
=== zopsi is now known as notzopsi
_unreal_ok so    plugininstall.p is running and using a lot like 6% cpu00:01
Loshki_unreal_: 6% doesn't sound like a program gone mad. 96% would be more like it. Also, something called plugininstall to be running sounds kinda reasonable for an installation script. What about df -h. Is your disk being prepped and is the disk size slowly increasing?00:04
Psil0CybinHey guys on 14.04 my computer hibernates or goes to sleep when ever i close the lid regardless of power settings, where is the manual file to edit what it does when my laptop is closed? Perhaps I can do it manually?00:05
Psil0CybinI am using xfce.00:05
noud_is_noli have to peek,real, whats i am using00:05
noud_is_noli did, LXDE and GNOME200:06
noud_is_noloeps..and touch ofcourse00:06
LoshkiPsil0Cybin: I don't know the first thing about hibernation. Have you tried https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PowerManagement/Hibernate ?00:07
TJ-_unreal_: Loshki I wonder if that plugininstall could be looping, waiting for a download. _unreal ... does the Installer have a network connection?00:07
OerHeksnoud_is_nol, gnome2 is dead00:08
noud_is_noli very know, have port GNOME300:08
noud_is_nol(for a certain Unix-that-has-no-udev)00:08
LoshkiTJ-: _unreal_: I wondered that too. I think it depends on the options you select during early install.00:09
_unreal_Loshki: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=214089300:09
noud_is_nolam just thinking in code00:10
noud_is_nolnot do..think ;)00:10
noud_is_nolbad joke00:10
_unreal_pkill -9 modprobe got it going00:10
TJ-Loshki: I had a few test installs in VMs hang because I disabled downloading updates... never figured out why at the time though, just redid them, but it bugged me alot00:10
Loshki_unreal_: well done. Wish we'd found that 10 minutes ago :-)00:10
noud_is_noldamit, i just failed to sneek into ##Unix using irc.ubuntu.com .. damit00:10
noud_is_nolpls tell 8800:11
SecretFireim trying to do a sudo chown -R command to my external hdd but i keep getting a I/O error can someone help me fix this? It says that it cannot access the directory because of an I/O error.00:11
_unreal_install hangs at "configuring bcmwl-kernel-source" looks like its a network hanging issue00:11
TJ-_unreal_: that sound like it is installing additional drivers .... I wonder if there is anything in /var/log/kern.log telling us which module had the problem?00:11
TJ-_unreal_: Ahhh... you answered that one!00:11
LoshkiTJ-: yeah, but *you* called it first...00:12
TJ-Loshki: nah, _unreal told us ages ago if we'd read enough into it: "configuring bcmwl-kenel-source (amd64) my install has been sitting on this ..."00:12
LoshkiSecretFire: bad news. What kind of filesystem is on that disk?00:12
_unreal_tj how do I past in console?00:12
noud_is_nolreal bad news it is00:13
TJ-_unreal_: You mean send output to a pastebin?00:13
_unreal_past and in ctrl+v00:13
LoshkiTJ-: hindsight is 20/20 as they say...00:13
_unreal_ctrl+alt+v isnt doing it00:13
_unreal_paste as in00:13
LoshkiSecretFire: and the exact chown command you used, for completeness...00:13
TJ-_unreal_: You can't, not in VY, not without 'screen' and some utility to transfer screen's copy-buffer to the X server clipboard00:13
SecretFireLoshki : sudo chown -R secret-fire /bla/bla00:14
_unreal_ok tj how could I paste bin my kernel.log file?00:16
_unreal_my options are kind of limited while I'm doing the install00:16
TJ-_unreal_: "sudo apt-get install pastebinit" then "pastebinit /var/log/kern.log"00:17
LoshkiSecretFire: the hyphen in "secret-fire" bothers me, but shouldn't cause an i/o error. Your data is at risk!!! Before we go any further, Is there anything on this disk you cannot live without?00:17
_unreal_cant apt-get i'm currently installing ubuntu00:17
_unreal_remember :)00:17
SecretFireLoshki : not really its replacabe00:18
Loshki_unreal_: apt-get should still work if you can get a terminal00:18
TJ-_unreal_: Oh, you're in the debian installer... hmmm, ok, first, check this directory exists: "ls -al /target/tmp/"00:18
_unreal_I tried and it failed, stating no lock and in use00:18
TJ-_unreal_: If so, do "cp /var/log/kern.log /target/var/log/kern-installer-bcm-failure.log"00:19
LoshkiSecretFire: ok, you need to unmount the disk, and run fsck on the partition00:19
TJ-_unreal_: Then, once the installation is over and the system reboots, you can grab that file from /var/log/00:19
_unreal_ohhhh install complete00:19
Loshki_unreal_: bear in mind this won't be the last bug you encounter in 14.04...00:20
LoshkiSecretFire: the fsck is running?00:20
_unreal_installed one second00:21
SecretFireLoshki : the command is?00:22
_unreal_tj got it http://paste.ubuntu.com/8031239/00:24
SecretFireLoshki : im not sure how to do the command when its not mounted00:25
LoshkiSecretFire: you need the partition name, it'll probably be /dev/sd<something>. Look through /etc/fstab and see if it's there...00:28
TJ-_unreal_: thanks00:29
LoshkiSecretFire: if you want, you can pastebin the file so we can see it...00:29
_unreal_I'll be back its begging me to reboot00:29
K350Is there a tool that lists/prints out  directories and files like a tree on in the terminal?00:30
TandyUKK350: ls -R ?00:30
SecretFireLoshki : its /dev/sdc100:30
OerHeks!info tree00:31
ubottutree (source: tree): displays directory tree, in color. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.0-1 (trusty), package size 35 kB, installed size 109 kB00:31
TJ-_unreal_: You should report that as a bug against the 'linux' package, describe that it was installer run directly from the live ISO, and it failed during installation of the BCM wl driver, and attach that kern.log file to the report.00:31
TJ-_unreal_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug00:31
LoshkiSecretFire: excellent. Ok, next step is sudo fsck -p /dev/sdc1. Depending on its size, this could take a long time.00:31
Loshki_unreal_: TJ-: I love a happy ending...00:33
SecretFireLoshki : http://pastebin.com/F3D985Rh00:33
LoshkiSecretFire: Did you unmount it first? sudo umount /dev/sdc100:33
TJ-_unreal_: Let me know the bug report number here, and I'll assign myself to it and investigate00:34
Psil0CybinUgh guys, wht is going on with 14.04...when i access a SSH Shell, It asks me for my password in a GUI, instead of the terminal like 12.04, how can I have it ask me for the password in terminal and constantly ask me every time00:34
Psil0Cybinso someone cannot use my computer to get into the shell when i am unattended00:35
SecretFireLoshki :http://pastebin.com/iKtdUkMp00:35
Psil0CybinAnyone know why the SSH key passphrase screen is via a GUI instead of terminal on Ubuntu 14.04?00:36
LoshkiSecretFire: ok, back to basics. Please run & pastebin the results of: 1) mount (no arguments), 2) df -h 3) fdisk -l 4) /etc/fstab00:37
Psil0CybinHow can i make it ask me via terminal, and ask me every time I try to SSH into that computer?00:37
LoshkiPsil0Cybin: not running 14.04 myself, is there any mention of something in the ssh man page? What happens if DISPLAY isn't set?00:38
SecretFireLoshki : http://pastebin.com/cTmWh37E00:38
rypervenchePsil0Cybin: You may have created a password for your keyring or something.00:38
Psil0Cybinso type SSH help? Its wierd I never saw this GUI before, but its a default one..00:38
Psil0CybinNo it asks for my SSH passphrase00:39
Psil0Cybinthen keeps me logged in if i logout and try to access it again00:39
Psil0Cybinso i do not type in my password again, but i want too for security reasons00:39
rypervenchePsil0Cybin: Then you probably have the Gnome keyring thing doing that with ssh-agent.00:39
Psil0Cybinhow can i get it to use xubuntu defaults00:40
Psil0Cybincan i change how the ssh agent handles it?00:40
Psil0CybinI really want to be able to type it via the terminal like in 12.0400:40
Psil0Cybinbut I removed ubuntu-desktop...already00:40
rypervenchePsil0Cybin: Is gnome-keyring installed?00:40
Psil0Cybinlet me check00:40
Psil0Cybinwhat is the command to do it without installing anything?00:41
LoshkiSecretFire: Please re-run & pastebin 3) sudo fdisk -l 4) cat /etc/fstab00:41
urdawith `iftop` how can I use an inverse filter? I want to NOT see traffic on port 1234 for example00:48
Psil0Cybinif i remove gnome-keyring to get rid of the GUI? Will I lose all my Key information?!00:48
Psil0CybinI do not want to use the GUI and use the standard SSH way of entering my password, etc00:49
Psil0Cybinso it does not keep me logged in or remember my SSH passphrases00:49
urdagot it, use 'not' (face-desk)00:50
TJ-Psil0Cybin: You just need to stop the agent I think00:52
SecretFireLoshki : http://pastebin.com/xBbB5KEc00:52
TJ-urda: "man iftop" - it uses the same filters as tcpdump, so "not ..."00:54
Psil0CybinTJ-, so u do not recommend to remove?00:56
LoshkiSecretFire: I was expecting to see mention of /dev/sdc1 which is the one you said you had the problem with. Can you confirm the device name?00:57
TJ-Psil0Cybin: I'd disable the minimum required for what you need. In your case, it sounds like the GUI agent just needs disabling00:59
SecretFireLoshki : i had to mount it for it to show http://pastebin.com/P4dwpvWR01:01
Psil0CybinTJ-, how can I disable it? so I  do not use the GUI?01:01
LoshkiSecretFire: And finally, please run: sudo blkid01:02
SecretFireLoshki : http://pastebin.com/rQi34UZL01:03
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TJ-Psil0Cybin: It looks as if it is controlled via "/usr/share/upstart/sessions/ssh-agent.conf"01:05
mnathanihow do I install opal-dev from : “opal” 3.10.10~dfsg-2.1ubuntu3 source package in The Trusty Tahr01:05
mnathaniI am at : https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/trusty/+source/opal/3.10.10~dfsg-2.1ubuntu301:06
Psil0CybinTJ-, im looking @ http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1655397 but its pretty confusing..01:06
Psil0Cybinim guessing their is no easy way to replace it with the default xubuntu method01:06
fatlard3413mnathani, how you tried downloading the package and running dpkg --install on it?01:07
LoshkiSecretFire: Ah, I see now, /dev/sdc1 automounts to /media/secret-fire/8c51a03d-e51b-4391-bab9-90222b696438. I assume this is done by nautilus01:07
SecretFireLoshki : and what does that mean01:08
daftykinsno ty, leave now please.01:08
LoshkiSecretFire: it means that its not enough to unmount the disk manually. The GUI also has a lock on it. Is there a "places" menu on your gui and does it mention /dev/sdc1 or /media/secret-fire/8c51a03d-e51b-4391-bab9-90222b69643801:09
TJ-Psil0Cybin: its outside my area of expertise01:09
fatlard3413Does anyone here have any experience with an alfa awus036h usb adapter? Or just getting an adapter with the rtl8187 chipset to work correctly?01:09
SecretFireLoshki : its in places01:10
Seveas!realtek | fatlard341301:10
ubottufatlard3413: some help for recent Realtek chipsets can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Device/RealtekRTL8187b01:10
daftykinsfatlard3413: most of it involves installing the 3.16 kernel i believe01:10
SecretFireLoshki : but i still get the IO error01:10
fatlard3413Oh, wow thanks01:10
netlarCan I upgrade from 13.04 to 14.04?01:10
fatlard3413Ill take a look01:11
Beldarnetlar, Through 13.10 yes.01:11
daftykinsnetlar: not unless you update twice, it'd be easier to clean install01:11
Seveasfatlard3413: err, I just read that page. Ignore it, it's 3 years old and probably very outdated01:11
Seveassorry for the useless link :)01:11
fatlard3413Oh, okay.01:11
netlardaftykins: I just have lots of software that I have installed, was hoping to avoid installing all that again01:12
fatlard3413The weird thing is, this is like an adapter that alot of people seem to like on linux, at least from my limited research01:12
LoshkiSecretFire: you need to remove it from places, if you can...01:12
daftykinsnetlar: basically, either way... backup. likely if you try upgrading twice, things are gonna break. so YMMV01:12
fatlard3413Could it be because I am connecting to a N access point? Which is not officially supported by the adapter?01:13
netlardaftykins: YMMV?01:13
daftykinsnetlar: your mileage may vary01:13
Seveasfatlard3413: one way to test that is using 802.11a, b or g :)01:13
jorgehow do I list how many files checked out to be ok with md5sum?01:13
jorgeI mean the number01:13
ZuXun_Yanghello everyone,I want to use Chinese input method in sudo application.How can I do?01:13
netlardaftykins: Can I restore the backup so that all the software is reinstalled with the backup?01:14
daftykinsnetlar: depends how you backup :)01:14
fatlard3413yeah, Im working on figuring out how to change my router to g,b etc01:14
netlardaftykins: Maybe all that is addressed in the installation notes for Ubunut01:15
SecretFireLoshki : how01:15
Beldarnetlar, If installs you can make a dpkg list and be sure to have any additional repos and keys saved and just install in the upgrade.01:16
mnathanifatlard3413: thanks, trying that now. Its a dependency hell though. Was looking for a simple add repo and apt-get01:16
Beldarnetlar, AS well configs...ect01:17
netlarBeldar: Just was hoping to avoid some of that work01:17
Beldarnetlar, That is like 3 min work on each distro and the install time.01:18
kostkonnetlar, do the upgrade then. what's the problem?01:18
netlarkostkon: No problem01:18
kostkon!eolupgrades | netlar, here01:18
ubottunetlar, here: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades01:19
Beldarnetlar, Honestly you should have these skills, software and hardware can break at any time.01:19
netlarBeldar, yep01:19
mitochhello community! In 14.04. I migrated my keyrings to seahorse from 12.04. and they are shown with their old names, though I'd renamed them long ago. And i cannot rename by right click, because doing so gives only a tiny window with 'close' button.01:19
rypervencheZuXun_Yang: Hi there. What do you mean you want to use it in a sudo application?01:20
i336_hey... the instructions I'm finding online seem to be out of date, how do I install the pepperflash plugin for chromium?01:21
i336_"pepperflashplugin-nonfree" isn't in the repo, or I'm missing something01:21
Beldari336_, Not sure your links but I added it to a 14.10 install hours ago.01:22
Beldarfor firefox01:23
i336_oh, I see01:23
i336_what was the package name?01:23
i336_E: Package 'pepperflashplugin-nonfree' has no installation candidate01:23
Beldari336_, webupd8 is the place not just a simple package and required I added pepper to FF's plugins01:24
i336_oh okay01:24
kostkoni336_, what's your ubuntu version01:24
i336_Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS01:24
ZuXun_Yangrypervenche:I want to run a sudo application,such as sudo gedit,and I can use Chinese input method in a sudo gedit01:24
i336_ah, webupd8 is a whole repo :P I see...01:25
kostkoni336_, it should be there http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/pepperflashplugin-nonfree   make sure multiverse is enabled01:25
rypervencheZuXun_Yang: Probably because of your variables. Which IME are you using?01:25
[Ex0r]hmm, this isnt really related to ubuntu, but I don't know where else to ask. Is it possible to host a domain somewhere, and point the mail server somewhere else, so mail forwarding and etc works?01:26
TJ-[Ex0r]: Yes, many domains do that01:26
i336_kostkon: thanks :D01:27
i336_pepperflashplugin-nonfree/trusty 1.3ubuntu1 amd6401:27
i336_  Pepper Flash Player - browser plugin01:27
i336_multiverse wasn't enabled >.>01:27
kostkoni336_, :)01:27
[Ex0r]TJ-- Do you know of a free service that I can use where I can just point the MX records to it, and setup the mail stuff ?01:27
TJ-[Ex0r]: All it needs is the domain's MX records setting to point to the host that is authorised to handle the SMTP mail connections01:27
Beldari336_, YOu probably don't have the repo open it's in.01:27
TJ-[Ex0r]: No01:27
daftykins[Ex0r]: that is off-topic here01:27
poppabearso question, i have Ubuntu Server 12.04 and i have TW Cable as ISP, i have a network "switch" hooked up to my TW Modem, I have 2 servers that are being assigned ip's through DHCP and the 3rd one is not being assigned, I have tried searching the arp to attempt to get another unused ip to statically assign to the server without luck, the range is ... anyone have any suggestions01:27
i336_Beldar: not sure... but it's installing right now... =P01:27
i336_fast, lol01:28
TJ-[Ex0r]: Try Google etc, they provide 3rd party domain mail handling with gmail01:28
[Ex0r]I seen google, and I was using it, but it handles it without MX control01:28
[Ex0r]so the receiving user sees the gmail address, not the actual address it was sent from. I think I need to find a service that offers mail servers01:28
TJ-[Ex0r]: Ask in ''networking"01:28
rypervencheZuXun_Yang: Try typing this in your terminal before you run the sudo command: https://k.ryp.io/view/4fc7ca4e01:28
[Ex0r]TJ-- thanks01:29
TJ-[Ex0r]: Ask in ##networking01:29
=== D is now known as Guest13607
sethjWhere can I get the download link for Ubuntu Studio 11.04? I found one for 9.04 and then 12.10 upward, but none of the other releases.01:30
[Ex0r]TJ-- I suppose I could have just asked how I could easily setup an STMP server on my ubuntu server that handles mail forwards01:30
sethjI guess maybe I should ask in #ubuntu-studio.01:31
kostkonGuest13607, please don't advertise other channels here01:32
Guest13607ima just spit out #'s allnight01:33
Guest13607#wtf ima wacth spideman neow01:34
TJ-!ot | Guest1360701:35
ubottuGuest13607: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:35
[Ex0r]TJ-- i guess I will ask if its possible to setup SMTP server/sendmail to only handle forwarding01:35
TJ-[Ex0r]: Postfix in "smarthost" mode, I'd guess is what you mean01:36
[Ex0r]yeah postfix01:36
[Ex0r]thats what i tried installing on the server before and it didnt work out right01:36
TJ-[Ex0r]: I always recommend that novices practice in local virtual machines first, so you can make as many mistakes as you need to, to figure it out :)01:38
[Ex0r]TJ-- thats what im trying to do :)01:39
niophi, when running apt-get update on Ubuntu 12.10, i get some IP not found msgs, output here https://gist.github.com/anonymous/3082dc8afd7136363769.  12.10 wouldn't be an old version i'd imagine so guess that wouldn't be the reason. any idea how to resolve?01:41
Dragin2Why can't I remove the 2 from my nick?01:42
daftykinsDragin2: this isn't IRC support, ask in #freenode01:43
daftykinsniop: yes your release has gone unsupported, dead... finished, gone! you would be better off backing up and clean installing a supported release, i.e. 12.04.5 or 14.04.101:43
Dragin2you could have just told me. No need to be a jerk about it01:44
daftykinsDragin2: i'm not being a 'jerk' as you put it in american speak, i'm directing you to the correct channel to ask someone who knows about it. deal with it.01:44
Guest18262goodluck :hello01:44
iluvalarHello guys, due to a recent update, chrome doesnt reconize flash payer anymore.01:45
iluvalarAnything i could try to solve it ?01:45
daftykinschrome uses pepper flash, try reinstalling it. plenty of guides online01:45
niopdaftykins:  sorry to hear.  but at least have a cause identified. ta01:46
iluvalardaftykins: on it...01:47
rustyrazorblade_i’m doing an apt-get install on ubuntu 12.04 w/ the -y option, but i’m still getting prompted what I want to do w/ configuration files that already exist.  i’m not seeing anything in the man page other than -y that might help.  am i missing something obvious?01:48
=== goodluck is now known as goodmorning
TJ-rustyrazorblade_: apt-get can't guess about debconf clashes; it's debconf prompting for a resolution01:50
rustyrazorblade_TJ-: hmm.. so there’s no way to just have it auto yes to those questions then eh.01:51
rustyrazorblade_ill just rm the file first i guess.  this is happening inside a travis ci build, i don’t have a good idea of what’s already in there :/01:52
rustyrazorblade_thanks TJ-01:52
[Ex0r]mail forwarding only seems to be working for one user..01:53
TJ-rustyrazorblade_: where possible its best to try not to alter package-management supplied configs. Some packages support run-parts via /etc/<package>/conf.d/ directories. But other than moving the customised settings out of the main .conf file, I think you'd have to change a debconf setting to have it choose to override with a "keep" ... I think that is possible, but never done it01:53
iluvalardaftykins: thank you very much. Any idea why it was working without that prior to that update ?01:54
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=== Granis` is now known as Granis
testerrHow does one install avconv or ffmpeg on Ubuntu Server 14.04?02:00
testerrapt-get doesn't seem to find libav, libav-tools, or ffmpeg02:00
rustyrazorblade_TJ-: it seems it’s possible by doing something like: apt-get install02:00
rustyrazorblade_TJ-: apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install -y cassandra02:01
TJ-rustyrazorblade_: OK, that would make sense, replacing existing configs02:01
rustyrazorblade_TJ-: i wouldn’t be doing that under normal circumstances, but travis-ci has some intereting defaults02:02
blnk1I am currently sharing my Internet connection from wlan0 to eth0 and the IP address for eth0 is but I need to change it to something else, how would I go about doing that? I checked in my Network Connections but I have no options because I have "shared to other computers" selected in the drop down box02:10
Psil0Cybinhello i Edit /etc/UPower/UPower.conf and add IgnoreLid=true to the bottom.and now02:16
Psil0Cybinwhen i close my laptop lid it opens up Display Settings02:16
Psil0Cybintwice every time two windows02:16
Psil0Cybinevery lid open02:16
OnAirhi guys,i found a solution that can make my killer network card e2200 works.however,i doesn't work after restart computer.02:17
OnAiranyone know what's going on?02:18
=== how is now known as goodluck
TJ-blnk1: According to "man 5 nm-settings" ipv4->method=shared means "...then the interface is assigned an address in the 10.42.x.1/24 range and a DHCP and forwarding DNS server are started, and the interface is NAT-ed to the current default network connection"02:21
geneologicalMastCan Someone help me install things on Ubuntu? Im new to all of this.02:24
LoshkiSecretFire: stopped for dinner, you still working on this?02:25
BeldargeneologicalMast, probably a good start. https://ubuntu-manual.org/02:26
Beldarno prob02:27
blnk1TJ: thanks for the help. Is it at all possible to have the interface assigned the address as opposed to the
[Ex0r]does dovecot-postfix/postfix restrict access via local only ? Im trying to log into my mailbox remotely using POP3 and its telling me the information is incorrect02:28
TJ-blnk1: That doesn't seem to say so, you'd need to edit the source-code and recompile I think02:30
blnk1TJ: alright, thanks for the help.02:31
decciI am trying to see how to set up Linux servers to support remote desktop connectivity02:33
decciI am looking for setting up a virtual server with Linux OS and configuring to support secure remote user sessions02:33
decciRead about gogrid...what tool u recommend02:33
=== notzopsi is now known as zopsi
Pinkamena_DI came home today to find my ubuntu box would not resume from suspend. I shut it down and screens would not turn on. After a long time hardware debugging I found that the computer passed post with a backup video card I had. Now ubuntu gets the black screen with blinking cursor02:38
Psil0Cybinhello i Edit /etc/UPower/UPower.conf and add IgnoreLid=true to the bottom.and now02:38
Psil0Cybinwhen i close my laptop lid it opens up Display Settings02:38
Psil0Cybinevery lid open and twice02:38
Pinkamena_DNot only that, but I have a live cd and live usb, both of which get the blinking cursor as well, and also I have a windows 7 partition which freezes at startup02:39
Pinkamena_Dcan i find out on what step it is stopping? For some reason even the "recovery mode" option does not actually print debug messages when booting02:40
Pinkamena_D(or at least not before this blinking cursor)02:40
Beldar!text | Pinkamena_D02:41
ubottuPinkamena_D: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode02:41
Beldar!nomodeset | Pinkamena_D02:41
ubottuPinkamena_D: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter02:41
Pinkamena_Dyes I have tried nomodeset02:41
BeldarPinkamena_D, Sounds kinda like a hardware issue.02:41
Pinkamena_Dyes it does, but I dont understand how two things could break at the same time, though I guess its possible02:42
BeldarPinkamena_D, What two things?02:42
Pinkamena_Dfor example, I found that the video card went bad, so I replaced it with a backup02:43
Pinkamena_Dnow it seems lik eit will post but there is another issue02:43
jakesylhey guys is there anyway to set a command to a variable so vast = [commands]02:43
BeldarPinkamena_D, A new graphic card could easily be the black screen issue, and windows issue.02:44
Beldarand live02:44
Pinkamena_Dright, but not livecd02:45
Pinkamena_Dbut why?02:45
jakesylany idea02:45
BeldarPinkamena_D, Why not live we see it here all the time02:45
Pinkamena_Dits a geforce 8800 GT, a common midrange card02:45
Pinkamena_Dtext and monodeset seem to have no effect02:46
BeldarPinkamena_D, You might try ##hardware02:46
Pinkamena_Dok, but is there no way I can get a list of debug messages?02:47
xnineSo I want to get a USB video capture device (like this guy http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=3504456&CatId=1428 )02:47
xnineaand I'm in the wrong channel, please disregard02:47
Pinkamena_Dok, nvm, thank you for the suggestions02:48
BeldarPinkamena_D, Are you sure you are using nomodeset correctly, by adding it to grub and correctly booting, that card is a nvidia could easily need drivers. I see numerous threads at askubuntu on it.02:49
Beldarthere is a safe x in recovery as well02:50
Pinkamena_Dthe other card was also nvidia, and I had the nvidia-current package installed02:50
Pinkamena_Dif I could at least get a terminal I could back up my files02:51
BeldarPinkamena_D, Not the driver for that exact card right?02:51
mamece2hi. i have a problem updating02:51
mamece2can anyone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/8030468/02:51
Pinkamena_Dcorrect, just the generic package02:51
[Ex0r]Is there anyone here familiar with dovecot ?02:51
Beldarmamece2, That is a debian "ufoai-common ufoai-maps" package why are you installing it?02:53
Pinkamena_Dhm I think I found the problem... or rather memtest did02:53
Pinkamena_Dthanks for trying =P02:53
mamece2Beldar: it was suposed to be an update but it went wrong02:53
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mamece2Beldar: now when i try to update i cant02:54
Beldarmamece2, 3rd party to boot, technically not supported here.02:54
_unreal_ok so I just finished the install. and I cant seem to CTRL + SHIFT + V or C text in and out the terminal02:54
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mamece2Beldar:  i think its a basic ubuntu (debian) issue that can be discussed here02:54
Beldarmamece2, You will have to remove that issue, not sure how myself.02:54
mamece2Beldar: i could say I have issues running apt-get install -f02:55
Beldarmamece2, ubuntu is not debian period, however if someone feels sorry for you, you may get help.02:55
Beldaryou could say you were the queen of england. ;)02:55
[Ex0r]having an issue getting it to work02:56
krismatrixQuestion: I have Trusty Tahr.....why are some programs available in the software center and others not?02:57
sandman13I am trying to install Ubuntu alongside with Windows 8 (wth UEFI) but I get warning "/dev/sda contains GPT signatures..." and such. I found that it can be fixed by fixing partition table02:58
SecretFireLoshki : yes02:58
sandman13but does it removes all the files on the disk?02:58
OerHekskrismatrix, what programms are not ?02:58
sandman13I don't have backups02:58
eeee_krismatrix: depends on the repos you have enabled.02:58
_unreal_figured it out, I was in xterm not terminal02:58
krismatrixkompozer for example...and simplescreenrecorder02:58
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SecretFireLoshki : can i just format it and clean it so it will work right02:59
Akiva-Thinkpadwhat do you call a server for several terminals where users can login to ubuntu at any machine, using a username/password?02:59
eeee_krismatrix: nevermind02:59
krismatrixi am relatively a new ubuntu/linux user..so...need so knowledge02:59
Beldarsandman13, Sounds like a time to backup windows any windows up to pro has one free imaging/clone.02:59
Beldarsandman13, Than read the UEFI wiki02:59
OerHekskrismatrix, Kompozer was dropped from the repos, since it is no longer maintained in Debia03:01
krismatrixok..but i was able to install it via the terminal...is that ok...or are there some concerns03:02
OerHekskrismatrix, odd, you stated it is not available03:03
krismatrixI could not find it in ubuntu software center...but going to terminal (based on instruction on websites) I was able install using sudo03:03
krismatrixAlso...as a longtime windows user...if i wanted to uninstall software...i always went to control panel to do so....now ubuntu software center has a way to uninstall software but it seems only those that were install used that system. Things I installed via the terminal don't count...how do i find programs that are not in software center and uninstall them if i need to.03:05
dotDebkrismatrix apt-get remove {packagename}03:06
dotDebor dpkg -r {packagename}03:06
krismatrix<dotDeb> and how do i find the package name? for programs installed within my computer03:07
dotDebkrismatrix what programs are you talking about?03:07
krismatrixit could be anything...I have no idea where a program is typically installed and how to find out what programs already exist and how to delete/uninstall them.03:08
OerHekskrismatrix, install synaptic, more detailed softwarecenter, what does show all installed packages.03:08
OerHekskrismatrix, i dislike softwarecenter for the commercial crap, and not showing added software other than tru the standard repos03:08
dotDebkrismatrix I agree with oerheks, install synaptic.  also you can google to find out most package names but most should be pretty easy03:09
krismatrixok...so get synaptic..i see that I can download it from ubuntu software center03:09
krismatrixi shall do so..03:09
OerHekshave fun03:09
dotDebkrismatrix it should have a much more complete list03:10
krismatrixok...i'd like to ask a few more basic questions...03:11
krismatrixWhen installing software via terminal...i have used sudo and make ...and maybe someother things....I think sudo is super user do...which i only understand to mean something that will allow me to install and uninstall software...it is sort of like Windows Admin priveleges...but  what i make? what is wget?03:12
dotDebkrismatrix sudo is superuser, which lets you access root privileges after entering your password03:13
dotDebkrismatrix wget is a webpage pulling utility03:13
dotDebkrismatrix you can read documentation on many commands by typing "man {commandname}"03:14
eeee_krismatrix: make is for compiling source code03:14
dotDebman wget03:14
SchrodingersScatkrismatrix: can think of sudo like privilege escalation, so can often get around permissions, like to install software. wget is great for downloading things, can also post data, but normally you wget a link.03:14
krismatrixok...i'll try man wget03:14
eeee_krismatrix: the programs you install using make can't be uninstalled from the software-center or apt-get remove, you have to run make uninstall, but it depends if the author has written something to uninstall it or not03:15
SchrodingersScat!info curl | krismatrix, curl is good for working with websites in cli as well03:15
ubottukrismatrix, curl is good for working with websites in cli as well: curl (source: curl): command line tool for transferring data with URL syntax. In component main, is optional. Version 7.35.0-1ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 119 kB, installed size 301 kB03:15
[Ex0r]weird, I managed to get my mail client to connect to my mail server via pop3, but it wont read emails03:16
krismatrixso curl is something that can download a file from the internet?03:16
