
=== chriadam|away is now known as chriadam
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lotuspsychjeanother great job!05:24
lotuspsychjeand many tnx for the pdf support05:25
dholbachgood morning07:01
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Guest13069i need to install ubunto on my MOTO E.. Can anyone please help me07:07
Guest13069i need to install ubunto on my MOTO E.. Can anyone please help me07:08
Guest13069i need to install ubunto on my MOTO E.. Can anyone please help me07:15
MirvElleo: hi! I subscribed you to bug #1354189 after noticing that it's not actually in qtbase but in maliit-framework where the crash happens07:41
ubot5bug 1354189 in maliit-framework (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/arm-linux-gnueabihf/qt5/bin/qmlscene:11:QCoreApplication::notifyInternal:MInputContext::updatePreeditInternally:MInputContext::updatePreedit:MInputContext::qt_static_metacall:QMetaObject::activate" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135418907:41
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liuxgtoday, I just flashed the latest devel-proposed channel software onto my N4. However, I could not find the "Scope" page. What is the problem?08:13
davidcalleliuxg, looks like the new scopes overlay has landed, do you see something new when sliding up from the bottom on any scope page?08:15
JoeyChandavidcalle:  lol     thx to ur tips,  I c it too !!     looks beautiful08:18
davidcalleJoeyChan, np08:19
ElleoMirv: okay, I'll see if I can figure out what's happening there later today08:19
* ogra_ hugs oSoMoN for https://code.launchpad.net/~osomon/webbrowser-app/persist-open-tabs/+merge/22992008:40
ogra_janimo, the whole datacenter isunreachable for some parts of europe ... you are not alone09:07
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy Vinyl Record Day! :-D09:08
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seb128mpt, hey, on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SoftwareUpdates?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=phone-settings-updates-checking-none.png ... what is the horizontal alignment of components?09:50
seb128mpt, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/130866309:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1308663 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) ""Checking for updates…" should be horizontally aligned" [Low,Triaged]09:50
seb128mpt, should they be centered or left aligned?09:50
* ogra_ twiddles thumbs waiting for apparmor_parser to finish eatung his phone CPU 09:50
ogra_i wonder why there is only one process running and not one per click package instead09:51
ogra_(in the hope that would speed it up)09:51
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nik90anyone here who can provide me a regular expression which will not allow empty strings while at the same time allows spaces in a string?10:05
t1mpnik90: len(str) > 010:05
t1mpok its not a regexp ;)10:06
nik90I thought text != "" might work not allow empty strings, but clearly pressing space several times counts as a non empty string10:06
popeyi would allow multiple spaces tbh10:06
popeybecause sometimes I dont want to have text for alarms10:06
popeybut I guess that's a design thing10:07
popeyI'll end up naming my alarms "foo, baz" or worse ☻10:07
nik90popey: in that case wouldn't leaving it as the default "Alarm" placeholder be okay?10:07
popeyI'd say don't allow empty, but allow spaces10:07
popeyso, as it is10:07
nik90ah ok10:08
nik90popey: so what was in the MP does that now. Is that good?10:08
popeyfine by me10:08
* popey comments on it10:09
nik90popey: leaving it empty results in http://imgur.com/aPGjPKn which conflicts with design I suppose,10:16
* nik90 checks10:16
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Chipacajdstrand: ping, about interpreted untrusted helpers11:29
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derek-ghow soon is phone gonna come out?12:27
ogra_1 day later ... now that you asked again ...12:27
jdstrandChipaca: 'interpreted untrusted helpers'?12:42
Chipacajdstrand: hello :)12:42
jdstrandChipaca: hi!12:42
Chipacajdstrand: for click packages that wish to use notifications but are arch:all (like, qmlscene-driven things), the push helper should also be arch:all, which currently means interpreted12:43
Chipacajdstrand: now, while a python3 helper currently works, there's an issue12:43
Chipacajdstrand: in that you can't import anything that's a .so12:43
Chipacajdstrand: so you can't use crypto, and you can't use the faster json en/decoder12:44
Chipacajdstrand: also apport seems to fail, although i havne't dug12:44
