
=== phunyguy__ is now known as not_phunyguy
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SamwiseGamgeeI just got banned from two channels, does that mean I can never go back to them?08:11
ikoniait means you can't use them until you start using them properly08:11
ikoniabased on your experiences in ##windows and ##hardware where you have also been muted/removed before it seems you either a.) have trouble using IRC channels b.) are intentionally trying to miss-use them08:12
ikoniaeither way are not really useful to the other users of the channel, hence why you where removed from the channels08:12
SamwiseGamgeeare the bans permanent?08:13
ikoniaagain listening to what's ben said to you is one of the problems08:13
ikonia09:11 <+ikonia> it means you can't use them until you start using them properly08:13
SamwiseGamgeeI have been reading the guidelines08:14
ikoniathere is zero desire to keep you out of a channel08:14
ikoniawhat guidelines ?08:14
SamwiseGamgeezero desire to keep me out, that sounds good08:14
SamwiseGamgeezero desire to keep me in would be bad, I think08:15
SamwiseGamgeeI got sent a link to the guidelines and I read them08:15
ikoniawhere did you get sent a linnk ?08:15
ikoniawhich link08:15
ikoniafrom whom ?08:15
SamwiseGamgeeI have been carefully following the guidelines, hence my surprise08:15
ikoniawhich ops ?08:15
ikoniawhen ?08:15
SamwiseGamgeethey helped me link up to the freenode guidelines, I read them08:16
SamwiseGamgeeI printed them out, too08:16
ikoniawho/where/when ?08:16
SamwiseGamgeeI will check my journal08:16
SamwiseGamgeeI don't have a hard copy08:17
ikoniahard copy of what ?08:17
SamwiseGamgeeI keep a journal of everythinig that goes wrong in IRC freenode08:17
SamwiseGamgeeI even sent an email to the council08:17
ikoniawhat council ?08:17
SamwiseGamgeeafter the last incident08:17
ikoniaok - so we are talking about ubuntu here08:18
ikoniawhat last incident ? what happened ?08:18
ikonia(I'm trying to understand what's happened before)08:18
SamwiseGamgeeyes, there was an incident with cfhowlett08:18
SamwiseGamgeeIt was upsetting for me08:18
SamwiseGamgeeI talked to ops about it08:18
SamwiseGamgeethen I sent an email to the council08:19
ikoniaI see08:19
SamwiseGamgeethat should be in my journal, too08:19
ikoniaok, so you have read the guidelines on how to use the ubuntu IRC channels then and you're aware of them08:19
SamwiseGamgeeoh, I talked to a council member about it, too08:19
ikoniathe problem we have is you don't appear to be able to interact with others/take help from other people08:20
ikoniait's counter productive to the channel08:20
SamwiseGamgeeI disagree08:20
ikoniaas you just ask the same questions over and over when people are givig you solutions08:20
SamwiseGamgeeI have been copying their advice into Abiword and Libre Office08:20
ikoniayou also find every single reason not to be able to provide information back to the people trying to help you08:20
ikoniawhich makes it impossible to actually provide you with help08:20
ikoniayou then go onto discussing how much better windows is for you08:20
SamwiseGamgeeand reviewing their advice and following it, and it is working08:20
ikoniawhich is fine - you're more than welcome to use windows08:20
SamwiseGamgeethat's how I got Libre Office working08:21
SamwiseGamgeeMy Xubuntu OS is working, because of the help I am getting from IRC freenode in your channels08:21
ikoniathat's not the impression you give08:22
ikoniayou pretty much say nothing works08:22
SamwiseGamgeetoday was bad08:22
ikoniaprinting doesn't work, gimp doesn't work, you can't sign up to websites, libreoffice doesn't work08:22
SamwiseGamgeeLibrre office is working08:22
SamwiseGamgeeand I am upset that I was banned08:23
ikoniaI understand that, and I'm sorry your upset08:23
ikonia but at the same time you can't continue to use the channel as you are doing08:23