SchrodingersScatkrismatrix: it can do that, but if that's all you're doing, then I would use wget.  Completely up to you, both generally do the same thing in that regard.03:17
krismatrixok...thanks a lot guys...i am learning a lot.03:18
[Ex0r]So is there anyone here familiar enough with dovecot to tell me why my mail client can connect to the pop3 server, but it won't retrieve any emails, even though there are some there03:19
krismatrixThis is less of a linux/ubuntu question..more of libre office Impress question...does anyone know why there is lag when using a extended tablet with impress and is there a fix?03:25
apollofmhi im lookingt for support  since i loaded ubuntu 14.04 on my hp pavillion dv6 its overheating really bad03:26
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_unreal_ok so I'm now using xfce on ubuntu 14.04 and I opened up terminal and I have no command prompt03:29
jakesylhey guys is there anyway to set a command to a variable so vast = [commands]03:30
apollofmahh the all questions and no answers club alittle like the ubuntu help wikis nothing works03:30
Beldarapollofm, Not ubuntu related but overheating of this model. http://h30434.www3.hp.com/t5/Notebook-Lockups-Freezes-Hangs/Hp-pavilion-dv6-overheating-really-quickly/td-p/618045/page/603:32
dotDeb_unreal_ what does that mean exactly03:32
_unreal_I open up a terminal window and every thing looks normal BUT there is no prompt. $03:33
Beldarapollofm, Complaining on a free help channel after 6 min hmm.03:33
apollofmthanks beldar03:33
somsipjakesyl: enclose the command in backticks, example vast=`grep error example.log | wc -l`03:34
dotDeb_unreal_ did you try a different terminal?03:34
Beldar4 min actually.03:34
apollofmill check that out03:34
dotDebbeldar: yep.03:34
_unreal_so in my case bluetower@bluetower:`$ _        its missing03:34
dotDeb_unreal_ ^03:34
_unreal_yes, xterm has a prompt03:34
_unreal_but doesnt have support for copy/past03:35
eeee__unreal_: try PS1="prompt "03:35
dotDeb_unreal_ so you are using Konsole?03:35
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dotDebno wait, xfce4-terminal03:36
X-5002anyone know how to fix a screen flicker on 14.04 lts?03:37
eeee__unreal_: did the prompt change?03:37
_unreal_its just a black03:38
_unreal_I can see file, edit, view, search etc.... but in the lower black part tnoing03:38
_unreal_but if I type commands I get results03:38
X-5002well, it usually works for 5-10 min. then starts blinking, freezes up, and stops completely03:38
X-5002well, it usually works for 5-10 min. then starts blinking, freezes up, and stops completely03:39
_unreal_X-5002, what is your video card?03:39
X-5002nvidia geforce03:39
nholloway2007I'm looking for a decent local backup solution. I know I can dd /dev/sda, but that dumps all info including free space. Any suggestions?03:39
quantibilityanyone know bash enough to answer a this question: Can i script sometihng that can control sound on the fly?03:40
quantibilitybash is dead right now.03:40
somsipquantibility: what aspect of sound?03:41
apollofmok ty  so theres n othing i can do about the fan not spinning up which it does in win703:41
Loshkiapollofm: nothing? Too soon to give up. What about http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42737 It's very old...03:48
quantibilitysomsip: just general03:49
somsipquantibility: your answer makes no sense. Do you want to enable/disable it? Increase/decrease volume? Change equalizer settings?03:50
quantibilityIncrease?decrease colume on the fly03:50
quantibilitymy fingers were in the wrong play03:50
quantibilityvolvume on the te fly03:50
quantibilitydang it03:50
quantibilityon the fly03:50
apollofmill try that  ive tried a few things but tlp etc ill check that out ty Loshki03:50
quantibilitysomsip: Increase/decrease volume on the fly.. with in set parameters03:51
jim1hello is there any way to set gnome asmy default desktop environemnt?03:51
DanaGargh, gdm won't start -- just gives me a black screen.03:51
DanaGWith a cursor.03:52
somsipquantibility: a bind I use for that is "amixer -q sset Master 2+". or "2-" to decrease. YMMV03:52
Psil0CybinCan someone help me the Network Connections Module in Ubuntu 14.04 does not save my VPN passwords/secrets, so I have to c onstantly re-enter ,m them I think this may be another bug I am experiencing, bad move upgrading...what can I do , to attempt to fix this? How would I diagnose this issue...03:52
quantibilitysomsip:but can i get input on current volume03:53
Loshkiapollofm: also, "apt-cache search fan | egrep -i control" shows 3 or 4 apps for fan control03:53
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Akiva-ThinkpadHey is there anyway to use vim or a vimstyle editor to edit textboxes in a browser?03:53
somsipquantibility: no idea. I just knew I had a bind to control volume and thought that might help. Looking into what else you can do with amixer might help you03:53
Psil0Cybinnetwork-manager does not save vpn (openvpn) password anymore03:53
quantibilitysomsip: thanks its a start03:53
Psil0Cybinif anyone can help ill be for ever greatful03:54
ermac0re-install openvpn and or network manager03:54
somsipAkiva-Thinkpad: which browser?03:55
Akiva-Thinkpadsomsip, any; preferably ubuntu's browser03:55
Akiva-Thinkpadthe webbrowser-app03:55
somsipAkiva-Thinkpad: wasavi for Firefox, also Pentadactyl and Vimperator. Possibly All Text!. Not so much for Chrome. Dunno what you mean by "ubuntu's browser"03:56
Akiva-Thinkpadsomsip, are you running 14.04?03:56
somsipAkiva-Thinkpad: yes.03:56
Akiva-Thinkpadsomsip, open the dash, type "Webb"03:57
somsipAkiva-Thinkpad: I do not use a dash.03:57
Akiva-Thinkpadsomsip, o_o03:57
Akiva-Thinkpadtype webb and press tab03:57
somsipAkiva-Thinkpad: no. I'm happy to help, but this is silly03:58
Loshkisomsip: please can you explain the difference between set and sset in amixer?03:58
somsipLoshki: no idea. Check the manual03:58
Akiva-Thinkpadsomsip, o_O   fine; don't learn what the Webbrowser-app is; the app that will likely replace firefox.03:58
Loshkisomsip: I did, and I'm none the wiser, why I asked. When I hunt it down I'll come back and tell y'all04:00
somsipLoshki: well, I have it doing what I need it to do so no need on my behalf.04:00
sandman13 I am trying to dualboot Ubuntu with Windows 8 (UEFI) but it shows this warning: http://imgur.com/ErNUBrn. Searching on google yielded that I need to fix the Partition Table but I am wondering if it would wipe the entire drive.04:01
cfhowlettsandman13, there's a tool to reconfigure/transmute a GPT to MBR - that doesn't normally result in a wipe.  However, when you're working at the storage medium process, backup ^204:03
cfhowlett!uefi | sandman13, BUT you are aware of uefi/ubuntu issues?04:03
ubottusandman13, BUT you are aware of uefi/ubuntu issues?: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI04:03
Loshkisomsip: as you wish...04:03
DocPlatypusSTFW for this and didn't find anything useful. How do I fix what causes this? Uncaught exception: ../../../../src/generic/apt/apt.cc:713: void surrounding_or_internal(const pkgCache::DepIterator&, pkgCache::DepIterator&, pkgCache::DepIterator&): Assertion "found" failed.04:03
_TJ_sandman13: You can answer "Yes" to confirm the disk has a GPT, otherwise if you use a MSDOS MBR style table it'll lose access to the Windows installation04:04
somsipDocPlatypus: possibly you need the #c or #c++ channel?04:04
somsip!alis | DocPlatypus04:04
ubottuDocPlatypus: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*04:04
sandman13cfhowlett: The files are over 1TB in size04:04
DocPlatypussomsip: this happens in aptitude when attempting to upgrade packages.04:05
cfhowlettsandman13, all the more reason to consider your backup options ... slow your role04:05
DocPlatypusaptitude crashes, and I get that.04:05
somsipDocPlatypus: ah - details are helpful :) However, I can't help with aptitude04:05
DocPlatypussomsip: sorry thought it would be recognizable as an apt/apt-get/aptitude issue04:05
sandman13cfhowlett: the laptop is of my friend, he wanted to try Ubuntu as Windows is causing serious problems04:06
jakesylsomsip command not found04:06
quantibilitysandman: was it copywrite infringment problems?04:06
somsipjakesyl: eh? What's this about then?04:07
DocPlatypusfailing that, what's the generic advice for "resetting" the apt/aptitude state?04:07
somsipDocPlatypus: looking at aptitude-devel bug trackings, it might be something that should be reported as a bug. But there may be an easier fix04:07
sandman13quantibility: every restart made Windows unable to boot04:08
apollofmty Loshki ill try that see what happens ty all looks complicated but illm give it a go04:08
quantibilityyeah when it comes to windows problem s sandman13 i know em all04:08
_TJ_sandman13: Was Windows missing from the boot menu?04:08
LoshkiDocPlatypus: Odd that you're the only one seeing this. Which os/version?04:08
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DocPlatypusLoshki: 12.04 LTS04:09
somsipDocPlatypus: so if you don't get an answer here, might be worth lookign through bug reports to see if someone else has a fix for you https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/aptitude/+bugs?field.tag=apport-bug04:09
Loshkiapollofm: if you're running 14.04, you might have better luck with 12.04...04:09
sandman13TJ-: yes and Windows is the only OS installed on the machine04:09
wafflejockDocPlatypus, can you restate the problem or copy/paste it I just joined in not sure what you're asking04:09
DocPlatypuswafflejock: aptitude crashes with an assert failure when I try to upgrade packages. I haven't changed anything recently04:10
quantibilitysandman13: you did a dual boot?04:10
DocPlatypus(besides just "sudo aptitude update")04:10
TJ-sandman13: That's a problem with the PC's system firmware, not Windows or any other OS. Some bad implementations of UEFI (the firmware) are known to cause such issues.04:10
somsipDocPlatypus: could you update aptitude from apt-get?04:10
apollofmill have update sooner or later04:10
apollofmi loved 10.04 no stress04:11
DocPlatypussomsip: "aptitude is already the newest version."04:11
wafflejockDocPlatypus, you can try --reinstall04:11
somsipDocPlatypus: force reinstall then? I am guessing here...04:11
Loshkiapollofm: use apt-get instead?04:11
sandman13quantibility: not yet. I have no medium to backup my files and I am fearing that fixing partition table will wipe out entire drive. Plus it's not my Laptop.04:11
TJ-sandman13: the central problem is when the operating system is installed it calls UEFI services to add itself to the system's internal boot menu... sometimes the UEFI fails to record that information despite telling the OS it has done so. Next time the PC starts, there's no entry for the OS and the user can't do anything unless the system includes the UEFI shell04:12
apollofmsorry im confused04:12
wafflejockapollofm, 14.04 is pretty nice too, I wasn't a huge fan of Unity in 12.04, went to KDE now on Gnome but I might go back to Unity eventually with some of the changes they made from 1204:12
TJ-sandman13: Are you running the Live ISO "Try Ubuntu" at the moment?04:12
Loshkiapollofm: apt-get is not as elegant as aptitude but has much the same functionality, and fewer bugs, apparently...04:12
sandman13TJ-: No, I am on my Laptop running Debian04:13
apollofmi tryied loading 14.04  32 bit but it was no good04:13
DocPlatypussomsip, wafflejock, Loshki: "update-alternatives: warning: forcing reinstallation of alternative /usr/bin/aptitude-curses because link group aptitude is broken."04:13
DocPlatypusbut it appears to have worked04:13
john38Is anybody else here having problems on ebay??04:13
somsipDocPlatypus: and does aptitude run now?04:13
somsip!ot | john3804:13
DocPlatypussomsip: trying it now04:13
ubottujohn38: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!04:13
ubuntu_user1357is there nota 32 bit x86 pae version of 14.04 for x86 desktop?  only thing I could find is i386.... less than 2gb ram n I've got 2x that.04:13
apollofmi use it when ever i can04:13
sandman13TJ-: the problem is I don't have experience with UEFI04:13
john38somsip, what??04:14
DocPlatypussomsip: so far so good.04:14
TJ-sandman13: You're fortunate; I do :)04:14
somsipjohn38: this channel is for ubuntu support. the question you are asking doesn't appear to have anything to do with ubuntu. #ubuntu-offtopic is the place to ask04:14
cfhowlettsandman13, depending on his ram, you might be better off leaving UEFI/dual boot issues aside for now.  install virtualbox to windows.  install 32 bit lubuntu/xubuntu to virtualbox.04:14
wafflejockjohn38, not really a ubuntu question you can check http://www.downforeveryoneorjustme.com/04:14
john38somsip, well yes since i am using ebay on ubuntu and there seems to be problems but on windows its working fine04:15
wafflejockjohn38, if you think it's browser related or something we need details on what browser your using04:15
apollofmi used i386 the cpu went crazy 100 usage04:15
wafflejockjohn38, have you tried other browsers?04:15
wafflejockwhat is the behavior04:15
ubottuPlease elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)04:15
john38i think it may be a problem with flash plugin or something ebay keeps refreshing itself over and over04:16
DocPlatypusI feel kind of dumb now. first thing I should have tried, on instinct, was a reinstall of aptitude. yet it's discomforting to know that apparently random binaries/files are getting corrupted in subtle ways04:16
wafflejockjohn38, what browser?04:16
john38wafflejock, firefox04:16
john38wafflejock, just on that site04:16
wafflejockjohn38, would suggest trying chrome from http://www.google.com/chrome it has a built in flash player they maintain04:16
john38wafflejock, and!! amazon04:16
somsipDocPlatypus: time for a fsck? or other check of HD04:16
sandman13cfhowlett: the chances that Windows won't boot next time is high. This is the reason he wanted Ubuntu04:17
wafflejockjohn38, surprisingly on Adobe's site they drop support for linux with FP 11 or 12 I forget but in Chrome you get FP1404:17
cfhowlettsandman13, so ... why keep windows if it's failing.  wipe it out and do 100% ubuntu.  Expontially easier04:18
DocPlatypussomsip: possibly. computer likes to run hot, hard disk has definitely shown me in no uncertain terms it hates heat too04:18
wafflejockyeah I had the dual boot but rebooting even on SSD is too slow, I like my Windows in a VM where it belongs :P04:18
somsipDocPlatypus: ***warning*** best heeded04:18
DocPlatypussomsip: actually HD has run hot enough that it is having issues when started cold (<30°C or so)04:19
Loshkiwafflejock: amen...04:19
apollofmthanks guys all info apreciated ill try that or buy a fan cooling pad :)04:19
TJ-sandman13: You can also use the Ubuntu Live environment, if it is booted in UEFI mode, to add the Windows OS boot entry to the system's boot menu04:19
somsipDocPlatypus: you already seem to know you have a problem then04:19
DocPlatypussomsip: yes but not one I'm expecting to result in random corruption of data that should only rarely be written to if ever04:19
DanaGI usually use rEFInd as my boot chooser on UEFI.04:19
DocPlatypusI have a separate / and /home04:20
DocPlatypusmy / rarely gets touched except to read data, write logs, and occasionally update programs04:20
DocPlatypusread programs*04:20
TJ-DocPlatypus: I missed the start of this, but that sounds to me like flakey RAM ... have you run a thorough memtest ?04:21
DocPlatypusTJ-: it's not flaky RAM04:21
DocPlatypusif anything of the sort, it *might* be dirty power (1950s house, everything has to be plugged in with a cheater adapter)04:21
TJ-DocPlatypus: power is filtered and cleaned by the PSU; absent total brown-outs, fluctuating mains AC isn't going to cause random data corruption, without the system totally falling over and resetting, or reporting lost devices04:23
TJ-DocPlatypus: In my experience random corruption of on-disk data, where the disk's own CRC proves the data read was the same as written, is caused 95% of the time by flakey RAM modules... and the other 5% by flakey memory controllers or CPUs04:25
DocPlatypusTJ-: could a failing PSU have damaged the RAM on its way out?04:26
lotuspsychjeim having issues connecting google and hotmail, tested different browsers all other sites connecting normally also other services like irc connect normal04:27
TJ-DocPlatypus: I'm not sure, but anything is possible if a PSU does something it ought not04:31
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TJ-DocPlatypus: if you're experiencing apparent data corruption, and there are no I/O errors in the kern.log indicating disk, controller, or cable faults, then the reasonable conclusion is that the data is being corrupted on its way from RAM to the device04:32
TJ-DocPlatypus: I had a server a few months ago would do that... but only under heavy load. Eventually a 48 hour memtest run found that the last stick of RAM (the one which would have been mapped to the highest addresses) had sticky bits.... and that module's addresses were only rarely paged in when the system was under heavy load.04:34
DocPlatypusTJ-: I'll run memtest when I get a chance04:34
TJ-DocPlatypus: And it was fixed simply by firmly reseating the module in the slot. Sometimes the general vibrations in the PC can cause some connectors to lose a perfect contact and a physical push is enough to fix it04:35
DocPlatypusTJ-: had that happen once on the computer this one replaced04:36
TJ-DocPlatypus: It used to happen a lot with VGA video cards where the weight of the connector on the outside would, over time, cause the inner end of the card to lift just enough for some signal paths to onnly have intermittent contact. It used to be like magic to visit a client, whip out the screwdriver and fix it whilst they were away fetching a cup of tea :)04:37
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john38wafflejock, so theres no flash plugin that will work for firefox04:41
john38wafflejock, updated04:41
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PCworkerAnyone here tonight?04:50
Companion_CuybeCould somebody give me a hand?04:54
PCworkerI am wanting to upgrade my Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to 14.04 LTS. But I would like to know if the upgrade is going to keep all the programs I have installed OR if I need to use AptonCD first and then do the upgrade?04:54
Companion_CuybeDuring the install of Ubuntu via a Minimal CD I selected the wrong package and installed some server, now I would like to change it to Ubuntu 14.04 LTS04:55
Companion_CuybeCan anyone give me a hand, I'm kind of lost.04:55
rjsaltsPCworker: It'll keep the programs installed assuming they don't cause conflicts with newer packages04:56
PCworkerrjsalts: thanks. I have CD and DVD burning software and pinta graphics stuff.04:57
Companion_Cuyberjsalts, any advice for little ol' me?04:58
PCworkerrjsalts: I do a lot of website building.04:58
rjsaltsPCworker: assuming you change your apt sources to point to the new release and do apt-get update you can see what will change with apt-get --simulate dist-upgrade04:58
rjsaltsCompanion_Cuybe: I didn't understand what you were asking04:58
PCworkerCompanion_Cuybe: Can you get to and use the desktop?04:58
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Companion_CuybeI can load up a ubuntu 14.04 command prompt04:58
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop04:59
Companion_CuybeI sat down and nicked the enter key while selecting a package and picked one at the bottom of the list, I believe it's some server.04:59
rjsaltsCompanion_Cuybe: and you want to add a GUI, etc?04:59
Companion_CuybeI would likte Ubuntu 14.04 LTS04:59
Companion_Cuybesudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop05:00
Companion_CuybeIt ask's me to verify my PW then it does nothing.05:00
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, yes.  in a TERMINAL.   not in IRC.05:00
Companion_CuybeI understand this.05:00
LoshkiCompanion_Cuybe: sudo apt-get update, then try again05:00
Companion_Cuybeone moment, will return with result's shortly05:01
Companion_CuybeAHA NEVERMIND05:01
Companion_CuybeMy MinimalCD finally booted and I can just install with that.05:01
Companion_CuybeInvalid or corrupt kernal image05:02
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, you DID verify that ISO --- right?05:02
Companion_CuybeEDD: Error ff00 reading sector 1163605:02
Companion_CuybeIs that the harddrive's fault?05:02
Companion_Cuybecause this laptop may have a bad drive05:02
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, could be a bad ISO, could be a bad USB.05:02
Companion_CuybeYes, I verified the ISO05:03
lachesishey guys, how can i make my initrd include support for cryptdevice?05:03
lachesisit's really easy on arch (just add the encrypt hook), but i can't figure it out on ubuntu 14.0405:03
rjsaltsSo are there any recommendations for using dconf on nfs home directories? I've seen the database truncated on odd occasions when there is network problems during logout. I noticed some documentation about storing it in LDAP, but it was pretty old.05:03
jake__Whats going on here?05:03
lachesisi'm trying to boot to an encrypted root but grub just says the root is missing05:03
Companion_Cuybeanything to enter on the Boot: command window?05:03
jake__put grub on root05:03
Companion_CuybeUbuntu 14.04 is booting05:04
jake__remove password for encrypted root05:04
Companion_CuybeOh god, errors.05:04
Companion_Cuybeubuntu 140.04.1 LTS05:04
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Companion_Cuybenow I am logged into my user05:05
Disco_batmanOh boy05:05
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TJ-lachesis: cryptsetup? just ensure there's an entry for the crypt volume in "/etc/crypttab"05:05
Companion_Cuybethe apt-get update seems to have worked.05:06
TJ-lachesis: When update-initramfs runs it calls cryptsetup hooks which will look at crypttab and fstab, and if the root file-system is on a crypt device, will add the necessary binaries, scripts, and configuration to the initrd05:06
TJ-lachesis: Is the /boot/ file-system outside of the encryption?05:07
Disco_batmanOh boy.05:07
Disco_batmanNow ive screwed myself05:08
Companion_CuybeWhats wrong05:08
Disco_batmanMy PC Froze and now wont boot into ubuntu05:08
Disco_batmani  blame java05:08
Companion_Cuybemy computer wont even turn on right now05:08
Companion_Cuybeand it shut down during apt-get update05:09
Companion_CuybeI'm scared.05:09
Disco_batmanthat basically says your version is corrupt05:09
Companion_CuybeI cant even get my computer to POWER ON05:10
Disco_batmanIs it plugged in still?05:10
Companion_CuybeI'm hoping it just overheated05:10
Companion_Cuybeor some shit05:10
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, maybe you'd best leave it for an hour.  and no profanity.05:10
Disco_batmanMost likely05:10
Disco_batmanim hoping my pc overheated05:11
Disco_batmanprobrably not though :C05:11
Companion_Cuybeubuntu couldn't corrupt and mess up so badly that it prevents the computer from booting05:11
Companion_CuybeCould it?05:11
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, highly unlikley05:12
Companion_CuybeOkay good.05:12
Disco_batmanWell from years of computer usage its possible it fried the power supply05:12
cfhowlettunplug, disconnect and leave it alone for an hour ...05:13
Companion_CuybeMe and Him?05:13
Companion_CuybeOr just him05:13
Companion_CuybeOr just me?05:13
Companion_CuybePerhaps both?05:13
Disco_batmanMost likely both05:14
Disco_batmanIm gonna test my pc. Wish me luck05:15
Disco_batman>_< Dangit05:16
Companion_CuybeMe either batman05:17
Companion_Cuybeme either.05:17
donixim having truoble setting up cisco e2500 n600 wifi router05:20
donixi can get to load but it asks me to download windows soiftware05:20
lachesisi'm trying to encrypt my root - does grub do some magic to read the crypttab and put root somewhere else?05:21
cfhowlettdonix, is that router linux friendly?05:21
donixi have no idea or where to get that info05:21
Companion_CuybeMy laptop still isn't booting05:21
Companion_Cuybestill scared05:22
Disco_batmanStill wont work GAH05:24
cfhowlettif your laptop is over heated ... LET IT COOL!05:24
samthewildoneI'm trying to build a application via Qt5.3 and having a problem displaying the menu bar.05:25
samthewildonethe application doesn't output an error but, the menu bar isn't showing which is a result of Unity.05:26
samthewildoneIs there a way I can disable this thing ?05:26
cfhowlettsamthewildone, install and use a different Desktop Environment?05:26
samthewildonewhich one ?05:27
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TJ-samthewildone: There's an environment variable you can use to override the unity menu snatching... but can't recall what it is right now05:28
cfhowlettsamthewildone, sudo apt-get install lxde xfce4 kde will grab three of the more popular ones.  logout.  choose one. login05:28
samthewildoneTJ-, hey whats up my man05:29
* samthewildone jumps onto TJ's back 05:29
VA6DAHdonix, install ddwrt or tomato...05:29
TJ-samthewildone: oooph! see http://askubuntu.com/questions/10481/how-do-i-enable-or-disable-the-global-application-menu05:29
samthewildoneI rather not clog my computer with other desktop enviroments05:29
cfhowlettVA6DAH, those are wifi router OS's ... not DE's05:29
TJ-samthewildone: scroll down that page to see the way to do it for 14.04 Trusty05:29
editioni recently installed KDE, using the kubuntu-desktop metapackage05:31
editionunfortunately, it has messed up the Greybird theme in XFCE...05:31
editionhow can I fix this?05:31
cfhowlettedition, find a KDE equivalent theme.05:32
editionim using an XFCE session.05:33
edition@cfhowlett is their a 'manual' approach, to change back the theme?05:34
cfhowlettedition, IDK ... but I don't see how the theme could have gotten scrambled if you're now using xfce ...05:35
VA6DAHcfhowlett, He did say wifi router... From what I read at least.05:35
samthewildoneOk so whatever I did I almost borked my comp05:36
samthewildonehad to reinstall that thing I removed05:36
cfhowlettedition, one possible ... reset your xfce configurations back to default by deleted /home/.config/xfce405:36
samthewildoneTJ-, no luck05:36
Companion_CuybeSo my laptop is still not booting after mysterious crash during apt-get update05:37
samthewildoneTJ-, "although this will break the HUD"05:37
samthewildonethat's the part I need05:37
cfhowlettedition, those are not the greybird theme icons.05:38
editioni know :)05:38
editionthats the problem05:38
cfhowlettedition, appearance > fonts05:39
cfhowlettappearance > icons05:39
Companion_Cuybe cfhowlett05:39
Companion_CuybeMy laptop is still not starting, I'm worried.05:40
anewwhen i try to telnet 4225 it says unable to connect to remote host05:40
editioncfhowlett, the appearance settings do not work.05:40
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe bad power supply = replace power supply.  Overheating = WAIT for cooldown and test again05:40
somsipanew: telner is not usualy on 4225. What command are you using to connect?05:41
cfhowlettedition, kill the file I mentioned earlier.  logout.  login.05:41
Companion_CuybeWhat luck.05:41
Companion_CuybeSpend all day repairing laptop and then installing a new OS05:41
Companion_Cuybepower supply goes out05:41
Companion_CuybeIt's had time to cool and should start if that was the problem05:42
anewi am trying to use a firefox extension which is supposed to be listening on port 422505:42
Companion_Cuybewhich I'm not so sure of05:42
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, wait 1 hour05:42
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, wait, what?  bad power supply is CONFIRMED?05:42
somsipanew: what extension. What command are you using to try to connect to it? Why do you think it will respond to telnet?05:42
Companion_CuybeNot neccessarily.05:43
Companion_CuybeIt's been about half an hour though.05:43
pete__This is my first time using this. What is Xchat used for?05:43
OerHekspete__, irc05:43
cfhowlettpete__, technical suppport05:43
anewsomsip mozrepl.  it is listening on port 4225.  if i have firefox open it works, but i cant start firefox from scratch05:43
Companion_CuybeI think the laptop turned off because I didn't have the battery in and the connection with the charger is slightly finnicky.05:43
Companion_CuybeI'll continue waiting.05:44
somsipanew: I'd like to help, but you're not answering questions I'm asking, so good luck05:44
editionthe apearance settings still don't work...05:44
anewsomsip wot.... i just answered them05:44
cfhowlettedition, ask #xfce05:45
anewsomsip extension = mozrepl05:45
somsipanew:  what extension. What command are you using to try to connect to it?05:45
anewsomsip extension = mozrepl !!05:45
DanaGargh, stupid apparmor.... can't start any libvirt VMs, due to an unspecified apparmor_parser error.  There's no message about what's wrong with the profile.05:46
anewsomsip i am connecting from a perl script, it works if ff is open, but not if it is closed05:46
Companion_CuybeShould I be worried, cfhowlett?05:46
cfhowlettCompanion_Cuybe, you should wait, get off IRC, go for a walk and test in 45 minutes05:46
Companion_Cuybeits 2 am05:47
somsipanew: It doesn't look like anything official to do with ubuntu. I suggest you contact the plugin author or the wiki https://github.com/bard/mozrepl/wiki05:47
Companion_CuybeAlright alright I'll leave you alone05:47
anewwhy cant i telnet to port 4225 was my question !!!05:47
Ben64anew: why can't you telnet? you can -- "telnet host 4225". next question?05:48
anewi get unable to connect to remote host05:48
Ben64then its not listening or you have a firewall or something blocking it05:48
anewben64 iptables -I INPUT -p tcp --dport 4225 -j ACCEPT shouldnt this take care of that ?05:49
TJ-DanaG: Yeah, its a pain isn't it? I turned off apparmor .... then next reboot everything was fine, I never did figure out what the issue was, although I did dig around a lot05:50
DanaG_ /usr/lib/libvirt/virt-aa-helper -r --uuid libvirt-be97a8c6-f9bc-4716-9083-ab1c8c895591                    virt-aa-helper: error: profile does not exist05:50
DanaGwhat gives?  am I supposed to create the profile myself?  I sure hope not...05:50
TJ-anew: Is the firefox extension listening only on localhost?05:50
anewtj- i think i got it05:52
anewthank you05:52
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libx/libxfce4util/libxfce4util-common_4.10.1-1ubuntu1_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libx/libxfce4util/libxfce4util6_4.10.1-1ubuntu1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfconf/xfconf_4.10.0-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/x/xfconf/libxfconf-0-2_4.10.0-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libx/libxfce4ui/libxfce4ui-common_4.11.1-2ubuntu1_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/libx/libxfce4ui/libxfce4ui-1-0_4.11.1-2ubuntu1_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
noud_is_nolFailed to fetch http://nl.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/universe/e/exo/libexo-common_0.10.2-3ubuntu1_all.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]05:56
unopastenoud_is_nol you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted05:56
cfhowlett!paste | noud.  learn to paste.  seriously.05:57
ubottunoud.  learn to paste.  seriously.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:57
noud_is_nolall, at 07:56:39 Noud typed a paste being: ¨(07:57:28) noll: (07:56:39) noll: oeps pardon ;)"05:58
anewi try to run usr/bin/firefox but it says file not found?05:59
anewi can see the fil in there ...05:59
noud_is_nolyou miss the first dash-to-the-right05:59
editionin xubuntu, how to remove kde?06:06
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OerHeks!purexfce | not sure this is still working06:07
ubottunot sure this is still working: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »06:07
RoozbehShafieeedition: sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop06:08
editionapt reports the removal of kubuntu, will free up 57kb...06:08
editionthis seems very small to be KDE...06:09
bazhangthat is only removal of the meta package edition06:10
editionill use the command line, from psychocats.net06:10
bazhanghttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce <---- read this edition06:10
OerHeksbest thing to do is reinstall a fresh xfce.06:11
editioncould I remove desktops completely, and work from the console?06:11
cfhowlettedition, remove the configuration file, then sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:11
editioni don't have that much bandwidth left...06:13
lapionSo I have been having these weird X server lockups.06:15
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noud_is_nolgot xv up06:16
noud_is_nolbismillah, benne06:22
noud_is_noloeps, bismillah, bene06:23
JayPiHi everyone! I would like to build a public ftp server (or http) that can manage a queue-like system. By example, if I give the link www.my-server.com/test.zip, I would like to create a *queue* in case of many users trying to download it at the same time... So, the first one got the download directly, the second has to wait, etc.06:23
cfhowlett!server  | JayPi,06:24
ubottuJayPi,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server06:24
lapionin which the second screen gets becomes garbled up. And I have to turn off and on again the second screen06:24
JayPiThanks a lot cfhowlett06:25
cfhowlettJayPi, happy2help06:25
cyborg4Hi, I'm trying to build drivers for my Texet WiFi adapter but get these errors during make: http://pastebin.com/gfrjVemE Can anyone help?06:29
noud_is_nolHi, i have XV up-and-running driving Ubuntu, but can not upload the scrot it -- wut to do?06:29
noud_is_nolhi S.A.06:30
noud_is_nolhum..DCC was part IRC was it?06:31
noud_is_nol"#    ifdef __linux__06:32
noud_is_nol     extern const char *sys_errlist[];     /* this too... */06:32
noud_is_nol" is oki doki is it?06:32
noud_is_nol..this as well..:06:33
noud_is_nolextern const char * sys_errlist[];06:33
noud_is_nolis it06:33
noud_is_nolsomeone in06:33
noud_is_nolPlease forward to 88 (eightyeight), Ubuntu Linux now has the XV. (it has to do w/ my ##Unix status)06:38
cfhowlettnoud stop.  use paste.06:38
oseianyone knows how to install gecko on ubuntu 14.0406:39
MID_DEVIs Ubuntu good for beginners with Linux?06:40
malimbarMID_DEV, yes06:41
OerHeksosei what is gecko? gecko media player?06:41
cfhowlett!manual | MID_DEV,06:48
ubottuMID_DEV,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/06:48
intraderOerHeks, I have installed google-chrome-stable since google chromium's flash does not work. I start google-chrome-stable from the terminal; placed two google icons on task strip. Th icon is inactive, and there are many errors like 'RawChannel fatal error (type 1)'. In other words chrome does not work06:49
Beldar!alis | TCSP06:59
ubottuTCSP: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" . For more help or questions relating to alis, please join #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu* or /msg alis list *http*06:59
RepoxHello. I'm trying to use logrotate to clean up my log directory in a php application (Laravel). My config looks like this: http://pastie.org/private/psluedbz1mvh5cpo9cbra - Problem is that it says none of my log files needs rotating and some of the log files are more than a week old. Any suggestions?07:01
yskapellgood morning07:24
yskapellany idea how can I check if the NIC or cable is faulty?07:24
yskapellI have no errors or warnings in messages07:24
adscreplace with another cable to eliminate the cable as source of error07:27
innocent95Morning everybody07:28
innocent95How to disable the auto-start of the lamp server ?07:29
yskapelladsc: I have no physical access07:29
yskapellplus it is virtual 3.2.0-24-virtual07:30
adscinnocent95: maybe this helps: http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services?07:30
adscsorry, http://askubuntu.com/questions/19320/how-to-enable-or-disable-services07:30
gr33n7007hinnocent95, probably "sudo update-rc.d lamp disable"07:30
TJ-yskapell: "ethtool" might help07:31
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gr33n7007hinnocent95, you could also use sysv-rc-conf07:32
yskapellit is not installed and I cannot install it07:33
yskapellas I do not have access to the outside world07:33
Arie5678hello all. Im new here. I installed Linux Mint 17. Need to adjust my Trackpoint. Apparantly i need to create a Xorg.conf file. But I am unable to find a tutorial about it. I found how to do it for Linux Mint 13 but it wont work. any ideas?07:35
bazhang!mintsupport | Arie567807:37
ubottuArie5678: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org07:37
gr33n7007h!info mplayer207:38
ubottumplayer2 (source: mplayer2): next generation movie player for Unix-like systems. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.0-701-gd4c5b7f-2ubuntu2 (trusty), package size 956 kB, installed size 2572 kB07:38
ObrienDavegreetings and welcome07:48
malkaunsis there any way to make empathy pop up a chat window when a new message comes in rather than just using the notification area?07:50
zambawhy do ubuntu keep forgetting which locales should be generated?07:51
innocent95can we edit the symbolic link ?07:51
ikoniainnocent95: edit them ?07:52
innocent95ikonia, a file i mean.07:52
ikoniainnocent95: you can edit files, sure07:52
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Beldarmalkauns, http://askubuntu.com/questions/22292/get-chat-empathy-to-pop-up-when-people-are-talking-to-me07:53
innocent95ikonia, if i have a file and i did a symbolic link to it somewhere and later on a came and edit this file, what would happen ?07:53
yskapellethtool did not help much as the only info I get is Settings for eth0: Link detected: yes07:53
ikoniainnocent95: you'd edit the file07:53
innocent95ikonia, I can edit the file from it's symbolic link then ?07:54
ikoniainnocent95: thats the point of a link - to point at something else07:54
Blendahi all, is it possible to box select in "Files" (Ubuntu 14.04)?07:54
ikoniabox ?07:55
cynicallemoninnocent95: think of a symbolic link as a shortcut in windows07:55
Blendaikonia you draw a box around files and it select07:55
Blendaikonia like in windows07:55
ikoniaBlenda: there is no "box" functionaly in the default file manager07:55
ikoniaBlenda: you can select as many items as you want though, like in windows07:56
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Blendaikonia so i have to use Shift and select?07:56
ikoniaBlenda: that's a good solution07:56
malkaunsBeldar: yea, been there but there's no such option in the version of empathy that comes with 14.0407:56
ObrienDaveor ctrl-select07:56
Blendaikonia and ctrlA, but it's weird they havent added it07:57
ObrienDavethis is NOT windows07:57
Blenda0brienDave : i love to hear this07:57
ikoniaBlenda: not really07:57
BlendaIkonia box selct is pretty common in all "explorers"07:58
Blendaikonia thats why i find it strange07:58
ObrienDavethen go back to windows07:59
Blendalol no thx07:59
Blendaplz dont troll, i don't07:59
cynicallemonor xfce07:59
Blendaif i understood, all the ui is Nautilus? so i have to change it?07:59
BeldarBlenda, Not sure you exact definition of box, but windows and linux do the same thing.08:00
TaZeRubtuntu is the best of all the daemons in the world08:00
TaZeRdont u agree captain america08:00
Blendacynicallemon : will take a look on xfce, thanks08:01
ObrienDavebox select works on XFCE08:01
BeldarBlenda, Both will take multiple files and drag and drop or copy and paste.08:01
Blendaby box selct, i mean like in Photoshop where you draw a rectangle, in explorer it selects files inside this rectangle08:01
Blendapretty common08:01
cynicallemonxfce file manager is called thunar08:01
TaZeRdont believe it rectangles are not true08:01
TaZeRthe only shape that exists is a trapazoid08:02
Blendaor lasso select would be cool too08:02
BeldarBlenda, right nautilus does the same, windows as far as I know does not just add that box to the clipboard.08:03
=== amir is now known as Guest35769
Blendaso you say there's is box select in nautiluse, but it doenst work here, when i leftclick/drag, it doesnt draw  a selection rectangle, it does drag the file im on08:05
ObrienDavethen you're not doing it correctly08:06
BeldarBlenda, You do it around the file not directly on it.08:06
Blendajust noticed it works in "grid of icons" mode, but not in list mode08:06
Beldarwindows is the same08:06
dioioibanyone in here able to answer a watercooling question?08:07
Beldaryou have to click in the right empty spot in both08:07
Blendayeah i know, but it only works in Thumbnails mode, not list mode08:07
ObrienDavelist mode works08:07
ObrienDaveyou're doing it wrong, like windows08:08
Blendano lol08:08
Beldardioioib, Not an intrinsic ubuntu question.08:08
Blendai know how to box select, now i tell you ^^ i can box select in Thumbnail mode, but not in list mode!!!08:08
ObrienDaveoh well, 3 people are telling you that you are doing it incorrectly and you want to argue, who's the troll now?08:09
dioioibBlenda: I know but no one in hardware is answering. I know everyone in here is more knowledgeable. Do we have an off topic chan?08:09
ObrienDavedioioib, #ubuntu-offtopic08:10
BlendaObrienDave: please consider i do it right, maybe it's a bug?08:10
ObrienDaveplease consider you are doing it incorrectly and it works for everyone else but you. NOT a bug08:11
Blendaplease consider i know how to use a computer, since my 12 years old, my question about box select is because it doesnt work (fact), after trying several times for 2 months08:12
editionlooks like ill have to reinstall xubuntu, since KDE has ruined the theme config...08:13
Blendamanyway thats not death, i'll stick with it until i know more about linux, and maybe try out xfce08:13
edition@Blender xfce is great08:13
Blendaedition, could be cause i have a few bugs since it tweaked compiz08:13
editiondon't tweak compiz. it works fine itself.08:13
ObrienDave*must not feed trolls*08:14
editionis there a better way, to restore the orgininal theme of xubuntu?08:14
mjaykedition: unless you backed up no08:14
editionah well08:15
Blendaas usual, thanks dudes, and good day!08:16
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
daGrevisi have two vcards on laptop. how can i see which one is used currently?08:17
cynicallemonedition: what theme are you talking about?08:17
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
ObrienDavegreetings and welcome08:29
innocent95I got this when trying to install wordpress theme on localhost : Unpacking the package…08:29
innocent95Could not create directory.08:29
innocent95is that a permission issue ?08:29
winemyep, sounds like it is08:29
winemdoes anyone here have bamboo experience?08:30
innocent95winem, What to do ?08:30
winemI did not use wordpress very often but check the permissions on the folders. there should be one "wordpress-root" directory containing folders for themes, plugins, etc08:31
winemthe easiest way to do this is to switch the user to the wordpress user which probably will be apache or www or something like that, go to the folder and try to create a folder or a file with touch08:32
innocent95winem, drwxrwxrwx08:32
winemcan you create a file on the partition? just to ensure that the FS is not mounted read-only08:32
innocent95winem, in / ?08:33
innocent95winem, Where ?08:34
innocent95winem, I have only one partition and i can create folders and files in it.08:34
winemdo you have a folder called wp-content?08:35
winemcheck the permissions in this folder. and confirm that the webserver is running with the right user08:36
innocent95winem, owner me, access Read & write group root access r and w others r and w08:38
winemthen you almost checked everything on the local FS08:39
winemis the theme package a valid one?08:39
winemuse `file <themename>.zip`if it's a zip and try to extract it manually08:41
winemhum... ok.. do you have some more logs from the webserver?08:42
innocent95I extracted it08:42
innocent95winem, Logs, where can i find this ?08:42
winemdo you use redhat / centos or debian?08:43
innocent95winem, debian ubuntu08:43
winemplease check /var/log/apache208:44
innocent95winem, access.log ?08:44
winemis there no error.log?08:45
f00fhow do you edit a file 20 GB in size inline ?08:45
innocent95winem, Yeah there is08:45
f00fvi loads buffer into memory i think08:45
f00fshit is weird08:45
koichiroseHello! how do I check if apache is autostarting on boot without restarting my server?08:45
f00fcheckconfig apache208:46
winemf00f: depends on the task you'd like to perform. would it be possible to use patch or sed?08:46
wineminnocent95: please take a look at the logfile08:47
f00fwinem: whats patch, i'd love to use sed, any handy guides ?08:47
koichirosef00f: I have no checkconfig command08:47
yzxI have a problem.when I sudo gedit,I can't use input method;but if I run gedit on root,I can use IME08:47
winemin the best case, you'll find some path08:47
f00fkoichirose: use umm, rc-update remove apache2 default08:47
innocent95winem, lots of errors, do you wanna a pastebin ?08:47
f00fkoichirose: or rc-update add apache2 default to add i think ?08:47
koichirosef00f: I’d simply like to know if it’s already autostarting08:48
winemclear the logfile ( true > error.log ), reproduce the issue and provide a pastebin in a privat chat, please08:48
winemI'll have to leave for a few minutes08:48
innocent95winem, Alright, great idea btw08:49
vltHello. How can I switch quickly between two program windows "of the same kind" like two terminals or browser windows? Alt-Tabbing doesn't work here on Ubuntu :-/  Any idea?08:50
innocent95winem, No errors08:50
f00fkoichirose: you get the ides dude, just use update-rc.d -n apache2 remove08:54
f00fkoichirose: the -n will make sure notthing gets removed. but at least you'll see what might happen if the command ran08:55
laughingtigerI think just update-rc.d disable will be fine.08:55
laughingtigerwhy bother to remove it since you can just disable it.08:56
koichiroselaughingtiger: I simply need to check if it’s autostarting, I don’t want to remove it08:56
laughingtigerall right then koichirose. lol08:57
koichiroseand with the -n command above I get: update-rc.d: /etc/init.d/apache2 exists during rc.d purge (use -f to force)08:57
koichiroseSo I guess it’s autostarting08:57
=== Germanaz0|0FF is now known as Germanaz0
horrowHey guys is there are way to install kali-tools on ubuntu 14.04 i tryed 500 guides without any success?08:59
horrowa way*08:59
arcskyanyone know how i can use TLSv3 in lftp?09:00
ObrienDave!info kali-tools09:00
ubottuPackage kali-tools does not exist in trusty09:00
horrowok thx09:01
ObrienDavewait a sec09:01
ObrienDavehorrow, since it's debian based, it might work. not recommended or supported here09:05
ObrienDavehorrow, start here, at your own risk ;P https://launchpad.net/~wagungs/+archive/ubuntu/kali-linux09:07
horrowyeah it might but I cant configure it I've been trying for 5 days09:07
horrowI'll try09:08
ObrienDaveyou've been warned ;P09:08
gr33n7007hhorrow, just add kali repos in sources.list then update09:08
horrowW: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/wagungs/kali-linux/ubuntu/dists/trusty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found09:12
horrowE: Some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead.09:12
cynicallemonwhy not add the kali-linux repo?09:12
gr33n7007hhorrow, https://gist.github.com/anonymous/83e0ce36b4b96022acd1 add these to /etc/apt/sources.list then apt-get update09:12
horrowI'm sorry but i come from windows actually and i feel little confused09:14
horrowgr33n7007h, i cant open this link09:15
gr33n7007hhorrow, how come?09:15
horrowyou said me to add https://gist blabla to /etc/apt/sources.list but i have to add the entire link to sources or to open it first and view whats inside?09:16
horrowsorry about my english09:16
k1l_horrow: there are no official kali tools for ubuntu from ubuntu side. some tools are in the ubuntu repos. so if you dont want to use just single one i would suggest to ask the kali guys how to get their programs on ubuntu09:16
horrowso i cant ask here?09:17
horrowi just need some help09:17
k1l_horrow: why not ask the one who makes the package?09:17
cynicallemonkali repos are debian based so there shouldn't be much trouble (if any) if you are willing to risk it09:18
horrowI would like but i dont know what to do I tryed alot of guides last 5 days09:18
foo357Hello, I'm setting up a apache on a ubuntu 14.04 machine, I've installed apache from the repository. When I try to visit the server I get no connection.09:19
gr33n7007hhorrow, /join #kali-linux but if you did what I said you'll have all the tools09:19
horrowgr33n7007h, may i wisp you for a sec ?09:19
foo357My first guess is that apache isn't listening on the network yet09:19
horrowmean private chat09:19
Lopemy USB3 hard drive works fine on my laptop with a USB3 port but corrupts data on old laptop with USB2 port. If I disable writeback caching will it solve this problem on USB2?09:23
=== george_ is now known as ge0rJey
evil_dan2wikCommand to check ubuntu version.09:25
ge0rJeyhow do i purge all the leftover config files after uninstalling09:25
ge0rJeyevil_dan2wik, lsb_release -a09:25
DJonesevil_dan2wik: cat /etc/issue09:25
evil_dan2wikok, thanks09:26
ge0rJeyevil_dan2wik, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CheckingYourUbuntuVersion09:26
evil_dan2wikge0rJey, I just needed to know quickly.09:26
interwebCan I use pacman on ubuntu ? How ?09:28
somsipge0rJey: uninstall using 'apt-get purge {package}'09:28
somsipinterweb: no09:28
cynicallemonge0rJey: apt-get purge, will remove at time of uninstalling09:28
=== Granis` is now known as Granis
evil_dan2wikinterweb, surely someone has ported the game to ubuntu by now.09:29
interwebsomsip, So what is pacman package ?09:29
ge0rJeysomsip, i did apt-get purge and autoremove and apt-get clean as well09:29
somsipinterweb: you asked the question, so you should know09:29
interwebevil_dan2wik, I'm talking about ArchLinux package manager :)09:29
ge0rJeybut still the config files persists after reinstall09:29
somsipge0rJey: then you should be fine. Are there still config files left over?09:29
nightsanyone who know nginx well and is prepared to help config for some $$ ?09:29
somsipinterweb: so you did know...09:29
somsipge0rJey: did you amend them?09:29
interwebsomsip, I'm looking for how does it work , How to config it09:30
somsipinterweb: not on ubuntu. It's Arch's package manaher. as you said09:30
ge0rJeysomsip, for good measure i removed the files in .config directory from home as well , but i'm still getting issues related to config changes i had done09:30
cynicallemonge0rJey: if you have config files from previous uninstalls then look into deborphan or gtk-orphan (gui frontend)09:30
somsip!info bleachbit | ge0rJey (may help you perhaps?)09:31
ubottuge0rJey (may help you perhaps?): bleachbit (source: bleachbit): delete unnecessary files from the system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-1 (trusty), package size 244 kB, installed size 1904 kB09:31
ge0rJeysomsip, i read somewhere, strongly suggesting not to use bleachbit09:32
cynicallemonsomsip: dont think bleachbit removes orphaned config files09:33
somsipge0rJey: you have the choice of what you use09:33
ashnur_hi, i just upgraded my father's ubuntu to version 14 and one of his windows games (run with win) are having issues running in full screen. is this something anyone else experienced? maybe there is something i should try other than remove wine and the game and install from scratch everything?09:33
somsipcynicallemon: fair enough - not too sure of it myself, but know it's out there as an official package so thought I'd mention it09:33
cynicallemonsomsip: yeah, i use it for all other stuff i need to purge09:34
ge0rJeyguys , dpkg --list |grep "^rc" | cut -d " " -f 3 | xargs sudo dpkg --purge     did the trick09:34
cynicallemondpkg -l | grep '^rc' | awk '{print $2}' | xargs dpkg --purge09:34
somsipge0rJey: nice find09:35
evil_dan2wikHow to move a folder?09:39
cynicallemonevil_dan2wik: cut/paste in file manager or, "mv folder <to new location>" in terminal09:41
evil_dan2wikinitrd@initrd-Aspire-xxxx:~/processing-2.2.1$ sudo mv /root/sketchbook ~09:42
evil_dan2wikmv: cannot move ‘/root/sketchbook’ to ‘/home/initrd/sketchbook’: Directory not empty09:42
tokkaIs there any way to manually rotate one a log file once, without the need to write logrotate configuration?09:44
tokkaI wish it supported a simple use case like `logrotate <this huge log file>`, but apparently it doesn't (09:44
dustylinuxhow can i play counter strike global offensive junkies on linuxmint?09:46
ObrienDaveask in #mint09:47
dustylinuxi installed it already09:47
bcvery!mint | dustylinux09:47
ubottudustylinux: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org09:47
=== PechosRey is now known as Mackoo
ObrienDaveso? ask in the mint channel09:47
=== Mackoo is now known as PechosRey
dustylinuxok, tnx for the info, i am new here in linux09:48
ObrienDaveno prob09:48
tokkaevil_dan2wik: sounds like this case: http://askubuntu.com/questions/269775/mv-directory-not-empty —check out the answer there.09:49
PechosReyhello is the galium3d driver for radeon cards in 14.04 LTS working with the UVD engine of the radeon cards?09:49
ashukaul how do I donwload kernel I have 3.8.0-44-genric  I have a requirement for 3.8-0.29-generic09:50
evil_dan2wikashukaul, fire.09:51
PechosReysearch in muon for linux generic i think that lists a lot of available kernels09:51
PechosReyashukaul are you using 12.04 lts?09:52
PechosReyyes i think then that the easiest way to go09:52
PechosReythere are kernels available till 3.1309:53
evil_dan2wiktokka, still no luck09:53
ObrienDavekernel 3.16 is available. i don't think it will work for 12.04. not sure09:54
PechosRey3.13 was shortly working for me with ubuntu 12.0409:55
innocent95can you help me?, I'm having a problem with wordpress permissions09:56
innocent95I'm not able to install themes, In both ways from the admin panel, or even the manual way09:56
innocent95it says Unpacking the package…09:57
innocent95Could not create directory.09:57
innocent95could you help me ?09:57
somsipinnocent95: here is one webiste (of many) that has some advice http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2014/05/08/proper-wordpress-filesystem-permissions-ownerships/09:58
cynicallemonevil_dan2wik: you might have to be root to move from root directory09:59
innocent95somsip, I've set the right permissions, But not working..09:59
evil_dan2wikcynicallemon, "<evil_dan2wik> initrd@initrd-Aspire-xxxx:~/processing-2.2.1$ sudo mv /root/sketchbook ~"10:00
evil_dan2wikoh poop10:00
=== magic is now known as Guest25238
=== Joshua^Dunamis is now known as Joshua^Dunamis_i
ashukaul thanks @PechoRey, was able to install 3.8.0-29...10:05
PechosReyah great nice i could help a little bit :)10:06
hijackersciao a tutti!!!10:07
hijackersc'é nessuno?10:08
=== jmis_ is now known as chismatsu
zambai just upgraded to 14.04.1 from 12.04.1, but now my system won't boot.. when grub is supposed to show, i'm only seeing a blank screen with the cursor at the top-left corner10:14
zambapausing the booting i see the following: "GRUB loading.\n error: no such disk.\n error: file not found\n error: file not found\n error: file not found"10:17
vltHello. I plugged in a USB drive with an ext4 file system on a LUKS partition. Ubuntu asked for my passphrase, created a mount point in /media/vlt/ and mounted it but says I have no permission to access it now. Any idea why it belongs to another user?10:18
zambaand i don't get the grub prompt10:18
zambait just blanks the screen10:18
prorusHi I'm trying to build custom iso for my asus t100ta wich is uefi only10:21
prorusMy goal is to make it bootable grub-efi 32bit10:21
prorusMy question is how do I specify mainline kernel=>(3.16) and grub-efi bootable?10:21
prorushere is my example:10:21
proruslb config --bootloader grub-efi -d utopic -a i386 --win32-loader false --mode ubuntu --archive-areas "main restricted universe multiverse" --memtest memtest86+ --debian-installer true --debian-installer-gui true --apt­recommends true10:21
unopasteprorus you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted10:21
prorushi need help please http://paste.ubuntu.com/8034931/10:23
masterkorphello everyone10:31
masterkorpdoes anyone know what is the default method of encytion when the ubuntu installar sets up lvm and luks ?10:32
argoi think luks use AES10:32
masterkorpi am trying to decrypt the the drive with cryptsetup open --type luks /dev/sdX lvmappername but i can't find the device10:33
masterkorpargo: my question is, is it lvm with luks inside or Luks with lvm inside ?10:33
masterkorpoh no sorries, i wan't clear enough :)10:34
masterkorpok, seem to have found it it, ubuntu 14.04 seems to setup / and swap on luks with lvm inside10:36
DJones!it | sgnaus10:37
ubottusgnaus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:37
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto10:38
prorushi guys how do I specify kernel=>3.16 in ld config ?10:40
hydewhat package do I need to install, to be able to configure keyboard layouts in Ubuntu Server, running LXDE? I'd rather not install the whole lubuntu-desktop just for this.10:40
hydeah, looks like I'm missin dbus... maybe.10:42
hydeno, I was missing python-dbus10:44
hydelooks like lxkeymap package has broken dependencies, if it does not depend on that but needs that10:44
sgnausnon riesco ad aprire video da xubuntu in internet come lettore  multimediale ho installato vlc10:44
ObrienDave!it | sgnaus10:45
ubottusgnaus: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)10:45
ObrienDavecfhowlett, snarky cannon loaded and ready, SIR! ;P10:46
sgnausjoin #ubuntu-it10:46
cfhowlettObrienDave, aye aye!10:46
ObrienDaveat least loaded ;P10:49
samuraiRMhi how make a file  “.gtkrc-2.0”? http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035130/10:56
samuraiRMopen whit gedit and rename?10:57
bazhang!patience | samuraiRM10:57
ubottusamuraiRM: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:57
samuraiRMis a simple questions10:58
ObrienDave!patience | samuraiRM10:58
ubottusamuraiRM: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/10:58
bazhangsamuraiRM, be patient, not everyone knows that10:59
ObrienDavesorry bazhang, had to ;P10:59
prorusno one here has experience with live-build here?11:02
marjinal1stI'm trying to access a serial port device at /dev/ttyUSB0, but I can't access w/o root. Works with sudo but I want to access it with normal user. How can I do that?11:02
obi12341marjinal1st, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=how+to+access+device+as+normal+user+linux11:04
ObrienDaveobi12341, be nice. save the snarky for someone else LOL11:05
Dialoguemy usb ports stopped working11:06
Dialoguenow I can't use my mouse11:06
Dialogueand usb stick11:06
oiihjerDialogue: did you recently update you kernel?11:06
ObrienDaveDialogue, unplug and replug11:06
obi12341first you should look in: dmesg11:06
DialogueI did unplug and replug11:06
DialogueI had a software update11:07
Dialogueafter that it stopped11:07
oiihjerwhat is listed in the software log?11:07
DialogueI did11:07
Dialoguehow do I check11:07
oiihjeri second the reboot11:07
ObrienDaveshutdown or reboot?11:07
Dialoguedid both11:08
oiihjersudo shutdown -r now11:08
DialogueI did shutdown11:08
Dialogueafter I get error message11:08
Dialoguecan't mount usb11:08
ObrienDavethat would have been nice to know earlier ;P11:08
DialogueI read it is problem with 14.0411:08
oiihjerdo you ubuntu guys still have grub list previous kernel versions on boot?11:08
ObrienDaveoiihjer, i do11:08
oiihjerIt's been a while since I used ubuntu11:09
oiihjertry booting the previous kernel11:09
Dialoguenow I can't install another linux because can't use the stick11:09
Dialoguehow do I change it11:09
Dialogueto previous kernel11:09
Dialoguefrom boot11:10
Dialoguewhat do I press11:10
Dialogueto show the screen with options11:10
Dialoguedo you know11:10
ObrienDaveDialogue, in GRUB menu, advanced options, i think11:10
Dialoguehow do I get the grub menu to appear11:10
oiihjerwhen you start your computer, grub boot loader should list previous kernel versions (or it used to when I used ubuntua few years back), choose the previous one by using your arrow keys and hitting enter11:10
Dialoguebecause mine goes directly to load11:11
Dialogueit does not show menu11:11
ObrienDaveDialogue, hold shift key11:11
Dialogueit loads directly11:11
Dialogueshift key11:11
Dialoguewill do thanks11:11
oiihjerif your usb echi, uhci and ohci work, then your kernel isn't compiled to support usb 1.0, 1.1 or 2.011:12
wonderseaHello! Pls give me advice. How make netinstall from server for hosts(where users working)?11:13
oiihjer*if your usb won't work, then it's not compiled correctly is what i meant,11:13
oiihjertypos :(11:13
* ObrienDave shoots google translate11:13
oiihjerin which case, maybe reinstalling the ubuntu-linux kernel through apt-get or the ubuntu software store (I think it's called)11:15
* cfhowlett gives up11:15
oiihjerhi Ashinu11:16
AshinuHi. I need some information on how flexible Ubuntu can be. Can you help me? I am just a beginner.11:17
peja_I just upgraded my system to new LTS, but only problem is apache all my sites saying forbidden. Any idea why?11:17
cfhowlett!manual | ashinu11:17
ubottuashinu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/11:17
cfhowlettAshinu, "flexible" ???11:17
oiihjerI shouldn't be answering any questions in here, I haven't used Ubuntu in quite some time11:17
oiihjerI actually came in here to see what the big new thing Ubuntu is working on, if anyone knows?11:18
cfhowlettoiihjer, ask in #ubuntu-offtopic11:18
oiihjercfhowlett: kewl, i'll ask there11:18
AshinuOkay. I'll check it out. Thanks. By flexible, I meant, compatible with applications like Steam, Nvidia GeForce Experience and so on.11:18
cfhowlett!nvidia | Ashinu, steam is directly supported11:19
ubottuAshinu, steam is directly supported: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VideoDriverHowto11:19
oiihjerubuntu is compatible with all of that11:19
bazhang!steam | Ashinu11:19
ubottuAshinu: Valve have officially announced that they are developing Steam and are working with !ubuntu during their development, see http://blogs.valvesoftware.com/linux/steamd-penguins/ for further details, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Valve for install instructions, you can also join #ubuntu-steam for discussion.11:19
ubottuLAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.11:19
AlternateI read ubuntu has some spyware inside, how would I remove it on a clean isntall?11:21
cfhowlettAlternate, it doesn't have spyware.  be wary of/don't spread FUD11:21
cfhowlett*read somewhere* ...11:21
Alternatei think it's that amazon thing11:23
Alternateeasy to remove?11:23
ObrienDaveAlternate, easy to trun off11:23
cfhowlett!flavor | Alternate, easiest: turn it off.  or install a different ubuntu flavor.  it's ONLY in Ubuntu11:24
ubottuAlternate, easiest: turn it off.  or install a different ubuntu flavor.  it's ONLY in Ubuntu: !Ubuntu-GNOME, !Kubuntu, !Xubuntu and !Lubuntu are simply flavors of Ubuntu that come with GNOME, KDE, Xfce, and LXDE (respectively) installed as default, instead of Unity. Other specialized flavors of Ubuntu include !Edubuntu, Ubuntu !Studio, and !Mythbuntu.11:24
vitimitiConfiguration -> Security and Privacy -> Search -> Turn it off11:24
DJones!adlens | Alternate11:24
ubottuAlternate: If you wish not to see "More Suggestions" from places like Amazon in your Ubuntu, simply remove the package unity-lens-shopping, or adjust your Privacy settings as shown here: http://goo.gl/kFO4u . Mark Shuttleworth's blog entry on this is at http://goo.gl/uF7zZ11:24
ObrienDaveDJones, +111:24
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)11:25
ubottulantis: No warez here! This is not a file sharing channel (or network); read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:25
* cfhowlett wants Samuel L. Jackson to rewrite the !list factoid ...11:26
ObrienDavecfhowlett, locked and loaded ;P11:26
ObrienDavegreetings and welcome11:31
rustyraptorDoes it matter what speed I set dd at?11:31
rustyraptorI am putting knoppix on a USB11:31
cfhowlettrustyraptor, man dd         for your options11:31
rustyraptoroh I see11:33
rustyraptorif my USB has that U3 crapware can it still be used to boot Linux?11:33
