
=== fullermd_ is now known as fullermd
=== Peng_ is now known as Peng
=== who_da_fly is now known as superfly
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=== wgrant is now known as Guest89446
=== Guest89446 is now known as wgrant
ciampixhello. bzr newbie here. Why "bzr add" may be silent? Even with --verbose?10:14
jelmer_ciampix: not sure I follow? It should print names of all files it's adding13:00
ciampixjelmer_, yes I though so but I do "bzr add" and it output nothing...13:01
jelmer_ciampix: are there actually files that haven't been versioned already?13:01
ciampixjelmer_, these files are versioned, I would like to add my modifications...13:02
jelmer_ciampix: there is no need to add your modifications, there is no staging area like in git13:03
jelmer_ciampix: bzr commit will pick up those changes13:03
ciampixjelmer_, ahhh ok! I am from git...13:04
ciampixjelmer_, many thanks!13:04
ciampixjelmer_, bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir([...cutted...]) Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()13:24
jelmer_ciampix: you can't push over http13:25
jelmer_you'll need ssh13:25
ciampixjelmer_, I do not understand ... I was doing a commit, not a push...13:25
jelmer_ciampix: how did you create your local branch?13:26
jelmer_ciampix: using "bzr checkout" or "bzr branch" ?13:26
ciampixjelmer_, I've used a script so I do not know the method used but I imagine that it is only for "read-only" local mirrors (kicad build script) so I imagine I have to do some local repo manually and by ssh ...13:28
jelmer_ciampix: to "unbind" it from the remote branch, use "bzr unbind"13:28
ciampixjelmer_, ah with bind-ed local branches every commit do automatically a push? I am right?13:30
ciampixthanks that clears up many things in my mind...13:30
ciampixjelmer_, I am always amazed by the level of help that free project groups deliver...13:33
=== jelmer_ is now known as jelmer
ciampixjelmer, many many thanks! Done my first commit+push!14:35
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
=== SamB__ is now known as SamB
=== wallyworld_ is now known as wallyworld

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