
cmaloneyskellat: That sucks.00:08
cmaloneyUnfortunately we're driving down on Friday so Ubucon is likely out for us.00:08
skellatcmaloney: Yeah, people weren't even interested if we asked for travel & lodging cash to be paid out of Canonical Community Budget for them.  I would have pushed hard for that and even then bupkis.00:09
skellatI get to hone my skills for apologizing tonight during the OLF planning meeting I think.  I've been doing such a great job as an apologist on the telephone for $FederalAgency until I hit furlough.00:11
cmaloneyskellat: It's a useful skill. :)00:11
cmaloneybtw: is Ohio planning on having a booth at OLF?00:12
skellatcmaloney: I don't think so.  There are no free booths anymore and the cost for the booth alone is high along with how long it takes me to get to Columbus cost-wise.00:13
skellatI'd have to get money out of Canonical Community Budget for it and I don't have enough people to staff it.00:14
cmaloneyskellat: Understandable00:14
cmaloneyThat's partly why I wanted to offer our resources00:14
cmaloneyI know we're both hurting for people now that Ubuntu is no longer the cool kid in town. :)00:14
skellatFor me to go down is akin to a trip from Utica to middle of the mitten00:15
skellats/Utica/Rochester Hills/00:16
cmaloneyROchester -> Lansing. :)00:16
skellatI was thinking in terms of distance.  I've done the trip from Rochester up to Central Michigan University and back in...January 2002, I think00:17
skellatThat was back during undergrad at Rochester College00:17
skellatAshtabula to Columbus is not a fun trip00:18
skellatcmaloney: I need to go take care of some things but I'll wing you an e-mail after the OLF planning meeting tonight00:19
cmaloneysounds good. Take care and TTYL!00:19
PhillyMelt02Good morning14:19
PhillyMelt02how  are you today?14:24
PhillyMelt02brb, diaper duty...14:25
cmaloneyEnjoy. :)14:25
cmaloneyHaving a less diaper-filled day so far.14:25
PhillyMelt02Back.  That wasn't too bad.14:29
PhillyMelt02I was wondering if any knows of a linux expo held in michigan?14:29
PhillyMelt02I used to live in Los Angeles and attended SCALE14:29
PhillyMelt02Was wondering if anything like that existed here?14:30
cmaloneyPhillyMelt02: Closest would be Ohio Linuxfest which is a regional conference.14:55
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/ielN4 - Ohio LinuxFest 2014 - The Future of Free | Free and Open Software Conference and Expo - Columbus, Ohio - October 24-26, 201414:55
PhillyMelt02Thanks.  I'll have to check it out.  Was hoping one would be a little closer to home but it is doable.15:02
cmaloneyWe do have a local Linux / UNIX users group in the area as well15:03
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/XzBZ0f - Michigan!/usr/group | mug.org – A Michigan-based Linux and UNIX Free and Open Source Community15:03
cmaloneyAugust meeting is tomorrow night15:03
jrwrenPhillyMelt02: could you describe SCALE?15:05
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/IaJ5tP - SCALE 12x15:06
PhillyMelt02It was a multi-day event with exhibitors and speakers covering a wide range of topics.15:06
PhillyMelt02SCALE was cool because you were free to attend the sessions/speakers you wanted without too much hassle.  No additional fees/registration required.15:08
jrwrensounds like you should start one here.15:08
PhillyMelt02From what I saw at SCALE it takes a monumental effort of many dedicated people.  I unfortunately don't have the time to take on something that ambitious.15:10
cmaloneyYeah, apparently MUG tried one back in the old days15:15
cmaloneyIt is still spoken of in hushed tones.15:15
cmaloneyand regarded as a "we won't be doing that again"15:16
PhillyMelt02That is too bad.  Hopefully MUG may change its mind in the future.15:18
cmaloneyThis is a long, long time ago. Back when big iron roamed the earth15:23
cmaloneyI'm one of the current MUG board members as well.15:24
PhillyMelt02Cool.  Thank you for volunteering your time.15:35
jrwrenMug has been around for a long time. I think MUG tried it in the mid 90s15:36
jrwrenMUG has evolved nicely too. I remember around '00 they really were a unix group wiht not much linux focus. Lots of SCO people there.15:36
cmaloneyjrwren: Funny enough they're cleaning out one of the storage closets at work. They unearthed a SCO box15:37
cmaloneyI asked if I could take it to the shooting range.15:37
* cmaloney doesn't even normally shoot.15:37
PhillyMelt02I'm sorry, I'm not familiar with the term SCO15:41
cmaloneySCO was one of the first and most successful PC-based UNIX distributions15:42
jrwrenPhillyMelt02: SCO was a popular unix in the 80s and 90s. Linux ate its lunch15:42
PhillyMelt02Ahh.  I wasn't introduced to unix/linux until I attended college in 2002.15:42
cmaloneyUnfortunately someone bought the name and IP and decided the best way to compete was to litigate15:42
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/MRpse - Santa Cruz Operation - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia15:43
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/VH8mjF - SCO Group - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia15:43
cmaloneyWhich is sad because Caldera was pretty nice.15:44
PhillyMelt02Are the MUG meetings open to non-members?  I see there is a scheduled meeting tomorrow in Farmington Hills.15:46
cmaloneyYep. Free as in beer as well15:46
jrwrenPhillyMelt02: there are literally countless user group meetings in the area.15:46
cmaloneyWell, there's two major ones15:47
cmaloneyMUG and MDLUG15:47
jrwrenPhillyMelt02: tonight is SEMJS in Ann Arbor, even if you don't use JS much, 100ish smart people go there for meet and greet.15:47
PhillyMelt02Thank you for the invitation.  Unfortunately with my work schedule and the time to get to A2 I won't make it.15:51
PhillyMelt02I went to UM in A2 so it would be nice to get back there for a visit.15:51
PhillyMelt02Does SEMJS have regular monthly meetings?15:51
jrwrensee SEMJS on meetup.com15:51
jrwrenWhere is your work?15:52
PhillyMelt02I work from my home about 1.5 hours east of A2.15:53
PhillyMelt02I do data entry/update for an investment management firm15:53
PhillyMelt02So my work begins at 4PM when the stock market closes15:53
jrwrenah. There are many detroit area groups.15:53
jrwrenMobile Monday and Detroit Craftsman Build are particularlly good AFAIK15:54
jrwrenoh, and API Craft - they meet Thursday15:55
PhillyMelt02Thanks for all the info.15:56
PhillyMelt02I have been wanted to get involved for awhile.15:56
cmaloney.np squeekyhoho19:11
bookiebotsqueekyhoho's current track - Вторжение by Invisible Devastation on ID EP19:11
brouschcmaloney: I think I need to study defense or opening moves next. I feel like I'm flopping around blindly with those19:21
cmaloneybrousch: You too? :)19:21
cmaloneyThis is definietly a game that rewards patience.19:21
bookiebothttp://goo.gl/M0yuvR - Go opening theory - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia19:22
cmaloneyWell, driving home was fun20:48
brouschdid you try it with your eyes closed?21:05
greg-gback in 'merica21:44
cmaloneybrousch: No, but we drove in this wet mess down to Dearborn23:28
cmaloneymany flooded roads23:28
brouschHow does a wet mess compare to a hot mess?23:30
cmaloneya wet mess has a lot more cleanup23:34
greg-gRobin Williams died :(23:58
greg-gI found out because I just got a text from a coworker "Cluster is having load issues, mostly under control"23:58
greg-ggot online to learn it was due to his death (and the resulting spike in usage on WP)23:58
greg-gsame thing happened for Michael Jackson23:58

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