Chipacajdstrand: if there is a reason for this restriction, can it be lifted a little to at least allow standard library .so's, and crypto?12:45
jdstrandChipaca: so the reason why it isn't working is because python isn't a supported language for SDK apps, and the push-helper is using the ubuntu-sdk template12:47
* Chipaca is listening12:48
jdstrandI'm wondering how a python3 helper is working at all12:49
jdstrandis the interpreter being shipped?12:49
Chipacajdstrand: yes12:49
Chipacajdstrand: system-image is entirely made of python12:49
jdstrandright, so, this is a pretty complex issue12:49
Chipacajdstrand: if you have a phone, you might want to take a look at the push helper we're currently shipping for facebook, twitter & other webapps12:50
jdstrandwhich is affecting you due to limits of something I control, but those limits are in place because of things I don't control12:50
jdstrandessentially, python is not included in any of the framework definitions. ie, there is no ubuntu-sdk-14.10-python12:51
jdstrandso there is no guarantee that an app (or push helper) is going to continue to work12:51
jdstrandas the system changes12:51
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Chipacajdstrand: gotcha12:52
jdstrandif someone wants to use python, they need to bundle, as people are now with the interpreter12:52
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jdstrand(to make sure it keeps working)12:52
jdstrandI would think they could bundle the .so files they want to use, and adjust syspath and/or PYTHONPATH12:53
Chipacajdstrand: that kinda goes against it being an arch:all package though12:54
jdstrandtrue, but people can then adjust their click manifest12:54
mardyseb128: hi! Are you back home?12:56
Chipacajdstrand: if we wanted to support python (or an interpreted language of choice?) "properly", just for push helpers maybe, what do we need to do?12:56
jdstrandI kinda figured/hoped that the SDK would provide some sort of a Qt template for push helper to make it easy12:56
seb128mardy, hey, yes, since saturday12:56
mardyseb128: cool, then I can bother you again :-)12:56
jdstrandChipaca: this would need to be discussed with lool and pmcgowan_12:56
seb128mardy, you can try ;-)12:56
jdstrandChipaca: depending on what they say, I can adjust the policy for what we support12:56
mardyseb128: it looks like jenkins is timing out while building u-s-s: https://code.launchpad.net/~mardy/ubuntu-system-settings/other-app-access/+merge/22829912:57
mardyseb128: what do we do in these cases? just ignore the failures?12:57
pmcgowan_jdstrand, there is a plan for qml bindings, had not talked about python anything12:58
Chipacajdstrand: i'd like to file a bug to track this, but not sure what project to file it on12:58
loolChipaca: for Python bindings specifically or for QML ones?12:59
loolChipaca: generally, while we may still use Python in the platform / rootfs, we're actively avoiding it whenever we can12:59
seb128mardy, it was a gcovr issue, that got fixed yesterday afternoon, you can just retry12:59
looldue to the memory pressure and the cost of maintaining x bindings12:59
lool(and side things like rootfs size, performance etc.)13:00
loolwe usually target bindings for QML, C, JS, sometimes go -- that's already too much   :-/13:00
Chipacalool: taking a step back, I don't really care what it is. We need to support arch-independent click packages that want to use push.13:00
loolChipaca: that would be QML for apps and JS for webapps13:01
loolChipaca: SDK team will likely provide guidance on how to best expose these to QML apps, while web team would help for the webapps13:01
jdstrandlool: so, there is the app itself, but then there is also the small helper utility13:01
Chipacalool: sorry, i'm not following13:02
jdstrandlool: Chipaca is talking about the small helper13:02
Chipacaah. yes.13:02
Chipacanot the app. The app is, I assume, QML or JS.13:02
Chipacathe problem is if that app wants to use push13:02
Chipacathen it needs to be able to have a small program13:02
loolah right13:02
loolsorry, what does the small helper do?13:03
loolis it the one handling the notifications while the app isn't foregrounded?13:03
Chipacathat can read from one file, interpret the json therein, write json to a second file, and ideally use sqlite or some other db to interact with its app cache if it wants to13:03
Chipacalool: it's the thing that converts push messages into postal notifications13:03
loolis it shipped in the click package for each developer to potentially customize or is it a default implementation that we ship for all apps with notifications?13:04
