
zartoosh__hi I have done someting bad that my system during boot hangs, I like to boot and run one service at a time, what is the boot option for that so I know where it hangs? thanks00:20
riz0nHello guys, I am running 12.04 LTS on my Linux web server, and want to upgrade to 14.04 using the do-release-upgrade but it says that there are no new releases of Ubuntu available. Anyone know when this release will be available through online upgrade?00:21
sarnoldriz0n: I thought that switch was flipped earlier today?00:21
riz0nLemme check :)00:21
kklimondait should be, my 12.04 server is definitely telling me about it00:22
riz0nChecked it at 9 this morning, no go, and now it's there :) WOO HOO :)00:22
riz0nWow must be a lot of people getting Ubuntu today. can only get 50kB/s... anyways we will wait and get :)00:25
Patrickdkriz0n, heh, it's always fast for me, but then I have a local mirror01:10
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photonHi. Two hours ago I unmounted an ext4 partition. I tried to remount it half an hour ago, got an error (don't remember the exact wording, but IIRC something about bad descriptors was in it). dmesg showed "group descriptors corrupted" for that partition. I ran fsck on it. It fixed tens of thousands of "Group descriptor ... checksum is invalid." errors, tens of thousands of "Free blocks count wrong for group" errors, and just as many "Inode bitmap02:22
photon differences" errors, followed by another bunch of "free inode count wrong" errors. After an hour of fixing, I got no more errors and remounted the partition. At first glance, it seems all my files are still there and intact. What could have caused this? Could it be that the HDD is failing? SMART shows no such indication and no errors. Should I buy a new HDD? Should I reformat? Or can I safely continue to use this partition? Thank you!02:22
^MikeI currently have 2 x 2TB and 2 x 1TB in a 4-bay enclosure. 1 x 2TB is in use, with LVM + LUKS (1PV, 1VG, 1LV, 100% allocated). I'd like to move towards raid5 or 6. Is it possible to upgrade this single disk to raid5? Is it possible to upgrade LVM from raid5 to 6? To do any of this, do I need to replace the 1TB drives with 2TB?02:54
^MikeAlso, if you have a pointer to complete and up-to-date documentation on LVM, I'd love you to share it with me. I understand RAID is a late addition to LVM, and it doesn't appear in many of the guides I'm finding.02:56
^Mike"For RAID 5 and RAID 6, you must use md [and not lvm] to implement software RAID." - textbook I won't be buying03:02
riz0nOK So I have upgraded my server to new LTS. And now the PHP on my web servers fail to run. What do I need to change in my conf files (Apache, I imagine) to get php to run once again?03:10
^Mikeriz0n: what does "fail to run" mean? What do your logs show?03:32
riz0nMy logs show nothing. When the page loads, the php code is simply mixed in with the HTML code.03:39
RoyKriz0n: probably the php module not loaded03:41
RoyKriz0n: check /etc/apache2/mods-enabled03:42
chriyshey guys does someone knows how to setup rpm repository ?05:49
Abhijitchriys, there is something called as mrepo. check if it works in ubuntu05:52
chriysAbhijit: in Ubuntu there's Alien that install them but I can't manage to find where the package is install05:53
chriysand if I run apt-get install package-name it says it's already installed05:54
Abhijitchriys, you dont need to install rpm packages in order to create its repo?05:54
jpdschriys: Wait, you want to install tpms, or create a repo of them?05:54
Abhijitchriys, whats your actual aim? you want to host rpm repo or you want to install rpm in ubuntu?05:54
chriysI think I'm lost I used this command to install a repo alien -i http://installrepo.kaltura.org/releases/kaltura-release.noarch.rpm to set up a repo05:56
chriysbut after that if I run apt-get install package-name it says that the package it's already installed05:56
