
ochosibluesabre: thanks for fixing the accountsservice/xfdesktop bug!07:01
ochosibluesabre: idea: what about leaving light-locker-settings as is and making a xubuntu-patch for xfpm instead that adds a locking-tab for light-locker?07:55
ochosi(in the 1.6 release we could merge this upstream, but since debian wants a stable xfpm release from us asap i don't think we can implement that before the release)07:56
bluesabreochosi: would lls then be obsolete?09:36
ochosibluesabre: no, not for other DEs09:39
bluesabreok, gotcha09:42
ochosithing is, with xfpm handling ll, we could get rid of the desktop file manipulation09:43
ochosi(assuming we'll have a release of the dbus interface soon, which i hope)09:44
bluesabrethat would be cool09:45
bluesabredbus makes everything better09:45
ochosiyeah, in this case it does09:47
ochosithing is we need some sort of daemon to apply the dbus settings at session start09:47
ochosiand i thought xfpm would be a good place to handle that09:47
bluesabrenot necessarily09:50
bluesabrehave a minimal gsettings config for light-locker09:50
bluesabreit keeps the last defined settings09:51
bluesabreor, there are settings that apply to current session, and permanent09:51
ochosihm, how do the gsettings get loaded at startup?09:51
bluesabresame as any other app?09:52
* ochosi is gsettings-ignorant09:52
ochosiso you're saying we can get rid of the desktop file even with lls?09:52
bluesabreI don't see why not09:53
ochosiah good09:53
ochosiin that case let's stick to lls and improve it09:53
ochosiat least for this release09:53
ochosiseems better than patching xfpm09:53
bluesabreok, just to make sure I'm not confused here09:54
ochosiwe can always implement the lockscreen handling in later xfpm releases09:54
bluesabrethe gsettings would be for light-locker itself09:54
bluesabreand that could actually be a second interface of sorts, since it can update its policy when settings are modified09:55
ochosiyou mean gsettings-editor could be a second interface?09:56
bluesabrein a way09:56
ochosierrr? :)09:56
bluesabrewith gsettings, you wouldn't need an external app starting light-locker in a specific way, or sending dbus commands at startup09:57
bluesabreit would start up with preferred settings09:57
ochosithat sounds way better09:58
brainwashbluesabre: can you also mark https://bugzilla.xfce.org/show_bug.cgi?id=10882 as invalid?12:13
ubottubugzilla.xfce.org bug 10882 in Workspace Switcher "On every workspace switch accounts-daemon rewrites /var/lib/AccountsService/users/xxx file" [Major,New]12:13
brainwashor ochosi ^12:13
brainwashali1234: is bug 1243354 also related to our dbus problem (meta report)?12:19
ubottubug 1243354 in xfce4-terminal "Xfce4-terminal cannot run on more than one X screen at a time" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/124335412:19
ali1234that happens because when you run xfce4-terminal it listens on dbus, then if you open a new window it opens it from the same process12:21
ali1234so if you run another copy on another x screen, it says on dbus "hey please open a new indow"12:22
ali1234and then the original process opens a new window on the orignal x screen, because that is all it can do12:22
ali1234the original process has no access to the other screen12:22
brainwashah, thanks for the explanation :)12:28
ochosibrainwash: done12:30
brainwashochosi: thanks12:37
ochosinp, thanks for pointing that one out12:41

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