
asdf__mimimi mimi mimi mimimi sexy mimi00:02
calwigWhats a good Hard Disk diagnostic tool in Kubuntu00:42
scuniziI'm having issues getting an iPod shuffle connected to amarok correctly. It use to work until my son synced it to iTunes on a windows box.  Any tips welcome02:23
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Guest16360ciao a tutti03:20
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ubottuandrea__: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».03:21
andrea_ciao a tutti03:32
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Guest32983cant view youtube with live kubuntu dvd04:04
CHR0N0Shello everyone04:50
CHR0N0SAs usual nobody's talking in here...04:52
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TBotNikAll: Need an apache expert.  Localhost not working.  Apache log originally showing /etc/apache2/htdocs does not exist error. Thought that was coming from some config issue but now see it is produced every time I try to access localhost.  Really stumped06:54
TBotNikAll: Repeating: Need an apache expert.  Localhost not working.  Apache log originally showing /etc/apache2/htdocs does not exist error. Thought that was coming from some config issue but now see it is produced every time I try to access localhost.  Really stumped!  Posted on #httpd, the apache channel and no response!06:59
CrowX-TBotNik, have you resolved your problem yet?07:18
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TBotNikCrowX-: No!  Have PB of the various files at: http://pastebin.com/835Fd2JF07:58
CrowX-TBotNik, how do you try to access your site? do you type http://localhost in the url bar?08:09
TBotNikCrowX-: No just "localhost"  has always worked till today, then went south.  Had not changed anything till crash now changing like crazy and still not working.  Thought I was good at this! LOL08:11
lordievaderTBotNik: Did you perform updates? (Also shouldn't this go to #ubuntu-server?)08:12
=== rushiagr is now known as rushiagr_away
skramer_I did an apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgade this morning which tried to install lots of packages from Backports PPA. Unfortunately, the upgrade didn´t go well & I have many defective packages now. So how can I undo the upgrade & go back to the previous setup?08:16
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CrowX-TBotNik, what does "ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/" show?08:19
TBotNikCrowX-: just the 000-default file08:22
CrowX-TBotNik, paste me the return line please08:23
TBotNiklordievader: Really tired 20 hrs of fighting this so sorry not understanding, but brain freezing up a lot now08:24
TBotNikCrowX-: "ls -l /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/"08:25
TBotNiklrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 26 Jan 11  2014 000-default -> ../sites-available/default08:25
lordievaderTBotNik: I was just asking if you have updated Apache somewhere along the way.08:25
CrowX-TBotNik, it should be 000-default.conf -> ../sites-available/000-default.conf08:25
lordievaderTBotNik: Are you running precise? With apache 2.2?08:26
CrowX-if your 000-default.conf is in /etc/apache2/sites-available/000-default.conf08:26
lordievaderCrowX-: For apache 2.2 what he has is fine.08:26
TBotNiklordievader: Not that I was aware of, but had installed some new tools in last 2 days and have been trying to install TeamViewer, but 64Bit version is corrupted and support keeps posting fixes so keep trying those.08:27
CrowX-lordievader,  ../sites-available/default is a symlink to  ../sites-available/000-default.conf?08:27
lordievaderTBotNik: Could you pastebin the output of "lsb_release -a" and "apt-cache policy  apache2"?08:27
TBotNiklordievader: Kubuntu 12.04 LTS Apache 2.2.2208:27
lordievaderAs I figured.08:28
lordievaderTBotNik: What was the exact error again?08:29
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TBotNiklordievader: Browser show 404 Not found and error.log shows :=> File does not exist: /etc/apache2/htdocs08:33