chriysbut I can't manage to find where the package is installed05:56
jpdsDoes alien install packages?05:57
jpdsI thought it just converted them.05:57
chriysjpds: in any case I can't find where the package is06:00
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Slingtrying to make my first upstart job using start-stop-daemon, but all it does so far is hang, details http://paste2.org/y7I47APt07:58
Slingthen when I ctrl-C, and start it again, it tells me the job is already started07:58
Slingwhile it really didn't start anything07:58
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tortibHi, is anyone awake?  I'm trying to hide processes from other users using the hidepid=2 option for /proc ; I have mounted proc with the following and it appears to be on but my users still can see all the procs...proc on /proc type proc (rw,hidepid=2)08:09
memoryleakHi. I have a folder /shared which is a mount point of SAN storage. I would like to test write and read speeds, is there a recommended way to do that?08:10
klepanyone have experience with ubuntu provisioning nodes with MAAS? I run into this issue when I'm doing bulk provisions "network autoconfiguration failed your network is probably not using the DHCP protocol" ... this only happens when I do multiple nodes ...08:18
klepany ideas?08:18
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h1r3hello... my server reboots randomly without apparent reason... i looked at the logs and the only thing i found that looked kind of suspicios was the following: "kernel: [   50.309356] init: plymouth-upstart-bridge main process ended, respawning". but still i don't even know if it is related...08:54
Slinglooks like this channel is just questions and no answers =)08:55
cfhowlettSling, feel free to contribute your knowledge by answering08:56
Slingcfhowlett: I actually entered with a question too ;)08:57
Slingbut had to go afk08:57
h1r3i already checked if it's a panic issue, which is not... i am gonna check if it has to do wit the temperature... i am also thinking that it has to do with owncloud, since the reboots happen apparently when it is running... i would appreciate some advice...09:02
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hxmhow to give permissions to scripts to access apache logs?10:35
hxmis it a good idea to change the owner of those files?10:36
peetaur2hxm: use the principle of least privilege. Give it read only if it must have it, but not write unless it also must have that (and it very likely does not ever need write access)10:42
peetaur2owner can do all... rm, chmod, etc. so it is too much10:42
RoyKhxm: if the script runs as a user member of the adm group, it should work well10:51
jamespagejodh, around?11:21
DenBeireni have two new disks in a  running system that i would like to put in raid1 and use as /backup11:23
DenBeireni'm guessing i overlooked a step11:24
DenBeirenfirst i did a fdisk, then make2fs and then mdadm11:24
DenBeirenis this correct?11:24
peetaur2mkfs last11:25
peetaur2fdisk makes a partition. raid makes partitions into raid. mkfs makes a device (your raid) into a file system.11:25
peetaur2and keep in mind that the best backup is elsewhere, in case of fire, and also without granting access to delete the files in case the backed up system goes rogue11:26
RoyKDenBeiren: no reason to use partitions - just mdadm --create --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/md(something) /dev/sd(something) /dev/sd(something)11:27
DenBeireni used assemble instead of create11:28
RoyKassemble is for assembling existing raids11:28
DenBeiren sudo mdadm --create --verbose /dev/md0 --level=1 /dev/sda /dev/sdb11:28
DenBeirenmdadm: no raid-devices specified.11:28
RoyKmdadm --create --verbose --level=1 /dev/md0 /dev/sd[ab]11:29
RoyKbtw, where's your root partition?11:29
RoyKthat's usually on sda11:29
RoyKso don't do that yet11:29
DenBeirenon a hardware raid 5 part in the server11:29
RoyKwhat dev?11:29
RoyKgo on, then11:30
