it installed to the wrong drive yes11:12
TJ-BartlomiejB: It looks as if the UEFI boot-menu has been messed up11:13
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Kira9204i tent to mound the HDA/SDA just to be sure beforehand11:13
melvincvI wonder why forticlient SSL VPN does not support Linux any more... i have not seen a version 5 forticlient for Linux, but they did release a version 4.11:16
crazyhorsecan someone recommend a batch image resizer for ubuntu?11:18
cfhowlettcrazyhorse, imagemagick will do batches IINM11:18
cfhowlettcrazyhorse, phatch definitely will do batches11:19
antheumHi all. I am running ubuntu 14.04. I need to place a config_fw_loader in the .config file. Can anyone assist11:24
TJ-antheum: It's already enabled and set-up11:26
antheumI have looked in the .config file and can't see it11:26
antheumTJ: I have looked in the .config older and can't see it11:27
TJ-antheum: "grep FW_LOADER /boot/config-`uname -r`" => "CONFIG_FW_LOADER=y  CONFIG_FW_LOADER_USER_HELPER=y"11:27
antheumTJ I am a bit of a newbee. You may have to expand11:28
antheumTJ: and aspie11:29
TJ-antheum: I showed you the command that confirms the feature is enabled. Udev handles firmware loading11:29
antheumTJ: ok so I type that into terminal. where the command says 'uname' do I replace with my user name?11:31
juveniledelinquehello everyone, my computer freezes often. it is not permanent freeze, the cursor moves every now and then, but it takes forever the computer to recover (never happened, at least, I didnt wait that long)11:31
TJ-antheum: Type the command *exactly* as I show it inside the double-quotes11:31
antheumTJ: many thanks11:32
TJ-antheum: You can copy/paste the command instead of typing, to avoid typing errors11:32
TJ-antheum: firmware files are expected to be in "/lib/firmware/"11:32
juveniledelinquewhen it began to slow down, I checked ram, and its % use was normal, I guess. %20 for firefox, %6-10 for chromium. all the rest values close to zero11:33
antheumTJ: ok there you go I didn't realise you can copy and paste from here11:33
TJ-antheum: I think that facility sometimes can depend on the IRC client you use, but most should support it :)11:33
juveniledelinquethe hard drive is ok, too11:33
juveniledelinquefor ex. I can move the cursor now, but the computer makes still no move11:34
TJ-juveniledelinque: does it occur predictably? Is it always when you have particular applications running?11:34
TJ-juveniledelinque: Once you have control again, view the end of "/var/log/kern.log" for clues - match the timestamps of the log messages with the time the issue occurs, there may be clues.11:35
antheumTJ: it says no such file or directory11:35
juveniledelinqueTJ- it occurs a while after I start the device, within half an hour or so, not longer. it may be particular applications, because I almost always use the same applications lately11:36
TJ-antheum: That's not good. Which Ubuntu release is it ("cat /etc/issue") ?11:36
neutralizerhi, what is Host LAN IP from inside the container? is it docker0 from host? or eth0 from container?11:36
TJ-juveniledelinque: It almost sounds like paging to swap partition due to some process eating up RAM and causing pages to be swapped out.11:36
remonm96can anybode help me with installing atraci on ubuntu 14.04 lts?11:37
antheumTJ: ah ok it did come back with the print out you mentioned11:37
antheumTJ: I had cut and pasted the whole thing, like a proper noob11:38
juveniledelinqueTJ- what process can it be? something happening at the background, a malware?11:38
TJ-antheum: :) we all are at some point11:38
TJ-juveniledelinque: I've seen some web-sites with bad Javascript cause a tab in a browser to cause it, and because you can't get to the terminal to check, it has often gone by the time you can check. In those cases I have a terminal open and visible running "top" ready to catch it.11:40
juveniledelinqueand this happens on and off for over a month now. It seemed to have been gone after a reinstall a month ago, but lately it returned11:40
juveniledelinqueTJ- I have exactly that now. the terminal open with 'top' running. but I cant see the terminal11:41
juveniledelinqueI cant get to it11:41
antheumTJ: I also need a working userspace infrastructure configured.11:41
TJ-juveniledelinque: I've also noticed that effect when using the -lowlatency variations of the kernel, but then, the mouse pointer also freezes.11:41
TJ-antheum: As I said, Udev handles it11:41
TJ-antheum: It has built-in support for firmware loading. The rules file is simple: "/lib/udev/rules.d/50-firmware.rules"11:42
antheumTJ: what about the working userspace infrastructure configured11:42
TJ-antheum: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Firmware11:45
antheumTJ: thank you11:52
DataGGYo there11:54
juveniledelinqueTJ- I viewed kernel log, I cant detect any anomaly with my knowledge.11:54
DataGGone quick question: Is kernel 3.16 stable?11:54
DataGGOr should I go with 3.15.9?11:54
juveniledelinquebut timestamps are not in continuity, there are gap points between them, like 50 min, 20 min..11:55
SP33Dcan some one plz help me to setup syslog so it don't logs one msg11:55
SP33Di simply don't understand this filter syntax right i don't know why11:55
SP33Di need other examples maybe can some one paste me a example of filter out of this11:56
SP33DAug 10 13:52:46 h1 kernel: [134491.379425] type=1400 audit(1407671566.244:12928365): apparmor="DENIED" operation="ptrace" profile="docker-default" pid=3728 comm="ps" requested_mask="trace" denied_mask="trace" peer="docker-default"11:56
SP33Das i understand it comes from the kernl log part but i don't know how to filter that out so it don't gets logged11:57
DataGGIs kernel 3.16 stable? Or should I go with 3.15.9?12:00
k1l_DataGG: last stable ubuntu uses 3.13. so we suggest to use that12:02
AlexPortableI used unetbootin to make clonezilla bootable usb stick, but when i want to boot from usb stick i get 'no bootable medium found. insert bootable medium and press any key'.12:05
TJ-DataGG: 3.16 has some regressions in the PCI handling code that can affect allocation of expanded bridge windows12:05
juveniledelinqueTJ- sorry, I was disconnected, if you replied me meanwhile.12:08
TJ-juveniledelinque: timestamps being far apart in time sometimes happens if nothing much is going on in the hardware department :)12:10
b14ckhello, can anyone tell me if there are any specific router settings i should make to connect wireless ? (i had another linux distrib. installed and it worked before)12:10
crazyhorseit places the usb stick in the drive, it sees the usb stick in the disk utility, it doesn't see the mounted usb stick12:10
crazyhorsewhat should it do?12:10
juveniledelinqueTJ- oh, i see, thank you. but still dont know what could be devouring the system's resources12:11
crazyhorseit sees the volume  says "unknown 2.0Gb"12:11
TJ-juveniledelinque: Have you over-clocked the PC? Have you recently added any hardware devices? The best way to test it is to log-in and not open any applications for a while and see if it still happens. If you want to leave the PC while that test is running, open a terminal and run a simple script "while true; do echo "I'm still alive at $(date)"; sleep 1; done"12:13
cfhowlettb14ck, set your router to defaults is the usual answer12:16
antheumTJ: if x retrieves y from files in /lib/firmware, what is /lib/firmware12:17
TJ-antheum: A directory in the file-system12:17
antheumTJ: in relationship to its command12:18
TJ-antheum: I don't understand your question12:18
antheumTJ: ah ok. and how would I find that file in ubuntu12:19
TJ-antheum: Do you have an actual problem with an Ubuntu installation... because your questions are probably more appropriate for ##linux12:19
k1l_antheum: its a folder12:19
juveniledelinqueTJ- admittedly a funny script :)12:19
TJ-juveniledelinque: By *very* informative :)12:19
TJ-juveniledelinque: s/By/But/12:19
antheumTJ: there is no problem. I am just learning how the system works12:19
zagazahi guys, how do I give a folder basic web permission? just read or whatever it is12:20
antheumTJ: and the terminology. using windows, thus far, keeps you away from the good stuff12:20
ActionParsnipzagaza: what do you mean 'web permission'12:21
antheumTJ: can I give you an example12:21
juveniledelinqueTJ- I haven't overclocked it, and I dont use the device with any hardware attached. I bet it wouldnt get jammed without any open application, or maybe even when only a browser window is open. I'll try this12:21
zagazaActionParsnip I get You don't have permission to access /index.html on this server.12:21
b14ckcfhowlett: thanks12:21
cfhowlettb14ck, happy2help12:21
ActionParsnipzagaza: I have full system access via sudo12:22
zagazaI mean I get that in my browser12:22
ActionParsnipzagaza: what is the access on hthe file?12:22
zagazawhat do you mean?12:23
ActionParsnipzagaza: what permissions are on the file you cannot access?12:23
zagazagonna check12:23
zagazasorry, 60012:26
yellabshello there12:30
yellabsis there a way to show a realtime clock on bash ?12:30
TJ-yellabs: "date" ?12:31
yellabswhen i do date, it show clock , but not a live version12:31
cfhowlettyellabs, time12:31
yellabstime shows a bunch of zero12:31
TJ-yellabs: The command runs, reports, exits. If you want it to continuously update you won't be able to type commands in the same terminal12:32
Paddy_NIIf I wanted to upgrade/install the latest stable Gnome on Ubuntu 14.04 would I use "Staging PPA" or the "Gnome Team PPA"?12:32
TJ-yellabs: "time" is for timing the execution of commands, not for RTC12:32
Paddy_NIOr perhaps both?12:32
TJ-yellabs: if you're keen to see the latest time you could edit the bash shell prompt PS1 to show the time12:33
zagazaso what's the correct way to go about permissions? should I set permissions on a folder, or on all the files? if i want them to be readable by web users12:33
yellabsyeah i did edit the .bashrc  , but indeed its a frozen time12:34
MonkeyDustzagaza  methinks #ubuntu-server is the channel you need12:35
zagazacool thanks12:36
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yellabsah, well, i see now that a live clock is not an option12:37
TJ-yellabs: if you use 'screen' you could add the time to the optional status bar, or just press Ctrl+A T for instant time12:37
elmaestrohi guys, wat does it mean when i can browse but there is no assigned wired connection in network manager on sys tray?12:38
cfhowlettelmaestro, sure you're not on wifi12:39
MonkeyDustelmaestro  maybe you're connected through a wifi connection12:39
MonkeyDustelmaestro  even accidentally, through some unsecured wifi connected you're not aware of12:40
ActionParsnipzagaza: what sort of access do you want?12:40
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zagazaActionParsnip: I want my web folder and it's files to be accessed by anyone in browsers12:41
ActionParsnipelmaestro: run: sudo lshw -C network , you will see what is connected and not12:41
ActionParsnipzagaza: who is the owner and group on the file?12:42
yellabsah , lovely hackers..12:42
yellabsthanks for time, take care..12:42
yellabsbeaming into the real world12:42
zagazaActionParsnip: a user I created12:43
ActionParsnipzagaza: and what user does the web server process run as?12:43
chriyshey guys does someone has a good link to lock user in their home directories for sftp (openssh-server) on ubuntu 12.0412:43
zagazaActionParsnip: sorry don't know how to look that up?12:43
TJ-ActionParsnip: there's two answer sessions going on; one's in #ubuntu-sever :)12:44
ActionParsnipzagaza: id keep it in #ubuntu-server but if the user running the process doesnt have permissions on the file you will get issues12:44
zagazaTJ- yeah I got directed to #ubuntu-server12:44
ActionParsnipTj-: thanks12:44
antheumHey Ubuntu. is there a difference between user@bash and $12:45
ActionParsnipchriys: https://www.linode.com/docs/tools-reference/tools/limiting-access-with-sftp-jails-on-debian-and-ubuntu12:46
darkelfjuggaloI usually use .deb or apt-get to get files from a repository... I have a Tar.bz file i need to extract, can someone remind me the proper code to do so12:46
ActionParsnipantheum: what do you mean 'user@bash' ?12:46
sydneyIf i install zram,will it hurt my system? like make it crash? Also,how do i use it? I know what it does :)12:46
chriysActionParsnip: thx12:47
ActionParsnipdarkelfjuggalo: install unp and you can use it to extract anything12:47
TJ-darkelfjuggalo: "tar -xf <archive.tar.gz>"12:47
antheumwell I am just going through some documentation and it is talking about the command line. However, it its examples are user#bash. I don't have that when I open the terminal12:47
ActionParsnipsydney: I suggest you researh a little12:47
MonkeyDustsydney  if ubottu says it's ok, i guess it's ok12:48
ActionParsnipantheum: bash is just a shell. You automatically run bash when you start a terminal12:48
ubottuzRAM is a module of the Linux kernel which increases performance by avoiding paging on disk and instead uses a compressed block device in RAM, useful on systems with less RAM, and SSDs.  Install zram-config to enable zRAM.12:48
sydneyok :) I was curious when i came across it :)12:48
antheumActionParsnip: thank you12:48
ActionParsnipsydney: also set vm.swappiness to 1. If you lots of RAM you won't use swap unless you suspend etc.12:49
sydneyActionParsnip: i have tried that,but it causes my programs to crash :-/12:50
Tzunamiisydney: How much RAM do you have in that system and what programs are crashing?12:51
sydney1gb. google chrome12:51
cfhowlettsydney, 1 gig?  suggest you consider a lightweight buntu: lubuntu or xubuntu12:52
ActionParsnipYeah zra looks good for you.  Ram is cheap dude. You'll really see the difference with more12:52
sydneyI am already using a lightweight buntu :P12:52
sydneySo i should try zram?12:52
sydneyActionParsnip: im sure i would :)12:53
sydneyor dont i have enough ram for zram to help?12:53
Mmmm|2since the last update, using wine is not possible until you do `echo 1 > /proc/sys/abi/ldt16` has root one after startup. Would you know how to launch that cmd automatically after each startup ? (as root)12:54
k1l_sydney: lubuntu uses zram by default12:54
MonkeyDustMmmm|2  create a cronjod and use @reboot12:54
* Mmmm|2 googles cronjob12:55
sydneyk1l_: Ahh,thats why it seems faster than when i have lxde installed on a unity install :)12:55
MonkeyDustMmmm|2  like so:   sudo crontab -e and add: @reboot [your command]12:55
ActionParsnipMmmm|2: you can use gnome-schedule as a GUI to crontab12:55
k1l_for small or old hardware you defintely should lok at lubuntu at all.12:55
Mmmm|2ActionParsnip: i'm using kde, so no gtk gui for me :x12:56
Mmmm|2I'll look into that MonkeyDust, thank you12:56
ActionParsnipMmmm|2: im sure there I one but learning proper crontabs in cli is great as you can change jobs via ssh :-)12:56
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sydneyk1l_: I am using enlightment :)12:57
sydneynow rebooting...12:59
MonkeyDustMmmm|2  in a terminal, type   crontab -e    then read the basic instructions, no need to bother google12:59
ActionParsnipI use openbox as standalone. Superlight12:59
Mmmm|2MonkeyDust: thank you, I'll reboot now to see if that works :12:59
MonkeyDustMmmm|2  did you use sudo?12:59
Mmmm|2MonkeyDust: I used the root account directly13:00
TJ-Mmmm|2: Using "sysctl abi.ldt16=1" is better; and you can add that to a file in /etc/sysctl.d/ to have it applied at boot13:00
ActionParsnipOr in /etc/sysctl.conf13:02
elmaestroon sys tray it reads "device not managed"13:04
