
apacheloggerallee: not really00:08
apacheloggerallee: is kdepimlibs-dev installed?00:08
apacheloggeror kdepimlibs5-dev not sure what the package is called00:08
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Riddell!newversion phonon 4.7.8008:42
ubottuRiddell: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:42
Riddellkubotu: newversion phonon 4.7.8008:42
Mamarokquestion: if somebody tries a live CD and they tries to play an mp3, do they get the same possibility to install the missing codecs or does that only work on installed systems?09:03
RiddellMamarok: older versions disabled that notifications but I think it's enabled now09:34
Mamarokso there is a file system thingy that allows to install codecs?09:48
Mamarokjust had that question in the forum, I suggested to actually install Kubuntu :)09:50
Riddellthere should be a notification that pops up suggesting you install codecs if you try to play one09:50
Riddellinstalling is better, there you just need to tick the "install mp3" box09:51
RiddellI just noticed http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/meta-release-lts has been updated10:54
Riddellso expect LTS using  people to be upgrading to trusty10:54
Riddellyofel: you said to maxy "You have a point though as e.g. we did not notice the ABI breakage in kdepimlibs that you found a couple days ago." do you know why that wasn't picked up by .symbol file changes?11:14
yofelRiddell: not really, the relevant discussion was http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035333/ 11:26
Riddellhmm, curious11:31
BluesKajHiyas all11:31
apacheloggerRiddell, yofel: it wasn't because vtables are not reflected in symbols11:57
Riddellsymbols are spooky voodoo12:01
yofelapachelogger: yeah, I got that much, except that I have no idea what a vtable is (c++ seriously has a sepeate symbol table for virtual functions?)12:09
apacheloggeryofel: it needs to have a separate table12:12
apacheloggervirtual functions are resolved at runtime12:12
apacheloggerthe vtable itself is built into the binary IIRC, so you know that vt[0] is void kittens(); and vt[1] is void puppies();12:13
apacheloggerthen at runtime any version of kittens or puppies may provided vt[0/1] of the class in question12:13
apacheloggernow if you change the order in the virtual base class around the library will say that vt[0] is puppies and vt[1] is kittens, but the application continues to access vt[0] to get kittens12:14
apacheloggerthis is not really ABI breakage it is binary incompatible though12:14
shadeslayersoftware engineering is hard, lets go shopping12:18
yofelon that point, someone write such a page for general post-release bugfixing12:22
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yofel- remove libraries after release (even if they're not used)12:25
yofelmaybe just a grumpy packager request though12:25
apacheloggerthere's worse things one could do I am sure ^^12:26
yofeldid our friendly kf5 upstream actually mention what they'll do should we ship kf5 components with different versions?12:29
apacheloggeryofel: when would that happen?12:30
apacheloggershadeslayer: u at comput0r?12:30
yofelapachelogger: maxy currently doesn't update kde packages if there's nothing to update, and he did plan to do the same for kf512:31
yofele.g. what we do with --sru12:31
apacheloggerthere's always something to update because the version in cmake always changes :P12:31
yofelI wonder if we whitelisted that...12:32
yofelapachelogger: considering he checks stuff manuall I'm not sure if he would consider that a "change" really12:33
apacheloggerhe wants to check some 100 diffs manually :O12:35
yofelwell, he has some scripts himself, not sure how much they do12:35
apachelogger"afaik version X frameworks depend on version X frameworks even when they could work with X-1"12:36
apacheloggerle not supported12:36
tsimpsonhopefully the checks are based on tiers12:36
yofelah, so that'll fail on a cmake level?12:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes12:36
shadeslayerwe were discussing book tooling12:36
apacheloggershadeslayer: already resolved12:36
apacheloggerframework cmakelists have one var for version12:37
apacheloggerthat is defined to both define the framework's version and the versions it will look for in other frameworks12:37
yofelok, thanks12:38
yofelbut that would still only require updating those packages that are required by the higher tiers. And the leaf packages are easy to skip as nothing depends on them12:41
yofelcould get messy up higher though12:42
apacheloggeryofel: IMO this should be brought up with dfaure12:45
