
joedjheyas, i'm trying to do the 12.04 -> 14.04 upgrade using the UI, and getting a 'Could not calculate the upgrade' error. can anyone describe the cmdline process such that i can perhaps get a useful error message?01:27
joedjdoh, do-release-upgrade -m desktop gives the same useless error message :/01:31
frogonwheelsjoedj: did you update everything first?01:34
joedjfrogonwheels: yes01:34
frogonwheelsjoedj: just checking.  I don't know much/anythng about why that error would occur, but I figure it was worth a shot.01:35
joedjnothing in my sources.list appears suspicious either, though i do have multiverse and backports uncommented01:35
joedjit looks like i can update sources.list to trusty and run apt-get dist-upgrade manually, but not sure if that's a good idea...it would be really nice to know what do-release-upgrade thinks the problem is01:43
frogonwheelsjoedj: there's no verbose options?01:49
joedjfrogonwheels: doesn't seem to be01:51
joedjfrogonwheels: eh, guess i'll do a backup at some point, then try the manual dist-upgrade02:00
joedjfrogonwheels: it's just annoying that apper keeps popping up with a notification every 5min telling me to upgrade, when i can't =P02:01
Guest32233I've got a twin monitor setup using intel HD 2500 graphics. Wine seems to have screwed up my configuration - the right monitor is shifted left about 10%, but only on the native 1680x1050 resolution. Does anyone know how I can reset my config?03:08
Guest32233On Kubuntu 14.0403:11
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RaSTuSI'm back.  Tried to install tellico using the ppa that genii gave last night, but it still doesn't want to play ball.  Been trying to compile it instead, but I keep getting the error "Unable to compile a basic Qt application.  Qt has not been found correctly.".  I've installed all the QT and qtmake stuff I could find, but it's still not happy, any ideas.07:03
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arazeezhow to install microsoft project in kubuntu09:18
trew_hi all09:21
lordjancsohi all09:21
trew_i have a problem with sound09:21
lordjancsoI'm a newbie with linux and stuff, but i would like to try out plasma on my ubuntu 14.0409:21
lordjancsoi know i can install it with sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop09:22
lordjancsobut what if i want to switch back to unity?09:22
lordjancsohow can i do that?09:22
trew_lordjancso: tou can do that09:22
lordjancsoi hoped that but how? :)09:23
hateballlordjancso: you can choose desktop session when you log in09:23
hateballthere's a little dropdown box09:23
lordjancsoshould i see this on this screen? http://www.kde.org/announcements/plasma5.0/screenshots/lockscreen.png09:23
trew_in login manager you chose09:24
trew_amm this is next plasma09:24
lordjancsohmm i'm talking about plasma5, or is this not available yet?09:25
trew_it's not realy ready yet09:25
trew_it's work09:25
trew_but a lot apps Has not made ​​the transition09:26
trew_so the desktop work fine but no have integration with all apps09:26
trew_lordjancso: ^^09:27
lordjancsotrew_ thank you09:28
lordjancsowhen will be stable?09:28
lordjancsois there any date announced?09:28
trew_all 3 mounth new vetion lordjancso09:30
trew_lordjancso:  all 3 mounth new vetion09:30
lordjancsook thx09:30
trew_any one here to help me?09:32
trew_i need help with sound in my system09:32
trew_i work with KMIX but it's not control on the volume09:34
trew_i have sound in system but kmix not control it09:35
RaSTuStrew_, right click on the volume control in the system tray and choose "Select Master Channel" and make sure it's using the correct device.09:36
trew_RaSTuS: that's is the problem i no have pcm or master in list09:38
trew_ok this is work!09:47
trew_what i do is killall kmix09:48
trew_and rm to pulsaudio configs file09:48
trew_like that https://userbase.kde.org/Sound_Problems?setlang=en09:49
trew_and thanks to everyone09:50
Jell_i install the kde desktop,yesterday i add some files  in  /etc/fstab  . today i cant come into the09:51
RaSTuSGlad you were able to sort it out trew_.09:51
Jell_the set menu can‘t stop loading09:52
RaSTuSJell_, /etc/fstab is a single file, how can you add files to it, do you mean you added some mounts ?09:53
Jell_but i can’t load09:54
Jell_fsck:warning ,bad format on line 2009:55