TJ-ActionParsnip: No, that's not a good place. That means updates to that script require user intervention to check the diff, decide on which version to use - package maintainers or the user's. The purpose of the sysctl.d/ directory is that packages and users can drop in their own requirements, which are read by "run-parts", without changing the configuration shipped in the package, making upgrades reliable13:04
sydneythere :) DO i have to configure it or anything?13:05
sydneyIt *seems* faster :)13:07
elmaestroam sure am not on wifi, its a desktop PC and my only connection is wired13:09
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sydneyi should buy some more ram :P13:10
ActionParsnipsydney: just use the OS I guess. You could reboot for laughs13:10
ActionParsnipsydney: I would.  1Gb RAM costs peanuts13:10
cfhowlettsydney, if affordable, max out your ram13:10
sydneycfhowlett: um,4gb :)13:11
cfhowlettsydney, 4 > 113:11
TJ-elmaestro: If there's an entry in "/etc/network/interfaces" for that network interface, Network Manager will by default not manage that same interface to avoid messing it up13:11
sydneyI can probably go to like 24 if i switch my os to 64 bit :P13:11
elmaestroyes i have entries in interfaces file, my ip as issued by my provider13:12
TJ-elmaestro: That is why Network Manager doesn't list the device13:12
elmaestroTJ,thanks, but it means that those are the addresses my connection is based on?13:13
sydneyBut i dont need 24gb :P13:13
TJ-elmaestro: To check, use "ip address show"13:14
elmaestrowhat is ubuntu's equivalent to avafind, or a file search tool?13:14
cfhowlettelmaestro, whereis13:14
ActionParsnipsydney: 32bit with PAE can use up to 64Gb RAM. Each process will only get 3.2Gb RAM13:17
elmaestro_i cannot find whereis in software centre, wat next?13:17
cfhowlettelmaestro_, it's a terminal command13:17
sydneyActionParsnip: well, i dont  need that much ram. I will probably upgrade my ram to 4 gb,them install a 33d :)13:18
elmaestro_is there an app with a GUI?13:19
ActionParsnipsydney: if you only want a basic system I dont think an SSD will make a huge difference.  The RAM certainly will13:19
sydneyActionParsnip: whats the max ram a 32buit ubuntu install will recognize? 3.2gb?13:19
cfhowlettsydney, what ActionParsnip said +113:19
ActionParsnipsydney: no, the kernel is PAE so will allow up to 64Gb. Each process will only be able to use 3.2Gb though13:20
antheumHI all. can someone tell me how to access the dvd on ubunto 14.0413:20
ActionParsnipantheum: access what DVD?13:20
cfhowlettantheum, access it how?13:20
antheumthe internal DVD13:20
antheumI mean I have just put a disc in there and I want to access it13:21
ActionParsnipantheum: what sort of DVD? A movie?13:21
sydneyActionParsnip: 32 bit recognizes 64 gb? what?13:21
antheumNo its files13:21
sydneyCOol  if it does :)13:21
ActionParsnipantheum: the DVD should automatically mount. Does the drive spin?13:21
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antheumyes and then nothing13:21
antheumI want to know where the access point is on the os13:22
ActionParsnipantheum: you can try and mount it manually using terminal13:22
cfhowlettantheum, /media/13:22
antheumok how do I do that13:22
cfhowlettantheum, for that matter, you can run a terminal, then drag the DVD from the gui and drop it in the terminal for the location13:23
antheumI am looking for the access point. ie: in windows you can go through computer13:23
sydneyThanks all!! :D13:23
BuJitsuBrowncan someone plese take a look at this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8007827/ what am i doing wrong?13:24
cfhowlett!details| antheum,13:24
ubottuantheum,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)13:24
antheumok I just can't find a way to access the DVD player13:24
antheumIs that not enough iformation13:26
cfhowlett!dvd | antheum13:27
ubottuantheum: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats13:27
ActionParsnipantheum: sudo mkdir /media/dvd; sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/dvd13:28
antheumok its not a DVD as in a movie. I had placed some files on a DVD r before moving to ubuntu. now I want to get access to them. I can't find an entry point to access the disk13:28
juveniledelinqueTJ- hello again, I ran the computer with only one browser tab and the terminal open (and plus the irc now), and it had no freezes, no jams so far13:30
juveniledelinqueand the terminal gives 'still alive' every second13:31
antheumWhen I open home  there is nothing there that says internal disc drive13:31
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cfhowlettantheum, depending on your formatting/creating of the DVD it may not read.  if it spins up and STOPS, it may/may be readable13:32
cfhowlett!romania | Guest6920413:33
ubottuGuest69204: Daca doriti ajutor sau doriti sa discutati despre Ubuntu/Kubuntu/Xubuntu, intrati pe #ubuntu-ro13:33
TJ-juveniledelinque: That's good then, you're making progress in isolating it13:33
antheumok but where is the access point anyway13:33
BuJitsuBrownolvida lo hey never mind guys you helped and didnt even know it (did you even know i was here) the syntax error '(' was sloved when @cfhowlett said  "for that matter, you can run a terminal, then drag the DVD from the gui and drop it in the terminal for the location " Soo thank you guys13:33
Guest69204team view pt unbutu este?13:34
cfhowlettBuJitsuBrown, happy2help13:34
BuJitsuBrownyes thnk you bye for now im sure to be back later;)13:34
antheumor is that just not a function ubuntu uses13:35
juveniledelinqueTJ- so does it certainly mean that a particular application causes it (and i.e. not a ram error) ?13:35
cfhowlettantheum, ActionParsnip> antheum: sudo mkdir /media/dvd; sudo mount /dev/sr0 /media/dvd13:36
antheumcfhowlett: what is that for13:36
TJ-juveniledelinque: It'll take a while to determine that, maybe there's some web-site page you visit regularly that causes it?13:37
cfhowlettantheum, the answer to your query bout mounting the DVD13:37
antheumcrhowlett: is the disc drive not automatically mounted13:37
hydeHI. I used command `xmodmap -e "keycode 66 = Escape NoSymbol Escape"` to turn caps lock into esc. this actually works. However, it is still *also* a caps lock. How can I fix that?13:38
TJ-antheum: In the GUI file explorers, usually you simply double-click on a DVD name in the devices summary pane to have it mounted and view files13:38
cfhowlettantheum, if NOT ... use the manual method.  it depends on the DVD - is it recognized, is it readable13:38
antheumcfhowlett: I guess I am asking  is there a place on the destop or home folder where the disc shows up. like in windows or linux mint13:39
cfhowlettantheum, I'm on xubuntu --- different arrangement of behavior.  ask the channel in general13:40
antheumok where is the channel in question13:40
cfhowlettantheum, you're in it.13:40
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Sacrelicioushey guys, I'm trying to format some usb key's in startup disk creator but i keep getting strange error messages13:45
bekksSacrelicious: Which ones?13:45
Sacreliciousbekks: kingston data travelers, or are you referring to the error messages? I can pastebin them if you want13:45
cfhowlettSacrelicious, no mind readers on duty.  paste the error messages13:46
Sacreliciousbekks: pastebin.com/kXZmtvDj13:47
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: pastebin.com/kXZmtvDj13:47
cfhowlettSacrelicious, sorry, but I'm not able to read.  China firewall issues13:48
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: i can msg them if you want, its about 8 or 9 lines long13:49
kostkonSacrelicious, repost on paste.ubuntu.com13:49
Sacreliciouskostkon: will do13:49
Sacreliciouskostkon: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8008007/13:50
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8008007/13:50
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cfhowlettSacrelicious, you're getting that from startupdiskcreator?  Yuck.  install unetbootin and try that instead13:52
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: yeah i'm using an old version of ubuntu, 13.04, i made the error of not upgrading, i'm a linux newbie13:52
kostkonSacrelicious, it seems there are problems with data traveller sticks on linux http://askubuntu.com/questions/102901/get-kingston-datatraveler-locker-working-under-ubuntu-11-1013:52
kostkonSacrelicious, they are not usable at all13:53
cfhowlett!eolupgrade > Sacrelicious,13:53
JOYguys .... anybody know any java programing channel here??13:53
Sacreliciouskostkon: it happens with multiple sticks.13:53
cfhowlettJOY, ##java I think13:53
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: tried to install from terminal. E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.13:53
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: unebootin, that is.13:53
Sacreliciousi will post the error message i get from my other data sticks.13:54
Sacreliciousthis is from one of my lexar ones: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8008043/13:54
[Ex0r]hmm, im having a problem. I have proftpd installed via sudo apt-get install proftpd, and whenever I try connecting to the FTP server, it sits at getting directory listing, and than times out.13:55
kostkonSacrelicious, you could use gparted to delete the partitions on it and format it from there also13:55
Sacreliciouskostkon: tried it already, i will post the error message, one sec.13:56
awantiHi. I am running ubuntu 14.04. I am facing problem in installing canon LBP2900 drivers in it. please help to solve this...13:56
Sacreliciouskostkon: okay, so I'm in gparted, how do I delete the partitions on the device exactally?13:57
Sacreliciouskostkon: wait, i got it, k one sec.13:58
kostkonSacrelicious, are there any partitions listed13:58
kostkonSacrelicious, ok13:58
pr3dhi, i want to install an older version from a ppa Repository. i have trusty installed. is that possible?13:59
ActionParsnipJOY: #java14:00
cfhowlettpr3d, if you can find the ppa version you want, yes14:00
Sacreliciouskostkon: okay, so in startup disk creator, I got my device selected, its blank, 7.3gb free. I have the ubuntu 14.04 iso selected, but the option to "make startup disk" is still greyed out14:00
pr3dyeah i have, but i dont know how to select the old version on apt-get14:01
Sacreliciousis there a way to get a copy of unetbootin that will function on 13.04?14:01
kostkonpr3d, is it for handbrake?14:01
pr3dno transmission14:01
patatesanybody using chromium, can you check if you can see the revocation check settings, in settings.. I can't find it :S Did they remove this?14:02
kostkonSacrelicious, download the .bin and run it14:02
[Ex0r]It just gets stuck on PASV message, than fails to get directory14:02
Sacreliciouskostkon: linux newbie here. how do i do that?14:02
yeatsSacrelicious: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/14:03
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: got a system around with a supported OS? Unetnootin runs on mac and windows too14:03
kostkonSacrelicious, btw, did you click erase disk in the startup creator, just in case14:03
SacreliciousActionParsnip: nah, this is my only system.14:03
Sacreliciouskostkon: sure did.14:03
MonkeyDustSacrelicious  try this, scroll down, but we cannot give support, as 13.04 is !eol http://pkgs.org/download/unetbootin14:03
Sacreliciouskostkon: got this error: org.freedesktop.UDisks.Error.Inhibited: Daemon is inhibited14:04
cfhowlettSacrelicious, use a different computer14:04
Sacreliciouscfhowlett: yeah i'm thinking i might just need to get a friend to make a live usb and boot from it tomorrow or something14:04
kostkonSacrelicious, might as well read it and give the suggestions a try http://askubuntu.com/a/43985/165114:05
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: bit easier14:05
pr3di want to install the v2.77 package from here: https://launchpad.net/~transmissionbt/+archive/ubuntu/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=14:05
yeatsSacrelicious: on that page, click Download (for Linux), right click on the file -> Properties -> Permissions -> click Allow executing file as program - then double click on the icon14:05
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Sacreliciousyeats: k, one sec.14:07
OerHekspr3d, on what ubuntu version ?14:08
yeatspr3d: there's not a trusty version of that deb14:08
kostkonpr3d, are you trying to downgrade it?14:08
yeatspr3d: if you explain what you're after, there might be a better way to do what you're trying to do14:08
OerHekspr3d, why such old verdion, and it is not availavle, 2.83 and up are14:09
Sacreliciousyeats: Could not display “unetbootin-linux-608.bin” The file is of an unknown type14:09
pr3dso its now possible to install an older package, that hasn't been packaged for my version?14:09
MonkeyDustpr3d  what do you want to achieve, maybe there's an easier way to achive it14:09
yeatsSacrelicious: did you save the file?14:09
OerHekspr3d, no. unless you build it yourseld, which can give troubles with dependencies14:10
Sacreliciousyeats: yes14:10
pr3dMonkeyDust: i want to install an older version14:10
MonkeyDustpr3d  of what, to do what?14:10
yeatsSacrelicious: use the file manager to navigate the download location (probably ~/Downloads), then follow my above instructions14:11
Sacreliciousyeats: i did.14:11
Sacreliciousokay, so i got unetbootin running14:11
pr3di think OerHeks has answered it14:12
SacreliciousI get this message when trying to make a live usb from unetbootin: No USB flash drives were found. If you have already inserted a USB drive, try reformatting it as FAT32.14:12
Sacreliciousbut I do have 2 different ones in.14:12
yeatsSacrelicious: is the USB drive you're trying to write to formated FAT32?14:12
cfhowlettSacrelicious, did you format as fat32?14:12
Sacreliciousunsure... can I do that in Gparted?14:13
yeatsSacrelicious: yes14:13
yeatsSacrelicious: be careful to format the right one though ;-)14:13
Sacreliciousyeats: what is the process?14:13
yeatsSacrelicious: make sure you have the right drive, then delete whatever partition is on there, then add a FAT32 one (should be pretty intuitive)14:14
Sacreliciousjust create primary partition as fat32?14:14
yeatsSacrelicious: yep14:14
Sacreliciousstill no dice...hrmmm14:15
Sacreliciousi'm thinking it might be best just to make a clean usb stick on a friends computer14:18
yeatsSacrelicious: yeah - go for that - the only other thought is that you might try an older release of unetbootin (like http://sourceforge.net/projects/unetbootin/files/UNetbootin/584/)14:19
yeatspossible they've changed some things since make it incompatible with 13.04?14:20
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: you do know you can use dd to put the ISO on the USB...14:20
yeatsor that^^ ;-)14:21
SacreliciousActionParsnip: not sure what dd is... explain14:22
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: use the web to find out.....14:23
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: what is the device name of your USB?14:23
SacreliciousActionParsnip: kingston data traveler, and a lexar, no idea what the device name of the lexar is though14:24
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: no. The device name in your OS. The make and model is of zero consequence14:24
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: perfect.14:25
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: and what is the name and location of your ISO?14:25
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: case sensitive of course14:25
SacreliciousActionParsnip: /home/paul/Downloads/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso14:26
