
=== Trevinho is now known as Trevinho|holiday
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
TheMusoMorning didrocks, I can only assume jetlag is involved here. :)05:27
didrocksTheMuso: hey! a little, bit not that much, it's only 30 minutes earlier than usual :)05:27
TheMusoOh ok.05:31
seb128good morning desktopers07:30
didrockssalut seb128!07:31
seb128lut didrocks ;-)07:31
* didrocks felt lonely on this channel :)07:31
seb128hehe, no pitti this week, so nobody early!07:31
didrocksyep ;)07:31
didrocksmorning willcooke07:33
seb128hey willcooke07:35
willcookeha - typical.  Running chromium from gdb, and it doesn't crash when I download something anymore07:47
seb128when it did, have you got a file in /var/crash?07:48
willcookedidn't look tbh - quengo hooked me up with the debug build of Chromium so hopefully it will happen again soon07:50
seb128you can still look, if you didn't empty the dir07:50
willcookeah yes07:50
willcookethere is it07:51
willcookeit is07:51
seb128you can apport-unpack .crash <somedir> it and use gdb on the CoreDump07:51
willcookeI'll have a go07:54
seb128let me know if you need help on getting that to work07:57
seb128but it's basically "apport-unpack .crash dir; cd dir; gdb /usr/bin/<binary> CoreDump"07:58
=== vrruiz_ is now known as rvr
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
seb128bah, since today chromium on utopic seems to give only error pages here :/09:47
seb128qengho, is there a known issue (using i386 if that makes a difference)09:48
didrocksgoing for a run09:54
seb128didrocks, enjoy!09:56
qenghoseb128: I'm looking into Cr broken pages. I don't see it on my amd64.11:43
qenghoseb128: is there anything in "dmesg" about it?11:45
seb128[ 8715.000510] chromium-browse[19778]: segfault at 0 ip   (null) sp bff504cc error 14 in card0[a9712000+40000]11:46
qengho"card0".  /me boggles.11:47
qenghoseb128: thanks11:47
seb128qengho, errors in libv8.so as well11:47
qenghoseb128: reproduced. Thanks.12:11
seb128qengho, yw! thanks for looking at it, let me know how it goes12:11
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128gatox, hey, do you think you are going to have some cycles to look at the update panel? You still have some work you started that didn't landed, and a stack of bugs assigned to you13:01
gatoxseb128, i know... i need to land a couple of branches of pay-ui that are almost ready, and after that i'll be working on system settings13:02
seb128gatox, ok, thanks13:02
seb128kenvandine, when you comment approve and don't change the status, that's usually because you wait for CI?13:34
kenvandinebut your's doesn't really need CI :)13:35
seb128kenvandine, e.g https://code.launchpad.net/~seb128/ubuntu-system-settings/update-label-tweaks/+merge/230264 can be toggled to accepted then?13:35
seb128kenvandine, can you review that one liner as well?13:35
seb128kenvandine, thanks13:36
seb128kenvandine, I guess we have enough to do another landing ;-)13:36
kenvandineseb128, not yet :)13:38
kenvandinei have 2 more branches i want to land this morning :)13:38
kenvandinereviewing now13:38
kenvandinemore dual sim related branches, nice to finally have passing CI :)13:39
kenvandinejust takes a little more time for manual testing13:40
seb128kenvandine, I'm wondering if I'm having another toolkit issue :-(13:42
kenvandineuh oh13:42
kenvandinewhat's that?13:42
seb128in the updates panel, the list of updates is not correctly aligned on the "install <n> updates" button13:42
seb128the list has a "anchors.top: installAllButton.visible ? installAllButton.bottom : parent.top"13:43
seb128if I change that to be ""anchors.top: installAllButton.bottom"13:43
seb128which should be the same when installAllButton.visible = true13:43
seb128there is no gap!13:43
seb128it's like the listview content was not properly starting at the top for some reason when there is a change13:44
kenvandineis the listview contentHeight set?13:45
seb128        contentHeight: contentItem.childrenRect.height13:45
rickspencer3willcooke, seb128 anything interesting happening with Unity 8 desktop image yet?13:48
