
Unit193Howdy, PCLine_.01:22
* skellat is watching "Major Crimes" on TNT01:39
Unit193skellat: See ping?01:41
skellatWhich one?01:44
PCLine_Hello Unit19301:47
Unit193[16:12:34] < Unit193> skellat: Re; Email.  Care to take?   I believe you know more of the possible speakers than I did. || < cyberang3r> skellat: and I should be on that list afaik01:47
skellatUnit193: Yeah, I'll deal with it tomorrow01:56
skellatI'm not sure why they want to know unless they want to try again with people who turned me down01:56
Unit193Alrighty.  I'd say they want to contact the people that were willing to talk at Ubucon, and have them speak anyway.01:57
skellatUnit193: Please e-mail me a list of your positive contacts with e-mail addresses.  I'll add that to my list of not-so-positive contacts.02:06
Unit193All I know of is cyber.02:07
skellatE-mail me his details02:09
skellatOr I could just put his LP contact this user link in the list instead02:10
skellatDefinitely not something I'd expect to see as "Recently Rated" in the library catalog when I go to check on my account: http://clevnet.bibliocommons.com/item/show/172568104802:13
jenni[ What to Expect When You Use the Potty | CLEVNET Library Cooperation | BiblioCommons ] - https://j.mp/XYDxqi02:13
Unit193http://www.arcamax.com/newspics/108/10823/1082301.gif Akron needs this.23:56
belkinsajrgifford, do you have ubuntu Touch?23:56
belkinsaOr anyone, in fact.23:56
jrgiffordbelkinsa: not really.23:57
belkinsaOkay.  Thank you anyways.23:57
* belkinsa is having trouble with me23:57
jrgiffordi mean, i don't because i haven't flashed my n4 to it23:58
belkinsaAh.  Think before you flash it.  It still in rough development.23:59

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