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mhall119zyga: you'd have to talk to beuno for changes in the store, is there a reason you want to use that different namespace rather than com.ubuntu.?00:53
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mihirGood Morning all.05:57
mihirballoons: are these pep8 formatting errors on AP for calendar, ?05:57
dev__I'm trying to download the SWORD library on qt but I'm not having any luck.06:26
dev__I just can't seem to install it06:26
dev__Has anybody had a hard time installing other API's or engines in Qt or even attempt to?06:58
dholbachgood morning07:42
justCarakasgood morning dholbach07:42
dholbachhi justCarakas07:43
nik90Good morning :-)07:51
dholbachnik90, so I merge mzanetti's branch and pushed it07:53
dholbachbut it makes the build fail as well07:53
nik90dholbach: I think you pushed to the wrong branch07:54
nik90dholbach: balloons yesterday created a common branch that we all can push stuff into -> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/23053007:54
nik90dholbach: this has jenkins passing :)07:54
zygamhall119: thanks for the answer07:55
zygamhall119: on com.ubuntu vs com.canonical, not sure, it's not a community app really07:55
zygabeuno: hey07:55
zygabeuno: mhall119 told me you can fix my account's namespace setting for publishing click apps07:55
dholbachnik90, oh?07:56
nik90dholbach: balloons did that since jenkins failed on your branch due to the find_local_path() function and other small issues in the __init__.py file. So he reverted that file alone to the trunk version and we added more fixes on top of that.07:57
nik90dholbach: so as of yesterday night, the debian and click packaging works correctly07:58
dholbachnik90, I don't think the build works07:59
nik90dholbach: What do you mean? The last comment is by jenkins which successfully ran the tests after installing the debian package08:00
dholbachlet me retry with a fresh branch08:00
dholbachah no08:02
dholbachit passes \o/08:02
nik90woohoo :D08:02
nik90you scared me for a moment there (insert angry face here)08:02
dholbachlet me do a couple more tests08:03
mzanettidholbach: nik90: hey08:10
mzanettiI'm not sure if my branch is really the right thing to do08:10
mzanettibut this makes it compile and run on the phone again for me08:10
mzanettihowever, I've no idea if it breaks other stuff08:10
dholbachI'm just checking a couple of things and let you know how it works :)08:10
nik90mzanetti: After doing http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/revision/80 it seems to run on phone for me.08:11
nik90it seems on the phone it was unable to find the c++ plugins that we wrote. The above fixes that08:11
mzanettiah ok... you're disabling the whole tests/autopilot dir for click mode08:11
mzanettiwhich should make my patch obsolete I guess08:12
mzanettihmm... for me it was only an issue with finding the python include dir. the rest was fine08:12
nik90sergiusens came to the conclusion that since we do not run the tests in the click mode might as well not include it in the click package.08:13
mzanettiI thought you guys wanted to have that08:13
mzanettiI for one would not package them up either, no08:13
mzanettiif anything, create a separate package just for the tests08:14
nik90yes, we have a separate autopilot debian package08:14
dholbachso I don't know how the autopilot tests are supposed to be run08:16
dholbachbut run as part of autopkgtest, they still fail: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8034122/08:16
dholbachmaybe autopkgtest is not the way to go, I don't know08:16
dholbachI'll leave this for the gods of testing to decide08:16
dholbachor maybe "adt-run -U -o test-output --source /tmp/ubuntu-clock-app_1.2.dsc  --- qemu adt-utopic-amd64-cloud.img" is the wrong way to go about it08:17
dholbachbut yeah, making jenkins happy is fantastic08:17
dholbachI guess my branch can be dropped then08:17
nik90dholbach: can I add more past release entries into the debian changelog?08:18
nik90dholbach: I want the release landing on the phone to be 3.008:19
dholbachnik90, sure, feel free to08:19
dholbachwith "dch -i08:19
dholbachwith "dch -i" you can add a template new entry08:19
dholbachor just modify the current one08:19
nik90I will just modify the current one08:19
nik90so I will add past release below the current 1.2 version for instance08:19
dholbachsure sure08:21
dholbachgood work everyone08:21
nik90thnx daniel08:21
dpmmorning nik90, I've added i18n support to build the .pot file and take into account the .desktop file too to clock reboot, if you've got time to look at the MPs, then I can set up translations in LP once approved. Let me know if you have any questions. Thanks!08:57
JamesTaitGood morning all; happy International Lefthanders Day! :-D08:59
DanChapmanGood Morning all o/09:03
dpmhi nerochiaro, around?09:05
nerochiarodpm: yes09:05
dpmhey :)09:05
dpmnerochiaro, I just wanted to check, as folks start going on holiday on these dates :) - I sent you an e-mail about the translations for the .desktop files for camera, dialer and messaging not being loaded in the dash. Do you think you could have a look at it when you've got a minute?09:06
justCarakasdpm do you know if there is already a system to use translations in HTML5 apps09:07
nerochiarodpm: when i did that work back then i basically copy-pasted what had been done in other apps for translating these .desktop filtes. i'm not actually sure what the dash does to read them09:08
dpmjustCarakas, daker was working on one, but I'm not sure about its status09:08
dpmnerochiaro, do the translations get added correctly to the final .desktop files? That'd be the first thing to look at09:09
nerochiarodpm: i checked that they did, but i'll double check that. i'm in the middle of something right now but i added it to the todo list09:09
dpmthanks nerochiaro09:10
nik90dpm: hey, yeah I got the notifications about the Mps by email when I woke up.09:37
nik90dpm: we are in the process of landing the debian and click packaging fixes in the trunk. Once that happens jenkins can autoland stuff from here on. After that branch lands, I will review your branch since there might be some code conflicts.09:37
dpmok, cool09:38
zygadpm: hey09:51
zygadpm: what's the recommended way for a canonical team to create and upload click packages to the store?09:51
zygadpm: can we all do it or does it have to be owned by one specific person?09:52
dpmzyga, there is no support for teams in the store, so the pragmatic way is to have a shared account where everyone who needs upload permissions has the password09:52
zygadpm: thanks09:55
zygadpm: is that how other teams do it?09:55
zygadpm: any SOP pages that document that (I'm ok to create them if they are missing)09:55
zygadpm: last question, is there any magic regarding namespaces, can anyone (e.g. me) just create apps in the com.canonical.* namespace/09:57
dpmzyga, that's how other teams do it, yes. I'm not sure what SOP is09:57
zygadpm: thanks :-)09:58
zygadpm: Statement of Practice or something like that (on the wiki, lots of SOP pages document how we do things)09:58
dpmzyga, I don't think there is anything special about the com.canonical.* namespaces, but beuno would know more (he's away today, though, I think)09:58
zygaok, I'll double check with beuno09:59
popeyzyga: we have a few teams who are uploading multiple apps, for example the core apps are one 'team' (shared account) and webapps are another, perhaps speak to dbarth to see what he did10:03
zygapopey: thanks! good idea10:04
dakerjustCarakas: yes we have two https://code.launchpad.net/~daker/ubuntu-html5-theme/i18n-pojson10:17
dakerthe json is still WIP and po one is a working prototype that's still wait for a review10:18
justCarakasok, I'm gonne update BE Mobile soon and atm I'm roling my own for it but it would be nice to integrate10:18
zygapopey: do you have access to that shared account?10:26
zygapopey: we'd rather not create another account and just share this one10:26
popeyzyga: what's to be uploaded?10:33
zygapopey: we want to upload under-development versions of checkbox10:35
zygapopey: it will be able to run simple device tests soon and the store is how we want to distribute it10:35
popeyok, so what we do for most apps is we have one shared account which multiple people can upload with, including Mirv, xnox, sergiusens and balloons10:35
popeyprobably easiest to just provide a click to one of them, and ask them to upload to the store10:36
popeythen the semi-automated review and publishing will take care of the rest10:36
zygapopey: can we upload it ourselves or do we need to go through a middle-man each time?10:36
popeyyou could, but then it's tied to your account10:36
zygaI mean, could we just use the same shared account directly/10:36
popeywe block on you if there's an emergency upload required10:36
popeyI don't know what the "rules" are on sharing that account. I don't manage it.10:37
popeyI don't have access to upload (on purpose)10:37
zygaok, do you know who I should talk to (apart from dbarth)? xnox, etc?10:37
popeyto what? upload yourself?10:38
zygato know "rules" and maybe get the access10:38
popeyhow many apps is this for? are they expected to be baked into the device?10:40
popeyor are we just talking about effectively 3rd party apps10:40
zygapopey: just the one10:40
zygapopey: not sure, maybe, maybe not, that's up in the air (baked or not)10:41
zygapopey: this is a system-level kind of app10:41
zygapopey: right now it's just a public prototype10:41
zygapopey: though there are some non-public derivatives that might be baked in later10:41
zygapopey: I don't manage that part as it's not really a tangible thing yet10:41