loolif the latter, we pick whatever we want, if the former it would seem logical to have the same constraints on languages13:04
loolalbeit I could imagine using JS for QML apps13:05
mardyseb128: is there a better way of triggering a rebuild than making a useless commit?13:05
Chipacalool: each click package ships its helper, and it runs in its own apparmor profile via the ubuntu-app-launch untrusted helpers whatsit13:05
loolChipaca: yes, so this seems to be under the control of the developer to do what he wants; e.g. trash some notifications or decide to trigger something; I think the language recommendations ought to be the same13:06
seb128mardy, on the CI? there is the url of the jenkins page to do it, at the bottom of the message13:06
loolmardy: "Click here to trigger a rebuild"?13:06
mardyseb128, lool: but that link is broken, isn't it?13:07
Chipacalool: ok... so what is the recommendation for an arch-independent package?13:07
loolChipaca: QML and/or JS13:07
seb128mardy, no, but you need vpn access to that url iirc13:07
Chipacalool: we ship a standalone JS interpreter?13:07
loolChipaca: I dont think so; there's the QML one and the oxyde one I guess13:08
Chipacalool: and for QML, can QML read a file, modify it, and write it out?13:08
loolChipaca: usually QML has support for interfacing with specific formats such as sqlite or XML; I dont know whether you can do regular file I/O in QML13:09
Chipacalool: and can a QML app be run without it having a window?13:09
loolif you miss a specific format, perhaps we should provide bindings for it13:09
pmcgowan_kalikiana, see above conversation ^^13:10
loolChipaca: hmm that's a good question13:10
Chipacalool: <Chipaca> I need a way to do A, and B. <lool> Use ℵ. <Chipaca> Can ℵ do A and B? <lool> No.13:11
loolChipaca: maybe there's a dummy backend we could use for this case via some env var? I would check with the SDK team13:11
Chipacalool: :)13:11
loolChipaca: eh, take into account that we dont want to support a gazillion languages + bindings13:12
loolChipaca: for instance, what if you want to check the location of your device when processing the notification? does it mean we need to provide python bindings to get it? etc.13:12
loolChipaca: it all seems much easier to do in an arch-dependent manner, but I would like you prefer if we stick to arch-independent solutions13:13
Chipacalool: well, given that you have 5 seconds to do it, I wouldn't recommend trying to get location unless we've aced the TTF13:13
Chipacalool: but i get your point13:13
Chipacalool: arch-dependent right now means go or c++13:14
Chipacalool: and sure, those already work13:14
loolChipaca: Yes  :-/13:14
kalikianapmcgowan_: reading13:14
Chipacalool: having difficulty parsing “I would like you prefer if we stick to”13:15
loolChipaca: I mean, we really ought to offer an arch-independent way to do it13:15
loolChipaca: and not require apps using notifications to have arch dependent code13:15
Chipacalool: exactly, which is why I'm asking13:16
Chipacacurrently we don't support it at all13:16
Chipacabut not everybody is aware of that; i've been told variations of that it "should", "must", or "will" work :)13:17
loolChipaca: googling a bit while we speak, I couldn't immediately find a way to run headless or to run the QML / Qt JS engine manually, but I guess the sdk team might have more answers13:17
loolChipaca: however I'm pretty sure this is doable in JS from the webapps world, so worst case we could build on that; it would be a bit ugly to mix the two, but it would at least be arch indep13:17
Chipacalool: but we don't ship a js interpreter13:18
kalikianaChipaca: lool: you could in theory run qml headless with its "minimal" backend. if unity doens't kill it for not being a real app13:18
kalikianawe also have argument support13:18
kalikianait might be that you need to declare an invisible window - that'd have to be tested13:19
sergiusensChipaca: lool arch dependant also allows go!13:19
jgdxSaviq, hey, can we talk orientation shutdown flag? :)13:19
Chipacasergiusens: <Chipaca> lool: arch-dependent right now means go or c++13:19
Chipacasergiusens: :)13:19
Saviqjgdx, not sure I can get you much more than we talked last13:19
Saviqjgdx, if you wanna propose a gsettings key, we can adapt13:19
loolkalikiana: cool13:19
Saviqgreyback, just to confirm, gsettings ok ↑?13:20
greybackSaviq: sure13:20
loolkalikiana: googling qml minimal backend didn't yield any specific instructions in the first page of results; would you have a pointer to how one uses it?13:20
dobeymardy: hi, the u1 plug-in issue didn't get fixed while i was away, so i'm back on it. https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntuone-credentials/fix-cancel/+merge/228961/comments/55952013:20