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: then with all partitions on sdb unmounted, run:14:27
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: sudo dd if=~/Downloads/ubuntu-14.04.1-desktop-amd64.iso of=/dev/sdb14:27
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: I assume you have MD5 tested the ISO and that the data on the USB stick is not needed14:28
MonkeyDustI havent followed, what's Sacrelicious problem?14:28
SacreliciousActionParsnip: its not needed, as for md5, no idea what that means, but I got it from the ubuntu website, I'm assuming its fine.14:28
ActionParsnipMonkeyDust: old ubuntu and want iso on usb14:29
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: it may have errors14:29
SacreliciousActionParsnip: worst case scenario, as I said, I'll just make a live usb at a friends place tomorrow, I just got stuff I need to get done on here today -_-"14:29
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: source is moot. You can get the file from the dodgiest server you can find, as long as the MD5 hash matches it is complete and consistant14:29
SacreliciousActionParsnip: whats the process to test?14:30
SacreliciousActionParsnip: 2009088+0 records in 2009088+0 records out 1028653056 bytes (1.0 GB) copied, 9.04595 s, 114 MB/s14:30
SacreliciousActionParsnip: good to go?14:30
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: you are pulling the data over the most unreluable network, The Internet. TCP does an Ok job of error checking but it isn't perfect14:30
ActionParsnipSacrelicious: if the job has finished, run: sudo eject /dev/sdb , then reboot14:31
SacreliciousActionParsnip: will do, and thank you so much for this. if this works, I'll be back here in a half hour or so to thank you again. I really, really appreciate the help, I got onto the linux kool aid a little over a year ago but I've been so busy with work I have not had enough time to learn it properly14:32
Sacreliciousagain, very, very much appreciated.14:32
ActionParsnipNp, easy stuff14:32
chriyswhen I try to change my system hostname I keep getting this error sudo: unable to resolve host myhostname14:45
bazhang!hostname | chriys14:46
ubottuchriys: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hosts to include BOTH the old and new hostname and then change /etc/hostname to the new one. WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly.14:46
chriysok let me try that14:46
antheumHi using 14.04. When I time in terninal 'cd /' it doesn't navigate into root directory14:48
ActionParsnipchriys: you need to edit /etc/hosts14:48
ActionParsnipantheum: what does: pwd , output afy14:49
chriysthat's what I did14:49
ActionParsnipAfter you ran: cd /14:49
chriyslet me retry14:49
ActionParsnipchriys: you need to edit both that file and /etc/hostname14:49
sudheerHello - Sorry for the long question... but recently I have installed Intel Graphics driver for ubuntu 14.04 and it screwed hole thing14:49
chriysoh ok let me do that14:49
antheumafter cd / it show /14:50
sudheernow i ma getting few errors while rebooting hence can someone tell me what to do to fix this problem..?14:50
sudheererror code is drm: model has bad taint14:51
antheumActionParsnip: after 'cd /' pwd shows '/'14:52
[Ex0r]grrr, what the heck14:53
[Ex0r]When you install MySQL, does it default to only listen on local ports? I can access it just fine locally, but if I access it remotely it says it can't be reached14:54
bekks[Ex0r]: Yes, by default, it listen to local connections only.14:54
[Ex0r]how can I change it?14:55
[Ex0r]I went in via phpmyadmin and made a new user that accepts connections remotely, but the server itself seems to be blocking remote access14:55
OerHeks[Ex0r], sounds like a router port-forwarding issue14:55
[Ex0r]It's not that, at all, as I am not even connected via a router.14:56
OerHeksthen maybe your provider does not allow to run a service, ports <1024 closed14:56
[Ex0r]No, because it works on other servers14:57
ubottuGuest50405: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».14:57
[Ex0r]It's only this specific server it wont connect to14:57
[Ex0r]Is there something in the mysql config that tells it to only listen locally14:57
OerHeks[Ex0r], no, normally it should work ootb.14:58
[Ex0r]well for some reason it's not.14:58
[Ex0r]And it's only on this server, and i've reinstalled ubuntu four times, using 3 different releases14:59
chriysActionParsnip: seems that it work but this is still showing up myusername@myoldhostname14:59
[Ex0r]thats the error im getting14:59
antheumActionParsnip: ah / is the root directory. noob :-)14:59
antheumActionParsnip: ah / is the root directory. noob :-)15:00
cfhowlett!test | WebWalker,15:00
ubottuWebWalker,: Testing... Testing... 1. 2.. 3... ( by the way, remember that you can use /join #test )15:00
naelsome body can help me? :x15:01
ActionParsnip1Nael: do what?15:02
naelmy mouse doesnt work15:02
naelhe never click in programs15:02
ActionParsnip1Nael: is it a bluetooth mouse, a usb mouse...details15:02
naelmouse pad15:02
ActionParsnip1Nael: what make and model?15:03
ActionParsnip1Nael: model?15:03
ActionParsnip1Nael: see how im having to milk individual bits of info from you. Can you please give more details about the setup. Its getting incredibly tedious15:03
chriysthx for your help guys issue fixed15:04
naeli using vim comand in chrome for navegate..15:04
draxxyHey everybody, just wondering if you'd be able to help me with something.15:04
ActionParsnip1chriys: no worries15:04
chriysbut here is another one: Phpmyadmin loads only halfway when I try connect to mysql15:04
ActionParsnip1Nael: what is the output of: cat /etc/issue15:04
chriysin local I con connect using mysql -u username -p15:04
naeli dont know, how a check this?15:05
draxxyHey there, when I first log on to Ubuntu I am able to use the internet for a couple of seconds and then it disconnects, could anybody help with this?15:05
ActionParsnip1Nael: its a terminal command15:05
kostkonnael, ALT+F2 to open a terminal15:05
Michaela22 You can find funny videos here. http://j.mp/1sqYQh315:06
naeland after this?15:06
ActionParsnip1Nael: what does the output say?15:06
cfhowlettMichaela22  no spam15:06
cfhowlettand no porn15:06
naeli use guake..15:06
kostkonnael, same difference15:06
ActionParsnip1Nael: it doesnt matter if you use guake, run the command in guake. What is the output?15:07
ActionParsnip1Nael: run: cat /etc/issue , what is the output?15:08
ActionParsnip1Nael: its a simple concept15:08
draxxyActionParsnip1, would you be able to help me quickly?15:08
ActionParsnip1Nael: id have thoight a vim user would know basic stuff like this.....15:08
ActionParsnip1draxxy: ask and he channel will answer if it can15:09
draxxywhen I first log on to Ubuntu I am able to use the internet for a couple of seconds and then it disconnects, could anybody help with this?15:09
naelsay (file or directory not find)15:09
ActionParsnip1draxxy: wired or wireless?15:09
naelput sudo before?15:09
[Ex0r]grr, this is pissing me off.. the entire server is jacked up15:09
ActionParsnip1nael: did you not add the words "run:" and did you put a space after the word "cat"15:10
ActionParsnip1nael: sudo isn't needed15:10
naelwill put now15:10
cfhowlett[Ex0r], #ubuntu-server        might know more ...15:10
MonkeyDustnael  run this command:     cat /etc/issue15:10
ActionParsnip1nael: copy and paste the commamd! Why do you think I give the exact command!?15:10
naeli cant se the comand all, i cant up the screen15:11
sudormrfHi guys, my nagios instance is not sending emails anymore.  nothing has changed with regards to the nagios configs or the postfix configs.  I am able to send test messages from the box with postfix.  Could someone help me figure out what is going on?15:11
draxxycat /etc/issue15:11
naelsay comand not found15:11
ActionParsnip1nael: cat /etc/issue15:11
MonkeyDustnael  what screen?15:11
ActionParsnip1nael: lsb_release -cn15:12
ActionParsnip1nael: there is a space between lsb_release and the -cn bit15:12
eeee_ActionParsnip1: -cn ? what's n?15:12
ActionParsnip1eeee_: man lsb_release ;)15:12
MonkeyDustall that, just to get the user's ubuntu version :)15:13
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naelerror: no such option-n15:13
yeatssudormrf: try #nagios15:13
naeli put -cn in the end..15:13
MonkeyDustnael  run this command:     cat /etc/issue15:13
eeee_nael: ActionParsnip1: isn't it lsb_release -a ?15:14
ActionParsnip1nael: lsb_release -c15:14
naelubuntu 14.04.1 lts \n \z15:14
sudormrfyeats, #nagios is almost always dead15:14
ActionParsnip1eeee_: -a is a bit too much, trying to get a single line15:14
ActionParsnip1nael: finally!15:14
naeland lsb.. > codename: trusty15:15
sudormrfyeats, I have joined that channel and asked for help though15:15
naelsorry, i am newbie..15:15
ActionParsnip1Nael: at copying and pasting text? Seriously?15:15
ActionParsnip1nael: you have never copied and pasted text?15:15
* cfhowlett thinks that's physically and cosmically impossible15:16
yeatssudormrf: aside from that pointer, I would check your postfix logs and syslogs for clues15:16
naeli dont, cant use mouse and dont know how with de keybord15:16
cfhowlettnael, uh uh. how are you chatting right now?15:16
ActionParsnip1nael: ok run: sudo modprobe -r psmouse; sleep 2; sudo modprobe psmouse15:16
naelsome body :D15:17
cfhowlettnael,  beginning to look and sound like you're here to play games and waste time ...15:17
antheumIf 'cd ~/desktop' take mes to desktop directory. why doest't 'cd ~/documents' take me to document15:17
eeee_antheum: maybe you need to capitalize documents, e.g. ~/Documents15:18
naelerror: missing parameters. see-h15:18
draxxyantheum: are you doing cd ~/documents or cd ~/Documents15:18
naelin the 2 steep15:18
MonkeyDustnael  are you physically restricted?15:18
draxxyMonkeyDust: :P15:19
ActionParsnip1!info gpointing-device-settings15:19
ubottugpointing-device-settings (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-6ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 62 kB, installed size 504 kB15:19
naeli dont know what this mean15:19
MonkeyDustdraxxy  that's a serious question, we can't know that15:19
ActionParsnip1nael: is the system fully updated?15:20
sudormrfyeats, yeah, that is what I have been doing.  Syslog does show the simulated error, postfix doesn't show that anything is being sent (no error messages, nothing)15:20
sudormrfyeats, when I sent the test messages via CLI the postfix logs lit up15:20
naelevery day have updates for this system..15:20
ActionParsnip1nael: basically you are usimg the modprobe command to unload then reload the psmouse module15:20
yeatssudormrf: and you've restarted the nagios daemon?15:20
naeli ever made..15:20
ActionParsnip1nael: sudo modprobe -r psmouse15:21
ActionParsnip1nael: spaces between every word (you seem to struggle with spaces)15:21
naelis because this that my mouse stop move?15:21
ActionParsnip1nael: is what becuas3 the mouse isnt moving?15:22
eeee_the updates he kept installing15:22
eeee_nael: no15:22
naelbecause i doing this that you say..15:22
eeee_(i think that's what he said)15:22
ActionParsnip1nael: run the command I gave please, you should get no output15:22
naelhe not click, but now he dont  moving..15:23
naelhe have not output15:23
ActionParsnip1nael: did you run the command I gave or not?15:23
eeee_nael: run the second command he gave you too15:23
antheumdraxxy: Will not attempt to process directory /home/antheum/Documents15:23
naelnael...$ sudo modprobe -r psmouse15:23
ActionParsnip1Nael: ok now press your up cursor and delete the "-r" bit15:23
ActionParsnip1nael: and hit enter15:23
naelnael...$ sudo modprobe psmouse15:24
draxxyantheum: try running 'cd ~' and then running 'ls'15:24
naeland he show me nael...$15:24
ActionParsnip1nael: no output again?15:24
ActionParsnip1nael: great, try the touchpad15:24
naelis moving15:24
naelbut not click15:25
antheumdraxy: ok works now. what was the reason. is it because I was in another directory already15:25
ActionParsnip1nael: in any application?15:25
naelthe programs are unclick15:25
draxxyantheum: yes.15:25
antheumok makes sense15:25
naeljust work in the ubuntu bar..15:25
kostkonnael, try tapping it twice on something, e.g. a link and see if that will produce a 'click'15:25
w0rldmakerhey guys. im running a release upgrade on my server. it apperas to have stopped while 'preparing to unpack redis-server' last night15:26
naeldoesnt work15:26
w0rldmakershould i ctrl-c the process?15:26
naelis like not click15:26
naeli just can use key board in programs..15:27
ActionParsnip1nael: try Fn+F315:27
naeli try.15:27
naelmouse pad is on15:27
naelthis get off he, and he stop moving15:27
naeli have a usb mouse and he do the same thing...15:28
naelmouse works in ubuntu things, but not in programs..15:30
anaerobichello! I have a new system installed, the 14.10.1. the keyrings are shown with their earlier names that I long changed. how can I make them appear with their current names?15:32
anaerobicsorry, 14.04.1. of course15:32
naeltanks guy15:37
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sudormrfyeats, sorry was working on something.  yes both nagios and postfix have been restarted15:46
antheumin order to use the cp command, do I also need to be in that particular directory?15:46
ActionParsnip1antheum: you can specify absolute paths for both source and destination15:47
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antheumActioParsnip: what does that mean?15:48
draxxyCould somebody help me? I am connected to wi-fi, TeamViewer connects, but I cannot browse the internet or download through wget.15:48
MonkeyDustantheum  if you are not in the folder you want, you must specify it with the cp command15:49
antheumMonkeyDust: Can you give an example15:49
kostkonantheum, cp <source> <dest>, usually15:49
antheumMonkeyDust: am I too young to be attempting this15:50
draxxyantheum: cp ~/Documents/file.zip ~/Desktop/15:50
antheumdraxy: Thank you15:50
MonkeyDustantheum  cp /home/yourname/Documents/somefile /home/yourname/Videos/somefile15:50
draxxyBetter example ^15:51
antheumMonkeyDust: Thank you. I shall fiddle with that line15:51
gospodhello, anyone here?15:52
priuonhello. I am using Linux xubuntu for quite a while now and have't found the time to make the touchpad of the asus notebook it is installed on work. I hoped it would be fine with a new version of xubuntu but 14.04 didn't install the touchpad either. xinput list does not show the touchpad. I can't find it in lshw lspci or lsusb either. Where should the device be visible?15:53
draxxypriuon: are there any drivers required for the mousepad?15:53
rsa4096Hi is there anyone who can help me in revising the English text?15:54
AlexPortablewhich english text?15:55
fribim trying to get bluetooth to work on an hp envy 15 j063cl -- in ubuntu 12 it works, but in ubuntu 14 it doesn't -- been trying to figure this out for a while and can't get it to work.  any help appreciated15:55
antheumok so 'cp' tells the computer what you want to do. '/home/yourname/Documents/somefile' is where you are copying the file from. '/home/yourname/Videos/somefile' is where you want the file copied to? is this right15:55
priuondraxxy: Microsoft Windows 7 required drivers when I installed it last year. Asus provided drivers from different brands (manufacturer?).15:55
rsa4096AlexPortable, my linkedin profile description, I do not speak English15:56
AlexPortablersa4096: how is this related to ubuntu?15:56
draxxypriuon: try ALT+F3 and check for results.15:56
rsa4096AlexPortable, no15:56