dpmpopey, there are 2 clock branches blocked on  data missing from geoname-lookup.u.c - have you followed with ev or someone else on how to add additional data to the service? http://people.canonical.com/~dpm/core-apps-sponsoring/10:44
popeydpm: am looking at it myself10:51
popeyzyga: as dpm says I think beuno is the best person to speak to, but in the short term, the quickest way to get your click in the store is to ask dpm / balloons or mirv to upload10:53
Laneyhey Kaleo, do you know if camera-app can move to content1 instead of content0.1?10:54
dpmthanks popey, if you could update the clock MP with the results, that'd be great10:55
Laneyactually I don't know what this build dependency is for, maybe tests?10:55
popeywill do when I figure it out10:55
zygapopey: thanks, I'll follow up with dpm and beuno when he's around :)10:56
nik90dpm, popey: Is there a person with debian packaging know how to do a quick review of https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/230530. It was done by Daniel, so he can't review it :)10:57
nik90dpm, popey: I reviewed the cmake bits and think it is okay10:57
dpmMirv, do you think you could help us with a quick packaging review? It's about adding .deb packaging support for the new clock app -> https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/23053010:58
KaleoLaney, you mean the import, or deb deps? or what?11:00
LaneyKaleo: ah yes, I see the imports now, I mean both I guess11:02
Laneycontent-hub doesn't even build the old one any more11:03
Mirvdpm: I'm looking at it, is it meant for archive upload? (like, to be used on desktop)11:23
dpmMirv, it's only for Jenkins purposes, to be uploaded in the core apps PPA, so that Jenkins can run desktop tests11:23
dpmi.e. not for the archive11:24
nik90Mirv: any idea why the deb packages created (as shown in jenkins) at is named ubuntu-clock-app-autopilot_3.0+autopilot0_all.deb instead of ubuntu_clock_app_3.0_all.deb?11:32
nik90Mirv: not sure why it appends autopilot to the name when we have a separate package for that.11:32
popeynik90: just fyi, I'm fiddling with the geonames stuff, and will have it up soon on a server, can we test your clock, with it pointing at my geonames server once done?11:33
nik90popey: yup, I need to make a tiny change to the branch when the server is ready11:33
* popey goes back to battling postgres11:33
* popey gets coffee11:34
nik90dpm: ping11:34
nerochiaroElleo: did you try building the gallery in a chroot last week ?11:35
Elleonerochiaro: oh no sorry, only natively; although I did hit the QtDbus issue there too. artmello also ran into it and was going to submit a branch I think (adding a missing build-dep instead of removing the test)11:38
nerochiaroElleo: the test has been removed in trunk already11:39
Elleoah, okay11:39
nerochiaroElleo: can you please try building in the chroot ? I'm having other issues, like cmake not being able to find Qt511:39
Elleonerochiaro: okay, I'll setup a chroot now11:40
nerochiaroElleo: thanks11:40
dpmhey nik9011:42
nik90dpm: Hi, at the moment the debian/control files are point to https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/trunk which is the old branch. Should we change this for the clock reboot?11:43
Mirvnik90: not sure, possibly related to how they mangle the versions in jenkins and the fact that the package has native version (instead of what's 'normally' used ie distro version appended)11:43
nerochiarozbenjamin: do you know what might be causing this when building gallery-app in a chroot from qtcreator ? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8035417/ i updated the chroot from qtcreator and also used "maintain" to do "apt-get build-dep gallery-app" but it's not getting better11:43
nik90dpm: or are we planning to keep the reboot branch as it is? or copy it all over to the other main branch?11:43
Mirvnik90: I just pushed some more debian/ changes in, please pull11:43
nik90Mirv: ah ok. sure11:43
nik90Mirv: can you change the description in debian/control to Ubuntu Core Clock application which provides Alarm, Clock and World Clock functionalities.11:45
nik90we no longer have timer and stopwatch for RTM11:45
nik90Mirv: and lastly, why do we have ubuntu-clock-app (3.0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium as UNRELEASED rather than say utopic?11:45
dpmnik90, I'd say we update debian/control to point to the reboot branch, so it's got the correct branch, and then we have a separate discussion on how we'll swap or branch off. Does that make sense?11:46
nik90dpm: +111:46
dpmok, cool11:46
nik90dpm: I guess the same applies then to the manifest.json files as well11:46
nerochiarodpm: in the email you sent me you say that for camera-app I need to remove from the .desktop file template the X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=camera-app' line. However I did that, as you can see here: https://code.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation/+merge/22322911:47
Mirvnik90: ok, changing. UNRELEASED it would be as long as it's not in ubuntu archives (I just wrote a comment to the MP), but I can revert that back since not all distro policies are really needed if you're not aiming there but the core-apps PPA11:47
dpmnerochiaro, I'm perhaps looking at the wrong branch, but I can still see it here: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/trunk/view/head:/camera-app.desktop.in11:48
nerochiarodpm: you're looking at trunk, the branch i submitted for review is lp:~phablet-team/camera-app/camera-app-desktop-translation and it hasn't been reviewed yet I think11:48
nerochiarodpm: jenkins was rejecting it so i merged trunk and pushed it again11:49
Mirvnik90: pushed another commit11:49
nik90Mirv: ok. I will make a few other changes now (vcs-bzr needs to point at the correct bzr branch for instance). But nothing that should break the debian build.11:50
nik90Mirv: thnx11:50
nik90Mirv: can you give me 5 mins before approving the branch for debian code review?11:50
Mirvit surely looks good enough for the PPA11:50
Mirvnik90: yeah, no problem, and maybe dpm or someone can do the top-approve. I'm fine enough with the packaging.11:51
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dpmnerochiaro, thanks, I've just added a fet comments. Do you think someone else could review it to get it landed?12:01
nerochiarodpm: i'll fix your comments, then i think you can review it and we can check with oSoMoN to get it landed12:02
nik90dholbach: hey, ready to merge https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/230530 ?12:05
nik90dholbach: can you top approve?12:05
dholbachnik90, can we change 3.0ubuntu1 → 3.0?12:07
dholbachnik90, sorry12:07
dholbachnik90, can we change 3.0-0ubuntu1 → 3.0?12:07
nik90dholbach: it was done by Mirv just now12:07
dholbachoh ok12:07
nik90Mirv: is that okay ^^12:07
dholbachMirv, ^ is this something with daily landing I don't understand? :-)12:07
Mirvdholbach: well we don't have non-distronative packages as native packages normally?12:09
Mirvdholbach: it's irrelevant for PPA usage though and can be reverted12:09
nerochiarodpm: i don't understand why the file should be named .in.in.h, in your filemanager branch it is named .in.in, not .in.in.h12:09
dholbachMirv, I don't have a hard opinion on it - it just surprised me somewhat12:10
nik90dholbach, Mirv: May be we do what the camera app does? https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~phablet-team/camera-app/trunk/view/head:/debian/changelog12:11
nik90as far as I understand it is also pushed as a click to the store12:11
dpmnerochiaro, it's the name of the file that intltool-extract generates. It's .in.in.h in L20 of https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/desktop-i18n/+merge/23059112:12
nik90dholbach: jenkins should automerge right?12:13
Mirvnik90: it'd be now the same for clock app if it would be released through CI Train (which adds the date)12:13
dholbachI don't know12:13
nik90dholbach: alrite I will wait and see12:13
nik90Mirv: ah ok12:14
Mirvso the "3.0.0-0ubuntu1) UNRELEASED" is what CI Train would expect, except that we're not doing this for CI Train now, or archives12:14
nerochiarodpm: but if i change CMakeFile.txt to configure_file(${DESKTOP_FILE}.in.in.h ${DESKTOP_FILE}.in) and then run cmake it tells me that the .in.in.h file doens't exist12:19
nerochiaroElleo: news with the chroot ?12:20
Elleonerochiaro: still downloading packages12:20
Elleothink it's almost done as its on to the qt packages now12:20
nerochiarodpm: i also change the po/CMakeLists.txt to create a .in.in.h but i get the same problem12:22
nik90dholbach: the autolanding failed :/12:24
nik90hmm I see the error could not import package ubuntu_clock_app: No module named ubuntu_clock_app12:25
popeynik90: TimeZoneID is the only extra field you need, right?12:26
nerochiarozbenjamin: ping12:27
nik90popey: one sec, let me check12:27
nik90popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1326918/comments/512:28
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326918 in Ubuntu Clock App reboot "API key for geonames.org" [High,In progress]12:28
nik90popey: essentially admin2, admin3 and timezoneID which are also required by weather app12:28
popeyhm, ok12:28
* popey fiddles with postgres queries12:28
nik90popey: admin2, admin3 are basically used to distuinguish cities with the same names.12:29
nik90so it is not essential right away12:29
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dpmnerochiaro, you don't have to configure .in.in.h to .in. the .in.in.h file is a product of running intltool-extract12:32
nerochiarodpm: oh, i see12:32
dpmso intltool-extract generates the .in.in.h file, which is added to the list of files to pass to xgettext12:34
nik90balloons: ping12:34
Elleonerochiaro: chroot creation failed, will try again12:35