sergiusensjdstrand: lool: Chipaca can the push server ship a standard 1:1 push helper for the simple case?13:20
Chipacakalikiana: could you create a dummy/trivial thing that took the contents of a file sent in as argv[1] and wrote it out to arv[2], in qml, for testing?13:21
greybacklool: QT_QPA_PLATFORM=minimal or minimalegl <- what you need?13:21
kalikiana^^ that's he one I mean13:21
jgdxSaviq, good stuff. I'll propose one13:22
kalikianaChipaca: writing the file if you put it generically won't do, the qml bindings are very specific so we'd have to have a component for that13:23
kalikianafor instance you can read JSON easily13:23
kalikianabut there's no file.open() or such13:23
kalikianaChipaca: I guess we need a qml version of this one? http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntu-push-qml/make-example-click/view/head:/example/helloHelper13:25
loolChipaca: can an app query for pending incoming notifications over dbus?13:25
Chipacalool: no*13:26
Chipacalool: or mu13:26
Chipacalool: no such thing as "pending incoming notification"13:26
jgdxSaviq, did we discuss whether the key in [1] could be used? [1] http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~system-settings-touch/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/trunk/view/head:/schemas/com.ubuntu.touch.system.gschema.xml.in.in13:27
* jgdx writes a note about writing more notes13:27
Chipacalool: if an app receives a push message and doesn't have a push helper to transform that push message into a postal message and postal notification, then the whole thing gets treated as a postal message13:27
loolChipaca: the client daemon receives a notification for a specific app, it would then launch the helper; could it instead keep it as pending, launch the process and have the process read pending notifications?13:27
Chipacalool: and queued in the app's postbox13:27
loolChipaca: cool, so could we just implement a QML bindings for the postbox and run the helper as a QML app under the minimal backend?13:28
Chipacalool: um ... no?13:28
Saviqjgdx, it could be, but it can't be bool, has to be something smarted13:28
Saviqjgdx, we need it to store the *value* of the orientation lock (empty if none)13:28
loolChipaca: why not?13:29
Saviqjgdx, not sure what type'd be best (does gsettings have enums?)13:29
* ogra_ recommends "smartbool"13:29
Chipacalool: because the message isn't in the postbox unless the helper fails13:29
jgdxSaviq, gsettings-qt probably doesn't13:30
mardydobey: by debugging the issue, I've seen that sync() is called too soon, I've no doubt about that :-)13:30
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jgdxSaviq, what do you mean when you say 'value of the orientation lock'?13:31
loolChipaca: ok, could we define two different types of helpers, one where the message is immediately consumed, the other one where the message has been copied to the postbox first?13:31
Saviqjgdx, either of null, 0, 90, 27013:31
Saviqjgdx, or corresponding strings13:31
dobeymardy: how is it called too soon?13:31
jgdxSaviq, right.13:31
dobeymardy: adding it back to where you suggested it be, seems too soon13:32
loolit would seem simpler if we could limit it to a single code path, but if there is a good reason not to always go to the postbox but the postbox is the only efficient way to pass to QML apps...13:32
Chipacalool: i'd rather change the whole api than special-case qml apps13:32
loolChipaca: +113:32
loolChipaca: so does it seem like a possible approach? always go to postbox, then launch helper; QML helper uses postbox QML bindings and is run under minimal backend13:33
mardydobey: I don't know, I was a bit lost with the code...13:35
dobeymardy: so i removed all the sync() calls from the keyring.cpp when adding the account, and we only call it once in the qml now, in my branch. but for some reason, it seems that breaks calling the "finished" signal in the qml, only when the plug-in is opened from the OnlineAccounts.Client API13:37
mardydobey: the UbuntuOneCredentialssService, where does it get the account from?13:41
dobeymardy: it's using the one that online-accounts creates13:43
mardydobey: how? it's not clear to me how you are passing it13:43
dobeymardy: one minute. in standup hangout right now. i'll have to look at the code to see how exactly we're doing that, but iirc, we're passing the account ID into the C++ from the QML13:45
loologra_: Hey, sorry what's the lxc rune to enter the android chroot? my attempts at lxc-attach --clear-env -n android fail13:46
mardydobey: OK, please ping me back later13:46
ogra_lool, lxc-console -t1 -nandroid13:46