rickspencer3can sabdfl launch apps and stuff like that yet?13:48
seb128rickspencer3, define "interesting"13:48
rickspencer3seb128, interesting == I can run some apps13:49
seb128rickspencer3, it has daily builds13:49
willcookerickspencer3, you can launch, e.g., gedit13:49
rickspencer3what about Touch apps?13:49
seb128willcooke, you need manual tweaks for that13:49
rickspencer3seb128, what could one do if they installed the daily image?13:49
seb128rickspencer3, you can run/install it, run our core apps (like webbrowser, gallery, phone apps in the sidebar)13:49
seb128rickspencer3, you can add an u1 account and install clicks from the store and run those13:50
seb128need to apt-get install qt5-defaults for that to work13:50
seb128I emailed ubuntu-devel@ about the qt4 being default issue, but didn't get any traction from our qt guys13:50
seb128not sure how to get things moving there :/13:50
rickspencer3seb128, well, I suppose focus on the phone customer right now is probably pretty distracting for them :/13:50
seb128just saying, the desktop image is not very "interesting" because focus is on rtm13:51
seb128and we don't get much traction to have people looking at our issues13:51
rickspencer3seb128, maybe try pinging pmcgowan_ again, I think things may be loosening up13:51
rickspencer3willcooke, ^13:51
rickspencer3seb128, does anything run in the main stage yet?13:52
rickspencer3and do other Qt and Gtk apps run at all?13:52
seb128rickspencer3, the apps I listed before run in the main view13:53
seb128camera IIRC13:53
seb128Qt5 apps should run just fine13:53
seb128Gtk apps, we landed the Mir backend in utopic13:53
seb128you need to tweak the .desktop to have them listed in the dash though13:53
seb128I can run gedit from stock utopic with a .desktop hack13:54
seb128but input is not working13:54
seb128nor are menus and other stuff13:54
seb128mir is limited13:54
rickspencer3willcooke, seb128 can you guys paste me a link to the image that I can pass on to sabdfl13:56
rickspencer3and if there is a wiki, etc... for pointers to get rocking, that would be nice too13:56
seb128rickspencer3, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-desktop-next/daily-live/13:56
seb128rickspencer3, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Unity8DesktopIso13:56
seb128rickspencer3, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8-desktop-session13:57
seb128(the blueprint is referenced from the wiki as well)13:57
=== m_conley_away is now known as m_conley
=== Ursinha is now known as Ursinha-afk
willcookehey seb128 - whats the model number of that touch screen HP laptop?14:40
willcookethink I should get me some new hardware14:40
seb128willcooke, hp?14:41
seb128willcooke, the one I had in China was a Dell14:41
willcookeDell, HP - whatevs ;)14:41
seb128inspiron 11 3000 serie14:41
seb128or http://www.dell.com/us/p/inspiron-11-3147-laptop/pd14:42
seb128seems to be the new serie14:42
seb128the one I have is a 313714:43
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
willcookeordered, thx seb12814:49
seb128willcooke, yw!14:49
willcookeseb128, do you know if it's a standard laptop hdd?14:49
willcookelike, I dont have to order a "slim" replacement or anything14:49
willcookegoing to order a cheapo sdd14:50
seb128I don't know, sorry14:50
willcookeI'll take a punt on it, I reckon it will be14:50
willcookeactually - google14:50
seb128seems to be "9.5MM, 2.5""14:52
willcookeperfect, thanks seb12814:52
seb128willcooke, http://www.myfixguide.com/manual/dell-inspiron-11-3147-disassembly/14:53
seb128has a guide on how to get to the disk with a photo of it14:54
jdstrandbregma: hi! are there known bugs on multimonitor with unity7 on utopic?15:08
willcookethx seb12815:12
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: There are some issues, yes.  Do you have a specific issue in mind?15:16
jdstrandChrisTownsend: today I hotplugged my external monitor into my vga port on my thinkpad x201s (intel). I have it setup to turn off the laptop display and use the external. the external came up, but unity did not adjust the size and was frozen15:19