nerochiaroElleo: failed how ?12:36
Elleonerochiaro: it just gave a generic error saying that the chroot creation had failed and then cleaned up (using the Qt chroot creation stuff)12:37
nerochiaroElleo: bleh, we really need some help from zbenjamin here12:38
Elleonerochiaro: restarted the sdk and letting it have another try; if that fails I'll try doing it using the click tools at the command line and see if that spits out any more info12:39
renatudpm, thanks for review my MR. I have fixed your comments could you check it again? https://code.launchpad.net/~renatofilho/address-book-app/update-translation/+merge/23055612:41
nerochiaroElleo: thanks12:41
dpmrenatu, done, thanks!12:43
dpmpopey, does the accounts button in system settings work for you?12:44
popeyi saw davmor2 mention aproblem with it earlier...12:44
dpmI've noticed since a couple of images ago that it does nothing for me12:44
dpmdavmor2, are you having the same problem? ^12:44
popeyworks here12:44
popeyback button doesn't though, black screen12:45
renatudpm, thank you12:45
dpmyeah, I had that too, I'd be happy to see the accounts at all, nevermind going back one screen and crashing :)12:45
popeyyou want the moon on a stick!12:45
davmor2dpm: no it's not crashing it's just not opened the normal way so the close isn't handled quite correctly.13:02
nik90fginther: quick question, how does something that passes jenkins continous-integration fail autolanding?13:03
davmor2dpm: if you got bored of waiting and swiped the accounts page closed that used to stop it from opening only way to get around that was to reboot13:03
dpmdavmor2, no, in my case it's not opening at all13:03
justCarakasis it allowed to provide things like this https://developer.cdn.mozilla.net/media/uploads/demos/v/i/viliusl/66924b4d3bff8b1c0abecfd52e72407f/minipaint_1375196685_demo_package/index.html as a web app ?13:05
dpmhm, and I can't find a log file for the the system settings app13:05
nerochiarodpm: i'm still quite confused by the other MRs you point out. the filemanager does explicitly configure .in.in.h for example, if you look at http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-filemanager-app/desktop-i18n/view/head:/CMakeLists.txt13:07
dpmnerochiaro, I can only see "configure_file(${DESKTOP_FILE}.in.in ${DESKTOP_FILE}.in)"13:07
dpmno .h13:07
dholbachnik90, hum, not sure13:09
Elleonerochiaro: qtcreator crashed partway through :/ attempting from the command line now13:10
nik90dholbach: I kicked it again since after the failed autolanding, it said continuous integration said it passed. Not sure what changed in that mean time.13:11
* nik90 waits for few mins13:11
nerochiaroElleo: thanks. we really need to report all these bugs. I don't know how you manage, but I'm wasting a ton of time trying to build stuff for the device these days13:11
davmor2dpm: try online-accounts it's a separate application13:11
dholbachnik90, it looks like it still hasn't landed in lp:ubuntu-clock-app/reboot13:11
Elleonerochiaro: I tend to mostly build stuff directly on device, as its a lot less hassle for me that way13:12
nerochiaroElleo: i wish i could, it doesn't work for me. maybe you can give me an hand setting that up, if it works for you ?13:13
nerochiaroElleo: or tell me your process13:13
nik90dholbach: I know since the autolanding failed13:13
Elleonerochiaro: I basically just ssh in and treat it like any other linux system13:14
nerochiaroElleo: so for gallery you build a deb with debuild and then install it with dpkg ?13:14
Elleonerochiaro: no I use the click build script13:14
bitgandttergood morning everyone13:15
nerochiaroElleo: what's the command you use ?13:15
bitgandtterIm writing a ubuntu touch app with u1db as db, but im getting troubles with query and index. Im saving a doc with sub-fields, but at retrieve point with index and query i wont get the expected resutls. I need the list to show two rows one for the account "Ahorro" another one for the account "Corriente" but only one row show, the first one.13:15
Elleonerochiaro: there's a script called click-build.sh that's part of the gallery repo, that has everything in it already13:15
Elleonerochiaro: you'll need to install all the build-deps first though13:15
bitgandtterhere is the code http://pastie.org/947006213:15
bitgandttercan anyone helpme?13:16
Elleonerochiaro: I haven't built gallery in a couple of months though, so can't guarantee it still works okay13:16
zbenjaminnerochiaro: pong, sorry for the delay i was in my lunch break13:21
nerochiarozbenjamin: both me and Elleo are having problems building things in chroots (or in his case building the chroot itself)13:22
zbenjaminElleo: try to use click chroot -a <arch> -f ubuntu-sdk-<version> create on the commandline and look if you can find any errors there13:23
Elleozbenjamin: yep, that's what I'm doing now :)13:23
zbenjaminnerochiaro: whats your problem?13:24
nik90dholbach: nope still fails. I guess I will have to wait for balloons or fginther to come online13:24
dholbachok, or somebody in #ubuntu-ci-eng?13:24
fginthernik90, hello, what's the MP?13:24
nik90fginther: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-clock-dev/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-packaging/+merge/23053013:24
bitgandtteralso im trying to desing an app that have relation between documents, there is a best practice for do that on on u1db?13:25
nerochiarozbenjamin: when building gallery in the chroot i get this: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8035417/ i tried updating the chroot and installing build-dep of gallery-app in it, but no luck13:25
nik90fginther: I see,13:26
nik90could not import package ubuntu_clock_app: No module named ubuntu_clock_app13:26
nik90Loading tests from:13:26
nik90Did not find any tests13:26
fginthernik90, I found the problem.13:26
nik90looks like an autopilot error13:26
nik90fginther: ?13:27
fginthernik90, I didn't update the testing for the autolanding job to use python3. I have that fixed and will re-approve that MP13:27
nik90fginther: ah :)13:27
nik90fginther: hope that fixes the issue13:27
zbenjaminnerochiaro: ugh that does not look good, is this a new chroot?13:29
nerochiarozbenjamin: i created it some weeks ago13:29
nerochiarozbenjamin: should i try a new one ? do they bitrot that quick ?13:30
popeydholbach: you and I both reviewed dinko's app at the same time, you beat me by 1s and I got a server error ⍨13:33
zbenjaminnerochiaro: its weird, can you try to delete all build files and try again?13:34
nerochiarozbenjamin: already tried13:35
zbenjaminnerochiaro: the weird thing is apt-file does not find those cmake files either13:36
zbenjaminnerochiaro: the weird thing is apt-file does not find those cmake files either13:37
nerochiarozbenjamin: i think they are called something different, that's the name CMake use13:38
zbenjaminnerochiaro: yeah the problem is that cmake is still looking for those files13:39
zbenjaminnerochiaro: or something in the click chroots changed that broke cmake, which is also possible13:39
nerochiarozbenjamin: anything i can do to help debug the problem ?13:39
* zbenjamin updates his chroot13:40
zbenjaminnerochiaro: i have not enough knowledge about how cmake searches for qt now13:40
zbenjaminnerochiaro: let me try if i can reproduce13:40
nerochiarozbenjamin: i'm on 14.10 if it changes anything, but it shouldn't13:41
nik90dholbach, fginther: Autolanding PASSED!13:41
nik90fginther: thnx for the hotfix13:41
fginthernik90, you're welcome, sorry it was borked in the first place :-)13:42
nik90dholbach: got a ton of branches to land..13:42
* nik90 gets busy busy13:42
mara___please help. I have a Java Swing project in Netbeans. I need him to create the Debian Source package. Can someone help me. thanks13:43
zbenjaminnerochiaro: hm, it works for me even with a up2date chroot.13:44
zbenjaminnerochiaro: you _could_ try to recreate it13:45
zbenjaminnerochiaro: and pray that the problem is gone13:45
nerochiarozbenjamin: well, i'm trying with a fresh chroot, but i'm not a religious person13:46
nerochiaroso no praying to technology13:46
nerochiarozbenjamin: i'm going t try this with the new chroot. if it doesn't work if you don't mind it might be a good idea to get on an hangout and talk about it by voice, will be quickler13:50
zbenjaminnerochiaro: you can also pray to the FSM , makes no difference ;)13:50
zbenjaminnerochiaro: we can try this, but when its still not working we probably should have a click developer there13:51
nerochiarozbenjamin: who would that be ?13:52
zbenjaminnerochiaro: good question13:53
nik90dholbach: need your opinion on the debian versioning. So right now the latest version is 3.0-0ubuntu1. If I fix a bug and update the changelog, it seems a bit strange to release a new version just for that 1 bug fix. So do I keep appending to this existing version? And secondly, for new versions, does 3.0.1-0ubuntu1 look good?13:53
zbenjaminnerochiaro: seems mvo is the one to ask13:54
dholbachnik90, I personally would just have gone with 3.0 and then 3.1, etc - adding something like "-0ubuntu1" usually indicates that you do "upstream releases" (like tarball releases) or your piece of software13:54
nik90dholbach: ack13:55
dholbachand then "-0ubuntu1" means: not been in Debian yet, one revision of this particular upstream version has been uploaded to Ubuntu13:55
nerochiarozbenjamin: i get this when trying to create the new chroot: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8036366/13:55
dholbachfor a small fix like a dependency change you'd then go with 0ubuntu213:55
nerochiaroElleo: is it the same problem you were having ? http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8036366/13:55
