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karniSaviq: thanks for the heads up, Chris mentioned it, I'm glad you're on it :) (caching in Dash app)07:09
CimiSaviq, qmltestrunner::DashContent::test_searchHint fails for me08:10
SaviqCimi, shit happens ;P08:10
SaviqCimi, but yeah, I saw it failing on jenkins too08:10
CimiSaviq, I fixed the other issue with my tests08:11
CimiSaviq, but there are still few unrelated failing08:11
mzanettiSaviq: are those known to fail currently? https://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/unity-phablet-qmluitests-utopic/835/#showFailuresLink09:03
mzanettiah ok... its even more of them...09:03
mzanettiprobably what you said in yesterdays standup09:04
Saviqmzanetti, well, yeah, we need to fix those09:06
Saviqwe need a test fixing session09:06
mzanettiyeah.. I'm in09:06
* mzanetti doing anything to avoid the 2 reviews on his TODO list :D09:06
Saviqmzanetti, the password handling one is quite high prio though09:14
Saviqshould land tomorrow09:14
mzanettiyeah... I'm on that one now09:14
CimiSaviq, if you want to assign me in fixing some of those qmltests failing09:37
CimiSaviq, I want to do a couple of reviews I have on my list, then I can work on themn09:37
SaviqCimi, https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/dash-horizontal-list/+merge/230279 would need a review09:38
Saviqwe need that in by Monday09:38
Saviqand is rather small09:38
SaviqCimi, and https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-preview-anchor/+merge/230268 is even smaller09:38
Saviqbar the test09:38
Cimibar the test?09:41
SaviqCimi, test is bigger09:42
CimiSaviq, pete-woods so I am testing scope settings [ http://jenkins.qa.ubuntu.com/job/generic-mediumtests-builder-utopic-armhf/4669/artifact/work/output/*zip*/output.zip ]10:01
CimiSaviq, pete-woods but if I edit settings, the results don't change10:02
SaviqCimi, what if you search and reset?10:02
CimiI just disabled 7 digital results from my music scope, the setting is correctly saved (I can even reboot), but they are still there10:02
CimiSaviq, ok apparently this was only for search10:03
SaviqCimi, no, it sounds like it just doesn't invalidate on settings change10:03
Cimiso the description is wrong - Display results from 7 Digital ---> Display SEARCH results from 7 Digital10:03
pete-woodsCimi: sounds like a bug to me from what you're describing10:04
Cimiactually no, doesn't change anything10:04
CimiSaviq, we could put scope settings in a silo10:05
CimiSaviq, but pls not let it happen like for infographics10:05
Cimilost somewhere and never merged..10:05
SaviqCimi, THEY WILL LAND :P10:05
Cimicool :)10:05
pete-woodsCimi: I'm starting to think that the aggregator scopes don't actually check those settings10:07
Cimipete-woods, debs are working if you want to test10:09
pete-woodsCimi: it's okay, I can already change the setting with the developer UI10:09
CimiSaviq, if you test scope settings later, ping me I will show you a listviewwithpageheader bug10:10
mzanettiSaviq: what's your opinion on this? https://code.launchpad.net/~mterry/unity8/wrong-password-handling/+merge/229184/comments/56025110:15
Saviqmzanetti, well10:17
Saviqmzanetti, these plugins should be provided by the respective upstreams10:17
mzanettiSaviq: hmm... you can't require everyone to provide a QML plugin10:17
Saviqmzanetti, I kinda can10:18
mzanettiSaviq: where would that stop?10:18
Saviqmzanetti, where it's not needed any more10:18
Saviqmzanetti, if QML is our framework of choice10:18
Saviqmzanetti, and we need to talk to those backends10:18
mzanettiSaviq: well, but what with upstream we don't own?10:19
Saviqmzanetti, that could be a separate project then, wrapping different backends we don't own in QML10:19
mzanettimhm... ok10:19
mzanettiI see your point10:19
mzanettiSaviq: still mine is slightly different10:20
Saviqmzanetti, whether it's a single plugin or not10:20
mzanettiSaviq: so atm we're in a position that we have to wrap things ourselves10:20
SaviqI couldn't be bothered much10:20
CimiSaviq, seen this? https://code.launchpad.net/~dandrader/qtmir/dashRedraw_lp1353374/+merge/23052710:20
SaviqCimi, yes10:20
mzanettiSaviq: I was wondering if it slows down startup time or similar10:20