dobeymardy: sure, will be like 10 minutes maybe13:46
loologra_: I tried lxc-console (just tried again), and it just echoes back what I type13:47
loolthe container is happily running though android  RUNNING  -     -       NO13:48
ogra_lool, oops, that was actually -t013:48
ogra_not -t113:48
loologra_: ah thanks; I tried -t1 and -t2  :-)13:48
loologra_: -t0 works, thanks13:48
ogra_(wrong tty)13:48
loolyeah, I guess it's actual system console instead of a tty13:48
loolI mean ttyN13:48
ogra_no idea, ask stgraber13:49
loologra_: not actually a question, I'm good thanks13:50
dobeymardy: ok, so in keyring.cpp in storeToken() we check if an account already exists, and we use the first one we find.13:54
mardydobey: but you won't find it until you call sync(), right?13:55
dobeymardy: in my debugging the account that online-accounts creates is found by the plug-in and used13:56
dobeythat is, when running with U1_DEBUG=1 in the environment, the plug-in debug output shows it is using an existing account, not creating a new one13:56
mardydobey: that's not possible, an account cannot be listed until sync() has been called13:58
mardydobey: it doesn't have an ID associated to it13:59
jgdxSaviq, what are your thoughts on http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~jonas-drange/gsettings-ubuntu-touch-schemas/orientation-lock/view/head:/schemas/com.ubuntu.touch.system.gschema.xml.in.in ?14:02
Saviqjgdx, rotation-lock should go away I'd say, and we don't want to support 180, but that will "happen" in levels above14:03
dobeymardy: ok, so it is creating a new account14:03
Saviqjgdx, we could go after what Qt says for example http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5/qt.html#ScreenOrientation-enum14:03
Saviqjgdx, for the nicks14:03
jgdxSaviq, thanks, was looking for something like that.14:04
dobeymardy: ok, this is weird. it says it is synced, then it's removed, then the plugin is finished, then it's synced again, and the plugin is finished again14:06
mardydobey: if you want to play with Accounts::Account in the C++ code, you should pass "__account.objectHandle" to a property in UbuntuOneCredentialsService14:10
Saviqjgdx, looking good14:11
jgdxSaviq, thanks. I'll find out where the binding is with re: with enums.14:12
jgdxSaviq, what are you using on the unity side to manipulate this?14:12
Saviqjgdx, gsettings-qt14:14
dobeymardy: not necessarily that i want to do that; the code was written at a time when we had to do that though, and when online-accounts was still very new. right now i just want to make it work as best as we can, and fix the immediate critical issues, without having to rewrite all the code and as small a change as possible. how can i pass __account.objectHandle in exactly?14:15
dobeymardy: ? i'm not quite sure how to pass that in as a property, can you help me understand that?14:31
mterryjgdx, I'm not convinced you tested the right code in your latest comment: https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-password/+merge/22985314:32
mterryI just tried myself again and it seems reliable14:32
jgdxmterry, you and me both. Let me try again.14:33
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mterryjgdx, you don't need to install the whole thing from deb again, you could just copy the changed file in place14:38
mardydobey: see http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~online-accounts/accounts-qml-module/trunk/files/head:/src/14:45
mardydobey: account.{h,cpp}14:45
mardydobey: for accounts.cpp, see the beginning of Account::setObjectHandle(QObject *object)14:45
mardydobey: if you add such a property to UbuntuOneCredentialsService, then you don't need to get the Accounts::Account* from the manager, but you can use this handle, which will refer to exactly the same object14:46
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WellarkToyKeeper: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/indicator-network/+bug/1276218/comments/915:06
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1276218 in indicator-network (Ubuntu) "Cancelling a WiFi password dialog turns WiFi off and leaves the network checked in the list" [Undecided,Fix released]15:06
WellarkThe original bug is fixed15:06
Wellarkbut if you see this "If I enter the wrong password and hit 'connect', the dialog goes away, immediately reappears, then goes away again."15:06
Wellarkcould you file a new bug?15:07
Wellarkthe dialog should not immediately go away15:07
Wellarkit should stay open to ask the user to type the password again15:07