AlexPortableantheum: cp origin destination15:56
AlexPortablersa4096: #ubuntu-offtopic15:56
priuondraxxy: alt f3 opens the application finder.15:57
draxxypriuon: what Ubuntu are you running?15:58
antheumAlexPortable: ok good. now if I am already in a directory and want to copy to the same directory. can I simply just cp filename new name15:58
priuondraxxy: xubuntu 14.0415:58
AlexPortableantheum: yes15:58
draxxypriuon: okay, are you talking from the laptop15:59
AlexPortableso if you are in /home/antheum/Documents/files/ and you want to make a copy of file.odf, you write: cp file.odf backup_file.odf15:59
AlexPortableor similar15:59
priuondraxxy: no15:59
draxxypriuon: and the laptop has access to the internet?16:00
MrokiiHello. What dead simple way is there to record a video of yourself via webcam on Ubuntu 14.04 (including sound)? I tried cheese (which doesn't record sound, just video for some reason) and VLC (which displays a video when I use "play" mode but crashes everytime I try to record/stream it to a file.16:00
priuondraxxy: it has16:00
antheumAlexPortable: I need to physically type backup file16:01
draxxypriuon: okay, find your laptop drivers online and then use the 'wget' line in the Terminal to download the file.16:01
draxxypriuon: then use 'ls' in the download file and run the correct file.16:02
draxxypriuon: make sure to download Linux, though.16:02
ActionParsnip1Mrokii: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=107672516:02
anaerobichello! I have a new system installed, the 14.04. the keyrings are shown with their earlier names that I long changed. how can I make them appear with their current names?16:02
AlexPortableantheum: what do you mean?16:02
AlexPortableantheum: the backup_ was only an example16:02
priuondraxxy: Asus does not offer any linux drivers on their support page. What else can I do?16:06
antheumAlexPortable: was you calling the file 'backup file.odf'16:06
chriysHey guys got a big issue here. nothing can connect to mysql since I configure iptables16:06
chriysI can connect locally using mysql -u root -p16:06
AlexPortableantheum: what would you name it then?16:07
bekkschriys: So allow mysql connections to the mysql port you use.16:07
chriys but any app inside the vps can't connect.16:07
AlexPortableantheum: cp file1.odf file2.odf16:07
chriysI did that16:07
bekkschriys: If you did it would be working.16:07
bekkschriys: Whats the port you are using for mysql, and which rule did you setup?16:08
chriysbekks: this what iptables -L -v returns http://pastebin.com/z3pVz5N316:08
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antheumAlexPortable: I would probably call it 'backup file.odf. It was the context I not sure of. I am 9 and aspie. My fault not yours. Thank you very much16:10
bekkschriys: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/linux-iptables-18-allow-mysql-server-incoming-request.html16:11
chriysbekks: I actually did that16:12
chriyslet me reinitialize iptables16:13
bekkschriys: Does "ping vietransformee.org" work for you?16:13
chriysyep I can access the website of that hostname16:13
bekkschriys: And mysql is listening on that IP?16:14
antheumAlexPortable: it doest work. it says 'cp: target ‘two.odf’ is not a directory'.  two.odf is the file I am trying to copy16:15
AlexPortablewhy did you write target?16:16
chriysit just when down16:16
antheumAlexPortable: antheum@antheum-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/Documents/Rem$ cp two.odf backup two.odf16:16
antheumAlexPortable: Rem is the folder the file is in16:17
AlexPortableyou need to include the target in " if it has spaces16:17
AlexPortableso: cp two.odf "backup two.odf"16:17
antheumAlexPortable: ok I shall try16:18
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antheumAlexPortable: Yay. So much fun :-)16:19
AlexPortablewhats aspie?16:19
priuonthe synaptics site doesn't seem to offer a driver either. Something about a Synaptics Gesture Suite for Linux but no files linked.16:20
antheumAlexPortable: Aspie is Aspergers. Just means I have to work a little but harder to understand16:21
fantasma_hola amigos como entro a una sala en español16:21
bekks!es | fantasma_16:21
ubottufantasma_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:21
antheumAlexPortable: I take everything literally16:21
fantasma_ok gracias16:22
priuoni would think the ubuntu synaptics drivers would cover my device. Could the issue not be at some other point?16:25
echo501 Hello16:27
echo501I have a Ubuntu system that has a bad journal after a power cycle.16:28
echo501I'm getting the error "Target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init"16:28
echo501I've access the server via a Ubuntu rescue disk16:29
echo501and am trying to run "debugfs -w /dev/sda1" to clear the jornal16:29
echo501but I'm getting debugfs not found.  Help?16:29
compdocecho501, sounds like a bad idea16:30
antheumAlexPortable: If I want to move a file from a directory, the directory I am in, to for instance desktop. How would that work?16:31
compdocdebugfs is included with 12.04 and 14.04. At least on my systems16:33
antheumAlexPortable:This is the line I tried  antheum@antheum-HP-ProBook-640-G1:~/Documents/Rem$ cp "cmd line.odt" /home/desktop/ "reall cmd line.odt16:34
someone-nooneHello! What can you recommend as SMTP server? POP3 and IMAP are not necessary as it will be used only for sending mails.16:35
anaerobichello! I have a new system installed, the 14.04. the keyrings are shown with their earlier names that I long changed. how can I make them appear with their current names?16:35
anaerobicalso, could you maybe help me know of a tool to strip uploads (like pdfs) off of their metadata?16:36
AlexPortableantheum: cp fileyouwanttomove.odt ~/Desktop/16:37
jonny3010when i run this init script i get this error               root@Nano:/etc/init.d# ./utserver         : invalid option16:38
AlexPortablethen fix the script?16:38
jonny3010I should work as its used all over th internet16:38
antheumAlexPortable: so there is no requirement for /Home/16:38
AlexPortablethere is16:38
AlexPortable~ replaces /home/username/16:39
antheumAlexPortable: ok16:39
anaerobiceveryone is at sunday mass? :)16:40
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antheumAlexPortable: ok I am working out that people write exactly what the mean in here. There is nothing to be misinterpreted16:45
antheumAlexPortable: ok I am working out that people write exactly what the mean in here. There is nothing to be misinterpreted. Thank you Portable Alex16:46
TJ-antheum: Most people do; although some expect you to be able to read their minds and leave out vital parts :)16:46
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chriysbekks: Issue seems to be getting worst16:53
chriysis there something wrong with my hosts file http://pastebin.com/5FdxErmu   ?16:53
cyclist_2Hi, there! I had to press the reset button on my laptop and the icon on the tray that allowed me to switch users, restart and shutdown cleanly has vanished; is there a way to bring it back without a restart?16:53
cyclist_2I tried adding it again to the pannel, but it was not there [there're only apps to switch users and to shutdown, but not one to restart...]16:54
cyclist_2I need it because of another software problem which prevents me from using the keyboard, sometimes16:54
MonkeyDustthat's the second user today who is unable to use the keyboard16:55
felipefgHey guys16:58
felipefgI have an Trusty domU which is freezing taking up 100% CPU on boot, and I can't even figure out why. Any advices?16:58
absk007Which Additional Driver to use? http://i.imgur.com/EzG1vnA.png16:59
yeats!bootchart | felipefg16:59
ubottufelipefg: bootchart charts your machine at boot time, to install >> sudo apt-get install bootchart << the graphic is in /var/log/bootchart after the next reboot16:59
absk007felipe_, what's your PC specs?17:00
yeatsfelipefg: obviously, you have to be able to boot for that17:00
TJ-felipe_: freezing (implies interrupt routine issue) or just spinning (endlessly doing something intensive) ?17:00
felipefgwell it's a Xen guest VM17:00
felipefgI can always mount the filesystem from the host and run apt-get to install it17:00
TJ-felipe_: Does it still spin if you interrupt the DomU's boot by having it use a different init system, e.g. add "init=/bin/bash" to the kernel command-line?17:01
OerHeksabsk007, the ones in use seems oke17:01
felipefgTJ-: seems to be spinning endlessly17:01
absk007OerHeks, ok.17:01
felipefgTJ-: well, no. I tried removing the fstab, for example, and it falls into a shell with the root filesystem mounted ro17:02
felipefglet me try the init=/bin/bash17:02
TJ-felipefg: It didn't spin in the initrd shell I assume?17:03
echo501 Hi -  Other than "sounding like a bad idea"....   Any other suggestions??  I get "/dev/md1 on root failed: Invalid argument"  Server fails to boot after GRUB menu17:03
RaymondI know stupid question, but I am no master in ubuntu. Does C/C++ programms run on ubuntu?17:03
eeee_Raymond: yes.17:03
felipefgit does, it even enters upstart and run several scripts17:04
felipefgit freezes after "stopping flush early jobs output to logs "17:04
Raymondthank you :)17:04
felipefgat least thats what apperas last17:04
felipefghowever, as scripts are run in parallel, I never know what ran last17:04
eeee_Raymond: np17:05
felipefgbtw, this is a HVM machine, which I'm accessing via VNC. However I had about the same simptoms booting it  as PV17:05
Rohan_mmy touchpad works on its own i mean it goes crazy on its own i'm using ubuntu 14.0417:06
antheumTJ: thats the story of my life17:07
BirdOwlHow do I verify my username again, its been a while and I have forgotten?17:08
TJ-felipe_: any clues if you enable maximum kernel debug logs on its command line with "debug" (and removing any "quiet splash" entries) ? You could also add "single" to boot to runlevel 1 single-user mode to see if that makes a difference17:08
antheumIs it possible to move a file from one directory to another without copying it17:09
BirdOwlIs it /msn or something like that?17:09
hydeRaymond: though, if you want a more pedantic answer: C/C++ are compiled languages. C/C++ doesn't really run anywhere. It is compiled to a binary executable.  But yes, there are C and C++ compilers which can produce binary which runs on Ubuntu ;)17:10
wligtenbergantheum, yes, with the mv command17:10
SchrodingersScatBirdOwl: I think you mean /msg nickserv followed by the command, you can also /query nickserv and get a window just for it, which can save you from muli-line disasters17:10
k1l!identify | BirdOwl17:12
ubottuBirdOwl: You can identify to NickServ automatically when connecting to freenode. See https://www.freenode.net/faq.shtml#identify for more information. When identifying manually, do NOT send the command from a channel's tab, as a typo will give away your password. If that happens, identify and then type « /msg NickServ set password <new-password> » in the server tab as soon as possible.17:12
felipefgnot that I can see.. kernel messages cease before it freezes. I'm browsing /var/log/dmesg but they seem to be from an old boot, back on july when the machine worked fine17:12
TJ-felipe_: Not for a separate /var/ that's out of space?17:14
cutterhi, I've been trying out several flavors of ubuntu just to get lmms working, but it's totally broken. Is there some other alternative I can  use to create music in linux just as easy? Omg remove the package, it's broken! :)17:14
TJ-felipe_: s/for/got/17:14
BirdOwlSchrodingersScat, k1l: Ah thanks, wish I could set Xchat to automatically do that, can it?17:14
k1lBirdOwl: set freenode pw as the server pw in the settings17:14
felipefgnop, only one root filesystem, with 16G free17:14
antheumwligtenberg: that worked pretty well. Thank you :-)17:16
felipefgany way to force upstart to run serially, so at least I can see which script runs before it freezes?17:16
TJ-felipe_: OK... well my first act would be the "/init/bash" test to find out if the cause is due to init scripts or not. If it is, I'd selectively disable init scripts and/or enable verbose Upstart logging17:16
wligtenbergantheum: you are most welcome :)17:16
TJ-felipefg: I wish there were! :)17:17
eeee_BirdOwl: global menu > xchat > network list > edit > nickserv password17:17
SchrodingersScatBirdOwl: https://freenode.net/sasl/sasl-xchat.shtml there is also sasl17:17
felipefgTJ-: the init bash mode works fine, Im on it right now, browsing the filesystem17:17
antheumok how about deleted a file from a directory.17:18
antheumok got it 'rm'17:18
BirdOwleeee_, Thanks'17:19
BirdOwlSchrodingersScat, Thanks as well17:19
TJ-felipe_: OK, so it is an upstart job then17:19
jhutchinsantheum: http://tldp.org/HOWTO/DOS-Win-to-Linux-HOWTO.html http://www.linuxcommand.org/ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicCommands http://www.macdevcenter.com/pub/a/mac/2005/05/20/terminal1.html http://www.ischool.berkeley.edu/~kevin/unix-tutorial/toc.html  http://linuxcommand.org/lc3_learning_the_shell.php  http://linuxcommand.org/tlcl.php17:19
felipefgBTW, the Xen HOST keeps logging "xen:balloon: reserve_additional_memory: add_memory() failed: -17" to the dmesg... however even with the VM running there should be over 8GB unallocated ram17:20
SchrodingersScatantheum: and once it's gone, it's gone, that does NOT go to a trash17:20
felipefgand there are two other trusty VMs running just fine17:21
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TJ-felipefg: : That could do it... does that happen when the DomU is booted with "init=/bin/bash" ?17:21
felipefghmm I didn't notice the times17:22
felipefglet me try again and see if it does17:22
felipefgTJ-: its logging even when the problematic VM is off17:23
jdwwattsanyway to get windoze office suite on here??17:23
felipefg(i've just destroyed it)17:23
bazhang!appdb | jdwwatts17:24
ubottujdwwatts: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help17:24
TJ-felipefg: Hmmm, possibly unrelated then?17:24
felipefgprobably :-(17:24
SchrodingersScat!info libreoffice | jdwwatts17:25
ubottujdwwatts: libreoffice (source: libreoffice): office productivity suite (metapackage). In component universe, is optional. Version 1:4.2.4-0ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 26 kB, installed size 161 kB17:25
TJ-felipefg: Looks like you need http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#debugging17:25
felipefghmm didnt try the --debug yet17:25
felipefgTJ-: I gotta leave for several minutes, but I'll be right back an try it17:26
felipefgTJ-: Thanks a lot for the attention!!17:26
jdwwattsI think I have  wine installed but myself i like libra my syster uses windows17:27
sudormrfHey guys.  While I have made a bit of progress with this nagios thing, if someone could help me figure out why it is not sending automated emails I would appreciate it :).17:28
sharpshooterHi, friends I'm using ubuntu 13.10 and I need to downgrade php version to 5.3 how to setup this ?17:29
MonkeyDustsharpshooter  13.10 is !eol, it works, but you can't upgrade anything -- change to a supported ubuntu release, then ask again17:30
TrevorLaneRayHmm... Lemme do some googling... will brb.17:30
TrevorLaneRayWhat php version do you have, sharpshooter?17:31
sharpshooter TrevorLaneRay : PHP 5.5.3-1ubuntu2.2 (cli) (built: Feb 28 2014 20:03:35)17:31
TrevorLaneRayHmmm... Take a look here... http://askubuntu.com/a/22008617:32
sharpshooterTrevorLaneRay, ok17:32
sharpshooterTrevorLaneRay, I purged php5, the second command is not working for installation | Reading state information... Done17:34
