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dholbachgood morning07:01
JoeyChanmorning   :)07:06
mihirhi dpm07:37
mihirdpm: I am working on bug#1342275  for navigate user to account screen,07:40
mihirdpm: are you aware about the provider id for Google Calendar ?07:41
dpmhi mihir07:45
dpm bug 134227507:45
ubot5bug 1342275 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Provide a quick way to setup a sync account" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/134227507:46
mihirand here is MR , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1342275/+merge/23038607:46
mihirdpm: when i use evernote as providerId  ,it does work but couldn't find documentation for list of providerIds.07:46
justCarakasis there any progress on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/130904207:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1309042 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Calendar sync only syncs the default calendar" [Wishlist,Confirmed]07:48
dpmmihir, the list of provider ids is in /usr/share/accounts/providers/07:48
dpmfrom the .provider file, the provider id is "google"07:49
mihirdpm: yes, I have already kept it as google, but it didn't work on desktop but evernote did work so i was wondering.07:50
dpmmihir, have you gone to system settings and enabled the google account?07:57
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nik90Good morning08:59
nik90hmm is launchpad down?09:01
DanChapmannik90, morning :-) i believe so I've been unable to access it for last hour or so09:05
justCarakasI already had a lot of timeout errors yesterday09:06
nik90DanChapman: ah..:/09:06
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Vinyl Record Day! :-D09:08
mihirGood morning nik90 DanChapman :)09:19
justCarakasanybody has an idea whats wrong with http://www.reddit.com/r/Ubuntu/comments/2dbhcz/ubuntu_archive_repos_down/09:20
nik90mihir: Good Morning09:20
dpmjustCarakas, some networking issues, I think they've been fixed by now09:21
justCarakasdpm: is it possible that my request time outs on launchpad yesterday where alo related ?09:23
nik90justCarakas: I cannot access launchpad still09:23
dpmjustCarakas, I'm not sure, but they could be. You might want to ask on the #canonical-sysadmin channel09:24
nik90ok scratch that I can access now09:24
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nik90popey or dpm: Review -> https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-alarm-label-behavior/+merge/230387 (https://www.dropbox.com/s/bih4zlrun7f7yyc/com.ubuntu.clock.devel_0.1_all.click)09:33
m-b-ohey is there a way to get PageHeadConfiguration component on trusty?09:33
popeynik90: it wont let me download, says I need an account09:34
popeynik90: i do have an account, but this is probably not what you want. feel free to share a folder with me, alan@popey.com and stick stuff in it for testing09:34
nik90popey: will do09:34
popeyemail also works ☻09:44
dholbachnik90, popey: I pinged jibel who might be able to sort out the test/autopilot issues some time later today09:46
nik90popey: :D09:47
nik90dholbach: ok09:47
nik90dholbach: btw I reported the bug about the click package issue09:47
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355295 in Ubuntu Clock App "Unable to run clock app reboot on device with reboot-packaging branch" [Critical,New]09:47
dholbachgreat, thanks09:48
popeynik90: in the alarm name, press space a few times ☻09:48
popeyyou get full stops, as if it's the end of a sentence09:49
dholbachnik90, how can I reproduce this?09:49
nik90dholbach: have you tried creating a click package and installing it on device?09:49
nik90dholbach: I reproduced this using qtcreator09:50
nik90dholbach: not sure about the terminal commands09:50
nik90popey: why does it show fullstops when you press space?09:50
popeytwo spaces = ". " - end of sentence, gonna file a bug against osk09:51
nik90popey: either way on the desktop, it seems that pressing space multiple times counts as a not empty string. So it allows that. I will fix that.09:53
m-b-opopey nik90: is there a way to get the latest sdk version on trusty?10:09
m-b-owith PageHeadConfiguration10:09
popeysadly not m-b-o10:09
nik90m-b-o: no the latest SDK requires 5.310:09
popeytime to upgrade10:09
nik90m-b-o: or use emualtor10:09
popeyor use a vm/emu10:09
m-b-opopey, nik90: ok thanks. utopic isn't an option stm, unfortunately... will try the emulator10:10