apacheloggerif a leaf doesn't have changes one mmight as well not updated it upstream12:45
apacheloggerI am reasonable certain one would not want to support that though12:45
apacheloggerleaf libs are like 10kb or so12:45
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shadeslayerRiddell: :O13:05
shadeslayerRiddell: you dragonnapped konqi13:05
shadeslayersomeone get to the barcelona office quick13:06
shadeslayerkonqi needs help13:06
yofelapachelogger: you would already be happy if we just copied our current packaging into a branch on alioth right?13:22
* yofel wonders if pino has any intention of commenting at all13:23
Riddellshadeslayer: he's sight seeing!13:26
shadeslayerRiddell: that's what you say13:32
shadeslayeryofel: apachelogger found wine13:32
shadeslayeryofel: you can forget about hearing from him for the rest of the day13:32
yofeldamint :D13:32
apacheloggerit magically appeared!13:35
apacheloggeryofel: yes13:35
apacheloggeryofel: from where I am standing we need to start at some point otherwise we'll never find the perfect setup xD13:35
apacheloggerand meddling with branch layout etc. later is not that big a deal13:36
yofelyeah, my last mail pretty much reduced the proposal to that13:36
Riddellanyone know why we do multiarch? what's it actually good for?13:52
valoriedon't listen to him, he's a konqui-kidnapper!13:55
valoriedangerous Scot13:55
Riddellvalorie: I'm Catalunyan now, father of dragons!14:00
valorieI heard that now that Scotland is sorted, you were going to Solve Catalonia14:01
valoriegood luck with that!14:01
valoriehow is the catalunyan whisky btw?14:02
apacheloggervalorie: u not working!14:04
valorieif typing: work(true)14:04
valorieso there14:05
Riddellvalorie: they seem to mostly sell all the stuff which is so bad it doesn't get sold in scotland14:18
valorieI hope you are surviving....14:19
Odurlibnepomuk4 got uninstalld when upgraded to 4.13.97. Is that suppose to happen?14:22
Riddellvalorie: I've discovered that when you order a rum and coke here, they take the exact opposite approach to scotland for ratios of coke to rum14:22
valorieewww, rum and coke14:22
RiddellOdur: yes it's expected, will you miss it?14:23
valoriesolution: get something else14:23
Riddellor gun and tonic14:23
OdurRiddell: Yeah. Kdenlive depends on it14:23
Riddellgin and tonic14:23
OdurBut I'll manage14:23
RiddellOdur: kdenlive in backports is recompiled not to use it, where are you getting it from?14:23
Odurkdenlive's own repository14:24
OdurWell, I could probably use Utopics package14:25
OdurProblem solved :)14:28
Riddellkdenlive has its own repository?14:29
Riddellwhere's this?14:29
shadeslayerI can poke the kdenlive folks14:29
Riddellhmm https://launchpad.net/~sunab/+archive/ubuntu/kdenlive-release14:33
valorieRiddell: they are here refactoring14:34
Riddellah, that archive has 0.9.8 which is newer than the 0.9.6 in our kubuntu-ppa/backports14:34
OdurYeah, that's the one. (And no problem solved here... must solve a lot of dependencies first :/)14:34
Riddellso only 1 thing for it, backport 0.9.814:35
Riddellvolunteers welcome :)14:35
OdurWell, I probably could packport to my own ppa. But I'm not confident to do a official one14:38
RiddellOdur: go for it, then I can take it from yours and check for sanity14:47
OdurRiddell: Is it possible to find the diff for an earlier version in the backports ppa?14:53
RiddellOdur: probably not, what are you looking for?15:08
RiddellOdur: to backport 0.9.8 take the package from utopic  run dch to add a ~ubuntu14.04~ppa1 version and compile that on trusty15:09
Riddell** proofreads needed for this blog https://notes.kde.org/p/jriddell-blog15:09
Riddellit's about all the work it takes to make packages for kubuntu15:09
turgay what is the problem ?   15:13
turgaykubuntu 14.04   Sürüm 36.0.1985.125 Ubuntu 14.04 (283153)  chromium15:13
Riddellturgay: best use #kubuntu for user support15:15
turgayok 15:15
OdurRiddell: got "kdenlive (0.9.8-1ubuntu3) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium". Probably because I upgraded to 4.13.97 right? Just change it to "kdenlive (0.9.8-1ubuntu3~ubuntu14.04~ppa1) trusty; urgency=medium" ?15:18
yofel0.9.8-1ubuntu2~ubuntu14.04~ppa1, the 3 got auto incremented which you don't want for backports15:21
Oduryofel: thanks15:23
OdurWell, uploaded to my ppa. Let's see if I fckd up ;)15:28
OdurOops. Didn't notice. My name "Carslöv" got changed to "Carsloev". :/15:30
RiddellOdur: but it got accepted?  where's your PPA?15:34
OdurRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~odur/+archive/ubuntu/backports15:44
RiddellOdur: lovely, does it install and run?15:45
