
absk007how to enable serial com without sudo?00:40
deitarionabsk007: What are you trying to accomplish with serial com?00:56
absk007deitarion, programming arduino.00:56
absk007deitarion, i did a work around00:56
deitarionabsk007: http://playground.arduino.cc/Linux/Ubuntu00:57
absk007changed the ttyUSB0 ownership to me. But that is not a good option00:57
deitarionabsk007: Never change ownership on device files. First, the system will probably change it back when you unplug and replug the cable. Second, there's already a proper solution.00:58
absk007deitarion, what's the soln?00:58
deitarionFor Arduino, there are two options:00:58
deitarion1. Install a custom udev rule that specifically makes Arduino-provided ttyUSB0 readable and writable by everyone. (that's probably what the Arduino .debs on that page I linked do)00:59
deitarion2. Add yourself to the "dialout" group. (All serial devices are readable and writable by members of dialout)01:00
absk007deitarion, even if i add myself to dialout grp, it was not working.01:01
deitarion(Try running `ls -lh /dev/tty{S,USB}*` and you'll see that all serial devices are owned by root:dialout with 660 permissions.)01:01
deitarionCorrection: `ls -lh /dev/tty{S,USB,ACM}*`01:01
deitarion(I keep forgetting that some Arduino models use USB-Serial interfaces that appear as ttyACM rather than ttyUSB.)01:02
absk007deitarion, ok. Mine is USB one01:03
deitarion*nod* At least one of mine is too. The Leonardo, I think.01:03
absk007i get FATAL ERROR: v8::HandleScope::CreateHandle() Cannot create a handle without a HandleScope error01:03
absk007while running node program.js01:04
absk007i've setup Firmata drivers01:04
deitarionabsk007: I'm only just starting to write Node.JS programs and I've never run into that problem before. Ask Google.01:05
absk007Google didn't help01:05
absk007deitarion, you using johnny-five rt?01:06
absk007deitarion, http://nodebots.io/01:07
deitarionabsk007: No. When I do PC-side Arduino stuff, I hack things together in Python since that's what I'm already familiar with.01:07
absk007deitarion, how to add a file to multiple grps?01:08
deitarionabsk007: Why would you even need that?01:08
deitarionAs for getting Node.JS to work, have you tried installing a newer version from ppa:chris-lea/node.js to see if that fixes things? That's what I'm running.01:09
deitarionI've never heard of a way to add a file to multiple groups. The whole point is that USERS belong to multiple groups and each file is owned by one user and one group.01:11
deitarionIf you just want to set up complex file permissions, what you want is to look up ACLs (Access Control Lists).01:11
absk007deitarion, but you said that the tty files have both root & dialout grp01:12
deitarionabsk007: "root" is the user that owns them. "dialout" is the group that owns them.01:12
absk007deitarion, how to add me to dialout grp?01:12
deitarion`sudo gpasswd -a YOUR_USERNAME dialout` and then log out.01:13
absk007oh! i've to logout?01:14
deitarionabsk007: You *can* use `newgrp dialout` to enter the dialout group in a terminal without logging out, but running programs like your launcher don't have that option.01:15
deitarionLogging out is the simplest way to apply new group settings because programs inherit their active group memberships from their parents and the login process is one of the few places which checks for new groups.01:16
deitarionThink of it like environment variables. if you write `export DISPLAY=:1.0` in a terminal, only things started from that terminal will see it.01:17
absk007deitarion, i'm able access ttyUSB0 but it gives a FATAL Error that i mentioned01:17
deitarion(21:05:14) deitarion: absk007: I'm only just starting to write Node.JS programs and I've never run into that problem before. Ask Google.01:18
deitarion(21:09:39) deitarion: As for getting Node.JS to work, have you tried installing a newer version from ppa:chris-lea/node.js to see if that fixes things? That's what I'm running.01:18
deitarionAside from that, the only suggestion I have is to ask in a Node.JS IRC channel or on the appropriate StackExchange site.01:18
absk007deitarion, i'm using nvm and i've v0.11.1301:18
deitarionabsk007: I've never used nvm so that just takes you even further from my area of expertise.01:19
absk007and the latest alpha version of npm01:19
absk007deitarion, my node is new & latest.01:19
deitarionHeck, it's quite probably that you caused your own problems by using a development version of Node.JS and an alpha version of NPM.01:19
deitarionAfter all, "development series" and "alpha" both mean "If it breaks and you don't know how to fix it, it's your own fault for using something that's not ready".01:20
deitarionStable Node.JS version have even-numbered minor versions like 0.8, 0.10, and 0.12.01:23
deitarion0.11 means "experimental and not finished"01:23
absk007hit me.01:28
* deitarion goes AFK to make some food.01:30
=== S-USA is now known as SonikkuAmerica
SamwiseGamgeeIs there an ubuntu link for information on the Nautilus package?06:12