DenBeirensame error11:30
DenBeirenno raid devices specified11:31
RoyKadd --raid-devices=211:31
RoyK(as I said initially)11:31
DenBeirenthere we go :-)11:32
RoyKDenBeiren: then, again, if I were you, I'd use LVM on top of that11:32
DenBeirenthe R5 uses lvm11:33
RoyKDenBeiren: more flexible in case you need to change things later - just vgcreate yourvg /dev/md011:33
RoyKthen lvcreate ...11:33
RoyKbetter allocate what you need for the first lv and then grow it later if you need more space - you never know when you want another filesystem for something11:34
RoyKor - if you want to extend the existing VG, well, it should be safe11:34
DenBeirenit's only used as internal backup11:34
DenBeirenso no need to shrink/grow later on11:35
DenBeirenthe R5 has plenty of room,.. +/- 25 times what they need :-)11:35
DenBeirenso after creating,.. assembling?11:37
RoyKDenBeiren: no, after it's created, you just have to put lvm+filesystem or just a filesystem on it11:38
DenBeireneeerrm,.. just caught my eye,..11:38
DenBeirenthe raid 5 is called md011:38
DenBeirenand i just created a second md0 ?11:38
RoyKpastebin /proc/mdstat11:39
RoyKhwraid doesn't have an mdX11:39
RoyKit just shows up in linux as a scsi device11:39
RoyKDenBeiren: that looks like a 2x2TB mirror being synced11:42
RoyKDenBeiren: now, run11:43
RoyKmdadm --detail --scan >> /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf11:43
RoyKupdate-initramfs -u11:43
hadifarnoudI remember there was a way of adding a new virtualhost with one command. You know what that was?11:44
RoyKapache virtualhost?11:45
zartoosh__hi I am using ubuntu 14.04. I am looking for a tool or mechanism to force kernel to re-read UUID information from storage devices? thx11:45
DenBeirenRoyK: http://pastie.org/946574811:46
RoyKDenBeiren: sudo -i first11:49
RoyKDenBeiren: with that syntax, mdadm will be run as root, but the redirect will be run as the current user, so it won't work11:49
hadifarnoudis there any script for adding virtualhost11:51
RoyKhadifarnoud: apache?11:51
DenBeirennow i get unknown keyword11:51
hadifarnoudyes RoyK11:51
RoyKhadifarnoud: a2ensite11:51
hadifarnoudI found a few. didn't work11:51
RoyKhadifarnoud: but you need to configure it first in /etc/apache2/sites-available/11:52
hadifarnoudRoyK: that does everything for me?11:52
RoyKjust read up on configuring apache - it's not that hard - take a look at /etc/apache2/sites-available/default11:53
RoyKDenBeiren: sudo -i11:53
RoyKDenBeiren: then run mdadm ...11:53
hadifarnoudRoyK: I understand I need to copy that in same folder. like /domain.com11:53
RoyKhadifarnoud: cd /etc/apache2/sites-available/ ; cp default yoursite.com11:54
RoyKedit yoursite.com with your favourite editor11:54
RoyKenable it with the command I gave you (which really just symlinks that file to /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/, which you can do manually), and run apache2ctl graceful11:54
hadifarnoudok thanks11:55
RoyKDenBeiren: huh?11:55
RoyKroot@u1404:~# mdadm --detail --scan11:55
RoyKARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 spares=1 name=u1404:0 UUID=86c59c02:20b550e5:e2a29b8c:7371730411:55
DenBeirenARRAY /dev/md0 metadata=1.2 name=sax:0 UUID=7818e495:6b4d8a56:9336b751:4547158c11:56
DenBeirencan i run update-initramfs -u before the array is completely built?11:58
RoyKDenBeiren: add that line to /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf11:59
RoyKDenBeiren: just edit the file11:59
DenBeirenand what does it do exactly?12:00
RoyKDenBeiren: update-initramfs -u isn't related to the array status - it just updates the initrd/initramfs so that mdadm.conf is copied into it and md0 is called md0 at restart12:00
RoyKwithout it, it'll probably be called md127 or something12:00
RoyKanother good reason for using lvm - if mdX changes name, lvm will still find its way and filesystems will mount correctly - if mdX changes its name and you have /dev/md0 in your /etc/fstab, it won't mount it and probably hang waiting for input during bootup12:01