TBotNikCrowX-: Updated and added to top of PB at: File does not exist: /etc/apache2/htdocs08:34
TBotNikCrowX-: Updated and added to top of PB at: http://pastebin.com/835Fd2JF08:34
lordievaderTBotNik: Have you read http://serverfault.com/questions/355657/why-am-i-getting-this-error-in-the-logs08:34
TBotNiklordievader: No08:37
TBotNiklordievader: Just did, not sure what to think?08:38
lordievaderTBotNik: Well do, and check those three things ;)08:38
CrowX-File does not exist: /etc/apache2/htdocs is shown when DocumentRoot isn't set08:38
CrowX-TBotNik, I just read some guy was getting this error and fixed it by adding a favicon to his site. I can't even imagine how that could be a solution, but the guy says it worked. so try08:39
TBotNikCrowX-: The only thing I see in the URL from lordievader is changing the include paths to absolute paths, and that would explain things as somehow the software or OS could have lost the ability to track a realative path08:41
CrowX-have you tried reinstalling apache?08:42
CrowX-in case some file is corrupted08:42
lordievaderTBotNik: The url I gave you details three things: vhost definition, absolute paths, and the checking whether the sites are enabled or not.08:42
CrowX-uninstall, delete the config files, and install it again08:42
lordievaderCrowX-: That's a bad idea... Unless default configs are used.08:43
CrowX-his site is local, I don't see why he'd have many custom things in the configs08:44
CodePulsarTrying to change a Samba share to allow guests full control over a folder and it fails every time08:44
CodePulsarwhen using the right click gui -> Share tab08:44
CodePulsaron the folder I want to change the access control on08:44
TBotNiklordievader: Sorry only understood the absolute path part the rest was just Greek to me!08:45
CodePulsarI set it to Full Control and it sets it back to Read only08:45
ChrisRi tried updating this morning, most packages updated just fine, but digikam got removed due to a conflict with libkgeomap108:45
TBotNikAll rebooting to see if paths recoginze again after reboot!08:45
ChrisRCodePulsar: i had the same problem last week. had to install system-config-samba to make it work08:46
ChrisRis digikam broken in the latest kubuntu 14.04 backports??08:46
ChrisRhas anybody tried updating this morning?08:52
skramer_ChrisR: It seems not only digikam is broken, I got digikam, krita, kexi and few others removed and now sitting here in depedency hell having so many defective packages ...08:58
skramer_Unfortunately, I don´t know how to revert the changes...08:59
ChrisRskramer_: why do i always click okay? :-)09:00
ChrisRok, so it's not only me09:00
ChrisRthey should fix that soon then09:00
skramer_ChrisR: Hehehehe, no it´s not only you :-)09:00
lordievaderChrisR: Hey this ain't windows, we don't click. We hit enter ;)09:00
TBotNiklordievader, CrowX-: Hey localhost/phpmyadmin works but just not the default lh dir09:01
skramer_lordievader: Infact, I did hit enter. But the result...09:01
lordievaderTBotNik: Default lh dir?09:01
skramer_lordievader: Do you know if there is any chance to revert the upgrade??09:01
lordievaderskramer_: Downgrading is a mess. You really don't want to do that.09:02
TBotNiklordievader: Yes defaul "localhost" dir still does not show in the browser and still getting the missing htdocs error.  I never ever had any htdoc dir so that is why this is so puzzling!09:03
ChrisRlordievader: actually, this is what i did09:03
lordievaderTBotNik: Fix your definition of default, phpmyadmin is defined elsewhere.09:03
ChrisRright after entering my pwd. damnit09:03
lordievaderChrisR: What is?09:04
lordievaderChrisR: Clicking ok?09:04
ChrisRlordievader: never mind :-)09:04
TBotNiklordievader: I did remove the alias for PEAR, which did have an htdocs dir, but I only use PEAR rarely09:04
skramer_lordievader: Understood. But in my case, it would be downgrading from KDE 4.13.97 (backports PPA) to 4.13.3. No general downgrade...09:04
TBotNiklordievader: Mostly for phpseclib secure code testing!09:05