jdstrandChrisTownsend: I had to stop lightdm. I then tried to login and when I did, all I had was the launcher and an empty panel. nautilus did not even come up15:19
jdstrandChrisTownsend: I'm happy to file a bug or add info to an existing one15:20
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: Hmm, nothing we've touched in that area recently.15:20
jdstrandChrisTownsend: I haven't plugged into this monitor much since upgrading to utopic a couple of weeks ago15:21
jdstrandwhen I upgraded to utopic, I has plugged into it15:21
jdstrandthen I hot unplugged and it crashed with similar symptoms15:22
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: Hmm, sounds like some config got screwed up, but not sure what.  Please file a bug and I'll give it some attention.15:22
jdstrandChrisTownsend: ack, thanks. against 'unity'?15:22
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: Could also be a graphics driver issue that is freaking out Unity.15:23
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: Yeah, unity is fine.  I'll change it if necessary.15:23
jdstrandok, thanks15:23
jdstrandit'll be a bit, I need to step into a meeting15:23
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: I've been noticing some other weirdness wrt to drivers, so maybe related.15:23
ChrisTownsendjdstrand: No worries, I'll look for it.15:23
seb128hum, meeting it is!15:30
willcookeseb128, didrocks, attente_ qengho - it's meeting time in 5....4.....3.....2......1..... now!   Who'd I miss?15:30
willcookecurse you seb12815:30
willcookeyou beat me15:30
seb128the indicator popped up a notification ;-)15:30
seb128willcooke, is tkamppeter off this week?15:31
brookswarnermorning guys15:31
seb128not sure if you missed him in the list or if he's on vac15:31
willcookeseb128, kinda - he's a the Open Printing summit15:31
seb128so list looks good to me15:31
didrockswaow, short list, will be a short meeting :)15:31
seb128FJKong might still be around/wanting to should15:31
seb128to join15:31
willcookeand happyaron15:31
FJKongseb128: here15:31
seb128happyaron stops earlier than that15:31
seb128it's 11pm for them15:32
willcookehey FJKong15:32
FJKonghey willcooke15:32
seb128hey FJKong ;-)15:32
willcookeFJKong is a night owl :D15:32
willcookehey brookswarner15:32
didrocksFJKong: young coders :p15:32
brookswarnerwelcome back willcooke15:32
FJKonglol, I am a night bird15:32
willcookefolks, brookswarner is the EM for Sustaining Engineering15:32
brookswarnerglad to hear you had a successful trip15:33
dgadomskihello everyone15:33
willcookehey dgadomski15:33
seb128hey dgadomski15:33
willcookewelcome aboard15:33
brookswarnerthanks willcooke15:33
dgadomskithanks! :)15:33
brookswarneri been lurking for months but don't say much15:33
willcookeRight - let's get this show on the road....15:33
seb128dgadomski, is Daruisz I guess?15:33
didrockshey dgadomski15:33
brookswarnerseb128, correct15:33
seb128dgadomski, welcome on board!15:33
dgadomskiyes, it's Dariusz15:33
willcookebefore we syaty15:33
FJKonghey dgadomski15:34
willcookedidrocks and I were just on the Community Team hangout15:34
seb128willcooke, you might want to add him to the roundtable list then15:34
seb128willcooke, didrocks: how did it go?15:34
willcookeit was good.  We talked about the work that didrocks is doing on the dev desktop15:35
didrocksseb128: was fun, as usual. It seems the dev desktop has quite a bit of traction/interests15:35
willcookeit was a very quick intro, once didrocks is back from hols we'll publish it more15:35
willcookeright - let's get started then15:35
willcookeseb128 you first?15:35
seb128didrocks, nice ;-)15:35
seb128was in China for a week, back since yesterday. Quite some good discussions with the people working on Kylin, also about input methods in Ubuntu (using fcitx for Chinese)15:35
seb128• ubuntu-system-settings bugsfixing, worked on15:35
seb128∘ text not smooth on the charge graph15:35
seb128∘ rotation not being handled correctly on the same widget15:35
seb128∘ error labels not wrapping as they should15:35
seb128∘ the apps list using rectangle icon rather than ubuntushaped ones15:35
seb128• review u-s-s changes for others15:36