leeyaais there a reason why init.d script for php5-fpm in 14.04 LTS is not working ?11:34
vevehi. Fresh Ubuntu 14.04 LTS. Problem: Google Chrome is not opening (while Chromium and Firefox browsers - OK).11:35
tomodachitry starting it from terminal to see if you get any output with an error11:35
ObrienDaverustyraptor, U3 has been discontinued. you can reformat and use for Linux. i have several ;P11:35
samuraiRMcommand for del file??11:36
tomodachisamuraiRM: rm filename11:36
vevetomodachi: /usr/bin/google-chrome: error while loading shared libraries: libudev.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory11:37
samuraiRMbecause bash?11:37
rustyraptorDo i have to use windows to reformat it? I have this u3-tool installed but I am not sure if it will fix it11:37
ObrienDaverustyraptor, nope, gparted will do it. also you can use unetbootin, usb-creator, etc. to overwrite the USB11:39
samuraiRMi create e file . .gtkrc-2.011:39
samuraiRMfor icons name11:39
rustyraptorbut I used gparted and the U3 won't show up. It only shows up as  a CD rom net to the USB in the file manager11:40
rustyraptorbut will it still work if I format the USB part and dd the iso to it11:40
gr33n7007h!info libudev011:41
ubottuPackage libudev0 does not exist in trusty11:41
rustyraptoralright thanks11:41
ObrienDaveuse gparted to write a new partition table. that will clear U311:41
leeyaaguys any idea why php5-fpm init.d script is not working on fresh 14.04 LTS ?11:41
ObrienDaverustyraptor, FYI, U3 died 5 years ago11:42
leeyaaah wait it is upstart job lmao11:42
leeyaai wish init.d scripts on ubuntu were giving some actual useful output11:43
leeyaarather than being silent11:43
ObrienDavegr33n7007h, still with the libudev0???11:43
gr33n7007hObrienDave, for veve11:44
ObrienDavegr33n7007h, ah, thought psylocibin or Samwise were back ROFLMAO11:45
Dialoguehey It didn't work11:51
Dialogueanyone knows some workarounds11:51
Dialoguethe usb mount11:51
tomodachileeyaa: you can trace the workings of the script somewhat with sh -x yourscript11:51
Dialogueanyone care11:53
Dialogueto answer11:53
cfhowlett!return | Dialogue11:53
cfhowlettDialogue, stop using the return key11:53
Dialoguethen waht11:53
k1lDialogue: please dont be annoying with using too much lines for only one question.11:54
Dialoguebut noone answers11:54
DialogueI need help11:54
cfhowlett!patience | Dialogue11:54
ubottuDialogue: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/11:54
k1lDialogue: you did not even describe your issue. nor gave any error messages etc. so its very hard to help. and your spamming of lines is very annoying and will stop people help you11:55
cfhowlettindeed ...11:55
DialogueI explained11:55
Dialogueerror can't mount usb11:55
tomodachiDialogue: type dmesg in a terminal11:55
idimmuare you trying to mount a usb stick or hdd or what?11:55
tomodachidoes the last lines show that your usb is detected?11:55
Dialogueand also usb11:55
Dialogueone moment11:56
mjaykso not mount a usb then if its a mouse ?11:56
idimmuwhat does lsusb say?11:56
tomodachihow does one mount the mouse11:56
Dialoguebut dmesg is very long11:57
k1l!paste | Dialogue11:58
ubottuDialogue: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.11:58
idimmuDialogue: try dmg | grep -i usb11:58
idimmuto just pull out hte usb bits11:58
idimmualso try running lsusb to show what usb things your computer thinks are connected11:58
idimmualso pastebin it so we can see11:58
bipulHello I need a help. I am using Ubuntu 14.04 Hardisk= 1 TB , RAM 8GB, Processor-i7, NVIDIA GEFORCE. here are some system hardware details11:59
bipul hardware details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8015164/11:59
bipulHere is "free" command details: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8015184/11:59
Dialogueit says no command dmg11:59
bipulHere is a : cat/proc/meminfo http://paste.ubuntu.com/8015235/11:59
mjaykdmesg Dialogue11:59
idimmuare you sure your mouse is plugged in?11:59
cfhowlettbipul, and the actual PROBLEM is ... ???12:00
Dialoguesays all is alright12:00
bipulIt's hang12:00
bipulcfhowlett: My system is getting Freeze aka hang12:00
trijntje!details | bipul12:00
ubottubipul: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:00
bipulI have sys logs too12:00
smittix_Hi all have a problem in Ubuntu Gnome - I have installed the Nvidia drivers by doing apt-get install nvidia-current and also nvidia-331 but when rebooting the boot process goes no futher than asking me for my encryption password. Has anyone experienced this? Purging Nvidia* makes everything work again.12:00
k1lbipul: see "dmesg" or /var/log/syslog for information why it hangs12:01
magicflakesdo I need to install bumblee bee for nvidia-geforce-310m?12:01
magicflakesI cant see my nvdia card using lspci12:01
cfhowlett!swap me12:02
cfhowlett!swap | cfhowlett12:02
ubottucfhowlett, please see my private message12:02
kzis there a way to change it from "computer" in the explorer panel to what i want it to  be12:05
kzive got it mounted and want the mount point to show up instead12:05
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someNewbiehello, I updated ubuntu last night and my wireless didnt work at school today. I checked /var/log/apt and this is the list of actions taken after sudo apt-get dist-upgrade "http://sprunge.us/UffC"12:07
kzis there a way to change it from "computer" in the explorer panel to what i want it to  be12:08
kzive got it mounted and want the mount point to show up instead12:08
ejosiahI've got a climax digital display adaptor USB 2.012:09
ejosiahanyone know where I can find a driver for it?12:09
someNewbieI think it has to do with the packages such as "libgssapi-krb5-2" gss and krb appear to be important parts of a secure network12:09
bipulk1l: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035602/ please check this12:09
someNewbieSo im trying to work out if I can downgrade it12:09
someNewbiethe command apt-cache showpkg should show versions available which I can then run "apt-get install packagename-version"12:10
bipulthis is mine dmesg log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035602/12:10
someNewbiebut the packages dont seem to have an earlier version?12:10
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bipulthis is mine dmesg log http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035602/ and syslog12:11
bipulAug 13 10:53:54 yureshwar-X550LC anacron[1041]: Job `cron.daily' terminated12:11
bipulAug 13 10:53:54 yureshwar-X550LC anacron[1041]: Job `cron.weekly' started12:11
bipulAug 13 10:53:55 yureshwar-X550LC anacron[3829]: Updated timestamp for job `cron.weekly' to 2014-08-1312:11
bipulAug 13 10:54:05 yureshwar-X550LC anacron[1041]: Job `cron.weekly' terminated12:11
bipulAug 13 10:54:05 yureshwar-X550LC anacron[1041]: Normal exit (2 jobs run)12:11
unopastebipul you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted12:11
k1lbipul: check ram for failures12:12
BlaXpiritvery nice to get an unexisting locale12:13
BlaXpirit(there is no such thing as "en_UA")12:13
BlaXpiritand I've never set anything to it12:14
bipulsorry for those logs , as i am new to this client konversation12:14
k1lbipul: check ram for failures12:14
geirhaBlaXpirit: someone's typoed US as UA probably12:15
bipulk1l: I am looking for the solution.12:15
k1l!memtest | bipul12:16
someNewbiehow can I find the version of this package http://packages.ubuntu.com/trusty/libgssapi-krb5-2 which I previously had installed before apt-get upgrade12:17
k1lbipul: run memtest from the grub-menue to test the ram12:17
geirhaBlaXpirit: Well, the default one shouldn't contain any values for LC_*12:18
BlaXpiritthis doesn't mean anything to me12:18
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someNewbieOHHHH Dont worry its listed in the /var/log/apt/history.log file my bad, sorry for wasting anyones time12:20
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bipulk1l: If my RAM is ok then? what i have to do? or  else if it not then?12:20
bipulif it is not then*12:21
jackarius86hi, anyone here familiar with aria client?12:21
k1lbipul: let memtest run for a while. if it brings up errors check if only one ram bank or other ram can fix that. see the manufacturers compatibility lists.12:22
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geirhamaybe some broken package modified it12:23
geirhaBlaXpirit: anyway, to fix, just change the file to contain the two lines LANG=en_US.UTF-8 and LANGUAGE=en:uk12:23
BlaXpiritit was like this12:24
zyanHey everyone. I was wondering how you can change just the top right icons in the top bar. I have a custom icon theme, and I dont want to change that. I just want to change the small icons in the top right.12:24
=== bipul_ is now known as bipul
BlaXpiritgeirha, changed it. and then what?12:25
geirhaBlaXpirit: now it's fixed, unless you're overriding the values in some other file(s) like /etc/environment, ~/.pam_environment, ~/.profile, ~/.bashrc ...12:26
BlaXpiritgeirha, okaaaay12:26
BlaXpirit~/.pam_environment overrides it12:27
BlaXpiritbut it doesn't have en_UA anywhere12:27
sh4trat boot i see " ic2 ic2-4: sendbytes: NAK bailout "  ic2 must be gpu temp sensor, is this familiar to anyone?12:27
bipulk1l: I did memtest  now what?12:28
kaloyani just upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 gnome sessions dont start, only xface one any help?12:28
frsfett4any chance to get libhd16_16.0-2.2_i386.deb?12:28
k1lbipul: way too short time amount12:29
cfhowlettkaloyan, did you install xfce4?12:29
frsfett4All links of libhd16_16.0-2.2_i386.deb r gone.12:29
kaloyancfhowlett, nope12:29
cfhowlettkaloyan, sudo apt-get install xfce412:29
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kaloyancfhowlett, it is installed12:30
cfhowlettkaloyan, log out.  choose xfce session.  login12:30
dustylinuxkumusta kamo12:31
cfhowlettdustylinux, English???12:31
lordd_kumusta kamo, indeed12:32
kaloyancfhowlett xfce session workz i want the gnome sessions to work...12:32
cfhowlettkaloyan, outside my area of knowledge ...12:32
ubottuGNOME was the default desktop environment on Ubuntu up to 10.10. To install the GNOME Shell, type [ sudo apt-get install gnome-shell ] in a !terminal. For the GNOME-based !flavor of Ubuntu, see !ubuntu-gnome12:32
dustylinuxim using linux mint17 any idea how to uninstall programs? im a newbie12:32
eeee_kaloyan: a hack, nano .xinitrc and uncomment or type exec gnome-session12:33
k1l!mint | dustylinux12:33
ubottudustylinux: Linux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu. Please seek support in #linuxmint-help on irc.spotchat.org12:33
ObrienDavecfhowlett, keyboard abuse ;P12:33
linux-graphicshas anyone tried the new ubuntu mate alpha 2?12:33
* cfhowlett tourette's 12:33
kevinchen_chromium damn slow.12:33
cfhowlett!details | linux-graphics,12:33
ubottulinux-graphics,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:33
kevinchen_It consumes a lot of ram12:33
ObrienDavereally??? nah12:34
bipulcfhowlett: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8035749/ can you please see this log and let me know the solution. why i am getting freeze.12:34
SonicTsunamiif I could boot a live usb version of ubuntu with some of the F6 options in place, but cannot boot an installed version, what might i need to do?12:34
linux-graphicsjust interested in its performace and stability, also any key diferences between it and mint mate12:34
cfhowlettbipul, I noticed that your /swap is maxed out.  abnormal.  I can't advise beyond that12:35
kevinchen_how to install lx-viewer ob ubuntu?12:35
cfhowlettlinux-graphics, install both and test for yourself?  they ARE free12:35
kevinchen_I download from sourceforge12:35
bipulcfhowlett: So you want me to extand the swap partition.12:35
k1l!find lx-viewer12:35
ubottuPackage/file lx-viewer does not exist in trusty12:35
cfhowlettbipul, didn't say that.  merely pointed out that something is different.  please ask someone with more knowledge than me.12:36
linux-graphicsi know... just wondering what others think12:36
cfhowlettkevinchen_, look for support on sourceforge.  README file?12:36
k1lkevinchen_: did you read the INSTALL file?12:36
kevinchen_yes, but no guideline on installation on ubuntu.12:37
bipulcfhowlett: No one is responding to me.12:37
cfhowlett!patience | bipul12:37
ubottubipul: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:37
kaloyaneeee_ throws exceptions and doesnt do anything12:38
k1lbipul: a 10seconds memtest is way to short to test the ram. let it run several hours to be sure the ram is fine12:38
kevinchen_Any chance to get this app run on ubuntu?12:39
kaloyaneeee_ when i typed exec gnome-session12:39
cfhowlettkevinchen_, it's not an ubuntu repo program, and there' s no support offered on site.  Maybe you shouldn't mess with it.  Contact the program creators for support.  It's third party software12:39
alex123456guys, i need some help with my xubuntu 14.04 desktop12:39
eeee_kaloyan: try gnome-session in a terminal12:39
SonicTsunamican someone help with boot options12:39
kevinchen_Yes, 3rd party app.12:39
alex123456besides conky, is there another app that i can use to add a watch on my desktop?12:40
cfhowlettkevinchen_, so not supported by ubuntu or here.12:40
cfhowlett!details | alex123456,12:42
ubottualex123456,: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)12:42
eeee_alex123456: type xclock in the terminal12:42
alex123456thanks eeee_12:42
k1lalex123456: some desktops have desklets or widgets12:43
eeee_alex123456: conky is very customizable, and there are alot of scripts online12:43
alex123456the thing is i ran into some problems with conky, that is why i wanted an alternative12:44
alex123456i am running xubuntu 14.0412:44
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ssarahguys, i installed ubuntu with home folder encryption, now when i change my password it wont let me login. i know i can ctrl+alt+f2 and mount my home manually, and then login manually12:46
ssarahwith the new password, but what do i do to fix this?12:46
lullis@ssarah: ecryptfs-rewrap-passphrase ?12:48
BlaXpiritLANG=en_UA.UTF-8  no matter what i do12:49
ssarahafter i mount it manually, lullis?12:49
eeee_BlaXpirit: ?12:50
BlaXpiritthat's an unexisting locale12:50
k1lBlaXpirit: i bet its a typo from en_US12:50
BlaXpiritno, it's not!!!12:50
k1lsure it is12:50
BlaXpiritit's goddamn ubuntu overriding something somewhere12:50
BlaXpiritlook at the paste12:50
BlaXpiritand tell me in what place the typo is12:51
lullisSorry I wasn't that clear... take a look at this: http://goshawknest.wordpress.com/2011/02/17/how-to-change-ecryptfs-home-cripted-filesystem-password-on-ubuntu-and-get-your-files-back/12:53
k1lBlaXpirit: what about /etc/profile ?12:53
BlaXpiritk1l, it's unchanged from original12:54
k1lor ~/.bash_profile12:54
BlaXpiritno such file12:55
k1lsudo dpkg-reconfigure locales12:55
eeee_BlaXpirit: sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-812:55
BlaXpiritno woky12:55
ddsfAre extra packages required to do iptables MASQUERADE on -server?12:55
ddsfi am getting no chain/traget by that name12:56
k1lBlaXpirit: what ubuntu is that exactly? what machine?12:56
ldiamond12.04 -> 14.04.01 fails: Could not calculate the upgrade This can be caused by * Upgrading to a pre-release version of Ubuntu, * Running the current pre-release version of Ubuntu, * Unofficial software packages not provided by Ubuntu12:56
xxx1337If you're a contractor at some company should you ask about how long you your chances of staying around will be?12:56
k1lBlaXpirit: what did you do with the locales settings? what did you do before that issue came up?12:56
xxx1337long your chances*12:57
k1l!ot | xxx133712:57
ubottuxxx1337: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:57
BlaXpiritI did update-locale12:57
BlaXpiritUbuntu 14.04.112:57
k1lso there was a typo then?12:57
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BlaXpiritplease stop it, I didn't make a typo12:58
k1lBlaXpirit: you can see in .bash_history if you did that typo12:59
BlaXpiritk1l, yes12:59
BlaXpiritand I didn't fkin make a typo please stop12:59
ddsfAre extra packages required to do iptables MASQUERADE on -server?12:59
bazhangBlaXpirit, no cursing here12:59
k1lBlaXpirit: so set the localses to the right ones again: http://askubuntu.com/questions/76013/how-do-i-add-locale-to-ubuntu-server12:59
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BlaXpiritI did13:00
ObrienDaveBlaXpirit, https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+bug/132752713:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1327527 in Kubuntu PPA "Unable to set locale after update" [Undecided,Fix released]13:00
geirhaBlaXpirit: how about   grep 'LANG=' ~/.* /etc/* /etc/profile.d/* /etc/default/* 2>/dev/null13:00
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BlaXpiritBTW I've added  LANG=en_US.UTF-8 to all the files that you mentioned, so it won't be pretty13:01
smemskyHi everyone13:01
k1lso its a PPA causing that issue. ok, nice to blame ubuntu for that m(13:01
BlaXpiriti haven't added any ppa13:01
lullis@ssarah, any success?13:02
ddsfHallo? Anyone ever done MASQUERADE on ubuntu?13:02
BlaXpiritand believe it or not, even with all these overrides,  `locale` still says   LANG=en_UA.UTF-813:03
geirhaBlaXpirit: So definitely sounds like a bug, but I have no clue where to look either :/13:03
BlaXpiritWHERE does it get it from13:04
smemskyanybody needs sex?13:04
geirhaBlaXpirit: oh wait, do the same grep for LC_ALL=13:04
smemskyi am 1913:04
DJonessmemsky: Wrong channel, this a support channel13:04
bazhangwrong network smemsky13:04
tk456wrong internet13:04
BlaXpiritgeirha, only the one i added myself in /etc/environment13:05
BlaXpiritlike 10 minutes ago13:05
smemskysorry man13:05
fribI've managed to make my bluetooth work following the instructions here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2231813 -- but after reboot i have to run the python script again.  is there anyway I can make this fix permanent? thanks13:05
ldiamondoh well, because I use gnome panel I can't upgrade 12.04 to 14.04?13:05
geirhaLC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8 ? ok. I'm out of ideas :/13:05
geirhaBlaXpirit: oh, and you realize the change will only take affect after you log in, right?13:06
geirhaopening a new terminal will do nothing13:06
BlaXpiriti relogged a ton13:06
geirhaok, good13:06
BlaXpiritwell I didn't after the most recent actions. gonna upgrade system and then relog again13:07
BlaXpiritwhy did I even try to change language T_T13:07
geirhaoh it happened after changing language via system settings?13:08
BlaXpiritI changed it in multiple ways13:08
BlaXpiritbut at first the only thing I did was  update-locale13:08
BlaXpiritand then I got messages of breakage from apt-get13:08
BlaXpiritand  locale  reported the unexisting locales13:09
BlaXpiritbut today i also tried to change via system settings13:09
BlaXpiritand it didn't help13:09
geirhareally weird13:09
smemskycan anybody help me?13:09
smemskymy ass is si big13:09
smemskyso i need someone to backitup13:10
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ObrienDavethank you, google translate13:13
mgreghrm, kswapd0 is at ~100% cpu and chrome keeps running out of memory13:23
zagazahi guys, how to make sure all new files that get added to a directory get permission 664?13:33
BlaXpiritWHY does it update-grub TWICE during an upgrade?13:34
BlaXpiritAnd I don't even use that GRUB13:34
BlaXpiritsuch a horrible system, why do i have to use it T_T13:34
ObrienDaveyou have to be smarter that GRUB to appreciate it13:35
blammohi, i'm trying to test a fsck on boot when there is a corrupt file system.  is there a simple way to corrupt my file system via a tool or command?  i want it to tell me that i have to run fsck without -a13:35
p34khey people i got windows 8.1 on my pc, and i want to use ubuntu in addition to that, on the same disk, usually autoboot win 8.1, and im not allowed to lose any data or destroy anything of this pc, no bootrecord etc, should i buy another HDD?13:35
blammoi tried editing a byte in a hex editor and it just fixed it without complaining13:36
bazhangp34k, what about a vbox13:36
k1lBlaXpirit: this channel is not for ranting and swearing. if you have a technical issue state it with as much informations as you can and people will try to help you.13:36
p34kwhats that?13:36
ObrienDave!uefi | p34k,13:36
ubottup34k,: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI13:36
bazhangp34k, virtual machine, vbox13:36
BlaXpiritk1l, well, people were unable to help me with an actual problem13:37
BlaXpiritso ranting is all that's left to do13:37
bazhangBlaXpirit, this is not the place for it13:37
p34kso i can install a vbox and ubuntu into it?13:37
bazhangp34k, correct13:37
ObrienDaveBlaXpirit, and you wonder why you've been ignored13:37
ubottuVirtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:37
BlaXpiritI wasn't ignored13:37
BlaXpiritpeople were unable to help me13:37
bazhangp34k, see above13:37
k1lBlaXpirit: sorry but you did not tell the whole truth about what you did and what went wrong. we can only work with what you give us. so dont blame us or ubuntu for that. and again: this is not a channel for ranting13:38
ObrienDaveespecially if you don't want to heed advice13:39
PiciThey're gone...13:39
p34kwell people told me i should use UNIX for safety and so on. i think when i do use it on windows that effect wont apply. but its a good idea though.13:39
navikHi I've got a problem with gnome terminal that makes parts of it swap back and forth between current and earlier, err, displays? for an example; If i do an ls in a dir with some colors it will display the content, then revert to how the terminal looked before doing the ls and then back again and so on. Once every second. Any ideas what might be causing this? I've just installed the ubuntu release 14.04.1 a couple of hours ago.13:39
navikalso some menues flickers and are laggy.13:40
BlaXpiritoh look, after reboot my locale is still broken13:40
zagazawhat's a healthy memory usage percentage for a ubuntu vps?13:40
p34kis it possible to port ubuntu from a virtualbox to a real bootable version13:40
ldiamondp34k, yes, but not so straight forward13:40
k1lp34k: "for safety" is very vague. you can setup a dualboot with windows and ubuntu on one disk and set windows to be autoloaded in grub menue. but there is a chance of manual failure while setting that up13:40
ldiamondp34k, and know that Unix is not Linux13:40
p34ki thought one is on top of the other13:41
ldiamondLinux is an OS written by Linus Torvalds that is "inspired by" Unix.13:41
cfhowlett!linux | p34k,13:41
ldiamondLinux is basically a clone rewrite.13:41
ubottup34k,: Linux is the kernel (core) of the Ubuntu operating system. Many operating systems use Linux as a kernel. For more information on Linux in general, visit http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux13:41
amratyaHello, I'm trying to install a package from the software center and it stuck with "applying changes" for long time, when I use apt-get to install the package, I got this message "Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?"13:41
ldiamondWell, historically, nowadays they evolved separately13:42
p34kand linux uses unix right?13:42
eeee_amratya: cancel the install if possible and reinstall13:42
bazhang!manual | p34k please have a read13:42
ubottup34k please have a read: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:42
amratyaeeee_, I can't13:42
ldiamondLinux is basically Linus Torvalds rewriting Unix.13:43
bazhangp34k, it's a free pdf download13:43
eeee_amratya: can you close the software center?13:43
ObrienDaveamratya, that means you have multiple updaters running. shut down synaptic, gdebi, etc. and try again13:43
navikit's a fork13:43
ldiamondit was never really forked iirc, Unix's license wasn't allowing that.13:43
navikit was minix13:43
naviknot unix13:43
bazhang;lets get back on topic please13:44
navikminix had a different license13:44
ObrienDaveamratya, log off and try again13:44
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:44
magicflakeshmm.. I still don't see my nvdia video card in lspci.. what's wrong with 14.04? I was able to use it using 12.04.13:44
bazhangwhich card magicflakes13:44
amratyaeeee_, ObrienDave   when trying to use software center again it happens again and again13:44
bazhangmagicflakes, what does sudo lshw show13:45
ObrienDaveamratya, log off, shut down, whatever it takes13:45
magicflakeslshw show13:45
eeee_amratya: use apt-get install13:45
magicflakesoh sorry13:45
bazhangmagicflakes, no show in there13:45
p34kso how do i install a virtualbox and then the latest ubuntu on it?13:45
hualet_deepin_amratya: just remove the lock file and using the command line tool to update or install your software, its more reliable13:45
ObrienDaveamratya, apt-get install -f13:45
bazhangmagicflakes, just: sudo lshw13:45
magicflakesoh sorry13:45
navikmagicflakes: this one helped me: http://www.binarytides.com/install-nvidia-drivers-ubuntu-14-04/13:46
invertiblep34k do a youtube search13:46
cfhowlettp34k, install virtualbox.  make a virtual machine within.  install ubuntu13:46
bazhangp34k, read the link I gave you about that13:46
bazhang!vbox | p34k13:46
ubottup34k: Virtualbox is a virtualizer for x86 and amd64 architectures. It's available in the package "virtualbox" in the !repositories, and you can download the Virtualbox Extension Pack for additional, non-Free functionality at http://virtualbox.org . Additional details can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox13:46
p34kok thank you guys for this13:48
bazhangp34k, there is also a channel #vbox you can join for even more info13:48
magicflakeshow do you pipe an output to the clipboard?13:49
bazhangmagicflakes, why not use pastebinit instead13:49
k1l!pastebinit | magicflakes13:49
ubottumagicflakes: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com13:49
bazhangmagicflakes, command | pastebinit magicflakes gives you a url for what you just did from the cli13:50
bazhangsudo apt-get install pastebinit magicflakes13:50
bazhangdont install yourself13:50
bazhangjust : sudo apt-get install pastebinit13:51
magicflakesthe nvidia showed up when 12.04 had a hardware update.13:53
magicflakesI installed the update and then it showed up. Its not showing up now.13:53
magicflakesI upgraded to 14.04.113:54
magicflakesIts only showing the intel vga :(13:55
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pseubodotApparently skype is requiring a new client in order to connect to the service14:01
bazhangpseubodot, got the one from partner?14:02
bazhang!info skype partner | pseubodot14:02
ubottupseubodot: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)14:02
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pseubodotbazhang: thanks!14:06
bazhangmagicflakes, mind pastebinit'ing lspci for the channel?14:06
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bazhangIntel Corporation Core Processor Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 18)14:09
bazhangmagicflakes, this a notebook?14:09
magicflakesbazhang: a laptop.. i guess.. not sure what the difference is..14:09
bazhangmagicflakes, did you add another video card to it, apart from the integrated graphics built in?14:10
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magicflakesbazhang: no, it is already inside when I bought it. This is the one http://www.asus.com/Notebooks_Ultrabooks/K52JC/specifications/14:11
gartralooook... i'm in a.. weird situation.. I just upgraded from 13.10 to 14.04 and something really strange is going on, 14.04 is telling me my home partition has errors, but when i pull the drive and check it on another machine, it comes back clean... any ideas?14:12
TaZeRits asus, all their notebooks break14:12
bazhangthats not helpful TaZeR14:13
TaZeRtry a more reliable american brand such as HP14:13
TaZeRbut that is ^14:13
zealotnagah-6495HP is reliable?14:13
bazhangTaZeR, no its not. so please stop14:13
TaZeRhp and lenovo are the go to for notebooks14:13
TaZeRjust dont buy the cheap crap14:13
TaZeRthose are all the same no matter company makes it14:13
TaZeRbuy the buisness types14:13
TaZeRwill last forever14:14
TaZeRprobook, elitebook, thinkpad14:14
cfhowlettTaZeR, ease up, in fact STOP using the return key please.14:14
zealotnagah-6495i've bought a really cheap $350 acer tiny transformer book - the best laptop i've ever had14:14
zealotnagah-6495sorry i mean asus14:14
TaZeRchewy: i format my text exactly how i want it14:14
TaZeRits conveys what i am saying clearer14:15
gartralin support of this, if i hit "C" to cancel the disk-check and "I" to continue, my system boots as normal14:15
shmupso did a dist-upgrade, using an ati card with proprietary drivers, rebooted, black screen. held down shift, this time i chose the last kernel (before update) and it works fine. now, does this mean i should just wait for a graphic card driver udpate?14:15
shmupthis is a work machine. i think maybe i won't even do dist-upgrades that often.14:16
k1lTaZeR: please re read the guidelines and make sure you help having a warm and friendly channel for everyone. thanks14:16
gartralshmup: all you need to do is reinstall the driver, something may have gone wrong compiling/installing the driver..14:16
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magicflakesmaybe it has to do something with the upgrade.. maybe if 14.04 will release a hardware update then it will fix the additional drivers..14:17
TaZeRkil: check and check14:17
magicflakesI mean it will show up in the additional drivers..14:17
gartralshmup: can you get us logs?14:18
shmupgartral: magicflakes thanks. yes i will first just try reinstalling the drive14:18
magicflakesi was talking to myself..hehe14:19
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arcashi everyone14:20
shmupgartral: a weakness of mine is knowing which log i'd even care about at this point, after i've rebooted and am running old kernel14:20
shmupgartral: but i'm at work and should probably be productive a bit. note to self to check logs later, also try reinstalling video drivers.14:21
gartraltry in /var/log/apt14:21
shmupwell that's a handy log14:21
arcasWho could help me with a mysql server 5.6 installed on ubuntu 14.04 ?14:21
cfhowlett!server | arcas,14:21
ubottuarcas,: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Trusty (Trusty Tahr 14.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/12.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server14:21
gartralshmup: trust me, i know exactly how frustrating it is when something semi-automated like a dist-upgrade goes south..14:22
shmupheh, yeah.. well luckily using last kernel works for now. i'll problem solve later. thanks for pointing in _a_ direction14:22
arcasI'm not on the right chat room ?14:23
hydearcas: that depends on your problem, i suppose14:24
cfhowlettarcas, server channel specializes is server issues so : mysql server?14:24
somsiparcas: what's your real issue?14:24
hydearcas: also, "don't ask to ask, just ask", otherwise you probably get a silence, or sometimes rarely a bunch of people asking what you want to ask.14:26
arcasOkay .. thanks you for your answers. Well when I install mysql server 5.6 on my ubuntu 14.04 I get every time an error exit status 1 I want to clear that I did create a server, I try to prepare my machine and remove on good foundation for later development and programming in php14:29
arcasHyde : Okay, I am new on irc xchat that's why I hesitated to ask lol14:30
somsiparcas: how are you installing mysql? At what point do you get an error?14:31
RazikWho knows this game Marble blast ultra ?14:33
reeedhi all i just upgraded to 14.04 LTS and the existing NVidia driver has reversed my 2 screens! I need to install the latest NVidia driver. How do I boot to 'runlevel 3' (ie do not start X) ?14:33
somsip!text | reeed14:34
ubottureeed: To start your system in text-only mode append 'text' (without the quotes) to the kernel line in the grub menu. You can access the grub menu by pressing Esc (Grub legacy) or Shift (Grub2) during boot. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Text%20Mode14:34
reeedTY !!14:34
rypervenchereeed: You can also use ctrl+alt+F2 to get into a TTY once you've booted the machine. From there you can log in and type "telinit 3" to go back to run level 3.14:35
