
frankieonuongaHi folks, I am looking to use cloud init to create some containers on my machine but can not seem to find some documentation in regards as what should seat in user-data and meta-data06:39
harmwsmoser: if you happen to see RaginBajin, please have him checkout https://code.launchpad.net/~harmw/cloud-init/freebsd10:51
harmwRaginBajin: ping12:41
RaginBajinharmw: pong12:41
harmwcould you check out that branch?12:42
harmweg. create a new image (with oz), boot and instance with it, install bzr, checkout that branch and run tools/build-freebsd (or whatever I called it)12:43
RaginBajinsure. 12:43
RaginBajinI haven't used oz before, so I'll have to look up the howto12:44
harmwok, its on github12:45
harmwand you'd probably want to add some of my patches as well12:45
RaginBajinCool. I'll take a gander at it here in a few. 12:47
harmwhm, I also made a change in Guest.py that's addressed in the tickettracker on github...12:47
harmwsomething regarding symlinks12:47
harmwRaginBajin: I'm looking forward to seeing your results :)12:58
smoserpquerna, thanks. thats definitely something i'm interetsed in getting right. are you involed in the openstack bluerpint ?13:35
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pquernasmoser: mostly indirectly, other people at rackspace are working on the nova/ironic side of it14:57
pquernasmoser: happy to push feedback through non-spec view channels if helpful :)14:58
smoserwe have a team at canonical who is also in need of networking information format14:59
smoserand i would like to use one format and not have 2.14:59
smosermy comment on that review was wrt mtu14:59
smoseri think it really should be in there, and canonical is wanting/needing to describe bond interfaces.15:00
pquernayup, makes sense.15:01
pquernaJoshG sits 8.9 feet from me in the SF office15:01
pquernasmoser: one thing we are looking at adding is a services: [] chunk in the format.  first pass is to add DNS servers, but we were also thinking of adding NTP and maybe even local apt mirror etc as a url in there.15:05
smoseroh yeah, and multiple ip addresses per nic. (my comment there). 15:05
smoseri originally had kind of done vendor_data to be a way to provide information like that.15:05
smoserand had envisioned 'mirrors' to be something that would put there.15:06
smoser http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu: ['http://ubuntu.localmirror/ubuntu/']15:06
smosersomething like that. but yeah, i agree that you do want something there. 15:07
smoseri even commented on vendor_data that we could use that as a way to experiment on things before they got into the metadata service proper15:07
pquernawe are very likely going to deploy it into vendor_data.json first15:08
smoseryeah, cool. and i'm ok with having cloud-init read it from there if its there, and let choose that over meta-data or something.15:08
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harmwRaginBajin: any luck yet or should I just upload an image instead?16:49
RaginBajinharmw: Not yet.. I've been distracted a bit 17:27
harmwsmoser: would you like me to bug you again about cirros' new buildroot? :p19:40
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pquernaJoshNang: so21:28
pquernaJoshNang: MTUs on things: ethernet is obvious, but should it also be a field on the VLAN and/or bonds?21:28
pquernaJoshNang: trying to find docs on what linux does when MTU on eth0 is 1500 but bond or vlan has a higher value.21:29
JoshNangso i've seen a couple references to the vlan defaulting to the NIC's MTU if they're different (on blogs/articles), but can't find that in any docs21:58
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pquernasmoser: for multiple IPs, is having N network {} defs OK, or were you thinking of having an array of IPs inside the network?22:12

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