OdurI'm on it15:46
Odurjust a minute15:46
OdurRiddell: Nope. Complaining about libnepomuk415:49
valoriethis is interesting: 15:53
valorie[08:47] <hggdh> both gksu and gksudo are being ousted15:53
valorie[08:48] <hggdh> pkexec is being promoted in their place15:53
valoriefrom the #ubuntu-ops15:53
shadeslayershould I idle in #ubuntu-ops16:01
shadeslayersince I have ops in #kubuntu16:01
valorieI was asked to do so, so I do16:02
shadeslayer*shrug* then, one person is enough I think16:03
RiddellOdur: oh your PPA will need to depend on backports PPA16:05
Riddell>pkexec dolphin16:06
Riddelldolphin: cannot connect to X server16:06
Riddellnot much use that16:06
OdurRiddell: That's over my pay grade ;)16:10
RiddellOdur: yep I'll take it from here, thanks for your help16:11
Riddellhttps://twitter.com/kdecommunity/status/499573190352699392/photo/1  lots of children in randa, a new addition to KDE scene?16:11
OdurRiddell: Can I delete the package from my ppa then?16:11
valorieshadeslayer: if you have room in your chanlist, sure16:12
shadeslayervalorie: nope :p16:12
shadeslayertoo many chans16:12
valorieI keep shaving chans as well16:12
shadeslayerI need to cut down16:12
valorieyes, lots of kids this year16:12
valorieall very well-behaved16:13
RiddellOdur: if you want16:14
* Riddell blogs https://blogs.kde.org/2014/08/13/upstream-and-downstream-why-packaging-takes-time16:18
* Riddell blogs http://wire.kubuntu.org/?p=17516:25
Riddell17:18  * Riddell blogs https://blogs.kde.org/2014/08/13/upstream-and-downstream-why-packaging-takes-time16:25
Riddelljust incase you missed it shadeslayer :)16:25
OdurHow do I get a pbuilder-dist depend on kubuntu-backports?16:25
yofelOdur: with pbuilder it would be login --save-after-login, then in there edit the sources.list16:31
soeeRiddell: the packaging for Kubuntu is much different from Arch packages ?16:31
Riddellsoee: probably yes, I've never looked at Arch but I think they have pretty monolithic packages16:32
soeei wonder if for Kubuntu it would be possible to have package maintainers liek in Arch i think - there each package is maintained by some person right ?16:33
Riddellthat's one of the issues ubuntu always wanted to avoid which debian has16:34
Riddellif one person blocks then the whole archive slows down16:34
Oduryofel: Thanks16:35
yofelsoee: considering we maintain some ~250 packages that's... slightly problematic16:37
yofeleven in debian which has package maintainers kde is maintained by the debian-qt-kde team, and usually updated by 1 or 2 people16:37
yofel(250 is a wild guess, it should be more than that)16:37
soeeyofel: problematic to find those potential people?16:39
yofelwell yeah, you roughly know how large the team is and not everyone focuses on packaging (or even on kubuntu)16:40
yofelso team management is the sane thing to do16:40
yofeleven if you would tell people to adopt a package, the work required to update a package varies greatly (e.g. compare kfloppy and kde-workspace)16:41
yofeland as lots of work is scripted these days, some packages don't even need a human to maintain them16:41
Riddellbut the scripts do :)16:41
yofelthat's true ^^16:42
santatalking about scripting, a couple fo days ago I tried to clone the kubuntu-automation repository but I couldn't16:57
santa$ bzr branch lp:~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kubuntu-automation16:59
santabzr: ERROR: No es una rama: «bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~kubuntu-packagers/kubuntu-packaging/kubuntu-automation/»: location is a repository.16:59
Riddellsoee: lp:~kubuntu-packagers/+junk/kubuntu-automation16:59
yofelthe "kubuntu-packaging" projects is solely for packaging branches16:59
Riddellsanta: rather ↑17:01
santaRiddell: thanks, I have something similar for siduction and I think I have some things which may be interesting to share17:05
Riddellsanta: I'd also be interested in any other comments on that blog of mine17:05
santayou mean the "Upstream and Downstream: ..." post I guess17:09
santaseems interesting, I will download it to read this night17:10
santa(I don't have my own internet connection in august)17:10
yofelsanta: are your scripts somewhere public?17:11
santayeah, I have started to push it to a git repository because they got non-trivial17:13
RiddellI've been using your frameworks dot diagram, lots of deps there17:13
santaoh, soon enough I will have some stuff to generate the dot file automatically17:14
santayofel: ↑17:15
RiddellOdur: if you're on trusty would you be able to verify this update at all? bug 135239717:17