ikoniait's frustrating multiple users and ruining their experience08:23
SamwiseGamgeehow do I fix the problem?08:23
ikoniatry to actually work with people to resolve an issue08:23
ikonialisten to what they say and answer the questions08:23
ikoniarather than responding of how much easier it is in windows08:24
ikoniaor $other random app doesn't work08:24
SamwiseGamgeeironically, I do that, but it is a slow process08:24
ikoniait's not ironic08:24
SamwiseGamgeeI spend a great deal of time reviewing their answers08:24
SamwiseGamgeebut most of that work is done after I exit IRC08:24
SamwiseGamgeewhen I am on IRC, most of my time is spent information gathering08:25
ikoniayou don't appear to do that08:25
ikoniayou appear to ignore what people are saying to you08:25
ikonia(sorry my connection dropped)08:25
ikoniathat doesn't work08:25
ikoniaas people need to interact with you08:25
SamwiseGamgeeand I often get frustrated with the information they give me, becfause I cannot apply it immediately08:25
ikoniaso you ignore it/complain about it because you can't apply it08:26
ikoniathat's not really their problem08:26
ikoniayou are asking for help - they give you help, you get frustrated with them08:26
ikoniait's not really fair on them08:26
SamwiseGamgeeI have printed over a hundred pages of their IRC responses and I hightlighted in bold the mmost important answers they give me08:26
ikoniaagain that doens't really work08:26
ikoniaIRC is interactive you need to be able to respond to peoples questions08:27
ikonianot use meta discussion08:27
SamwiseGamgeeI am sorry but I am not good at communicating08:27
ikoniawithout being rude, you are at a very low level of experience with linux (which is fine) which limits your ability to work with IRC details "offline"08:27
ikoniafor people to be able to help you they need to be able to ask you for information and you respond with the answer08:27
SamwiseGamgeebut it is much easier for me offline08:27
ikoniait's not for other people08:28
ikoniaas they can't give you good advice08:28
ikoniaand you can't respond to their requests for information08:28
ikoniayou may want to try using the ubuntu forums08:28
ikoniathat may work better for you08:28
ikoniaas that is "ask a question" and review the response later08:28
SamwiseGamgeeok, so my ban is permanant?08:28
ikoniaagain listen to what's being said08:28
ikoniathis is half the problem08:29
ikoniaI've already said 2 times "no"08:29
SamwiseGamgeethat is good, may be there is some hope08:29
ikonianot if you continue to ignore what's being said to you like this08:29
ikoniado you have an account on the ubuntu forums ?08:29
SamwiseGamgeeMy responses are slow, but I am spending a great deal of time to understand their responses08:30
ikoniayou're responses are not slow08:30
ikoniathey are non-existant or evasive08:30
SamwiseGamgeeI am certainly not ignoring their questions08:30
ikoniado you have an account on the ubuntu forums ?08:30
SamwiseGamgeeI thought were were in the ubuntu forums now08:31
ikoniano, this is an IRC channel08:31
SamwiseGamgeeI have used the ubuntu forums before, sory08:31
ikoniano problem08:31
ikoniaI'd suggest you try to use the ubuntu forums again as that is a better "offline" support service08:31
SamwiseGamgeebut last time I tried to get back in I had a problem with my password and login info08:32
ikoniaIRC expects interaction08:32
SamwiseGamgeeyes, the ubuntu forums are good08:32
ikoniaok, so it may be better trying to use that08:32
ikoniarather than IRC08:32
SamwiseGamgeethat makes sense, they will give me more time to respond08:32
ikoniaIRC doesn't appear to be working out well for you08:32
SamwiseGamgeesome channels have been very helpful08:33
ikoniathis confuses me08:33
SamwiseGamgeeI successfully installed a lot of stuff onto my PC running xubuntu08:33
SamwiseGamgeeand it is working pretty well now08:33
ikoniayou seem to know what IRC is and different channels08:33
