
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho|holiday
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
mikedep333Hi, I'm not sure what package this bug I reported belongs to.12:09
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1354839 in Ubuntu "precise vagrant cloud-images still use raring HWE stack" [Undecided,New]12:09
mikedep333there are some other cloud-images bugs with no package specified.12:09
rbasakmikedep333: I've asked the relevant people in #ubuntu-server for you. Thank you for reporting this.12:25
mikedep333rbasak, thank you12:25
rbasakmikedep333: they're both in the US, so we probably won't get a response for a while.12:25
rbasakmikedep333: if the bug doesn't make any progress feel free to ping me.12:25
mikedep333(I was about to ask in #ubuntu-server, but I figured I'd ask here 1st.)12:26
rbasakYeah this is the right place to ask in the first instance.12:26
rbasakIn this case I know who would deal with this bug, but I don't know if there's a specific LP project to file against.12:27
mikedep333rbasak, thanks, rcj is working on it.13:50
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== roadmr is now known as roadmr_afk
=== mapreri is now known as mapreri|holiday
=== roadmr_afk is now known as roadmr
melodieI hit this issue while installing Xorg: http://pastebin.fr/3664223:24
melodieI can't find my way to the entry of bug reports on the LP, am redirected to the "how to report a bug" :/23:25
melodiebasically, 5 out of a handful of suggested packages can't be installed. Now it's soon time for sleeping for me and tomorrow again lots to do. so if someone wants to check it and report it as a bug he is welcome (or wants to fix the package, even better)23:31
TJ-melodie: touchfreeze was dropped from the archives after 10.04, "xfs" doesn't exist in Trusty, etc ...23:31
TJ-melodie: "firmware-linux" should be "linux-firmware"23:32
melodieTJ- this is my point, then the package needs to be fixed, there are enough of these basic errors in packages, it might be good to report or fix, as long as it does not take too long to find how to report it. really I do efforts but now I am really too tired for this.23:33
TJ-melodie: "cario-5c" was dropped before Raring was released23:33
melodieTJ- all this happens in Trusty where I am working on building a remix23:34
TJ-melodie: What package should be fixed? You - the user - asked apt-get to install those, and it tells you those packages do not exist23:34
melodiethe Xorg package23:34
melodiethe packages are provided as suggest23:34
melodiethey should be removed and or modified in the suggest list23:34
TJ-melodie: apt-get tells you that "xserver" is a virtual package and offers a list of the packages that satisfy that23:35
melodie# apt-get install xorg23:35
melodie    Suggested packages:23:35
melodie      libglide3 mesa-utils nickle cairo-5c xfs xserver xorg-docs xfonts-100dpi23:35
melodie      xfonts-75dpi gpointing-device-settings touchfreeze firmware-linux23:35
melodie      xfonts-cyrillic23:35
melodiethis is the list, where I picked the package names from23:35
TJ-melodie: That isn't Trusty23:36
melodieTJ- yes, this is in Trusty, with Trusty sources.list, nothing else23:36
TJ-melodie: I checked them here for package "xorg" and it shows:23:36
TJ-Recommends: xfonts-scalable (>= 1:1.0.0-1)23:36
TJ-Suggests: xorg-docs, xfonts-100dpi (>= 1:1.0.0-1), xfonts-75dpi (>= 1:1.0.0-1)23:36
TJ-melodie: maybe some of the suggests of packages xorg brings in suggest those missing packages? Probably packages in Universe or  Multiverse23:37
melodieyes, that might be possible23:37
melodieI will deactivate universe, and multiverse and see what I get from there, hold on23:38
TJ-melodie: OK, you're correct... I've found some in main... here, I'll show the command I ran to discover them23:40
melodieI kept only the lines "main restricted" in the sources.list and after apt-get update and apt-get install xorg I still see the same exact suggested packages23:42
TJ-melodie: " awk '/^Package:/{P=$2} /(cairo-5c|xfs|touchfreeze|firmware-linux)$/ && P && P != $2 {printf("Packge: %s\n%s\n\n", P, $0); P=""}' /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages  "23:43
melodieTJ- :)23:45
melodiethis is very clever, too much for me I'm afraid. I have found what I told you with the apt commands23:45
TJ-melodie: this is an improvement - it shows which files contain the entries: "awk '/^Package:/{P=$2} /(cairo-5c|xfs|touchfreeze|firmware-linux)$/ && P && P != $2 {printf("List: %s\nPackage: %s\n%s\n\n",FILENAME, P, $0); P=""}' /var/lib/apt/lists/*Packages"23:45
TJ-melodie: you should use that output in a bug report that covers all those packagse23:46
melodieTJ- I can't use your awk commands, I have no idea how to use that23:46
TJ-melodie: Paste it into a terminal, press Enter... it runs23:46
melodieTJ- if you want to check it and report it, feel free.23:46
melodieI am on 2 different machines, one for building and here for communicating23:47
TJ-melodie: You're the bug reporter not me, I'm just helping you identify the cause so you can make an intelligent report that someone can fix23:47
TJ-melodie: ssh the command over :)23:47
melodieas I told you a little earlier I am too tired for that23:47
melodieI can't ssh into a chroot23:47
TJ-I accidentially ran it on an older server running Raring initially, because I have ssh sessions open... thought I'd made a mistake there :)23:47
melodieas I tell you feel free to report it if you think you can do a good job23:48
TJ-melodie: You can't? Oh, I usually have openssh-server running for chroots to make them easier to work with :)23:48
melodiethe tools used here: ubuntu builder and23:48
melodiethis is a chroot in a machine just besides me23:48
melodieand I don't take more time on this, because its 2 am here and I have other things waiting for me after a short night of sleep.23:49
TJ-same here23:49
melodietoo much is just too much but there are so many bugs, when I see lots of things I try to bring it to LP or if I can't at least here.23:49
melodienow I want to install xorg and whatever useful I can add and then go crash near my pillow :)23:50
melodieTJ- and thanks for answering to me. :)23:50
melodieit was kind of you23:51
melodiegood night!23:57

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