seb128• some bugs triaging15:36
seb128• reviewed a SRU change for precise15:36
seb128• reviewed and approved didrock's udtc15:36
seb128(the first item is missing its dot, copy error)15:36
willcookeseb128, do we want to talk more about fcitx now, or will we wait until next UOS?15:36
seb128willcooke, next UOS is not good for this cycle, we are going to use mailing lists rather15:37
willcookeok, great15:37
seb128I plan to email ubuntu-devel@ once the support for it lands15:37
seb128call for testing, etc15:37
willcookethat will be an interesting discussion15:37
seb128well, we add support for it15:37
seb128and plan to make it default only for Chinese this cycle15:37
seb128assuming the feedback is good15:37
seb128if not we can revert to ibus for Chinese as well15:37
willcookecool, seb128 are you blocked on anything/anyone?15:38
seb128that's a question for attente, he's doing the work15:38
willcookeI mean in general15:38
seb128he still had a few bugs he wanted to sort out before landing15:38
* happyaron arrives...15:38
seb128hey happyaron15:38
willcookehappyaron, \o/15:38
attente_happyaron, hey15:38
happyaronhey everyone, :)15:39
seb128happyaron, 你好15:39
didrocksevening happyaron :)15:39
FJKonghappyaron: hello qin15:39
willcookeok, then let's move on to attente_ then since we're sorta talking about him - how was your week?15:39
happyaronFJKong: ...15:39
willcookeattente_, find your wallet yet?  ;)15:39
attente_bah, who needs it :)15:40
seb128that's an under the belt one!15:40
* seb128 gives a yellow card to willcooke15:40
attente_not much to report, i was trying last week to do the alternate fcitx transition work, but we decided to move forward on the approach in the ppa15:40
attente_and some small tweaks to system settings language panel, thanks seb128 for review15:41
seb128attente_, thanks for the changes!15:41
willcookeok, attente_ you need anything from anyone?15:41
attente_nah, not at the moment15:42
willcookedidrocks, your go...15:42
didrocks /!\ long report (covering last couple of weeks as no meeting)15:42
didrocks* Travelling to Guadec and China, lot of good discussions with people working on Kylin and GNOME ones. But that didn't stop to cover the following during those 2 weeks:15:42
didrocks* Ubuntu Developer Tools Center itself is now in utopic \o/ Support android-studio for now.15:42
didrocks* Updated ubuntu developer tools center dependencies in utopic, adding python3 flavors for argcomplete, packaged and uploaded nose-cov.15:42
didrocks* Packaging, integrate git buildpackage and shell completion support.15:42
didrocks* For trusty, created ubuntu-developer-tools-center ppa with all required dependencies that aren't high enough/doesn't meet python3 requirements (https://launchpad.net/~didrocks/+archive/ubuntu/ubuntu-developer-tools-center).15:42
didrocks* Hooked up pep8 and small tests to autopkgtests. Will need pitti's expertise to add network-linked tests as autopkgtests (medium and large tests).15:43
didrocks* pep8 and small tests running automatically on each commit to master.15:43
didrocks* Setup translations and import in launchpad. Completely translated to French (random pick ;))15:43
didrocks* Run all integration tests in a docker container now as medium tests + add some additional tests like wrong md5sum and certificates. There is no difference in term of code in large and medium tests: the only difference is medium tests are using a fake network, fake local packages, and a base docker container (isolated from the hosts system).15:43
didrocks* More tweaks on the docker ubuntu image and fighting in setup to have tests passing in this fake desktop env (a lot of wrapper and grumbling may have happened).15:43
didrocks* Rename binary itself to udtc and adapt tests + local provider to it. We can now run any tests against the local binary and library or the installed system ones, and with or without any virtualenv environment.15:43
didrocks* Machine with a daily trusty setup, need to run the tests against a real system daily from it and report results.15:43