Saviqmzanetti, insignificantly I'd say10:20
CimiSaviq, but shall we queue all app texture updates?10:21
CimiSaviq, isn't better to mark those app surfaces as "I need an update" flag for when they resume?10:21
SaviqCimi, they might not send you another frame10:21
Cimiwondering of small possible performance drawbacks10:21
SaviqCimi, because nothing changed10:21
CimiSaviq, and is not possible to ask for a repaint?10:21
SaviqCimi, if the app doesn't want to, not really10:22
CimiI see10:22
SaviqCimi, this only affects the 5s between app unfocus and suspension10:22
CimiSaviq, which though is not cool10:22
Saviqor even less than that actually10:23
Cimiif apps are heavily requesting framers10:23
SaviqCimi, they don't get them10:23
SaviqCimi, we only give one out per frame10:23
CimiSaviq, we might possibly just take the last frame update into consideration?10:23
Saviqmeaning per refresh10:23
SaviqCimi, that's what sheduleTextureUpdate does10:23
CimiSaviq, having a test for that would be great btw... since it happened in the past10:23
SaviqCimi, it just tells Qt "next time you'll be drawing this, you need to get a new frame"10:24
SaviqCimi, greyback talked with Daniel about a test briefly10:24
greybackCimi: it's a quick fix. qtmir isn't using Mir's buffer skipping logic *yet*10:25
greybackbut when it will, I'll be happier10:26
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dednickCimi: hi. do you think you can get to my ubuntu-settings-components  polish branch soon?11:34
Cimidednick, I am reviewing it now11:34
dednickCimi: cool. thanks11:34
Cimidednick, such a massive branch :)11:37
dednickCimi: yeah, it's a bit big11:39
Saviqgreyback, hmm hmm11:40
SaviqMirSurfaceItem::~MirSurfaceItem()  "Unity 8 Mock Dash"11:40
SaviqSegmentation fault (core dumped)11:40
Saviqupon make testPanel11:40
greybackSaviq: with my latest?11:40
Saviqgreyback, distro, not sure what's latest?11:41
Saviqgreyback, but doesn't really matter as there should be no Mir involved...11:41
greybackSaviq: ah ok. Thought you referring to my MRs.11:41
greybackyeah I got a couple of those, but failed to get any kind of backtrace. Wasn't sure if xvfb the problem, as test runs ok without it11:42
Saviqgreyback, no, that's on X1111:42
Saviqgreyback, no xvfb11:42
greybackok will check it out11:43
Saviqgreyback, does the mock plugin spit out debugging now?11:43
greybackSaviq: seems to yes11:43
Saviqgreyback, http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/8035438/11:44
Saviqok then yeah, there's some crash on exit in the mock11:44
greybackSaviq: I fix that in my u8 MR11:45
Saviqgreyback, ktx11:45
greybackSaviq: can have it separate if you'd like11:45
Saviqgreyback, nah, is fine11:45
greybackbut I still get other crashes with other tests, but only under xvfb11:46
greybackmind running the whole suite just to check?11:46
cwayneSaviq: so is there anything we can do re: emblems being super-tiny?  Joe is very adamant that we do need them :/11:49
Saviqcwayne, you need to change the design11:49
Saviqcwayne, https://sites.google.com/a/canonical.com/unity8dash/toolkit/4-cards#TOC-Emblem11:52
cwaynehm, that could be difficult11:56
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
mzanettiah, kgunn_ is back. welcome!12:02
kgunn_mzanetti, thanks!12:03
Saviqkgunn_, o/12:04
kgunn_Saviq, how are we doing ?12:06
Saviqkgunn_, not too shabby12:07
kgunn_i saw last night we were having an interesting participant on the bugs :P12:07
Saviqkgunn_, indeed12:08
mzanettiSaviq: is this still an issue? I don't think I've seen it in a long time: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity8/+bug/121987112:26
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1219871 in unity8 (Ubuntu) "when idle with screen blank, unity8 generates hundreds of context switches per second" [High,Confirmed]12:26
Saviqmzanetti, dunno, haven't been monitoring it12:28
CimiSaviq, do we need sourceSize of images inside ubuntushape?12:28
SaviqCimi, yes12:28
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Cimidednick, https://code.launchpad.net/~nick-dedekind/ubuntu-settings-components/indicator-polishing/+merge/22908312:34
dednickCimi: thanks12:35
dandradergreyback, do you still need people to review the initialSurfaceGeometry MPs?13:04