ikoniayet you just asked "is this not ubuntu forums"08:33
ikoniait's not worked well to be honest08:33
SamwiseGamgeesorry, I forgot, because these channels seem like all live forums of discussion to me08:34
ikoniayou've disrupted #ubuntu and #xubuntu - you've had problems in other channels such as ##windows and ##hardware where you've been muted/removed08:34
ikoniaso I don't think it's "working well" to be honest08:34
SamwiseGamgeeAlso, I am impressed by the level of knowledge of the ops in these channels, they know so much08:34
ikoniahence why the forums may be a better fit for you08:34
ikoniaI suggest trying the forums for a while, give it a week or so and see if that works out for you08:34
SamwiseGamgeeI like the idea of returning to the forums, but IRC has saved me a huge amount of time and money08:35
bazhangforums are free08:35
ikoniait's ruining other peoples experience though08:35
SamwiseGamgeeIf not for IRC, I would have had to spend hundreds of dollars on Windows software08:35
ikoniayou cannot continue to use the IRC channels as an "offline" resource as you are doing08:35
SamwiseGamgeeno, it's an online resource, why do you say offline?08:36
ikoniathe forums will suit your offline style much better08:36
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: because you ask questions - then take it away to process offline08:36
ikoniathat doesn't work, people need to interact08:36
ikoniathe forum however you can ask questions then come back to it later08:36
SamwiseGamgeeok, that makes sense08:36
SamwiseGamgeeWhat if I go back to the forums and use that, then only come on IRC if I can't get the info I need from the forums, or if my problem is more time sensitive?08:37
ikoniait's not a fall back like that08:37
ikoniaif you continue to use IRC as you are doing - it will not work08:37
SamwiseGamgeeWow, that is really bad08:38
SamwiseGamgeeSo, you banned me because I was complaining too much?08:38
ikoniaif you are in a position to be able to interact with people, eg: give them information when they ask for it, and actually give them the information they want rather than a discussion about how much better windows is, that will work08:38
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: sorry, I'm not prepared to discuss this any more08:38
ikoniaI've just spent 25 minutes explaining why you are banned and why you are struggling to use the channels08:38
SamwiseGamgeeOk, I'll talk to the council again08:38
SamwiseGamgeethanks for trying to help me08:39
ikoniayou then ask if it's something totally different08:39
SamwiseGamgeeI'll read the guidelines again08:39
ikoniathat's not going to help08:39
SamwiseGamgeemay be that will help08:39
ikoniathis isn't a "policy" issue08:39
SamwiseGamgeeI have a better solution08:39
SamwiseGamgeeI can prepare better before I go on the channels08:39
ikoniait's you using IRC in a method that doesn't work for the majority of people using the channels08:40
SamwiseGamgeetry to anticipate their answers before I ask them08:40
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: no - it's not an offline resouce08:40
SamwiseGamgeeno, online, not affline08:40
ikoniaI think you would be better to use the forums08:40
SamwiseGamgeeI like the forums08:40
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you can't prepare to respond to questions, you don't know what will be asked08:40
SamwiseGamgeebut I also like IRC, it provides faster information than the forums08:41
ikoniathat is "offline" as you are preparing to communicate non-interactively08:41
SamwiseGamgeebut you told me it is important to respond to their questions08:41
SamwiseGamgeewhat else can I do, I am trying really hard08:41
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: yes, but you don't know what they will ask ?08:41
ikoniayou're meant to respond with real/valid information08:41
SamwiseGamgeesometimes I do know08:41
ikonianot guess at what people will ask08:41