dholbachbut maybe there's a good reason in the autolanding scheme of things to use -0ubuntu113:55
zbenjaminnerochiaro: check with mount if you old chroot is still mounted13:56
nik90dholbach: ok. I am going to add 3.1 and then keep appending bug fixes to it before I consider 3.2 worthy.13:56
dpmmzanetti, would you mind if we move today's Reminders meeting to tomorrow same time?13:57
zbenjaminnerochiaro: if it is try  schroot --all-sessions -e13:57
dholbachnik90, maybe have a chat with Mirv as well to confirm13:57
Elleonerochiaro: possibly, I didn't get as much output as that only the "There was an error creating the click target, cleaning up" line onwards in qtcreator13:58
nik90dholbach: ok13:58
nerochiarozbenjamin: i asked qtcreator to delete it. that should've unmounted it no ?13:58
nerochiarozbenjamin: to delete the old one13:58
nik90Mirv: hey, when you are free, can you ping me. Just a really low priority question. So no hurry :)13:58
mzanettidpm: works for me13:59
mara___please help. I have a Java Swing project in Netbeans. I need him to create the Debian Source package. Can someone help me. thanks13:59
dpmmzanetti, thanks. Actually, it'd be half an hour earlier, if that still works14:00
mzanettidpm: sure14:00
zbenjaminnerochiaro: its chroot, sometimes it fails14:00
nik90dpm: can you merge trunk to your branches. we just landed a mega branch into trunk :)14:01
nerochiarozbenjamin: interestingly enough when i try to build on the device (manually, not via qtcreator) i have the same problem14:01
nerochiarozbenjamin: of qt5 libs not being found14:01
zbenjaminnerochiaro: the dev packages are not installed on the device14:02
nerochiarozbenjamin: i installed build-dep of gallery-app, that should've brought them in14:03
zbenjaminnerochiaro: true14:04
nerochiarozbenjamin: wait, trying again now installs some more packages14:04
zbenjaminnerochiaro: wtf14:04
nerochiarozbenjamin: yeah, wtf... but it's building now, on device, let's see what happens. in the meantime, i'm trying these chroots14:05
nerochiarozbenjamin: this is the result of the commmand you suggested before: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8036416/14:06
dpmnik90, sure. In about 2 hours I should be able to14:08
nik90dpm: ok14:08
zbenjaminnerochiaro: as i thought, schroot did not unmount correctly14:09
zbenjaminnerochiaro: check if the /var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf is deleted14:10
zbenjaminnerochiaro: if its gone, restart your command14:10
nerochiarozbenjamin: the dir is not there but if i try to create a new chroot from qtcreator it gives me the error i pastebin'd you before14:13
zbenjaminnerochiaro: click chroot -a armhf -f ubuntu-sdk-14.10 destroy14:14
popeynik90: now has timezone.. any good?14:14
nik90popey: oh yeah that's awesome14:14
nik90popey: that should unblock my branches14:14
nerochiarozbenjamin: "A chroot for that name and architecture does not exist."14:15
nerochiarozbenjamin: if i try "create" instead of destroy i get that error14:15
nik90popey: so should I point the clock app to your server link or are you merging this into geonames lookup14:15
nerochiarozbenjamin: "that error" i mean the one i put on pastebin14:16
nerochiarozbenjamin: so it seems like a problem with debootstrap, who's responsible for that ?14:17
popeynik90: I'll prepare a patch, no guarantees when it will land.14:18
zbenjaminnerochiaro: Cannot install into target '/var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf' mounted with noexec or nodev   thats the error and it tells you that its still mounted14:18
nik90popey: ok14:18
popeynik90: the box that is running on is a vps I'm personally pay for, not canonical infra..14:18
zbenjaminnerochiaro: you can try to reboot or force unmount them14:18
popeynik90: I'll speak to the guys in our community call and see what we can do to get it landed, but feel free to test on that IP for now14:19
nerochiarozbenjamin: well the real cause seems "/usr/sbin/debootstrap: 1290: /usr/sbin/debootstrap: cannot create /var/lib/schroot/chroots/click-ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf/test-dev-null: Permission denied14:19
nik90popey: ok. I can test my branch with your server but cannot land it before your patch lands.14:19
nerochiarozbenjamin: shit, /var/lib/schroot does not actually exist14:20
zbenjaminnerochiaro: i would try a reboot14:20
nerochiarozbenjamin: i created that dir instead14:20
zbenjaminnerochiaro: wut14:20
popeynik90: ok14:25
nerochiarozbenjamin: ok, seems to be finally building the chroot14:26
zbenjaminnerochiaro: how did you fix it?14:26
nerochiarozbenjamin: created the missing dirs14:30
nerochiarozbenjamin: not sure why they were not there14:31
popeydholbach: myapps completely gone for you?14:32
popeyThe requested URL / was not found on this server.14:32
popeywoah, its back14:32
dholbachyep, wfm14:32
zbenjaminnerochiaro: good that its working now14:32
dholbachmaybe a deployment in progress?14:32
nerochiarozbenjamin: well, it's creating the chroot14:32
nerochiarozbenjamin: we'll see if it can build in there14:32
zbenjaminnerochiaro: true ;)14:33
nerochiarozbenjamin: also i built the click on the device. i get this when i try to install it:14:33
nerochiaro** (process:24247): CRITICAL **: ubuntu_app_launch_get_primary_pid: assertion 'con != NULL' failed14:33
nerochiaro** Message: database.vala:342: Removing /opt/click.ubuntu.com/com.ubuntu.gallery/
nerochiarozbenjamin: any idea who can i ask to ?14:33
popeydholbach: i always seem to catch the deployments!14:34
zbenjaminnerochiaro: you can try to verify the packet you created on the device , with the click review tools14:35
zbenjaminthey often tell you when something is wrong14:35
nik90popey: my branch works perfectly with your server :) cities are returned fast with the correct times14:35
popeynik90: should the field name be timezone or timezoneid?14:39
Elleonerochiaro: with the content-hub integration one little extra thing that might not be obvious, when the content type is set to unknown you'll need to allow picking both videos and pictures (this is the case when the user hasn't requested a specific content-type, so all are valid)14:40
popeythe column in the db is timezoneid, so probably should be that?14:40
Elleonerochiaro: haven't seen your branch yet so you might already be doing that, but thought I should mention it since it's not an immediately obvious usecase14:40
nik90popey: I am fine with either since it is just a simple change on my end. I think that timezoneID fits better since it is indeed the timezoneID of that location.14:40
popey(just preparing the merge but don't want to have to re-do it)14:40
popeyits all lower case, so will be timezoneid14:40
nerochiaroElleo: i accounted for that, the only thing i haven't tested yet is what is being passed to me when the content typei is not specified. an empty string ?14:41
nik90popey: ping me the MP links when you are done so that I can include that in MP for easy tracking14:41
Elleonerochiaro: ah, you're using the C++ API in gallery, so yeah, it might be an empty string; might want to check with kenvandine14:42
Elleonerochiaro: for QML I think it gets an explicit ContentType.Unknown value set, but I'm not sure about the C++ API14:42
kenvandineso that only gets set to a valid value when the transfer is created in the qml bindings14:43
popeynik90: https://code.launchpad.net/~popey/ubuntu-geonames/fix-1326918/+merge/23065014:43
nerochiarokenvandine: should i just go ahead and spend some extra time making it all work in pure qml ?14:44
nerochiarokenvandine: it seems such a pain in the neck to do it in c++14:44
kenvandinenerochiaro, that would be ideal...14:44
nerochiarokenvandine: but what do i get now in c++ when no type is specified ? empty string ? that will work for me14:44
kenvandinewe really don't want to support the c++ api... that's not part of the platform definition14:44
kenvandineyou should get "unknown"14:45
kenvandinei think14:45
nerochiarook, i'll debug it i guess14:45
nerochiarokenvandine: this is unrelated to the above, but i'm trying to install build-dep of gallery-app in an armhf chroot and i get "libcontent-hub-dev : Depends: libcontent-hub0 (= 0.0+14.10.20140806.2-0ubuntu1) but it is not going to be installed"14:47
nerochiarokenvandine: any idea what's amiss there ?14:47
kenvandinenot off hand... what if you try to install both?14:48
kenvandinedoes it resolve the dep right?14:49
* kenvandine wonders if something libcontent-hub0 deps on is broken14:49
kenvandineah, the bindings i bet14:49
kenvandineif you do a dist-upgrade it'll fix it14:49
kenvandineor include qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content1 in your install14:50
zbenjaminnerochiaro: you sure it installs the armhf version?14:52
zbenjaminnerochiaro: try apt-get install libcontent-hub-dev:armhf14:53
renatunik90, did you talk with timp about the PageHeader state ""14:54
nerochiarozbenjamin: i'm just doing "apt-get build-dep gallery-app" in the chroot14:57
zbenjaminnerochiaro: if that does not pull the right arch14:57
zbenjaminyou are doomed ;)14:57
nerochiarozbenjamin: well, looks like the case, or some dependency mix up. but i need to get to the bottom of it14:58
nerochiarokenvandine: ^14:58
nik90renatu: oh no not yet..I got busy with some other stuff. I will ask him now.14:58
kenvandinenerochiaro, i suspect it's because of the package rename for qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content114:59
kenvandinenot sure if build-dep will do the right thing there14:59
nik90t1mp: Hey, while using PageHeadState in the clock app, it was not possible to set the PageHeadState name to "" instead of "default". Is there any particular why this is the case?14:59
kenvandinedoes your chroot had qtdeclarative5-content1 or qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content0.1 ?14:59