greybackdandrader: Saviq did do a quick pass, not sure if he intends to continue it13:05
Saviqgreyback, I do13:06
Saviqgreyback, quick pass! pffft!13:06
Saviqyou wish you'd get reviews like that from others! ;P13:06
Cimidednick, added few more comments13:09
dandraderSaviq, I just noticed that: 1- you go for instance to the wikipedia scope and select a wikipedia entry 2- then bring up the launcher and launch, say, calculator. 3- you wanna go back to the all-familiar starting place ("I wanna go back home") and therefore you do a full left-edge swipe or tap on the ubuntu icon in the launcher13:11
dandraderSaviq, but then you're brought back to that wikipedia entry, which is 3 taps away from the apps scope13:11
dandraderI wonder if it's only me that found it very confusing and if this workflow is still a work in progress13:12
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mterrykgunn_, hello!  So our team might have two blocker bugs on our plate (bug 1354406 and bug 1355726)  -- I'm trying to look at the second.  Is there someone looking at the first? (or am I overlapping with someone on the second?)13:19
ubot5bug 1354406 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "PIN-locked phone becomes unresponsive after simultaneous alarms" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135440613:19
ubot5bug 1355726 in unity8 (Ubuntu) " image 185 --wipe causes unity 8 not to show up on first boot (after welcome wizard) " [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135572613:19
kgunn_mterry, lemme check13:19
mterrykgunn_, also, the ugly password-setting wizard screen landed13:21
mterrykgunn_, be prepared for some bugs about its looks13:21
kgunn_dednick, MacSlow either one of you looking at 135440613:22
mterrySaviq, you looked at the --wipe unity8 problem?13:22
MacSlowkgunn_, not atm13:22
dednickkgunn_: no. hadn't seen it13:23
kgunn_hmmm....actually dandrader or greyback i wonder if that could be a qtmir focues thing ? ^13:23
greybackkgunn_: hey. Which bug?13:23
dednickMacSlow: kgunn_: sounds like the notifiction area is still overlaying with no notifications on screen. "You can swipe away the welcome screen, but the display dims a bit once you do, and nothing is clickable"13:24
dednickMacSlow: same thing was happening when you resized screen after unlocking a while back.13:25
kgunn_MacSlow, wonder if this is some sort of bug with queuing ?13:25
dednick(on desktop)13:25
MacSlowdednick, kgunn_: sounds like the model backdrop isn't closed properly13:26
MacSlowdednick, kgunn_: I'll take a look13:26
kgunn_MacSlow, thanks it's a  blocker so definitely update the bug if you make some progress today13:28
MacSlowkgunn_, sure... first I'll try to reproduce it on my N413:28
paulliuSaviq: is there any new version of strip-u8-tags.sh?13:49
Saviqpaulliu, http://people.canonical.com/~msawicz/unity8/strip-u8-tags.py13:50
Saviqpaulliu, if you still used the sh version, you'll be happy to know that this one is multiple times faster13:50
paulliuSaviq: thanks.13:50
paulliuSaviq: cool.13:51
tedgSaviq, On a large sized touch screen (tablet sized) does the top panel rotate with the screen?13:56
Saviqtedg, bug #v13:56
Saviqbug #121019913:56
ubot5bug 1210199 in Unity 8 "[Shell] support rotation" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/121019913:56
tedgOh, rotating on all screens.13:57
Saviqtedg, 1 == all ;)13:58
tedgAll screen sizes.13:58
Saviqtedg, when we rotate on all of them is when we can stop rotating on some :)13:58
tedgAh greyback, the other Unity developer I was looking for :-)13:59
tedggreyback, Any luck looking into the app handshake times?14:00
greybacktedg: I've not had time yet sorry14:00
tedggreyback, Ah, okay. Is there anything more from me that'd be useful?14:01
greybacktedg: nothing comes to mind yet. I'll let you know14:04
greybackChrisTownsend: hey, started looking into bug 1353041 but unity8 isn't starting up for me on my desktop. Is unity8 working for you?14:22
ubot5bug 1353041 in unity8-desktop-session (Ubuntu) "Logging out of the Unity8 desktop preview session hangs" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135304114:22
greybackah feck, I've a PPA installed, that's probably breaking mir14:23