mlindnerHi I have a problem when cloning a VM or moving a disk from one computer ot another14:39
mlindnerthe /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules causes the MAC address to automatically be updated14:39
mlindneror something updates that file anyway14:40
mlindnerfor some reason this causes eth0 to go away14:40
mlindnerand eth1 to be created14:40
mlindnerHow do I prevent this behavior14:40
arcassomsip : I typed this command line: sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-client-5.614:47
arcasThen I had to create a root password, I confirmed and it is after this that the terminal indicated the status 1 error output14:47
arcasAnd dpkg: error processing package mysql-server-5.6 (--configure)14:47
arcas  subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 114:47
arcasErrors were encountered while processing:14:47
arcas  mysql-server-5.614:47
unopastearcas you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:47
teksalmlindner: make sure eth's MAC remains same, not randomly generated by virtualiser14:48
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somsiparcas: can you pastebin the entire output with the error details.14:49
somsip!paste | arcas14:49
ubottuarcas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:49
mlindnerteksal: well I'm moving them between systems, so t he MACs should be changing14:50
peakhow do i start my ubuntu desktop?14:50
mlindnerteksal: how do I prevent the eth interface from changing despite MAC changing14:51
mlindnerits a bunch of stock computers that are all the same14:51
teksalmlindner: dont know that much14:51
arcas!paste | somsip14:51
ubottusomsip: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:51
mlindnerso need to be able to copy it to each system14:51
peakhey people. i have a commandline for ubuntu now how do i start the desktop14:51
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peakdoesnt work :-/14:52
peakdoes ubuntu server contain a desktop?14:53
somsippeak: no14:53
hydepeak: not installed by default14:53
mlindnerpeak: not by default14:53
arcasarcas: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.14:53
cfhowlettpeak, server's don't have gui's by default14:53
unopastearcas you have been muted for 60 seconds as it looks like you are pasting lots of lines into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com and paste just the URL of your data here when you are unmuted14:53
mlindnerservers shouldn't have guis14:53
Chaser-sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop14:54
peaki wanted to use ubuntu on virtualbox and they said i have to install the server version14:54
somsipChaser-: peak or something a bit lighter maybe...14:54
mlindnerpeak: who said? they were wrong...14:54
cfhowlettpeak that is absolutely NOT true.14:54
mlindnerpeak: you can use any version of ubuntu on virtualbox14:54
hydepeak: I suggest lubuntu-desktop for VM14:54
somsippeak: desktop version would have been fine. But you can put a desktop on server version as Chaser has said (and unity *can* be okay on VM - I stand corrected)14:55
teksalHi, default umask is 002, which gives rx permission to everyone. Will anything break if I make it 007? (this is a desktop, not server)14:55
hydeit installs a bunch of desktop apps through, but it should give you fully integrated desktop environment14:55
Chaser-I like lubuntu as well14:56
peakdo i have to start it manually every time14:56
hydealternatives: xubuntu-desktop, ubuntu-desktop, kubuntu-desktop, gnome-desktop14:56
Chaser-I have it on a slower machine14:56
hydepeak: no14:56
somsippeak: as hyde - something lighter might be more suitable14:56
cfhowletthyde, if you merely want a gui, sudo apt-get install lxde         will get you that14:56
hydepeak: when you install one of the desktop packages, it will set up a gui login for you14:56
hydepeak: you may have to reboot after installing the package though (or run the right command to start it, but easier to just reboot)14:57
peaki didnt know its so difficult oO14:57
peakhow should i know anything of this14:57
hydepeak: it's not. one command, reboot, and you're in desktop. youjust gotta choose14:57
somsippeak: doing things wrong under bad advice often results in that14:57
flakerimi1how can I enable apache to ip from outside, cannot access14:57
hydewhich desktop14:57
peakbut where do i find that command14:57
peakif im not using a virtual machine?14:57
peakim really happy i didnt install this ontop of win8.114:58
cfhowlett!install | peak, a little reading saves a lot of pain ...14:58
ubottupeak, a little reading saves a lot of pain ...: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:58
hydepeak: anyway, if you want one command: sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop14:58
hyde...for LXDE used by Lubuntu variant14:59
peakim happy when i can finally run some coding environment on ubuntu14:59
hydeothers I listed are also good, though the normal Unity one, ubuntu-desktop, can be a bit heavy14:59
LogLevel9Hi all. Having an odd issue with nss-pam-ldapd14:59
Chaser-peak, you can do this ... you're so close15:00
ssarahlullis: ty, i'll tell you the results as soon as i have a window to try it, right now im back to using the default password which seems to have solved it.15:00
peakis firefox in ubuntu installed or some other browser?15:00
LogLevel9I'm trying to remap homeDirectory from ldap to /home/uid and "map passwd homeDirectory "/home/$uid"" in nslcd is not working like it does in RHEL15:00
hydepeak: with what are you going to do development with? For some "real" purpose or for learning?15:00
hydepeak: depends on the desktop environment. lubuntu-desktop install firefox15:00
peaki learned some basics of c, c++ ; soon i want to help to code for blender15:01
peakim learning python , and hopefully some html15:01
david38400I have just updated to ubuntu 14.04. What do I need to use my canon printer. Any help please15:02
arcassomsip : I typed this command line : apt-get install mysql-server-5.6 mysql-client-5.615:03
hualet_deepinpeak: which program language is blender using?15:03
cfhowlettpeak, www.fullcirclemagazine.org   has comprehensive downloads and tutorials.  choose 115:03
david38400any help with printers please15:03
peakits lot of c and c++ and python15:03
cfhowlett!printer | david38400,15:03
ubottudavid38400,: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NetworkPrintingWithUbuntu15:03
hydedavid38400: can you launch the printer configuration UI?15:04
hualet_deepinpeak: the programming language thing is pretty easy at some point compared with the 3D stuff, how will you deal with it ?15:04
hualet_deepinpeak: just curious :)15:05
jonlee_how do you use the cd dvd player on ubuntu15:05
* hyde thinks programming discussion is fast approaching offtopic for this channel...15:05
hydejonlee_: insert disk?15:05
hualet_deepinhyde: sorry ;)15:06
peakim studying engineering, i have math there, and a teacher who can help me15:06
Pici!offtopic | peak15:06
ubottupeak: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!15:06
cfhowlettpeak, ##linux15:06
takkunHii :D15:06
dhcihello I am seeing usb device descriptor read errors from a certan usb bus, is there a way to quiet these messages. perhaps I should just have them redirected to syslog or similar if they aren't already15:06
takkunis anyone available to help?15:06
jonlee_disk inserted15:06
somsip!ask | takkun15:06
ubottutakkun: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:07
cfhowlettpeak, or go to www.fullcirclemagazine.org and download some tutorials.  this is not the channel for long discussions of coding15:07
peakthey asked me..15:07
david38400hyde: how to I launch it?15:07
cfhowlettjonlee_, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras        will get you the multimedia codecs.15:07
takkunI'm sorry. I was hoping someone here could help me with battery issues I can facing on Ubuntu 14.04. I lose 1% of battery every minute.15:07
cfhowletttakkun, check your battery health.15:08
david38400cfhowlett, Its a canon mp25015:08
hydedavid38400: on LXDE/Lubuntu it is "start menu"-System tools-printers15:08
hydesomething similar on other desktops15:09
takkunI believe my battery health is perfect, I dual boot on this machine and I do not have this issue on Windows, also Windows has an application that tells me my battery health, and it says Condition is Good.15:09
cfhowlettdavid38400, add printer didn't work?15:09
david38400Ihyde:  dont know how UBuntu 14.04 works so where is start menu15:09
jonlee_i inserted a disk at ubuntu did not pick  it up at all15:10
david38400cfhowlett, I can find printers but it doesnt open15:10
hydetakkun: might be very laptop model specific issue... have you googled with laptop model and linux/ubuntu?15:10
cfhowlettdavid38400, ask again in channel.  I'm on xubuntu - different arrangement15:10
hydetakkun: I have not heard of a behaviour like that15:10
david38400cfhowlett, am i in the wrong channel for ubuntu 14.04?15:11
svenxtakkun: you've tried powertop, i take it?15:11
arcassorry about the time everyone I have a little trouble getting familiar with IRC15:11
cfhowlettdavid38400, you're in the right channel.  restate your issue for all15:11
david38400hyde, Where do I find the start menu please15:11
hydejonlee_: is it a computer disk, or a movie DVD/music CD?15:11
svenxtakkun: does the fan spin more than in windows?15:11
hydedavid38400: on Unity (normal ubuntu desktop), no idea, sorry. but it shouldn't be too well hidden.15:12
peaksudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop  <- i typed this in, and now i have a black screen15:12
takkunI'm sorry I have not tried power top. And the Fan is super silent. I would say it runs more in Windows, since I game on Windows.15:12
jonlee_it is a computer disk15:12
peakit runs yeah :D15:12
hydearcas: it's ok, everybody makes mistakes. what matters is, if you learn from them :)15:13
hydepeak: remember to enable 3D acceleration for the virtual machine, or it might be... slow :)15:13
hydejonlee_: can you open a file manager? and it does not see or display it?15:14
jonlee_no it doesnt show up at all15:14
takkunWould the fact that my Linux is installed on an SSD be a potential cause to the battery drainage?15:15
cfhowletttakkun, doubtful - not at the rate you cited15:15
svenxtakkun: try powertop15:15
peaknow i have a ubuntu background, no startmenu, what should i do :D15:15
takkunI'm am currently installing powertop. I will brb guys. I appreciate all the help :)15:16
hydejonlee_: then that needs some troubleshooting about why it's not automatically mounted, but I don't have time for it now, hopefully someone else can help15:16
hydejonlee_: does it mount USB sticks automatically?15:16
takkunGuys quick question, when installing tars what is the best folder to install them in? I see differing answers around the web.15:16
peakis there a startmenu on ubuntu?15:16
peakwhere do i find it?15:17
hydetakkun: depends on what exactly is in the tar...15:17
takkunHmm, well Im trying to install Power Top15:17
hydetakkun: if it is sources which need to be compiled, then setting prefix to /usr/local is common15:17
svenxsounds like you're doing it wrong :)15:17
svenxtakkun: install it from the software manager, or apt-get install powerwop15:17
takkunoh! that would make it easier thank x3.15:18
peakhey guys, what should i do now, i have no gui on the gui15:18
hydetakkun: oh yeah, in Linux you can install most software simply from the distros software repositories. No need to hunt around the internet for download... (except sometimes you want the latest version, and might have to do that)15:19
cfhowlettpeak, sudo startx15:19
jonlee_yes it does15:19
peaki did this15:19
hydecfhowlett: umm... using sudo to run startx doesn't sound too good15:19
peaknow i have a red background without anything on it15:19
LogLevel9one last time and then i'll stop bugging you folks. I'm using ldap for authorization and i'm looking to map homeDirectory to /home/$uid — the "map passwd homeDirectory "/home/$uid" directive in nslcd.conf is not working for some reason. the only error I get is 'could not create home directory /path/to/ldap/home/directory/and/not/the/mapped/one15:19
cfhowletthyde, correct me as needed.  I have no ego15:19
hydecfhowlett: doesn't it create a bunch of root-owned files in users home directory, for starters?15:19
takkunJust for educational purposes. Where would I install the tar, if it does not need sources to be compiled? I'm very new to linux and I'm trying to switch over to it completely. And knowing all these things would be useful I think. ^^15:19
cfhowlett!tar | takkun15:20
ubottutakkun: Files with extensions .tar, .gz, .tgz, .zip, .bz2, .7z, .ace and other archive file formats can be opened with file-roller (GNOME) or Ark (KDE) - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression15:20
takkunOh I just usually use terminal to open them. I find it easier.15:20
hydetakkun: I'd probably install it in the home directory, and not mess system directories with manually installed software15:20
somsiptakkun: if you've just switched over, compiling from source may be a topic worth left until you have a broader base knowledge15:21
hyde(assuming you have a personal computer and not shared)15:21
peaki think i have a desktop now without GUI15:21
somsip*worth leaving...15:21
peakis that possible15:21
hydepeak: yes15:21
peakhow do i get a gui15:21
hydedid you reboot after installing ubuntu-desktop?15:21
jonlee_can someone help me with troubleshooting with cd rom15:21
vertasJoin #Open-Chat | A channel with all sensible topics!15:22
somsip!spam | vertas15:22
ubottuvertas: Please don't spam15:22
cfhowlettvertas, no spam15:22
* rww giggles at ubottu15:22
peakhow do i restart15:22
somsiprww: yeah - that one's like being savaged by a dead sheep...15:22
f00dWorkstaarggg opening any window lags up ubuntu!15:22
hydepeak: sudo reboot15:22
hydefor example15:22
hydealt-f1 to get to terminal if you are now in x without shell15:22
f00dWorkstaadn my indicators are unresponsive15:23
hydepeak:  ctrl-alt-f115:23
peaki have a red desktop with nothing on it i cant type commands15:23
f00dWorkstabut everything else seems to work fine...15:23
peakoh thx hyde15:23
peakwhat now?15:23
peakis there somewhere something i can read?15:24
hydepeak: you are in shell? then sudo reboot15:24
peakit seems like it didnt understand the command15:24
hydeare you logged in?15:24
hydefirst log in, if it is asking for user name15:24
peakim logged in i think15:25
peakit writes to the shell what i type in15:25
peakbut it doesnt do anything15:25
hydepeak: ?15:25
f00dWorkstahelp! opening any window freezes entire OS for like 15s15:25
f00dWorkstaand indicators are completely broken15:25
hydeoh, yeah... hit ctrl-C15:25
hydethat's the one you did startx in15:26
hydeso it is running that15:26
f00dWorkstaa restart fixes it, but I wanna see how to debug this15:26
peakok :-)15:26
jonlee_hyde how would you go to the troubleshooting15:26
takkunSo what exactly Do i do with powertop guys? I can ran the program within terminal, and it is showing me a bunch of information.15:26
f00dWorkstathis happens seemingly randomly15:26
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hydejonlee_: commands: dmsg, lsblk15:26
hydefirst shows kernel messages, second lists block devices (like cd rom)15:27
peakthank you guys :-)15:27
f00dWorkstaguys... seriously is there anywhere I should look at to try and debug this?15:27
somsipf00dWorksta: top, iostat. I'd start with something like that15:28
MonkeyDusttakkun  type apt-cache show powertop to see what it does15:28
peaki have no mouse15:28
takkunPowertop is telling me that "The battery reports a discharge rate of 19.3 W" is that good? and okkay I will try that monkey15:29
hydef00dWorksta: do you have dodgy network connection? maybe I'm cynical in thinking that Unity wants to talk to network occasionally, and for example DNS delays may make the whole thing to freeze, but that is what I am thinking ;)15:29
jonlee_how do you get to that15:29
hydef00dWorksta: anyway, you could see if `dmsg` shows anything suspicious, like some timout errors or device errors or something15:29
peakhow do i get a mouse on the ubuntu desktop on a virtual machine?15:30
hydepeak: do you have a good internet connection? if so, download desktop version...15:30
f00dWorkstahyde: dmsg? or dmesg?15:31
the_2ndwhen ssh'ing into my raspberry pi (debian / raspian) the username@hostname is colored, yet on ubuntu server it's just white text. Is there any way to change that? I highly prefer the colored version, since it's obvious on first sight, that I'm using ssh right now15:31
hydef00dWorksta: dmesg15:31
takkuntyping in apt-cache show powertop simply shows information about what the program does.15:31
peakhere it says its not working15:31
ActionParsnippeak: what did you use to virtualize?15:32
hydepeak: that page seems like it may be out of date...15:32
jonlee_hyde how do you open the  commands dmsg, lsblk15:32
somsipthe_2nd: here's a primer http://www.linux.com/learn/tutorials/772396-how-to-make-a-fancy-and-useful-bash-prompt-in-linux-15:33
f00dWorksta[ 2259.583508] Watchdog[5119]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f7f075884f8 sp 00007f7ef8151710 error 6 in libcontent.so[7f7f06d55000+1104000]15:33
f00dWorksta[ 2285.796701] Watchdog[16012]: segfault at 0 ip 00007f27e9b244f8 sp 00007f27da6ed710 error 6 in libcontent.so[7f27e92f1000+1104000]15:33
ActionParsnippeak: did you install the guest additions>?15:33
Dragin1Can someone help me with this please? tar -xvzf gtk+-3.12.0.tar.xz15:33
Dragin1gzip: stdin: not in gzip format15:33
Dragin1tar: Child returned status 115:33
Dragin1tar: Error is not recoverable: exiting now15:33
peaki think i forgot them where do i install them15:33
takkunGuys is a discharge rate of 18-20 W good? because thats what my laptop is doing15:33
hydepeak: anyway, I'm currently running 2 Ubuntus in a VM. One is 64 bit lubuntu. other is 32 bit server with lxde (desktop environment) installed.15:33
somsipDragin1: noz - just tar xf ...15:34
reeedmy X won't start after I installed new NVidia driver! the old kernel module is still being loaded, and conflicts with the new driver. how can i manually configure kernel modules to be loaded at boot?15:34
ActionParsnippeak: http://www.dedoimedo.com/images/computers/2008/virtualbox-install-guest-additions.jpg15:34
hydebut, I'm off now, good luck everybody15:35
peaklol now i have no more mouse in windows15:35
hydef00dWorksta: one last note: you could try googling that... 99% of problems are something someone else has asked about at forums etc :)15:35
hydepeak: ah15:36
hydenote that the VM may grab the mouse. There's a key for releasing it, right control in VirtualBox by default... maybe that's what's happening?15:36
hyde...though, mouse integration seems to work out-of-the-box for me lately, with VirtualBox15:37
hydebut you can toggle it, maybe you toggled it by accident15:37
peakhow do i get my mouse back15:37
jonlee_how do you open the  commands dmsg, lsblk or get to it15:37
hydein virtualbox, right control, just tap it once15:37
MonkeyDustpeak  hit right ctrl key15:37
peakim out of the box15:37
peakbut i have no mouse still15:37
peakim here in mirc15:38
peaki think i have to reboot15:38
MonkeyDustmirc, that's windows... are you in windows now?15:38
MonkeyDustpeak  the why are you here?15:38
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peakomg i hate ubuntu15:39
MonkeyDustpeak  type /j ##windows (double #)15:39
hydepeak: it could also be a win8.1 issue (did you have that), I think there may be some incompatibilities with virtual machine applications... I'm not sure, I'm running win7 just in case15:39
peaki cant even reboot because i cant reach the reboot button of win8.115:39
MonkeyDustpeak  ask in ##windows how windows works15:40
hydepeak: ctrl-alt-del... what does that do in Win8.1?15:40
Krone1232same thing as in win715:41
mishravikasHi all I have ubuntu 14.04 on my dell laptop but I get black screen after suspend any solutions?15:41
f00dWorkstahyde: restarting lightdm fixed it...15:42
* hyde wonders how the Win 8.1 can lose the mouse....15:42
MonkeyDustthat guy hates ubuntu because he doesnt know how windows works -- i miss the logic in that15:43
hydeMonkeyDust: he got off to a bad start... read instructions to install ubuntu-server for a VM, and then something got messed up when installing DE on it15:43
hydeMonkeyDust: also, with the mouse issue, I suspect some Win8.1 - VirtualBox incompatibility is at play15:44
cfhowletthyde, "they" told him ...15:44
Dragin1Thanks for the help somsip15:44
hydepeak, which reminds me, make sure you are running the latest version of VBox...15:44
jonlee_how do you open the  commands dmsg, lsblk or get to it15:44
MonkeyDustjonlee_  open a terminal, ctrl-alt t or in the menu15:45
hydejonlee_: command prompt15:45
* hyde now really gone15:45
jonlee_monkey dust opened the terminal15:46
MonkeyDustjonlee_  ok, now you can type commands, like lsblk15:46
tch3ksome body have setup SAMBA + LDAP + FREENAS??15:47
winemwe use SAMBA + LDAP + NAS4FREE15:47
ActionParsniptch3k: freenas isnt supported here15:47
jonlee_ok thats typed in15:48
tch3kdo you have a tuto about SAMBA + LDAP + NAS4FREE?15:48
jonlee_now what15:48
MonkeyDusttch3k  type /j #freenas15:48
MonkeyDustjonlee_  depends on what you want to do or achieve15:49
jonlee_cd rom trouble shooting15:51
Glownyhello! after update ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 I can't log to kde or unity15:53
GlownyI reinstalled almost every package, but nothing helped15:54
Glownyafter writing login and password only mouse + background stays on place, but no gui appear15:55
jonlee_monkey dust hyde told methe cd rom  needs some troubleshooting about why it's not automatically mounted,15:55
MonkeyDustjonlee_  what cd rom? what brings you here? what goes wrong?15:59
jonlee_ubuntu cant pick up my cd/or dvds of any kind16:00
MonkeyDustjonlee_  what's the output of   cat /etc/issue16:00
jonlee_what does that mean16:01
MonkeyDustjonlee_  in a terminal, type    cat /etc/issue16:01
p34kim back :-)16:02
MonkeyDustjonlee_  ok, what's the output?16:02
jonlee_nothing it juat says the name of my computer16:02
MonkeyDustjonlee_  copy paste the output here16:03
szuletettwhat kind of cool things can I do with xubuntu?16:03
MonkeyDustszuletett  you can change wallpapers and more16:03
MonkeyDustszuletett  you can do computer things with xubuntu, like with any other modern computer16:04
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Glownycan you help me with this after-upgrade gui bug? I installed openbox now, and it works16:06
jonlee_cat: /etc/issueoutput: No such file or directory16:07
jonlee_thats what is all it says16:07
MonkeyDustjonlee_  no, type    cat /etc/issue     then hit enter, then copy what it says and paste that here16:08
jonlee_Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS \n \l16:09
MonkeyDustjonlee_  ok, great!16:09
jonlee_whats next16:09
MonkeyDustjonlee_  so, you can't read dvd's?16:09
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cfhowlett!manual | szuletett,16:10
ubottuszuletett,: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/16:10
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cfhowlettszuletett, also read www.fullcirclemagazine.org16:10
jonlee_yes actually its a set up disk for a wirless range extender16:10
MonkeyDustjonlee_  try another cd or dvd, can ubuntu read it?16:11
jonlee_no it cant16:11
jonlee_what do you think is wrong16:12
MonkeyDustjonlee_  i have not the faintest clue, let's try and find out16:13
MonkeyDustjonlee_  in terminal, type lsblk, does it show the cd drive16:13
Term1nalAlright, attempting to mount an image to a loopback device with Disks, it's a ddrescue'd image of an NTFS drive, one partition of the image mounts just fine, the other (the one I care about) is giving me a "exited with non-zero exit status 21: fuse mount failed: Permission denied" why would one parition of the same image file mount, but not the other? I have the image file chowned to my user account.16:14
JohnTalentmy laptop hard drive i think is crashing according to dmesg.16:14
JohnTalentbacking up.16:14
JohnTalentcd/ls are not functional.16:14
JohnTalentis nautilus faster for backing up?16:15
JohnTalenti am using cp -a16:15
MonkeyDustJohnTalent  rsync -a is fast16:16
Reminouchehi everyone16:17
Reminoucheanybody is here ?16:18
ActionParsnipReminouche: nobody at all16:19
JohnTalentMonkeyDust: ok16:19
ActionParsnipJohnTalent: speed is dependant mainly on the hardware, and if you are doing a full copy, or differentials16:19
jonlee_no it says disks but nocd16:19
MonkeyDustjonlee_  did it work before?16:20
ReminoucheI developped a dragon ball z fangame with a friend (for mobile), and i search... some feedbacks.16:20
jonlee_when i had windows it worked but never ubuntu16:21
ActionParsnipReminouche: this is support only, #ubuntu-offtopic may help16:21
ReminoucheI don't need help16:21
bazhangReminouche, try #ubuntu-offtopic please16:21
ReminoucheJust a feedback about my game, but if you are not interested about that it's not a problem16:22
bazhangits not on topic here Reminouche16:22
ReminoucheI know...16:22
ActionParsnipReminouche: if you  know, why ask still?16:23
JohnTalenti am going to try fsck off of a live cd. i am hoping it's just a softare timing issue, but not likely.16:23
MonkeyDustjonlee_  then i don't know, i'm sure someone else can help better16:23
ReminoucheI think that it's possible to speak differently subject here16:23
JohnTalentActionParsnip: usb 3 on a toshiba laptop16:23
bazhangReminouche, its not16:24
Reminouchemy bad, have a good day16:25
ActionParsnipJohnTalent: then a full copy using nautilus will be slower then if you use rsync. Rsync will only update the changes to the files.16:27
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JohnTalentachernya: rsync blows out all terminal instances.16:37
reisioblows out?16:38
JohnTalentyes blows out16:40
JohnTalentcp -a faster than nautilus i'm guessing16:40
JohnTalent17 house to copy via nautilus16:41
JohnTalentoh well16:42
chaotixhi.  what version of debian is Ubuntu 14.04 based on?16:49
chaotixi cant seem to find that info on ubuntu's site or wikipedia16:49
reisiochaotix: Ubuntu is always based on unstable Debian16:50
reisioit's not versioned16:50
chaotixreisio, oh nvm io just found the answer too16:51
chaotixthanks, resolutions16:51
chaotixthanks, reisio16:51
joelmoim trying to upgrade from thar to unicorn with sudo do-release-upgrade but I get this: No new release found, and lsb_release -a says I am running trusty16:51
chaotixreisio, i just read that lts is always based on the stable debian, in this case wheezy16:51
trismchaotix: lts pull from testing actually, the rest from unstable16:52
trismchaotix: wheezy was testing when the cycle began16:52
joelmo ah, i needed to add d-16:53
reisioyup, always unstable, like I said16:53
Beldarjoelmo, Why a upgrade to a development not released?16:55
joelmoBeldar, I need to try a newer version of gnome-boxes16:56
Beldarjoelmo, So risking a stable install seems like the best move?16:57
PechosReyhello why is the smbd and nmbd service running by default on ubuntu 14.04 LTS? Is it safe to uninstall it if not needed for filesharing?16:57
Beldarjoelmo, Are you even sure 14.10 has a later release of it?16:58
joelmoBeldar, yes it has, everytime I login im prompted for sending a error report because something is said to be corrupted, if thinks go wrong i will reinstall anyway16:59
ArmadillosPechosRey: I wouldn't un-install it, just disable it.16:59
tonahi guys how could i set one configure my ethernet adapter in ubuntu ?16:59
daftykinstona: care to rephrase "set one configure" ?17:00
_good evening17:00
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reisio_: /nick somethingElse17:01
PechosReyArmadillos how do i do that i can`t identify them in systemsettings under services17:01
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PechosReyalso no startup script there to disable it17:02
MoPacHello, I'm looking for some advice on how to enable the OnBoard keyboard at the login or unlock screen. The DConf variables for doing this seem to be deprecated and ignored -- what is the current procedure for using a soft keyboard to unlock/login?17:02
tonahow could i configure one ethernet card adapter in ubunut ?17:02
daftykinstona: configure it how... with IP settings?17:03
Beldarjoelmo, Here is the 14.10 version in a ppa that has trusty install https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/ubuntu/gnome3-staging/+index?field.series_filter=trusty17:03
tonai just need the path where should i confugre it ?17:04
daftykinstona: is this with server or desktop?17:04
daftykinstona: then you can configure manually with network manager, there's no need to use config files17:04
tonai would like to configure it manually please17:05
daftykinsyou're ignoring what i'm saying17:05
joelmoBeldar, thanks, I should have used that17:05
tonaok tell me how could i configure it using network manager17:05
PechosReyi would also prefer to disable samba but i really can`t identify the service under systemsettings in service management or autostart17:05
PechosReywhat`s the name for the samba deamons there?17:05
Beldarjoelmo, Just be aware of ppa-purge if you need to purge it and all it's dependencies.17:05
MlarHi all.17:06
reisiohi mlar17:06
p34khey people17:06
MlarI was hoping someone might be able to help me with Skype?17:06
p34ki installed a vmachine and ubuntu server on it17:06
p34kthe description says i should install linux-image-extra-virtual17:07
tonaok i found it, normally how to restart the services into ubuntu17:07
p34khow do install it17:07
MlarAfter version 4.2 stopped working I had a search, and I realise I need to install 4.3. I've added the canonical parters on software sources - but the new version still does not show up. Any ideas?17:07
p34khttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Ubuntu_as_Guest_OS here last chaptor17:07
saik0trying to downgrade a packge with apt-get install pkgname=version, results in  0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.17:08
daftykinstona: service restart isn't necessary when using network-manager17:08
OerHeksMlar, running 14.04 here, with 4.3 from softwarecenter17:08
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tonaok i undertand i have another question17:08
MlarOerHeks: Only 4.2 is showing up for me.. also running 14.0417:08
tonanormmalyy how to restart services in ubuntu on redhat it services name start or stop how ubuntu works ?17:09
BeldarMlar, Have you run an update lately 4.3 is in my 14.0417:09
daftykinstona: that's not supported for networking anymore, but it's "sudo service <name> stop/start/restart"17:09
MlarBeldar: Yeh, ran updates from the terminal. Have tried removing and readding the sources. Even tried changing the update server.17:10
OerHeksMlar, try "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"17:10
MlarOerHeks: Nothing to update.17:11
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alfonsojonHi, I'm using Elementary OS Freya (based on Ubuntu 14.04)17:11
OerHeksalfonsojon, not supported here17:11
alfonsojonit's upstream17:11
MlarOerHeks: Yeh... I realise I can downoad the deb from skype's site, but more concerned that my sources don't seem to be up-to-date!17:12
alfonsojonI'm using nvidia-331 and I would like to know if there's a way to get my virtual terminals to use a higher resolution than 80x2417:12
alfonsojonWhen using nouveau, it uses the resolution of my smallest monitor, which is much preferred over 80x2417:12
Beldaralfonsojon, Not supported.17:12
OerHeks!elementary | alfonsojon17:12
ubottualfonsojon: Elementary OS is an Ubuntu derivative which is supported in their IRC channel #elementary on irc.freenode.net - http://elementaryos.org/ for more information on this distribution.17:12
OerHeksthey have their own issues17:13
bazhang!info skype partner | Mlar17:13
ubottuMlar: skype (source: skype): client for Skype VOIP and instant messaging service. In component main, is extra. Version (partner), package size 15 kB, installed size 61 kB (Only available for i386; amd64)17:13
alfonsojonOkay, how about this17:13