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mterryjgdx, thanks for the approve!  Is there going to be a general USS release soon or should I do a separate silo for this?15:24
jgdxmterry, I'm not quite on top of uss releases. I know there's a silo around the corner, though. kenvandine has the details.15:25
mterrykenvandine, hihi15:25
kenvandinemterry, working on a silo now15:26
mterrykenvandine, can you wrap in https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/ubuntu-system-settings/wizard-password/+merge/229853 ?15:26
kenvandinewell... trying to manually test jgdx's branches...15:26
kenvandinebut my device is giving me grief15:26
kenvandinemterry, sure!15:26
mterrykenvandine, thanks!15:26
jgdxkenvandine, shell access grief?15:30
kenvandinejgdx, no... dependency hell on the dual sim device15:31
jgdxkenvandine, oh15:35
Chipacais system settings freezing up frequently for anybody else?15:35
kenvandinejgdx, ok... i give up, i'm going to prepare a silo and do the testing from the silo15:40
zygabzoltan: hey15:52
zygabzoltan: quick question, the "run" button, it doesn't really build a real click package and deploys that onto the device, does it?15:52
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nik90zyga: it does16:01
nik90zyga: if you check the build directory, you will see the .click package there16:01
zyganik90: so I have an app that doesn't work when you "run" it16:03
zyganik90: but works when I install it (from the SDK)16:03
zyganik90: and run16:03
nik90zyga: is it a .qmlproject or a cmakelist.txt project?16:03
zygamaybe something else happens when you just install, it works each time now16:04
zygabut didn't the first time no matter what I tried16:04
nik90zyga: a bit confused, so now does run work or not?16:04
zyganik90: it does after installation16:05
nik90zyga: Have you created a kit for the armhf physical device you have got?16:05
zyganik90: it didnt at first16:05
zygafor both16:05
nik90zyga: can you go to the project tab and check the build directory location. Check in that folder if you see a click package or not16:06
zygaok, looking16:06
nik90zyga: and also are there any errors that qtcreator shows when you press the run button?16:06
zygayeah, it does16:07
zygawell, the app just crashed before16:07
zygaqtcreator doesn't show the log files from apps for me16:07
zygaI manually tail -F the appropriate upstart session log file16:07
zygait did seem like it would not copy everything (ignored my libs somehow)16:07
nik90can you open the click in the build dir and see if it has all the files of your app?16:08
nik90you can open a click by changing the extension to .deb and then opening that file using the archive manager16:09
zyganik90: are there some better tools from ar x .../ ?16:09
zygaok :)16:09
zygaeverything is there onw16:09
nik90yeah that is strange16:11
nik90zyga: sry, I am out of ideas why that might not be working. Atleast when you talk to bzoltan you can give him facts we got now like the click package being properly with the necessary files16:11
zyganik90: thanks, you helped me anyway :-)16:12
kenvandinejgdx, ping16:18
kenvandinejgdx, your default sim and sim expand branches seem to conflict16:19
kenvandinejgdx, mind merging one of them into the other so they stack?16:19
jgdxkenvandine, on it16:23
kenvandinejgdx, thx16:24
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jgdxkenvandine, pushed r827 into expandable branch16:26
jgdxseb128, was planning on moving away from rotation lock in both uss and schemas. Not sure a transitional setting is needed then?16:27
bzoltanzyga:  that is exactly what the Run button does when the selected Kit is an Ubuntu Device Kit16:29
zygabzoltan: I had some issues where it would seem it doesn't include everything but I cannot reproduce it anymore16:32
bzoltanzyga:  qml or cmake project?16:34
zygabzoltan: qml but it has native libs16:34
zygabzoltan: it bundles .so files from the archive16:35
zygabzoltan: the architecture is now set to armhf16:35
zygabzoltan: craziness but it's landing to lp:checkbox 'checkbox-touch' directory soon,16:35
zygabzoltan: I need to automate fetching the required so files16:35
bzoltanzyga: if you can reproduce it I can take a look16:37
zygabzoltan: I'll try on a fresh device and let you know if it works16:39
seb128jgdx, if you do both together it's fine then16:42
jgdxseb128, cool16:43
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bzoltanzyga:  OK16:46
kenvandinemardy, i kicked a rebuild for your other-app-access branch16:56
kenvandinethat timeout was from the gcovr problem, which was fixed yesterday (after the last CI build for that)16:56