sharpshooterE: Version '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4' for 'php5' was not found17:34
sharpshooterE: Version '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4' for 'php5-cli' was not found17:34
sharpshooterE: Version '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4' for 'php5-common' was not found17:34
sharpshooterE: Version '5.3.10-1ubuntu3.4' for 'libapache2-mod-php5' was not found17:34
eeee_!pastebinit | sharpshooter17:34
ubottusharpshooter: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com17:34
sharpshooterTrevorLaneRay, http://paste.ubuntu.com/8009609/17:36
MorkelebI need some xvidia help with dual screens here, if anyone knows about it. I've got an external monitor, 1600x1200 connected, but System Settings -> Displays only gives 800 and 1024 as options. xrandr lists 1024 as the highest for the VGA-1 monitor.17:36
sharpshooterTrevorLaneRay, please have a look at this, this is error when I try to install php5.317:36
MorkelebThis is an eternal problem in linux, it seems, but I was really hoping 14.04 had made it a bit better.17:36
jaapiohi, how do I reset the color profiles of my user account? Some jpg images are displayed incorrect. But In an other user account everythings seems to be ok17:37
bekksMorkeleb: Did you install the nvidia drivers correctly?17:38
jhutchinsMorkeleb: You say that like it's not a problem in other operating systems as well.17:38
Morkelebbekks: Well, I've had no problems in Win7 with this computer.17:39
MorkelebI know that linux and nvidia don't like each other, of course.17:39
bekksMorkeleb: That doesnt answer my question, since Windows is irrelevant for linux drivers.17:40
Morkelebbekks: Sorry - I didn't see the first question :-)17:40
thomaschaafHello I think my server stops accepting tcp connections because of some limits being reached. I found net.ipv4.ip_conntrack_max but that doesn't seem to be used anymore? Where are the current limits defined?17:40
bekksthomaschaaf: Why do you think that your server stops accepting connections?17:41
Morkelebbekks: Basically, I've installed UBuntu 14.04, and upgraded all packages. I've not installed any 3rd party drivers or other stuff, as the laptop monitor works perfectly. The problem arises when connecting the external monitor.17:41
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bekksMorkeleb: So you do not have nvidia drivers installed, which is the cause of the symptoms you are experiencing.17:41
bekks!nvidia | Morkeleb17:41
ubottuMorkeleb: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:42
htnssup guys17:42
TrevorLaneRayjaapio, try this...17:42
TrevorLaneRaygconftool-2 --unset /desktop/gnome/interface/gtk_color_scheme17:42
htnswhat's the best terminal to use? any thoughts17:42
TrevorLaneRayWorth a shot.17:42
MonkeyDusthtns  the one you like most, that is the best17:42
MorkelebWell. I've got an older ubuntu laptop right next to this one, WITH the external nvidia drivers installed. And it doesn't work there, either.17:42
htnsMonkeyDust, which one do u use? ;)17:42
MorkelebSo I have to install the crappy external drivers then, do I?17:42
MonkeyDusthtns  the default terminal17:43
jaapioTrevorLaneRay: forgot to say that I'm using kde :-(17:43
thomaschaafbekks: I am running a storage server and after starting a  program to download files from that server I can't download a file from another computer anymore. I tried having an open connection with nc -l 4444 and doing nc server 4444 and then I got data sent both ways. When I started the nc after I started the download program nc would not transfer any data17:43
thomaschaafalso new ssh connections dont work17:43
MonkeyDustthomaschaaf  there's also #ubuntu-server17:43
TrevorLaneRay@jaapio Ahh, Mkay... will keep looking17:43
Morkelebbekks: I'm currently using the Nouveau drivers - those aren't good enough?17:44
tsarI'm trying to remove ubuntu-desktop after installing xubuntu-desktop. $ sudo apt-get --purge autoremove ubuntu-desktop removes only two packages python-gpgme and ubuntu-desktop. How can I uninstall all the ubuntu-desktop packages?17:44
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ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub217:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto17:46
MonkeyDust!purexubuntu | tsar17:46
ubottutsar: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »17:46
tsarMonkeyDust, thank you.17:46
tsarMonkeyDust, that was the result: http://pastebin.com/Nnum7MFT17:48
tsarLooks like it didn't succeed.17:49
tsarOh, and it's written there that it applies only to 12.10, and I've got 14.04.17:50
MonkeyDusttsar  it did, but it can't remove what's no longer there in newer ubuntu versions17:50
tsarMonkeyDust, according to Synaptic, I still have all the Unity-related packages.17:51
MonkeyDusttsar  apparentally, the !factoid itself needs to be updated17:51
MonkeyDusttsar  try   sudo apt-get autoremove17:51
tsarMonkeyDust, it removes nothing17:53
tsar0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 4 not upgraded.17:53
MonkeyDusttsar  ok, there something deeper, but... do you have backups?17:54
tsarMonkeyDust, well, I guess it shouldn't harm anything like Firefox config folder.17:54
antheumIs it possible le to go back of logs in here17:55
bazhang!1984 | antheum17:55
ubottuantheum: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too.17:55
Morkelebbekks: Ok, I've installed the NVIDIA drivers with "additional drivers". Didn't help. I now have 1360 as the highest resolution on the external monitor, which is still too low. And the desktop goes beyond the screen17:55
MonkeyDusttsar  ok, first, in synaptic, try 'residual config', delete all17:55
bekksMorkeleb: Which monitor is it, and which resolution do you get exactly?17:57
htnshow do i configure my ubuntu server to start with a gui17:57
htnsi installed fluxbox, anyway i can enable the fluxbox?17:57
MonkeyDusthtns  install a desktop environment17:57
htnsbut i did install fluxbox17:57
Morkelebbekks: It's a DELL monitor. 1600:1200. The exact max resolution I get is 1360x76817:57
tsarMonkeyDust, there are no ubuntu-related packages, just old kernel image and nvidia driver.17:58
bekksMorkeleb: Which one exactly?17:58
k1lhtns: choose fluxbox on the login screen?17:58
k1lhtns: a, if its a server you need to install a displaymanager like lightdm aswell17:58
htnslooks like i needed to install xorg first :P17:59
MonkeyDusttsar  hm, ok, paste this line   dpkg -l | awk '/^rc/{print $2}' |  sudo xargs dpkg -P17:59
jhutchinsMorkeleb: How much video RAM do you have?17:59
htnsk1l, thx, ill install lightdm17:59
tsarMonkeyDust, done.17:59
MonkeyDusttsar  nothing?18:00
Morkelebbekks: The crappy thing doesn't say what model it is. It's worked with 1600x1200 before on older ubuntus, though.18:00
Morkelebjhutchins: Not sure. How to check in Ubuntu?18:00
bekksMorkeleb: Then look at the label at the back of it.18:00
tsarMonkeyDust, http://pastebin.com/my8Mxn5M18:00
MonkeyDusttsar  ok, sit and wait18:01
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jhutchinsMorkeleb: I think lshw will tell you, /var/log/Xorg.0.log might as well.18:01
tsarMonkeyDust, I'm going to try the aptitude way: http://askubuntu.com/questions/451620/how-to-completely-remove-kubuntu-desktop-from-ubuntu/458347#45834718:02
Morkelebbekks: Hmm..... 2001FP?18:02
bekksMorkeleb: So did you run nvidia-settings to configure it?18:03
MorkelebYah. That's where I do the configuration.18:03
tsarNow aptitude is working and I hope it won't destroy anything extra.18:03
bekksMorkeleb: And you start your computer with the monitor connected?18:04
htnshow can i change the resolution of fluxbox when i start with 'startx' ??18:05
pngohtns: xrandr18:05
TJ-Morkeleb: This one ( says native is 1600x1200 @ 60Hz http://www.dell.com/downloads/global/products/monitors/en/spec_2001fp_en.pdf18:06
bekksMorkeleb: Can you pastebin "xrandr -q" please, and provide the URL?18:06
MorkelebTJ: THat's the one18:06
fantasmahola de don depuedo descargas peliculas  gracias18:06
TJ-Morkeleb: It's possible the EDID isn't being returned correctly from the monitor - can you "pastebinit /var/log/Xorg.0.log"18:06
Morkelebjust a sec...18:07
Morkelebbekks: http://pastebin.com/DSTMSpZ018:08
MorkelebTJ: http://pastebin.com/uiET87n818:09
htnspngo, xrandr: Failed to get size of gamma for output default18:09
TJ-Morkeleb: It is connected to the analog VGA port?18:10
htnsis there some config file i can change to change the resolution??18:10
MorkelebTJ: "Unable to read EDID for display device...."18:10
TJ-Morkeleb: "(WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-0"18:10
TJ-Morkeleb: Check cable... try replacement cable18:10
MorkelebTHat wold make it hard to read the EDID, wouldn't it18:10
MorkelebNah. The cable is fine. I've just replaced it, and the old one wasn't showing signs of being broken either.18:11
TJ-Morkeleb: monitors are quite infamous for corrupting their EDID  EEPROM storage... could also be that18:11
htnsso im running ubuntu within virtualbox, if that help18:11
TJ-Morkeleb: Did the monitor work with the 'old' cable?18:11
htnsubuntu server 14 inside latset version of virtualbox18:11
pngohtns: not sure what that error msg is18:11
TJ-Morkeleb: Check pins at both ends, on the PC and on the monitor. look for bent pins, or blockages in sockets of the female receptacles.18:12
MorkelebTJ: No. I was using a normal cable/setup, without it working. Now I'm using a KVM switch with new cables.18:12
bekkshtns: You have to install the guest additions.18:12
MorkelebHm ok18:12
htnsbekks, okay im doing that right now18:12
htnsthank goodness for ubuntu18:12
TJ-Morkeleb: Otherwise you'll have to create a custom "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" with the monitor V- and H-sync frequencies so the GPU can calculate the available modes18:12
TJ-Morkeleb: Aha! soon as you said "KVM switch" ... well known to cause EDID failure. You'll need the custom xorg.conf18:13
techfreak1hi gyus18:13
jhutchinsMorkeleb: The KVM is probably preventing the EDID from being read, it's attempting to "read" the KVM.18:13
techfreak1have a cursor lags problem in ubuntu18:13
bekkstechfreak1: Whats to be found there?18:13
techfreak1someone can help?18:14
MorkelebHm. Argh.18:14
Eco2876hello I am trying to use lmms 1.0 on ubuntu 12.04 sound seems okay on the system but when I try to use lmms there is high distortion with alsa settings18:14
techfreak1ubuntu 14.04 by teway18:14
MorkelebOk. So how complicated is it to create a custom xorg.conf? I haven't done that since the dark ages.18:14
TJ-Morkeleb: Here's an example you can cut-down, where the EDID had to be overridden for one monitor. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8009921/18:15
techfreak1looks like problem with usb kernel module18:15
OerHeksMorkeleb, did you install virtualbox-guest-additions?18:16
techfreak1bekks: any advices?18:16
MorkelebThanks. But will I need to fill it in for the laptop display too?18:16
TJ-techfreak1: "pastebinit /var/log/dmesg" - clues will be there in the device configuration phase, if anywhere18:16
Eco2876any lmms user?18:17
TJ-Morkeleb: No, other displays can still autodetect if needed18:17
MorkelebAh, cool18:17
TJ-Morkeleb: Or, you could research the KVM, seen if there's a way to have it pass-through EDID18:17
techfreak1TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/800993418:17
MorkelebHm, thats a thought. THanks for the help so far :-)18:18
techfreak1TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8009952/ maybe will be heplful18:20
antheumIs it possible to copy a complete folder18:21
techfreak1TJ-: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8009960/18:22
MorkelebTJ: Do I need to restart for the xorg.conf to take effect? Or just log in/out?18:23
techfreak1TJ-: acpi_osi=Linux irqpoll may halp I think18:24
antheumDo I need to use sudo18:24
xanguaantheum: what is your goal?18:25
MorkelebTJ: That did the trick :-)18:28
htnsis there a lighter weight alternative to gnome-terminal?18:28
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bekkshtns: xterm18:28
htnsbecos... i only have fluxbox installed, and dont want to get 100 pkgs18:28
htnsbekks, yeah but xterm isnt as sexy looking18:29
bekkshtns: you dont need a terminal application at all on a server. :P18:29
Bombohow can i start an xterm automatically after i login?18:29
OerHeksterminal application on a server is sexy.18:29
bekkshtns: all you need is an ssh connection, which serves the same purpose as gnome-terminal on a server.18:30
htnsi see18:30
bekksOerHeks: Redundancy is redundant. Not sexy. :)18:30
htnsim trying to setup my minecraft dev environment18:30
Bomboor gnome-terminal18:30
htnsBombo, which DM/WM do you use?18:30
Bombohtns: lightdm18:31
Bombohtns: lxde right now18:31
htnshmm, i dunno then18:31
Bombohm can i run a command before lightdm starts?18:32
Bomboi need to run a xrandr line to set the resolution18:32
Bombolightdm starts in 1024x786, but i need 1360x78618:32
BluewolfHow does one check .iso hashes in the Download folder through the terminal?18:37
Bombowasnt it $HOME/.xsession ?18:37
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antheumIs any folder known as a directory. Even a sub folder?18:39
ikoniawhat do you mean ?18:39
ikoniaa "folder" is the same thing as a "directory"18:40
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BomboBluewolf: md5 hash? md5sum18:41
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BluewolfBombo, md5sum yeah and how do I get it to spacifically target the .iso in my downloads with that?18:41
antheumok if I  have a folder in Documents called Rem. How would I delete it18:43
ikoniaantheum: right click on it and click "delete"18:44
antheumSorry I mean in Terminal18:44
ikoniarm Rem18:44
ikoniarm -r Rem18:44
BomboBluewolf: put the file.iso and file.md5 in the same dir, run md5sum -c file.md518:44
antheumikonia: do I need to be in the documents directory or can I do it from home18:45
ikoniaantheum: you need to be in 1 directory higher than the directory, or give the full path, eg: rm -f /somewhere/here/Rem18:45
Bombook found it, $HOME/.config/openbox/autostart18:47
BluewolfBombo, English man. I'm not familiar with commands at all, the most I know is running with administrator privileges "sudo".18:47
antheumikonia: why -f18:47
ikoniaforce as it's a directory, or you can do "-r" for reursive, "man rm" for more info18:48
eXn4Good evning foks how is it going :)18:48
absk007it's night time18:51
BomboBluewolf: do you have file.iso + file.md5 in the same folder?18:51
terroristHow can safely remove external usb HDD from command line?18:52
BluewolfBombo, Not sure what you mean by file.md5. The .iso is in my Downloads folder.18:52
terroristlike in windows or gnome which have safely remove button which will power down the device and after that you should just unplug and plug device cable for remounting18:52
bekksterrorist: just use "umount".18:53
BomboBluewolf: i thought you want to check a md5 checksum to see if the iso is complete?18:53
BomboBluewolf: what do you want to do (today)=18:53
HiddenDjinnterrorist: remount18:53
BluewolfBombo, Yes I want to check the .iso checksum18:54
BomboBluewolf: you need a md5 sum file then from where you downloaded the iso18:55
bekksBluewolf: Just looking at the site you downloaded the iso from and comparing the md5sum hashes is sufficient.18:56
tsarMonkeyDust, so, the receipt for removing unity seems to be this one: $ sudo apt-get autoremove --purge unity unity-common unity-services unity-lens-\* unity-scope-\* unity-webapps-\* gnome-control-center-unity hud libunity-core-6\* libunity-misc4 libunity-webapps\* appmenu-gtk appmenu-gtk3 appmenu-qt\* overlay-scrollbar\* activity-log-manager-control-center firefox-globalmenu thunderbird-globalmenu libufe-xidgetter0 xul-ext-unity xul-ext-webaccounts webaccounts18:56