TBotNiklordievader: phpmyadmin.conf is in the included /conf.d dir!09:06
lordievaderskramer_: Still downgrading is a mess.09:06
ChrisRi wouldn't bother trying to downgrade or resolve dependencies manually09:09
TBotNikWell off to bed, see y'all if your still here in AM when I rise!09:09
lordievaderI've downgraded libc once, let me tell you that was fun :P09:10
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Guest52691has the web form finished. I get errors when trying to connect12:41
BluesKajGuest52691, what are you referring to, what web forum?12:45
Guest52691does kubuntu 12.04.4 need more RAM that ver 1412:55
tsimpsonGuest52691: it's exactly the same as 14.04 except with all the updates released after already applied12:56
Guest52691sorry meant does ver 14 need more RAM than 12.04.412:56
tsimpsonit's the same release though12:56
tsimpsonit shouldn't need more ram12:57
Guest52691I am running using only 1 GB RAM and can run 12.04.4 from a live DVD. I am thinking of trying ver 14 but was worried about my limited RAM12:58
lordievaderGuest52691: It'll run on 1Gb, but not optimal.12:59
lordievaderGuest52691: You'd better look at something like Xubuntu or Lubuntu.12:59
Guest52691Is there an abvantage to running ver 14 rather that 12. I realise that the support for 14 is a little longer12:59
tsimpsonhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/PrecisePangolin/ReleaseNotes/Kubuntu/Kubuntu-12.04#System_Requirements suggests the minimum is 384 MB13:00
tsimpsonbut that seems very low to my eye13:00
Guest52691It may be, but it runs alright13:00
Guest52691I am not keen on the lighter versions13:01
tsimpsonusing xfce or lxde may give you a better experience, you can still run the same KDE applications just with a different desktop look and feel13:01
Guest52691But I am not having a problem13:02
lordievaderGuest52691: Open a web browser with 10+ tabs, you'll start swapping like crazy :P13:02
Guest52691At present, I am running without a swap (live DVD). Hence my experince is likely to be better after an install. I have not opened 10 tabs13:04
Guest52691whats wrong with swapping13:05
lordievaderGuest52691: It is using your disk as ram, and disk (compared to ram) is SLOW.13:05
Guest52691So far most of my limited RAM is available. If I needed to swap and things slow a bit, I dont think I'd mind13:06
lordievaderHehe, that's what you say now ;)13:06
lordievaderIO-wait is the worst.13:07
Guest52691If I make a mistake and install a version that becomes a pblem, I could always download another iso and re-install. So I don't thimh I am losing anything, and as i said I am not having a problem13:08
tsimpsonjust make sure you backup any valuable data you have in that case13:10
Guest52691Always do13:10
Guest52691I can confirm the RAM for 12.04 at around 384MB. Less that half my RAM13:11
Guest52691I can t see how to delete applications13:19
tsimpsonyou just remove them with the package manager/software centre13:20
Guest52691When I put the system to sleep the other day, I could inly wake by pressing to off switch one. I could not find a key13:23
=== kubuntu is now known as Guest46971
RaSTuSHi there, recently updated from 12.04 to 14.04, today I got notification for 351 upgrades, problem is, it also wants to uninstall tellico, when I try to unmark it in muon I get this message: The "tellico" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: Depends: tellico, but it is not installable13:57
valorie!infor tellico14:00
valorie!info tellico14:00
ubottutellico (source: tellico): Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.8+dfsg.1-2 (trusty), package size 839 kB, installed size 3113 kB14:00
valorieso just reinstall it later14:00
RaSTuSI just want to be sure that's possible, it's a deal breaker for me not to have it.14:06
valorieit is packaged, ubottu says14:09
valorieRaSTuS: does muon tell you why?14:10
valoriein tabs sometimes there is more info14:10
RaSTuSThe error message when I try to unmark it is: The "tellico" package could not be marked for installation or upgrade: Depends: tellico, but it is not installable14:11