didrocks* Add more tests, code cleanup, test speed optimization (14 medium tests were taking 464s and they are now at 109s) and misc bug fixes (md5sum, certificates support, download races, launcher in non existing xdg dir, apt cache refresh, switch as root…). We are now at 279 tests in total!15:43
willcookejust that?15:43
didrockstried to DDOS your connection :p15:43
didrocksyou know… because of fiber here ;)15:44
* seb128 points didrocks to pastebin15:44
willcookesurely thats a yellow card referee?15:44
seb128indeed is15:44
didrocksseb128 likes giving points :p15:44
willcookedidrocks, you need anything from anyone before your holiday?15:45
didrockstrain on time from the SNCF15:45
didrocksbut that's it :)15:45
seb128didrocks, when are you off? tomorrow evening or thursday?15:45
didrocksthursday evening15:45
didrockswill be back on the 27th15:45
willcookehappy trails didrocks15:45
seb128do you have some free slots before that?15:45
didrocksthanks ;)15:45
didrocksseb128: I can postpone what I want to do if needed15:46
didrockswhy? anything I can help with?15:46
seb128happyaron is opening MIRs for fcitx, it would be nice if you could maybe look at some before your holidays15:46
didrockswill it be opened before our tomorrow?15:46
seb128because that needs to land for FF and you know how it is to find reviewers15:46
seb128happyaron ^?15:46
didrocksso that we can get some cycle back-and-force if needed15:46
didrocksyeah, I know ;)15:46
seb128didrocks, thanks15:46
happyarondidrocks: after my getting up again, :)15:46
didrockshappyaron: as long as it's ready before my getting up, that's awesome15:47
didrockshappyaron: I'll ping you directly on IRC to speed up the process, just assign it to me15:47
didrocks(the bug)15:47
willcookeok, qengho - you around?  Anything to report?15:48
qenghoHey hey.15:48
qengho* in-progress: x86-utopic crasher.15:48
qengho* in-progress: mir support for chromium-browser/ozone.15:48
qengho* in-progress: Fl*sh plugin for partners repo.15:48
qenghowillcooke: I don't know if that's the problem you saw.15:48
willcookecould be, have you got a bug number handy?  I've been running via gdb all day, not crashes so far15:49
willcookeoh wait15:49
willcookeI'm not running U :/15:49
qenghoI haven't filed a bug report yet.15:49
willcookeI'll see if I can get it to crash and let you know15:50
willcookeany progress with v36?15:50
qenghowillcooke: v36 is uploaded.15:50
willcookesorry, I must have missed that15:51
willcookecongrats qengho15:51
willcookeand thanks15:51
seb128qengho, is the x86 "not working" specific to utopic?15:51
qenghoI should have lead with that.15:51
seb128or does it happen in all series?15:51
qenghoseb128: I have only heard of problems in U. T and earlier had the update last week, so I think I would have heard.15:52
willcookeqengho, need anything from anyone?  Blocked on anything?15:53
qenghoNope. I'm blocked on understanding mir, but I can fix that.15:54
willcookeok, let's go to happyaron and FJKong so they can get to bed :)  happyaron how was your week?15:54
willcookeor maybe FJKong ?15:56
FJKongfix bugs of sogou input method, prepare to release 1.1 version15:56
FJKongmeeting with NUDT at ChangSha15:56
FJKongthat's all maybe15:56
willcookeFJKong, cool - do you need anything from anyone?15:56
FJKongnot yet now, maybe some days later15:57
willcookeok, let me know and we'll get you sorted out15:57
FJKongafter new version release15:57
happyaronline dropped..15:57
willcookehappyaron, how was your week?15:57
=== gatox_lunch is now known as gatox
happyaronwillcooke: a tiring week, mostly spent on talking to people everywhere, and merged ibus for two upstream releases, plan with attente_ on the fcitx transition15:59
willcookehappyaron, are you blocked on anything (not including the fcitx work which is on going)16:00
happyaronthink no16:00
attente_happyaron, about the patch you made to fcitx, we might have to revert it...16:00
happyaronattente_: you have changed the plan, right? :)16:01
attente_happyaron, lol, don't worry :P16:01
attente_happyaron, it removes the /keyboard object path from the fcitx dbus service, is that what we wanted?16:02
happyaronattente_: so it does not handle keyboard anymore16:03