ubottubug 1352397 in libkscreen (Ubuntu Trusty) "Please update to libkscreen 1.0.5" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135239717:17
santayofel: as a warning they still too 'cheap' if you know what I mean, and they aren't exactly easy to use if you didn't write them17:19
yofelthere's some interesting parts I see though. (e.g. our scripts currently don't use python-debian at all, and really could use it in some places)17:21
santato bump the build depends for instance17:22
yofeland honestly, some parts of our scripts aren't exactly... great... either17:22
santayeah, I know17:22
OdurRiddell: I don't have a screen compatible with one of my laptops, so I can't do the test scenario17:23
santa I did a quick inspection of our scripts and there is stuff interesting to steal from each other18:02
santayofel, Riddell: if we are going to share stuffof out automation scripts it would be nice to license them asap18:36
santamines doesn't have a license yet18:37
yofelours neither..18:37
santaok, think about a lincense and tell me, I will use the same18:37
santaas long as it's free :P18:37
yofelapachelogger, debfx, Riddell, shadeslayer: BSD3 or mit/x11 maybe?18:38
santathe first thing I would like to get into the kubuntu scripting is my stuff to bump the build depends because I think it works a bit better than yours18:39
apacheloggeryofel: spaceships18:40
apacheloggeryofel: gpl18:40
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yofelapachelogger: why?18:42
apacheloggeryofel: why not18:42
apacheloggerif someone improves on our stuffsies and actually ends up distributing it (which is weird in itself) I rather expect the improvements to be available for us to find and possibly pick up18:42
yofelwhat though? gpl2+?18:42
apacheloggergpl kde18:42
yofelah right, well wfm18:42
santayofel, Riddell: I'm leaving soon, what if I provide you a function in a *.py file to bump all the frameworks and plasma dependencies which works better than yours?18:48
santaI could work on that @ home without internet and bring you something tomorrow18:48
debfxyofel: GPL is fine with me19:15
shadeslayeryofel: I'm fine with MIT/X1119:38
yofelshadeslayer: I think we'll go with gplkde19:38
shadeslayerI'm so full of swiss cheese19:55
shadeslayerand wine19:55
shadeslayerso much wine19:55
shadeslayerapachelogger: I'm running low on wine19:56
shadeslayerapachelogger: halp19:56
apacheloggershadeslayer: downstairs?20:02
apacheloggerRiddell: y u post so long20:06
valorieI liked it!20:08
valoriebut your blog never allows me to respond20:08
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geniiIncidentally broken link to what seems to be a picture in https://blogs.kde.org/2014/07/28/kubuntu-plasma-5-isos-rolling20:11
* genii goes back to making coffee20:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: what's with the wine?20:14
shadeslayerits gone20:14
shadeslayerall of it20:14
apacheloggershadeslayer: mais non, il y a une autre bouteille 20:19
shadeslayerchocolate solves all the problems20:23
shadeslayerwe should get some chocolate20:23
apacheloggerall hail the chocolate god20:24
apacheloggerwhy you see it is choco-late because it is always late20:24
valorieoh dear, chocolate and puns20:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: the chocolate god is sitting next to me20:25
shadeslayerall hail mario20:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude20:31
shadeslayerapachelogger: did you switch Qt from stable to 5.320:31
apacheloggershadeslayer: all hail mario, tell him to mind the beer if he is still there20:35
apacheloggershadeslayer: also where what when20:35
shadeslayerhere okular now20:35
apacheloggerthat's the wrong god20:36
apacheloggerfind the right one20:36
shadeslayerthe one true god20:36
shadeslayeror well20:36
shadeslayeralcohol of any sorts20:36
shadeslayerwine makes me sleepy20:37
Riddellapachelogger: por que muchos cosas hablar!20:48
soeehmm i wonder why so many distros build their own appcenter22:40
soeenow i read this http://lmelinux.net/2014/08/13/interview-daniel-fore-founder-elementary-os/22:40
soeeand eos also will have its own22:40
soeewhy there cant be one cool appcenter :>22:41
apacheloggerbecause programming is hard, distro developers rather go shopping intead22:43
apacheloggeralso they need to convince themselves that they are different from other distributions, so there's that22:43
ScottKRiddell: multiarch let's you run 32 bit stuff on 64 bit.23:10
* ScottK runs and amd64 kernel with a 32 bit user space.23:10
ScottKIt made it possible for ia32libs to go away.23:11

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