
jrwrencmaloney: I found out that they don't live where I thought. They are at Utica Rd near Hayes Rd.13:31
cmaloneyYeah, that's right by the river.13:31
jrwrenWhat sounds does a Linux machine make?13:42
jrwrenOnly a spinning fan since the audio drivers don't work.13:42
cmaloneyHar har13:56
cmaloneybtw: Happy Birthday and all that, jrwren13:56
jrwrenthanks cmaloney14:21
jcastron0p_, I feel like bigalora tonite15:24
jrwrenjcastro: oh sure, the one night I can't crash :p15:36
greg-gjrwren: happy birthday dude15:37
jrwrenthanks greg-g !15:37
jrwrenjcastro: you might see me wandering around there trying beer anyway :p15:48
jrwrengreg-g: now THAT was a political tweet :)15:53
greg-gjrwren: the "oops, we broke the router trying to spy" one?15:58
jrwrengreg-g: no, the Governor of New York.16:19
cmaloneyFuck, 2016 PyCon is in Portland Oregon16:33
cmaloneyNow we'll never get rick_h__ back. :)16:33
greg-gjrwren: I... don't remember that?16:35
jrwrencmaloney: rick_h should leave pycon behind in favor of gophercon16:41
jrwrengreg-g: it was right when I wrote it here.16:41
cmaloneyjrwren: Bite. Your. Tongue. :)16:57
greg-gjrwren: oh, misunderstood you, got it now :)17:07
cmaloneywhich tweet is this?17:08
jrwrencmaloney: I linked to a NYT article about how their Governor sucks.17:21
jrwrencmaloney: I found it funny because yesterday I said I don't tweet politics :)17:21
jcastrojrwren, I'm in tonight if you guys are.17:44
jcastroI want pizza badly17:44
jrwrenjcastro: Its my birthday. My family is taking me out. We might end up going there for that. But I think we may hit Mani.17:56
jcastrooh! happy birthday!17:56
cmaloneyjcastro: You should go to Royal Oak18:54
cmaloneyI hear they have restaurants there18:54
cmaloneyand then you could meet up for coffee at CHC18:54
cmaloneyI don't understand why people password-protect zip files.19:42
jrwrenwhy not?19:45
cmaloneyBecause it's pointless?19:45
cmaloneyIt's like securing your bike with zip-ties?19:46
cmaloneyno pun intended.19:46
cmaloneyIt's not real encryption or protection19:47
cmaloneyIt's at best an annoyance and at worst an inconvenience.19:47
=== mulka_ is now known as mulka
skellatcmaloney: Password-protected zip files -- US Treasury's view of securely moving data around via e-mail22:23

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