Jell_the last line of the loading line :   switched to clocksource tsc09:55
Jell_the graphic driver is not installed all right ?09:56
Jell_before the yesterday , i also cant come into the desktop directly, i must input ctrl+alt+f1  and then log in09:57
RaSTuSJell_, not sure what could be wrong, I'm here to find out some stuff too, hopefully someone will be along soon that can help you further.10:03
Jell_thank you all the same10:07
DesignerXhi, I have a question .. is there a way to treate one massive screen as multiple screens ?10:26
DesignerXthe idea is to divide a very wide screen into something like 2 or 4  area/section with each having it's own taskbar/panel and applications10:27
DesignerXkinda opposite  Multi monitors setup !10:28
RaSTuSNo worries, found the tellico compile problem, it wants qt4 rather than qt5.10:43
BluesKajHiyas all11:08
RaSTuSHi BluesKaj, hope you're well.11:08
BluesKajhey RaSTuS, fine here and you?11:09
RaSTuSFantastic, finally got tellico to compile, damn, I hate CMake, give me good ol' autotools anyday.11:10
BluesKajok , sounds good, compiled some apps over the yrs, but not always successfully11:12
BluesKajaltho I don't mind git if needed11:13
RaSTuSI can bugfix autotools/autoconf probles ok, but CMake is a whole different thing, LOL.11:13
RaSTuSBluesKaj, just trying a few IRC clients out, better than the web interface I used last night.11:16
BluesKajgood ol' konversation is my fav11:18
RaSTuSI used to use that years ago, using Quassel atm, trying Kvirc next, then I'll finish with Konversation.  Just to see which is best.11:21
BluesKajnot a quassel fan, prefer a single side panel , leaves more room for chat text and easier to read11:22
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RaSTuSBluesKaj: kvirc sux, trying Konversation next, brb.11:36
hateballBluesKaj: just FYI you can arrange all the panels to one side in quassel if you like11:41
BluesKajRaSTuS, kvirc is what I call a very "busy" client, too cluttered for my taste11:42
BluesKajhateball, I still prefer konversation, easy and more configurable in my experience11:45
BluesKajthe core thing doesn't do much for me either since I don't have a remote server11:46
hateballBluesKaj: Sure, I'm just saying it doesnt have to be more than one panel :)11:48
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BluesKajhateball, yes I understand :)11:50
BluesKajI prefer to keep things simple, that's why i don't use amarok. I understand why some ppl like it, but it's not my idea of organizing and playing music11:54
RaSTuSToss-up between Konversation and Quassel for IRC client.  Kvirc is out.11:56
BluesKajahha , new linux-image-3.16.0-7-generic in the pipe for 14.10 today11:59
hateballfwiw, I use quassel when at work, irssi at home12:00
BluesKajok reboot12:00
BluesKajcrappy weather here today, 19C and a constant rain12:05
BluesKajerr steady rain rather12:06
soeeits nice here in Poland :)12:08
soeethough, military aircrafts flyings here and there all the time :/12:08
RaSTuSGeeze BluesKaj, warmer than that here in north Oz, and it's winter.12:11
cobrabubbleshi just tried to update kubuntu vm image to 14.04 after mandatory restart the image doesn't boot anymore. prompts error: file not found about 5 times quickly to end up on a black screen12:12
hateballcobrabubbles: hold shift when you boot to get to the grub menu. you should have some entries for old kernels. check that the new ones try to boot from the same partition/UUID12:13
hateballcobrabubbles: Which release did you upgrade from?12:13
BluesKajRaSTuS, yeah it would be...Northern Ontario, Canada here and it's been a wet suimmer so far .no real heatwaves yet tho12:13
RaSTuSAh BluesKaj, I know some guys who lives up that way, brutal winters you guys get.12:15
BluesKajlast winter was brutal, worst in my lifetime12:16
BluesKajspent a lot of time on linux/kubuntu :)12:16
RaSTuSdon't know how you guys handle it, I'm in the tropics, and it's too cold for me here sometimes.12:16
RaSTuSGreat Barrier Reef12:17
BluesKajwe should take this converstion to #kubuntu-offtopic before we get chastised :)12:18
cobrabubblesshift doesn't seem to do the trick12:21
cobrabubblesseems like it's showing different text quickly, but i'm unable to read it...12:24
cobrabubblesah GRUB loading12:25
cobrabubblesthen black screen12:26
hateballcobrabubbles: if you have a very low timeout set it can be tricky to get into the grub menu12:30