kenvandinenerochiaro, which depends on libcontent-hub015:00
nerochiarokenvandine: it has -ubuntu-content0.115:00
kenvandineinstall qtdeclarative5-ubuntu-content115:01
kenvandinethat'll remove the old one15:01
kenvandineit's the quickest solution15:01
kenvandinea dist-upgrade would work too15:01
nik90t1mp: if I set the PageHeadState name to "", and the assign the default page to "", it does not load the header action buttons that were defined in the "" pageheadstate.15:01
nerochiarokenvandine: dist upgrade doesn't do anything. the other solution you just suggested is now removeing a lot of packages and installing others15:02
nerochiarokenvandine: let's see if it works15:02
nik90renatu: oh btw I overcame that limitation (or bug) by adding when: !alarmListView.isInSelectionMode in the default pageheadstate :)15:02
kenvandinedist-upgrade should...15:02
nik90renatu: this way they switch back to the correct state based on if the selectionMode is active or not15:03
nerochiarokenvandine: it just says nothing to do15:03
nerochiarokenvandine: it's a fresh chroot so it's already as up to date as possbile15:03
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, the other solution worked and i can instal build-dep of gallery-app now15:03
renatunik90, could you report a bug about that? I am reporting another bug that I facing with PageHeaderState15:03
renatunik90, with a example15:03
nik90renatu: sure, creating one now15:04
nerochiarobut zbenjamin now i have the fresh chroot, i installed the build-dep gallery-app successfully. removed all kits from the project except the armhf one. trying to configure the project still fails as it can't find the qt5 libraries it seems15:05
zbenjaminbzoltan: we probably broken chroots ^^^15:06
renatunik90, this is another bug that I found: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/135642015:13
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1356420 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[PageHeaderState] Does not work in a state with other PropertyChanges" [Undecided,New]15:13
nik90renatu: yeah I hit that bug as well, So I just did contents: Label {} where I set the label15:14
kenvandinenerochiaro, do you have any idea how much work it would be to refactor gallery-app to use the qml bindings?15:15
nik90renatu: btw in the MultiSelectionView.qml file, the functions startSelection() and other, what state do they change? The PageHeadState or the listview state?15:15
renatunik90, listview15:15
nik90renatu: I don't see any reference to which state they are changing except the assignments like state = "selected"15:15
nik90renatu: ok, I better understand the bug.15:17
nerochiarokenvandine: probably not more than a day15:18
elopioboiko: for when you have some time, this is ready for a review: https://code.launchpad.net/~canonical-platform-qa/dialer-app/fake_url-dispatcher/+merge/23040315:19
kenvandinewe've been bit a couple times by gallery already, but i guess it's up to bfiller :)15:20
bzoltannerochiaro:  could you give us a branch what we can try out with zbenjamin?15:20
nerochiarobzoltan: lp:gallery-app15:22
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
nik90popey: do you mind top approving https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/fix-alarm-label-behavior/+merge/230387. it is ready to go15:42
popeynik90: will do in 15, on a hangout right now15:43
nik90popey: np15:43
justCarakaspopey: what is the oposit of a hangout :p15:43
nik90renatu: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/135643415:48
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1356434 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "[PageHeadState] Cannot create pageheadstate with name """ [Undecided,New]15:48
zbenjaminnerochiaro: for me it finds the qt stuff but fails at the end when linking to expat15:50
zbenjaminnerochiaro: i sadly have to run now, its my dads birthday15:51
bzoltan1nerochiaro: I have installed the deps to my chroot and cmake went fine... now compiling16:16
nerochiarobzoltan1: how did you install the deps ?16:18
rpadovanidpm, hey, I see the email for tomorrow meeting... Thanks, it definitely works for me :-)16:26
bzoltan1nerochiaro: apt-get install16:28
nerochiarobzoltan1: install whta ?16:30
bzoltan1nerochiaro: libmediainfo-dev libkexiv2-dev libcontent-hub-dev16:32
bzoltan1nerochiaro: I made it on an i386 target ... let me do for armhf too16:32
t1mpnik90: yeah I noticed a problem with PageHeadState.. it seems like all properties of the standard State get broken :(16:35
t1mpI'll need to find a solution for that, but there is a lot of other stuff to do first :(16:35
t1mpnik90: I gotta go now, let's discuss it tomorrow16:35
bzoltannerochiaro: the libmediainfo-dev:armhf was trivial ... other other too are not16:39
bzoltannerochiaro: I am afraid one of the reason for your broken chroot was that you have installed libcontent-hub-dev:armhf and that has removed some essential libs16:40
bzoltannerochiaro: zbenjamin: for questions like this :) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8037566/ my answer is _NO_16:41
dpmrpadovani, awesome, thanks!16:43
bzoltannerochiaro: so in short, the gallery app is not supported by click chroots ... good point to file a big against the click package16:45
nik90bzoltan: hi, had any luck with the failing builds in the silo?16:51
nik90popey, balloons: If either of you are free, can you top approve https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/update-innerclock-texture/+merge/230669 and https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/sync-upstream-fastscroll/+merge/230666. Both these MPs require no code review since one replaces an image and the other syncs up with upstream code16:53
nik90which is already tested.16:53
balloonsI win!16:54
mihirballoons: hi , Good morning16:54
balloonsmorning mihir16:54
mihirballoons: i did write an AP for editing an event and jenkins failed it16:55
mihirballoons: are these errors regarding pep8 formatting issues?16:55
bzoltannerochiaro: zbenjamin: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/click/+bug/135648116:56
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1356481 in click (Ubuntu) "Can not install build deps for gallery-app in an armhf click chroot" [Undecided,New]16:56
balloonsmihir, yep.. you can use autopep8 to fix it if you wish, or do the edits yourself16:57
nerochiarobzoltan: i actually recreated the chroot from scratch then installed the armhf deps explicitly as Kaleo suggested and it worked16:57
mihirballoons: sure i'll do that16:57
balloonsthen run pep8 name_of_fille.py16:57
bzoltannerochiaro: where can I see Kaleo's suggestion?16:57
mihirballoons: if you have got my previous messages, i gave one link to paste.ubuntu , which contains errors while adding guest.16:58
nerochiarobzoltan:  apt-get install libexpat1-dev:armhf libcontent-hub-dev:armhf libexiv2-dev:armhf libmediainfo-dev:armhf16:58
mihirballoons: actually i have lost the link :| and on web IRC client.16:59
bzoltannerochiaro:  that command removes half of the APIs from the chroot16:59
balloonsmihir, not sure I have anything else from you..16:59
nerochiarobzoltan: didn't do that in mine17:00
nerochiarobzoltan: Kaleo ? ^17:00
bzoltannerochiaro: OK.. let me create a fresh chroot17:00
bzoltannerochiaro:  anyhow.. if the gallery app is meant to be built with our SDK and these libs are part of our public API set then these packages should be present on the click chroot by default17:02
nerochiarobzoltan: i've been told the dependencies of an app need to be installed manually isn't what we're doing here ?17:03
bzoltannerochiaro:  who told you that?17:03
nerochiarobzoltan: benjamin17:04
bzoltannerochiaro:  I mean clearly, you do not have other choice17:04
nerochiarobzoltan: i think17:04
bzoltannerochiaro:  but optimally the builder sysroot should be static. Because if the developers start to add there APIs then the risk will grow that they build and package apps what will not work on the device.17:05
mihirballoons: balloons: for somehow it is not letting me add guest while creating new event , giving following log  http://paste.ubuntu.com/8030498/17:06
mihirballoons: ^^^17:06
nerochiarobzoltan: well, so if apps want to use a certian library that's not in the standard image they have to statically link to it ?17:07
bzoltannerochiaro:  what else can they do?17:12
bzoltannerochiaro:  or package the lib side by to the app17:12
nerochiarobzoltan: well i guess it's a limitation/design choice of click17:12
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bzoltannerochiaro: it is the same on every mobile  platform I know... Sailfish, Maemo, Meego ...17:13
nerochiarobzoltan: fair enough. so i guess i should change gallery app at some point to statically link all that stuff17:14
bzoltannerochiaro:  if something is not available build time than that library will not be available at runtime either...17:14
bzoltannerochiaro: or we should include those libs to the image and th sdk17:14
nerochiarobzoltan: whatever works best. libcontent surely should be in the SDK no ?17:14
bzoltannerochiaro: I would think so17:15
nerochiarobzoltan: who would be responsible for making it so ?17:15
nerochiarokenvandine: is there any quick way to have an app request specifically video content from the content hub ?17:16
nerochiarokenvandine: to test that gallery honors the content type request17:16
bzoltannerochiaro: I am afraid it is me :) at least from the SDK side..  if those libs are expected to be used by other apps then we should consider to include them to our API offering.17:17
nerochiarobzoltan: i think only the content hub but i guess it's not up to me to decide17:18