ChrisTownsendgreyback: Yeah, no PPA.  Just from the archive it works.14:24
greybackMacSlow: I managed to reproduce it. I just created 2 events in the calendar app, both triggered at the same time. Also for both events, I set a 5 minute reminder. Then they rang14:43
MacSlowgreyback, that's what I did too... the events just do not trigger anything14:44
greybackMacSlow: even with the 5 minute reminder?14:44
greybackwithout the reminder, yeah they didn't trigger14:44
MacSlowgreyback, I set up two events both at the very same time and with a 5 min. reminder each... nothing14:44
MacSlowgreyback, do you see these events show up on you google-calender (on your desktop... did you sync)?14:45
greybackMacSlow: sync didn't work for me at all14:46
olliwho can speak to dash overview?14:53
olliSaviq, mzanetti, greyback^14:53
mzanettiolli: we're in a hangout atm. but I guess Saviq is the one in this case14:54
Saviqolli, it doesn't have voice recognition, wassup?14:54
Cimiolli, albert did it, but he's on holiday atm14:54
olliSaviq, which image do I want to be on to have this conversation?14:54
Saviqolli, any after... 158 I think14:55
Saviqor that14:55
Saviqolli, or rtm v2, landed that in there yesterday, too ;)14:56
Cimipete-woods, any update on those settings?15:02
pete-woodsCimi: yes. found a bug in unity-scopes-api (it's looking in the wrong place)15:02
pete-woodsso the config tool is writing them in one place, and the scopes are looking somewhere else15:02
MacSlowpopey, hey Alan...15:07
MacSlowpopey, hey Alan... I'm trying for almost two hours now to reproduce LP: #1354406 but just can't get any calendear-event trigger anything on my phone15:08
ubot5Launchpad bug 1354406 in indicator-datetime (Ubuntu) "PIN-locked phone becomes unresponsive after simultaneous alarms" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135440615:08
popeyMacSlow: can you create two alarms in the clock?15:08
popeyor just create two events at the same time in the calendar?15:08
popey(on the phone right now)15:09
MacSlowpopey, yeah... just saw Dave's reply... just trying that now15:09
MacSlowdoh... am/pm15:10
CimiSaviq, first done https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/dash-horizontal-list/+merge/23027915:25
CimiSaviq, is there a linked bug for https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/dash-horizontal-list/+merge/230279 ?15:32
CimiI meant lp:~saviq/unity8/fix-preview-anchor15:32
SaviqCimi, replied to horiz list15:34
SaviqCimi, no there isn't one15:34
SaviqCimi, I just found it because it spat out errors15:34
SaviqCimi, but the new shiny test should ensure it works now15:35
dandrader_MacSlow, where do I get the pynotify module from15:38
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Cimi Saviq does horizontal list and carousel hero look same dimensions?15:39
CimiSaviq, scaled one15:39
dandraderMacSlow, I installed python3-notify2 and python-notify2 but it didn't help15:39
SaviqCimi, please write that question again ;D15:39
MacSlowdandrader, you'll also need... one sec...15:40
CimiSaviq, in cardTool, the cardWidth is the same as carousel15:40
CimiSaviq, however, carousel also scales15:40
SaviqCimi, this one scales, too15:40
CimiSaviq, I did some code to ignore the scaling on the carousel side, so I think they will look the same15:41
CimiSaviq, can you double check?15:41
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SaviqCimi, you mean that cards in horizontal list are supposed to have the same dimensions as the explicitly scaled one in carousel?15:41
CimiSaviq, is this what design wanted, right?15:42
SaviqCimi, they have no idea what they want15:42
SaviqCimi, in this case at least15:42
SaviqCimi, it got all of 3 minutes attention15:43
MacSlowdandrader, did you also get just "python-notify"?15:44
CimiSaviq, ok, branch is fine then :)15:46
CimiSaviq, I'd try to see if they have same size though15:46
SaviqCimi, easy to do, just go into scope tool and change one category to be carousel, another to be horizontal-list15:46
dandraderMacSlow, oh, right. that did it.15:47
CimiSaviq, looks exactly as the carousel - fine15:49
CimiSaviq, I'd still add the flickable stuff15:50