zygaI keep seeing: "[18:56:42] Transfer the click package /usr/bin//home/zyga/checkbox/build-checkbox-touch-Nexus_7_GCC_armhf_ubuntu_sdk_14_10_utopic-default/./com.canonical.certification.checkbox-touch_0.1_armhf.click to the device16:57
zygaalthough I can always "run" the app16:57
zygaany ideas how to debug that?16:57
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seb128mardy, is there a known issue than u-s-s-o-a is not loading/using some translations?17:08
seb128$ gettext -d ubuntu-system-settings-online-accounts "Remove account…"17:08
seb128Supprimer un compte…17:08
seb128 17:08
seb128but it still shows in english in the ui17:08
kenvandineseb128, looking at the locking stuff, do you know what I should use for the backend for that?17:19
seb128kenvandine, what part? the idle or security type?17:20
seb128didn't mterry do that already?17:21
kenvandinealthough the batter panel pushes the lock page from security17:21
kenvandinei think he did the unlocking stuff17:21
kenvandinebut not the timeout17:21
seb128kenvandine, I just asked, and you set the security, not the idle :p17:22
kenvandineactually... maybe that is done17:22
seb128so you want the idle?17:22
seb128kenvandine, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-system-settings/+bug/123034517:22
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1230345 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Unity8 should control the display "lock after idle" (with a way to configure the delay)" [High,Triaged]17:22
kenvandinethe lock timeout loads SleepValues.qml17:22
kenvandinebut changes the title17:22
seb128kenvandine, pmcgowan_ assigned that to mardy it seems17:22
kenvandineso maybe we need that shell work done first?17:25
pmcgowan_seb128, kenvandine yeah he'snot gotten to it17:25
seb128kenvandine, there is some backend side work to be done first for sure17:26
seb128I think it should be in unity817:26
seb128but better to check with Saviq17:26
taiebotWaouh 185 is great. My bug of the day https://bugs.launchpad.net/camera-app/+bug/135596417:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1355964 in camera-app "Camera app video recording does not rotate on how the user is handling the phone" [Undecided,New]17:58
kenvandinejgdx, can you update the settings test plan to match dual sim?18:30
jgdxkenvandine, yep18:32
jgdxkenvandine, we have a check list for these landings somewhere?18:32
jgdxkenvandine, thinking more of: 1. merge trunk, 2. get it reviewed, … n. update testplan18:34
jgdxit's right there18:35
kenvandineah, the checklist :)18:35
jgdxfound it :)18:35
kenvandinehow can i verify the default sim settings?18:35
kenvandinemessaging and dialer isn't using them yet right?18:36
kenvandineor not landed with them18:36
kenvandinei guess just check gsettings for now?18:37
jgdxkenvandine, are you updating the testplan?18:44
jgdxgsettings, yeah18:44
kenvandinejgdx, nope18:44
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taiebotmzanetti: where is the best place to report bugs and enhancement for the xbmc remote app?18:48
mzanettitaiebot: #xbmcremote18:48
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pmcgowan_kenvandine, that may have landed actually, or be in silo18:52
pmcgowan_bfiller, using the dual sim settings ^^18:53
kenvandinei see SIM1 and SIM2 as labels18:53
pmcgowan_davmor2, popey do we have guidance anywhere for what to grab when filing bugs, logs and such18:53
pmcgowan_kenvandine, silo 4 has it, but not done18:53
kenvandineno worries18:54
ToyKeeperIt would be nice if apps showed the sim names instead of "SIM1" and "SIM2".  Then I wouldn't have to remember which one is AT&T and which one is T-Mobile.18:54
kenvandineToyKeeper, it will :)18:54
bfillerpmcgowan_: silo 4 reads in the names, not landed yet18:54
pmcgowan_silos 4 and 6 ftw18:54
pmcgowan_bfiller, yeah build broke18:54
dobeydo the twitter/etc… webapps use the online accounts credentials to log in now?18:55
davmor2pmcgowan_: apport-bug appname is what I go for first unless I can't figure out the name of the app.  Then I tend to write steps to reproduce, expected and actual18:55
popeypmcgowan_: not that I'm aware of.18:55
popeyother than ^18:55
bfillerwhen I dial a number manually in the dialer and press send button the screen goes black every time, anyone else seeing this?18:55
bfillerpmcgowan_: ^^18:55
bfilleron krillin18:55
davmor2bfiller: what version you on?  I'm not seeing that on 18518:59
bfillerdavmor2: on 185 but also have silo 4 installed, so might be an issue there18:59
ogra_bfiller, i se that after taking a photo19:00
ogra_and i think i have seen it in other occasions19:00
ogra_(and i think every time the device crashed ... but it only blanked the screen)19:01
jgdxmpt, hey, how should the cellular panel look if there are no sim cards inserted? /cc kenvandine19:12