alfonsojonThis also affects Ubuntu 14.04, and I was using Ubuntu 14.04 until around a week ago.17:13
daftykinsalfonsojon: no, you go there else you get no help. simples.17:13
alfonsojonShould I head to #nvidia?17:14
alfonsojonThis affects all distros, not just Ubuntu or Elementary17:14
daftykinsyou may seek whichever path you want, it's your issue17:14
Mlarbazhang: Yeah... but only version 4.2 is showing up for me, I know 4.3 should be there!17:17
alfonsojonMlar: sudo apt-get upate17:17
aeyesiMeep! Anyone need littttttle tiny help in Lubuntu 14.04  :0 Basicaly i need to lower DPI (got intel atom GMA3150 GMA so no nvidia)17:17
aeyesianyone any tip ?17:17
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Mlaralfonsojon: As mentioned already done all of that...17:18
alfonsojonaeyesi: I'm not 100% sure, but I do not believe Lubuntu is very friendly with custom DPIs17:18
alfonsojonMlar: ah, sorry17:18
Mlaralfonsojon: No worries17:18
BeldarMlar, You have the partners and independent repos open?17:18
MlarBeldar: Yeh17:18
alfonsojonMlar: cat /etc/apt/sources.list > ~/sources.list17:19
BeldarMlar, I would check again, at times users do not understand that, helps us if we are sure you do.17:19
aeyesialfonsojon ah know i already googled and tried like hundred of tips17:19
aeyesibut none works17:19
alfonsojonThen upload the contents of that to a pastebin17:19
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alfonsojonaeyesi: Hmm17:20
alfonsojonaeyesi: I'll search around for a solution17:20
alfonsojonyou probably tried them though17:20
aeyesiyep most of them o,o17:20
BlasterHaving the most annoying issue and don't know where to start.  I have a Logitech wireless mouse, and a lot of time when I single click, it gets registered as a double click, which is extremely agitating.  I don't know where to start trying to debug that.  Mouse batteries are fresh.17:22
bootlickerHey guys I have a RAID 0 group and recently it stopped auto-mounting and I tried to invesitgate it, but all I get is that I have a "bad superblock" is there anything I can do to fix this?17:22
daftykinsBlaster: lots of old rodents do that eventually when they're on the way out17:23
BlasterIt's only a 2 years old or so.17:23
TaZeRim going to miami c yy tere dydes17:27
Mlaralfonsojon: Ok, I've had a look at what URI for my canonical source, it is deb http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu (from software sources setting). According to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype it should be without the /ubuntu17:27
Mlarwithout the /ubuntu the new version shows up17:27
alfonsojonMlar: Is there a guide you read for this?17:28
alfonsojonIf so, I could use that link17:28
alfonsojonActually, the ubuntu help page is enough17:28
MonkeyDustwho asked about screen resolution in lubuntu?17:30
Mlaralfonsojon: Just the second lnk I sent you - the info about ticking the two canonical software sources was from a forum posting here http://askubuntu.com/questions/488053/how-to-install-skype-4-317:30
MonkeyDustaeyesi  i guess you need lxrandr17:30
Mlaralfonsojon: It now installs, but only after follwing the first link (the help.ubuntu page) and adding the source without the /ubuntu17:31
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nightdemon666so, any one who can, or wants to provide help with empathy and irc??? yes i know that empathy sucks as an irc client, but i'd like to be able to use ONE application to do both AIM and IRC. The symptom of my problem is that it just doesnt connect to freenode. dont know why. i tested with another computer on live usb, aqnd it connected just fine. anything i need to reset? should i consider removeing and reinstalling empathy?17:31
aeyesii think i have17:31
aeyesibut lxrandr does not changes DPI17:32
KingSphinxI've got an odd issue with my Toshiba laptop: if I restart from Windows to an Ubuntu live USB, then enter acpi_osi=Linux at the boot menu, I can use my Fn+F* keys. If, however, I don't enter that at boot, the Fn keys won't work on subsequent boots into the Ubuntu live USB even if I enter that switch *unless* I boot into Windows, then reboot into the USB.17:33
Mlaralfonsojon: Ah ok, so when I updated to 14.04 the partner repositories had not updated... they were looking at quantal, not trusty.17:33
Mlaralfonsojon: the others (indendent) had... odd17:34
reisioKingSphinx: check your BIOS options17:34
reisioodisa: hi17:34
odisaI'm having issues installing nVidia drivers.. Doing it via "additional drivers" just crashes my system, and attempting to install nVidia's .run files returns multiple errors. Please advise.17:35
aeyesiodisa its painfull ik17:36
odisaI know there are many guides out there for this issue, but none of them seem to work for me.17:36
aeyesiodisa just little tip17:36
JohnTalentrsync was kicking ass at 40/34 % utilization. now it's been 1.7/1.1 utilization for 45 minutes.17:36
odisaaeyesi: yes.. I tried it many times before, and always gave up. I'd like to see it through this time.17:36
nightdemon666<odisa>, you may have to resort to compiling from source...you are running those .run files as root right???17:36
JohnTalentis that a ra thing?17:36
aeyesitry remove all of them17:36
odisaI am nightdemon66617:36
aeyesigoogle how remove them and install them from PPA17:37
nightdemon666<odisa> also you made sure that the file is executable?17:37
aeyesiotherwise its painfull17:37
odisaaeyesi: you mean "sudo apt-get purge nvidia*"?17:37
aeyesiyea try that17:37
aeyesiit will install NOVEAU opensource drivers17:37
odisadid that.. didn't help17:37
odisaI have the nouveau drivers currently17:37
aeyesithen google for PPA17:37
r2jpeople...need help17:37
nightdemon666what are the errors? <odisa>17:37
r2jI have a 128 gig ssd17:37
intraderAnyone please - problem with Google Chrome on ubuntu 12.04.1. I downloaded and installed the .deb file offered by Google. The only way I find to start chrome is from terminal as `google-chrome-stable`, There are errors as given by http://pastebin.com/tHh5WuPd; it starts in a window and places icon in taskbar. The icon disappears when google closes; the browser functions.17:37
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nightdemon666<odisa> you may have to resolve dependancy issues17:38
r2jin my laptop, and i need to install ubuntu on an sd card thats plugged into the laptop17:38
r2jhow do i do that17:38
Matthew_MooreHey guys. after installing updates i can no longer sign in to the Software center.  Anybody else having this problem?17:38
odisanightdemon666: when running the .run, first it tells me the "distributions pre-installation script failed", so I press "ok". then, it tells me Nouveau is still running despite my blacklisting thereof and stopping lightdm17:38
odisaI'll check what the PPA errors are.. can't remember.17:38
MonkeyDustMatthew_Moore  what happesn when you try?17:39
nightdemon666<odisa> have you considered running that script with out X running?17:39
nightdemon666you may have to run that script from command line tty17:39
odisanightdemon666: would that require "sudo killall x-org" or something?17:39
Matthew_MooreMonkeyDust:  i have a screenshot    https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-e8ZyZ-eMAtM/U-uhIAPyDpI/AAAAAAAAGxo/m3_GyKr-Wyo/w640-h553-no/Screenshot%2Bfrom%2B2014-08-13%2B13%3A30%3A25.png17:39
nightdemon666you can type top, then find the process id for Xork. kill that process as root17:40
MonkeyDustMatthew_Moore  it's because ubuntu one is dead17:40
reisioMatthew_Moore: that's not software center17:40
reisioMonkeyDust: is it?17:40
reisiowow that was brief17:40
Beldarr2j, It is a manual install. No question marks please and have some patience.17:40
ubottuThe Ubuntu One file and music service is being discontinued. The service will be unavailable starting 1 June 2014, and content available until 31 July, 2014. For more, see #ubuntuone17:40
nightdemon666<odisa> sudo kill process_id but when you do that you will have to kill lightdm too17:40
Matthew_Mooreyes it is.  when i click see recomended software this is what comes up.17:40
odisanightdemon666: yeah it shows Xorg with a PID.. alright let me log on to IRC with another pc and try it again while Xorg is disabled17:41
Matthew_Moorei could log into it until yesterday.17:41
nightdemon666<odisa> thats a good idea17:41
odisayes I disabled lightdm every time17:41
reisioQA ftw17:41
odisaok, brb then17:41
Matthew_Moorei know ubuntu one is dead but this is the log in that comes up in the software center17:41
Matthew_Mooreit worked until yesterday17:41
reisioMatthew_Moore: http://askubuntu.com/questions/309122/removing-ubuntu-one17:42
aeyesiwhoever gave me tip previously17:42
aeyesiit didnt worked :3 (,xdefaults)17:42
JoniiHello, I need to have an easy way to control stuff on another monitor I have. The problem: I don't have mouse where I can see this monitor, so I figure I need to move stuff from one monitor to another without actually seeing anything on the other monitor. How do I go about this?17:42
JoniiUbuntu 14.0417:42
r2jokay guys, please help17:42
reisioJonii: check all the window decorations (buttons on top corner)17:43
JohnTalenthow do you prepare ram for rsync?17:43
nightdemon666<odisa> you will have to be in a complete command line mode. xorg will have to be stopped and the dm... either lightdm, or xdm... trying to remember the process that keeps lightdm running :-/17:43
reisioJohnTalent: you don't17:43
Matthew_Moorereisio:  how would i see recomended apps in the software center with this??    when i click that function this is what i am prompted with17:43
r2jneed to install ubuntu onto a 64 gb sd card plugged inside the laptop....wanna dual boot with windows that is installed onto a 128 gb ssd17:43
reisioMatthew_Moore: what?17:43
reisior2j: a drive is a drive to GNU/Linux, there are no special instructions17:43
JohnTalentreisio: rsync was at 40% utilization for 2 minutes. now at 1.7% for 45 mins.17:43
reisioif it sees it as storage, that's all there is to it17:43
JohnTalentreisio: it's because of ram17:43
r2jwhere does the bootloader go17:43
r2jon the ssd or the sd card17:43
reisioJohnTalent: says who? And why does it matter17:44
reisior2j: whichever you please17:44
Joniireisio: what? I don't understand17:44
Matthew_Moorereisio:  this  login prompt is what i am getting in the software center under see recomeded software.17:44
reisior2j: if you put it on the ssd, GRUB will control Windows' booting17:44
intraderAnyone please -Corrections it is 14.04.1  problem with Google Chrome . I downloaded and installed the .deb file offered by Google. The only way I find to start chrome is from terminal as `google-chrome-stable`, There are errors as given by http://pastebin.com/tHh5WuPd; it starts in a window and places icon in taskbar. The icon disappears when google closes; the browser functions.17:44
JohnTalentreisio: says top. because it's slow as fuck.17:44
reisioMatthew_Moore: read the link I gave17:44
reisioJohnTalent: slower than what17:44
r2jYep i want GRUB controlling the booting17:44
IdleOnePlease keep the language clean17:44
r2jso i put it on the sd card right?17:44
reisior2j: no17:45
r2jdo i have to manually point to the windows17:45
reisior2j: on the ssd, if it's the first device17:45
JohnTalentreisio: okay, you're on ignore.17:45
reisior2j: no, it will probably install there by default17:45
reisioJohnTalent: sure I am17:45
odisaSo.. Xorg isn't even running when I'm in ctrl+alt+f1 mode17:45
TandyUKJohnTalent: and what does iotop show, most likely rsync in caning your disks to 100% io17:45
nightdemon666<odisa> after you kill xorg, and lightdm, you'll want to make sure that nouvou isnt running anymore either. if it is for some reason, then i would do a sudo rmmod nouvou <-- i think im misspelling this :-(17:45
Matthew_Moorereisio:  i see that. But will i be able to veiw recomended apps if i purge this from the system??17:45
odisait shouldn't be interfering17:45
r2jaaaaah.....okay....so i put it on the ssd which has the windows17:45
r2jand grub will take care of the rest right?17:45
reisioMatthew_Moore: ubuntu one has almost nothing to do with anything, it is not the software center17:45
TandyUKgratz reisio, have a cookie :P17:46
odisanightdemon666: thanks, I think nouveau is indeed impeding the process17:46
reisioTandyUK: oatmeal raisin?17:46
TandyUKIm trying to help him now, so im sure i'll end up on ignore too soon17:46
Matthew_Moorereisio: then why do i get prompted for it when trying to see recomeded software?  i don't understand17:46
reisior2j: right17:46
r2jthanks reisio17:46
nightdemon666<odisa> is nouveau still running?17:46
reisior2j: unless it doesn't, in which case you can fix it manually very easily, just ask here about it if there's trouble17:46
reisioTandyUK: IME people who say you're on ignore are lying about 120% of the time17:46
reisiowhich I don't get, but whatever17:46
TandyUKindeed lol17:47
reisioMatthew_Moore: because they wanted to get paid, and ubuntu one got them paid, briefly17:47
odisaI still get the "The distribution provided pre-install script failed!" error.. I'm going to "continue installation" though17:47
reisioMatthew_Moore: if you don't want it, read the link17:47
odisano nouveau error! :)17:47
aguitelsynaptic touchpad no working in laptop asus X550LA model ,any tips?17:47
odisanightdemon666: now it tells me: "Would you like to register the kernel module sources with DKMS? This will allow DKMS to automatically build a new module, if you install a different kernel later."17:48
reisioaguitel: does it show up in xinput --list?17:48
reisioMatthew_Moore: or presumably if you upgraded to the latest version of Ubuntu, as you may as well, you would not be bothered with it17:48
nightdemon666<odisa> i guess i would allow it to do that with Y and see what happens... what else do you have to lose :_P17:49
odisagood point, pressing y17:49
reisionightdemon666: his soul17:50
odisainstall 32 bit compatability libs.. don't think so, it's 64 bit.. then again, they're only libs17:50
nightdemon666<odisa> yes17:50
benji_hi having a problem with 2 different bluetooth keyboards on 2 different ubuntu installations, the keyboards both seem to "lag" i cannot see anything in the logs and have the latest bluez drivers installed. Any tips or pointers to docs would be appreociated17:50
reisiobenji_: use wires17:51
nightdemon666<odisa> im sure it wont use them anyway just the 64bit ones17:51
nightdemon666<odisa> if everything goes well, cross your finger when you boot lol17:51
benji_:) thanks reiso17:51
odisanightdemon666: I just pressed yes. Now it's installing DKMS kernel module.. this is the furthest I've ever come in trying this, haha17:51
odisaInstallation complete!17:52
odisanow start lightdms again right?17:52
nightdemon666<odisa> :-) im at work, im about to go to lunch. good luck. hope i helpped17:52
odisaenjoy nightdemon666 , thanks for the help :)17:52
nightdemon666<odisa> i would simply reboot in order to make it go through all the processes17:52
nightdemon666<odisa> sudo reboot17:53
odisaalright, will do17:53
nightdemon666<odisa> i'll return in about 40 mintes and if im not too busy, I'll ask how it went17:53
odisathanks :)17:53
odisahmm.. Unity seems broken\17:54
MaxSanHey can anyone provide me some support on 14.04 I have no idea what is going on17:55
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odisaMaxSan: what's your issue?17:55
MaxSanI try and switch on the laptop and after I log in nothing boots17:55
reisioMaxSan: what happens?17:55
aguitelreisio: maybe this:PS/2 Logitech Wheel Mouse17:55
MaxSanjust sort of stalls with a blank screen, no ui17:55
odisaswitching users MaxSan ?17:56
reisioMaxSan: after what point?17:56
MaxSani can log in as guest and its fine17:56
MaxSanbut my usua; account i need on17:56
reisiotry moving your user's ~/.cache elsewhere17:56
MaxSani cant17:57
benji_try opening a new tty ctrl alt blah17:57
aguitelreisio: pastebin all command?17:57
MaxSanencrypted home directory17:57
reisioaguitel: pastebinit17:57
benji_then simply type something, you will probably need to reconfigure x or something17:57
MaxSani try and decrypt it, it looks like it works but there is no file names17:58
reisioMaxSan: su to your user from guest session17:58
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reisioMaxSan: then mv it17:58
reisioMaxSan: or use sudo to17:58
MaxSanil try17:58
MaxSan2 mins il see what happens17:58
MonkeyDustMaxSan  try this: ctrl-alt F1, then : sudo chown -R yourname:yourname /home/yourname17:58
aguitelreisio: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8038118/17:58
odisanow start lightdms again right?17:59
reisioMonkeyDust: what? :/17:59
reisioMaxSan: I really would not run that17:59
MonkeyDustreisio  i had that too, that trick worked for me17:59
odisasat on my keyboard17:59
reisioaguitel: you have a logitech mouse in addition to your touchpad?17:59
reisioMonkeyDust: that's a last resort, and only following a backup18:00
aguitelreisio: external mouse18:00
MaxSanit does look a bit drastic18:00
reisiochanging perms recursively can be really problematic18:00
reisioaguitel: what model computer?18:00
aguitelreisio: asus X550LA18:01
reisioaguitel: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=1110011 maybe18:02
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 1110011 in kernel "ASUS X550 Touchpad not working and interferes with mouse" [Unspecified,New]18:02
FIFOd[a]Any idea why my mouse scroll will would be sending right clicks when scrolling?18:02
reisioFIFOd[a]: your mouse has a lot of extra buttons18:02
reisioor your right button is broken18:02
reisioor your context menu keyboard button is18:03
MaxSanoperation not permited to switch to another use18:03
reisioMaxSan: try from CTRL+ALT+F2, then18:03
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reisioyou can get back with +F718:03
FIFOd[a]reisio: I think this fixed it gsettings set org.gnome.settings-daemon.peripherals.mouse middle-button-enabled true18:04
MaxSani knew was something it could switch18:04
MaxSani forgot i need the fn key to get this too lol18:04
MaxSanso you recommend i clear the .cache?18:04
MaxSani have an inclination there is no HDD to boot18:05
reisioFIFOd[a]: gj18:05
MaxSanas after a while it asked to install an update, wouldnt run said couldnt get 6mb18:05
reisioMaxSan: as a first test, yup18:05
aguitelreisio: maybe kernel issue?18:05
reisioMaxSan: no... if you can login as guest, it's just some configuration issue with your home dir18:05
aeyesiDPI thing resolved :318:05
reisioaguitel: hrmm?18:05
aguitelreisio: no driver at this time18:06
intraderAnyone On 14.04.1  problem with Google Chrome . I downloaded and installed the .deb file offered by Google. The only way I find to start chrome is from terminal as `google-chrome-stable`, There are errors as given by http://pastebin.com/tHh5WuPd; it starts in a window and places icon in taskbar. The icon disappears when google closes; the browser functions.18:06
reisioaguitel: watch that bug18:07
odisaintrader: can't you just make a new .desktop for Chrome?18:07
MaxSancache removed18:07
MaxSanreboot n see what happens18:07
OerHeksintrader, start it again, click on the icon and lock it ?18:07
odisa^ or that18:08
MonkeyDustaeyesi  how did you do it, i'm curious18:08
aeyesiMonkeyDust most of manuals dont work or pointing to depreceated config called .Xdefaults ... instead... used .Xresources (it ddoes not exist it need to be created) and paste stuff there...18:10
intraderodisa, no familiar with .desktop on ubuntu18:11
aeyesii had netbook with 1024x600 so i lowered DPi to 75 and it is still nice + much more informations :318:11
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intraderOerHeks, does not do anything when locked and I click18:12
OerHeksintrader, remove chrome and install again, be sure to use -purge18:12
intraderOerHeks, what is the command to remove with purge18:13
MonkeyDustsudo apt-get purge18:14
lvecseyhello. i just upgraded to 14.04 LTS (desktop) and my home directory has the same userid permissions, however when I log into the graphical enivornment I get kicked out right away. guest account seems to log in for the graphical session just fine. any ideas?18:14
OerHeksintrader, i think you need ppa-purge, as chrome installs a ppa18:15
ubottuTo disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html18:15
odisaintrader: just "sudo nano /usr/share/applications/Chrome.desktop" and type "[Dekstop Entry]", then on a new line: "Name=Chrome", and on a new line "Exec=google-chrome-stable", and on a new line, optionally "Icon=path/to/icon"18:15
odisano quotes, and press Ctrl O to save18:16
odisathen "sudo chmod +x Chrome.desktop" while in the same folder18:16
odisathen it should show up in your unity search bar18:17
odisaopen it, lock it to launcher, done18:17
intraderodisa, on earlier ubuntus there was an icon with four squares from which you could choose workspaces (desktop?)18:18
MaxSandoesnt work18:19
MaxSansame thing18:19
MaxSanblank ui, only wallpaper showing18:19
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odisaintrader: yes.. I don't see how that;s relevant though18:21
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MaxSanrunning dist-upgrade so i know everything is as expected18:21
AMD-ZAnyone having trouble?18:21
intraderOerHeks, is the command to remove/purge `sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable -purge`?18:21
MaxSangenerally lol18:21
AMD-Zyou can also try 'sudo apt-get purge programname'18:22
AMD-Zif im right18:22
aeyesiAMD-Z if u find out why is one notebook i have freezin (lubuntu 14.04.1 64bit) i would be greatfull/thankfull(?) (:18:22
AMD-ZWhen does it freeze?18:22
OerHekssudo apt-get --purge autoremove packagename , but you should use ppa-purge18:23
intraderodisa, I don't know what the desktop has to do with chrome - lost...18:23
odisaa .desktop is a launcher file18:23
AMD-Zodisa like a shortcut right?18:24
odisacorrect AMD-Z18:24
odisathough not entirely, but yes18:24
AMD-Za shortcut with extended properties18:24
FogestI have a 4th screen I am trying to setup on a PC. 3 screens was working fine before, but now with the 4th they all display the desktops and wallpapers and such however I can only get my mouse to go to the first two screens. I am unable to get to the other 2 for some reason. I am using Nvida xserver. What might be wrong here?18:25
MaxSanstill nothing after login18:25
MaxSanits there any way i can get verbose output of what ishappening on login18:25
p34khello people i tried to install the virtual machine additions from the mounted virtual drive18:25
MaxSanthen i can work out maybe wtf is halting it18:26
AMD-ZMaxSan use dmesg in terminal18:26
odisaFogest: I had the same issue earlier.. try to move the mouse with some more distance18:26
AMD-Zu can also look at your log files18:26
aeyesiAMD-Z It freezes randomly (:18:26
aeyesitottaly randomly18:26
aeyesiit uses properitary nvidia drivers (some beta ones)18:27
Fogestodisa: not working18:27
AMD-Zaeyesi: does your laptop have hybrid graphics?18:27
odisaFogest: The launcher isn't working or what?18:28
aeyesiyes Intel + Nvidia optimus18:28
p34khttps://www.virtualbox.org/manual/ch04.html#idp55330864 can someone help me with this18:28
aeyesiAMD-Z It has Intel with nvidia = creepy optimus18:28
AMD-Zaeyesi: did you setup with bumblebee?18:28
aeyesijust some native nvidia app18:29
Fogestodisa: No it is all there and looks like it is working I just can't move my mouse over to the other screens.18:29
odisasorry Fogest , got you mixed up with someone else18:29
intraderOerHeks,  result of `sudo apt-get --ppa-purge autoremove google-chrome-stable` is 'E: Sens'e ppa is not understood, try true or false.18:30
AMD-Zaeyesi: the best you could try is uninstall the nvidia driver, and check if the freezes still occur without the nvidia enabled, when its working without, you could try this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bumblebee18:30
odisaHmm.. do you have a function key on your keyboard Fogest ?18:30
MonkeyDustp34k  what is that wall of text about, please state your problem shorter18:30
aeyesiAMD-Z mkay18:30
aeyesibut is bumblebee better then propiretary nvidia optimus solution?18:31
AMD-Zaeyesi: you could also check your Xorg.0.log, and your dmesg; do you know how to view those?18:31
p34kcan someone help me with this18:31
aeyesiAMD-Z thanks for help then18:31
AMD-ZI don't use the propiretary nvidia optimus because i know bumblebee is always working for me at multiple laptops18:31
p34ki cant open my cd drive18:32
intraderOerHeks, is the command to remove/purge `sudo apt-get remove google-chrome-stable -purge`?18:32
odisap34k: you're gonna have to be far more specific than that18:32
bodhi_zazenp34k: use KVM / virt-manager18:32
p34kthis doesnt work sh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run18:32
MonkeyDustp34k  state the problem in your own words, so we don't have to read all that18:32
Fogestodisa: no18:32
quintboth can access the internet just fine18:32
quintso i have two hosts connected to the same access point, both of which are fully connected and are on the same network, i can't access any open ports on either of the devices, disabled ufw, both are clean installs.. what am i missing here?18:32
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p34khange to the directory where your CD-ROM drive is mounted and execute as root:18:33
p34ksh ./VBoxLinuxAdditions.run18:33
p34khere i dont know how to get to the directory18:33
odisawhich version of Ubuntu are you running Fogest ?18:33
intraderOerHeks, I need to be away for a bit - thanks for help - still need to remove/purge chrome18:34
OerHeksintrader, i told you 2x, please read back. USE PPA-PURGE !18:34
odisaso I now succesfully installed nVidia drivers, but now Unity seems broken.. Nothing shows on the desktop, the launcher doesn't appear.. only my background image shows, and trying to log in with Gnome doesn't work either18:35
odisawhat could the issue be?18:36
alamihello, how can i find out wich ntp server i'm using?18:37
AMD-Zodisa: http://askubuntu.com/questions/215016/unity-doesnt-appear-after-installing-nvidia-drivers try this?18:37
alamihello, how can i find out wich ntp server i'm using?18:37
AMD-Zalami: what do you mean?18:37
AMD-Zalami: automatic time sync?18:38
alamiAMD-Z, i want to the ip address of the ntp server18:38
odisaAMD-Z: thanks.. can't believe I didn't find that myself, haha. I'll try, though I had already installed linux-headers-generic18:38
alamiAMD-Z: my Computer use an ntp server, and i want to find out what's his IP address18:39
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AMD-Zodisa: u can try to use another driver, using the update sources and selecting another driver there, i've had bad luck with the official driver too18:39
AMD-Zakanu: let me search your problem, hold on18:40
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AMD-Zalami: i think it's ntp.ubuntu.com, try to look for the information you need at this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime18:41
fribi can't hibernate in ubuntu 14 -- is there a way to enable it?18:42
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AMD-Zalami: when i ping ntp.ubuntu.com it tells me the ip address:
AMD-Zfrib: i think this is because you didn't set a pagefile18:43
AMD-Zfrib: im looking for a solution hold on18:43
odisaAMD-Z: I tried what was on that page.. nothing changed18:44
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odisaWhat other driver? The whole point was to have the nVidia driver, haha18:44
tumbajambahello guys18:44
AMD-Zfrib: follow the content of this page to setup hibernation: http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2014/04/enable-hibernate-ubuntu-14-04/18:44
tumbajambaanybody on?18:45
fribthanks AMD-Z18:45
lvecseyyes, trying to work with lightdm here so that I can get a regular login. only guest logins working atm18:45
AMD-Zodisa: it's hard to help you because im using another OS right now, but ill try to find a page that expains it for you18:45
odisaAMD-Z: Thanks, I'll try to do the same18:45
tumbajambai just completed my conky plugin18:46
tumbajambawonna give it a try18:46
tumbajambaim looking for some testers18:46
AMD-Zodisa: try the second post of this page, i hope you will have more luck with that: http://askubuntu.com/questions/47506/how-do-i-install-additional-drivers18:46
AMD-Ztumbajamba: do you have screenshots? :D18:47
fribsudo pm-hibernate doesn't turn my computer off :\18:47
tumbajambalet me do one18:47
bollullerajoin #c++18:47
odisaAMD-Z: is that the official nVidia one? My desktop was working fine before I started any of this, but a game I'm playing had some errors after installing a graphical plug-in, and apparently it requires nVidia drivers for that\18:48
odisato work18:48
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intraderOerHeks, sorry I missed both previous - still unsure how to issue ppa-purge18:49
AMD-Zfrib: i think i cannot help you, i've not used hibernation for a long time, maybe someone else can help you; you can also try the forum :)18:49
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AMD-Zodisa: it should work as far as i know :)18:50
odisaAMD-Z: hmm I'll try I suppose. though I'll have to revert to nouveau to use the GUI to install that I believe18:52
intraderOerHeks, I ran `sudo apt-get --purge autoremove google-chrome-stable` - what else is needed?18:52
somanHow to output sound to earphones xubuntu 14.04.1? Realtec ALC85018:52
tumbajambaok guys it took some time18:53
tumbajambabut here is screenshot from conky plugin i creted18:53
bubbasauressoman, Have you checked the sound app?18:53
tumbajambagood think about it18:53
tumbajambait is very dynamic and automatically rekognizes how many cpus and stuff your system have18:54
tumbajambavia bash script18:54
nightdemon666<odisa> how did that end up working out for you?18:54
somanbubbasaures: what the app you mean? Media players outputs to speakers18:54
reisiosoman: is that intel hd audio?18:54
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somanreisio: Nvidia CK804,  Realtek ALC85018:55
michaelaguiarIf I give a user FTP access to their site on my server, how can I make all new files they create, owned by a specific user, and juse use their group?18:55
reisiosoman: look at the output of lspci -k, see if it's intel hd audio18:56
reisiotumppu: hi18:56
reisiosoman: if it is, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HdaIntelSoundHowto#Choosing_Your_Model18:56
reisiocturiel: ohio18:56
somanreisio: http://pastebin.com/WJ4dVeAW18:57
reisioac97, fancy18:58
somanI have to notice that mic works but eraphones no. green and red cables are connected to motherboard. Mic is integrated with eraphones.18:58
AMD-Ztumbajamba: looks very nice :) cool that you made that ;)18:58
somaninstead sound goes to speakers18:58
marcrsIf I found the correct kernel parameters to make a Laptop work: where can I share the info?18:58
reisiosoman: check 'alsamixer' for unmuting/volume options18:58
bubbasauresmarcrs, Make a laptop work? probably not new info if you found it.18:59
somanreisio: already done. I picked up all available volumes but no effect19:00
marcrsbubbasaures, I found it by trying myriads of combinations of kernel parameters. Its brand new hardware.19:00
marcrsfor now I posted it on lauchpad and in the HP forums19:01
bubbasauresmarcrs, sounds good19:01
marcrsbut i thought there might be databases19:02
TJ-marcrs: what is the LP bug # ?19:02
TJ-bug 135652619:03
ubottubug 1356526 in broadcom-sta (Ubuntu) "[HP Elitebook 755] wifi and brightness on 14.04 LTS (with solution)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/135652619:03
DreamPCsHey guys, quick question. How can I share my WiFi connection via ethernet? I'm using gnome so I don't see the same options, I believe I will have to do it through the terminal.19:04
TJ-marcrs: Thanks; I've assigned that bug to myself, I'll see about getting a quirk added19:05
marcrsThanks TJ-19:06
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AMD-Z-> afk19:08
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ACodingJedianyone know go software? I need gonow or gorun to make scripts for the go language19:12
ACodingJediAny clue on going about obtaining it?19:13
