
=== phunyguy_ is now known as not_phunyguy
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bazhang<BlaXpirit> no woky12:56
bazhanghe's gone k1l13:38
bazhang<BlaXpirit> oh look, after reboot my locale is still broken13:40
bazhangtazer an issue before?14:14
k1lbantracker says so14:14
bazhangvideo card help! Tazer: buy a new notebook14:15
bazhangyeah thats helpful!14:15
bazhangubottu, random kick ban kickban14:17
ubottubazhang: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:17
k1lhe got warned and got a very long ban history. so kb is fine on next troll attempt14:19
bazhanghe's bad news in the other places I've seen him14:20
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:51
bazhangis gksu still needed?15:20
rww15:22:11 < somsip> !spam | vertas15:22
rww15:22:11 < ubottu> vertas: Please don't spam15:22
rwwthis is my new favorite factoid15:22
hggdhbazhang: AFAIR, gksu is being/has been deprecated15:38
bazhanghggdh, ok thanks15:38
valoriethat's funny, I think we are going the opposite way in kubuntu15:41
valoriedeprecating kdesudo, to use kdesu15:41
hggdhboth gksu and gksudo are being ousted15:47
hggdhpkexec is being promoted in their place15:48
valorieI've never heard of that15:49
hggdhvalorie: on a terminal, man pkexec15:50
hggdhor http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/trusty/en/man1/pkexec.1.html15:51
valoriethis might be a good link for a factoid: http://askubuntu.com/questions/78352/when-to-use-pkexec-vs-gksu-gksudo15:51
valorievery interesting15:53
valorieshadeslayer has ops in #kubuntu and #kubuntu-devel16:02
valorieprobably -offtopic too16:02
ikoniaso perhaps he should be in here ?16:06
rww!search gksu16:06
ubottuFound: dragnslcr: since gparted*, gksu, sudo, gksudo16:06
rww"As a result, pkexec will not allow you to run e.g. X11 applications as another user since the $DISPLAY environment variable is not set."16:09
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Unit193bazhang: Thanks, that's samuraiRM.19:16
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