
=== mrpouit is now known as mr_pouit
bluesabreochosi: the screen off code for the greeter in utopic (1.8.5) seems to cause a new black screen issue13:20
bluesabreIf I walk away from my computer for an extended amount of time, coming back, I can move my mouse but the screen stays dark (on the login screen)13:23
bluesabreIf I type my password, the screen is restorted when logging back in13:23
bluesabreStill investigating, but good to know13:23
bluesabrexchat dropped from seed14:33
brainwashbluesabre: NOOOOOOO15:29
brainwashso it looks like 14.10 will be a very boring release15:30
elfywhen you adding hexchat and removing pidgin, abiword, gnumeric and light locker :p15:30
brainwashyou can't just remove pidgin o.o15:31
brainwashhow should people communicate over the internet? :)15:31
bluesabresend pings at spaced intervals to represent morse code15:32
elfytincans and string15:32
bluesabre$ tincans15:33
bluesabretincans: command not found15:33
ochosibluesabre: hm, strange. i guess we can try the XActivateScreenSaver instead of XForceScreenSaver16:39
ochosibut either way, this is a standard xlib call, not sure what could be wrong with that16:40
ochosialso, that issue seems to have been reported in trusty already (going away for a longer period of time)16:40
ochosiis the screen really off or just black but with backlight?16:40
ochosiif it's off, then it's DPMS, not the stuff we added in the greeter16:41
ochosi(i guess nobody previously tested sessions sitting at the greeter for longer)16:41
bluesabreoh, this definitely was not a problem for me with trusty17:06
bluesabreI'll try a different video driver to see if that makes a difference17:14

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