
dholbachgood morning07:19
elfygood morning dholbach07:20
dholbachhi elfy07:20
popeydpm: joining us?14:03
dpmpopey, wrapping up a call, please feel free to start without me14:05
mhall119dpm: call?14:33
dpmmhall119, coming, sorrz14:33
dholbachhave a great rest of your day - see you tomorrow! :-)16:29
elfyjono: you about?19:05
jonoelfy, yup19:06
elfyso you want to sort out the forum account?19:06
elfyif you do let me know and I'll do it now for you19:07
jonoelfy, coffee cat has been in touch with me about it19:07
jonoI am not sure who that is19:08
elfyone of the other admins :)19:08
elfyif he's doing it I'll leave be then19:08
jonoahhh cool19:08
jonoyeah he is doing it19:08
elfyyou've got a pm from me you can ignore as well :)19:08
jonothanks elfy!19:12
pleia2mhall119: pearson is going to send along some copies of the official ubuntu book 8th edition that I can sign at fossetcon, thoughts on how many they should send? (they're already working with Bryan to send out a box, I just need #s)22:27
mhall119pleia2: that's awesome, I don't have any recommendations on how many though, it's your book22:29
pleia2I guess it's the first year of fossetcon so it's hard to have an idea of how many ubuntu people will want such a thing22:29
pleia23 will probably do22:30
mhall119yeah, we had FLS in years past that Bryan helped organize, which has good turnout (not quite SCaLE level, but SELF level at least), but we've been without a show for a few years now so who knows22:31
mhall1193 sounds like a good number though22:31
mhall119pleia2: were you planning on giving htem away or selling them?22:32
pleia2mhall119: these would be giveaways22:32
mhall119how would you do that, raffle? contest?22:33
pleia2and I guess coordinate with Bryan however they are giving away the rest22:33
mhall119ah, ok22:33
mhall119probably raffle then22:33

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