CimiflickDeceleration: 1500 * units.gridUnit / 8; maximumFlickVelocity: 2500 * units.gridUnit / 8; // FIXME workaround for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-ui-toolkit/+bug/134855715:50
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1348557 in Ubuntu UI Toolkit "Make scrolling speed resolution independent" [High,Confirmed]15:50
CimiSaviq, which was the bug related to https://code.launchpad.net/~saviq/unity8/fix-preview-anchor/+merge/230268 ?15:59
SaviqCimi, there wasn't any15:59
SaviqCimi, let's hope that it will be fixed globally :)15:59
CimiSaviq, did we have an anchoring issue?15:59
SaviqCimi, we did15:59
SaviqCimi, there isn't a pageHeader16:00
Saviqin that file16:00
CimiSaviq, you might want to merge trunk16:05
CimiSaviq, that fix is already in trunk16:05
SaviqCimi, hum16:06
SaviqCimi, test isn't, though, pushed16:06
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CimiSaviq, tried testPreviewListView16:21
CimiSaviq, can we have make try for it with the previews?16:21
CimiSaviq, also, on desktop I get an XFAIL (which i don't know what it is yet - googling)16:21
SaviqCimi, expected fail, a negative test16:23
SaviqCimi, we have tryDash where the previews are16:24
SaviqCimi, and FWIW tryPreviewListView works, too, but there's some issue there that the first one doesn't show16:24
CimiSaviq, ok approved both16:25
SaviqCimi, tx16:29
CimiSaviq, with dualboot, how do you boot to android?16:31
SaviqCimi, that's the default16:32
SaviqCimi, ubuntu boots from recovery16:32
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=== gatox is now known as gatox_lunch
greyback_ChrisTownsend: hey, I've played with unity8 on desktop, but never managed to make it hang on log out. I'm logging out via the indicator, is that enough?17:20
greyback_ChrisTownsend: do I need a particular app open?17:20
greyback_ChrisTownsend: hey, I've played with unity8 on desktop, but never managed to make it hang on log out. I'm logging out via the indicator, is that enough?17:24
greyback_ChrisTownsend: do I need a particular app open?17:25
=== dandrader|lunch is now known as dandrader
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Hey, so you're up-to-date from the archive and on Utopic?17:41
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: And nothing special running.  Just logging via indicator hangs for me.  bregma has seen the issue as well.17:43
greyback_ChrisTownsend: yep fully up to date. I tried with no app running, then with webbrowser running. Logout worked17:46
greyback_typical :)17:47
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Strange17:47
greyback_when I log out, I get brought back to unity8's greeter, that's expected?17:47
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Umm, logout should bring you back to lightdm17:47
greyback_ok so that's notable :)17:48
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Yeah.  For me, it just hangs with the "Logout" dialogue box that says Cancel and Yes.  When I click Yes, then that's it.17:48
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Then when I attach gdb to the main unity8 process, I get that bt I posted in the bug.17:49
greyback_ChrisTownsend: could you please attach the output of ~/.cache/upstart/unity8.log to the bug. It might have a clue17:49
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: I have a snippet of it in the bug.  Do you want the whole log?17:50
greyback_ChrisTownsend: yes please17:50
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Ok, sure.  I'll get it up there in a bit.17:50
greyback_8.00+14.10.20140811-0ubuntu1 is the unity8 version I'm testing with17:51
greyback_mir 0.6 too17:51
mzanettimterry: hey17:52
mterrymzanetti, hello17:52
mzanettimterry: did you drop the spinner because of my review or because of design?17:52
mterrymzanetti, both17:53
mterrymzanetti, design didn't like it in London17:53
mterrymzanetti, but I already had the merge, and it made the PAM delay more bearable17:53
mzanettimterry: ok then... if it was just for the conflicts I would have updated it17:53
mterrymzanetti, so I figured I'd keep it in until the PAM delay was gone.  But you prompted me to remove early17:53
mzanettimterry: did I ask you to remove it?17:54
mzanettiI think I just said I will probably have to redo it because of the conflicts :)17:54