ikoniasorry SamwiseGamgee I don't think this will work out as a medium for you08:42
SamwiseGamgeeand what I do is write my own reoport, then print it out in anticipattion of their anawsers08:42
SamwiseGamgeethat forces me to solve my own problems, too08:42
SamwiseGamgeeYou are being inflexible08:42
ikoniaI'm not08:42
ikoniaI think it best to leave it there08:43
SamwiseGamgeewhy are you being so uncooperative?  Do you want to help0 me, or just punish me?08:43
ikoniayou're welcome back any time to discuss this more08:43
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: I want to help you, thats why I spent time with you in #ubuntu and that's why I suggested the forums08:43
SamwiseGamgeenot if I amm banned08:43
ikoniayou're not banned from this channel08:44
SamwiseGamgeeI think I understand.  You do not like me in your channel08:44
ikoniaagain - 1 final time08:44
ikoniayour expectations of how to use IRC does not fit with the majority of people08:44
SamwiseGamgeeand you believe there is no possible way to redeem ,myself, ritght?08:44
ikoniait ruins their experience08:44
ikoniaso unless you can actually use IRC inline with how the other users use it, it will not work as a medium for you08:45
ikoniathe forums should work better based on how you like to work08:45
SamwiseGamgeeyou are rigth about the forums08:45
SamwiseGamgeebut you are certainly wrong if you think I am incorrigible08:45
ikoniano-one said that08:45
ikoniaagain this is a key issue08:45
ikoniayou just don't listen to what's been said to you08:45
SamwiseGamgeeI listened to you now08:46
SamwiseGamgeewhy do you think I am so incorrigible?08:46
ikoniahave a think about it and you're welcome back to discuss it any time08:46
ikoniabut I think it best to digest what's been said (take it offline if you feel it easier to read)08:46
ikoniano-one said you where incorrigible08:46
ikoniaplease don't just randomly make things up08:46
SamwiseGamgeesounds like you are talking to a foolish child08:47
ikoniaI have no idea who I'm talking to08:47
ikoniayou're just a random nickname on the internet08:47
SamwiseGamgeeyeah, expendable and incorrigible, like a child08:48
ikoniaeither way, have a think08:48
ikoniawelcome back to discuss after you've had a think about it08:48
SamwiseGamgeeI hope you think about what I said, about hope and redemption08:48
ikoniathere is nothing to redeem08:48
SamwiseGamgeeeven a chilid can redeem himself08:48
ikoniathere is nothing to redeem08:48
SamwiseGamgeeI can learn08:49
ikoniaeither a.) use IRC inline with how others expect you to so you can participate b.) use the forums08:49
SamwiseGamgeeI can change, I am a human being08:49
ikoniathe /part command will exit the channel for you08:50
ikonia(if you didn't know)08:50
SamwiseGamgeehow ling will the ban last?08:50
ikoniayou've not listened to a word08:50
SamwiseGamgeeI will use the forums08:50
SamwiseGamgeebut I want to return to the channels at some point int he furture?08:51
SamwiseGamgeehow long will it take, days, weeks, months, years?08:51
ikoniathen a.) use the channels inline with how others expect eg: interactively b.) use the forums08:51
ikoniait's up to you08:51
SamwiseGamgeeOk, I will come back next week and see if IRC channels still work08:52
ikoniathey will not work08:52
ikoniaas the ban is still in place08:52
ikoniathe ban will not just dissapear08:52
SamwiseGamgeewhat about two months from now?08:52
ikoniayou have to change your expecation of how how IRC works08:52
ikonia...this is a waste of time08:52
SamwiseGamgeeok, at least I trieed, it was worth a shot08:52
SamwiseGamgeethanks for trying to help me08:53
ikoniathink about what's been said (read it offline if you need to)08:53
SamwiseGamgeeWe both gave it a shot, and we failed, I guess08:53
ikoniayou can come back anytime once you grasp how IRC works08:53
SamwiseGamgeeOk, I'll read the guidelsines again, too08:53
ikoniaand you'll be welcome back into the channels08:53
