
netritioushi Ubik20:13
Unit193netritious: You're back!20:13
netritiousI always come back :D20:14
netritioushow's it going Unit19320:15
Unit193Well I have coffee and good music, but trying to get two couches out of here.20:15
Ubiknetritious is like a wart... just won't go away20:16
Ubikas am I :P20:16
Ubikyall are stuck with us both20:17
Unit193I seem to forget how to get out of here. >_>20:17
* Ubik kicks cyberanger upside the head20:17
netritiousUnit193: just got my parts to put together my new pfsense box20:19
Unit193Aha!  Nice.  Transferring the latest build of my OS to my flash, might need it.20:20
Unit193netritious: Replacing an old one?20:20
netritiousyep. About 18 months in production20:20
netritiousmoving from VM to physical machine. realized I could save a few hundred bucks in electricity if i did20:23
UbikI'm not a VM fan20:24
Unit193They're handy.20:26
netritiousUbik: because?20:26
netritiousUnit193: yeah I demo'ed vmware when it first came out...I wanna say 2001...been hooked ever since.20:26
Unit193Hrm, wonder if there's an "easier" way to rsync this. :P20:27
Unit193Wow.  I use it more for testing than anything else, vbox/qemu.20:27
Ubikperformance issues20:27
Ubikseems to run slower than it would natively20:27
Ubikcase in point...our Asterisk cloud which is all VM (against my wishes/recommendation) always seems to have "weird" issues20:28
Ubikcalls breaking up for no apparent reason etc :/20:28
netritiousUbik: that's true most of the time, yes. I built my system just for running [insert OS here]20:28
Ubikyep, thats the way to go20:28
Ubikthinking my next project may be to migrate all my personal domains off of dreamhost20:29
Unit193Qemu is handy for testing UEFI+Secure boot capability in ISOs, for me.20:29
Ubikwordpress seems to take >7 seconds to return any data :(20:29
Ubiknow I love the ability to spin up stuff on EC2 for testing, thats handy20:29
Unit193I use namecheap for the domain itself.20:29
Ubikand I've been able to virtualize ircd's etc with no real problems20:30
netritiousUnit193: I ran KVM/Qemu for a while...I liked it for testing.20:31
Unit193I tend to favor vbox for testing though.20:31
netritiousUbik: I've consulted on a couple of VMware weirdness  service calls. One company moved their 2TB MSSQL DB to VMware ESXi and did very very strange things.20:32
netritiousDoctor's office software was .NET and MSSQL, so IIS, Exchange, etc was all moved and everything except the MSSQL end of things worked as expected.20:33
netritiousit was like it worked, then didn't lol. Reboots sometimes solved the issue, but once an hour wasn't going to cut it.20:33
netritiousanyway, was a genuine bug fixed by VMware20:35
netritiousUnit193: I ran KVM/Qemu on a dual core AMD 2.5GHz CPU with 4GB RAM and Debian. I was very proud of that machine until I killed it heh20:37
netritiousI had it all tricked out (admin style). remote ssh luks unlock, gdm at [3], vncserver, multiple bridges, etc etc.20:39
netritioussudo apt-get --purge --auto-remove upgrade is a very dumb thing to do and broke my debian install. probably could have fixed if there weren't kernel updates20:41
netritioussorry for the flood20:41
netritiouswhere's wrst?20:42
Unit193Hiding.  I run full-upgrade and sudo apt-get autoremove --purge; sudo apt-get autoclean   just about daily.20:54
Unit193Stupid flash problems. :/20:54
netritious_that was weird21:11
=== netritious_ is now known as netritious
Ubikback finally21:14
netritiouswb Ubik21:25
cyberangernetritious: MSSQL not working as expected seems expected to me23:39
cyberangerat least it's not an Access "DB" but still I can't imagine a Windows server with a large DB23:40
netritiouscyberanger: MSSQL works fine. I like MySQL/MariaDB, but started using Postgres for most of my projects where it needs a db23:45
netritiousAccess isn't terrible either. I know of at least one of the web sites I wrote using it is still in production....10 years on the web unaltered.23:48
netritiouswell, new data added, but 10 year old ASP code23:48
netritiousmaybe it's terrible now but then it was free compared to MSSQL23:49
netritiousSooooo glad I switched to PHP all those years ago heh23:51

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