RaSTuSvalorie: nothing in the tabs shows and anomolies, it has a huge depend list though.14:21
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lothareberhartrecould we talk in german14:57
lordievader!de | lothareberhartre14:57
ubottulothareberhartre: In den meisten Ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuche bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Einfach "/join #ubuntu-de" eingeben. Danke für Dein Verständnis!14:57
lothareberhartreI try it one's more15:02
kyfelladoes anyone know of any good dlna players for android op system that would work in conjunction with ps3mediaserver for streaming movies to android OP system15:06
kyfellajust throwing the idea out there.  I am doing some playing around trying to figure out a way to do it15:06
kyfellaor better yet, if anyone knows a android channel let me know if you guys don't know15:08
BluesKajkyfella, thisn't exactly the chat for media questions, perhaps something closer to #android would be more appropriate15:09
kyfellawell, its a cross between kubuntu ps3mediaserver and the dnla protocol of what to use on android, so i didn't know who to ask exactly lol15:09
kyfellalet me see what the guys on the android channel know15:09
BluesKajkyfella, click on this #android to join15:10
RaSTuSkyfella: Media House is pretty good, I use it to stream to my tablet and it works great.15:13
lothareberhartreI have got some question15:13
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)15:14
kyfellathanks Blue, I got that channel added in.  I posted the question to them to ask15:15
kyfellaRas...  What are you streaming from exactly with Media House?  I have PS3MediaServer installed and it works great on my tv.  I just want to integrate it into my android cell so if I am out on the back porch I can watch it there as well15:16
lothareberhartreI  use Kunbuntu 14.04 on ssd from sandisk and it brun good,but recently the kde start need a lot of time.Is there a protocol-file where i can such for any defect.15:18
BluesKajlothareberhartre, I experienced a long bootup time here on 14.04 after upgrading from 12.04, almost 2 1/2 mins, but I haven't checked the logs /var/log/syslog15:20
BluesKajI have since removed 14.04 and run 14.10 now as a test OS, since I'm a home user15:22
RaSTuSkyfella: streaming from a Panasonic PVR and an Astone PVR.15:23
BluesKajRaSTuS, using kubuntu ?15:23
RaSTuSBluesKaj: yes, upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 on the weekend.15:24
RaSTuSHaving a few problems since the upgrade, but I'll get a handle on most of them, just have to put some time in.15:27
BluesKajRaSTuS, are you experiencing the long boot time after upgrading to 14.04?15:33
BluesKajmine was 2 1/2 mins15:33
RaSTuSBluesKaj: yeah was pretty long, I went into the /etc/rc directories and disabled a bunch of stuff I don't need, sped it up some, still not as responsive as before though.  Also lost all my desktop effects, I don't think DRI is loading properly.15:37
BluesKajRaSTuS, which gpu?15:38
RaSTuSBluesKaj: nvidia, not sure of the model, I can look it up.15:39
RaSTuSBluesKaj: GTX 550 Ti15:40
BluesKajRaSTuS, most nvidias work vewry well on kubuntu, probly need to upgrade the driver since upgrading to 14.04 defaults to the nouveau driver15:42
BluesKajyup, you should be running the 331 driver with that gpu, check the driver manager in system settings15:43
RaSTuSBluesKaj: using the nvidia driver, but 303 I think.  I'll upgrade it tomorrow, almost 2am here.15:44
BluesKajRaSTuS, right15:44
RaSTuSBluesKaj: just screwing around with nvidia settings to see if that makes a difference.15:46
RaSTuSWhen I go to run xdriinfo, it comes back with "libGL is too old." WTF?15:53
BluesKajtry glxinfo | grep OpenGL15:55
BluesKajneed to install mesa-utils15:56
RaSTuSBluesKaj: gives, core profile version string: 4.2.0 NVIDIA 304.11715:57
BluesKajRaSTuS, hmm, that's the driver from 12.0415:58
RaSTuSBluesKaj: what, 304 ?15:58