DenBeirenso http://pastie.org/9465954 this looks ok to you? no md0 overwrites or something?12:02
RoyKI don't quite see why you should need partition tables on sd[ab], but then, it won't hurt - they'll probably be overwritten - but it looks good12:03
RoyKjust vgcreate mybackupstorageorsomething /dev/md012:04
RoyKthen something like12:04
DenBeirenit's the first time i create raid array "not" using the livedisc installer12:04
RoyKlvcreate -l100%FREE -n mybackupstorageorsomething mybackupstorageorsomething12:04
RoyKthe -n gives the name of the LV, the last argument is the VG name12:06
RoyKman lvcreate12:06
RoyKDenBeiren: there's always a first time ;)12:09
DenBeirenthanks for helping out in any case :-)12:10
DenBeirenresync 2TB takes ages :-)12:11
RoyKI know...12:11
smoserhallyn, "enabled" ?12:14
smoserin the kernel ?12:14
DenBeirenRoyK: any exp. with zentyal ?12:17
DenBeirenit's a gui to put over ubuntu server12:18
DenBeirenbut i'm having problems with samba12:18
RoyKI know - buy why?12:19
RoyKlearn the commandline!12:19
RoyKyou'll end up doing that anyway12:19
DenBeirenit's the company that uses that server that wants it :s12:19
DenBeirenthey want to add users and shares themselves12:19
DenBeirenand they don't know any commands nor have they heard of terminal :-)12:20
RoyKDenBeiren: try #zentyal12:21
DenBeirenchannel is dead,.. :s12:21
DenBeirenbeen there for a couple of days,.. hardly anyone on there12:21
RoyKDenBeiren: sorry - no idea about zentyal12:22
DenBeirenok,.. thx anyway ;-)12:23
rbasakrcj or utlemming: is there a Launchpad project to file bugs in the cloud images against?12:24
rbasakeg. bug 135483912:24
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1354839 in ubuntu "precise vagrant cloud-images still use raring HWE stack" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135483912:24
jodhjamespage: hi12:25
jamespagehey jodh12:25
jamespagejodh, I think I know the answer - its not possible to provide a custom 'restart' script in an upstart configuration right?12:26
jodhjamespage: there is no built-in support for that, but you could always pass in a variable to modify the behaviour maybe if this is a manual restart?12:27
jamespagejodh, ok - that's what I thought12:27
jamespagejodh, and a variable was one way around that12:27
rcjrbasak, got the bug, we don't have a public project which is problematic for Vagrant images12:31
rbasakrcj: maybe create a Launchpad project to track cloud image bugs for all cloud images?12:34
rbasakrcj: for example I filed bug 1355343 yesterday, and in the first instance I wanted to file against cloud images generally.12:35
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355343 in cloud-init "cloud-init writes sources.list without newline at end of file" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135534312:35
rbasak(though this one only affects cloud images - any fix would be solely in cloud-init I think)12:35
rcjrbasak, and in the case of that cloud-init bug that's not a problem with how we create the image, but an issue with that package.  So it's the right way to go.  But back to the project, I think we need something but it'll be hard for users to know when to file against it.  I'd like to work this out with utlemming.12:38
rbasakrcj: sure, spend some time working it out. I agree it would be hard for users to know, but bug triagers and other Ubuntu devs will be able to help. At least you'll have all the bugs in one place then.12:44
theToastIsDonehow do i create an A record on a newly created Ubuntu server?12:46
ikoniatheToastIsDone: you create it on the dns server12:47
ikonianot your ubuntu server12:47
theToastIsDoneok th12:47
theToastIsDoneok, this is weird.. if my domain registrar has private nameservers registered (ns1 and ns2.mydomain.com), and mydomain.com is pointed to those 2 nameservers, where would I add the A record, at the registrar someplace?12:49