SamwiseGamgeeI tried looking it up in Wikipedia, but that was not helpful06:13
SamwiseGamgeeIs there a full Nautilus package, and if so, where can I find information on it?06:13
SamwiseGamgeeDoes this channel work?06:15
linwifiHi, I'm trying to build drivers for my Texet WiFi adapter but get these errors during make: http://pastebin.com/gfrjVemE Can anyone help?06:25
=== linwifi is now known as cyborg4
cart_manWhy cant I install ssh-server on lubuntu?07:50
cart_man"sudo apt-get install openssh-server" doesnt want to work and if I do the recomended command it says the resource must be busy and it cant access it07:51
SamwiseGamgeeIs there Ubuntu documentation about Nautilus?  I can't find it anywhere. I even looked in Wikipedia and the Ubuntu forums07:54
SamwiseGamgeeThunar is my file manager, but can I install the Nautilus Pastebin configurator without the Nautilus File Manager?08:02
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you're not using lubuntu08:03
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: this is not the correct channel08:03
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: you've been asked multiple times to please use the correct channels08:03
SamwiseGamgeeyou mean the forums?08:04
ikoniaSamwiseGamgee: no, the correct IRC channels correctly, OR the forums08:04
SamwiseGamgeeI'm in the forums now08:04
ikoniathis is not the forum08:04
ikonia(to be %100 clear)08:04
cart_manForum --> http://ubuntuforums.org/index.php08:08
SamwiseGamgeecart_man are you ops?08:10
cart_manikonia, Whats the command to see the current processes running?/08:12
ikoniaps -ef08:12
cart_manSamwiseGamgee, No just a noob08:12
cart_manops as in forum poster?08:12
cart_manThanks Iko08:13
SamwiseGamgeeDoes Nautilus Configurator work with lubuntu 14.04?08:27
SamwiseGamgeesorry, Pastebin Configurator08:29
SamwiseGamgeethey say it's a Nautilus extension08:32
SamwiseGamgeeDoes that mean you need to have a Nautilus package already running in Lubuntu 14.04 in ordere to install the Nautilus Pastebin Configurator?08:33
jaredSamwiseGamgee: Lubuntu doesn't use Nautilus by default so it's likely you'll have to try it yourself and see. Lubuntu uses PC Man FM as it's default file manager.08:35
SamwiseGamgeeok, thanks jared08:35
SamwiseGamgeeOh it's text only, I'm lookin for something to replace Imagebin, because they say Imagebin is no longer safe for posting images08:39
SamwiseGamgeeI can poste text on Pastebin, but where do you guys post your images now that imagebin has malware?08:42
jaredSamwiseGamgee: there are many websites out there that offer image hosting services, I personally don't use any but I'm sure you can find one you like.08:44
SamwiseGamgeethere's probably a good app somewhere in the Ubuntu Software Centre, but I have not found one yet08:44
SamwiseGamgeefor posting images08:45
jaredSamwiseGamgee: I believe most require web page uploads but I've never used them sorry so I don't really know much about Ubuntu integration.08:46
cart_manikonia, If I shutdown my GUI and im in command line...what should I run to open up my GUI again?09:16
cart_manjared, ^^09:16
cart_manstartx seems to work only in ubuntu server09:55
ikoniacart_man: how did you shut it down ?09:57
cart_manI didnt yet...just want to murder it now but now without knowing how I can get it back...cause it seems like the changes are permanent10:01
ikoniacart_man: why do you want to do this ?10:01
cart_manwell obviously not permanent but I dont want to hassle with VI10:01
cart_manapplication specific10:01
ikoniawhat ?10:01
ikoniaplease explain why you want to shut down the X server ?10:01
cart_mancustom hardware with no Visual processing soo the GUI makes it run slower10:02
ikoniano visual processing ??10:02
ikoniais this x86 ?10:02
ikoniacustom hardware ??10:02
cart_manIts old10:02
ikoniais this x86 ?10:02
cart_mandont worry about it10:02
ikoniais there a video card in it ?10:02
cart_manhench Visual processing10:03
ikoniathere is no video card at all ?10:03
ikoniaso how are you doing anything ?10:03
cart_manwe ran QNX on it which actually had a GUI that doesnt need that10:03
cart_manit will still run10:03
cart_manjust very slow10:03
ikoniaa gui needs a video card10:03
ikoniaso there must be a video card10:03
ikoniamost bios's won't boot without a video card10:03
cart_manscreen card10:03
ikonia"screen card" ??10:04
ikoniawhat is a "screen card"10:04
cart_manback in 2003 they use to call it a screen card if im not mistaken10:05
ikoniaI don't think so10:06
cart_manand even then it was old tech10:06
ikoniaI've never heard of that at all10:06
ikoniaplease do "lspci" on the host and put it in a pastebin10:06
ikonialets see what you are actually dealing with10:06
cart_manIntep Corp 82852/855GM Integrated Graphics Device <Rev 02>10:07
ikoniaso that's a fine graphics card10:07
ikoniathat should be enough to run a lubuntu gui10:07
cart_manYea but I dont want it anyway10:08
cart_manit does run fine10:08
ikoniayou just said it doesn't run fine10:08
cart_manyea thats before I launch my Apps10:08