RaSTuSBluesKaj, I'll install 331 and see what happens.15:59
BluesKajcheck the driver manager for it15:59
RaSTuSI did have when I initially upgraded, but I was having problems, so I downgraded the driver, I'll try again though, coz I've installed a lot of stuff since then.16:01
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pfoomh, seems to be a backport depency issue, latest upgrade removed libnepomuk4 libnepomukquery4a libnepomukutils416:12
pfooDepends: libkdecore5 (= 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa2) but 4:4.13.97-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa2 is to be installed16:15
pfooDepends: libkdeui5 (= 4:4.13.3-0ubuntu0.1~ubuntu14.04.1~ppa2) but 4:4.13.97-0ubuntu1~ubuntu14.04~ppa2 is to be installed16:15
=== mike is now known as Guest51270
RaSTuSHaving a real hassle with libreoffice-base, it failed on install, and now it's stuck, can't seem to uninstall it even though I've uninstalled the rest of libreoffice, and it crashes apt-get and muon constantly, any ideas how to dump it ?16:38
diggndeeperI just installed the kubuntu on top of standard ubuntu. Oddly, I can't seems to connect to wireless. The network widget recognizes the ssid and I put the password in, but it "deactivates" right away. Any thoughts?16:44
soee_why do people disconnect after 2 minutes without response16:49
BluesKajsoee_, some ppl join everyday, but never say anything16:52
BluesKajactaully hundreds16:54
RaSTuSI'm active on a few guitar forums, same thing happens there too, ask a question and log straight out, weird.16:55
BluesKajthink some have their client on autoconnect and autojoin, and forget the client is even running16:58
RaSTuSBluesKaj: any ideas how to get rid of a broken package ?17:01
vipuserHi  all anyone have idea of FHS 3.0?17:02
BluesKajRaSTuS, sudo dpkg --configure -a , works sometimes17:02
BluesKajvipuser, tha's not a kubuntu question , ask in ##linux17:04
vipuserI want to know kubuntu has FHS 3.0? or 2.3?17:05
RaSTuS!infor FHS17:08
pfooBluesKaj: that's neither a linux question :p17:09
RaSTuSBluesKaj: tried --configure -a dozens of times, the thing is stuck, won't reinstall, upgrade or uninstall, a total PITA17:12
BluesKajpfoo, the experts in ##linux might know the answer17:12
geniivillain10765indi: 2.317:12
geniiBah tabcomplete fail17:12
geniivipuser: Ubuntu uses FHS 2.317:13
vipuserthanks genii17:13
vipuserthats all i want to know17:14
BluesKajRaSTuS, sudo dpkg --remove --force-depends nameofpackage(s)17:14
vipuseroh one more why we have kubuntu if we have ubuntu what is the main difference between them?17:15
BluesKajvipuser, Kubuntu uses the KDE desktop environment , ubuntu used unity or gnome etc17:16
BluesKaj!kde | vipuser17:16
ubottuvipuser: KDE (http://kde.org) is an open community that creates and maintains software including the Plasma desktop.  To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install  kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See  http://kubuntu.org for more information.17:16
vipuserrest all is same?17:16
BluesKajboth use the ubuntu core17:17
RaSTuSBluesKaj: comes up with the error message "package is in a very bad inconsistent state; you should  reinstall it before attempting a removal", also tried dpkg --purge --force-remove-essential libreoffice-base and get the same error.17:18
RaSTuSI can delete the thing manually, just need to take it's status out of the package db17:20
geniiRaSTuS: Yeah, the final approach is to change it's status in the /var/lib/dpkg/status17:22
BluesKajgenii, sudo dpkg --clear-avail ?17:22
vipuserAll the GRUB files are in /boot/grub, is it?17:23
RaSTuSthanks guys, will try that.17:23
BluesKajvipuser, are you editing grub ?17:23
vipuseri want to do but later, now i am just checking all the files of grub. actually i am new in debian family17:24
BluesKajvipuser, if so edit in /etc/default/grub then save the file and run sudo update-grub to make the changes stick17:25
vipuserbut where are the main files of grub? the path you tell?17:26