nerochiarobzoltan: as i don't know if other apps use exiv etc17:18
nik90mzanetti: hey you got a minute? Got a question about QTest.17:38
mzanettinik90: shoot17:39
nik90mzanetti: say I want to test if the back button is disabled when the alarm label is empty. Do I do the usual mouseClick(), type string and check back button status? Or do I just say alarmLabel.text = "value", now check button status?17:40
nik90mzanetti: oh I just wrote my first QTest, it is nice to write in qml :D17:40
dpmnik90, ok, https://code.launchpad.net/~dpm/ubuntu-clock-app/reboot-i18n/+merge/230578 merged with trunk17:41
mzanettinik90: yeah... I'd do something like this:17:41
mzanetticompare(backButton.enabled, false)17:42
nik90dpm: thnx :) will check it out17:42
mzanettimouseClick, type etc17:42
mzanetticompare(backButton.enabled, true)17:42
balloonsmihir, the guest must be created by the test17:42
balloonsThere's code in trunk that should be taking care of it17:42
nik90mzanetti: but why do the mouseClick and type when you can just set the text value?17:42
kenvandinenerochiaro, specifying the type is only used to find the peers that support it17:43
mihirballoons: hmmm , i just  ran existing test, and it failed while entering guest name UX user.17:43
mzanettinik90: well, yes, you can also do that... depends a bit on what exactly you want to test17:43
ahayzenballoons, we've landed a fix to the ap tests so could u rerun jenkins for https://code.launchpad.net/~vrruiz/music-app/i18n-strings/+merge/23051217:43
ahayzenballoons, and when u have a free period of time could u ping me so we can discuss the ap refactor \o/17:43
nik90mzanetti: ah ok. If it is purely a unit test, then I suppose i could just set text. If I am looking to test user interaction then I do the mouseClick and type stuff.17:43
balloonsahayzen, victor top approved that so it should be good17:43
ahayzenballoons, damn he is fast17:43
balloonsmihir, trunk? let me try17:43
mihirballoons: i just got latest trunk, am I missing anything on utopic desktop for contacts ?17:44
nerochiarokenvandine: sorry, i thought i was supposed to receive the content type in the transfer request as well once my app was selected17:44
nerochiarokenvandine: in case my app supports more than one content type (e.g. gallery)17:44
mihirballoons: i just wrote AP , and formated with pep8 could you just give me your inputs , https://code.launchpad.net/~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/1188819/+merge/23055417:44
mihirballoons: finally i wrote an AP :D17:44
balloonsmihir, adding a guest works fine here from trunk. tests run properly17:45
* balloons branches lp:~mihirsoni/ubuntu-calendar-app/118881917:47
kenvandinenerochiaro, the content type is in the transfer object17:48
kenvandinenow... just added that17:48
kenvandinebut it only includes it for transfers created by an app using the QML bindings17:48
nerochiarokenvandine: i receive it and it is currently "unknown"17:49
nerochiarokenvandine: is that what it is always supposed to be in c++ for now ?17:49
kenvandinei didn't want to clutter up the c++ API right now, since we aren't really supporting that17:50
balloonsmihir, tried with your branch as well.. tests run fine, adds user fine17:52
mihirballoons: okay , do i need to create that Guest manually on desktop ?17:53
mihirballoons: btw, the new test case runs fine ?17:53
kenvandinenerochiaro, actually... which app is creating the transfer?17:53
nerochiarokenvandine: so why did you even add the property to the c++ API if it's always going to be "unknown" ?17:53
kenvandineit should have a valid content type there if it was created by anything other than gallery17:53
nerochiarokenvandine: i am testing by creating the transfer from browser17:53
nerochiarokenvandine: what other app can i try ?17:53
kenvandineoh... is it using ContentType.All maybe?17:54
kenvandinethe property needs to be there to get it sent over dbus, etc17:54
nerochiarokenvandine: sorry, i'm not following you. can you hop quickly on mumble for a minute ?17:54
balloonsmihir, nope the tests should just work. post a full log where it doesn't. Also check and ensure you have everything installed you need to. my guess is you are missing depends17:55
balloonsmihir, you rneed address-book-service-dummy installed17:56
kenvandinenerochiaro, ^^17:56
m-b-oballoons: ping18:00
nerochiarokenvandine: when i try to run it from qtcreator on the device it just exits immediately, nothing is displayed. is that expected ?18:00
balloonsm-b-o, pong18:00
m-b-oballoons: something seems not right with install instructions on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch/Testing/Autopilot18:00
kenvandinenerochiaro, nope...18:00
kenvandinenerochiaro, i just build a click for it18:01
m-b-oballoons: tried ppa:autopilot/1.5 too, but apt-get update gets me a 40418:01
kenvandinenerochiaro, the content-hub relies on ubuntu-app-launch for switching between the apps, etc18:01
kenvandineand it doesn't behave well with apps that aren't installed as click18:01
nerochiarokenvandine: i think that's what qtcreator does, installs it as click then launches it18:02
nik90mzanetti: do you happen to know if it is possible to click on the clear button in a text field? I cannot define its objectName in my qml code since it is a sdk component. So curious how one goes about that.18:02
mihirballoons: awesome , that was the cause :D18:02
nerochiarokenvandine: Installed    com.ubuntu.developer.ken-vandine.hub-importer-0.2.all (installed:click,removable=1,app_name=hub-importer)18:02
mihirballoons: thanks a lot  :D18:02
kenvandineok, try launching it from the shell then18:02
mihirballoons: root cause*18:02
balloonsmihir, :-) awesome. first glance at your test looks good18:02
mihirballoons: thanks for your review time and thanks a lot for your help to setting this up :) , i'll try to add pending AP listed in Bugs :)18:03
mzanettinik90: well... you could use findChild to find the button inside... but I guess in this case its probably easier to click the label at the right18:04
kenvandinenerochiaro, oh.. it might have the wrong policy version specified18:04
kenvandinethat branch is pretty old18:04
balloonsm-b-o, looking18:04
kenvandineor wrong framework18:04
nerochiarokenvandine: not sure how to fix the policy18:04
kenvandinenerochiaro, fix the framework in the manifest18:04
nik90mzanetti: hmm..I am tryingn to clear the text inside the textfield18:04
mzanettinik90: mouseClick(textField, textField.width - units.gu(2), textfield.height / 2)18:04
mzanettinik90: assuming the clear button is at the right hand side in the textfield18:04
balloonsm-b-o, ppa:autopilot/1.5 is correct18:05
kenvandinenerochiaro, ^^18:05
balloonsit's only published for trusty tho18:05
nik90mzanetti: hmm yeah that will work18:05
m-b-oballoons: yes, but apt-get update gets me a 404 for the Packages18:05
balloonsm-b-o, you are on trusty yes?18:06
m-b-oballoons: nope utopic in vm18:06
nerochiarokenvandine: still fails. the json file says "policy_version": 1, should i change that ?18:06
mihirpopey: you there ?18:06
balloonsm-b-o, lol.. then you don't need a ppa. just install python3-autopilot and python3-autopilot-vis18:06
nerochiarokenvandine: also how would you run it from the console ?18:06
popeymihir: yo18:06
balloonsI'll update the instructions to clarify18:06
balloonsm-b-o, ^^18:06
mihirpopey: did you get time for getting some idea about provider ID ?18:07
m-b-oballoons: hehe18:07
kenvandinenerochiaro, use ubuntu-app-launch on the console18:07
kenvandineand look at the logs in ~/.cache/upstart18:07
nerochiarokenvandine: i mean, what id should i pass to ubuntu-app-launch, i always get that wrong18:07
kenvandinewhen in doubt, look in the .desktop file in ~/.local/share/applications18:08
kenvandinethe APP_ID in put in there18:08
nerochiarokenvandine: ah, that's interesting, it's not there. i guess qtcreator uninstalls it after finishing to run it. i'll try building the click manually and installing it18:09
mihirrenatu: ping !!18:09
balloonsmihir, so I'll try to run your test now. it works for you?18:11
mihirballoons: yeah it works for me :)18:11
mihirit create new event , edit that event and assert on details view.18:11
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mihirballoons: let me know if I have done wrongly18:11
popeymihir: it should work with "google"..18:11
popeymihir: have you tested in the emulator?18:12
mihirpopey: okay thanks.18:12
mihirpopey: nope , but balloons did tried on device but it didn't work.18:12
popeyany apparmor denials?18:13
popeyballoons: ?18:13
mihirpopey: on desktop , if I write evernote it does open window to add account , but when i write google , it doesn't do anything :(18:13
balloonsmihir, looks awesome. My only thought is that it should probably change all the information. it seems to use the same uuid18:13
popeywell thats odd18:13
mihirballoons: while editing an event , ?18:13
mihirballoons: nope i took another UUID for editing event, if you observe :|18:13
balloonsmihir, yes when you edit, change the details to something different18:13
balloonsmihir, I say that.. but it's weird as the uuid id was the same for me18:14
nerochiarokenvandine: the id from the desktop is com.ubuntu.developer.ken-vandine.hub-importer_hub-importer_0.2 and when i launch it i get no feedback at all, and there's no log for it in the logs dir18:14
balloonsmihir, yes I saw         test_event = data.Event.make_unique()18:14
mihirballoons: hmmm , for me all the cases it was diff :| heheh weried18:14
mihirpopey: i'll try to digout this more :)18:14
balloonshehe.. ok, so yea. I'll try again.. maybe I was crazy18:14
kenvandinenerochiaro, weird... do you see it in the app scope?18:14
balloonsmihir, so +1 overall from me18:15
mihirballoons: awesome , i'll try to finish pending ones :)18:15