ikoniatheToastIsDone: you talk to your registrar to either a.) update their dns servers for you b.) tell them to point your domain at dns servers you maintain12:49
ikoniaif you're asking this question I suspect option 1 would be wise12:49
elliotd123I've upgraded to 14.04.1 from 12.04.4 and now I'm getting "mount: unknown filesystem type 'ext2' on my /boot mount point. Any fix for this?12:53
ikoniaelliotd123: what poit are you getting that error ?12:55
ikoniaelliotd123: eg: after grub during the initial boot, or is grub erroring12:55
elliotd123it drops into a root shell, and if I try to mount -a I get it12:55
ikoniais it ext2 ?12:55
elliotd123after grub12:55
ikoniaas in the file system12:55
rbasakjamespage: do we have an accepted way to flag bugs that probably need looking at by us later? Eg. bug 1355253. I'm wondering whether to just assign ~ubuntu-server or something, so I can find these myself later.12:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355253 in php5 "Apache reloading before package setup" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135525312:56
rbasakBut then again I don't want to imply that others shouldn't work on it.12:56
elliotd123I think it's ext212:56
rbasakOr imply to the submitter that it will definitely get looked at.12:56
ikoniaelliotd123: you "think" ?12:56
elliotd123 yeah how do I tell? It's our clients VM so I can't rule out that they changed something...ugh12:59
ikoniaelliotd123: manually mount it13:00
ikoniadid you not check any of this before upgrading a clients vm ???13:00
elliotd123they upgraded it13:00
ikoniaelliotd123: you said "I've upgraded"13:00
elliotd123I figured it out. thanks.13:01
elliotd123looks like their upgrade never completed.13:01
elliotd123so: enabling the network and "apt-get update && apt-get -f install" looks like it worked.13:04
zartoosh__HI for uefi boot, I need to create startup.nsh and place fs1:\EFI\bootid\grubx64.efi   Does anyone know how to create it and place it where? thx13:17
jamespagerbasak, I'd target it either to a milestone for a release or raise a series task for utopic13:39
theToastIsDoneis there a webmin channel?13:44
theToastIsDonedoes anyone know?13:44
ubottutheToastIsDone,: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system.13:45
theToastIsDonehmm... crap..13:45
theToastIsDonehow do i uninstall it then??13:45
cfhowlett_theToastIsDone, sudo apt-get purge webmin13:45
theToastIsDonenice thx13:46
cfhowlett_theToastIsDone, that only works if you used apt to install13:46
ikoniahow is it getting installed if it's not in the repo13:46
cfhowlett_ikonia, dpkg ?13:46
ikoniaI don't know....13:46
theToastIsDoneyou had to add the repo13:47
theToastIsDonewhich is something I'm fixing now13:47
theToastIsDoneanyone know of a good webmin-like piece of software?13:49
theToastIsDonefor ubuntu of course13:49
ikoniathere really isn't a "good" one13:51
ikoniathere are various bad ones13:51
theToastIsDonelol ok.. what's the best 'bad one' that is open source?13:51
pmatulistheToastIsDone: zentyal has a bunch of modules (apt-cache search zentyal-) but zentyal is mostly meant to be used as an install/ISO13:52
pmatulis(so i'm not sure about using them independently)13:52
theToastIsDoneok thx guys13:53
cfhowlett_theToastIsDone, might ask ##linux as well13:54
DenBeirentheToastIsDone: check zentyal13:56
hallynsmoser: yes, i fired up an ec2 instance, couldn't create a bridge, and got -enomem when i tried to modprobe bridge13:59
theToastIsDonezentyal looks nice13:59
smoserhallyn, more info? instance type ?14:02
hallynand ami-a427efcc14:03
hallyni used the default mt, presumably t1.micro14:03
zartoosh__HI for uefi boot, I need to create startup.nsh and place some boot order.   Does anyone know how to create it and place it where? thx14:04
smoserhallyn, t1.micro isn't default. probaly m1.small is. but that woudl depend on how you launched it.14:05
