
RaginBajinharmw: ping00:00
nvucinichi guys, i still did not made nocloud to work 13:26
nvucinicdo i need to specify somewhere to clod.cfg path to iso file 13:26
nvucinicthis is what i have in logs13:29
harmwRaginBajin: pong13:33
RaginBajinharmw: Hey, So I was running your build last night. 13:33
harmwah great, enjoy me with al the bugs you encountered :p13:34
RaginBajinWell, I need to go back and create another image. We don't always use the Openstack Metadata service but use the configdrive. So I need to create an additional instance to test with Openstack metadata13:35
harmwdid it work with the script from tools/?13:35
harmwah ok, yea I havent looked at configdrive yet13:35
RaginBajinSo, i downloaded the code, ran the python setup.py install but forgot to add --init-system.  We should change that error message to mention to use --init-system. 13:36
RaginBajinEverytime I need to go into the setup.py script and look at the stupid file to find out what the name of the argument is 13:36
harmwno no, what you should do is read/use the script in tools/ :)13:36
RaginBajinThe build-on-freebsd? 13:37
harmwhttp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~harmw/cloud-init/freebsd/view/head:/tools/build-on-freebsd 13:37
RaginBajinahh 13:37
harmwI needed some way of easy testing, and keeping any neccessary hacks documented until there is a real freebsd pkg/port13:37
harmwa clean/fresh OZ image only needs bzr installed, from there on you can use bzr to grab my branch and this script will do the rest13:38
RaginBajinahh ok. 13:39
RaginBajinWell let me try it that way then. 13:39
harmwyou can see the required steps as well, regarding the --init-system13:39
harmwI'm working on building a real port btw, just need to make myself familiar with the freebsd tools for building such a thing first13:40
RaginBajinYeah. I think the --init-system change is a good over-all change. If it's missing actually tell you what the argument to use. not just what options. 13:40
RaginBajingotcha. I was looking at all the changes I needed to make for the configdrive to work. They are not many. Just a little specific type of things need to be changed when it's fbsd.  i.e  mounting a cdrom 13:42
harmwyea, it's probably a few details in terms of device naming and such13:42
harmwcloudinit already knows how to read from configdrives so that should be no problem13:43
RaginBajinyeah. The changes I made were all around mounting and finding the fbsd drive. So, I should clean those up and get them submitted up as well. But it would be good after your changes go in. that way it can be tested with your changes as well 13:49
harmwhm, perhaps you can branch me and commit to that :) I don't realy know if thats supported though, but it might just work13:50
harmw(Ill just asume that branch will be able to merge with both mine and trunk)13:51
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RaginBajinharmw:  Just ran it. One error that I did get was in the growfs.  It seems that if your disk is already at the max size, it errors out with rc = 1 and the stderr of 'growfs: requested size 20GB is not larger than the current filesystem size 20GB\n' (20gb being my size of disk)14:17
harmwyea, I noticed that as well14:17
harmwhandling that would be nice, someday14:17
RaginBajinyeah. It also looks like the ssh-key injection didn't work for that user beastie 14:19
harmwyea indeed14:19
harmwI didn't look into that just yet14:19
harmwI noticed for root they were added just fine14:19
RaginBajinbut it worked before which is strange. I think it's becasue the user is created after the key injection14:20
RaginBajinit didn't create it for me on root either. 14:20
harmwhm hm, then it might've done something else since I've put a user-data upon creating an instance that also does atleast something with users14:21
harmwI'll have it fixed somewhere soon though :)14:21
RaginBajinalso we can fix the update_etc_hosts as well 14:22
RaginBajinjust need to add a template called hosts.freedbsd.tmpl14:22
harmwoh ok, sounds nice (though I have no idea what that function/module does)14:22