kenvandineif anything is wrong, ubuntu-app-launch does blindly not tell you :)18:15
mihirpopey: what do you think for this bug, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-calendar-app/+bug/134953118:15
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1349531 in Ubuntu Calendar App "Delete future recurring events missing" [Wishlist,Confirmed]18:15
nerochiarokenvandine: no, doesn't seem to be there18:15
nerochiarokenvandine: in the scope18:15
kenvandineit must not have properly installed18:15
kenvandineyou changed the framework right?18:15
kenvandinenerochiaro, change policy_version to 1.2 in hub-importer.json18:16
nerochiarokenvandine: yes, then i did "click build .", adb pushed the click, then used pkcon install-local to install it18:16
kenvandinei bet it failed to generate the click profile for it because of that policy_version18:16
kenvandinei need to update these +junk branches :)18:17
mihirballoons: one question , did we got helper for datetime picker ?18:17
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, launches now18:18
mihirballoons: why did Jenkis failed again :(18:19
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, so now if i click on "import pictures" the gallery is not part of the apps that get proposed18:20
kenvandineright, you changed to to look for ContentType.Videos right?18:21
balloonsmihir, there's video for jenkins tests.. really handy. I'm watching now to see what happened18:21
nerochiarokenvandine: no, not yet. i wanted to test with pictures first18:21
kenvandinewhat is listed?18:21
balloonsmihir, ohh one thing.. you should add @autopilot.logging.log_action(logger.debug) above  def edit(self): in emulators.py18:22
nerochiarokenvandine: camera and file manager18:22
kenvandinenerochiaro, there's something wrong with your gallery click install18:22
nerochiarokenvandine: ok, what should i be looking for ?18:23
kenvandinedo you have your own build of gallery installed?18:23
nerochiarokenvandine: i know what the problem was, i didn't have it properly installed18:25
nerochiarokenvandine: galler18:25
nerochiarokenvandine: now i fixed that and it does appear18:25
balloonsmihir, ohh you might need to use self._workaround_bug_1350605() as well18:26
balloonsmm.. it's called in _add_event18:26
mihirballoons: it has to be called in _edit_event ?18:27
mihirballoons: i did removed it because after we edit we go back to details page and asserting the values right ?18:27
balloonsmihir, I may have spoke too soon18:27
balloonsmihir, mm..18:28
balloonsmihir, so I see one small bit of logic that might be the cause. I'll comment in the mp18:28
mihirballoons: hmm okay.18:29
mihirballoons: one more que, do we have AP helper for datetime picker?18:35
balloonsmihir, yes we do. it's in trunk for calendar18:35
mihirballoons: okay :)18:35
balloonsmihir, http://pad.lv/1328600 is the issue with using it18:36
ubot5Launchpad bug 1328600 in Autopilot "Autopilot lacks support for large timestamps" [High,In progress]18:36
mihirballoons: thanks for help :)18:36
mihirballoons: sorry i lost , this is the cause of failing Jenkins on my NEW AP ?18:37
balloonsmihir, nope, it's not an issue for your mp18:38
mihirballoons: okay got it :)18:39
mihirballoons: i'll be off to bed, i'll try to look at that MR tomorrow. let me know your inputs on MR.18:41
balloonsmihir, yep.. almost ready to push. it'll be a branch for you to merge18:42
balloonsjust some tweaks18:42
mihirballoons: Hmm okay.18:43
mihirballoons: okay waiting , so that we can land this today itself.18:43
* balloons runs changes18:44
balloonsk, I think it might be good18:50
mihirballoons: you pushing in saperate MR ?18:51
popeym-b-o: nik90 do you have examples of cities which have an admin2/admin3?18:52
balloonsmihir, I reproduced the issue. The trouble is timing18:52
balloonsmihir, no just a branch for you to merge18:53
mihirhmm okay.18:53
balloonsmihir, anyways, you can see what I did here: lp:~nskaggs/ubuntu-calendar-app/mihir-edit-tweaks18:54
balloonsit's not exactly ready, but the original issue I found so I thought was in _edit_event18:54
balloonsmihir, it can merge tomorrow :-)18:55
nik90popey: let me check18:55
mihirballoons: Hmm i see, but i couldn't get why did you add cleanup ?18:56
popeynik90: geonames=# SELECT * FROM geoname WHERE admin2 != ""18:57
popeygeonames-# SELECT * FROM geoname WHERE admin3 != ""18:57
balloonsmihir, the cleanup step will delete the test after we are done18:58
balloonsmihir, did I duplicate it?18:58
mihirballoons: i see my mistake,  i called add_event , instead of edit in edit_event , is that correct?18:59
nik90popey: http://api.geonames.org/search?q=london&maxRows=2&username=krnekhelesh&style=full&featureClass=P&style=full&featureClass=P18:59
balloonsmihir, something about that method is still a bit off I think yes19:00
mihirballoons: i am trying understand my mistake and why did it scuccessfully ran on machine19:01
balloonsmihir, yes I broke it, but I'm hoping to make a bit more sense19:02
mihirballoons: Thanks for breaking , it made me to become perfect :D19:02
nik90popey: for clock we use only adminName and adminName219:02
nik90popey: never used adminName3, not sure why weather app needs it19:02
m-b-opopey nik90: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-weather-dev/ubuntu-weather-app/trunk/view/head:/components/CitiesList.js19:03
m-b-othat's the data used for the defined list of cities19:03
popeyI'm trying to figure out with mhall119 why my crappy mod isn't showing admin219:04
nik90m-b-o: ok, but isn't adminName and adminName2 sufficient enough to distinguish cities with same name?19:05
nik90m-b-o: In the list you provides, I am not seeing a benefit of adminName319:05
mihirballoons: pushed :)19:05
boikoelopio: late reply, sure, I will take it a look later today19:06
m-b-onik90: yes, the list is a bad example19:06
m-b-onik90: I can't actually rememebr why we used admin3 over admin219:06
nik90m-b-o: ah ok19:07
elopioboiko: thanks. And I have a branch that introduces a qml suite. It works on my machine, but segfaults on Jenkins.19:07
elopiowhenever you have some time please ping me to see if you can make sense of the error log.19:07
mihirballoons: have good night :)19:07
boikoelopio: ok, mind if we check that tomorrow?19:08
m-b-onik90: I remember, admin3 was county, admin2 the next bigger area. It makes at least in Germany more sense19:08
balloonsmihir, night.. I pushed some more changes, but it still fails locally, heh19:08
elopioboiko: yes, no problem with that one. It's not urgent. Whenever you can make some space on your agenda.19:08
balloonsit's the same as jenkins19:08
mihirballoons: Hmmm19:08
mihirballoons: ahh, you just ran normally and it broke , or some tweaks to break like jenkins?19:09
balloonsmihir, I restructed it to try and fix things.19:10
balloonslol. I think _edit_event makes more sense now19:10
balloonswell.. actually no19:11
balloonsheh.. but mihir you should get some sleep19:11
mihirballoons: hmmm let me re-run on my VM19:11
balloonsmore code cutting done, rev 3919:14
nik90mzanetti: hey I just finished my test at https://code.launchpad.net/~nik90/ubuntu-clock-app/add-first-qmltest/+merge/230702.  Can you check if I did it right? It passes for me locally.19:18
mihirballoons: okay trying to run on my machine19:18
nik90mzanetti: make test doesn't work. I think the location is incorrect19:18
israel_Hi, I have been searching for a library for X11 to Hexidecimal (or even RGB) colors in C++ anyone have any suggestions?19:22
mihirballoons: i see the error, it is not going into edit mode  now :19:23
balloonsmihir, yes ofc.. it's not finding the event.. yet it can find it a second later to delete19:24
mihirbut balloons it won't , the action should be after event Details , it should go to Edit page , right?19:24
mhall119nik90: I think you're gonna owe popey a beer or two, after looking at this geonames code19:24
nik90mhall119: :D19:25
nik90popey: I will mail you the beer19:25
mihirballoons: on event Details page, instead of going to Delete action , it should go and click edit this event right?19:26
balloonsmihir, pushed rev 398 now.19:26
balloonsmihir, it's running the cleanup step19:26
balloonswhich uses the exact same method to discover the event19:26
balloonshowever, when it goes to click the event for edit_event, it fails to find the event name, as the error says19:27
balloonsmihir,     def get_event(self, event_name, visible=True): is where the error comes from19:28
israel_Hi, I have been searching for a library *TO CONVERT*  X11 to Hexidecimal (or even RGB) colors in C++ anyone have any suggestions?19:29
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mihirballoons: hmm  but again it is failing ,did it pass on your machine?19:31
nik90mhall119, popey: Hope this is not late :/ but once we get AGPS working, it will return the user's lat and long. I will need to query the same server to query the cityname using its lat and long. Do you know if  http://geoname-lookup.ubuntu.com/ supports that?19:31
nik90with geoname I do http://api.geonames.org/timezoneJSON?lat=11.58&lng=43.14&username=krnekhelesh19:32
mihirballoons: why are we cleaning before editing ?19:32
israel_It seems that this should exist, as there is /etc/X11/rgb.txt installed... just not sure where to begin looking19:32
balloonsmihir, I think I see the issue19:32
m-b-opopey: fyi http://imgur.com/i8pLiiB19:32
balloonsmihir, the cleanup step runs last. it matters not when you add it19:32
nik90mhall119, popey: actually http://api.geonames.org/findNearbyJSON?lat=47.3&lng=9&username=krnekhelesh&style=full19:33
mihirballoons: cleanup delete the created event , have I understood correctly?19:33
popeynik90: it doesnt19:33
popeym-b-o: ooh!19:34