ikoniathis is nothing to do with the guidlines08:53
ikoniaI've said this 2 times now08:53
ikoniaI'm really sorry - but I can only assume you are trying to waste my time08:53
ikoniaso I will not discuss this any more08:54
SamwiseGamgeegood night08:54
ikoniaplease /part the channel08:54
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops SamwiseGamge08:55
ubottuThe operation succeeded.08:55
ikoniagreat, he's just joined #ubuntuforums08:56
bazhangikonia, that was a *lot* like the old lars_08:57
ikoniaI want to believe he's just not getting it08:57
ikoniaI'm sure there is also a bit of a language gap08:57
bazhanghe's hitting up #u , #x and more08:58
ikoniabut if he knows incorrigible - I suspect his english is fine08:58
bazhangjust saying the MO is nearly identical08:58
Calinouhi, can I get my bans reconsidered please?09:19
CalinouI don't consider joining the channels much again, but in case I do… I'd appreciate not being on ban lists too09:19
Calinouwhy not? it's been about a year09:19
ikoniayes, and you still behave the same09:20
ikoniaany channel I see you in, such as #fedora or ##linux09:20
ikoniaI'm sure there are others but I don't have any to hand09:20
ikoniabeing blunt the channels are better as they are09:21
ikoniayou have a massive ban history which should never had beened to become a massive ban history - but you chose to make it that way09:21
ikoniaso I don't see a reason to change how it is now09:21
CalinouI've NEVER, EVER been in ##linux.09:21
ikoniaok, then perhaps I'm mistaken on that channel, I can dig out other exact ones if you want09:22
CalinouI've only been in #fedora a few minutes, and have been nice there.09:22
ikoniaok then lets look at it another way09:22
ikoniawhy should you be allowed to use #ubuntu again09:22
Calinouin case I need a support question09:22
ikoniaeverytime you used it you where a problem - so why should you get that access again ?09:22
CalinouI'm a #xubuntu user09:22
Calinouand I may not have the time to use forums09:23
ikoniathat's not really a reason based on the fact that everytime you used it in the paste you've been a problem09:23
Calinou(where my question can just get missed)09:23
ikoniasadly - your contribution to the channels is not productive and creates problems for other users09:25
ikoniahence why you where banned09:25
ikoniaso I don't see a reason to change that09:25
ikonia!apeeals | Calinou09:25
ikoniahelps if I spell it right09:25
ikonia!appeals | Calinou09:25
ubottuCalinou: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.09:25
ikoniaif you follow that process, it may change09:25
Calinouit involves snail mail and signing stuff09:25
Calinousorry, but I'm not giving my real name out09:25
ikoniabut not my opinion is "no"09:25
ikoniaok, then you can't follow the process09:25
ikoniaso it won't be removed09:25
Calinouha, nvm09:26
Calinou“If you are not satisfied with the outcome of the discussion in #ubuntu-ops, you can either join #ubuntu-irc-council to speak with members of the IRC council”09:26
Calinoubut aren't you there too?09:26
ikoniawhere ?09:26
Calinouso it breaks the purposeof peer review09:26
Calinouin #ubuntu-irc-council09:26
ikoniawhat ?09:26
ikoniaI'm not a council member at all09:26
ikoniayou're also welcome to talk to another member of the operator team first as the process suggests09:27
Calinouthat's what I would have done09:27
ikoniawould have ?09:27
Calinouother ops are free to discuss on this issue09:28
Calinoubut you were the first to do it :P09:28
ikoniaI was just active as I was dealing with something else09:28
ikoniaI've made my opinion on your ban clear09:28
ikoniaso if the others disagree they can step in09:28
ikonia@mark #ubuntu-ops SamwiseGamgee now trolling #freenode and #ubuntuforums about his ban09:30
ubottuThe operation succeeded.09:31
SamwiseGamgeeI got permanently banned from two ubuntu channels, and I would like to appeal both bans, is there an official appeal process to appeal those bans?09:40