RaginBajinI just copied over one from hosts.debian.tmpl and renamed it and it works easily 14:22
nvucinicanyone has some more info about nocloud option ?14:37
harmwsmoser: someone needs your help :)14:38
smosernvucinic, whats up?14:41
smoseri suggest using cloud-localds from cloud-utils14:41
RaginBajinharmw:  Figured it out. We commented out the "ssh" part in the cloud.cfg. Once I added that back, all the keys were injected. 14:42
harmwyou did that? or was it in my branch?14:42
harmwhm I did14:43
nvucinicsmoser: trying to get nocloud option to work but i belive that i missed some steps 14:44
nvucinici have datasource_list: ['nocloud']14:44
nvucinicin cloud.cfg 14:44
nvucinicdatasource_list: ['nocloud']14:44
nvucinichttp://pastebin.com/CGmDzHBJ this are error that i get 14:45
RaginBajinharmw:  Yeah your branch.  No biggie. just feel better that it wasn't something super crazy 14:45
harmwI'll remove that # when I can :)14:47
harmwi'd like to see your configdrive code btw, despite the fact that I have no use for it yet14:47
harmw(so can't verify in-depth)14:47
smosernvucinic, NoCloud14:50
smosercase sensitive as it is used for python import14:50
smosernvucinic, if you're just randomoly using pastebin's , please use openstack or ubuntu.14:51
smoserthose adds suck!14:51
smoserand along those same lines, 'pastebinit' is awesome.14:52
smoser(program that lets you : pastebinit foo14:52
smoser or: foo | pastebinit 14:52
nvucinicsmoser: wow, thx14:53
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pquernasmoser: hey, have a question, I got a https://gist.github.com/pquerna/59a8671502dffc9d8843 status.json with "unhashable type", which sounds like an exception, but I can't find anything in the actual logs about the exception17:41
smoserwhere did you see that ?17:41
smoseroh. i see.17:42
smoserkind of sucks that i populated 'finished' and not 'end'17:43
smoserand that finished is not finish17:44
smoseri'm gonna change it to populate 'end' rather than 'finished'17:45
smoserna. i'm just going to drop end. thats the more grown up thing to do.17:46
smoserpquerna, can you recreate by just letting the error raise ?17:49
smoserin /usr/bin/cloud-init, just 17:50
pquernaif i nuke /var/lib/cloud, run cloud-init init, i get the same status.json every time17:50
smoser except Exception as e:17:50
pquernasmoser: yup, got an exception now. thanks.17:51
pquernasmoser: so one thing i changed, heh, the version of openstack configdrive that read_configdrive was using, was before vendor_data.json was even added in openstack17:54
pquernasmoser: so it was always empty17:55
smoseroh. hm..17:57
pquernayeah, so this is just vendordata_raw is actually parsed json17:58
pquernathis code is expecting a string blob of raw...17:58
smoseryeah. :-(17:59
pquernaself.vendordata_raw = results.get('vendordata')17:59
smoseryou want to open a bug and submit merge proposal ?17:59
pquernain DataSourceConfigDrive.py...17:59
pquernasmoser: i guess my question is what is the intended operation, it seems the code wants to treat vendor_data.json like user_data and do all the various operations on it... so really its not the same thing. So seems fix is to keep vendordata_raw as a vendor_data file (that doesn't exist)18:06
pquernasmoser: and then put the vendor_data.json, which is more enviromental/etc as a thing to parse as json and use if needed for info.18:06
smoserso yeah, we want to do all the same things to vendor_data as we do to user_data.18:08
pquernaeg, something like that18:08
smoserok. i undretsand more now.18:20
smoseryou were expecting it to be a dict (loaded json).18:21
smoserand that does seem to make sense. 18:25
smoserpquerna, bah.18:26
smosercloudinit/sources/DataSourceOpenStack.py does it right18:26
pquernasmoser: ah, i see18:27
pquernasmoser: ok18:27
smoserit looks like there might be other improvements there too :-(18:28
smosersitl somewhat broken. but closer.18:29
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praneshphey smoser  you around?21:43
praneshpwhat’s the minimum user-data file I’d need to use to add users to an openstack vm when booting it up?21:44

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