tsar-extension-common xul-ext-websites-integration gnome-control-center gnome-session18:56
BomboBluewolf: that is a txt file with the checksum in it. if you got these two files, you can tell the program 'md5sum' to check the iso18:56
BluewolfBombo, I have the hashes from the site, I just don't know the command to tell 'md5sum' to check it?18:57
gumble_I have an live usb stick here with a ubuntu version on it. is there a quick way to check if it is 32 or 64 bit without restarting my pc and booting from the stick?18:58
BomboBluewolf: or you just generate the md5 sum for the iso, then look if it matches18:58
BomboBluewolf: just generate it, type 'md5sum the.iso' prints out a checksum, compare with eyes18:58
SchrodingersScatgumble_: if you do: uname -a   ##then it will probably have x86_64 listed, if it's 64bit18:59
terroristIs there any GUI for rar?19:00
gumble_SchrodingersScat, but I'd have to reboot and run the live system on the stick for that or not?19:00
SchrodingersScatgumble_: oh, I see19:00
* Bombo doesn't want to help terrorist 19:01
SchrodingersScatgumble_: well, in my xubuntu 32-bit liveusb there's an md5sum.txt, and towards the end there's a few lines like './dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Release' which I would expect to be different on a 64-bit19:03
SchrodingersScatgumble_: also README.diskdefines19:03
gumble_SchrodingersScat, found it! thanks for the help19:03
BluewolfBombo, "md5sum ubuntu-14.04-desktop-amd64.iso" in the terminal says - No such file or directory?19:04
BomboBluewolf: you need to be in the folder where the iso lies19:04
BomboBluewolf: 'cd Downloads' i guess19:05
Guest4905when using a mysql library , how long should it take other clients to build tumbnails for the new content?19:05
BomboBluewolf: then 'ls -l' shows a list of files in the current folder19:05
ikoniaGuest4905: mysql has nothing to do with thumbnails19:05
Guest4905ikonia yes i know that19:05
ikoniathen why did you ask ?19:06
Guest4905so ive run a library update, and it seens the new contect but not thumbnails, how does xbmc obtain those, does it do it on demand, or like every 12 hours or something?19:06
BomboBluewolf: it's the same as with windows (cmd.exe) ;)19:06
ikoniaGuest4905: you're probably using cache19:06
Guest4905ikonia im asking how/when xbmc builds thumbnails when it sees new content19:06
BomboBluewolf: cd change directory, dir list content of dir19:06
=== HELPME is now known as Guest85549
ikoniaGuest4905: on demand, you're probably using cache19:07
Guest85549Anyone willing to help? I'm having network issues in Ubuntu?..19:07
Guest4905ikonia how do I not use chache?19:07
ikoniaGuest4905: flush the cache, check the client documentation19:07
bekksGuest85549: So ask your actual question :)19:08
Guest85549WELL, Ubuntu can't find my wireless card, so I'm forced to use my iPhone's tethering.19:09
Guest4905ikonia i dont want to do that, my thumbnails is 2.5 gb and i will loose all that and have to rebuild on each client from scratch?19:09
BluewolfBombo, I'm lost, it should not be difficult. How do I get it to checksum the .iso in my downloads, all I need is the hash and I will compare it with my eyes?19:09
ikoniaGuest4905: your thunbnails would be either huge or an amaging number to be over 2GB19:09
ikoniaGuest4905: you could just clear the cache for the files you want to refresh19:09
norchachais this where I ask my ubuntu questions?19:10
ikoniait is19:10
Guest4905ikonia that thumbnail size is corrent, I have a lot of media, I did a fresh build of them last night so i know its only stuff i have19:10
norchachaI have a question about running python scripts19:10
ikoniaGuest4905: that seems unrealistic but does not change what I said19:11
norchachaI want to run a cgi-bin server, but everytime I try to run it gives me a 403 error19:11
norchachapython script needs to be executable it says19:11
norchachahowever after a log chmods19:11
norchachaand right clicking and making it executable19:11
norchachait still doesn't work19:12
Guest4905ikonia what do you mean unrealistic? Last night I deleted Thumbnails and Videodb78, created my library from scratch, and that is the thumbnails size, I have 4tb of media,19:12
Artemis3Bluewolf, you should use the terminal, cd the the folder and simply run md5sum file. when you open terminal it is cd Downloads to change to the Downloads folder19:12
BomboBluewolf: as i said, yes19:12
ikoniaGuest4905: I have over 4Tb of media and my thumbnails are just a few hundred meg19:12
Guest4905either way ikonia they seem to be popping up on thier own as textures.db is updated over mysql i believe19:12
sudormrfanyone around that can help me figure out why nagios is not generating alert emails?19:12
Artemis3Bluewolf, you can autocomplete things by pressing tab when about half the name of folder or file.. case MaTtErs.19:13
Guest4905ikonia what do you think the issue could be then if that is way to large?19:13
ikoniaGuest4905: no idea19:13
BomboBluewolf: got the term open?19:13
BomboBluewolf: just type it19:13
Guest4905ikonia also my 4tb is 99% sd so 4tb of hd vs sd of course your tthumbnails would be less because you cant fit as many files?19:14
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ikoniaGuest4905: you have no idea what my content is19:14
BomboBluewolf: 'cd Downloads' changes to download folder, 'md5sum thefile.iso' shows you the sum. see if it matches.19:14
Guest4905that was meant to be a question ikonia19:15
Guest4905do you have alot of hd?19:15
BluewolfBombo: Got it, my stupidity has been over come. See if you had done that in the beginning I would have managed, anyway thank you :D19:15
BomboBluewolf: if you got a file with md5sum in it, you say 'md5sum -c file.md5' and md5sum tells you if its OK or not. no eyes needed19:15
ikoniaGuest4905: a reasonable amount19:15
Guest4905that may be why mine is so big then, i dunno19:16
BomboBluewolf: if you done that a couple of times you see its not that complicated ;)19:16
quantibilitythis nick is registered19:16
quantibilitysome one stole me nick19:16
Guest4905i probably have about 12,000 individual vidoe files19:16
BluewolfBombo, You  really want to teach me that, look how long its taken just to md5sum (Not that difficult I know, I am)19:16
BluewolfBest I use my eyes ::D19:17
SchrodingersScatquantibility: you probably want #freenode19:17
quantibilityyour right19:17
BomboBluewolf: there is a graphical tool to check that, wxChecksums, but its not in ubuntu unfortunately.19:17
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iKrevedkoPlease help! Video and audio work  in  Firefox  is very slowly (adobe flash player  set)19:17
BomboBluewolf: thats enough for today's lesson ;)19:17
m1dnightguys, can I ask a question about my bash script here?19:18
m1dnight(its a very basic one :))19:18
ikoniamaybe want to use #bash19:18
felipefgTJ-: damn, I booted in reovery mode, managed to do something that I'm not sure what because my VNC window was smaller than the full screen, now everything works... go figure19:19
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BluewolfBombo: Yes Professor, tomorrow same time. Any study notes you want me to learn for tomorrows test? :D'19:19
Xaphananyone have experience with daemontools on ubuntu?19:19
TJ-felipefg: You win the award for the most unusual bug solution I've heard this month :)19:20
iKrevedkoThere is a Russian?19:20
BomboBluewolf: ;)19:20
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.19:21
redlanceGreetings.  I have 2 Brother laser printers.  They each have their own built in ethernet port, so they just sit out on my network, without a computer acting as a print server.  What if any, would the advantages be to running them through a samba print server?  Most of the client's a Windows boxes.19:21
iKrevedkothank you...19:21
TJ-redlance: central spooler would be about the only advantage19:21
felipefgbut it called my attention that the VNC window was only showing the top left part. There probably was a descriptive error on screen but I couldn't see it19:21
SchrodingersScat!ask Xaphan19:21
Xaphananyone know how to give a wine task crash protection, or restart it if it crashed automatically?19:21
SchrodingersScat!ask | Xaphan19:21
ubottuXaphan: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience19:21
redlanceTJ-, Would automatic driver download work?19:22
TJ-redlance: I'm not sure with CUPS; usually it requires doing a network-detection and it installs the driver from the archive automatically19:23
iKrevedkoUsers in russian channel  is died))19:23
redlanceTJ-, Okay, thanks!19:23
Xaphanis anyone familular with daemontools daemon monitor?19:24
quantibilityis there a room for thunderbird?19:24
gumble_is there a command which just outputs all partitions/disks and their disk space? I need to know if sdb is my usbstick19:25
yeatsgumble_: df19:25
yeatsgumble_: 'df -h' is for 'human-readable' output19:25
quantibilityYeats: android has an awesome free app for linux commands its sick19:26
sudormrfquantibility, https://wiki.mozilla.org/IRC19:26
sudormrfanyone around to help me figure out why nagios is not sending email notifications?19:26
gumble_yeats, thanks that is exactly what I searched for19:27
kahrlgumble_: I'd run mount and see which disk is mounted to /media/whatever_your_usb_stick_is_called19:27
kahrl(well, df displays this information too)19:27
gumble_kahrl, thanks too, but yeats solution already worked fine :)19:28
quantibilitysudormrf: im a vet, since 11 im now 3519:28
quantibilityive been on irc for a long time19:28
quantibilityon and off anyway19:28
sudormrfquantibility, well that page tells you the server address for mozilla's IRC19:29
quantibilityive writen two scripts19:29
sudormrffrom there it should be simple...for a vet :D19:29
quantibilitythey are no longer found unless of course i manage to search of it when the sytem was upgrading but i doubt it..19:29
quantibilitylet me check19:29
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sudormrfquantibility, worked just fine for me.  I connected and joined the thunderbird channel.  then left19:30
quantibilitytheres a reminate of it if you search the list you would see "By Shundun" called ***kblocker (edited for bots)19:32
quantibilitysadly though the file is gone19:32
SamwiseGamgeewhat is a ppa?19:32
guntbert!ppa | SamwiseGamgee19:33
ubottuSamwiseGamgee: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge19:33
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xNinehelp, my internet speed gets random lag spikes over Wifi19:34
SamwiseGamgeeIf I run the following command in my terminal, "sudo apt-get install libreoffice," will that application show up in my Ubuntu Software Centre?19:36
SamwiseGamgeeWhat will happen if I run that command line in my terminal?19:37
absk007how to disable monitor off automatically while VLC is fullscreen?19:38
absk007using LXDE19:39
xNinemy WiFi is unnecessarily slow19:39
SixonesixxNine: Tried turning power management off?19:40
xNineSixonesix: I suspected something along that line, How can I find that setting?19:41
SixonesixxNine: Try it temporarily first. In terminal, use iwconfig to get the list of your interfaces.19:41
guntbertSamwiseGamgee: apt-get is just another frontend to the same apt database as SoftwareCenter is - so no difference to be expected19:42
SixonesixAssuming wlan0, "sudo iwconfig wlan0 power off"19:42
SamwiseGamgeeok, guntbert19:42
xNineError for wireless request "Set Power Management" (8B2C) :19:42
xNine    SET failed on device wlan0 ; Operation not supported.19:43
TBotNikAll; Not getting any answers on WP channel, all must be asleep!  Wondering if anyone here can help? Had to move a WP installed in test dir to main dir and will not login, giving DB errors at main page!  What is fix for this? DB user/pwd combo has not changed so guessing is a "Salt" issue.  Still pointed to the same DB. Need to reset all like fresh install!19:44
x_roothello, i have transmission and deluge installed, how can i set .torrent to transmission and magnet to deluge?19:45
x_rooti tried some from the internet (*-mime torrent transmission-gtk.desktop, or something like that) and didn't worked.. =/19:45
xNineso there's no power management crap set on the chip, but it's still spiking every so often19:47
theadminx_root: Right click any torrent file in your file manager, and in properties set them to open with Transmission19:48
theadminx_root: As for magnet links, that would have to be set per-browser19:48
xNineto top it off, the chip turns off randomly, not showing any WiFi networks19:48
x_roottheadmin, have tried from the terminal and didn't worked19:50
theadminx_root: Tried what from the terminal?19:50
x_rootbut hat worked.. thanks A LOT theadmin, really :D19:50
x_rootx-scheme-handler/torrent transmission.desktop .. something like that (can't remember exactly..) but that you said worked.. thanks.. really :)19:51
xNineHow can I nail down my lag spikes?19:52
tirengarfiomy sound try icon dissapear in gnome shell19:56
theadminxNine: Keep a task manager of some sort open19:56
theadminxNine: Watch for high CPU usage19:57
xNinetheadmin: Network lag, not computer19:57
bekksxNine: Network lag might be imposed by high CPU load.19:57
theadminxNine: Ah19:58
xNinecompiz is the only thing doing much19:58
=== darkness is now known as Guest81558
SamwiseGamgeeI am running Xubuntu 14.04, and I want LibreOffice 4.3.  I believe I can install this new version of LibreOffice using the terminal.20:04
SamwiseGamgeeTell me if the following commands would work:20:04
SamwiseGamgeesudo apt-get install libreoffice20:04
SamwiseGamgeesudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-320:05
SamwiseGamgeesudo apt-get update20:05
=== nyRednek is now known as HiddenDjinn
SamwiseGamgeesudo apt-get dist-upgrade20:05
bekksSamwiseGamgee: Wrong order of commands.20:05
theadminSamwiseGamgee: First add-apt-repository, then update, then install20:05
bekksdist-upgrade after update before install.20:05
theadminSamwiseGamgee: Other than that should be fine.20:06
SamwiseGamgeethanks theadmin20:06
SamwiseGamgeeOkay, theadmin, so is this the right order:20:09
SamwiseGamgee1. sudo add-apt-repository ppa:libreoffice/libreoffice-4-3     2. sudo apt-get update 3. sudo apt-get dist-upgrade     4. sudo apt-get install libreoffice20:09
theadminSamwiseGamgee: Yeah.20:09
SamwiseGamgeeAwesome, thank you theadmin20:09
antheumHow do I find the logs for this chat rooms again?20:14
theadminantheum: irclogs.ubuntu.com20:15
martin1989hello people20:17
martin1989someone there?20:17
antheumWill the logs actualy show you conversations?20:17
GeoIs there a binary that will tell me the traffic rate in/out on an interface at the current point in time? not looking for long term logging like mrtg, just an instant look20:18
martin1989does any of you use skype?20:18
bekksmartin1989: Why?20:18
martin1989i want to set a particular preference20:18
martin1989and i dont know how to do it20:19
bekksmartin1989: So ask that particular question then :)20:19
skinofstarshello. i hope someone can help me. i just did an upgrade that failed part way through. i got back to a root term and finished apt-get upgrade, but now i can't in to a desktop session. getting "Failed to start session" on login20:20
martin1989good.. my question is: i want skype to close when a specific contact of mine goes away20:22
Beldarskinofstars, distro upgrade or within a release?20:22