t1mpbzr branch lp:ubuntu-ui-toolkit && cd ubuntu-ui-toolkit && qmake && make && source export_modules_dir.sh might work in the meantime, but it is not recommended and will break immediately when we use qt53 specific features (maybe already broke)10:11
m-b-ot1mp: hmm, will try the emulator ;)10:12
t1mpm-b-o: yeah that's the supported option :)10:12
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dpmmihir, sorry, I got disconnected earlier. Did you manage to get the online account provider for google working?10:30
mihirdpm: i haven't tried yet, in office right now10:33
mihirdpm: will do that soon and will ping you back.10:33
mihirdpm: as of now i have kept it on Google only, if that is the case it should work on device , could you help to test on device ?10:33
mihirdpm: MR, https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1342275/+merge/23038610:34
popeynik90: sorry, i didnt mean you had to email me clicks, but if that's easier, that's fine ☻11:10
nik90popey: well I can't find an easier means of sharing stuff. hmm may be I should use people.ubuntu.com for that11:11
popeyyou use dropbox? share a folder with me and just stick it in there, I'll automatically get it11:12
nik90popey: yeah the backlog makes sense :P11:12
nik90I will do that11:12
popeythe bottom tab is unreadable11:12
popeyi know it has text on it, but i cant see it11:12
popeyas soon as i tap it, it disappears11:13
nik90yeah it seems that is the default behaviour of the upstream component in dialer app as well11:13
nik90I favour the older version myself11:13
nik90I will check with renatu about that11:13
nik90bzoltan: can you trigger a jenkins rebuild on https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/parent-alarms/+merge/230233 as well11:19
bzoltannik90:  sure11:21
bzoltannik90:  do not expect quick result.. jenkins is super slow, but actually it started to move today after some fight11:21
nik90bzoltan: thnx :) yeah I saw11:22
nik90zsombi: hey If you remember we talked about ways to fix https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtorganizer5-eds/+bug/1272337 at Malta? Unfortunately I did not note down our discussion. Do you remember how to fix it still?12:20
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1272337 in Ubuntu Clock App "EDS reverts alarm status immediately" [High,Triaged]12:20
zsombinik90: "triangulation"12:21
nik90zsombi: what was the 3rd point other than the switch and the alarm status?12:21
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zsombinik90: there should be an intermediate property that you set with an assignment so it won't occlude with the binding. You can also have an idle timer which you kick so next event handling will be setting the switch12:23
nik90hmm I will give it a shot12:23
zsombinik90: the idea is to set one of the values async12:24
nik90zsombi: ok, so I will connect the switch to this intermediate property. The intermediate property will only be updated async by the sdk12:25
Mirvnik90: wow, I got some location indoors now with the newest image in clock12:31
nik90Mirv: sry, but the old clock uses geoIP and not the GPS.12:31
Mirvnik90: ah, that explains it!12:32
zsombinik90: probably... depending on what you do :D12:32
nik90Mirv: I am fixing that for the new clock app right from the start12:32
nik90zsombi: I will give my best shot and see how it goes, If I am stuck I will let you know :D12:33
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dholbachnik90, trying to just run the app after I set up the sdk and everything again, I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8026729/13:24
dholbachso... no idea13:24
nik90dholbach: :/ I cannot figure out why anyone gets that error..its definitely EDS that messes up things there13:28
dholbachsorry :/13:28
nik90nothing much we both can do13:28
dholbachmaybe it's time to post to ubuntu-phone@ about this branch soon13:28
dholbachwe've been struggling for a few days now and need some expert help13:29
nik90yeah I will do that by the end of the day13:29
nik90this has become a critical blocker to replacing the old clock app13:29
dholbachI mean there's a few things which need to be figured out13:30
dholbachI can imagine that a fresh set of eyes will help13:30