MouseTheLuckyDogIs there a way to change umask to modify a single permission without playing with bitmasks? SImilar to eg chmod u+x?19:13
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bubbasauresACodingJedi, Might be a start. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Go19:14
sinixhey, nooby question - I was in a directory and wanted to move a file, to that directory, so i wrote "mv /dir1/file.txt ." ..except instead of dot at the end, i wrote comma19:15
sinixthe file's now gone, but where did it go??19:15
sinixit's not where it started, and its not where i wanted it to go19:15
peapeahello everyone, is there a way to upgrade directly from 12.04. to 14.04.? update manager tells to upgrade to 12.10. first, can I skip interim versions?19:16
AMD-Zsinix: does it show up when you type: 'ls /' ?19:16
odisaI'd presume copying your home folder to another medium and simply installing 14.04 on your 12,04 machine would work19:17
AMD-Zsinix: i think i remember19:18
odisaand then just pasting it back before you run your 14.04 for the first time19:18
AMD-Zsinix: when you go to the directory where you started, do you see a file/folder named ','?19:18
bubbasaurespeapea, sudo do-release-upgrade -p19:19
sinixdoes mv always create missing directories like that?  ive never noticed and/or tried19:19
AMD-Zsinix: haha :D u can rename it by the mv command 'mv file.test new.test'19:19
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peapeabubbasaures, sorry for asking, without mention of 14.04. this will upgrade to it?19:19
AMD-Zsinix: mv = modifying a file / move file; prob you just renamed it to ','19:20
aeyesi_have someone ever experienced fan control on acer aspire one netbooks ? (just curious)19:20
Ntemistoday i was notified by ubuntu server 12.04.5 that i can upgrade to 14.04.119:20
sinixahhh, right, so , is the new name, not a directory where the file is19:20
Ntemiscan someone tell me how much space will be needed for that?19:20
sinixsuper thanks :))19:20
bubbasaurespeapea, I believe that is the command to get that started.19:21
Ntemismy current nand status is this19:21
NtemisUsage of /:   60.8% of 3.24GB19:21
odisaaeyesi_: ehm.. I know it's possible if your hardware supports it19:21
peapeabubbasaures, are you sure?19:21
Ntemiswill i be "ok" to start the upgrade?19:21
AMD-Zsinix: in this example: yes :P and np ;)19:21
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odisaI tried it one my Asus, but it wouldn't find the fan controller.. I could look up what program it was that did the scan, though19:22
aeyesi_odisa i already tried even to patch bios19:22
AMD-ZNtemis: what?19:23
bubbasaurespeapea, Back it up first and be sure your 12.04 is full of ubuntu repo packages not 3rd party packages. That command will not start a process you can't stop, the upgrade can be stopped during the download but not the install.19:23
aeyesi_i succeded but whatever19:23
odisaehm.. I think you need lm-sensors or something IIRC aeyesi_19:23
Ntemistoday i was notified by ubuntu server 12.04.5 that i can upgrade to 14.04.119:23
Ntemismy current nand status is this19:23
NtemisUsage of /:   60.8% of 3.24GB19:23
Ntemiswill i be "ok" to start the upgrade?19:23
odisaaeyesi_: ohh so updated the bios enabled you to control fan speed of an aspire one? ( I have two of them, hence my interest)19:23
aeyesi_not really i found custom modified bios19:24
AMD-ZNtemis: looks risky since you have low diskspace but ill check what the recommented diskspace is19:24
aeyesi_its not official one19:24
aeyesi_but it enables some hidden settings19:24
aeyesi_such us thermal control states19:24
NtemisAMD-Z: thanks19:24
aeyesi_but i didnt found it usefull or better didnt touched it19:24
odisahmm alright then19:25
AMD-ZNtemis: it's recommented to have 5GB free diskspace, and anyway i think it's better to do a clean install instead of upgrading, upgrading can make wierd problems..19:27
AMD-ZNtemis: you can also try it tough, since im talking about a clean install and not the disk space required for a upgrade but a clean installation19:27
peapeabubbasaures, i was googling, and found 'do-release-upgrade' with -s, -d but not with -p in the first five pages of search results..sorry for repeated question, but -p is ok?19:28
peapeaalso not in the first ten :)19:29
Ntemisthanks AMD-Z19:29
bubbasaurespeapea, Dude running it will not brick your computer, If it was incorrect orf dangerous the channel would comment.19:29
odisaAMD-Z: I tried the nvidia-current-updates but the problem persists..19:29
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odisais Xorg what communicates between Xorg and the driver?19:30
odisabetween Unity and the driver*19:30
AMD-Zodisa: hm, yes wait19:30
TJ-peapea: "apt-get update && apt-get dist-upgrade" to ensure the 12.04 system is totally up to date, then "do-release-upgrade" should offer you a direct upgrade to 14.04.119:30
daftykinspeapea: it's fine, but naturally ahead of doing an upgrade you have made backups? :)19:30
AMD-Zodisa: you should delete the old xorg config19:30
AMD-Zodisa: when this file wasn't deleted by uninstall of the previous driver then the problem would still persist19:31
odisain the X11 folder? tried that, but I couldn't find xorg.conf19:31
odisaI'll try again19:31
AMD-Zodisa: there is another folder in it; just search trough it for the config file19:31
peapeabubbasaures, ok, thank you! :) daftykins, yes, I did, thank you! TJ- I'll run the commands, thank you!19:32
odisaAMD-Z: thanks, booting up now and I'll check19:32
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odisaAMD-Z: removing the xorg.conf.[numbers] file didn't work, but there's also a xorg.conf.nvidia-xconfig-original file in there19:38
odisashouldn't remove that right?19:38
AMD-Zodisa: you could try to restore it as xorg.conf, but I don't think that should work too.. I've had this problem too but I can't remember what I did to fix this atm..19:39
peapeaI got this error when I ran 'do-release-upgrade -p' : paste.ubuntu.com/803882419:39
AMD-Zodisa: brb, i have to do something19:39
odisaAMD-Z: No I doubt that too.. Ok.19:40
odisals x*19:40
odisawoops wrong keyboard19:40
Ilyes000OH MY GOOOD !19:41
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peapeaTJ- I got this error when I ran 'do-release-upgrade -p' : paste.ubuntu.com/803882419:43
bubbasaurespeapea, You sure you are in 12.04?19:44
bubbasaurespeapea, what does lsb_release -a show19:45
peapeabubbasaures, it is correct, it shows ubuntu, 12.04.4, 12.04. and precise19:46
bubbasaurespeapea, No proxies you can  run a regular update no errors?19:47
SecretFirehello, when I installed ubuntu 14.04, i did not unmount my external hard drive and as a result, now when I try to access the files on the device I am receiving an Input/Output error, can someone help me with this?19:47
peapeabubbasaures, no, I just ran update manager, and update-upgrade on command line19:48
peapeaall ok19:48
bubbasaurespeapea, I would change the repo in software sources just to check.19:48
daftykinspeapea: dist-upgrade? :)19:49
peapeadaftykins, I haven't run this one now19:49
kristenbbwhat to do if the desktop (system error, maybe nouveau/gpu related) doesn't start after the proposed upgrade from 12.04 to 14.04.1 ?19:49
daftykinspeapea: if your precise install were fully updated it would read 12.04.5 right now19:49
bubbasaurespeapea, Another user asked you to I beleive, tought you had.19:49
daftykinspeapea: see what you get with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade"19:49
AMD-ZSecretFire: did you restart your computer?19:50
SecretFireAMD-Z : not yet19:50
AMD-ZSecretFire: try that :)19:50
SecretFireif that doesnt work i might just format it with gparted19:50
peapeabubbasaures, you're right, I overlooked it as normal upgrade. but I ran dist-upgrade now, too, and it is done with '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded'19:51
bubbasaureskristenbb, Post the error, have you tried a safe x boot from recovery?19:51
peapeadaftykins, it is the same, '0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded'19:51
bubbasaurespeapea,  never upgrade so I will leave you with those that know more.19:52
kristenbbbubbasaures: i dont really have an error, the desktop just remains sort-of blank after the login screen. no i have not, how to?19:52
bubbasaures!nomodeset | kristenbb this or the recovery gui safe x19:53
ubottukristenbb this or the recovery gui safe x: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter19:53
peapeabubbasaures, thank you very much for your help! I also havent done it for years19:53
SecretFireAMD-Z : no luck19:53
kristenbbis 14.04 supposed to support the same computers that 12.04 did ? This one is fairly old (about 10 years)19:53
intraderAnyone, I am using xchat - I am unable to scroll past 8 pages - I have lost thread I was following on chrome on ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS19:54
daftykinskristenbb: hello again. how old are we talking?19:54
AMD-ZSecretFire: the easiest way is just a format, is there important information on it?19:54
SecretFireyea but i can replace it over time19:54
bubbasauresintrader, There is a limit to scroll back, the preferences has a change19:54
daftykinskristenbb: as in, can you share the specification?19:55
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AMD-ZSecretFire: I should just go for a format then, what you can try as last is: 'sudo mount /dev/sdb /mnt' followed by 'ls -la /mnt'19:55
kristenbbdaftykins: hello :). About 10 years, it may not have the required graphic hardware ? in some of the errors/letters that sometimes appear, i see words like 'gpu', 'nouveau'...19:55
AMD-ZSecretFire:  sdb can be anything, it must be your external harddrive19:55
SecretFireAMD-Z : its weird i get the I/O error and then it automatically mounts again19:55
intraderbubbasaures, got it - thanks19:56
kristenbbdaftykins: I think 2GB ram, maybe 2 cores. it's a laptop.19:56
daftykinskristenbb: if you could install the package "pastebinit" then run "lspci | pastebinit" we could get an idea of what graphics that is19:57
AMD-ZSecretFire: maybe some sectors are damaged, try to recover some files, format it and look if it still occurs, if it still occurs then you should check the disk for broken sectors / recovery19:57
SecretFirei tried everything19:57
SecretFirei cant save anything19:57
kristenbbdaftykins: i don't have the laptop at hand, i'm just talking from memory :(19:57
SecretFiremakes me want to cry :(19:58
kristenbbdaftykins: but it doesn't get to a point where i could launch a terminal19:58
daftykinskristenbb: ah i see. well, 12.04.5 is still LTS until 2017 so there'd be no hurry to upgrade. dual-core and 2GB RAM sounds fine for 14.04 though - if it feels slow, i'd consider going with xubuntu instead19:58
AMD-ZSecretFire: hmm.. i see19:58
daftykinskristenbb: oh so doesn't start up successfully? yeah definitely try xubuntu :)19:59
SecretFireit renamed it to /dev/sdd just now it was /dev/sdc119:59
SecretFireAMD-Z : is msdos partition table ok20:00
samthewildoneisn't there a easier paint tool for ubuntu20:00
AMD-ZSecretFire: do you use dualboot with windows?20:00
samthewildonegimp is a pain20:00
kristenbbdaftykins: i'd like to fix it with minimum effort, i don't have access to the laptop and i wont be the one fixing it. what would you recommend to keep the data the way it was ?20:00
samthewildoneespecially with Unity20:00
SecretFireAMD-Z : yes20:00
AMD-ZSecretFire: I would format it in windows for being sure, you can use msdos but im not sure20:00
daftykinskristenbb: err, after reinstall? i'd have an external hard disk to backup to, then backup the user's /home on it20:01
CapriKornusHello, I am upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 but it's stuck since the past hour. What should I do?20:01
kristenbbdaftykins: but is there no way to just fix this "driver" issue ? assuming it can be fixed ? or does 14.04 not support old laptops ?!20:02
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Move the windows around and be sure nothing is hiding20:02
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SecretFireAMD-Z : i kind of see what is going on it keeps mounting to a new location like /dev/sdd /dev/sde20:02
OerHekssamthewildone, type paint in softwarecenter, lots of them20:03
kristenbbdaftykins: basically the user just pressed upgrade without knowing what it meant, and is now  stuck because the desktop doesn't launch. i'd like to get him back the way it was, or fix the graphical issue20:03
CapriKornusbubbasaures: Nopes, I checked, nothing is hiding behind it20:03
intraderCapriKornus, upgrading from 12.04 took 6 hrs - I am upgrading on lenovo t61p20:03
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Stuck means what exactly?20:03
CapriKornusintrader: It's been 4 hour for me till now, but at no point was it stuck20:04
CapriKornusbubbasaures: Atm it is showing "Preparing xfonts-utils"20:04
AMD-ZSecretFire: I have to go, talk you later, i guess someone else can help you out20:04
SecretFireAMD-Z : thanks20:04
AMD-ZSecretFire: goodluck ;)20:04
intraderCapriKornus, sorry I am not knowledgeable enough - good luck20:04
daftykinskristenbb: oh i see, first step would be identifying a fault in /var/log/Xorg.0.log - likely the drivers have knackered up. if it's trying to use nvidia you could remove all nvidia* packages, if it's using nouveau i'd need more info really20:04
SecretFireAMD-Z : im gonna need it20:04
CapriKornusand in Terminal it says "Unpacking ttf-mscorefonts-installer (versions and stuff)20:05
CapriKornusintrader: Thanks20:05
kristenbbdaftykins: and how to get to a point where i could do all that ?20:05
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Ah that is 3rd party, usually part of the restricted extras.20:05
daftykinskristenbb: either from a LiveCD, or just try to access a TTY instead of the working X session (Ctrl)+Alt+F1 -> F620:06
kristenbbdaftykins: ok and from a TTY, what commands to launch to remove all nvidia packages ?20:07
CapriKornusbubbasaures: Can anything be done? If not, can I cancel the current upgrade and restart it?20:07
wrongplacei need help regarding convertall20:07
wrongplaceit doesnt work for me20:07
wrongplaceall it shows its "converting", but never returns a result20:07
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Probably someone knows this area, at least better than me for a good answer.20:07
daftykinskristenbb: sudo apt-get remove nvidia*20:08
CapriKornusOkay thanks for trying20:08
mekhamihey all, i'm trying to download a package. It wants me to add a line to my sources.list.. how can i do this from the command line20:08
kristenbbdaftykins: could it just be that the graphical card doesn't support 3D ? I remember that in earlier ubuntu versions, one had the opportunity to have unity 2D or unity 3D, and then unity 3D was used by default. What version was that choice made in ?20:08
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Chances are you will have to stop it and run a command to restart it, just wait for help.20:09
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daftykinskristenbb: it'll definitely be needing graphics working properly to show the desktop yeah, so i'd just identify the card model from 'lspci' and go from there, nouveau should work fine for most all older systems though20:09
daftykinskristenbb: it's hard to give you any more suggestions without knowing more sadly20:09
intraderAnyone following the trouble with google chrome. I have removed it via `sudo apt-get --purge autoremove google-chrome-stable` and then followed  instructions at http://tecadmin.net/install-google-chrome-in-ubuntu/. It is workable except for minor problems: 1. starts only from terminal, 2. errors to terminal as shown b http://pastebin.com/ged28xcU oastebin20:10
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odisaAMD-Z: apparently Unity Plugin was disabled.. I enabled it in ccsm, but still no go.. any ideas?20:10
odisaintrader: create a launcher for it, and it should not be restricted to terminal20:10
klemaxHello, I have nokia booklet 3g. I got some sound issue such as the sound of crackling.20:11
kristenbbdaftykins: but please do teach me a bit of the different cases that could be going on, so that i can help the user fix it. So far, what I seem to understand is that you suggest to run 'sudo lscpi' from ctrl+alt+F1, which will tell what driver the gpu is using, and then, assuming it's using nvidia (which it probably is), just remove all nvidia packages with sudo apt-get remove nvidia*, and restart the computer, which will then fall back to nouveau.20:12
bubbasauresklemax, What ubuntu release, and crackling on what speakers, or headphones?20:13
daftykinskristenbb: no need for sudo with lspci, nope. reading /var/log/Xorg.0.log is handy too, it'll be quite obvious in that file how to realise if something's wrong.20:13
klemaxbubbasaures: while watching some videos on youtube...20:14
CapriKornusbubbasaures: Any idea how much time I should wait? It's been an hour almost I think20:14
bubbasauresCapriKornus, I meant wait for help basically, are you backed up?20:15
kristenbbdaftykins: anything else i should know ? is there a tool from command line to choose the default driver to use ?20:15
klemaxbubbasaures: and ubuntu 12.0420:15
CapriKornusbubbasaures: Not really (oops)20:16
daftykinskristenbb: that would be a moot point after removing all nvidia* packages. unfortunately experience can't really be taught!20:16
bubbasauresklemax, And the computer, or external speakers or headphones and is this every sound you are accessing? Read te questions carefully.20:16
CapriKornusI had a portable 1 TB HDD, but it crashed last month, so I couldn't20:16
odisakristenbb: I just happened to be messing around with installing nVidia drivers, and can confirm purging nvidia* reverts the driver back to nouveau20:17
kristenbbdaftykins: hehe. but maybe you can tell me, from your experience, what are the most common cases and their solution for this problem :)20:17
klemaxbubbasaures: computer or external speakers.20:17
TJ-kristenbb: To know which driver is used, you'll need "lspci -k", I usually recommend "lspci -knn" so that the device [vendor:product] is shown, which is what device drivers match to20:17
bubbasauresCapriKornus, Without a backup I can't feel confident.20:17
bubbasauresklemax, Every single sound instance?20:18
kristenbbTJ-: thanks i'll be sure to try that20:18
CapriKornusJust my luck20:18
kristenbbodisa: thanks for the info20:18
klemaxbubbasaures: yeah exactly.20:18
david38400I have just upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 and cups isnt working properly. Can anyone help please20:19
bubbasauresklemax, Not sure really, does it do this from a live as well?20:19
klemaxbubbasaures: yes it does, and my audio device is Audio device: Intel Corporation System Controller Hub (SCH Poulsbo) HD Audio Controller (rev 07)20:19
odisasure thing kristenbb20:20
kristenbbdaftykins: so to circle back, are you sure that this kind of problem (login showing, but desktop not showing afterwards, with 'system error' (asking to send the report) and some white lines about gpu and such) could be related to a wrong gpu driver ?20:20
klemaxbubbasaures: is it related to kernel?20:20
bubbasauresklemax, No ideas.20:20
klemaxbubbasaures: ok thanks for your interest.20:21
odisaso while on the topic of nVidia drivers.. I've been trying to get it to work, and with some help I've managed to succesfully install the nvidia driver, but Unity / the desktop is just frozen.. the only way to get anything on it is from tty and using export DISPLAY=:020:21
odisakristenbb: oh, sounds like we're having similar issues20:22
daftykinsodisa: not if you login and see a picture, no20:22
daftykinskristenbb: hmm, i'd try a unity reset first too, info available online20:22
daftykinsi must go now unfortunately, so good luck20:22
odisadaftykins: ohh good point20:22
kristenbbdaftykins: :(20:22
kristenbbdaftykins: will you be there tomorrow, at around the same hour ?20:23
daftykinskristenbb: hmm, hard to say. will you have the laptop then? i'm sure anyone will be able to help at that time.20:24
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kristenbbdaftykins: ok i'll try again tomorrow, thx.20:24
bubbasaures!pm | CapriKornus20:27
ubottuCapriKornus: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice.20:27
bubbasauresCapriKornus, I normally have PM off.20:27
bubbasauresPMing without asking is not a good idea20:28
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CapriKornusHi, I'm upgrading from Ubuntu 12.04 to 14.04 and the installer has become stuck from the past 1 hour. Can anyone help please? Or is it possible to revert the changes?20:32
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reisioCapriKornus: so you're reinstalling?20:37
CapriKornusreisio: No, I got the upgrade option today for 12.04 to 14.04, so I was doing that20:38
reisiooh okay20:38
TJ-CapriKornus: The upgrader generate logs as it works, you should check the ends of those out for clues as to where/if it as got stuck20:38
CapriKornusreisio: But it is stuck now, so I don't know what to do, hoping someone might help out. Can't even open System Monitor20:39
CapriKornusTJ-: Can you tell me location of log file please?20:39
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TJ-CapriKornus: I *think* they'll be at "/var/log/dist-upgrade/" or something similar - look for the most recently changed directories with "ls -latr /var/log" to identify the most recent log changes20:39
CapriKornusTJ-: Alright I will check it out now20:39
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CapriKornusTJ-: So I checked the log files and under apt-term.log, the log has gone much ahead than what it is showing me on screen. So hopefully it is working in background, do you think?20:44
TJ-CapriKornus: is the CPU usage doing more than idling too?20:45
CapriKornusTJ-: According to log file, the last line it is showing me is line 11932, but log file extends to 12808 lines atm20:46
CapriKornusTJ-: I don't know, I can't open System Monitor :(20:46
TJ-CapriKornus: "top" in the terminal20:47
peapeaTJ- what could be wrong with my failed upgrade?20:47
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CapriKornusTJ-: It's showing me a system monitor of sorts, what should I check for in that?20:49
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Irishluck83i have a driver issue hope someone can help me with20:49
Kacogood evening20:50
Irishluck83when i put the live cd my wireless was not working... i have an intel xeon E3 1200 series, when i go to additional drives it doesn't show...can anyone help20:50
TJ-CapriKornus: do you see any processes using more than say 1-2% of CPU time, consistently? Which would indicate they are doing something more than waiting around20:51
CapriKornusTJ-: Well, there's chrome, xorg, gnome-shell but other than those, nothing20:52
TJ-CapriKornus: You can press "i" to toggle the reporting on idle processes, leaving them off makes it easier to watch the active processes20:52
TJ-CapriKornus: But it sounds like the installer might have stalled at some point... it's latest logs should show what it is doing and I seem to recall there should be timestamps so you know when things last happened20:53
CapriKornusTJ-: the same as I mentioned earlier, plus kworker and gnome-term20:54
CapriKornusTJ-: I will check again20:55
netlarWhat are those desktop widgets called, like the active clock and stuff20:56
Extensa5630Gis ubuntu debian sid? :O20:56
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reisionetlar: desktop widgets20:57
geniiExtensa5630G: The short answer is "no".20:57
reisiognome shell extensions?20:57
netlarreisio: yes what are they called20:57
reisiothat's what they're called20:57
CapriKornusTJ-: Under main.log, last line is "2014-08-14 00:01:39,252 DEBUG got a conffile-prompt from dpkg for file: '/etc/bluetooth/main.conf'"20:57
root____Hi ppl!20:57
netlarreisio: well where can I get these20:58
reisiohi root20:58
bubbasauresExtensa5630G, ubuntu is pulled from the unstable but developed under ubuntu.20:58
reisionetlar: gnome.org20:58
reisioExtensa5630G: yes it is20:58
Extensa5630Gbubbasaures: so it is very close to debian sid?20:58
netlarreisio: they are the active ones?20:58
CapriKornusTJ-: It is 2:28 AM my time, so it's been almost an hour20:58
reisioExtensa5630G: incredibly close20:58
Extensa5630Greisio: hey20:58
TJ-CapriKornus: That suggests somewhere on the screen should be a dialog asking for input...have you tried minimising all other windows to see if it is hidden?20:58
bubbasauresExtensa5630G, Not close enough to mix installs if that is the issue.20:58
reisioit isn't :)20:59
TJ-CapriKornus: Sounds like a prompt asking about the Bluetooth (bluez) package's config file changes20:59
Extensa5630Gbubbasaures: sorry what you mean by mixing installs?20:59
reisioExtensa5630G: he was guessing what you were interested in20:59
bubbasauresExtensa5630G, What is your end goal?20:59
netlarWell as usual thanks lol20:59
reisiohe was trying to decide between Debian and Ubuntu20:59
reisiobut didn't know that Ubuntu was based on Debian unstable20:59
reisiohe's here for confirmation21:00
Extensa5630Gbubbasaures: i'm wondering in this darkness of illiteracy21:00
CapriKornusTJ-: Yes it was there earlier about the modified config file. I went with overwrite of my manual config. That was earlier than the stuck part21:00
bubbasauresExtensa5630G, Are you trying to choose a distro?21:00
TJ-CapriKornus: Hmmm, did the dialog not properly go away I wonder?21:00
Extensa5630Gbubbasaures: debian wheezy cannot support most of my gaming activities in linux, and ubuntu seems to be the suitable one, given that i want to learn linux and sys admin , so i came to get answers21:01
CapriKornusTJ-: Also no more hidden input screens, I don't have anything open except the upgrade, chrome for chat, nautilus and terminal21:01
TJ-CapriKornus: I'm not sure then, the logs seem to indicate it is still awaiting the input21:02
bubbasauresExtensa5630G, More specific questions would help, while understanding this is a support channel on installs or trying to install ubuntu.21:03
reisiowell he already got his answer21:04
bubbasauresyes I'm really ignoring you reisio21:04
* Extensa5630G hides in reisio 's pocket.21:04
reisiobubbasaures: I believe you21:04
reisioBadBoy203: heyo21:04
bubbasauresno faking21:04
reisiobubbasaures: :)21:05
CapriKornusTJ-: According to apt-term.log, the input was @ line 2721, but then it has proceeded to line 12808 where it is now stuck21:05
CapriKornusSo quite a bit of work was done after that21:05
Extensa5630Gbubbasaures: my question was wondering whether it is worth it to move from debian(wheezy in my case) to ubuntu for a distro that supports most of the games in the linux world and the sys admin and linux coding stuff21:06
jotikthere's many, even catholic online (!!!) is posting them: http://catholic.org/news/international/middle_east/story.php?id=56490 http://catholic.org/news/international/middle_east/story.php?id=5650721:06
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jotiksry, wrong channel!21:06
Psil0CybinHey guys I am going to be reformatting my computer to install 14.04 properly, because the upgrade messed up plenty of things...What is the best way to backup my home folder?! so I can keep all the file permissions and be able to access all my SSH keys, etc21:06
reisioExtensa5630G: why not just move to debian unstable21:06
bubbasaures!ot | jotik21:07
ubottujotik: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:07
jhutchinsbubbasaures: He knows, he apologised.21:07
jotikbubbasaures: I'm sorry.21:07
Extensa5630Greisio: folks advised me to keep the stable, the unstable is buggy enough to be avoided21:07
bubbasauresgood for them21:08
TJ-CapriKornus: OK... well you're the guy on the spot, with the resources, I can't really help much more. You could look at all the running processes and their command lines and figure out if one of those is related to the installer and suggests it might be stuck doing something, I use "ps -efly" for that21:08
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Probably best to use external storage.  Burn it to a DVD, or use rsync to copy it, use tar to create a tarball and copy it somewhere safe.21:08
Psil0Cybinthat is what i do not understnad, can i use a hard drive? The laptop in question does not have a CD Drive.21:09
Psil0CybinIs there a guide so i do not ask simple questions here on how to use rsync?21:09
Psil0Cybinhow to properly, transfer over information so  i do not lose permissions etc21:09
BadBoy203i have a problem when i open intrenet explorer in ubuntu it crashes21:09
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jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Of course you can use a hard drive for backup.21:09
Psil0Cybinwell its an external drive, so i would format it to be ext4? correct?21:09
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning21:09
Psil0Cybinprior to putting my files there.21:09
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: If the external drive is an ext filesystem you can just copy the files.21:10
Psil0Cybinreally? wow21:10
Psil0Cybinthat seems simple..21:10
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: If it's not, you can still preserve ownershio & permissions by using tar.21:10
CapriKornusTJ-: Ok, I will check that out21:10
Psil0Cybinoh wowww...okay21:10
Psil0Cybini need to read those links prior to doing this21:10
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: The file attributes will be stored inside the tarball and can be restored.21:10
Psil0Cybinso mayybe ill make a back up both methods just incase, make a tar ball and just try and copy the files onto the hard drive with that is ext421:11
Psil0Cybinjust incase21:11
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: You can also create a compressed tarball easily using bzip or gzip.  bzip is generally the most efficient.21:11
Psil0Cybinwowowow, that easy huh21:12
Psil0Cybinand when i install the new system i can just copy over all the files....21:12
Psil0Cybinand it should be good to go?21:12
jhutchinscd /home && tar -czvf backup.tgz ./myhomedir21:12
Psil0Cybinor do i need to do some manual configurations in order to adapt to my old changes.21:12
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CapriKornusTJ-: I'm sorry, I can make neither heads nor tails of that. Is it possible for you to look at if I paste it?21:13
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jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Configuration changes in /esc might be something to preserve, but if you're not upgrading then there's no way to handle changes in syntax.21:13
CapriKornusTJ-: I'm sorry, I can make neither heads nor tails of that. Is it possible for you to look at if I paste it?21:13
mlindnerHow do I make rsyslog read a new config file21:13
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mlindnerI put a config file in /etc/rsyslog.d/ but its not routing to the specified file21:14
mlindnerthe file doesnt exist21:14
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jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: When I'm migrating to a new system I will sometimes create a backup of esc, but rather than restore it I'll copy it to a backup location on the new server so that I can compare old config files with new ones.21:14
mlindnerdoes rsyslog not create a file if it doesn't exist?21:14
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Psil0Cybinjhutchins, so would i also backl up /etc/ or erc21:14
Psil0Cybinthat is a good idea!21:14
Psil0Cybinso i would back up21:14
jhutchinsmlindner: It can.  Restart it.21:14
Psil0Cybin "/home" "/etc" and "/var" just incase?21:14
Psil0Cybini mostly just want my SSH keys, GPG Keys, etc, inforamtion that is uniqie21:15
Psil0Cybini cannot recreate21:15
Psil0Cybinso im thinking the home directory might even be enough21:15
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: I don't think you need /var unless you're using mysql for soemthing21:15
guntbertPsil0Cybin: please don't press <enter> so often21:15