antheumWill the logs actualy show you conversations?20:22
martin1989but close automatically20:22
martin1989is it possible to set that?20:22
antheumCan someone explain to me how to use the logs20:22
skinofstarsBeldar: i was doing 13.10 to 14.0420:22
quantibilityannything is possible martin20:22
Beldarskinofstars, Did you do a eol upgrade and change the sources?20:23
martin1989well.. how can i do that?20:23
martin1989i couldnt find it in ''preferences''20:23
martin1989is it some plug-in maybe?20:24
skinofstarsBeldar: initially, i just hit the dist upgrade gui. when i got to root term , i just did apt-get upgrade20:24
skinofstarsBeldar: but that was without a mounted /home20:24
skinofstarsBeldar: /home wasn't mounting due to some missing dependencies20:24
wolterWhy are the icons in my ~/.local/share/icons/hicolor not used as fallback/part of the system hicolor icon theme?20:25
arvutwhy doesn't ssh in ubuntu allow logins from wan ip's?20:25
Beldarskinofstars, Ah, not the correct way but it may be fixable. Can you get to a cli like a tty and run sudo apt-get -f install as a start. Also address your graphic hardware and if using any drivers not in the repos.20:25
Beldarskinofstars, Any PPA's and 3rd party repos used in 13.10?20:26
skinofstarsBeldar: ahh, sorry, i'd done apt-get -f update20:26
antheumWill the logs actualy show you conversations?20:26
skinofstarsBeldar: i'll have a check in the old sources list. probably nvidia though20:26
Beldarskinofstars, Nvidia from them or the ubuntu repos?20:27
Beldaror a ppa?20:27
jeanlucasHi, someone can help me with efi boot not working?20:28
skinofstarsBeldar: probably ubuntu repos. actually, the login screen woprks fine. it's desktop sessions that don't.20:28
jeanlucasGrub only sees Windows, not Ubuntu. I have the error boot-repair generated.20:28
arvutlocalhost is working, and I get to the loginscreen with the password auth and all, but then I get "Permission denied, please try again". the password is correct and same keyboardlayout is used.20:28
antheumDoes anyone know how to use the logs?20:28
skinofstarsBeldar: ok, only non-ubuntu in the old sources.list is spotify20:29
winemarvut, take a look at the error log of your httpd instance. sounds like you defined a folder as documentroot which does not exist or is not readable by the httpd user20:29
Beldarskinofstars, Probably goes no where is all. Problem is users add ppa's and 3rd party stuff which can change the app architecture causing failures like this, especially when upgraded incorrectly.20:29
jeanlucascan anyone help restoring Grub? Mine only sees Windows after I used boot-repair.20:30
skinofstarsBeldar: hmm. isn't there a dpkg fix command? i seem to remember that from a previous failed update, but i can't search at the moment20:31
Beldarskinofstars, Have you tried a safe X from recovery or a nomodeset boot?20:31
skinofstarsBeldar: no, i have not. might be worth a spin. thanks20:31
skinofstarsBeldar: i may be back ;)20:31
antheumCan I find the logs on my own computer from the IRC20:32
arvutwinem: this has nothing to do with httpd. its sshd that denies access to wan users while localhost login works perfectly well with the password (i.e ssh user@localhost" works fine, while "ssh user@<wan.ip>" does not.20:32
Beldarjeanlucas, post the bootinfo url20:32
jeanlucasBeldar: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8010726/20:32
winemoh sorry, seems like I joined this channel too late20:32
winemarvut: do you have a firewall with configured NAT between your host and the WAN?20:33
arvutwinem: the firewall permits ssh traffic, i get to the password prompt in ssh, after accepting the host.20:34
Beldarjeanlucas, No efi install not gpt partition table. However the windows is not showing it's boot info to show if uefi20:34
antheumDoes anyone know?20:35
Beldarjeanlucas, Is the sdb disc first read in the bios?20:35
Beldarantheum, They areb on line.20:35
winemarvut: ok, so we can be sure that the ssh prompt is from the right server. next step would be to use ssh -v or -vv and to check the secure log (with increased loglevel)20:35
expungeantheum: ~/.xchat2, probably20:35
expungeantheum: if logging has been enabled20:35
antheumBeldar: how do you use them. for instance if I wanted to read over this page from today20:36
arvutwinem: I'm used ssh, using it everyday in gentoo and to my dd-wrt router. its my friends ubuntu desktop that we try to ssh into, he can ssh to localhost, i can ssh to him but it just doesn't wanna accept the login (it adds the host fingerprint and all that usual stuff, but won't take the password even tho its correctly typed)20:37
Beldarantheum, Find them and the date you want and read them.20:37
Beldarantheum, NOt sure todays are there you will have to do some of the work is all.20:37
jeanlucasBeldar: yes, I am pretty sure sdb is the first read, I on Windows right now, want me to check anything?20:38
antheumBeldar: is this place called #ubuntu20:38
Beldarjeanlucas, pretty sure is not a definitive answer, yes check the bios, and or be sure sdb is rad first to start with. You have grub in sda and sdb mbr's20:39
winemarvut: this sounds weird. do both of you use the same user?20:39
Beldarantheum, yes.20:39
Beldarjeanlucas, If it is a uefi bios it should be set as legacy and jut attempt to boot the sdb20:40
jeanlucasBeldar: I'll try20:42
skinofstarserr, who was i just talking to?20:42
skinofstarsBeldar: ?20:42
winemarvut: try to except a ssh user related issue20:42
Beldarjeanlucas, Windows although bootable seems to have some issues, not being able to see it's boot is not good, might need a chkdsk/f20:42
Beldarskinofstars> Beldar: ? Yes?20:43
skinofstarsBeldar: i was missing some packages. fixed with apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:44
skinofstarsBeldar: thanks for your help20:44
Beldarskinofstars, Cool, so you are set?20:45
Beldarno problem20:45
skinofstarsBeldar: all cool :)20:45
Beldarskinofstars, 14.04 has 5 years support so stick with it.20:45
Beldarat least till next lts20:46
skinofstarsBeldar: totally.20:46
kcjAny ubuntu ops around? PM please.20:47
Beldarkcj, they have a channel what is the issue?20:48
guntbertkcj: you can /join #ubuntu-ops20:49
jeanlucasBeldar: me again, it was already Legacy and I booted from sda and sdb, both cases grub only sees Windows720:49
winemsorry, but what does ops mean? operators / admins?!20:49
KM0201winem: pretty much just some folks on a power trip.. :)20:51
Beldarjeanlucas, Do a check on the windows from a right click on it in computers. I wonder if you have gotten grub into it's boot partition, can't tell as of now. Besides that you have a lvm for ubuntu, so it is a hunt and peck at possibilities. Getting windows straight is a good start to knock out outliers.20:51
winemKM0201: ok, thanks :)20:51
Beldarwinem, Channel moderators20:51
BeldarKM0201, Please be accurate and keep your opinions to yourself.20:52
KM0201and then...20:52
winemBeldar: ok, thank you20:52
polarfuchsi just finished to install manually the very last version of Geary (e-mail client), because the one present in the repo is not up-to-date. But I'm looking for the way to start geary in french (or any other language). can someone help me?20:53
BeldarKM0201, You are not new here, try acting like an adult and follow the channels rules, this is support20:53
KM0201i dropped it long ago, you're the one keeping after it20:54
ThyrthHey did any one get the useragent to work on Ubuntu ?20:55
guntbertThyrth: what useragent?20:55
ThyrthUseragent Switch plugin for Chrome20:56
ThyrthThis  is what I am talkin about20:56
BeldarKM0201, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines read carefully please, your posting opinions...etc just misslead users as we clearly saw.20:57
KM0201Thyrth: i've got the netflix app.. (i didn't click your link).. it's working fine.20:57
DraginIs there a channel to help install rscw and fftw?20:57
KM0201oh geez20:57
Trudkoguys any idea why when I run video in default video app in ubuntu video is slow when I run it in vlc it works nicely20:57
ThyrthI'm also kinda new  to Ubuntu as well20:58
BeldarThyrth, Technically both 3rd party and not supported.20:58
BeldarThyrth, You may get help, the time of wait may be a factor is all.20:59
MonkeyDustThyrth  the more new users we see, the better20:59
KM0201Thyrth: have you looked at this?.. the netflix app works fine for me...  http://itsfoss.com/netflix-ubuntu-1404-desktop-app/20:59
ThyrthI am new to it I switch over from Windows  its annoying20:59
jeanlucasBeldar: yeah, I had Ubuntu, installed Windows and Grub disappeared, as expected and then used bootrepair and after that I got here.21:00
KM0201wel, you hopefully kept Windows around while you troubleshoot21:00
MonkeyDustThyrth  learn ubuntu like you learned windows: by using it and getting familiar with it21:00
ThyrthNah I'm done with Windows I dislike it21:00
expungeThyrth: there's a good extension for Firefox called uacontrol21:01
KM0201Thyrth: well, hopefully that works fo ryou... most people who go cold turkey like that, end up reinstalling windows when they get some insurmountable problem they can't figure out in 10min21:01
ThyrthYeah I am famliar with this app  but  what I am using it uses html521:01
Beldarjeanlucas, Yes that is a given, can do a chk on the windows setup so we can see it's boot to rule out grub having been put there? That will cause this eaxct issue.21:01
expungebut I'm pretty sure you can get a netflix app that works on its own21:01
expungeThyrth: it uses html5 and incorrectly relies on ua sniffing?21:01
Thyrthua sniffing I donnu21:02
jeanlucasBeldar: I'm not a Windows user, how do I do it?21:02
klemaxHello, is there a way to downgrade from php 5.5 to php5.2 or php5.3?21:02
Beldarjeanlucas, Go to computer right click the C partiton and there is a disc chk in one of the tabs, it will need a reboot to run is all.21:03
ThyrthI've been on ubuntu for more than two weeks I'm quit happy with it21:03
BeldarThyrth, Two issue this is not chat, second preface answers to others with their nick, this is support only.21:03
polarfuchsi just finished to install manually the very last version of Geary (e-mail client), because the one present in the repo is not up-to-date. But I'm looking for the way to start geary in french (or any other language). can someone help me?21:04
jeanlucasBeldar: checking21:04
Thyrthok then Where do I chat about apps Beldar ?21:04
jeanlucasBeldar: does it help if I say I have two HDs?21:04
BeldarThyrth, #ubuntu-offtopic21:04
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jakesylhey guys been trying to pysftp into my ubuntu server using this script http://git.io/-o_IBw and been getrting this error http://git.io/lxIvLA21:05
jeanlucasBeldar: no problems on disk21:05
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jakesylgetting* it's wierd because when i try to ssh it prompts for a password21:07
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jakesylmy sshd allows password authentication21:10
klemaxuse ssh keys instead.21:11
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_1_georgehey let me join you friend21:13
Beldarjeanlucas, I know you have two HD I have addressed you referencing sda and sdb. Are you not understanding some things I say to you, than addressing them if at all not in the moment?21:13
Beldarjeanlucas, You seem to not understand are just lost.21:15
expungehi dex21:15
_Dex_hi beldar21:16
_Dex_hi expunge21:16
Beldar!es | _Dex_21:16
ubottu_Dex_: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.21:16
expungehi zad21:17
_Dex_gracias soy nuevo en esto21:17
ga_sk8erok i  just ran the terminal command for flash  player sudo apt-get install flashplugin-installer21:18
ga_sk8erit tells me 0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove & 1 not upgraded.....how do  i upgrade that 1?21:18
jeanlucasBeldar: thanks I guess21:19
Bashing-omga_sk8er: Depends on what and why is being held. What results from terminal command -> sudo apt-get dist-upgrade <- ?21:20
Beldarjeanlucas, I have given you pertinent info. If you have not understood it I wont know unless you address it. We can't read your mind, however it is after a while not hard to tell there is an issue in this.;)21:21
ga_sk8erthat upgraded it :)21:21
ga_sk8ernow to go onlnie & see that it works21:22
Beldarjeanlucas, I'm not paid to to serve every whim, this is volunteer work it is a two way cooperation environment.21:22
ga_sk8erevery time i  go to play an onlnie game, it tells me that my adobe flash player is out of date :(21:23
Beldarga_sk8er, What browser?21:24
ga_sk8eri have chromium downloaded. should i try it?21:24
Beldarga_sk8er, Try chrome theyn have thier own pepper flash it might be more workable.21:24
Beldarga_sk8er, Or chromium with pepper flash.21:24
Beldarga_sk8er, The adobe linux flash is not supported and old is all.21:25
ga_sk8erchromium says it too21:25
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ga_sk8erbut how do i  update the flash player21:26
* p_q1499 Please Visit Our channell #irccloud on irc.bluechat.it21:26
Guest10323hey guys, i cant seem to change the wallpaper on my desktop to anything other than whats in the /backdrop folder. i cant right click and set as wallpaper21:26
jakesylis sftp different then ssh or does sftp tunnel through ssh21:26
Beldarga_sk8er, Find the pepper flash download, it is more up to date but has it's limitations. And address any instructions you are missing or don't understand.21:26
hakkalHello, after I did "sudo apt-get update" I got stuck at "100% [Waiting for headers]" Is there any fix for this? Thanks21:26
Guest10323sorry nick i was typing out my question21:26
SchrodingersScatjakesyl: believe it uses ssh21:27
nuf0xxga_sk8er: see teh wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Chromium/Getting-Flash21:27
jakesylso why would this work with ssh and not sftp21:27
Beldarhakkal, Stuck how long? How many times have you just shut it down and tried again?21:27
Guest10323any help or advice?21:27
BeldarGuest10323, Right click what you want as wallpaper and click set as wallpaper.21:28
hakkalBeldar: I tried update 2 times, both stuck without response.21:28
Guest10323beldar, i cant. i do that and nothing happens21:29
BeldarGuest10323, Has to be a wallpaper friendly picture and nothing happens is an empty response21:29
Beldarhakkal, Try sudo apt-get -f install21:30
hakkalBeldar: Looks like it moved after 5 min of waiting. Maybe there was bad connection. Thank you for help21:30
ga_sk8eralot of times if the image has movement (like a gif) the system wont allow you to set it as wallpaper21:30
Beldarhakkal, That can be the case, you can change the mirrors if needed.21:31
Guest10323so i might have the wrong type of picture? hm okay? oh and im not trying to be rude its just that literally nothing happens on the screen. the right click menu stays open and i can click over and over again and nothing21:31
BeldarGuest10323, We know no rudeness intended, it is just details are pertinent, it does take awhile to understand what details.21:32
Guest10323i was just wondering if it was a bug and if anyone else in the community was experiencing this, but ill try some other pictures and get back to you guys! thanks a bunch fellas, you always come through for me!21:33
conterfit-fakeHey nuf0xx!21:34
BeldarGuest10323, helpful link for getting help. ;)  http://www.sabi.co.uk/Notes/linuxHelpAsk.html21:34
nuf0xxsup fake?21:34
Guest10323thank you Beldar! sorry if i broke some rules21:34
antheumCan aybody help me with a driver problem21:35
conterfit-fakeYou used arch? what are you doing here?21:35