hateballcobrabubbles: so you can try either hammering shift very very fast, or liveboot the machine and mount the drive containing /boot/grub/grub.cfg and see what that looks like12:31
cobrabubblesah i was holding shift12:31
cobrabubblesdidn't realise i was supposed to tap it at the right time12:31
cobrabubblesso i'd need to use a live cd to check the grub config, right?12:43
David1965big update came through today12:46
David1965are any of you people out there running m2n68-la (Narra3) motherboards out there12:47
David1965must go now12:49
cobrabubbleslive cd doesn't boot... could it be something to do with vmplayer?13:00
soeecobrabubbles: what version ?13:06
soee14.10 ?13:06
cobrabubbleshttp://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu 32Bit13:09
hateballcobrabubbles: I'm not familiar with vmware player, but you have to tell esxi and the like to mount the iso at boot at least13:12
hateballotherwise it just... lets you mount it manually later... so it wont boot13:12
cobrabubblesiso was mounted at boot since first i tried to use the 64 version and complained. so i downloaded the 32bit version and tried again, but results in a black screen13:14
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: Hey how are you?13:29
BluesKajhi CHR0N0S I'm fine and you?13:30
CHR0N0Shateball: hello how are you?13:30
CHR0N0SBluesKaj:Glad to hear it,I'm  doing pretty good!13:31
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: I resolved my shutdown issue I was having.13:31
BluesKajCHR0N0S, actually I had same issue the next day, but after an upgrade it was gone again :)13:32
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CHR0N0SBluesKaj: Wow! Really now? Guess it happens to the best of us all...:D13:33
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: Actually I resolved my issue before wiping and installing kubuntu 14.04 x64 but decided to take your word and try x64 OS on this hateway...13:35
BluesKajCHR0N0S, and what's your conclusion?13:36
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: well it's not a true hateway anymore since I changed out the mobo in it...13:36
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: Well I learned it was something in the BIOS causing my not being able to shut down completely, I reset BIOS to the default settings except for my drives and boot sequence.13:38
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: That resolved the issue there and then...13:38
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: As far as the x64 OS well not exactly decided yet am having some issues with Diablo 3 and another game called Bejeweled 3 which I played undet kubuntu 14.04 x86 with no problems!13:39
BluesKajCHR0N0S, so the mobo was old or ?13:40
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: somebody sabotaged my original motherboard or else I'd still be running it probably!13:40
BluesKajare you at work on a WAN ?13:41
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: No why?13:41
BluesKajwell wonder  how your mobo got sabotaged13:42
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CHR0N0SBluesKaj: Ah! Well I figured I pissed somebody off and they took it out on my computer, I have an idea of who did it but would hate to say anything in case I was wrong about who it was!13:44
BluesKajhard to prove with video evidence :)13:45
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: What they did was damaged the processor socket was damaged, I figured out how they could have done it, but as you said without any video evidence it'd be hard to prove...:(13:46
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: sorry about the repeat,  half awake plus my sinuses are bothering quite a bit this morning!113:48
CHR0N0SBluesKaj:  I guess it may have been partly my fault on the damaged socket, I made it really easy for them to do it because at the time it happened I always use to leave the side cover off of my case, just made it that much easier for them to do it!13:50
CHR0N0SBluesKaj:  I mean all they had to do was reach in and grab the heatsink and fan and give it a small but firm twist and that was all it would take!13:51
CHR0N0SBluesKaj:  well maybe wiggle it back and forth a couple of times at least...13:52
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: I guess hateball is asleep or busy now?13:53