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nik90zsombi: How would I know when the alarm save operation is complete before changing the switch value? When I do var tempAlarm = alarmModel.get(index), I am not exactly sure how to wait for it.13:47
nik90zsombi: if it was a new alarm, then I do Alarm{} and there I follow the onStatusChanged signal13:47
nik90zsombi: I tried http://paste.ubuntu.com/8027116/ but that doesn't work14:14
mzanettipopey: I hoped at least for one good review of the WhereTheIssAt app :D14:30
nik90mzanetti: popey tells me that you can help us with the clock app packaging. Ping me whenever you are free and we can discuss about that14:30
mzanettinik90: yeah... I can try at least14:30
popeymzanetti: you do ☻14:32
nik90mzanetti: dholbach has put together all fixes for debian and click packaging at https://code.launchpad.net/~dholbach/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/22917314:33
nik90mzanetti: I believe sergiusen also looked at it and contributed fixes. We just are stuck at the end14:33
mzanettipopey: lol14:33
nik90I think the current issue with the store is discovering new apps. There is no way to tell what new apps landed to give them a shot and review.14:34
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mzanettinik90: so what's actually the issue with that branch?15:23
nik90mzanetti: I can no run that branch on the phone15:25
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355295 in Ubuntu Clock App "Unable to run clock app reboot on device with reboot-packaging branch" [Critical,New]15:26
nik90mzanetti: yeah branch essentially adds debian packaging. However while doing the debian packaging we noticed that the cmake instructions for the debian packaging were incorrect. As a result, files didn't install at the correct location or were missing altogether. Sergiusen did some fixes, but now the click packaging is broken as a result.15:30
nik90mzanetti: so the end goal here is to fix debian and click packaging by fixing the cmake stuff. I guess that's where your expertise is needed.15:31
mzanettiyou guys are aware that all of my apps a) use qmake, b) have a custom script to create the click package and c) don't use debian packaging15:32
nik90blame popey :P15:32
mzanettinik90: PYTHON_PACKAGE_DIR in tests/autopilot/CMakeLists.txt doesn't get resolved15:37
* nik90 looks15:37
absk007how to install emmet in Geany editor?15:38
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mhall119absk007: try asking in #geany16:12
absk007mhall119, noone has responded yet. Inactive channel.16:13
mhall119ah, too bad, I use geany but don't mess too much with plugins and such16:13
mzanettipopey: nik90: this at least makes it run on the phone with qtcreator again for me: https://code.launchpad.net/~mzanetti/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/23051316:34
mzanettinot sure if there's some other place that requires python3 though16:34
nik90mzanetti: oh16:35
nik90I think dholbach EOD. I will ask him to merge it to the reboot-packaging branch16:36
nik90balloons, fginther: Has python3 being enabled for clock app?16:43
balloonsnik90, not quite yet16:47
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nik90balloons: ok quick question. You were discussing about the reboot-packaging with daniel, is everything ready from a testing perspective other than the python3 issue? As in can jenkins find and run the tests correctly?16:56
balloonsnik90, should be although I'm testing some changes I'd like to make to how the tests are setup16:57
nik90balloons: I am just trying to find out what else might be left. We got a cmake fix for the click packaging from mzanetti. So we are good in that area.16:57
balloonsfrom my end, it can be merged16:57
nik90balloons: wasn't that in your ap-setup branch? or more new stuf?16:57
balloonsnik90, more new stuff16:58
balloonsdaniel's fix for the path issues is ok, but I'm looking at a better fix16:58
nik90balloons: okay then first thing tomorrrow morning, me and daniel will try to merge it.16:58
nik90balloons: does this mean jenkins can in theory automerge reboot-packaging branch if we top-approve?16:58
nik90after running the tests16:59
balloonsonce francis has it passing I will rebuild it16:59
balloonsand yes, it should automerge then16:59
balloonsI don't see why it wouldn't..16:59
nik90I have already sent a mail to daniel requesting him to confirm if everything in the debian package side of things are good to go.16:59