jgdxkenvandine, updated testplan. Can't see it though. Someone have to approve it?19:17
Chipacawhere's mencoder gone? :-(19:18
kenvandineRepeat this test for both SIM cards.19:18
kenvandinejgdx, i see stuff like that?19:18
kenvandinejgdx, can you take another look at my brightness branch?19:19
jgdxkenvandine, hm, I guess the changes has to travel across the atlantic, huh19:19
kenvandinei just fixed another bug in it from silo testing19:19
jgdxkenvandine, sure19:19
kenvandinei'm rebuilding in the silo now too19:19
jgdxack, I'll have an eye on notices from ci-eng19:20
pmcgowan_kenvandine, do you know how the indicators launch the settings panels?19:27
kenvandineurl-dispatcher i think19:27
pmcgowan_kenvandine, theres a bug where if settings was already open, the indicator doesnt clear itself19:28
kenvandinethat's probably a shell bug... i guess19:28
kenvandineit should be a fire and forget to launch it19:28
pmcgowan_oh you think?19:29
kenvandinepmcgowan_, it just opens the url, settings:///network19:31
kenvandinefor example19:31
pmcgowan_kenvandine, ok thanks19:32
kenvandineso unless the shell does something a little different to get feedback from that19:32
ahayzenKaleo, ping19:47
kenvandineSaviq, what's the status of inactivity timeout in the shell?  i'm looking to work on the lock timeout in settings19:52
Saviqkenvandine, status is no one is looking at it19:56
kenvandineSaviq, thx :)19:56
kenvandinepmcgowan_, ^^19:56
Saviqkenvandine, so you can take both ;)19:56
kenvandinenot sure i'm up to working on the shell :)19:56
pmcgowan_Saviq, thats less than satisfying, any plans?19:57
Saviqpmcgowan_, wasn't on our todo, but it shouldn't be a difficult task, all we need to do is to communicate to the system compositor what's the desired timeout19:58
pmcgowan_Saviq, do we need an api similar to the one we just got for orientation?19:58
SaviqAlbertA, can you confirm ↑ re: bug #123034519:58
ubot5bug 1230345 in ubuntu-system-settings (Ubuntu) "Unity8 should control the display "lock after idle" (with a way to configure the delay)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/123034519:58
Saviqpmcgowan_, we need a setting, yeah, that the shell would read and tell u-s-c19:59
kenvandinebfiller, mind weighing in on https://code.launchpad.net/~michael-sheldon/content-hub/cancel-button/+merge/23050520:03
bfillerkenvandine: sure, let me try it20:04
kenvandinei think it's good, just with sdk changes i think we need some text in the dialog20:05
kenvandineor maybe the dialog is broken... it used to be just a black overlay... now we get this white box in the middle of the screen with no text20:06
K1773Rubuntu touch shows "no sim", even tough there is a working (ie, works on other phones) sim inside it. talking about mako, sim is pin protected20:11
AlbertASaviq: confirm? like actually putting selecting confirm in the bug itself?20:13
bfillerkenvandine: I think we just need text in the dialog as well20:16
bfillerkenvandine: I'll add a comment, other than that it works20:16
kenvandinebfiller, thx20:17
kenvandinebfiller, having the cancel button is very nice :)20:17
SaviqAlbertA, no, enough to say here that I'm not talking sh$t :)20:18
SaviqAlbertA, but commenting on the bug on what the session really needs to do to tell u-s-c what timeout to apply would be good, too :)20:19
AlbertASaviq: :) yeah20:21
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nolSupport & Discussion .. and maybe Dialog23:28
nol(01:25:55) nol: all23:28
nol(01:26:33) nol: Support & Discussion .. and maybe Dialog23:28
belkinsaHey all, I booted back Ubuntu Touch on my Nexus 7 2013, and I like the start up screen for new users.23:28
noli know..23:29
nolthe question is..how to get that on a phone|tablet as well23:29
nolam i right or am i right23:29
noleven the GOOGLE LG NEXUS 4 i own, does not have it|that23:29
nol)- if you read the other side)23:30
noli think them all fell asleep on there touch23:30
belkinsaHow do you get the back button on Nexus 7 2013 with the lasest build?23:47
nolsame as before? gesturing from the botom frame-holder?23:47
belkinsaDoes work23:48
nolwanted to write: usefull if i trie|y as well?23:49
nolthet thinking, yea but i have not the most up-to-date, but i have..i guess23:50
nolbut am on a 423:50
noli did remove droid.. last week?23:50
nolright after i got the that machine23:50
nolthe 423:51
belkinsaWHo are you talking to?23:51
nolthe one that had and has a question23:51
nolfound the person, is you yourself23:51
belkinsaWell, you are helping.23:52
nol(thanks, am, mosttime)23:53

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