[04:26] https://twitter.com/TheCommunitizer/status/499403768832614401 [04:26] Title: [Twitter / TheCommunitizer: Dealing With Disrespect - Jono ...] [04:38] Jono will likely call this racist :D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=06hPljOZNzc [04:38] Title: [Life After Linux - Jono Bacon @OSCON 2014 - YouTube] [10:09] anyone alive who wants to help me with some bash? [10:22] raevol: what's up? [10:23] nhaines, i think i got it -_- thanks though [10:24] Glad I could help! [10:25] :D [13:29] Good Morning [13:36] Roguehorse: good morning! [13:38] * Roguehorse is reading up on BoringSSL [14:03] http://www.linuxfoundation.org/programs/core-infrastructure-initiative [14:04] Title: [Core Infrastructure Initiative | The Linux Foundation] [14:04] Good things [19:27] hmm when using open source expiernce for a job how do you really fill in fields where they say like supervisor email? [19:38] yep [19:38] people put me as a reference to their open source work all the time [19:38] best to ask first though, since "supervisor" may not particularly fit [21:28] boo, not feeling so well today, may have to just do a drive by of the Debian dinner [21:29] and skip beer (well, they do make root beer!) [21:50] we're skipping it too. menu didn't look promising for gluten-free stuff, and work has been tiring recently [21:55] heh, yeah, most breweries don't really do gluten free well :) [21:55] dietary restrictions are why we typically do chinese [21:55] (plus, yum) [21:59] indeed :) [22:16] * ianorlin thinks of botsnack factoid