nik90balloons: can you ensure that the python3 transition happens by tonite pls so that tomorrow morning is hassle free17:00
balloonsnik90, francis said he would get to it today, so we should be good17:01
balloonsI can definitely push the button once it's ready :-)17:02
nik90bzoltan: yay both those critical sdk fixes for alarms has been merged into staging :) :)17:10
fginthernik90, balloons, I made a change to force using python3 for the new clock app branch. The tests failed on my first attempt with an import error:
fgintheris that expected?17:31
mhall119popey: DanChapman: I didn't know Dekko got multi-account support! that's awesome!17:31
nik90fginther: which clock app branch?17:31
nik90fginther: clock reboot or the old clock app?17:32
fginthernik90, lp:~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/utopic-3.017:32
nik90fginther: ok that's the right one..let me look through the console log17:32
nik90balloons: It looks like it is failing at find_local_path() function in the __init__.py file. I remember daniel telling me that he merged your branch which should over write that?17:35
* balloons is looking17:35
balloonsnik90, I remember checking the deb file and indeed it looks correct. autopilot should be finiding everything it needs in /usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/ubuntu_clock_app/18:02
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balloonsnik90, daniel's local path stuff doesn't matter for jenkins18:03
balloonsohh, I should bzr pull18:03
nik90balloons: oh yeah since jenkins installs it as deb to run tests18:03
balloonsok, so he did change some things18:03
balloonsbut anyways since francis has it running on py3, I can tweak it and fix18:04
balloonshe changed the installed_location_backend.. kind of odd18:05
balloonsguess I should recreate using the deb locally'18:07
nik90balloons: the deb can be built by "debuild -S -sa"?18:08
nik90balloons: I can try on my end as well18:08
balloonsk, sure enough easy to recreate locally18:10
nik90DanChapman: hey can dekko be built the usual way by just opening the cmakelist.txt in qtcreator and then run?18:13
bzoltannik90:  we know our priorities :) I will initiate a landing to the image/archive tomorrow.18:13
nik90bzoltan: thnx a lot :) Owe you one18:14
bzoltannik90:  I wish to see this one landing https://code.launchpad.net/~zsombi/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/focus-handling-on-touch/+merge/230296 that will make the calendar app prettier18:15
nik90bzoltan: it is top approved, so it just requires jenkins merge? Or do you want help with testing on calendar app?18:15
bzoltannik90:  I have tested that in all forms and I have run half a dozen app autopilot tests... so all it needs is a hug from Jenkins18:16
nik90bzoltan: damn seems like a lot of work for you before branches can land in trunk18:17
bzoltannik90: Sometimes I am thinking that adding up all these work would match with fixing couple of regressions :)18:17
bzoltannik90:  but at least we can be fairly sure that we do not mess up anything :)18:18
nik90mzanetti: for the QTests, each component must be independent for easier testing right? For instance if I want to test the AlarmPage.qml which depends on the main ubuntu-clock-app.qmml file for the AlarmModel, I will need to ensure that AlarmPage.qml has top level properties that correctly provide these data easily?18:20
nik90mzanetti: this way I can import AlarmPage.qml into the test and just say "model: alarmModel" instead of having to also import ubuntu-clock-app.qml18:21
popeymhall119: seen https://launchpad.net/downow ?18:24
DanChapmannik90, no not yet. So to run on desktop cmake flags are "-DWITH_UBUNTU=on" and for run on device it's "-DWITH_UBUNTU=on -DUBUNTU_CLICK_MODE=on -CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/" I had planned to simplify it but that's low priority atm :-)18:25
nik90DanChapman: so where do I add these cmake flags? As build parameters in the projects tab for a respective kit?18:27
DanChapmannik90, yeah in the "Cmake arguments" text field for each kit18:28
nik90DanChapman: ah thnx :)18:29
* nik90 notes this down18:29
mhall119popey: cool, but wouldn't it stop downloading when it's not focused?18:29
DanChapmannik90, yw :-D18:29
popeyi guess18:30
popeymhall119: there's a click submitted to the store..18:30
mzanettinik90: yeah well, it depends a bit what you want to test18:30