k1l_!appeals | SamwiseGamgee09:42
ubottuSamwiseGamgee: If you disagree with a decision by an operator, please first pay #ubuntu-ops a visit. If you are still unhappy, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/AppealProcess for the steps you should take. If you feel the need to discuss the channel rules, please contact the ops on IRC or via the email address on the aforementioned page.09:42
SamwiseGamgeeI like your code of conduct, it is very wise and reasonable09:47
SamwiseGamgeeBut I have a problem with the log of our discussion in order to document the incident for the appeal process to the irc council09:53
SamwiseGamgee http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/08/11/%23ubuntu-ops.txt09:54
SamwiseGamgeesee, our names are not in there, our discussion was apparently never recorded09:54
DJonesLogs are updated hourly, if wait for about 10 minutes, the logs will probably have been updated09:55
SamwiseGamgeeok, thanks09:55
tsimpsonThat's the wrong day, today is the 12th09:56
SamwiseGamgeeI think it happened almost an hour ago09:56
SamwiseGamgeedoes it take over an hour to get posted on the irc log?09:56
SamwiseGamgeeoh yeah, sorry09:56
SamwiseGamgeeshould I appeal to an ops before going to the council?10:13
SamwiseGamgeeI lost the link to the ubuntu appeals process10:14
SamwiseGamgeewhy are there only like 10 lines in this log?    http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2014/08/12/%23ubuntu+1.txt10:26
SamwiseGamgeeikonia, what time was it when we had that long discussion?10:28
SamwiseGamgeeWas it 2 hours ago?  three hours ago?10:28
SamwiseGamgeeshould I talk to an ops before I start the appeal process?10:30
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SamwiseGamgeeI already talked to the ops who banned me10:30
SamwiseGamgeeI am trying to print out the appeal process on my printer10:31
k1l_SamwiseGamgee: you linked the channel #ubuntu+1 are you sure you mean that channel?10:31
k1l_SamwiseGamgee: stop that trolling!10:31
SamwiseGamgee#ubuntu is the channel10:32
SamwiseGamgeeI tried discussing the bans in the #ubuntu-irc-council channel, but may be that is not for core irc channels, or it's too early in the morning?10:49
SamwiseGamgeeshould I just keep waiting for a response?10:50
IdleOneyes, but not in here10:51
SamwiseGamgeethen where?10:51
SamwiseGamgeeI see several ops in here, but they are all busy now?10:52
IdleOnein the irc-council channel10:52
IdleOneand it is very possible they are all busy or working or sleeping or having breakfast or one of a thousand other things.10:53
SamwiseGamgeeIt looks like there are only half a dozen ops in there, and they are quiet, not chatting10:53
SamwiseGamgeeok, then I will just email them, right?10:54
SamwiseGamgeeIdleOne, are you an ops?10:54
IdleOneSamwiseGamgee: wait in the -irc council channel or email them.10:55
IdleOnewhich ever you prefer.10:55
SamwiseGamgeeok, sorry to bother you so early in the morning10:55
SamwiseGamgeeis it rude to stay in this channel too long?10:56
SamwiseGamgeeis there a time limit for regular users like me?10:57
valorieit clogs up the channel, yes10:59
valoriewe like to keep it open for new users-with-issues10:59
SamwiseGamgeeoh, hi Valorie, nice to see you10:59
SamwiseGamgeeI got banned from two channels today10:59
SamwiseGamgeeand I am going to appeal the ban10:59
SamwiseGamgeeI already talked to the ops who banned me, and said they are permanent11:00
valoriesure, but you are done with this channel11:00
SamwiseGamgeetherefore, I need to appeal them11:00
valorieit's time for my lunch (at a sprint), so I'm afk in a moment11:00
SamwiseGamgeeok, have a nice day, Valorie11:00
IdleOneSamwiseGamgee: You are not a regular user and you will not monopolize the time of every op in here who happens to be nice enough to answer one of your questions. You have been told about the appeals process, follow it. Now Please leave this channel.11:00