mzanettibut anyways... if design didn't like it either we're good I guess17:55
mterrymzanetti, yeah but less conflicts in the first place is better and it was doomed code  :)17:55
mzanettimterry: regarding the tiny plugin thing17:55
mzanettiI don't feel strong about it. mostly just wanted to hear your opinion...17:55
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: I'm using those versions too.  I've attached the log.17:55
greyback_ChrisTownsend: thanks17:56
ChrisTownsendgreyback_: Thank *you*17:56
mzanettimterry: was a bit worried that eventually we'll get bad startup time or similar with all those microplugins to be loaded17:56
mterrymzanetti, fair.  I just didn't know a good umbrella plugin that wouldn't be so generic it was just a hodgepodge17:56
mterrymzanetti, but less plugins would mean less boilerplate and mock plugins, which is always nice17:57
mzanettiyeah, that too17:57
mzanettimterry: the showInfoPopup() working fine for you?17:59
mterrymzanetti, yeah it did.  Didn't know that existed!  :)17:59
mzanettimterry: was originally introduced to show the "SIM Locked, get your PUK ready" message17:59
mzanettimterry: ok, I guess we're good then with this branch too.18:00
mterrymzanetti, a plugin-consolidation branch could be a separate effort.  I also am uneasy with the spread of micro-plugins18:01
mzanettimterry: yeah agreed, this is not the branch to merge them...18:01
mterrymzanetti, maybe what we need is a tiny DBus plugin that lets you make one-off calls like this18:01
mterrymzanetti, so no umbrella-plugin issue, but we can do dumb one-offs like this without a whole new thing18:02
mzanettimaybe... but afaik several people tried that already... its either a complex beast or is always lacking that one feature you need now18:03
mterrymzanetti, yeah it doesn't need to be an be-all-end-all thing, but it might let us drop some of these micro ones18:03
mterrymzanetti, but yeah, a separate effort for now18:03
mterrymzanetti, thanks for the review!18:03
mzanettimterry: small issues still18:08
mzanetti2 inline comments18:08
mterrymzanetti, ok, looking18:08
mterrymzanetti, ugh you're right.  Hasty me18:09
mzanettimterry: also this fails here: qmltestrunner::ShellWithPin::test_failedLoginsCount18:11
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mterrymzanetti, oh?  I don't see that...18:12
mzanettimterry: I ran make xvfbtestShellWithPin18:14
mzanettipasted all the failures to the MP18:15
mterrymzanetti, interesting.  I get 10 pass 0 fail here18:15
mterryMaybe I'm out of date build wise18:15
mterryno, still good18:16
* mzanetti tries again18:26
mzanettimterry: fine now18:26
mzanettimaybe just follow up failures from the dialog thing18:26
mterrymzanetti, oh good, though odd18:27
mterryI tried several times.  If it's flaky, it's not very reproducable18:27
mzanettimterry: no, looks good now18:28
=== Cimi_ is now known as Cimi
Saviqmterry, you nasty people deleting our sockets!18:59
Saviqmzanetti, did you understand Rick's bug?19:15
Saviqmzanetti, I'm trying to get more details in #canonical19:15
Saviqmzanetti, but I suspect he's not getting into the spread for real19:15
Saviqmzanetti, but he seems to have discovered that you can swipe away an app in the middle of a short-swipe, not sure that's desired, especially because the other app jumps at that point19:16
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mzanettiSaviq: I thought its because if he has one focused app and goes to spread, the dash is covering the app for like 80%19:49
mzanettiSaviq: and if he's trying to grab the app there at the left edge, chances are he ends up pulling in the launcher or so19:49
mzanettithat's how I understood it19:49
Saviqmzanetti, hmm maybe, although it doesn't make it difficult for me...19:50
mzanettibut didn't investiage at all or think more about it19:50
mzanettiSaviq: yeah, I didn't have the issue either19:50
Saviqmzanetti, but maybe it does make sense to stop the spread at a more sensible place19:50
Saviqat least initially19:50
mzanettiyeah, that's what this bug mostly means to me19:50
mzanettibut maybe you're right and he's trying to do what you said19:50
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