mzanettinik90: if you want test the alarmpage only, yeah, you just use that one an mock the stuff you need18:30
nik90mzanetti: ok. I haven't had much luck with mocking the Alarms EDS server..so I might just link the real stuff like we do in AP tests.18:31
nik90mzanetti: but I think I get the idea18:31
mzanettinik90: you can do that too, yes.18:32
mzanettinik90: if you think mocking would make sense but just can't figure how to do it, feel free to push a branch and I'll have a look18:32
nik90mzanetti: hey btw your tutorial video was cut at the begining by a few minutes. So I missed the explanation as to why we should include tests inside Item{}. Can you explain briefly?18:32
mzanettinik90: well, if you wrap an Item {} around you can open the test file in qmlscene18:32
mzanettinik90: so you can debug the test more easily18:33
nik90mzanetti: ah ok..In Unity8 I saw add buttons in your video, I am guessing that was due to using Item{} and other test UI elements18:33
mzanettinik90: yep18:34
mzanettilet me try to find an easy example for that18:34
mzanettinik90: for example here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~unity-team/unity8/trunk/view/head:/tests/qmltests/Stages/tst_PhoneStage.qml18:36
mzanettinik90: it just loads the component to be tested which is PhoneStage18:37
mzanettithen adds 2 buttons, for adding removing apps18:37
mzanettiand then below all the test functions that test the phone right edge18:37
nik90what's the empty rectangle{} for?18:37
mzanettinik90: nothing... I just realized that's leftover from before the dash-as-app stuff18:40
nik90mzanetti: ah ok.18:40
mzanettinik90: same as the Binding {} below... old cruft18:40
* mzanetti cleans up18:40
nik90mzanetti: yeah I need to think about how I structure my qml code so that I can use it in my test cases18:40
mzanettinik90: one thing you should avoid is to reach out of context18:42
mzanettinik90: for example, don't use variables etc which aren't defined in the same code file18:43
mzanettiif you need something from outside, make a property and set it where you use that component18:43
nik90mzanetti: ok, let me provide an example of a test and how I go by it.18:43
nik90mzanetti: I want to test creating a new alarm and so indirectly check if the alarm label, time, sound can be set. Each of these properties are in their own page.18:44
nik90mzanetti: so in my test case, I will import the EditPage.qml, place it in a pagestack so that when clicking on the alarm label, it gets pushed to that page, do the test and return back to the editalarm page.18:45
balloonsnik90, so I guess I'll just reupload dholbachs branch to a common branch18:45
nik90balloons: sure, I should have suggested that to him at the start18:46
balloonshis python code has an error and it causes the failures18:46
nik90small fix?18:47
balloonsI'm just going to put back the hardcoded paths. I'm working on the better solution, but that will be another mp for sanity18:47
nik90anything to get jenkins to pass for now18:48
balloonsthey assume a build inside buildir, etc18:48
balloonsbasically I reverted to trunk, which has my mp merge in it18:48
nik90ah ok.makes sense18:48
balloonsk, jenkins runtime18:50
* nik90 holds his breath18:51
nik90balloons: commit message :)18:56
nik90balloons: nvr mind I added it18:58
nik90balloons: ^^19:05
balloonsahh right-o19:06
balloonsI fatfingered an extra line19:07
balloonsI actually noticed it, but forgot pep8 would care19:07
nik90hehe :P19:07
balloonsok, third time is the charm19:09
xcyclistCan someone tell me if the latest Ubuntu apt-get install of juju is golang?19:10
xcyclistSorry.  I guess I got my answer.19:11
nik90balloons: it PASSEDDDDDDDDDDD!19:15
balloonsyou ready to land/19:16
nik90balloons: Old clock -> Sry bro you are out :P19:16
balloonsyou get top approval honors even19:17
nik90balloons: most likely tomorrow. I want to make sure we don't get regressed on the click package side of things. I will do some testing on device and desktop. But first Dinner :)19:17
nik90balloons: frankly I think dholbach should top approve. He went through all the hoops to get it done19:17
balloonsnik90, I'm sure he like the rest of us just want to see it land ;-)19:18
nik90balloons: what remaining steps are required before the old clock app can be replaced? Anything we need to change to include in default image? Or you basically upload the new clock app click package when all this is done?19:22