balloonsmihir, we aren't passing the original test_event name to edit_event19:34
balloonsthat's the issue19:34
* balloons testing 19:36
balloonsworks :-)19:37
mihiryou made change in _edit_event right19:38
balloonsI made lots of changes, heh19:39
mihirballoons: ahahah :|19:39
balloonsbut no, the final was in test_edit_event_must_change_it_from_day_view19:39
mihirdid you push ?19:39
balloonsnot yet19:40
balloonsmihir, pushed 399, but the asserts need fixed now19:42
mihirballoons: asserts should be either on Details page or Day view19:43
mihirballoons: i'll try to play with it tomorrow.19:44
balloonsmihir, rev 400 closer.. hehe19:45
mihirballoons: thanks a lot for your help :)19:45
israel_no one knows?19:46
balloonsisrael_, #ubuntu-devel might be a better place for your question19:47
mzanettinik90: do you really need the MainView there?19:48
nik90mzanetti: if I dont include mainView, then the header buttons don't appear19:49
nik90the whole header is missing19:49
mzanettioh, I see19:51
israel_ballons: thanks!  The title of that one said "not for app development'  But I will try there!19:51
nik90mzanetti: I looked at the SDK unit tests, and noticed that they also include MainView to test the header sections.19:51
nik90mzanetti: but yeah it complicates things :)19:51
mzanettinik90: well, in that case you might want to just use MainView, instead of the wrapping Item {}19:51
mzanettijust an idea, didn't try it19:51
mzanettibut both is fine I guess19:51
mzanettithe test is ok19:51
nik90awesome. I will try without the item19:52
nik90mzanetti: any thoughts why make test doesn't work?19:53
mzanettinot really atm19:56
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
mzanettinik90: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803899619:58
nik90mzanetti: yup I am not sure why it doesn't the test19:59
nik90mzanetti: it has the same working folder as the autopilot test19:59
mzanettibut its working, no?19:59
nik90mzanetti: ah..I expected some verbose output about what passed. But yeah it works20:01
popeynik90: m-b-o mhall119
popeypls test20:05
popeyhas admin1 and admin220:06
m-b-opopey: admin3 is used in weather20:06
popeywill figure out how to add admin2, it's not in the database dump20:07
mzanettinik90: ctest -V20:08
m-b-opopey: admin2 or admin3?20:08
m-b-opopey: ok. it's very usefull, at least in germany20:08
popeyI'll figure it out ☻20:09
nik90m-b-o: example city pls? I want to check20:09
davmor2nik90: Wolverhampton20:09
nik90davmor2: cities with duplicate names :) Yours returns only 1 result :D20:10
nik90no other Wolverhampton in the world20:10
davmor2nik90: Birmingham  there is one in the uk and one in the states20:10
davmor2nik90: Washington20:10
nik90davmor2: awesome thnx20:11
davmor2nik90: leek, leeds, new castle20:11
nik90davmor2: good lord there are so many Birminghams in uk and us20:11
nik90perfect example to test20:11
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davmor2nik90: no worries chap :)20:12
davmor2nik90: shrewsbury, stratford will be another good example too I think20:14
nik90mzanetti: where do I add the cTest -V ?20:14
mzanettinik90: run that instead of make test if you want more verbose20:14
mzanettilowercase t btw, ctest -V20:14
nik90mzanetti: I got http://paste.ubuntu.com/8039105/. Is there a way to replace basic with AlarmLabelPage (test suite name for instance)20:16
popeym-b-o: do you have an example German city?20:17
m-b-onik90 popey: ^20:18
mzanettinik90: strange... this is what I get: http://paste.ubuntu.com/803911320:18
popeyit's odd, in all the dumps that geonames provide, the lookup for admin3 isn't there...20:20
popeyso while I can find out that Ludwigshafen has admin code 3 of 07338, I can't look that up20:20
m-b-onik90 popey: most time you can distinguish enough with admin1 and admin2, but the name used in admin2 is very common. admin3 is on the car plates20:20
m-b-osorry: admin2 not verycommon20:20
popeyI don't doubt admin3 is useful, just trying to figure out how to look it up ☻20:21
nik90mzanetti: strange after running cmake again, it shows what you pasted :)20:23
popeyfound it!20:28
popeym-b-o: so would you expect in that json response to say admin3: 07338, or admin3: Rhein-Pfalz-Kreis  ?20:36
m-b-opopey: the last one, the name20:37
m-b-opopey: there's a premium dump too. so my guess is, admin3 is there....20:40
popeypremium. as in not cc licensed?20:41
popeyI can't see any easy way to pick the admin3name out. hmm20:41
m-b-opopey: yes, in the postal codes dump is a field for it, but no data20:45
m-b-oballoons: can you have a look at please?20:53
m-b-oballoons: seems there's an issue with the header emulator and small icons20:53
mhall119popey: m-b-o: nik90: what data is it that you actually *need* from this?20:55
popeymhall119: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1326918/comments/520:55
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1326918 in Ubuntu Clock App reboot "API key for geonames.org" [High,In progress]20:55
mhall119popey: but what is the data in admin3 that we need?20:56
m-b-omhall119 popey: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-weather-app/+bug/1326918/comments/420:56
popeymhall119: it's a regional name, like in the UK example we had GB (country), ENG (admin1), GLA (admin2), the Admin3 might be "Bromley"20:57
m-b-omhall119 popey: if admin3 it's not possible, it's not that big problem.20:59
mhall119popey: do you have an example of what's in the admin3 field of geonames for Bromley?21:01
popeywell, bromley was an example21:01
m-b-omhall119 popey: admin3 gets only displayed, when the location name and admin1 is not unique21:04
popeyin general admin3 is a numeric value21:04
m-b-oadminName3, sorry21:04
m-b-oadminName1 an adminName3 gives you a distinction around up to 50km, adminName1 and adminName2 up to 200km. At least here21:06
m-b-obut adminName3 is not very often used21:07
nik90mhall119, popey: In do I really need to show adminName2 ?21:08
balloonsm-b-o, what's the issue you think?21:08
nik90Shouldn't Name + adminName1 + Country suffice?21:08
m-b-oballoons: the click for opening the Sheet happened not on the icon21:09
m-b-oballoons: but that's just a guess21:09
mhall119nik90: it appears that would give enough data to pick the correct one21:16
mhall119popey: I still can't figure out what sphinx is being used for21:16
nik90mhall119: yup that's what I think. I am in a bit of dilemma as to how to present this data properly.21:17
popeyits the initial lookup of city name to city id i think21:17
mhall119popey: yeah....but that's all in the database, so I don't know *why* sphinx would be needed21:18
nik90ideally I think name \n AdminName, Country should do21:18
mhall119nik90: that should work for > 90% of the cases at least21:18
popeyyou need to try some names which have lots of dupes21:18
popeylike Newport21:18
popeyand make sure you can differentiate between them21:19
mhall119I tried Springfield which we have a lot of in the USA, and nik90's proposed display would be fine21:19
mhall119ah, nope, Jefferson breaks it, because there's 2 on Georgia21:21
m-b-oadminName1 is "England"21:21
nik90mhall119, popey: Do we have so much accuracy though? I mean we need this for the world clocks to choose timezones essentially. What does it matter if there are 2 jeffersons in Georgia? They are bound to have the same timezone right?21:22
nik90mhall119, popey: Choosing either one without knowing which one is still alright since the timezone will be correct21:22
popeyi think there are some edge cases, but it's "good enough"21:23
popeywe have other bigger issues to solve ☻21:23
mhall119yeah, I'm happy with "good enough"21:23
nik90I say for the clock app, I should be good with Name, AdminName1 and Country.21:23
nik90adding too much will clutter our beautiful clock :D21:23
mhall119nobody likes Georgia anyway21:24
popeythere's your test cases21:24
popeyin order21:24
nik90good lord21:25
* mhall119 loves the List_of_* articles in Wikipedia21:25
mhall119http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Wikipedia_Lists goodbye everybody, I'll be on wikipedia until sometime in 202121:26
popeyhttp://uncyclopedia.wikia.com/wiki/List_of_weapons_that_don't_exist,_but_should is better :)21:28
ybonIs there a way from an app to know the wifi around and/or the cell tower? I'm thinking about implementing https://mozilla-ichnaea.readthedocs.org/en/latest/api/index.html#service-api21:35
m-b-omhall119 popey nik90: adminName2 would be a nicetohave in weather21:41
popeyok, I'll push my changes which are at
popeyI'll do that in the morning when I am not half asleep ☻21:43
popeythis does mean I'll be the most recent person to change that code which probably means it's now mine forever21:43
m-b-opopey: thank you21:45
nik90popey: thnx. I will test again with your server tomorrow morning as well21:47
=== salem_ is now known as _salem
nik90balloons: ping22:42
karniCan my click package not contain a '+' symbol? If it does, I can't launch it from the Dash. http://paste.ubuntu.com/8040118/22:43
popeykarni: i have no clicks on my device that have a + in the name22:46
popeykarni: but it probably isn't good, no22:46
karnipopey: ^([a-z0-9][a-z0-9+.-]+)_([a-zA-Z0-9+.-]+)(?:_([0-9][a-zA-Z0-9.+:~-]*))?$22:46
karnipopey: just got this from Chipaca22:46
popeycat fall asleep on the keyboard?22:46
karnipopey: trying to append +build to the version (semantic versioning), and it's a no go22:47
karnipopey: treasure found, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppStore/Interfaces/ApplicationId22:48
karnikalikiana: hi! when's the chance we'll get the config path (with application domain) fix in the image? or is it already there, and I should fix my app somehow?22:53

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