
enycOK, just to see if I got this right, older mythbuntu/mythtv needed 'faac' but its' use is deprecated for whatever reason now?16:26
superm1enyc: we used to have faac but it's not used for decoding19:02
superm1it comes from carrying ffmpeg in tree19:02
superm1as i understand19:02
enycsuperm1: seemingly it looks irrelevant to 0.27.3 etc. -- seems to jsut be build-dep for the old 0.25 so not to be concerned about19:03
enycmy builds (after a host system crash, long story....) are all going nicely =)19:04
superm1yeah we don't retrofit the packaging for older stuff19:04
bennypr0faneHello, I'm running 14.04, and on the desktop I'm missing the notification area, it is greyed out in the panel>properties>"add new item" dialog19:20
bennypr0faneThese may not be the proper english terms I'm using, because I'm translating them from my german GUI19:21
superm1bennypr0fane: i think there might be a missing package to add for the notifications19:22
bennypr0faneSo to be more specific, the notification area, where you would see that you have an active internet connection is missing from the panel19:22
superm1i think19:22
bennypr0faneit says: "external" i a grey font19:22
bennypr0faneok let me chec k if that's installed19:23
bennypr0faneis synaptic supposed to be there by default?19:23
superm1no ubuntu software center is there by default19:34
superm1or you can use apt-get to install19:35
bennypr0fanesuperm1, ok, I installed that package, it was acutally missing19:36
superm1yeah i believe we had a mistake with that not being caught in time19:36
bennypr0fanenow I restarted the panel, removed the notif. plugin and re-added it, but it's the same now as before19:36
superm1i believe you need to add an indicator plugin19:37
bennypr0faneit's still greyed out in the "add new item" dialog and says "external". the same goes for the "action buttons" plugin. I see it also has a PID, name systray-119:39
bennypr0fanesuperm1, I thought the indicator plugin was what I just installed: xfce4-indicator-plugin19:40
superm1yeah but i mean i think that's one of the items you have to right click and add to panel too19:41
superm1if i'm not mistaken19:41
superm1you might also need to log out / in to get the network manager icon in the indicator area19:41
bennypr0faneaha, I'll try that19:42
bennypr0fanesuperm1, no, that wasn't it19:46
bennypr0faneit's still the same :-(19:46
superm1nm-applet is running?19:47
bennypr0faneI think it's broken19:47
bennypr0fanehow can I check?19:47
bennypr0fanetop isn't showing it19:47
bennypr0fanebut I think it never shows a complete list of running processes19:47
superm1ps aux | grep nm-applet19:48
bennypr0fane~$ ps aux | grep nm-applet19:48
bennypr0faneben      10982  0.0  0.4 594396 18284 ?        Sl   21:43   0:00 nm-applet19:48
bennypr0faneben      11253  0.0  0.0  10720   924 pts/0    S+   21:48   0:00 grep --color=auto nm-applet19:48
bennypr0faneso, it's running I guess19:49
bennypr0fanexchat should also show an icon in the notif. area19:49
superm1are you fully updated?19:49
* bennypr0fane is on irc with xchat19:49
bennypr0faneI'll check19:50
superm1because i noticed that19:50
bennypr0fanewas yesterday tough19:50
superm1which did require an xfce patch19:50
superm1but it's almost a month old already now19:50
bennypr0fanesoftware updater offers an upstream bugfix release for htis: v19:52
bennypr0fanebut it looks like a kde thing19:53
superm1i'm not sure then, those are the avenues that it should be19:53
superm1might just be another bug19:53
bennypr0faneif so, chances should be it's already known, right? since it's a rather visible problem19:56
superm1depends on how vocal people are19:56
* bennypr0fane needs to restart after those updates...19:56
superm1we've had bugs that were pretty apparent not get reported for weeks sometimes19:56
bennypr0faneweeks is nothing19:56
bennypr0fanesome very annoying stuff sticks arounf for like half a year19:57
bennypr0fanethen along I come, try using the software and run right into it ;-)19:57
superm1yeah sometimes stuff like that you just need to champion driving a  fix in19:57
superm1and help guide it through the process19:57
bennypr0faneok, I'll try if that restart will accomplish anything. brb20:00
bennypr0fanesuperm1, nope, no luck.20:03
bennypr0faneto be honest, I'm too lazy to file a proper bug report. there's always this whole process to go through and tons of rules to observe, I can't handle that right now20:04
bennypr0fanethanks for your help though!20:05
* enyc has many plans afoot and (should) be able to come up with a coherent 'here are minimal changes that fix some arm-build related and debian_wheezy-build+init-related issues' -- question is how to ultimately present this as patches or what etc.20:18
enyclooks like its now much easier than it used to be.. but i need to let my arm chroots finish going and test packages on some real arm gadgetry =)20:19
enycespecially  trusty-armhf   and  wheezy-i386  i will be getting going [...]20:21
superm1enyc: if they're packaging related, a pull request on github and pinging me is the way to go20:21
superm1if they're code related, generate patches and add them to bugs on mythtv bug traker20:21
enycsuperm1: a what? ;-)  this bit I don't know about =)20:21
enycsuperm1: its all packaging debian/rules init script file etc. at present20:22
superm1ok cool20:22
enycits' just a case of 'what actually works or breaks' etc...20:22
enycI can tell you at least one of the small / definite fixes now if you like =)20:23
superm1well when you're ready, go here: https://github.com/mythtv/packaging, hit the fork button, clone your branch that you forked, apply some patches, push it back to github and hit the pull request button20:23
superm1or if that's not working or troublesome, pastebin some patches even20:23
superm1the former gets you attribution though20:23