pfoovipuser: /etc/grub.d/ and /etc/default/grub17:27
pfoogrub2 use those files in order to generate /boot/grub config file17:27
rbergbut yes grub its self lives in /boot/grub and the MBR17:28
RaSTuSalso has some scripts in /usr/share/grub17:30
BluesKajnormally users aren't encouraged to edit grub in any file except /etc/default/grub17:30
vipuserat boot process grub use ONLY the files in /boot/grub? or others /etc/grub.d/ and /etc/default/grub also?17:30
RaSTuSCleared the dpkg issue, thanks guys.  Now I'll try updating the nvidia driver17:31
BluesKajif you want , you can continue this discussion in #grub17:31
pfoovipuser: /boot/grub/17:32
rberg/etc/grub.d/ and /etc/default/grub are used by update-grub to generate /boot/grub/grub.cfg17:32
RaSTuSWhich is the best to install, nvidia-331 or nvidia-331-updates ?17:33
BluesKajnvidia-331 RaSTuS is the recommended driver in the driver manager17:34
RaSTuSThanks, will do.17:35
vipuserthanks everyone17:36
RaSTuSIt only built modules for the latest kernel, not the two previous versions, how do I make it do that ?17:39
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BluesKajRaSTuS, maybe the 2 previous kernels are too old17:41
BluesKajthe kernel modules might be the 30417:43
BluesKajor 319, or ....17:43
RaSTuSOne was only installed the other day, I have 3.13.0-32, and the oldest one I have is 3.2.0-67, only built for 3.13.0-33.17:44
geniiRaSTuS: sudo dkms build nvidia-331 -k <previous-kernel-version-here>17:45
RaSTuSBluesKaj: no, it uninstalled the old 304 stuff as it installed.  I use apt-get, prefer the commandline to gui stuff.17:45
BluesKajRaSTuS, perhaps the next upgrade will take care of it17:45
geniiI just gave the syntax to build for a kernel that is not the currently running kernel.17:46
BluesKajyes, but it's good to use muon as a reference for packages and their versions and dependencies etc17:46
RaSTuSgenii: I'll try that, thanks.17:47
RaSTuSI live in sudo mc when I'm doing all this stuff, a dual panel filemanager and terminal all in one, great tool.17:48
BluesKajgenii, don't the kernel modules automatically get built for the installed kernels? guess RaSTuS used the cli to build the modules for a specific kernel rather than all that are installed17:51
geniiBluesKaj: As far as I understand, it builds the module for the running kernel, if it's something like nvidia-current instead of a specified version, then it also builds for previous kernels17:53
BluesKajinstalling a graphics driver usually removes the old drivers by default17:53
BluesKajyeah genii I haven't seen the nvidia-current driver(s) available in 14.04 or 14.1017:55
RaSTuSYeah, removed the old stuff.  Had to use "dkms build -m nvidia/331-331.38 -k 3.13.0-32-generic" to make it work, has to match the directory in /usr/src17:55
geniiRaSTuS: Ah, sorry I mixed up the syntax. ...been a while since I needed to use that17:56
BluesKajnormally i would use the terminal for installing packages, but the nvidia driver packages in the driver manager does a nice job of installing the proper modules on the latest kubuntus.18:01
BluesKaja few release ago that wan't the case and we were busy installing nvidia-3XXXX in the terminal because the driver installer was broken18:03
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RaSTuSnp genii, thanks, put me in the right direction anyway.  I can't find the driver manager, looked in System, Settings and Utilities, I saw it the other day, but not now.18:18
RaSTuSAh, found it, it's named Additional Drivers on my sys.18:20
BluesKajRaSTuS, ok I was running 14.04.1 , some applications are different than 14.0418:29
RaSTuSBluesKaj: I'm on 14.04.1 too, only upgraded 2 or 3 days ago, but I configured my menu to use real names instead of descriptions, they're useless, I mean you can have 10 entries for "Music Player", gets confusing.  Just doing another update, 396 packages to install or update according to muon.  I use it for most of my package update/browsing work, but when things get difficult, the commandline is king, LOL.18:36