smoserbut anyway.... it just doesn't seem likely. can you show me what you did?  the kernel is the same as we use everywhere else.14:06
smoserie, the one on your laptop probably.14:06
hallynI did ec2-run-instances -k sergeh-keypair ami-5ebf6a3614:11
* hallyn does it again14:11
hallynwht's your lp-id (and why is that not in the directory)14:12
hallyni see, it's smoser14:12
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smoserhallyn, i can verify that 'apt-get install lxc' didn't work on the alpha2 image for utopic that you posted.14:57
hallynsmoser: this time i can't even log into the image14:58
hallynsmoser: is my ami supposed to be a valid one (came from ubuntu-cloudimg-query)14:58
smoseryour ocnsole output might show similar things14:59
smoserstack traces14:59
theToastIsDonehere's a cron question... If I have a key setup in a get statement in cron, nobody can see that from the public side of things, correct? for example:  wget example.com/?some_key=123415:00
peetaur2theToastIsDone: you can see that with ps -ef15:02
smoserhallyn, ^15:03
smosertheToastIsDone, you can prevent 'ps' from showing it just by putting the 'wget' into a file that is executable and only readable by the owner of the file.15:04
smoseroh. wait.15:05
peetaur2no you can't ....15:05
smoserno. never mind. the wget would still be reaable. :)15:05
peetaur2but you can store it in a file, then find some argument to wget that reads the file directly, without the content ever going on a command line15:05
theToastIsDoneok, i appreciate it everyone15:08
hallynsmoser: yeah, http://paste.ubuntu.com/15:09
stethoHi. Does anyone know if there's something "special" you need to do with the DHCP option ntp-servers? My company doesn't allow NTP requests in or out and has its own NTP servers. My DHCP server has option ntp-servers pointing to the internal NTP servers but when I install Ubuntu it waits a long time at the "getting the time from an NTP server" message and, according to the logs, fails. After install is completed if I manually set the servers in15:10
stetho ntp.conf everything works fine. So it would seem that the Ubuntu installer is ignoring the option ntp-servers setting or I'm missing another step that I need to take.15:10
rbasakkickinz1: FYI, I filed bug 1355890. If it gets approved, we'll have a little more time for bcache.15:13
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355890 in ubuntu "[FFe] bcache-tools" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135589015:13
rbasakkickinz1: no more action needed on the bug for now. The release team will look at it.15:13
smoserhallyn, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/135589115:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355891 in linux "crash on utopic ec2 instance" [Undecided,New]15:14
rbasakstetho: which installer are you using?15:14
rbasakstetho: there is a specific d-i feature that should support DHCP supply of NTP servers.15:14
smoserhallyn, did you think you saw this on trusty ?15:15
hallynsmoser: I don't remember what happend on trusty, lemme restart that15:16
smoserhallyn, i'll check. i just launched one.15:16
hallynsmoser: my second start of htat utopic ami again ended up refusing to let me login15:16
rbasakstetho: IIRC, dannf wrote that support. I can't find it right now - perhaps dannf can remember where it was or what the bug was?15:17
hallynI assume it's just a matter of when the kernel crashes15:17
smoserhallyn, yeah, clearly kernel not working could cause failure of ssh15:17
stethorbasak: This is just using the ISO. This is more about "what does option ntp-servers" actually do rather than finding a way round it. I'm trying to understand if it's a setting for another OS or if there's a reason Ubuntu ignores it.15:18
rbasakstetho: I know that there is a DHCP option for which support was specifically added for your use case.15:19
rbasakI'm pretty sure it's ntp-servers.15:19
rbasakstetho: I can't find the specifics right now though, which would help actually fix the issue for you.15:19