hateballCHR0N0S: I am at work, why?13:59
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: I guess you have gotten busy or maybe fell asleep also so I get off of here and leave you be for now, nice chatting with you again!:)13:59
CHR0N0Shateball: said hello earlier, guess you missed it!14:00
hateballCHR0N0S: Oh, well hello :)14:00
hateballCHR0N0S: just as an aside, #kubuntu-offtopic is where we generally chat about non-support things ;)14:00
CHR0N0Shateball:  :)I resolved the shutdown problem!14:00
BluesKajCHR0N0S, I'm here now , was away for a few mins14:01
CHR0N0Shateball: o.i.c. sorry!14:01
CHR0N0SBluesKaj: s'okay, no problem!14:02
hateballCHR0N0S: Yes I saw, by changing hardware. At least problem solved :)14:02
CHR0N0SEither of you gamers?14:02
BluesKajbut i have to go for a few mins again ..bbl14:02
BluesKajnot me14:02
hateballCHR0N0S: I game, but pretty much all through Steam. Native, not Wine14:03
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CHR0N0Shateball: o.i.c. then you probably wouldn't be able to help me with a problem with a game not running right on here!14:04
hateballCHR0N0S: Is it Diablo 3? Did you check the entry on WineHQ?14:04
hateballCHR0N0S: I'm not sure, I think there's a channel on freenode for wine also....14:05
CHR0N0Shateball: not much help there search all night one night and came up blank!14:05
CHR0N0Shateball: actually I didn't know how to install it using just wine, I use playonlinux....14:05
hateballCHR0N0S: https://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=2995214:06
CHR0N0Shateball: looking at it now!14:06
CHR0N0Shateball: thanks14:07
CHR0N0Sbe a.f.k. a bit!14:07
hateballCHR0N0S: I am assuming the "setarch i386 -3 wine 'c:\program files\battle.net\battle.net launcher.exe" part would still work regardless of how playonlinux installed it14:07
hateball... then again, stuff like that is what playonlinux should do for you14:08
hateballanyhow, it's not very kubuntu specific :)14:08
CHR0N0Shateball: not sure still a newbie on nixes of any flavor!14:08
CHR0N0Shateball: I have the game installed and am able to run and play it but it sometimes freezes up and also the game sounds gets a bit wierd ie: all the sound is like a record being played to fast!14:09
CHR0N0Shateball: I don't have the expansion pack Reaper of Souls yet just the original standard game, when I get the money I will buy the expansion...14:12
hateballCHR0N0S: oh ok. well there may well be various tweaks for that, but I'm not sure what channel would be good to ask in... there seems to be #playonlinux14:13
CHR0N0Shateball: as alway's, thanks for your help, even though it is a bit off topic. I will check into it eventually, not sure about today as I haven't been to bed yet and am only about half awake...14:15
CHR0N0Shateball: I've seen quite a bit about A.M.D.'s and Radeon user's having problems under playonlinux but I am using INTEL Core 2 Quad and a Geforce GT610 with 2GB!14:18
CHR0N0Shateball: well it's a PNY card with Nvidia GT610 chipset on it...14:20
CHR0N0Shateball: :D14:20
hateballCHR0N0S: I have no experience with playonlinux :)14:23
hateballAnd typically I do not use Wine either, I show support for native games instead ;)14:24
CHR0N0Shateball: what does the key sequence alt+shift+f12 accomplish under kubuntu 14.04 x64?14:24
hateballCHR0N0S: disables desktop effects (by default)14:24
CHR0N0Shateball: Well, not trying to be disrespectful or not show support but am a long time Diablo fan, starting from the very first one that was played under I believe WIN95?14:25
hateballCHR0N0S: Sure, nothing wrong with that. I just feel things will never change if we "settle" for Wine. But this is all quite offtopic :)14:26
CHR0N0Shateball: want me to switch to that other channel?14:27
CHR0N0Shateball: what was it again?14:27
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:28
hateballCHR0N0S: It just keeps things tidier :)14:28
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rthexHi, anyone knows of a way i can lean the Kubuntu installation? I am working a board restricted to 4Gigs of HD space and would like to remove what I dont need from Kubuntu to get it down below 4 Gigs23:32
TheFakeazneD525you could use an Ubuntu Netboot install disk23:33
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