BluesKajRaSTuS, actually I'm running 14.10 and have been since april, and haven't spent much time on 14.04, guess my memory of it is fading somewhat18:39
BluesKajaltho I did have it installed on another partition I just didn't use it much18:40
RaSTuSBluesKaj: I've only been using Kubuntu since 12.04, before that I used Gentoo for like 6 or 7 years, everything compiled from source, and each package configurable to the nth degree, it's great when you keep it updated regularly, but if you get behind the conflicts can have you pulling your hair out.18:43
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BluesKajRaSTuS, never tried gentoo successfully, usually the cd fails to boot, a HW problem most likely18:48
RaSTuSBluesKaj: It's a great thing when it's all running smoothly, but very hands on.  I'm getting too old to do all that BS now, I just want things to happen the easy way now, LOL.18:51
BluesKajsimilar to the bsd flavours , the install page would be as far as i could get then nothing...something about the HP desktop HW that it doesn't recognize, several other OSs do the same ...it's a mystery18:51
BluesKajdebian based OSs all work fine so far...haven't tried many others on this lenovo g500 tho18:53
RaSTuSBluesKaj: now I think I'm breaking this thing, I had the Kubuntu backports ppa and that's where all those updates were coming from, got halfway through them, then died, so I removed that ppa, now it's deleting all the KDE stuff.18:54
BluesKajRaSTuS, ok once that's finished, install kubuntui-desktop or if all else fails install kde-workspace18:55
BluesKajthe backports have packages for kde upgrades mostly18:56
RaSTuSBluesKaj, will do, back to the commandline, easier to see what's going on.18:59
BluesKajyup, I use muon mostly as a reference for info etc...very handy sometimes19:01
RaSTuSBluesKaj: same here, it's good to browse the packages and read the descriptions etc.   I have huge problems, just tried apt-get install kubuntu-desktop and you should see the errors that came up, how do I use pastebin to put them up ?19:07
BluesKajRaSTuS, right click on the desktop > add widgets type pastebin in the search19:10
RaSTuSBluesKaj: can't, the add widgets thing is broken, probably coz most of kde was deleted, damn it, I might have to download the iso and try a complete re-install from dvd.19:14
RaSTuSmuon won't even load now.19:15
BluesKajRaSTuS, your OS is installed to / i hope, so you can probly install kubuntu in 20 mins or so19:16
BluesKajRaSTuS, what about the cashew on righjt sode of the panel, can you bring up the widgets panel there?19:17
BluesKajright side19:17
BluesKajsounds like plasma is broken too19:18
RaSTuSBluesKaj: everything is broken, so now I'm adding that ppa again and see if I can upgrade/re-install then.19:21
BluesKajwhich ppa?19:21
RaSTuSkubuntu backports, it seems to be working so far.19:22
BluesKajRaSTuS, do you have any ppas in /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?19:25
RaSTuSBluesKaj, that's where it was, it worked, only left a few packages out:  kdewallpapers libastro1 libkcmutils4 libkdeclarative5 libkdecore5 libkdeui5   libkdnssd4 libkgapi2-2 libkntlm419:26
BluesKajor did you just uncomment the backports in the sources.list?19:26
BluesKajRaSTuS, still seems a bit messy tho19:28
RaSTuSNo, used the souces list in muon, but I undone it by hand, and ran apt-get update and upgrade.  Now I just ran apt-get install muon* and it found a bunch more kde stuff to install.19:29
BluesKajdist-upgrade will bring the backports into play19:30
RaSTuSWhen the muon* finishes I'll do that too.  Working ok so far, cross fingers.19:31
RaSTuSBluesKaj: Whew, at least muon is working now, so is add-widgets, what a damn relief.19:35
BluesKajRaSTuS, ok good to hear :)19:36
RaSTuSBetter believe it, my heart was in my mouth for a while there.  Just reinstalled kdm too, it pulled in kpassword and a few others, so now I'll try that kde-workspace thing to make sure it's complete.19:38
RaSTuSSorry, I mean kubuntu-desktop19:39