smoserhallyn, i cannot reproduce on trusty15:21
smoserat least not in the sample set of 115:21
kickinz1rbasak: thanks, Right now, I'm benchmarking bcache with writeback enabled. I'll keep you informed.15:21
hallynsmoser: ok, good to know it's not my setup tha tfailed me with the utopic one15:22
hallyn(i'd just had to switch my credentials around on my new laptop, wasn't quite sure)15:22
stethorbasak: I don't seem to be able to find anything either which is why I asked in here :-)15:22
mic_anyone using nginx? I have a few short questions.15:27
hallynjamespage: around?15:29
jamespagehallyn, yes15:29
hallynjamespage: ipxe in utopic fails to build.  the reason is syslinux does not ship /usr/lib/syslinux/isolinux.bin.  That's easily fixed by adding the install line for that to debian/syslinux.install.  Right now it only ends up in the syslinux-udeb package.15:30
hallynjamespage: so I intend to push that to utopic,15:30
jamespagehallyn, ok15:30
hallynjust pinging you first bc you may have an idea of why i'm being sily15:30
jamespagehallyn, just so I understand the context, when did this stop working?15:41
jamespagedoes ipxe fail in debian as well for the same reason?15:41
hallynjamespage: it does, i tested it in jessie last night15:41
hallynand tested that with that fix, ipxe did build15:42
punkgeekhow to install java for run java script on apache?15:44
jamespagehallyn, and syslinux only ships that in the udeb now?15:48
hallynwhereas in the version we have in trusty, it was in syslinux15:48
hallynor maybe syslinux-common15:49
jamespagehallyn, the isolinux package has that file15:52
jamespagealbeit in ./usr/lib/ISOLINUX/isolinux.bin15:52
jamespagebut I think you can add that via debian/rules to ipxe build15:52
hallynjamespage: what the...  I looked there before and saw others, but not isolinux.bin15:53
jamespagehallyn, we just need to transition and update the ipxe build process - I expect that will be accepted into ipxe with a suitable patch for debian15:54
hallynjamespage: I'm sorry, I swear I looked there.15:54
hallynso yeah that should be trivial to fix15:55
jamespagehallyn, hey - np - that's why we ask each other for peer review after all!15:55
jamespage(so we don't go make ourselves look stooopid somewhere else :-))15:55
hallynso meanwhile lemme go look at ipxe upstream15:56
jamespagerbasak, did we ever get to the bottom of why mongodb is stuck inproposed?16:20
jamespage    * i386: mongodb, python-loofah does not hint at anything to me16:20
rbasakjamespage: oh, I didn't realise it was. I'll take a look in a minute.16:24
jamespagerbasak, I think it might be because I dropped the mongodb-dev package16:28
rbasakOh, I remember now.16:29
* rbasak updates his utopic-proposed apt cache16:29
rbasakjamespage: mongodb depends on mongodb-dev, but src:mongodb no longer produces it.16:31
jamespagerbasak, doh!16:31
rbasakjamespage: so that makes mongodb itself uninstallable. That's the first part of * i386: mongodb16:31
rbasakjamespage: python-loofah depends on mongodb, so also becomes uninstallable. I expect that'll fix itself as soon as mongodb itself is fixed.16:32
jamespagerbasak, lemme sort out my mess16:32
klepwhen using ubuntu 12.04 with the latest MAAS and I'm having and issue with DHCP leases being handed out after the nodes are provisioned ... they never get DHCP once they are supposed to have started17:21
klepany ideas on this one?17:21
rbasakklep: maybe try #maas if you don't get an answer here?17:34
=== markthomas is now known as markthomas_afk
hallynjamespage: corrected ipxe pushed to utopic;  will open a bug with jessie after I'm sure the utopic version is ok18:05
jamespagerbasak, oh great - https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mongodb/1:2.6.3-0ubuntu418:15
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=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