BeldarGuest10323, No rules broken, we jus want you to get help.21:35
bozeI can connect to my VPN on 14.04, but it won't load web pages. Anygot any cluefull hints?21:35
* nuf0xx tips hat21:36
antheumhow do I get a conif_fw_loader into my .conif file21:36
Beldarantheum, Not with the issues addressed and some hardware details and other pertinents.21:36
ga_sk8erim installing pepper flash now. never had this much trouble in the past with other versions of ubuntu21:37
antheumBeldar: ok what do you need to know eactly21:38
Beldarga_sk8er, You seemed unaware of the adobe flash not having support and the version being old, is this correct?21:38
ga_sk8erim running the new 14.4 version of ubuntu. last time i  ran ubuntu was the version 12.0421:39
Beldarga_sk8er, Does not answer the question, broad statements like "never had this issue" mean nothing is all.21:39
Beldarand bypasses your own skill and knowledge level21:40
ga_sk8erno i didnt know anything about flash & lniux since version 12 so i didnt know they quit any support for it21:40
Beldarga_sk8er, Quit long beforem 12.0421:40
nuf0xxBeldar: why you pick on people? they come here for help not to have you belittle them21:40
arrrghhhhey all.  getting an error message in Evolution on *some* outgoing messages on how I need to connect to my mailbox before sending mail... is there some step I can take before sending mail to fix this?21:41
expungega_sk8er: nothing much has changed21:41
antheumBeldar: ok finally I have actually found the correct software firmware, after days of trawling the world, and have downloaded it. However, on the read me file it states 'if I want to know if the kernel is supported I need look at  the CONFIG_FW_LOADER definition on your kernel's .config file.21:42
ga_sk8erit has changed alot for the better was just having some trouble with the flash player thing21:42
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ga_sk8erback on version 12, i couldnt get my webcam to work....it works on version 1421:42
antheumBeldar: having looked at the .cofig fil. there doesnt appear to be that file21:43
arrrghhhhere's a screenshot of the issue21:43
arrrghhh#ifdef CONFIG_CPU_VOLTAGE_TABLE21:44
antheumBeldar: any ideas21:46
daftykinsarrrghhh: are you using POP and SMTP, or IMAP and SMTP?21:47
antheumBeldar: oh I have an intel centrino advanced-N 623521:48
ubonecould someone pls tell me the hex # of selected_bg_color in /usr/share/themes/Adwaita/gtk-2.0/gtkrc21:49
arrrghhhdaftykins, IMAP and SMTP I believe21:50
daftykinsarrrghhh: have you configured authentication on the outgoing? check with your provider for required settings21:51
trismubone: #4A90D921:51
trismubone: in 14.04 anyway21:51
arrrghhhdaftykins, it does work most of the time.  sends mail without issue more often than not21:51
ubonethank you exactly trism21:51
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daftykinsarrrghhh: ok, but is that configured? anything different about the ones that fail?21:52
antheumok can anyone tell me if there is a particular place on here for kernel and firmware help21:52
arrrghhhdaftykins, so far nothing different about the ones that fail from what I can tell.  I'll check the configuration (not my machine)21:52
daftykinsantheum: depends what the issue is21:53
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andybrinedoes anyone know if its possible to install totem 3.12 in ubuntu 14.04?21:59
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MonkeyDustandybrine  if you find a PPA or so22:07
andybrineMonkeyDust do you know of a ppa that has it in?22:08
MonkeyDustandybrine  no22:08
andybrineMonkeyDust, Thats what I thought. I was hoping someone here would have installed it22:09
klemaxHow can i see supported php versions on ubuntu releases? ( all of them)22:11
Exagone313all are supported i think22:12
klemaxall of them are supported on 10.04 , 12.04 and 14.04?22:12
klemaxi dont think so.22:12
Exagone313there is only 12.04 and 14.04 on this ppa22:15
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=== malik_ is now known as ch3dike
user7654I seem to be having a permissions problem on a mounted ntfs filesystem.  even as root, I am unable to read or delete files.22:27
daftykinsuser7654: that's unlikely, perhaps it was mounted read only.22:28
user7654any idea what may be causing this?  also it seemsto only be files touched or handled by osx.22:28
DraginDoes anyone know of a room to help setup rscw and fftw?\22:28
daftykinsDragin: what are they?22:29
user7654nope, I checked... mount is rw, can post to pastebin if you like22:29
DraginPrograms to make Linux talk to my HAM Radio and vicea versa22:29
daftykinsuser7654: are you relying on an auto mount, or fstab?22:29
Draginmainly for Morse Code22:29
daftykinsDragin: no idea but there's a bot to help you find channels22:29
daftykins!alis | Dragin Try this22:30
ubottuDragin Try this: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:30
Draginthank you22:30
jr_What is ATI?22:30
ubottualis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*22:30
user7654daftykins: I manually mounted the filesystem.22:31
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:31
user7654the issue first reared it's head trying to run tar as a backup.22:31
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samthewildoneWill any of my software be affected by disabling the source code repos ?22:40
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koellHi. i just got a thinkpad t440s. Now it has a full HD display, but anything is very small for me. Now I tried to find a different resolution, but there is no 16:9 resolution to choose from. I want to use 1600x900 :/22:43
arrrghhhdaftykins, lol.  so authentication is not enabled, the checkbox for "server requires authentication" is unchecked... but of course since it works "most of the time" they are unwilling to check the box.  :s22:44
daftykinsarrrghhh: mm-hmm, maybe be useful to say you're sharing a problem of someone elses in future too22:44
arrrghhhdaftykins, ya I dunno.  I'm just going to tell him to double check his settings with his provider... blah.22:45
arrrghhhkoell, which ones do you have to choose from?22:46
daftykinsarrrghhh: also to join the 21st century, who uses a mail client XD22:46
arrrghhhdaftykins, ohgod you have no idea.  It's my father.  Just glad I got him to use Ubuntu so I could stop having to deal with his various "Windows" issues...22:47
daftykinsah family :D22:48
arrrghhhya, his problems are baffling.  Had to build a special version of gnucash 2.4.15 for him so he would be happy about some cash flow report...22:48
koellarrrghhh: 1920x1080, 1600x1050, 1600x1024, 1440x900, ...22:49
koellbut no 1600x90022:50
arrrghhhkoell, I would choose 1920x108022:50
daftykinsi think the idea is that there isn't a choice22:50
daftykinskoell: are you saying your LCDs native resolution isn't available?22:51
quantibilitywhere can i be helped on apache ?22:51
daftykinsi'd bet apache has a channel.22:51
quantibilityyeah me too22:51
quantibilityi just wish i knew it22:51
koelli tried 1360x768 but this is too big for me, 1920x1080 is too small. i think 1600x900 would be great.22:51
arrrghhhquantibility, #apache doesn't work?  if you're running ubuntu-server the #ubuntu-server guys are helpful.22:51
quantibilityi haven't yet familarized myself with Xchat, i more familar with mirc22:51
daftykinskoell: that's not how resolutions work, you have to use the exact resolution of your display, then change the DPI if you have issues with the size22:52
koelldaftykins: my native resolution is 1920x1080 but i would like to use 1600x900 for my eyes22:52
quantibilitycant not send to channel probably cause my account has been logined into in forever22:52
arrrghhhquantibility, /j #apache-help22:52
arrrghhhand you may need to be authenticated (logged into with nickserv)22:52
quantibilityyeah working on retiving22:53
daftykinsquantibility: yeah go register, ask in #freenode if you have issues22:53
koellhmm, im using 1360x768 now. very sad there is no 1600x900 to choose from, as it is 16:9 as well. weird thing22:53
daftykinslike i say you shouldn't just try and pick a resolution22:53
arrrghhhkoell, how about this - try switching large text ON with 1920x108022:53
arrrghhh(it's under universal access)22:54
koellarrrghhh: i tried, but some apps dont use the big text then. it is not a highdpi screen so i think this is the wrong way22:54
koelli may call the support to change the display to 160022:54
koellim just look into https://www.google.at/search?client=ubuntu&channel=fs&q=ubuntu+choose+1600x90022:55
koellmaybe it is a driver problem. i mean i can use 1600 on windows...22:56
arrrghhhkoell, if you want to get crazy https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution/#Adding_undetected_resolutions22:56
koellthanks, ill give a try22:57
arrrghhhthat guy was trying to force a higher resolution, but was using the same link22:58
=== irritum is now known as Guest50412
felipefgAnother thing that has bugged me for a while. If I apt-get remove (or purge) a package, next time I fire up aptitude it's marked to be installed. How do I keep it from happening?23:01
Beldarfelipefg, Why are you using both, you can clean the apt cache etc? I never use aptitude.23:03
AdemanThe "Fira Sans" font is available in both otf and ttf formats, is one any better for Ubuntu than the other? (For instance if otf includes kerning information in a usable way unlike the ttf hinting)23:04
BeldarAdeman, Better is a subjective opinion, use what works for you.23:04
AdemanBeldar: that's true of a lot of things, however there is absolutely an objective "better" in this case23:05
Ademanbut thanks23:05
BeldarAdeman, exactly objectivity may not even exist. ;)23:06
felipefgBeldar: I really like the aptitude user interface, when using it interactively. The uninstall via apt-get is done via scripts. Actually via ansible (which uses the python-apt binding, but the behaviour is the same as if I use apt-get on the command line)23:06
Beldaryou may have a reasoning that suggests it does here however it is an opinion and subjective23:07
Beldarfelipefg, I would only use aptitude if there was some dependencies that were involved and needed controlling.23:08
AdemanBeldar: I'm not really interested in debating the existence of objectivity, I actually sort of agree, but what you're saying isn't useful for this discussion23:09
BeldarAdeman, The problem here is best is not a support issue per-say both work correct?23:10
arrrghhhfelipefg, I use aptitude - but only aptitude.  Works fine here...23:12
BeldarAdeman, If one did and the other did not it would be a closed issue. You disregarded my basic hint that it was not a support issue, I will assume not knowing the channels norms.23:13
spadorleoHello :)23:14
daftykinsaaand bye.23:14
AdemanSo anyways, does anyone know if opentype fonts behave any better than true type fonts on Ubuntu?23:16
felipefgyeah, unfortunately using aptitude only would create a pretty bad anti-pattern on my automation scripts, as ansible's apt module doesn't give me this option23:16
quantibilitylogged in23:17
felipefgaptitude-only would be really convenient :-)23:17
felipefgit seems aptitude keep-all will remedy things. Guess I'll just use that23:18
cooldogHii.. :)23:18
cooldog.-..-.              _              _       .-.   .-.23:22
cooldog: `' :             :_;            :_;      : :  .' `.23:22
cooldog: .. : .--.   .--. .-. .--. ,-.,-..-. .--. : `-.`. .'23:22
cooldog: :; :' .; ; ' .; :: :'  ..': ,. :: :' .; :: .. :: :23:22
cooldog:_;:_;`.__,_;`._. ;:_;`.__.':_;:_;:_;`._. ;:_;:_;:_;23:22
cooldog              .-. :         ...       .-. :23:22
unopastecooldog you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:22
adamweldhi fellas23:23
AdemanHrm just as I suspected, it looks like otf stores hinting information differently from ttf's bytecode23:23
cooldogHii.. :)23:23
Bashing-omcooldog: A support question ?23:24
daftykinscooldog: don't do that again.23:24
Ben64cooldog: this channel is for ubuntu support only, if you'd like to chat, please do so in #ubuntu-offtopic23:24
cooldogo k23:24
cooldogo k23:25
orangerobotis YUMI from pendrivelinux.com safe to create pendrive bootables?23:26
Ben64orangerobot: probably23:26
arrrghhh!help | cooldog23:26
ubottucooldog: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:26
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arrrghhhorangerobot, yes I've used it before23:26
daftykinsorangerobot: from Windows? of course.23:26
daftykinsorangerobot: but if you're only making a drive with one, use Universal USB Installer23:27
orangerobotBen64 arrrghhh daftykins I see. thank you23:27
cooldogi am pacint lol23:27
orangerobotdaftykins: I will install 14.04 over my old one because I've messed up upgrading it23:27
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cooldogGot To Go!!23:29
cooldog                                                               23:29
cooldog                                                                23:29
cooldog                                                            23:29
cooldog                                                            23:29
cooldog                                                              23:29
cooldog                                                               23:29
unopastecooldog you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted23:29
Ben64well that was quite pointless23:29
arrrghhhsome people's children.23:30
=== arrrghhh is now known as arrrghhhAWAY
Ben64arrrghhhAWAY: don't do away nick changes please23:31
Pici\/wii coolcat23:34
DS-McGuireCan anybody help me with signing the Ubuntu code of conduct? I have done it three times and it still says I haven't done it.23:36
Bashing-omDS-McGuire: It has been some time since I signed, but, I too had difficulties, and I had to remove the bad keys I had made, and carefully follow the instructions.23:39
DS-McGuireBashing-om: Should I do what you did and see if that works?23:40
Bashing-omDS-McGuire: It is what I HAD to do, in order to pass the correct key to launchpad.23:41
DS-McGuireBashing-om: Okay I will try that, thanks :)23:41
Bashing-omDS-McGuire: If still with problems, ket us know An I will try and review the proceedure ( it does work ).23:42
DS-McGuireI will get back to you in a few mins, thanks :)23:42
qpanhi, can people see my text?...I'm new to irc23:46
Loshkiqpan: loud & clear. If you have a Ubuntu support question, this is the place. Ask away...23:48
qpancool, THANKS much23:48
parisGreat. Have can I change to be the default "Times New Roman" in LibreOffice?23:50
wafflejockparis, in the preferences in LibreWriter settings there is a "Basic Font" section with defaults23:52
dpis anyone here from the nginx ppa?23:55
Beldarparis Is it not in the font choice?23:57
Beldarah gone23:57
wafflejockyeah qpan just joined #angularjs asked a question and left too23:58
Loshkiless than 7 minute attention span...23:58
Beldardp, Not a support topic, contact them directly, don't roll for them.23:58
=== FreezingAlt is now known as FreezingCold
dpBeldar: eh?23:59
Beldar!PPA | dp23:59
ubottudp: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa and !ppa-purge23:59
craigbass1976I've got a permissions issue... I've got /var/www/html which is where all of my server's sites live.  I don't necessarily want all of them in there though; I want to be working on them without having them viewable to folks looking at the server23:59
dpunderstood. just didn't know if anyone from the ppa was in here so I could ask23:59
Beldardp, Don't do that.23:59

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