nik90I mean infrastructure wise btw19:22
balloonsnik90, yes, we would simply need to rename this to clock and upload it as such19:22
mihirballoons: ping19:23
balloonsmihir, pong19:23
mihirballoons: do you have couple of mins to test MR on device , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/134227519:23
nik90balloons: ack. I will have to discuss some things with popey tomorrow about what happens to the old clock app and stuff. But hopefully we can get this into the image by the end of the week or even earlier.19:24
mihirballoons: is there any specific pacakges needs to be installed on utopic for Ubuntu.Components19:33
popeypindonga hope you weren't expecting that demo app to pass ☻19:33
popeynik90: ping whenever you fancy a chat about it.19:38
balloonsmihir, so with this merge, when should I see the dialog for no account?19:38
mihirballoons: yup19:38
nik90popey: let's do it then. My food only arrives in another 25-30 mins19:38
mihirballoons: is it navigating you too Google Account ?19:38
balloonsmihir, lol.. when should it appear? I don't see anything19:38
mihirWhen you don't have any accounts and you click on Sync from right top19:39
mihirballoons: it should navigate you to Google account , for singing in.19:41
mihirballoons: actually we aren't sure regarding providerId for Setup connection , we have assumed it.19:42
balloonsmihir, sync seems to do nothing atm19:58
balloonsi don't see any response19:58
mihirballoons: okay , i'll work on that, thanks for your feedback.19:58
balloonsmihir, do you normally display something while syncing?20:16
mihirballoons: it does change the Sync to Syncing if it is actually Syncing20:16
mihirbut this code might not be correct for open System Setting directly20:16
balloonsmihir, as far as I can tell visually I get no response clicking the sync button20:18
balloonsit would be good if something visually occurred regardles20:18
balloonsanyways, let me know if you need help20:18
balloonswith running in on the device20:18
mihirballoons: do you have google account added on device , if yes then it'll start syncing and change the text of Menu to Syncing instead of Sync20:19
mihirballoons: if not, then it'll popup Add new Account , and it should navigate you to add new google Account20:19
dakeryo popey, can you please take a look https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1008/feedback/ ?20:33
balloonsmihir, no google account on device20:35
mihirballoons: okay, i'll look into it.thanks for the feedback.20:36
dakerpopey: can you look again please ?20:39
popeybeuno: "Application status could not be updated. Please try again later." with https://myapps.developer.ubuntu.com/dev/click-apps/1008/review/20:39
beunopopey, we are working on a deployment to sign packages on upload20:55
beunoand it's a bit wonky20:56
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dpmballoons, ok, so we just had the file manager meeting. As a summary, and related to AP tests, we're going to with the current branch, with just a small tweak. Just a heads up, as before that I wasn't sure if we'd need drastic changes to the branch21:24
popeydaker: approved21:37
dakerpopey: thanks!21:37
mihirballoons: ping !22:19
mihirballoons: i have tried to write an AP for editing an event , though it is in WIP.22:29
mihirballoons: for somehow it is not letting me add guest while creating new event , giving following log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8030498/22:29
mihirballoons: but if i ommit Guest, then AP does work flawlessly and fine.22:30
ahayzenballoons, about to start the ap refactor... what would you recommend i call this new file i dump the new tests into from test_music.py? something like test_music_app.py test_music2.py or something?22:40
mihirballoons: here is MR for edit AP , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/23055422:52
zygaI'd like to change my app namespace23:30
zygamhall119: ^^ perhaps you know the person to talk to?23:30
zygamhall119: I'd like to be able to upload com.canonical.certification namespaced app23:31
zygamhall119: just leave me a message please, I'm off (it's 1:30AM)23:33
ahayzenballoons, when u get a moment could you rerun the tests for https://code.launchpad.net/~vrruiz/music-app/i18n-strings/+merge/230512 ... that failure looks a bit random?23:49

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