RaSTuSIt's pulling in 278 packages, crossing fingers again, LOL.19:40
* bprompt is crossing legs19:40
geniiThe greeter should be lightdm-kde-greeter and not kdm19:42
RaSTuSgenii, just prefer kdm, it's only a preference thing.19:43
RaSTuSBluesKaj, genii, it all seems to be working again guys, even was able to add the pastebin widget, now I can think about going to sleep, it's almost 6am here.  You guys have been lifesavers, can't thank you enough.19:51
BluesKajRaSTuS, sleep well, good luck with the upgrades :)19:54
RaSTuSBluesKaj, np, thanks mate.  Still back to square one on the tellico deal though, I'll just have to install it from sources.19:56
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BluesKajnever used tellico, doubt very much I'd need it tho19:59
genii!info tellico20:03
ubottutellico (source: tellico): Collection manager for books, videos, music, etc. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.3.8+dfsg.1-2 (trusty), package size 839 kB, installed size 3113 kB20:03
RaSTuSI've got over 500 dvd/blu-rays catalogued, where and when I bought them, how much including a shipping costs field, mucho work, ain't going through all that again.   I use it several times a day too, one of the guitar forums I have a group on has a movie game we often play.20:04
RaSTuSgenii:  yeah, it won't install, some dependencies are broken, wants libkde4 and now libkde5 is installed.  It's should stll compile from source though.20:06
RaSTuSThe latest version available on thier site is 2.3.920:06
geniiSeems to be a ppa for 2.3.9 available20:09
zoot_365I'm a noob. Where do I go to get questions about thingd Ubuntu answered?20:09
RaSTuSgenii, where is the ppa listed, couldn't find it on thier site.20:10
geniiRaSTuS: The one I found is here: https://launchpad.net/~dominik-stadler/+archive/ubuntu/dsta-trusty-ppa20:10
RaSTuSgenii, I could kiss you, LOL.20:11
BluesKajzoot_365, ubuntu or kubuntu ? for ubuntu questions click here #ubuntu, for kubuntu questions you're in the right place20:12
BluesKajzoot_365, yes but which desktop environment, Unity or KDE?20:13
BluesKajthen you're in the right place , ask away20:15
BluesKajkubuntu is ubuntu with kde , zoot_365 , the core is the same but the desktops aquite different20:16
zoot_365Simply stated20:19
zoot_365I paste this into my terminal(konsole), sudo add-apt-repository ppa:openmw/openmw, and enter.20:19
zoot_365I'm then asked to [sudo] password for michael:, but it won't let me type anything.20:19
zoot_365I'm way noob.20:20
Picizoot_365: despite it not showing any *s it is still letting you type.20:20
zoot_365won't accept anything.20:21
zoot_365not a keystroke.20:22
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zoot_365Ii'n not that rank of noob.20:28
zoot_365or maybe I am.20:38
zoot_365:) Kisses to you Pici!20:40
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zoot_365I had a flash of genii telling me the same thing once.20:41
* genii wakes up and makes some coffee20:42
zoot_365Kirk out.20:44
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micha Kennt sich hier wer mit Konversation als IRC Client aus und kann mir sagen,warum meine Downloads bei 99% immer abbrechen?20:52
RodNICEKubuntu upgrade question: Can I cancel an upgrade part way through?21:03
IdleOneduring the download part yes21:04
IdleOnenot a good idea if the packages have already started installing21:04
geniiOnce it starts overwriting packages... breakage21:04
RodNICEYes, it's at the phase of "Getting new packages." I'm at a donut shop and the internet connection is horrible.21:07
RodNICEWill I be able to leave and get a better connection and it will start where it left off?21:08
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Guest76996ciao a tutti22:16
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jeff__OK, ever since upgrading to 14.04, quassel has shown me the chats I'm in, the other people in the chats, but the center box with all the actual chat text is blank22:56

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