Psil0Cybinjhutchins, if im using ext4 hard drive, could i not just open up the home directory on my newly installed machine and just copy and paste files over? sorry I did not understand that simple question...or is it more complex?21:16
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Possibly crontabs in /var/spool/cron and mail in /var/spool/mail.21:16
mlindnerjhutchins: I tried that21:16
CapriKornusTJ-: Please see if this helps: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8039550/21:16
mlindnerjhutchins: file not created21:16
mlindnerjhutchins: even tried restarting my system and no luck21:16
jhutchinsPsil0Cybin: Yes, that will work.21:16
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Psil0CybinOkay sounds amazing!21:17
jhutchinsmlindner: Possibly you need to create the file yourself (and in logrotate).21:17
mlindnerjhutchins: so it doesn't create the files automatically?21:18
mlindnerjhutchins: whats the proper way of doing this?21:18
Hammerhead2011-SI can't be the only one seeing this, wireshark capture options screen won't resize and it's driving me crazy!21:18
Hammerhead2011-SThe buttons to cancel or save the options is below the bottom of the screen. Has anyone else seen this???21:18
jhutchinsmlindner: You might pastebin your conf file and maybe someone will recognise what's going on.21:18
dluziusneed help setting up dual boot Ubuntu on my w8 laptop21:19
Hammerhead2011-SUbuntu 13.1021:19
bubbasaureseol | Hammerhead2011-S21:19
bubbasaures!eol | Hammerhead2011-S21:19
ubottuHammerhead2011-S: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades21:19
OerHeksHammerhead2011-S, left ALT + left mouse button to grab an move the window21:20
bubbasaures!uefi | dluzius21:20
ubottudluzius: UEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI21:20
bubbasauresdluzius, Make a unallocated space for ubuntu using the widows disk manager21:20
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mlindnerjhutchins: hmm ok, its dead simple though: http://paste.ubuntu.com/8039570/21:21
Hammerhead2011-Seol?!?! that is your answer??? Lame. The window will not resize, that does not mean jump onto the 14 bandwagon and battle driver issues all over again....no way.21:22
Hammerhead2011-Sanyone else have a real suggestion21:22
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bubbasauresdluzius, I would image/clone that windows to an external and have a recovery or install disc to cover any possibilities.21:22
bubbasauresHammerhead2011-S, Only support you will get here is limited to be honest.21:23
mlindnerjhutchins: any idea?21:23
OerHeksHammerhead2011-S, time to read back, i gave a solution21:23
bubbasauresHammerhead2011-S, 14.04 has 5 years support if you want to be set, so did 12.04.21:24
CapriKornusHi, Installation stuck while upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04. Can someone please help restart it or revert to my earlier system?21:24
Hammerhead2011-Shahah perfect timing!21:24
Hammerhead2011-S<OerHeks> that only moves the entire window not "resize" it.21:25
OerHeksHammerhead2011-S, then you can grab the top or corner, can't you?21:25
MaxSannot sure if the folks who were here earlier helping me are still about21:26
MaxSanbut i have had zero luck with ubuntu21:26
MaxSantried deleteing the ~/.cache21:26
MaxSanupdate and dist-update21:27
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MaxSanstill just does nothing on login21:27
MaxSanno idea what to do21:27
peapeabubbasaures, something seems to be moving suddenly, update-distupgrade adds a lot of new packages now :)21:27
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aguitelsynaptic touchpad is not working in my laptop asus X550LA ,any tips ?21:30
CapriKornusHi, Installation stuck while upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04. Can someone please help restart it or revert to my earlier system?21:30
SecretFireI am trying to create a partition table on my external hard drive so that I can format it in ubuntu, but I am unable to because it says it is write protected and causes a Input/Output error on read of disk, can someone help me with this?21:32
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david38400Can anyone help me with printing problems please. I have just today upgraded to Ubuntu 14.04 and my printer doesnt work.Dont know where to start21:34
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irreverantis the command to unsinstal sudo apt-get delete xchat?21:37
irreveranti know sudo apt-get install xchat21:37
irreverantwhat takes it off21:37
CapriKornusHi, Installation stuck while upgrading from 12.04 to 14.04. Can someone please help restart it or revert to my earlier system?21:37
dluziusI used to create a live cd from the downloaded .iso file, and boot to this. did it with various distros for last 5 yrs. no major problems, but new acer laptop has no optical drive and uses uefi, so I am completely lost. need simple step by step help, pls.21:38
k1l_irreverant: apt-get remove. or apt-get purge if you want to get rid of all config files, too21:38
david38400can anyone please tell me how to open a i386 deb.tar.gz file21:40
david38400CapriKornus, I have just today upgraded from 12.04 to 14.04 and am having problems too21:41
SecretFireI am trying to create a partition table on my external hard drive so that I can format it in ubuntu, but I am unable to because it says it is write protected and causes a Input/Output error on read of disk, can someone help me with this?21:41
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CapriKornusdavid38400: Luck is not on our side. my upgrade is stuck half way21:42
Hammerhead2011-S<OerHeks> sorry had to step away, yes I can grab the corner but the window DOES NOT adjust in size21:42
david38400CapriKornus, I though upgrading would be a good thing, but...... I can't use my printer there is a problem and nobody seems to want to help21:43
OerHeksHammerhead2011-S, can't help you, good luck21:43
irreverantapt-get purge xchat?21:43
jhutchinsdavid38400: tar files don't care about architecture.21:43
jhutchinsdavid38400: Your filemanager should know how to open it, you can gunzip then un-tar it, or you can tar -xzvf file.tar.gz21:44
jhutchinsdavid38400: It's more likely that no-one currently on understands what's wrong or knows the solution.21:44
david38400jhutchins, I dont know Ubuntu 14.04 at all so just don't know where to start21:44
david38400thanks for helping though. Any ideas21:45
CapriKornusdavid38400: I just saw your question and this popped up when googled: http://askubuntu.com/questions/344865/how-to-install-a-deb-tar-gz-file . Have you tried it?21:45
jhutchinsdavid38400: We would need to know what printer you're trying to get working and what steps you've taken so far, as well as what specifically happened when you took them.21:46
david38400jhutchins, its a canon pixma mp250 I go to print and nothing happens.21:47
david38400CapriKornus, Thanks will check it out. Good luck with your problem.21:47
CapriKornusdavid38400: good luck to you too21:47
jhutchinsdavid38400: Last time I printed with Ubuntu it used cups.  Point a browser to localhost:631 and see what happens.21:48
jhutchinsdavid38400: THere is probably a front-end for setting up the printer in System Settings (don't have an ubuntu handy to check).21:48
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SecretFirecan someone help me format and partition my hard drive?21:50
JohnTalentwhat file permission should /tmp have?21:54
k1l_JohnTalent: 177721:58
el3phantenHi might it work to install ubuntu touch on a sony xperia lt15i. I am aware of risks21:58
k1l_!touch | el3phanten21:59
ubottuel3phanten: Information about the Ubuntu Touch platform for Phone and Tablet is available here https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Touch . Support and discussion in #ubuntu-touch21:59
el3phantenty ubottu21:59
mlsteele000000oops, sorry.22:00
snilocksHello there, noob here: could someone help me with adb? I'm trying to root an old android phone through the shell, but apparently the build I'm using is production, and won't grant me root access. Do I have to install a custom build, or would I have to make one myself?22:02
basiclaserhey guys, im on ubuntu, I need to make a gif from a video file. Can you suggest any software?22:02
OerHeksffmpeg -i video_origin.avi gif_anime.gif22:04
magicsnilocks: That would probably be better suited for a different channel like #android-dev22:04
OerHeksif mmpeg complaints, about rgb24 > ffmpeg -i video_origin.avi -pix_fmt rgb24 gif_anime.gif22:05
k1l_snilocks: you should better ask the android root/dev guys. we could help with issues with installing adb but not with the android issues22:05
snilocksmagic: thanks!22:06
snilocksk1l_: I appreciate it!22:06
basiclaserOerHeks: wow now and simple :D22:07
OerHeksbasiclaser, have fun22:07
basiclaserany way of clipping the gif to a certain time slot?22:07
basiclaserany way of clipping the gif to a certain time slot? OerHeks22:08
dtigueanyone know how to ban ip addresses using CIDR addresses in iptables without it locking up a server?22:09
OerHeksbasiclaser, timeslot ?22:09
basiclaserOerHeks: for example i just want a gif of 00:02 > 00:07 but the total video is 03:0022:09
OerHeksbasiclaser, not sure ffmpeg can do that ..22:10
DVA5912Hey fellas! Been a while since ive been on here. But i hope you all can help me once again! I have the latest ubuntu setup in the varient of XBMCbuntu works just fine. HTTP is working fine and ssh is my problem! I can connect via SSH to the server and get the login prompt. I put in my credentials just like i would if i was on the servers network but it wont let me log in. Now if i am on the servers network, and i try to access the 22:12
dtiguewe are trying to set our firewall machine to ban 1.5 billion IPv4 addresses using CIDR but iptables is changing it from, example: to,, etc. so the hash file goes from 1500 lines using CIDR to 1.5 billion lines or so, it eats up all 8 gigs of RAM on the dedicated firewall machine22:12
basiclaserOerHeks: ok thanks i will do research :)22:13
dtigueDVA5912: has you sshd config file changed since the upgrade?22:13
DVA5912dtigue the SSHD config file hasn't changed since ive installed it, Its a fresh install22:14
daftykinsDVA5912: what do you mean by 'servers network' ?22:17
JohnTalentk1l_: okay, who owns and what group?22:18
DVA5912daftykins My pc is connected to the internet on the same network the server is on. (Clarification: server is, im on through the same router). The server has been DMZd22:18
daftykinsDVA5912: and you say the server is on xbmcbuntu?22:19
DVA5912daftykins afirmative22:19
JohnTalentk1l_: okay thanks.22:19
daftykinsDVA5912: and what happens when you enter user+pas, just get denied repeatedly until you hit the maximum retries?22:19
mlindnerGah! rsyslog is kicking my butt22:20
mlindnerit just doesnt do anything it should22:20
DVA5912daftykins Afirmative. Where as when im on the same network, it will go in the first time22:20
dtiguedo you get any errors in your log files ? grep -ir ssh /var/log/*22:20
dtigueor grep -ir security /var/log/*22:21
broomboyavrei bisogno di aiuto..22:21
daftykinsDVA5912: hang on, so the failed attempt is when you're SSHing in from somewhere else out on the internet?22:21
dtiguebroomboy: what?22:21
DVA5912dtigue im at work right now so i wont be able to get a result for you at this time. Curiously came on here wonderinf if it could be something on my client. ill keep that command and look when i get home22:21
DVA5912daftykins that is correct22:21
Loshkidtigue: broomboy said "good evening" in Italian...22:22
DVA5912so if i ssh into chancehome.noip.me it wont go though, more so if i do it localy @ it does22:22
Loshki!it | broomboy22:22
ubottubroomboy: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)22:22
DVA5912Ive also tried the ip of that fqdn and still nothing daftykins22:22
LoshkiDVA5912: what exactly does "won't go through" mean?22:23
DVA5912Loshki "Wont Go Through" means wont authenticate the correct user and pass22:24
fdjkslhey, having this problem http://askubuntu.com/questions/510470/ubuntu-not-booting-properly-after-update-black-screen-with-cursor22:24
fdjkslanyone able to help?22:24
LoshkiDVA5912: and does the same username/pass work when you log on to the server's console?22:24
daftykinsDVA5912: could be a firewall config issue, but yeah until you're home we won't get far diagnosing!22:24
DVA5912Loshki That is afirmative22:24
fdjkslubuntu won't boot22:25
LoshkiDVA5912: and it's not root? There are special rules for root logins...22:25
daftykinsfdjksl: #ubuntu+1 for utopic. it's not final yet22:25
DVA5912daftykins wouldnt a firewal config issue phorhibit me from even getting the prompt22:25
DVA5912Loshki nope its definently not root22:25
daftykinsDVA5912: you'd think so, but i've seen crazier things22:25
fdjkslso what should i do?22:25
zogood evening22:25
DVA5912daftykins heh! Well then i shall just wait till i get home. They cant keep me here forever!!! even if i am salaried -.-22:26
fdjkslalso it might not be a problem with me using an unstable version22:26
daftykinsfdjksl: well, we can't help you in here when running an unstable version, policy is policy i'm afraid.22:26
fdjksli updated a tonnnn of stuff without looking at what it was22:26
Loshkifdjksl: Dunno. Drop back to a better supported version?22:27
fdjkslnot sure how i'll be able to fix this22:27
daftykinsjust join the other channel.22:27
DVA5912fdjksl been there.. My fix was to wipe and reload22:27
fdjkslclean install?22:27
daftykinsfdjksl: well in future don't upgrade to non-final releases.22:27
fdjksli wasn't really paying attention, just hit y to every option in the update thing in GRUG22:27
Loshkidaftykins: amen...22:28
fdjkslanyway guess i'll do that22:28
* Loshki and with that, fdjksl disappeared, poof!22:29
DVA5912Test => failed... Go to home22:29
mlindnerAnyone know how to get rsyslog to recognize new config files pointing to new log files without doing a pkill on it?22:30
Loshkizo: loud and clear. If you have a Ubuntu support question, ask it now....22:30
Loshkimlindner: kill -HUP used to work on many apps to get them to reread their configs. Tried it?22:30
mlindnerLoshki: yeah no luck22:30
mlindnerLoshki: it reloads but doesn't grab the new config22:31
mlindnerso weird22:31
Loshkimlindner: if you can code, I'd look at the source at this point. Not for everyone I understand....22:31
zoqu'est ce que je fais ici????22:32
Loshki!fr | zo22:33
ubottuzo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:33
LaylCHello, I'm trying to get apache-mono-server working with a version of mono later than 3.2.8, installing the latest version of mono from source does not seem to have any effect, any ideas how I can achieve this?22:33
timhansengood evening, all22:37
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timhanseni'm having an issue with a slow wireless connection. i've upgraded my kernel drivers to the latest (3.16.0), but it hasn't resolved anything22:38
zoar mba mis  mten FR ian ato an!!22:38
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LaylCsooo I guess no one here knows either?22:39
zoreinstall et c'est fini22:39
franciswindow 122:39
wafflejock!fr | zo22:40
ubottuzo: Nous sommes desoles mais ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.22:40
Loshkizo: ar mba mis  mten FR ian ato an!!  <-- er, what language is this?22:41
wafflejockLaylC, I don't know but apache-mono-server for running C# instead of using IIS?22:41
wafflejockLoshki, I can't tell but closest guess from some words was french22:41
LaylCwafflejock, apache-mono-server is for running ASP.NET with apache yea22:41
emilcardellI'm trying to add Jenkins to sudoers in ubuntu 14.04 and cant get it to work. Anyone got an example line with NOPASSWD?22:42
wafflejockLoshki, ah didn't notice you had already ubottued for fr sorry for the repeat all22:42
wafflejockemilcardell, yeah one minute22:43
absk007how to set zsh as my default in gnome-terminal?22:43
Loshkiwafflejock: np, I wonder if zo will catch on though...22:43
wafflejockemilcardell, oh wait I'm using 12.0422:43
wafflejockemilcardell, did the 12.04 setup not work on 14.04?22:44
emilcardellwafflejock: Don't thinks so. Do I need to restart the service using that user?22:44
zoLoshki: malagasy22:45
Loshkiemilcardell: I usually just add the user to the sudo group. Then you need to logout/login again for it to take effect...22:45
wafflejockemilcardell, jenkins ALL = NOPASSWD: /bin/mkdir, /bin/rm, /bin/cp, /bin/tar, /bin/chown, /sbin/start, /sbin/stop22:45
wafflejockemilcardell, think I restarted Jenkins after the change22:45
Loshkizo: don't know if we have a group for that!22:45
wafflejocksudo service jenkins restart22:45
Loshkiwafflejock: jenkins is a service?22:45
wafflejockyeah it runs as a Java service on port 808022:46
wafflejockI just installed from the repos22:46
zovelomadôl e! za nde atory!! bonne nuit22:46
emilcardellwafflejock: The pattern in the sudoers file now for root ie is rootALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL22:46
wafflejockemilcardell, yeah I have the same for root22:46
LaylCsooo anyone has any ideas? perhaps a more up to date apt package repo to download it from?22:47
emilcardellwafflejock: If I need it for all paths and stuff?22:47
wafflejockemilcardell, well it works on all paths I'm just telling it what commands it can use22:47
wafflejockI'm not sure how to open that up but I like that it's restricted to some degree22:47
Loshkiwafflejock: running a lump of java as root makes me nervous, but I suppose it's not much different than running any other program. Still...22:48
wafflejockit can only sudo with those commands listed so if I need to do something in a makefile with sudo or whatever I add it22:48
wafflejockthe jenkins user shouldn't have a login shell either so no-one can actually login as that user22:49
wafflejockalso good to use fail2ban and change your ssh port and use key pairs instead of normal password logins22:51
wafflejockbut so much to do when securing something it's hard to list everything, I trust jenkins though22:51
LaylCWellll if no one here knows anything either I guess it's impossible to run a slightly different version of mono22:51
wafflejockLaylC, probably not impossible just unknown :P22:52
havarkahi guys, how do I install wine under linux?!22:52
LaylChow come it's unknown how to just run a newer version of a thing22:52
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu22:52
wafflejockLaylC, well if the package maintainers/repo managers haven't added a newer version it's because it hasn't been tested or it didn't work when they tested it22:53
bobanahi I hope I am in the right place for ubuntu support22:53
wafflejockLaylC, so then you have the option of trying to compile the source yourself for a given app and get all the dependencies and whatnot then debug errors but it doesn't mean it's impossible... I just don't know anything about that package22:53
daftykinsyes, ask away bobana22:53
havarkaubottu: thanks22:54
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:54
LaylCwafflejock, well I can compile it fine from source, but for some reason it seems to install in a slightly different version than where apache-mono-server expects it22:54
wafflejockLaylC, perhaps you can get around it with symbolic links or change the install target with a config parameter when "making" the binaries22:55
bobanathank you. I was trying to get my friend's ip address so that I could open all his ports through our router's DMZ function. I tried ip neigh,  but this didn't give anything useful. so I installed arp-scan, but now am getting an internal error having to do with something called telepathy crashing22:55
bobanaor, not open his ports, but let the router's firewall down so he can play his game22:55
bobanabut only on his computer22:55
LaylCI tried symlinks but it ended up not finding the mono dll files it needed22:55
wafflejockbobana, probably better to just forward the ports on the router config22:56
wafflejockbobana, most routers have a LAN/DHCP client list when you login22:56
mlindnerLoshki: it appears you need to do pkill rsyslogd when the config file you just placed didn't exist at all previously and you only need pkill -HUP rsyslogd when the config file existed previously and you just want to re-create the log file22:56
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bobanathank you wafflejock. it is giving me something like looks like
wafflejockLaylC, if it's looking for dlls it might be targetting Windows not Linux during the build, typically in linux you have .so files (shared object) not dll (dynamically linked libraries)22:57
bobanais that all I need to add?22:57
LaylCwafflejock, no, mono is a .NET port, and .NET libraries are DLLs22:58
al1oanyone knows a good way to find out why a /etc/init.d job doesn't start on boot? I can start the service perfectly through the console. it has also been registered for boot with rrconf22:58
Loshkimlindner: thanks for reporting back with this. It seems like a mis-feature...22:58
wafflejockbobana, type route -n in a terminal to see the gateway22:58
LaylCI'm now looking at Xamarin's own package repo, but the pacakges in there are called "mono-snapshot-<date>", so they won't be picked up from there as dependencies22:58
timhansenI have a Realtek rtl8192cu, and am having issues with a slow connection. i can only get a max of about 2MB/s down. i've tried upgrading my kernel to the latest version, as well as the relevant steps listed here: http://askubuntu.com/questions/482564/realtek-rtl8188ce-desconects-randomly-and-features-slow-connections22:59
bobanaanyway, when I look up the information through router admin for his computer, it doesn't give me anything that looks like a usable ip address22:59
timhansendoes anyone have any other suggestions for things to try?22:59
wafflejockbobana, what OS is his computer?22:59
wafflejockbobana, also do you know how to use the terminal?23:00
bobanait is giving me destinations, gateways. (windows 7 i think)23:00
bobanai am learning terminal23:00
wafflejockbobana, okay well wrong support channel but in a command prompt in windows you can type ipconfig to get the network info including gateway23:00
bobanawhic hwould be the right support channel?23:00
bobanaor I'll find it23:01
wafflejockbobana, then you'll want to type in the gateway address in a  browser login to the router (default username/password) or whatever then look for LAN or DHCP configuration there you should see a list of clients23:01
bobanabut thank you for humoring me23:01
wafflejockbobana, np just saying sometimes the admins in here get upset when it's not Linux support23:01
emilcardellwafflejock: Problem was else where. It worked. Thanks.23:01
bobanaI know how to access a router. Oh okay.23:01
wafflejockemilcardell, np glad you got it sorted23:01
bobanawell, the linux support I needed was the  internal system error I encountered after installing arp-scan23:01
wafflejockbobana, ah okay well on a linux machine you can use: route -n23:02
wafflejockin a terminal23:02
wafflejockthat'll show you the gateway23:02
wafflejockthat'll be the router IP23:02
bobanathank you wafflejock, that's a new way to get the router IP that i didn't know before. but what to do about this internal error?23:02
wafflejockbobana, not sure about arp-scan not really something I've used23:02
bobanaoh okay23:02
bobanait was supposed to give me his ip address when ip neighbor didn't work. I am more worried about this internal error23:03
wafflejockbut ifconfig in linux or ipconfig in windows will show you the client machines IP too23:03
wafflejockbobana, internal error is a generic error so don't fret too much23:03
bobanaoh okay. I am new to linux so I appreciate ya'lls' patience23:04
wafflejocktimhansen, safe to assume you tried with wired ethernet and get higher speeds?23:04
jr_Hey guys. I have a Raid 0 setup and I just tried to repair a bad superblock. I am ssh'd into the machine in which I was doing this; and I got a broken pipe. I am now able to mount the remote HD. HOWEVER, I cannot access my data and the HD's appears to be filled to capacity. I have a lost+found file full of some files that I believe were files being moved around when I received a broken pipe. Can anyone help me retrieve my data?23:04
bobanathank you23:04
wafflejockbobana, np newbies welcome23:04
jr_I'm pretty desperate23:04
timhansenwafflejock, yes. i also have winblows installed, and get higher speeds (the 25-27 that my ISP has allotted me)23:04
jr_Anyone? :/23:05
wafflejockjr_, that sounds sort of aweful sorry to hear it don't know much about RAID on ubuntu but ddrescue has helped me recover data from DVDs that were very questionable23:05
jr_wafflejock: It is :(. I'll look into ddrescue, but it is on a remote host.23:06
ArTeSaffirmative linux_23:07
jr_wafflejock: how do I interface with this program?23:07
wafflejockjr_, it's command line just like dd but does multiple attempts/passes to recover data on media that has problems, but like I said really unsure about anything RAID related23:08
jr_wafflejock: Yeah, unfortunately this raid had a file that contained all of my various account info...23:08
jr_For work,school, etc.23:09
jr_and my computer had the same file, but it had some terrible crash and had an encrypted home folder that I never finished setting up. SO I couldn't even retrieve it23:09
jr_wafflejock: yup23:09
wafflejockyeah I don't do the encrypted FS stuff cause of worries like that23:09
wafflejockalso backup my keypassDB to a NAS and have a copy (albeit sometimes dated) on a flash drive23:10
jr_wafflejock: it was a double whammy at once. Never happened to me before23:10
wafflejockthat sucks try to provide as much info as you can about the current situation (might be good to pastebin or post on one of the stackoverflow or serverfault or something)23:10
wafflejocktimhansen, have you seen this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/113238123:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1132381 in linux (Ubuntu) "0586:341f rtl8192cu drivers very low dl-speed" [Medium,Expired]23:11
jr_wafflejock: yeah. if it comes to it I will have to23:11
wafflejockubottu, says it should be handled but also curious if you've tried (or realtek supplies) drivers instead of getting them from the repo or using whatever is built into the kernel?23:11
ubottuwafflejock: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:11
wafflejockI know ubottu23:12
timhansenwafflejock, i have not seen that, however, the last post there was back in '13. they were using kernel 3.8 & 3.9, whereas i'm running 3.1623:14
timhansencurrently trying out the steps listed here: https://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/reserve-723:14
wafflejocktimhansen, still maybe worth trying realtek supplied drivers if they exist since it seems to be a problematic chipset with the kernel drivers23:14
wafflejocktimhansen, ah k good luck23:15
timhansenwafflejock, thanks23:15
jr__wafflejock: I just unmounted the disk and am hoping that executing the last command will let it just pick up where it left off....though I doubt I will be that lucky23:17
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wafflejockjr__, yeah I know rsync can recover from where it was usually and journaling file systems write a log of what operations will happen to the disk before they're done so usually fsck can fix stuff (also checks the inodes that are like file descriptor/pointers)23:20
wafflejockbut in terms of the nitty gritty and dealing with RAID I just have 0 experience23:21
wafflejockjr__ what command were you running when it choked?23:21
wafflejockjr__ also check top to see if it's still executing maybe23:21
wafflejockthe broken pipe might have just been a disconnect from ssh for some reason23:21
andybrineHi Everyone23:28
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wafflejockapparently andybrine has a bad connection or is very impatient23:32
andybrinesorry wafflejock I am having problems with connection23:32
wafflejockhah ah okay was half joking you here about your connection problems?23:33
wafflejock!details | screen23:33
ubottuscreen: Please elaborate; your question or issue may not seem clear or detailed enough for people to help you. Please give more detailed information, errors, steps, and possibly configuration files (use the !pastebin to avoid flooding the channel)23:33
andybrineits strange Polari just stops for some reason and then empathy connects the channel23:35
andybrinejust wanted to test Polari out23:35
wafflejockhaven't tried Polari, I'm using XChat right now and have used Quassel in KDE23:36
andybrineyeah, I like Quassel23:37
wafflejockI use thunderbird for most of my stuff at this point since I just switched to gnome23:37
wafflejockyeah quassel was nice, XChat is okay23:37
andybrineworks really well. Im loving the new gnome and thought I would try it out as its included23:37
wafflejockandybrine, weird I don't see Polari and I have Ubuntu Gnome as well23:38
wafflejockyou get 14.04.1 ?23:38
andybrineyou may have to install 3.1223:38
andybrineI upgraded to gnome 3.12 last week and got all the updates23:39
etronikhi all! if want to setup an SSH tunnel between remote PC to my Ubuntu, do I need to forward 22 from my route to the PC ?23:39
etronikI mean, remote PC to my Ubuntu PC @ home23:39
andybrineI would not worry about it not being fully tested now like some of the articles suggest23:40
andybrineit works flawlessly for me23:40
secondhello. i cant seem to find the restart buttons after upgrading. what is the restart command please :)23:41
evil_dan2wikWhy won't ubuntu let me use my DVD drive for this DVD?23:42
evil_dan2wikIt just keeps saying IO error when I use vlc media player.23:42
OerHeksevil_dan2wik, have you installed restricted extras and followed the dvd guide ?23:44
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:44
OerHeksevil_dan2wik, besides this, not ALL dvd's will play.23:45
evil_dan2wikOerHeks, I used this DVD in VLC media player on windows, and VLC media player is the same on mac, linux, and windows.23:45
OerHeksevil_dan2wik, sure, but read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs for css script etc23:46
daftykinsevil_dan2wik: not quite, the missing library to play commercial DVDs is missing :>23:46
evil_dan2wikE: Package 'libdvdcss2' has no installation candidate23:46
OerHekseven VLC has codecs, it cannot decypt23:46
daftykinsevil_dan2wik: that's libdecss2 i think23:47
evil_dan2wikthat was on the page I was linked23:47
evil_dan2wikdaftykins, E: Unable to locate package libdecss223:48
daftykinsah, no idea then23:48
OerHekssudo apt-get install libdvdread4 && sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh # and reboot23:48
evil_dan2wikOerHeks, I can't reboot.23:49
daftykinsof course you can23:49
evil_dan2wikno, I mean, I have things running on this system that other people depend on.23:50
daftykinsand you're playing DVDs on a 'production' system, nice :)23:50
daftykinsyou ought to design your setup better :)23:51
evil_dan2wikdaftykins, school system, not mine.23:51
daftykinsschool 0o23:51
evil_dan2wikAlso, I just unplugged the DVD drive and plugged it back in, no need for reboot23:51
OerHeksif that works, have fun23:53
havarkaubottu: what are those legal reasons?!23:55
ubottuI am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:55
ubottuUbuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats23:55
OerHekshavarka, dvdjohn cracked dvd encryption e few years ago, it is so widely spread, it is legal to use ( for some countries) but not legal to include23:56
OerHeksIn the netherlands, where i am, it is legal, but just across the border, Germany, not.23:57
Fallgood morning #ubuntu - is there any way to lock in a package to a certain version so that Update Manager doesn't attempt to upgrade it?23:57
daftykinsand at the tender age of 13-15 too :/23:57
FallI'm in a pickle with xfce4-whiskermenu-plugin crashing when it upgrades to 1.423:57
OerHeksyeah, first 11 bytes :-D23:57
daftykinsFall: look into apt pinning, don't know how but that's the term23:57
Falldaftykins: thank you very much I'll have a look23:57
daftykins*tips hat*23:58
* Fall slinks back to idling23:58
OerHekspinning and distro-upgrade does not work AFAIK23:58

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