ikoniayou said there is no video card and it doesn't run at all10:08
ikonianow you are saying there is a fine video card in it and it works fine10:08
ikoniawhich applications ?10:09
cart_manLook...all I want is for it to not come on automatically which I already did... NOW to stop it from hogging processing power "Which totally drags it down" when my processes are running I want to switch it off10:09
cart_manin the event that I do need a GUI I need to be able to just start it up10:09
ikoniacart_man: I just asked you how you disabled it and you said "I've not dont it yet"10:10
ikoniayou're changing your story every line10:10
ikonia10:57 < ikonia> cart_man: how did you shut it down ?10:10
ikonia11:01 < cart_man> I didnt yet...just want to murder it now but now without knowing how I can get it back...cause it seems like th10:10
cart_manI have done it but now theres thing I need to do so since linux is soo simple to REinstall I just reinstalled it10:10
ikonianow you are saying "you have shut it down"10:10
ikoniareinstalled it ??10:10
ikonianow you're saying you've deleted it ?????10:10
ikoniacart_man: "how did you shutdown the X server"10:10
ikonialets try to asnwer this clearly10:11
cart_manok this is how  -- > vi /etc/default/grub --> Comment "GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"  --> GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX="text" --> Uncomment GRUB_TERMINAL=console10:24
cart_manikonia, .. seems to do what I want it to do and CTRL+ALT +F7 doesnt seem to load the GUI anymore10:24
ikoniaI know how to do it10:26
ikoniaI was asking how "you" did it10:26
ikoniaas you'd swapped between saying you'd not done it, done it, done it but didn't know how to get it back10:27
cart_manthought it would be a simple command though10:29
ikoniathere are many ways to do it10:29
ikoniaagain that's why I was asking what you did10:29
cart_manwould be nice if I didnt have to update grub everytime and restart it10:33
ikoniayou don't10:36
ikoniayou set it in grub and it's set until you unset it10:36
cart_manSo is there a way to make it more flexable?10:43
ikoniawhat do you need "better"10:47
ikoniain what way more flexible ?10:47
cart_manI want to be able to start it up and shut it down in 1 session without restarting the machine10:53
cart_manor doing file edits10:53
ikoniaok, so you can use upstart to start the display manager/stop the display manager10:53
ikoniait's just an init script10:53
cart_manikonia,ok but Upstart being ?12:10
cart_manIf I can get the command the script would be easy to write...im relatively new to is but it seems easy12:11
ikoniacart_man: upstart is the init system14:07
ikoniacart_man: the thing that starts/stops things at boot time14:07
ikoniayou don't need to write a script it's already there, you just need to call the start/shutdown option for it14:07
cart_manikonia,Ive tried that unfortunatelly14:10
cart_mansudo upstart14:10
cart_man: /14:10
ikoniacart_man: that's not a command14:13
cart_mantomorrows worries14:47
=== io is now known as IdleOne
hosokaI did a mistake in the terminal and get this message21:30
hosokacannot /etc/apt/preferences.d/ read21:30
hosoka- DirectoryExists (2: Bestand of map bestaat niet)21:31
francisI have lubuntu installed, I'm using a dual monitor setup. Is there way to make each monitor have its own panel because currently the panel extends from the primary monitor to the secondary monitor22:28
absk007should i remove uxterm, lxterm and xterm. I've installed gnome-terminal and terminator. Which one is better among both?22:31
phillwabsk007: simple system... Try each of them and decide which you prefer :)22:33
absk007phillw, should i remove the unused ones? Won't it harm in any way for lubuntu?22:34
phillwabsk007: the disk space they use is not to worry about, you can purge them if you wish.22:35
phillwsuch applications will not harm lubuntu22:36
absk007ok. Disk space matters to me though. Running in 7.42GB thumb drive.22:36
absk007phillw, thanks22:37
phillw: arandr22:37
phillw; arandr22:37
phillwfrancis: I'll do this the old fashioned way.... install arandr22:38
ianorlinfrancis:  I don't know how to make the two panels seperate you could make one be different width or height22:38
ianorlinbut not sure if both could be on bottom22:38
ianorlinphillw he askign to make lxpanel not on both monitors22:39
absk007phillw, how to set zsh as my default in gnome-terminal?22:42
phillwabsk007: I do not use gnome-terminal22:43
francisianorlin: I tried creating a second panel but it has to be in a different location22:44
francisphillw: arandr is what I used to configure my monitors22:45
phillwI've lost track of who wanted it.. but http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=200498522:47
phillwlubuntu has basic options. If you want esoteric things, you must go search and try.22:47
SamwiseGamgeeHow do you exit an application from inside the terminal?23:58
wxlSamwiseGamgee: killall <process>23:59
wxlSamwiseGamgee: e.g. killall firefox23:59
SamwiseGamgeeok, thanks23:59

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