iclebyte2is any one familar with dovecot? i'm having serious difficultly rebuilding a produciton server - i keep getting the error "SSL_read() failed: error:14094418:SSL routines:SSL3_READ_BYTES:tlsv1 alert unknown ca: SSL alert number 48,"19:23
iclebyte2and " Error: net_connect_unix(auth-worker) in directory /run/dovecot failed: Permission denied (euid=2000(vmail) egid=1002(vmail) missing +r perm: /run/dovecot/auth-worker, dir owned by 0:0 mode=0755)"19:23
Slingiclebyte2: what does nami -mo /run/dovecot/auth-worker show?19:24
Slingsorry, namei19:24
=== markthomas_afk is now known as markthomas
Slinghm that socket should be nobody:nobody and 660 I think19:28
Slingtry chown nobody:nobody /run/dovecot/auth-worker; chmod 660 /run/dovecot/auth-worker19:29
Slingor you seem to be running it as vmail, is this some shared hosting platform?19:30
iclebyte2yes it's hosting business. UK2.net messed up my server and i'm rebuilding it from scratch but ubuntu 14.04 is using dovecot 2.29 - my old box was 10.04 and i'm seriously struggling to get it going again19:31
iclebyte2lots of angry customers..19:31
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=== rh is now known as crashcourse
crashcoursei'm getting 'mail transport unavailable' messages on my postfix server but with no other clues in the logs - postconf output is here: http://pastebin.com/P32BtEKj - any ideas where to start debugging this?20:47
phunyguycrashcourse: this channel is pretty inactive most of the time, especially with very specific issues like that.  Maybe #postfix would be able to help more...20:55
crashcoursecool, thanks20:55
phunyguythey are really good in that channel.20:56
phunyguycrashcourse: Also, that pastebin says you are on Debian... not Ubuntu20:59
RoyKphunyguy: not much difference...21:05
phunyguyRoyK: not the point.21:05
phunyguyRoyK: I wouldn't go into #debian asking about ubuntu questions.... just doesn't seem right the other direction either.21:06
EL3PHANTENHello Does anyone here know what I should do to log cookies. I have put this in my apache2.conf   ->  LogFormat "%{name}C" cookielog  and then  CustomLog /var/log/apache2/my-access.log cookielog... But All I get in the file is - - [12/Aug/2014:23:13:50 +0200] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 - "-" "Apache/2.2.22 (Debian) (internal dummy connection)" "-"21:36
=== cmagina_ is now known as cmagina
justizin_anyone know if there is an open bug for hash sum mismatch errors with 12.04.5 server iso? after fresh install apt-get update results in a slew of Hash Sum mismatch21:47
sarnoldjustizin_: which mirror?21:47
sarnoldjustizin_: are you using apt-cacher-ng by chance?21:47
weaverI'm tracking problems with the Ubuntu EC2 us-east-1 APT mirror, check sum mismatch, is anyone else seeing this?22:21
weaver*hash sum mismatch22:22
sarnoldweaver: someone else reported some hash sum mismatches but didn't report the server :/22:22
sarnoldweaver: are you using apt-cacher-ng by any chance?22:23
weaverno caching22:23
weaverW: Failed to fetch bzip2:/var/lib/apt/lists/partial/us-east-1.ec2.archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_precise-updates_universe_source_Sources  Hash Sum mismatch22:23
weaverthis error pops up regularly due to the S3 mirror update procedure not being transactional, but it typically resolves itself in minutes. We've been observing this for about an hour I think22:25
sarnoldweaver: thanks, I've poked admins..22:25
weaverthanks sarnold22:27
=== Lcawte is now known as Lcawte|Away
stevekHi all.  Ubuntu's PHP session cleanup script keeps trashing my servers despite having file-based sessions disabled23:41
stevekI've improved the session cleanup script to exit 0; if file-based sessions are not enabled23:41
stevekwhere can I submit this improvement?23:41
sarnoldstevek: dpkg -S /path/to/cleanup/script  --- then ubuntu-bug <packagename> for whichever package owns the file23:42
stevekah, cool, thanks23:42

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