enycok, can you just give me your brief thoughts on the following aspects, separately:-20:28
enyca) build-dep line  "libtiff5-dev | libtiff4-dev | libtiff-dev,"  needs *just* re-ordering to   "libtiff-dev | libtiff5-dev | libtiff4-dev,"  -- apparently there is somewhere the libtiff developers reccomend this.  In any case this then adds capability to compile successfully on wheezy (as well as trusty, etc...) without silly compatibility problem with imlib2 .   the resident DD tells me this is the 'right way to do it' ...20:30
superm1i think that's probably the right way to do it too20:31
enycb) debian sysvinit script for mythtv-backend needs adding.  Apparently this should cause no conflict, upstart will ignore it when its' own init is present.     I should check if the upstart script does anything clever wrt myth shutdown / set-wakeup-calls ...   In any case this makes running backend on wheezy easy =)....20:31
superm1the upstart one does do some clever stuff to wait for mysql20:31
superm1you might check the mythtv wiki for if someone else has a clever sysvinit script20:32
superm1or even snag it from deb-multimedia if their's is different20:32
enycok so that (may) need some 'work' but should be functional at least20:32
enycyes indeed20:32
enycdeb-multimedia version is a big diff though20:32
enyci'm looking 'minimal functional wheezy support' it sounds like you are willing to add  which would be helpful to all20:33
enycc) WRT ARM OpenGL:-20:33
superm1yeah absolutely20:33
enycWell, this I need to test when I've got my trusty-armhf  on bananaPI  and Hummingboard  'ready' ...    It *looks like* we can just change the configure flags  and it may build ok on armhf20:33
enycit *looks like *  Raspberry-pi is a huge mess  best left to the dedictaed xbmc-frontend-distros etc etc.20:34
enycit *looks like* nothing  armel  is worthwhile on that front anyway20:34
enycit *looks like* that needs an extra build-dep on the  gl-es-2.0  library etc.   for  trusty-armhf ...  wheezy's qt4 is not compiled with gl-es-2 support anyway!  [but trusty-armhf's  IS] .20:35
enycHowever....  if you build without that library..  MythTV configure decides that OpenGL IS avaliable  but OpenGL-ES-2.0 is NOT ...   and this may or may not matter... I don't know (yet) if it leads to 'broken' state. =).20:36
enycI think (there) i'm best to comment when I have demonstrated what is 'usable'  on some more-useful ARM-hardware =).20:37
enycanyway I have 16 build chroots doing stuff at the moment.... hehehe...20:39
superm1yeah, that lines up with what i heard about pi too.  so how do you add a build dep for gl-es-2.0 library if available but not fail if it's not is the question20:39
superm1maybe explicitly do something with opengl to turn on in debian/rules if we detect building on ubuntu trusty or later and explicitly turn off otherwise20:40
enycI've decided my best line of action is to try to show first, what *can* work  when building on trusty-armhf  for  bananapi+hummingboard_i2ex ...     and also (try) to say what happens if it compiles with opengl-on-arm but not opengl-es-on-arm  ...20:41
enycand then i'll be ready to comment on that front20:41
enycI was going to try the  Xen PCI Passthrough  hack  for various reasons =)... and run a wheezy-i386 VM  as a mythbackend  (partly, testing my packages / init scripts ...)  with PCI card / USB card  'passed through' to virtual machine =)20:42
enycon my xen on wheezy box20:42
enycHow much disk space do I need for a MythBackend machine root FS, mysql, tmp files, etc...   If the Actual video files are on a separate SATA-disk ??20:43
superm1figure about 2gb-3gb should be a safe amount20:44
enycI have limited raid1 storage etc. virtual machine20:44
enyci'm running VMs on debian wheezy on a  trusty   Dual PIII  440BX  type box =))20:44
superm1tgm4883: rhpot1991 either of you got your backends handy?20:45
enycbut for DVB-T 'recording to disk'  it should be fine =)20:45
superm1maybe you can see how much it's taking up with X and stuff in the picture20:45
enycno  commercial flagging / transcoding =)20:45
enycsuperm1: what about RAM usage tho ?20:45
superm1and then figure take off a few hundred megs to round down from X not being there in this scenario20:45
enycI have 1024MB (motherboard max'ed out =)) ) across my VMs hehehe ...20:45
superm1mythbackend uses most when it's commflagging20:45
superm11024 MB?  I'd hope more than that :)20:46
superm1just for backend you'd probably be w/ 1.5GB20:46
enycyes, if I want to run a  mythbackend that does NOT  commflag or transcode ... just  DVB-T "record bits to disk, play over network, serve mysql...." ?20:46
superm1w/ mysql20:46
enychow on earth would the database be that big ??20:47
enycthumbnails in BLOBs ??20:47
superm1mm probably smaller then20:47
superm1start out with 512 and see how things work20:48
superm1but i believe that w/ mysql running ram usage will go up20:48
enychow big is your dump of  mythconverg  database for example?20:48
enycmysql will cache a lot in ram etc etc...20:48
enyc(not forgetting, I'm talking backend-ONLY, no frontend) ...20:50
superm1your database will start out a few megs, and go up to about 100-150 over time20:53
enycthankyou all helpful20:58
enycnext question ;-) --20:58
enycif arm builds ultimately get sorted out,  what do you need in order to get  'regular' trusty-armhf builds  happening?20:58
superm1Either Canonical has to give us to armhf PPA builders21:00
superm1or need to have a builder somewhere that can run the builds21:00
superm1*give us access to armhf PPA builders i mean21:00
enyccan that be an 'extra user account with fakeroot on some random armhf machine somewhere' ??21:01
enycI (might) be able to get one etc21:01
superm1yeah, we could probably do that, just need to sort out publishing the builds somewhere then too21:01
tgm4883superm1: yes22:30

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