valoriethis channel is not for idling while you wait for that11:01
* valorie gives IdleOne a mint11:01
valorieand goes to lunch11:01
IdleOneenjoy :)11:01
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:58
samuraiRMi m sorry12:01
samuraiRMweb  cam skype12:02
samuraiRMbecause de led of web cam is on http://postimg.org/image/le0573lrn/e83e2095/12:06
samuraiRMultimate step away from solving the problem12:08
ikoniasamuraiRM: hey there you're not in #ubuntu, you're actually in the ubuntu-ops channel12:08
ikoniasamuraiRM: I'm going to see if I can find out why, but if you know yourself that would be helpful too12:09
samuraiRMe vabbe12:09
samuraiRMthank you12:09
bazhangikonia, he was banned in -it12:10
ikonialooks like #xubuntu too12:10
ikonialooks like12:10
bazhangtried to work it out in -irc , but so far a no go12:10
ikoniaUnit193: ping12:11
ikoniasamuraiRM: just trying to get the details for #xubuntu for you12:14
ikoniasamuraiRM: so it looks like you where trying to cause an issue in #xubuntu by asking for a sidebar in a photo - that didn't contain a sidebar12:17
ikoniaand then using some rude language and trying to waste peoples time12:17
ikoniathat log shows you repeatedly asking for a side bar in the photo - but the photo contains no sidebar12:19
ikoniasamuraiRM: does any of that seem true in your mind ?12:21
ikoniasamuraiRM: I can see you're busy getting help in #ubuntu, do you want to come back later when you are done12:25
Unit193ikonia: Pong.  That one was just in need of a short discussion, but just kept popping in and out.  He's quite rude, doesn't explain more when asked or give details of any kind and just repeats the question, is crossposting, and should really just work out his ban in the -it channel.  He's been coming back several days with the same type of attitude as well.  Feel free to unban, no strong opinion on this one.16:35
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* rww finishes reading scrollback and offers ikonia beer17:21
ikoniarww: all cool17:33
ikoniaUnit193: thanks for the heads up, he got "ok" help in #ubuntu so lets see how that goes before removing #xubuntu and let the .it guys sort out his .it ban17:33
bazhangor that17:54
bazhangthat was taking a jdoles'ian turn17:54
ikoniahe knows what he's doing and just wants to rant about how bad it is17:55
bazhangsure looked that way17:55
DJonesikonia: That was being dealt with, it didn't need a +q17:55
ikoniafeel free to unmute him17:55
ikoniamy apologies17:55
DJonesToo late now17:55
ikoniait looked like it was just a continuing rant in the channel17:55
DJonesI'll let you deal with the appeal17:56
ikoniaI suspect he won't appeal a mute17:56
ikoniahe's not responded to a pm17:56
DJonesMe neither17:56
bazhangguake and screen?17:57
bazhangI thought guake was gui17:57
rwwbazhang: it is. you can run screen in GUI terminal emulators...18:17
bazhangrww, that seems a bizarre usage18:18
rwwI for one find terminal multiplexing very useful, regardless of what I'm using to access my system18:19
IdleOneI just got spam from elky. I now need some bread, onions and mustard.18:46
IdleOneplz2ban elky from all the channels kthx18:47
elkylololol  >IdleOne< http://www.balloons.net/images/Inflatable_Product_Replicas/big/Spam-Can.jpg18:47
IdleOnesee she admits it18:48
rwwshe hasn't noticed yet18:58
rwwshe just looked at my screen because i was giggling18:58
rwwshe has +r so she can figure that out herself18:59
rww(i got called names for saying this)18:59
phunyguyI DON'T LIKE SPAM19:00
valorieme either, but my parents both loved it!19:19
rwwelky went on reddit instead19:20
phunyguyI do like spam :(  I was quoting Monty Python19:21
IdleOnehe should be here any second19:22
ubottuIn #ubuntu-offtopic, ThorAsgard said: !how much is ten plus ten20:10

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