attente_happyaron, this is fine, it's just that we wanted to disable the fcitx switching shortcut16:03
attente_in the ppa is a unity-control-center that filters out the keyboard layout engines that fcitx provides, so we don't have to worry about that problem16:04
attente_i hope i'm not misunderstanding what the patch is meant to do happyaron16:05
attente_if i'm wrong please correct me16:05
happyaronit just disables whatever related to xkb handling in fcitx, so that if we switched keyboard layout in u-s-d, it won't be reset by fcitx16:07
willcookelet's take this to the side once the meeting is over.16:08
willcookeok, so brookswarner or dgadomski - you guys have anything for us?  Questions etc?16:08
dgadomskino questions yet from me, I just wanted to thank you for welcoming me and I look forward to working with you!16:08
brookswarneri dont today willcooke16:08
brookswarnerthank you16:08
attente_happyaron, oh, i guess i did misunderstand after all16:08
willcookeany other business?16:08
seb128not from me at least16:08
attente_happyaron, ok, don't revert it16:08
seb128we can continue the fcitx discussion off meeting16:09
didrocksnothing from me as well16:09
attente_i have a swap day today, so i might take some time off in the afternoon to get my wallet stuff resolved16:09
willcookeday off fail attente_16:09
seb128attente_, good luck with that16:09
seb128attente_, btw let me know when you think the ppa is ready for optin for xkb users16:10
willcookeok - that's a wrap.  Thanks all - until next week....16:10
attente_it shouldn't affect xkb users in the slightest16:10
happyaronattente_: k16:10
attente_it's literally the bare minimum we need to get fcitx integration in the stack16:10
seb128willcooke, thanks16:11
seb128attente_, k, said differently ... tell me when you can user testers, or/and if you need sponsoring16:11
attente_seb128, thanks, could use some reviews for https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/indicator-keyboard/fcitx-transition/+merge/229737 and https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-settings-daemon/fcitx-transition16:12
attente_er, second one is https://code.launchpad.net/~attente/unity-settings-daemon/fcitx-transition/+merge/23028916:13
seb128attente_, k, on my list for tomorrow16:13
attente_seb128, thanks16:14
kenvandineattente_, i ran into merge conflicts when adding your 2 settings branches to a silo16:27
kenvandineattente_, can you make sure they merge with trunk cleanly?16:27
attente_kenvandine, sure16:35
kenvandineattente_, thx... the both had conflicts, even separately in the silo16:36
kenvandinei removed them for now, but can add them again in a bit16:36
attente_kenvandine, this is kind of strange, i'm not seeing the conflicts16:37
attente_they're the u-s-s branches called language-use-gsettings-qt and 135239816:37
attente_1352398 depends on language-use-gsettings-qt if that might have some affect16:39
seb128kenvandine, weird, we didn't change that panel for a while afaik16:43
kenvandineyeah... weird16:43
seb128kenvandine, in what file do you get conflicts?16:43
kenvandineText conflict in plugins/language/language-plugin.h16:44
kenvandinethat caused the conflict16:44
seb128oh, right16:44
seb128can you rather drop that one?16:44
kenvandineok... let me get this built first16:44
seb128the other ones are missing features/fixes that need to land16:44
kenvandinewill do16:45
seb128attente_, ^ no need to do anything from your side16:45
seb128we can ask Jussi to rebase once the other ones land16:45
attente_cool thanks!16:47
=== alan_g is now known as alan_g|EOD
willcookeCheck it:17:12
willcookeCopy some text to your clipboard17:12
willcookein Chromium middle click on the new new tab icon17:12
willcookeseb128, do we make .torrents available for iso downloads any more?17:37
willcookemore specifically, the Desktop next image17:37
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away
mikeg3Hi I am having a very difficult time getting Ubuntu installed and just working right.  Is this the place to get help?22:49

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